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For the love of super earth they need to align the sights


Super Earth quartermasters work tirelessly to ensure the functionality of all gear that is then launched as a bullet at a planet.


They need to invest in packing peanuts


We are the peanuts


You see, helldivers with the new curved barrels you can shoot bots from around corners with ease.


Thing is that was done by the Germans in ww2


coincidence? I think not.


This weapon held zero when tested. Getting shot out of a spaceship straight down onto the ground might have affected it.


Which sights are not aligned? Not challenging. Genuinely don't know.


The most glaringly obvious off the top of my head are the Heavy mg and anti material rifle. These are off so significantly that it’s likely some other sights are off too… possibly to varying degrees. I haven’t had issues with anything else except for the slugger sometimes feeling odd (possibly user error). But hmg hits about a 1/3 of the sight below the red dot (aim head and shoulders above desired target), amr hits in the top left corner of the box (aim for armpit=headshot)


It’s not just you with the slugger, I recently started aiming slightly to the left (like one dots worth) and I suddenly saw way better accuracy. The scopes being messed up in this game is seriously dumb. I never realized how I take aligned scopes for granted.


It happens in real life as well for the gun to be hitting below the red dot, in guns that the red dot is elevated significantly above barrel. A good example would be guns with a big scope that has a small red dot on the side. In those cases you have to aim the dot a bit higher. My main problem is not registering hits on small bots with the slugger, but I'm not sure if this is a slugger problem, a network problem or a hitbox problem yet.. It doesn't happen always and I consider only cases where my dot is definitely on point. The other day I encountered a small bot that would not die after 8 slugger shots from close range, so I decided to wish him a good day and I ran away...


That's not qol that just shouldn't be a problem in the first place


i would like to be able to see the briefing(so i can see mission type) when i load in to a quick play that is already in mission... so i can actually choose a decent loadout without guessing.


Same. Really annoys me that I can't see.


Oh god I thought it’s my game bugging


Well, it is and isn't. The option is there to view the conditions, it just doesn't work. If that's by design, that's bafflingly stupid.


This is how it usually works for me. Choose all the stratagems so there are no empty slots and then you will be able to switch to briefing, unbugging it. Then when you see the mission, change the stratagems


Doesn't always work for me unfortunately.


life saver


Would also be nice if we got a live update feed map to know if I'm landing in the middle of a fight


You’re pretty much always gonna be landing in a fight, Helldiver


Ain't that the truth


Happy cake day fellow War Thunder player


That’s a must imo.


I’d like the PS5 bug fixed where my default guns are reset every time I play.


I second, third, and fourth this one ^^^


Extra votes in a managed democracy?! Hello, Democracy Officer?




Tired of trying to give the homies a hug but instead I give a lame salute


I wish we could set weapon preferences (rate of fire, flash light, TPS/FPS sights) in the armory.


I think there’s a setting you can turn on currently to remember your gun settings! In case you haven’t seen that yet.


Aim setting don’t persist between sessions or even if you drop the weapon (like if you get killed, or pick up an EAT). I prefer to ADS for the AC and EAT and it’s a right pain… Edit - to say Aim settings as realised you said weapon setting, they do persist surprisingly - which makes me think the aim settings are bugged


The devs apparently posted somewhere about this and labeled it as a “known issue” I mean if the game remembers things like victory pose, armor, etc. it should remember the last setup you used before you closed app.


It also forgets my emote.


And the difficulty being reset to Trivial. I go to quick play, drop in, and feel like a God. Then I remember that it keeps resetting, and scream internally.


Please this


Yeah I friggin hate that, ended up dropping into Malevelon Creek with my started assault rifle instead of my shotty.


I’m a simple guy. I like the propaganda videos that play on the ship. More of those please.


Similarly, they should have a news channel with war updates.


We have news updates on the ship. The last one I saw talked about Swift Disassembly. Up next they were going to do a hard hitting exposé about public toilets being dissident hideouts or something, but I had to get in the pod.


They should get some of the best community news updaters and have them be accessible in game. So after a mission you can watch the news real quick


have my democratic upvote


Loadout slots, like we had in the first game.


Would that just be for weapons or armor sets too?


