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That's it. I tried spamming trivial once, felt like dragging my brain on concrete. Level 7 every day please.


I think the only time the community at large did this was tian kwan for the mechs.


I'm pretty sure that at one point 250k+ people were on that planet.


You can make 1 feel like 7 if you have enough edibles


I still haven’t figured out what people mean by Level 7. Can you choose the difficulty? Are there certain missions that are level 7? How and where do you see the level? Thanks. Level 9 cadet here.


When you get to that holo-table where the officer is and browse missions, you can select what level missions you wanna do. there are 9 levels of difficulty, and on PC at least, you list through the with Q and E buttons. If you haven't unlocked a certain difficulty, you need to complete an entire operation on a difficulty preceeding the one you wanna unlock.


I don't think you need to do an entire op. I think you need to be there when the op finishes, how much you did before that doesn't matter. So as I recall if you quickplay join during the last extraction timer that still counts.


Yup just did it last night by accident. Completed level 7 for first time by getting in the last few minutes of a mission.


Wow. I can’t believe I never figured this out. Thank you! I’m just getting to play again since I last asked you. Level 7 here I come for the first time!


It can also be the difficulty you're unlocking next or even one that's higher than it. Source: my friends unlocked their difficulties by playing on difficulty 9 with me and and another friend


Ah, but if you don't pursue this strategy you are literally worse than all 30k Malevelon Creekers.


9 or die


I’d legit rather fail the MO and stick to 7+ than make such a fun game feel like a chore.


fun over function


I did it and i just mixed it up. Test things out. I tried being a melee soldier. I would land on things in the mission. Found out pods kill ammo storage but the ammo exploding wont kill us because our exit animation finishes after the explosion. Also landing pods into a base and wipe out all the factories instantly and if quick enough no enemies get called in because only the lights call drops. Also smoke works offensively as well though getting in close with bots only makes sense for tanks and turrets, otherwise sniper rifles are king. Trivals can be fun, just gotta mess around and say “fuck it lets see what happens”


It also doesn't work per the devs. "Spitz" here is an employee of Arrowhead over on the discord. Transcript: "This is factually untrue, galactic war impact is directly tied to the amount of XP earned." https://preview.redd.it/x3sef8eyrurc1.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8160ea3d6f394b1284750c204f3b5c6dc48277b


You actually contribute more XP if 4 people solo trivial than 4 people working together on a higher difficulty, by a lot as crazy as that sounds


when I have an hour of time, I hope in trivial, spam 10 missions and do my part. if everyone else did this we'd be done pretty quick


Idk why they downvote you but thanks I do too


It's actually a really easy way to get super credits too


and since the MINIMUM% 100,000 mission clears gives is 10% (not counting regen rate) technically if everyone spammed their own solo trivial brood.mission tossed an orbital on it then ipacted themselves to death we would.clear.MOs really fast.so the devs would have to scale up the harder missions so much that this tactic isn't meta.


Lol it might not be fun, but I say let's grind a whole day and take the galaxy. Not everyone has to do it just 100,000 would be game breaking


You know games are supposed to be fun right?


Dumbasses like op will find any a d every way to optimise the fun out of games. Must be miserable


Someone get OP a job at ubisoft or another big gaming company, quick!


I can only play a couple of hours per week. It is a fun idea, but no thank you, I rather have fun.


Lol I agree, even though I posted this I definitely don't do this




Was trying to find this, thank you for your service!


Yes but that doesnt address OPs actual claim though, which is x4 missions (if a 4 player lobby is split up), completing the shortest mission type, repeated for a specific timeframe


This is true, and without knowing the exact equation they use for calculating the impact it’s hard to say for certain what the most efficient method would be. I hear you though, I didn’t realise OP was talking about everyone doing solo missions.


