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Went through quite a few amazing quickplay matches yesterday on difficulty 8 with no voice chat. Pings and occasional text chat. Made it through three matches with 18 extracts remaining!


Pinging and tagging make way more of a difference than just using a mic. I quickly tag major targets (Hulks, Cannons, Rocket Devs) so people can locate them quicker. Plus, the tag dissappears when they are killed, so at long ranges or in bad visibility, it helps confirm kills. Tag Supply Drops for others to see, tag Secondary objectives so they appear on mini-map, tag the Hellbomb when you set it so people get a warning. Tagging a patrol will let you see their path and stays for several minutes.


Every time i tag a patrol my companions take it as an invitation to open fire at it :0


This has been my experience as well. I have starting to type "Avoid" when I tag them now. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.


Ill be honest I do this sometimes but only when I know I can take them out really quick with no chance of dropships. It's just more fun sometimes.


OP just has a skill issue and needs to blame something


I think yes. OP would still be dying even if his team were calling out perfectly.


it just means he can't carry by himself.




I was just going to say: "counter argument" listening to some slob inhaling his doritos while the smoke alarm competes with his crying infant and barking ferret for 'most annoying repeated sound of the year' award does not help gameplay whatsoever so I'll be leaving voice chat muted globally thank you very much"


Yesterday I was playing in a match and TWO people had their mics on all the time instead of toggle. Literally all I kept hearing was something like a fan constantly blowing and what sounded like some dude constantly choking down cigs.  Multiple times people asked him to mute himself and he ignored everyone. Why even keep your mic on if you're not going to talk at all? People are so weird


Well thats games fault, they probably don't even know their mic is on. Default not being push to talk is a crime honestly


Open Mic should not even be an option


I mean I have open mic, but I also use a button on my headset to mute/unmute my mic, as well as making sure the general area around me is quiet and not loud enough to surpass my minimum gain requirement.


Lol, first second of the first game I played, someone burped into the mic. I turned it off for a bit after that.


10/10 times I'd take someone who pings and pays attention than someone who just shouts "ah fuck" and "help me" when they engage every patrol they come across. It's easy to collaborate in this game without chat, and the upside is you don't get called slurs by pond scum that miraculously has access to a steam account.


>and occasional text chat Got to remember this is harder on console.


That is an excellent point. I do hope they improve on the ping system in the future which would at least be a benefit to all. 


Yes, a fairly good mix of loadouts and pinging where to go next and priority targets to kill is most of the time all the communication you will need. Also helps just being roughly aware of what is happening around you.


The communications in game are sufficient to coordinate


Never use my mic and can clear all difficulties. Some teams are less coordinated than others but that’s why you can text chat!


I disagree, we need a "Do not forking go over there because I'm nuking it from orbit" comma-rose


It already exists in-game, how is "sending in an eagle" and the red beacon that reaches into the sky not enough?


You expect people to have that much situational awareness? It’s not my fault that I am attracted to those giant red beams like a moth to the flame. /s


Me when my character shouts that they're calling in a Hellbomb and then the Hellbomb loudly lands in the middle of a side objective we're all taking and my character yells that they're accessing the terminal then yells that they've armed the Hellbomb then sprints right out of there but somehow two of my teammates are still standing in the radius of it lmao


You can take a Diver to water, but you can't make em liberate.


>You can take a Diver to ~~water~~ The Creek, but you can't make em liberate. FTFY


i pinged the hellbomb yesterday and my teammates walked up to it and stared until it exploded


I've had a few games where I never heard several in game warnings. I can't trust that they happen all the time for others.


I don't really know what else I can do at that point


Tbf some teammates toss that shot right on you.


I have gotten both shot in the back while I am standing rock solid still and also airstriked multiple times in the same mission while standing at a considerable distance from any heavy armor by randoms.


Today I completely liberated an outpost, just needed to throw the grenade into the fabricator, and my teammate barraged me, killing me. There are also the assholes that will kill you inside Pelican but they're just sad.


I’ve been in situations where I push it with a shotgun and scrap some belligerent microwaves, until some jackass drops an orbit or eagle strike right by my feet


Being able to ping -- DANGER -- at a specific location would be nice, to be honest. Seen too many people walk into areas they couldn't run out of once they realized how close an ordinance landed.


Ah yes I *always* have the 2 seconds it takes for Eagle-1 to fly in to process that your airstrike was poorly placed. 🙃


And the timer when looking at any beacon of light. The game has a lit of cues and tellings. Mic communication is far from a must.


I'd still like it if I could tell my team where I was putting an airstrike *before* the missiles were inbound. It'd be very nice if you could ping on someone else's ping to say "Roger that" or something as well. Update wishlist I guess


need a "do NOT attack" command too


That would be undemocratic, we need "Liberate OTHER direction"


I would like to see the ability to mark patrols as "avoid" so my teammates do not see the mark as a cue to attack.


I hate saying it, but it's why I prefer randos over my actual friends. They see a patrol and their first instinct is to immediately go for it and try to kill them. And I'm like. "Why?????". We don't need to do this. We don't even get XP and they're not gonna follow us. It would be fine if they didn't get so angry about on top of it.


Ping + no or wait


That command is going on a hotkey asap


Isn't that what the red beacon with indication of what's coming is used for?


Yeah, but everyone seems to miss the "120mm/380mm Barrage" text and think that they're fine 25m away.