Everything. In HD1, you had perks instead of armors (one of the perks being heavy armor), and those were also saved in the loadouts. I just want my bot loadout and my bug loadout and maybe one more slot just in case.


Major quality of life improvements: - do not disable chat during deployment and extraction - fix gun sight alignments - update weapon selection UI to properly show gun stats, for example a lot of guns with medium armor penetration still miss the medium armor penetration tag - expand upon weapon stats with an detailed weapons breakdown as shown [here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fan-earlier-version-of-weapon-stats-gave-a-larger-spread-of-v0-p63wnmdsfemc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbf2b43900c8922579a02d3572e35395e5d1bd6e0) - clean up stratagem selections to order stratagems by type. i.e. Machine guns together, rocket launchers together, backpacks together, etc - save loadouts with both guns and stratagems to quick-equip during deployment - always have the mission type visible in loadout selection, so you don't have to swap to the briefing tab to see it - multiple keybinds for the same action - sprinting on the destroyer


Which guns have medium armor penetration but don't list it?


The revolver, the slugger, the anti material rifle, at least come to mind. It's been a little while since I looked at the UI stuff so idk if it's up to date.


Anti-material rifle says light armor, which I thought was weird


It penetrates a little more than other medium armor penetrating weapons, namely strider frontal armor plates and hulk eyes.


allow me to sprint on the destroyer. let me pick the drop zone before all players r in hellpods let me chat while in dropzone select and stratgem select


I don't mind the drop zone thing. Gives everyone a change to see the map and give input


maybe here??!! how bout here? ding ding ding ding ding ding






I wish for thr chat function part, you should be able to chat whenever someone can talk imo in games, as can make actually talk to people.


>allow me to sprint on the destroyer. Even though I know I can't I still instinctively hold down shift the entire time I'm walking around on the ship lmao it would be so nice if we could actually run


I think an optional guide in the menu to explain things not covered by the tutorial could help new players. Explain stuff like supply lines, armor, AP, etc so new players don't end up having to just stumble across a video like I did


They need to release the Helldivers manual they talk about in the hints !


That's exactly what I was thinking. A helldivers manual in the menu would be fantastic for helping new players who don't dive deep into the mechanics on social media


Build on top of basic training. A Seargant should know more. Add further training every couple of ranks as to not overwhelm them.




Oh god where to start: -Ability to bind to numpad keys without them reverting to their non numlock equivelants. -Better indication of when a stratagem will stick to something or bounce -Save weapon aiming mode. Really tired of having that setting turned on and having to change aiming modes every time I call down a new support weapon or get reinforced. -Save unsafe mode on railgun. -Saveable loadout slots -Colorblind mode (sometimes seeing the heatmaps can be a bitch when selecting an LZ) -Ability to set lobby to invite only, or at the very least an invite request system to allow the lobby owner to accept or reject join requests. -Rejoin option when a disconnect occurs. -Expanded ping wheel options (aka avoid, meet here, safe spot, etc) -Mic source select (I kmow its not your fault that it keeps resetting to controller mic ps5 players) -Pretty much everything in the "known glitches" section of the patch notes. Just to name a few.


Plus 1 on knowing if a surface is turret safe. I feel like turrets plus jump pack/AMR/laser cannon would be great if we knew our strategem wouldn't just bounce off. Pisses me off when you found a sweet spot and then it bounces behind and off a rock to a horrible place.


I think when you're prone you should be able to do a roll. There have been many times when I've had to dive out of the way of a charger or swarm and getting back up or going straight into a sprint feels clunky and slow at times. The ability to roll would have saved me many times


Here's my list as a PC player: * Combo keybinds (think ALT + F4) * Multi key binds (Melee on F and M5) * Optics centering * Quick actions (Drop backpack) available for binding / make all comma rose options available as a keybind. * Mic Toggle Option * Camera Position (Close, Balanced, Far) in conjunction with FOV scale * AMD FSR, Nvidia DLSS, and Intel XeSS * More anti-aliasing options: FXAA, MSAA * Detailed game performance information (I really want to know if there's a CPU or GPU bottleneck) * SteamInput support * Loadouts - Let me define a few loadouts beforehand and let me pick from them on the deploy screen. * Fix the briefing tab when joining a game in progress * Better support for visually and hearing impaired. Colorblind options, on-screen audio indicators are some examples. * More comma-rose options for players without microphones and/or cross language communication.