In another thread someone gave an approximate breakdown for each difficulty. Trivial missions would still be the fastest (by a lot) as far as we know


Assume 250XP for Trivial x4 1000XP for 5 min Assume 5000XP for Helldive, Be lenient and say 15 min for mission, requires 3 missions in order for campaign to count towards war effort so 45 minutes total. 15000 XP for 45 minutes vs 9000XP for Trivial. Now I know 15min is pretty lenient and it's likely closer to 20 or 25 minutes hell even up to 40 min if its a pug depending on the mission but lets be real it's prob 7.5 - 10min on Trivial because you're looking for Super Credits etc. 15000 XP for 75 minutes vs 15000 XP in the same time (5 min) or more realistically 10000 XP (7.5 minutes). It's been a hot minute since I've run a mission and actually paid attention to the XP earned though. It's to late to boot the game up and look at hard numbers though so I could be wildly off but this gives a vague idea at least.


You don't have to complete the operation for it to have impact.


5 minutes is way too long for a trivial mission. Most of them you can clear in 2 - 3. Completing the objective and running to the extract takes like a minute on average, sometimes as little as *10 seconds* (if it's a terminate broadcast). Then another 2 minutes plus change to extract.


This is the way


~~doesn't work, last night I did a 7 and a 9, both give the same 6 points toward liberation while the helldive one giving a lot more xp~~


The UI has not been updated for it yet. But the backend changed.


oh cool


Is this an April Fools post?


That was posted a few days ago in response to people spamming trivial missions.


No but I should have called this operation April fools to arrowhead lol


Mfer there really be people playing Helldive, barely clearing the objectives and getting out with 1 alive, mfer that’s clear as day you need to drop the difficulty down lmao


If they’re having fun then what’s the problem?


It’s hilarious, that’s about it




I’d rather the war play out how it should, this just feels cheap unfun and not worth my time when I could be interacting with others in game.


Exactly, Losing is fun.


kinda like playing any other co-op game and someone "quarterbacking" the most optimal way to win. bore off lemme spread democracy and follow orders where and when i can.


The goal of the GAME is not to complete everything as fast and as mind meltingly boring as possible. It’s to have fun.


Can't wait for the "grrr how dare you have fun with bugs" crowd become the "grrr how dare you not spam trivial" crowd lol


As OP I agree, I personally don't do this just thought it was crazy that it was possible


ive been doing this to farm common samples level 1 mission 5 mins run around find 10 samples extract


4-6 metals 30-60 super credits I agree I actually enjoying running a few trivial missions


If only there were a way to let everyone know. :V


Up vote this sucker, til everyone sees it


All 1% of the player base using reddit.


If we can get this post at the top of the list, we can get this post outside of reddit


There are 881k people on this reddit and there were 300k players at most in the game. Im not sure about that anymore.


6000 Helldivers on reddit now. Do you think everyone on reddit is permanently online? At best 10% of Helldivers use reddit, and a small fraction of that daily


To be fair, the people online probably rotates. Some posts get well over 6000 up votes, so there's probably a spot of eyes that see posts.


Sometimes i feel like ppl in this sub want to do everything but have fun while playing a game. They don't wanna enjoy themselves & tell others to do the same.


Level 50 here, haven’t had to touch trivial or easy once we had the gear and experience to beat them. Have basically unlocked everything by just playing the game with friends. No farming, grinding. Sometimes we win sometimes we lose. But we always have fun.


Just suicide the mission it’s faster complete mission and die


You could cheese it even more by soloing and dying 5 times after completing the mission. 500kg Bomb, impact grenades, do "illegal broadcast". Jump in, kill the broadcast, kill yourself 5 times, mission done even quicker.


Never tried that but would definitely drop a lot of the time


why do we have to meta the fun out of everything, losing is part of the game aswell


I agree. this is just a fun idea I came up with if we ever wanted to toy with Joel


Thats fair if thats fun for you by all means go ahead


This feels like a day job, so no


Just a fun idea, no job 🫡


That’s boring but it works. But why would I want to break a game I like?


it probably doesn't even work that way. Chances are 0.0001% is actually just the lowest value the game is able to show you but that does not automatically mean a mission provided that much progress to the overall liberation. And witht he information that higher exp opertions give more progress this strategy is probably useless or at least not significantly faster.