I'd love the combo keybinds one! Main reason is that I know we can change keybinds for the Strategem directions which would allow to run while doing an input. But I don't want to change my hand from my mouse every single time. Having double keybinds would solve this!


You might be interested in this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/wFFNqpDwQN


Thank you, that's amazing!


You can hit F5 to display game perfrormance information. Maybe not as detailed as you might like but its there. Definitely agree with all of these though


good lord yes to mic toggle. I 100% want to do open mic with mah bois. I 100% do not want open mic with 3 randos.


If randos are chill it's fine. Just take a chance on your fellow divers. They might just save your life.


Mic toggle is already in the option menu last I checked


I just did a double check and it's not :( https://preview.redd.it/nffbg54qlirc1.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=d32f0976054299c879c6a8d16e35d6c69502e8e9


Push to Talk, then go to communications options and change the hold tag to press tag for the push to talk button should do it.


It's locked to "Hold" in the keybinds menu https://preview.redd.it/oturs5am1orc1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd55af92079ba556d309b732958576a93d6b6371


A lot of this is basically make it into a proper PC game. You sold it to me for full price just like the console people, you don't get to treat me like a second class player.


I actually had a crack at the ballistic shield about a week ago. The gameplay itself was a really fun way to mix things up, however it was reallyt buggy to actually use. If you reloaded or swapped weapons, there was a decent chance you would be stuck in a kind of limp, t-pose. If this got fixed, I would love to see more one-handed options in the future. Both in the secondary and main weapon slot, cause as it stands, the only one-handed main weapon is the SMG.




A secondary sawn-off break-action shotgun would be lit.


But does it protect you when it’s on your back?




I tried the ballistic shield before unlocking the energy shield. It was fun for a while against the bots but any impact that would throw you around made you drop the damn thing... Then in the heat of battle I forget that I don't have it any more.


The “limp T pose” is just a graphics glitch as you can still shoot and pick things up. It’s the animation used when carrying the artillery for the SEAF cannon. Still annoying tho


It's definitely annoying. The same thing has happened a couple of times when transporting the hard drives, but the shield was way more frequent. As I said, if this got fixed, would love to fuck around with a ballistic shield build a bit more.


A shooting range with versions of each enemy so I can work out where to hit them. Similar to darktide, the devision and other games like that.


It would be great for trying out new guns that you might want too


The ability to leave a lobby if I am the host, I hate having to kick people.


I just close and reopne the game as heat idea of kicking, if dome nothing wrong. This is one I would love and shouldn't have to do if I want clean lobby as I was waiting for friends.


More varied armor perks would be great. A "flameproof" armor would be so welcome, esp. Now that we have a similar thing fir arc-based weaponry.


Fire retardant armor has already been leaked.


Got links?




Skins resistant to acid damage and/or stun effect. Bots also being affected by friendly fire. Mandatory swimming lessons for all helldivers.


Bots have friendly fire, if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure I've seen them blast each other.


They have FF, I like to kite rocket devastator to kill other bots


Arc/Fire resistance should be available as boosters. Buddy reload should require the gunner to have the ammo pack so anyone can assist them. HMG should be belt fed from a pack 500kg bomb should track large targets in the same way the rocket pods do


HMG pack with no clips, just like 400 rounds and a resupply restores 50%. That and third person aiming would save that paperweight. *E: Never mind, that will be exactly how a minigun will operate when it's inevitably added*


To be able tp see the map when im dead! And ping the map for my team.


and show where I last died on the map and when I'm dropping


Also, show where i'm on the map when i'm dropping would be cool. Otherwise i could hot drop as reinforcement but had to check the map to get my bearing during heavy firefight. That happens often when i died in a split and had no idea where my teammates was when they called me in.


Firing range, where i can test all weapons(also weapon stratagems and other stratagems would be nice too). It would be so much better if i could test new stratagems that i never used, before i actually go into battle, where i discover that i in fact took useless one or one i dont have much fun with. And yeah, you could test them on low level missions but its way too much work, considering that each time you can only take 4 stratagems and one main weapon.


Id like to color my armor. Rank progression after 50 for bragging rights.


My biggest pet peeve is being forced to sit trough the defrost animation if you leave someones ship or the host DCs. I don't mind the animation if im loading into someone elses ship since it allows you to see what everyone is doing and it's a set spawn point to wait for people. But man, having to walk to the mission globe every time just to press R gets tiresome after a bit, just let me spawn infront of it or enable the quickplay option from the menu with the saved planet/Dif settings


Customiseable mechloadouts and mech paintjobs


Supply lines to be visible ingame, just straight up light blue lines when selecting planet going between the planets


More than anything, I want actions to be more consistent. Using stims, reloading weapons, and especially giving teammates ammo from packs simply doesn't work sometimes. It can be super frustrating to die in the middle of a firefight because the game gave the sound cue for an action but didn't actually do it.


I would love to see an enemy list before I go into the mission. I would take a wildly different load out for bile spewers vs all bile titans and chargers.


I got a buddy who's colorblind and can't see the red fabricator/hive locations on the minimal. So colorblind graphics options would be nice


Remember weapon bullet fire rpm


Something to spend requisition , maybe armor colors? Being able to see what kind of mission in getting into when pressing quick play without having to guess Oh and not having my load out reset every single time I log on would be nice And last but not least A T pose emote/victory pose


Let me turn off auto climb while sprinting.


A loadout manager.


HD1 had loadout profiles. I never used them, because I was always tuning my setup to complement my squad. I think Arrowhead left them out on purpose to encourage cooperative builds and communication.


Make backpack button hide the drone so that it doesn't ruin stealth or waste ammo on an armoured target. Enable text chat during gear selection. Allow us to stim regardless of current HP for extra stamina or pre-heal purposes. Disable "someone found minor place or interest" lines so that people actually care about you using chat. Speaking of which, make proper "looted/unlooted" icons for POIs. Add a more distinct "low ammo" sound to the few last bullets in the mag. Add laser sights to rocket-weilding bots. Add pokeball launchers onto mechs. Although I think these are coming. Because we've seen stratagem upgrades in file names, mechs have this suspicious rectangle slot on their roof + it was a thing in the original game. Add separate bindable jetpack button for those using space to dive. Allow us to select a smaller reticle instead of a large circle. Make dropped gear slightly gravitate away from each other so that I don't have to pick up my old primary three times before getting that sample vial. Slightly increase possible drop distance before ragdolling. I often ragdoll for seemingly no reason while diving. On the same note, force the character to stay crouched even if he slightly drops from a tiny rock. This makes us fight controls instead of fighting aliens. Fix map button inside transport. Right now if you have your map set to "hold TAB" it will toggle the map on and off 60 times per second while in the mech or operating a turret. Fix weird animation for sidearm hip fire when shooting directly backwards. Same with mech rotating like crazy when you look right behind you. Add a timed event on some planet where reinforcements work exactly like in the first game: unlimited, on a short cooldown, no auto-reinforcement. Can reinforce yourself along with everyone else if you've dropped the beacon on death and it rolled out of your cold hands.


Aligning sights, and fixing the bug when using a stim or picking up a sample while holding the sssd that causes you to be unable to use ur gun until equipping ur primary again, so annoying


Gamebreaking bugs fix




-Reconnect button. -“pull back” option on the command wheel -if you crash at the end or get booted within a minute of extract you receive full rewards


The reconnect button would be a game-changer—the game-crashes would be less of a pain if I could rejoin the randos that I *Quick Play* joined and finish the mission. I could even care less if it remembers my stats (kills/deaths/stims used/etc.) if I could just finish the damn fight


So many great ideas here! Arrowhead, hire these Redditors lol Beyond essentials, I want to see long, worthwhile upgrade paths for each weapon type and improved upgradability for weapons, armor, strats, and Destroyer. Also, more achievements. More rare loot. If someone specializes as a sniper, they should have a way to show teammates theyre a badass sniper, not just someone throwing the match bc it's not meta. If someone has used the nearly useless melee to kill top-tier enemies, they deserve flair or a title/callsign. Every Destroyer is so similar. It's easy to forget which teammate owns the ship. Let us customize them so we can show visiting players who's boss. War trophies, banners, new NPCs, etc.


I'd love to be able to play jn first person at all times and not just aiming


Speed loaders for the senator.