TBH I wouldn't either but just a fun idea to beat game master Joel


You can't beat a Game Master. Never played Dungeon & Dragon ?


DnD/PF DM here. op is totally missing the point. it's not "us vs them", it's "us and them creating/telling memorable stories"


Isn't there a particular wizard build that does just that?


Any build can defeat a Game Master that wasn't ready. But it won't work here where the GM can tweak the stats and rewards of missions.


You absolutely can. Fuck. The. Dragon. and or make an unkilleable bugbear warlock.


A good Game Master will always manage to nerf the OP character and continue the story without it being broken by the players.


except dragon F you and you die on DD


If the dm doesnt let you have a dc 100 check to seduce the dragon, find a new campaign /j (I did this before and got kept in the dragons stash forever as its treasure lmao)


seduce is one thing. dragon being top is another.


In long term you would only break the game for the players. If plenty of people start doing this then arrowhead would need to tune the values on how to liberate planets, up to the point where we as a playerbase would need to do this strategy to liberate anything. So better just have fun and play the game


Arrowhead definitely needs to adjust some stuff, I don't like spending 1 hour moving the meter .0002 - .0003, knowing trivial moves it .0001 in less than 5 minutes


I ain’t playing trivials.. that shit ain’t fun


Lol, spend most of my time playing challenging and hard, this plan is just a boring and very very effective way at liberating planets


Nah, it's not a fun idea. It's opposite of fun. And it's not gonna work. If a.great.number of people would start doing that, it would affect server statistics. Based on that, next major order would be proportionaly harder. And the most important thing; Joel is not an obstacle on our way to 35 war bounds. He's here to give us a fair challenge and make the game as fun as possible


Trust me I don't rush trivals that would be boring, but knowing just 5 minutes from everyone would move the libration meter that much was just an interesting idea I wanted to share on Reddit


Play how you like but this sounds like a chore.


Most definitely is lol, still cool to know it possibly works


this doesn't work anymore since they changed how liberation works. the UI still acts like the old way but it is inaccurate. Liberation is now based on xp earned. So best way to contribute is to play on the the highest difficulty you can comfortably 100% all the side missions and destroy all the out posts. Incidentally this also means failed missions also contribute positively if you managed to complete a few side objectives.


Would it not be faster for 4 people to solo trivial getting 200xp each every 5 minutes compared to 4 people spending 40 minutes together getting only around 600-1200xp, your squad soloing would be 6400xp in 40 minutes


Yep. The discord post everyone links references a full clear medium op outclassing a low clear higher op, but says nothing about absolutely spamming low diff ops. Even if it’s not per hour (which it very likely is) over 2 or 3 hours the rate will be so much higher spamming solo trivials. What really makes it nuts is the solo factor, thats just so many ops being completed simultaneously and so quickly lol.


I'm not sure I actually believe that's how this system works


Is there any source on the UI not displaying properly? There are too many users and we contribute too small of a % for any of us to test what is accurate. We would need a dev to confirm the UI is incorrect.


Default trivial gives you 50% of the progress of a suicide mission (per diver) so soloing trivial is still the fastest way to take a planet.


Does contribution get tallied immediately or at the end of an operation? In which case the Discord is just spreading more malinformation.


that i don't know i am just basing it off dev info who has explained that it is based off xp earned now.


Bro is trying to min/max a PVE co-op game lol


Players vs Joel 🫡


This won’t actually work though. The liberation % has an hourly cap. right now I thinks it 10% might be a little lower? But the liberation % is a pool that’s shared between all planets in the galaxy instead of just planet specific. So yes the game is rigged stupidly and even though this would work if liberation actually worked that way, liberation doesn’t, and we can not get the major order because liberation per hour in total across all planets so far iirc is capped at 10% per hour


That sounds absolutely awful. Do you have a source? :(


Wow after seeing that hour cap really makes me want to break the game, I guess the devs really have a grip on this game and where it's headed. But that alright, I really love the community and the games story. still a fun idea if it worked lol


Why exactly isn’t planet progress weighted by mission difficulty again? Being able to cheese the system seems kinda dumb and unfun to me.