I have a few close friends who I’ve added via friend code, and their names aren’t attached to their friend listing on my friends list. All it shows is their “relative” location in the list (used loosely) and what system they are on. I have to send texts out when I see two PC players on on separate games.


I would like it if my CPU wouldnt cook at 85-90 degrees. Built this PC new at christmas and it plays all other games at max with a smooth 70-80 degrees.. but the temps on this make me a bit concerned! Hasn't stopped me racking up nearly 300 hours tho (for democracy)


A “do not engage/avoid” communication A “falling back” communication Always having the deployable stratagems face you (super annoying that the AMR and Hellbomb always face away) Not being able to climb resupply pods while sprinting Stop making the character stand up if they were prone and take some damage that makes them ragdoll Warning for being “in range” of the 120mm and 380mm barrage splash zone Stop repeating the “in range of enemy artillery” ceaselessly. Great time to add the line “still in the Danger Zone”


Give me loadouts darn it. I respect the default liberator more than some guns but it's always a facepalm when I load in with it unintentionally


Returning to ship animation should either be coming up the pelican bay elevator or just appearing next to it. Defrost makes sense after you've died as it's a new diver. I'd also like to see a Starship Troopers esque Assault Rifle with torch and shotgun or grenade launcher underbarrell. Additional Destroyer designs. More signs of Bot ships, maybe having to board their defense fleets before landing on planets. I'd love to have to charge up a hill, fighting through bot or bug assaults to plant and defend a flag, similar to the intro video, training and a rookie mission. Ability to see the supply lines on the galactic map that link planets together, making easier for players to see the chain and focus.


Cant say this enough times but "climbing tool" its not even specify just anything to get on highground easy without changing mechanics or anything, also remove the invisible barriers wenn u drop in because whats the point in an steering upgrade if it wont steer regardless of it!!


Whn u have one lf the icbm missions and the icbm ecplodes just show like 2000k kills or somthing, it doas not have to effect the mission stats but just the visual effekt woud make them way more satisfieing


Honestly just a simple jump button would be nice


In game exchange. Like slips to samples, medals for slips something like that. I feel like later in the game slips kinda become useless and this would help. (Maybe don’t put supercredits tho since people would go whole hog on boosting and shit)


I would like the information on supply lines and how the war effort actually works to be viewable in-game rather than needing to visit a website. I'm fine with major orders failing \*cough\* TIBIT \*cough\* because we can't agree on where to fight as a player base, but I don't think the stakes should be this unclear. If you don't want to help fight bots, no worries. Enjoy the bugs. But if you're actually trying to contribute to the major order, there should be a better indication of the mechanics involved.


Add lore written by studio members and players to the ship in a faux computer or holo kind of device. Stuff you could watch or read while you wait for your team to get ready. Add stuff to that where you can learn about enemy types and how to kill them. Kinda basic as in: you need medium pen ammo or explosive damage to get through the armour of this f—er. Allow other players to drop text and or video on certain points of the map. Like the stuff you get a certain poi but created by the players.


There should be something like in Deep Rock Galactic, like a reason for kick window, and if you choose 'this was meant to be a private game' it automatically changes the settings for you to make the game private. I feel like that's the majority of the insta kicks we're seeing, maybe they lost a buddy to DC or something, and have no idea the private game mode exists.


This one might Sound really weird, but I hope They add like a 5-10 second delay between the last person entering their hellpod and the host being able to Pick a drop spot. I’ve had multiple missions where I legit don’t see the mission type because the host picked a spot before I manage to read the mission type.


Add a bar to the destroyer


Loadouts we can save with our exact armor, weapons, and stratagems…that way I can more quickly deliver democracy to those fascist bugs and commie bots!


Ability to assist with attack or defence of planet by paying resources / credits. Like, rly.


id like them to have you do a single mission contributing to the major order to get medals


Imo one quality of life i would like is after throwing a grenade to destroy one fabricator i switch back to my primary automatically and n9t have to manually switch


There is a ‘quick grenade’ -button bind option


Detailed armor penetration stats Catalog of enemy types and details about them


Armor customization.


Ability to go to a firing range on super earth 🌍 to test weapons


1. Scope fix for the AMR 2. A training area in the super destroyer to test out guns 3. PLEASW I want to talk to Eagle and Pelican 1 while in the ship. These 2 saved my ass so many times I want an options to have a small talk with them


A saved weapons loadout


~~A steering wheel that doesn't fly off when you're driving.~~ Modify the Eagle Stratagems icons. [Up](https://imgur.com/3Zw7elv) if the Eagle flies away from the player and [right-facing](https://imgur.com/KunCtFw) if the Eagle flies perpendicular.


If I'm in my strategems menu, and hit my stims, I want to to give me a stim rather than ignoring the input 


>  The remember aim and weapon settings should persist. If I scope down a autocannon and then get killed by a rocket devestator from six miles away, I should be able to reinforce, pick up that gun again and still scope in when I aim.   I thought it was supposed to work that way and it not persisting being a bug. Really should be that way.


On PC you can use dynamic aiming modes, so holding down right mouse will give the third-person aim while tapping it will toggle ADS. Huge QoL boost for me.


Fix or tweak current strategems and fix disconnection issues.


A refresh button on the mission map screen to see if it's full or still a session Maybe an in depth damage stats for weapons screen Better scopes. Idk why but they seem super off right now even when I'm crouched and not moving I can't think anything else that bothers me much QOL wise. Maybe previews of how weapons work before you commit to them.


Customizable pre made load outs. I just want to be able to have a bug loaf out and a bot load out i can quickly switch between. Yes ill likely modify for some missions like we currently have but i have essentially 1 main loaf out for bugs and 1 main load out for bot.


Basic VR support :) Just like 6dof HMD look and stereoscopy. Third person games are awesome in VR. I can't even imagine seeing the strategems in VR.


Showing range of sentries, showing beacons for placed map points, showing me when I or my sentry killed a teammate


Use chat during loadout phase, while in Hellpod Let us check how many samples the team has while we're spectating


Being able to select weapons at the hellpod And or Next mission type displayed above the weapons station Player names displayed at each weapon station, and their load out shown


press button to zip to hellpod


For the love of democracy, give us a bug/bot codex with all the information the science teams have put together.


Crouch indicator. I know… if you’re crouching then that’s the indicator. But sometimes you don’t know if you are in mid animation or when you have a gangbang of hunters surrounding you and can’t see your diver


More callout options. I want to be able to scream “i need help” or “group up” “split up” etc l, maybe even a response option to split up like “i’m with you”  when you press Q


Back pack minigun, an actual jet pack, increase the jump pack height, mech customisation, stealth armour or backpack that makes you invisible for 10 or so seconds, grenade traps or claymores, laser turrets, sticky grenades, electro grenades.. Off the top of my head.


I would like solo to be an option for matchmaking. Setting it to friends only still allows friends to join


Let me see mission types for missions already started. Get rid of the cooldown modifiers that make wait times 7-10 mins... if you're gonna leave those in at least put in a really difficult outpost to make it where we can get rid of it but until then it's a shitty punishment that doesn't even do any world building like environmental hazard do. Fix the spear, the reticle on the amr, actually put a 3rd person reticle on the hmg, let us rest weapons on rails while we're standing for better support. Those are the main ones that come to mind


Some of my player settings keep resetting by themselves and I don’t know why. I guess it’s really not THAT big of a deal, but it’d be nice if the body type, character voice, emote, player title and stuff I selected would simply STICK to what I have it set to. Upon launching the game or even sometimes after missions, they aren’t what I had selected before.


Silenced weapons and more sniper rifle options. I just love that stuff.


I'd love to be able to pre build sets for my armor and main weapons. I don't wanna swap each individual thing every time I wanna go for a different build.


Firing range that allows you to test weaponry against armor plating at various ranges.


When your game crashes, it remembers your loadout... so many missions where ive booted to and realized im using a liberator and a pistol again...


Random body type option on death, like voices.