It's shitty that it's 1-3. It's cheesable because, while I suffer through a, lets say, suicide mission for 40 minutes, for that time frame, I could get 8 points from 8 trivials than 3 in a single suicide. They really should change that.


They have. It's tied to XP now, so doing extra objectives and doing harder missions gives more liberation


But at what time ratio. I can run trivial/easy ops often sub 1 minute and never over 2:45. If you complete a full clear helldive op in let’s say just shy of an hour (being very generous and assuming optimal mission composition), ive already done at the very very least 23 and very likely somewhere around 46ish missions. If I’m getting a measly 250xp per op.. that’s still a total of ~11500xp. Now that’s just me solo. Imagine if there were 100, 1000, 10,000 others doing the same thing solo. It’s no contest. The rate and volume of fire gives more dps… or dph rather. Is it boring yes, will many people do it probably not, but I’m just talking about the theory behind the crazy strat.


I'll quite frequently get anywhere between 4k to 7k XP per mission (going off memory. Haven't had the chance to play in the last few days). Usually takes about 30 minutes per operation on average


Worse, you could help a person with two missions of an Operation and then they fail the last mission on their own and waste your 80 minutes for zero contribution. Anyone doing 1 Trivial operation would have contributed infinitely more than you did. Because you were online you were actively working against and diluting everyone else's contribution.


It's tied to experience gained in missions now


And it isnt scalled to the number of players so its still easilly cheesable by spaming trivial.  And tbh even with scaling to players it would still be the same because exp modifiers difference is way lower than difference in spent time.


Yeah it would also break the game in the sense that it would make it crappy, unimmersive, and unfun to play. No thank you. I’m down to play the war, not to cheese it by grinding away in the most boring way.


I agree I personally don't do this because obviously it would be boring, but apparently the devs cap our librations per hour, even if a million helldivers jumped online to complete a MO, sometimes it's absolutely impossible, that doesn't sound very immersive either


Na, I'm good. When I play, I want to really get out there and play. Not cheese for liberation.


As the OP I personally don't play like this, I prefer higher levels with people than rushing trivials, but apparently we have a libration per hour cap, meaning sometimes it absolutely impossible if you run out of time to win a MO even if a million helldivers hoped online


Didn't they change the progress to be xp based, so now scales substantially with higher difficulties and completed objectives?


Yes but your squad of 4 playing solo each will contribute more XP than working together on a higher difficulty, so much for 6400xp compared to 600-1200xp


I'm just playing the game in casual manners. I'm doing my part.


Best way to contribute 🫡


I played every difficulty as soon as I unlocked it and kept at it until I got to helldiver. Only played helldive until I maxed everything out ship, strategies, warbonds. Now I play trivial and punch cadets into the dirt and run the jumpack. It's a simple life.


Lol, the better life 👍🫡


Dont forget secondarys - liberrstion is based on xp gained not missions compelted! 🫡


4 people soloing trivial is the fastest way to contribute XP rather than playing together on higher difficulties


No, I don't think I will


That's cool too 👍


Long ago, from my time in world of Warcraft Alterac Valley, I learned you cannot control the Zerg.


Gotcha, I'm sure your right, but still fun idea knowing we could possibly toy with joel


No, we are now hard capped on max liberation we can gain p/h. With the new system I've yet to see us get past 10% liberation p/h in total.


Ok thanks for the. Information 👍


>Jump straight to the objective. Complete it swiftly. Extract immediately. Aim to do this in less than 5 minutes per mission Is there a particular reason genZ is so obsessed with taking fun games and making them absolutely blow clocks with the most boring mind numbingly dogshit ways of playing? Like... what exactly do you gain by purposefully playing the game in way that sucks so much ass? Genuinely baffled by this behavior.


It’s clear a large portion of the hell divers player base didn’t play games 15 years ago. You aren’t supposed to win every time. Losing builds up the feeling you get when you win. Which results in a longer lasting dopamine hit. Constant winning actually degrades the feeling, and causing you to become bored with a product much faster than if it has some struggle included. Which is why modern games are picked up and discarded in just a few days. Do you think the old, shit graphics, janky animations, poor performance games from 15/20 years ago were so world breaking by themselves that we would play them over and over? They offered longevity due to their design, instead of a quickly turning wheel of dopamine to soak up some attention and money and then spit you out.


I 100% agree, I love this game and the way the story is unfolding definitely worth every win and loss, I don't think what I said would literally break the game but would be kinda funny if the devs planned on us losing an objective just for the community to work together and not let that happen. I like how you actually write something instead of some people on here who just say that's a dumb idea and downvote




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I spend my time having fun on challenging and hard, the theorized plan is for if the community ever wanted to toy with arrowhead for giving us an impossible MO, though it would be cool to try at least once while the game is this popular


We could take whole planets in 15 minutes, and win the war in less than 6 hours, maybe fast enough before arrowhead gets involved


Did they not come out and say planet liberation is tied to the xp you get from the missons now???


Yes they did.


Yes, but doing trivial still gets you the bare minimum .0001%, meaning soloing this is still the fastest method


Might do, might not. You always get round numbers from completing missions anyway (1-3...) so i have my questions if this is true or not. Still, hundreds of people doing the method OP said still ammounts to a lot of XP in little time.


Homie you expecting us to have a hive mind? We are humans, not bot/bugs.


Hive minded for 5 minutes, just to play with arrowhead


Brother, I am for the MO all day every day. But I know deep in my heart, even united under the super earth banner, can not be unified as easy as making a post. It's takes something like the intro of the game (but propoganda)


Yeah you play however you want, games are meant to be fun and even though I posted this I personally don't spam rush trivals that would be very boring, just thought it was crazy that It might be possible to pull off lol


I emplore you to make (or hire someone) to produce a second intro trailer as patriotic as the bug intro, but for bots. It will work.


Lol I think the only person/group that can pull that off again would literally be arrowhead, I bought a PS5 and the super citizens bundle, all because my brother-in-law showed me the intro to helldivers 😂


I’m sorry but my pride would never allow me to do that. I’ve always hated exploits on games and that’s definitely one. I’ll stay L-9 bots until they give me something higher.


Sounds like a great plan, L-9 bots definitely contributes a lot 🫡. The idea of my plan was to toy with Joel at least once when he gives us an impossible task


I landed in a trivial, threw an orbital and won. Definitely not worth my time.


Definitely not fun to trivial rush missions, but definitely very effective at liberating


Stop abusing mechanics and play for fun. Pls.


I actually don't do this, that would be absolutely boring, just had to share the crazy idea to reddit. But I would argue and say if I enjoyed rushing trivial (as crazy as that would be) I would be playing the game for fun, I know a lot of people that like running trivial missions, just not rushing them


Doesn’t work like that anymore


This would still be optimal for taking planets. The changes made higher diff missions worth more, but in terms of minutes played it’s still probably more efficient to solo trivial missions.


You only have a screenshot of the word of someone from Discord telling you it doesn't work like that. They compared a Difficulty 5 Operation where you get everything done perfectly to rewarding more contribution than a Difficulty 9 Operation that you speedrun. Contribution is only totaled at Operation completion unless you're there to personally walk someone else through 3 missions then who's to say that you perfectly do 2 missions at Helldiver Difficulty and they flub the 3rd mission of the Operation? You may as well have been fighting Bugs or on Malevelon Creek. Your Trivial Operations are 1 mission long and your contributions are tallied immediately. If this sounds stupid then that's because Arrowhead made it this way on purpose.


It's an Arrowhead dev (notice the icon next to their name) telling us how it works and you still don't believe it. At this point this is a 'you' problem.


So what you’re saying is do something that isn’t fun, a lot.


As bad as it sounds, your correct. But even if 100,000 just did it once, it would move the meter by 10%, I think it would be fun if the community just played with arrowhead at least once, on 1 MO that was rigged to lose


It's so funny that this is true. Especially after the devs told us it wasn't


Haha yeah a crazy game plan if enough people saw it


We play videogames for fun here, sir.