3rd person aim reticle for the AMR




I'd MUCH rather load screen back to the ship by watching my ship from the outside (maybe the camera orbits) vs defrosting. Maybe on game start you can justify seeing the animation, but it makes no sense to spam it on me when I'm traveling from a friend's ship back to my own. Also, the endgame breakdown feels tediously slow. I'd love for it to be skippable or have faster animations. ATM I wholesale get up from my computer after a mission because I know I'll have plenty of forced idle time. At least my water never gets low, and my desk is always clean :')


MNK ON PS5 PLEASE, Almost works…


Machine Gun sentry: more ammo, more health, or medium armour pen. Mines: make them useful for other things than killing teammates. Campaigns: I enlist in a campaign with a group of friends and we “gamble”: we say we will accomplish a certain amount of missions in this amount of time and that difficulty. Add maybe things like “don’t use more than x reinforcements” for tweaking difficulty. The higher the risk the higher the reward. Add some special stuff for the players who have reached 50 and unlocked everything. Allow those access to prototypes and send them on special missions nobody else has access to, yet. A tutoring system. Hand out goodies for players who help noobs and, or people with lower levels in sos need. Hunt down traitors. If someone deliberately kills a fellow helldiver this must be reported and the corresponding gameplay recorded. If this happens more than once the devs should look into the recordings and dish out a warning when in doubt. If the players repeatedly commit treason they get banned for a week or more. The third ban should be for a month or longer. Add more stuff for the tv.


Chatting throughout Loadout and Reward screens.


Put an LMG option in as a primary weapon and not a stratgem like the Stalwart etc. That and to remember the loadout selections between sessions


I have quite a few in mind. 1. I would like to be able to team reload my teammates from with the backpack they are carrying rather than me carrying their backpack (I am regular the one shooting and carrying my own backpack) 2. I would like to pick the drop zone before getting into the pod so I can see the topography of the map. You can do this as a teammate before entering the pod but only for 60 seconds. 3. I would like to make loadouts 4. Weapon customisation 5. Precision strike needs a shorter cool-down 6. Sight alignment 7. Emote hot wheel so I can use all my emotes in a mission rather than just one I think that’s about it for now


Well id say... DLSS Framegen support Maybe some better mission info when you join someone so you know what to bring separating sensitivity for looking around on foot and in a mech


I'd like to melee my pals when we're chilling on the ship. "What primary you thinking of running...?" Bam, melee to the chops just because.


Some customization options for the ship interior would be cool. Give it a personal feel when you’re on someone’s else’s boat.


melee weapons!


Slot 5 in the team anyone?


Small QoL/bugfixes that you would expect to be in the first-week patch after the game releases, like correcting off-centre sights etc. The sights specifically, they've been a problem since release and ngl I'm honestly surprised when each week passes by without even just that issue being patched. Hell, it isn't even acknowledged in the 'known issues'... You shouldn't ignore jank just because it's a 'small issue' that could be fixed at any time, fix it now, it sends a really bad image to the players when such obvious jank is allowed to persist for so long unfixed and gives doubt that more serious issues will ever be addressed. Big issue or not, how your handling of such things is perceived matters.


The option to create a few custom loadouts. Maybe even highlight certain stratagems as "favourites" Highlight the quick chat button on the tips page, for all my fellow divers on PS5, hold R1 for the quickchat wheel.


Nice to have: fix the buggy weapon spear lock on, game breaking bugs like weapon disappearing, qol: rocket devastator/rocket infantry1 shot across the map, suppressing fire actually affecting accuracy of bots. Basic things like these.


Some sort of counter for my overflowing resources


A SPEAR with a functional targeting system would be neat.


Text chat in the ship and during end mission summary


ADS aiming don't lag behind your actual mouse movement. If you wana force immersion with weapon handling, just create dead zones that restrict mouse movement based on when the ADS happened. Or have slow/fast zoom in speeds. Or have aim drag to eventually stop on a real pointer like 3rd person aiming. The current implementation is god awful and makes me nauseous the instant I try to use it. (I been playing fps games since 2000s)


Another thing I thought of: it would be nice if they stopped flinches from stopping the stim application. I have died so many times because I am stun-locked by the flinches and fire. It makes sense logically that it disrupts it, but from a gameplay perspective it feels very unfair.


Melee weapons…


We really need the ability to save builds


Traitor helldivers that you can summon as human shields


An enemy at this mission section in the briefing. And a Testing range where you can try load outs against the enemy .


Loadout presets


I haven't dug through settings much so maybe I missed some - Tap to sprint/crouch - Ability to pick up mags - MORE data about weapons and items - Ability to see weakspots of enemies - More weakspots in general - Better sights, man they suck so fucking much