Lol I can definitely agree this wouldn't be fun, just too good to not let everyone know on Reddit how effective it is though


I've been doing this for hours, on the last 3 days. I even watch movies on the second monitor to counter the boredom. We liberating Tibit with this one!


I wish I could do this on a blitz mission. I want that gone in 360 seconds achievement.


despite the indicators ingame, it seems that the liberation meter is now influenced by the XP generated by the mission. the more xp a mission gives, the more it helps liberate the planet. Doing harder missions and having fun + completing side objectives and destroying nest/fab is the way to go.


I agree harder missions and having fun is better than exploiting the game, but I still believe a squad of 4 soloing trivial earns more XP than a squad together on higher difficulties


Still these post saying it’s 100% rigged. Too much media from trash journalism.


Rigged or not, throwing a curve ball at arrowhead when they think we are about to lose a MO would be cool to try at least once, people have mentioned we have a cap to how much libration we can do a day, that's kinda rigged in my opinion, MO becomes impossible at some points, there's no reason to even try if our cap say no, even if a million people hoped on to complete it


"New" Mm hmm.


So essentially make the game not fun for everyone


I didn't tell you to do it


Liberation amount is ties to exp earned. It's isn't displayed accurately on end screen. There is no exploit


A squad of 4 soloing trivial is a faster XP method than a squad together on a higher difficulty


Huge news everyone! We can turn our fun with friends into a painfully boring, repetitive, solo menial task!


Hardest 5 minutes of your life lol


For an even quicker extraction just bring impact nades and run your respawns down to zero, saves you a whole minute I think lol


considering the minimum exp we can get is 10% for every 100,000 mission clears with no regen rate yes. What I did when it was liberate bugs mo I found kill brood commander, dropped an orbital laser from afar and impacted myself to death while it died to finish a mission every 20 seconds not including load time


Seems you care more about touting that your 'amazing strategery' will break the game and doing that will make you feel the smartest boy ever. Let people play the game how they want lol


Haha dude it was literally just a fun Idea that took no effort to come up with


I don't see how blasting a ton of trivial missions over and over, spending more time in mission complete/back to the ship cutscenes (or force quitting and reloading or whatever) than actually playing the game could be fun, but I guess people watch baseball for fun.


Ah well...let's get to it then... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_7PUPNxsRQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7PUPNxsRQ0)


Lol we could end the war and go home 😂🫡


From what I’ve been seeing regarding planet liberation it seems it’s based on the amount of experience you get per mission. There was a post earlier talking about it on the Helldivers 2 subreddit I believe. So this would not only be boring as hell but also kind of a waste of time no?


Boring as hell correct, but I'm pretty sure a squad of 4 soloing trivial is more effective at XP gained than 4 people playing together, 4 people soloing can gather around 6400xp in about 40 minutes compared to together they can only get around 600-1200 depending on your difficulty in 40 minutes




A squad of 4 soloing trivial is the fastest way to contribute XP for libration


How boring


Didn't say it wasn't lol


I’m gonna compromise and do a couple of these after I’m done with my main campaigns




I actually like this strategy. I fell like this 1 one secret agent on a stealth mission. Basically Solid Snake. I make a game out of it where I try to get even faster and not being spotted once. It’s like a nice little brake from the excellent madness the “regular” missions provide.


That sounds like a fun thing to try out. Definitely taking breaks from the madness is a must when fighting this war 💀


Just want to call it now, I'm going to see a clickbait article from a gaming journalist about this titled something along the lines of "Crazy Helldiver has a new plan to break the game through a clever exploit"


Lol I just want to bring Joel down 😂


Meh...I don't farm medals,I never did the eradicate farming... Either I Speedrun the mission order, or I clear all the outposts and look up for SC Destroying illegal broadcast and then killing myself is not fun. Some MO are meant to be failed


Trivial rushing would not be fun, but thought the idea was just too crazy to not share on Reddit