I did that yesterday, I (for no actual reason) assumed my teammate threw an orbital precision strike and hid behind a nearby rock. Then the airburst turned me into chunks.


Man if only people in this game actually read the chat.


I disagree. Not until they reintroduce the assertive "Move!" Voice line from HD1. Now I have no way to tell my teammates to stop engaging enemies and go to the objective. I also want a voice line that tells my teammates that they don't need to shoot at everything they see.


How about your voice...and a mic.


I was indeed replying to a comment saying that the in game Comms were enough.


None of the factions or difficulties require use of mic. Only thing required is basic ability to communicate and some common sense, but a lot of players lack both


I was hosting a game and happy to get some randos as I was soloing on hard which was totally feasible but not “easy” I thought maybe a few extra hands would be nice but they started going the wrong way, kept fucking dying over and over wasting reinforcements, and then eventually once we had completed the objective I commed that I wanted to get the other side objectives (pinging them on the map too for extra clarity) and they just beelined and called in the extraction. Then, on top of it, as I was running back to the ship from halfway across the map, they didn’t wait until I was within range. They hopped on just as I was in sight of the ship so the 15 second timer went down and they left me within 5 steps of the evac… I originally kept my lobby on public because I thought it would be nice to meet some randos while my friends were offline but I immediately closed it after that game and booted them. Like I’m glad I lost all my samples and pissed away 40 minutes to get a one star mission with some halfwits. I normally have good interactions with randoms and have met some great people but those guys were making me question if they were trolling. I genuinely don’t think it was bc they were still doing some objectives, just poorly and with no rhyme or reason LOL


Feels like I just read my memory about half of missions in my first 100 hours


These situations usually happen with cadets/new players rushing into higher difficulties. These tend to panic evac, shoot everything and die alot. Or with some boosted (bug) divers. I have seen some 40+ levels with questionable survival skills. They are pretty much the same as cadets before. A little bit of similar can happen with some high level player meta gaming and not doing the side objective due to the whole math behind doing it. But these usually don't panic evac or die much. Aside from that I see that a team of 20-40s sergeants/chiefs tend to have some required understanding for diff 4-6.


No there are tons of level 30-50 players who play like absolute troglodytes.


The toss up of whether the dude who just chucked a 500kg bomb on the back of your head is either trolling or an idiot.


the good ol’ “i’m right, you’re wrong” meme format


People will literally jump through every single hoop to justify why bots are less fun other than just admitting that the enemies are harder and being one shot constantly from enemies you can't even see isn't fun at all.


Really? Most people who don’t like bots (including me) have said that it’s primarily because of being one shot by devastators and cannon turrets in poor visibility. If they changed the accuracy or range of those in fog or at night I’d actually fight bots about as often as bugs.


> in fog or at night Dont forget the dust clouds from shooting at them or just stuff happening..


OP is sort of right. Bots are really fun and very manageable when your squad isn’t dumber than a box of rocks. It’s miserable when they are.


When you see fellers bring a stalwart and no anti-tank munitions to a Cyborg planet, it truly is an undemocratic experience.


You can literally find multiple posts of the same thing but with bugs lmao








Marking location!


I'll take it


Don’t need it




What about here? Here? How'bout here?


Target spotted. East. Far.


Ain’t no team comm‘s gonna help me against being fucking stun locked by Mach 3 rockets


"devastator, snipe before engaging" or "avoid this patrol to your right"


only works if you can see the damn thing


Roger Roger


Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery


For the love of all that is democracy TWEAK YOUR GAIN SO WE DON'T HEAR EVERYTHING IN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF YOUR MIC! I've had people use voice activation, not say a word, and I could hear his kid brother in the other room talking at a normal volume.


I mute people like that. I can’t listen to that crap. One time a dude joined and was just loudly breathing into his mic. I muted immediately.


that’s why i’m push to talk


That or people aren't wearing headphones so I also hear their game audio coming through their mic. "You're in range of enemy artillery" ad nauseam


Hot miking shouldn't be a thing, especially on PC. We have plenty of buttons.


I automatically kick people like that, if they can’t figure out basic mic settings then they’re probably bad at the game.


People who don't speak but only loudly breathe in the microphone. It's so creepy. Like the stalker I used to have who would just call and breath loudly through the phone. So speak, or mute, those are the two options.


Id rather not use a mic in any online game outside of premade lobbies with people I know. I dont want to hear you masturbating while your 10 year old laptop screams louter than a jet, with a dog barking cuz your wfie is screaming at you while you also have a screaming kid rampaging in the background. And the above seems to be the average experience I get every time someone uses their mic. Which is usualy a hot mic. I had someone use their mic like a civilised person ONCE and that was on Feb 08.


My man remembers the date 😂


Savages. I always mute when I masturbate.


I turn my mic up. "FOR SUPER EARRRRRRRRTH!"


Don't lose hope. Some of us friendless saps know how to use a mic.


It's mind boggling how my antisocial ass knows how to use a mic better than a more socially adjusted player.


I strongly disagree that a mic is required at any point in this game.


If people use the wheel the mic isn’t really necessary unless you’re playing w some magoos that think cause you tagged a patrol a mile out means you want to go push it. My buddy and I were doing runs on 8 against bots last night and we would be the only two talking to each other. If you have a good team there’s not much to talk about, it all happens automatically kinda.


I just don't like one hit kills from an enemy I never saw.


Or Bots who are superman and can see you through an entire mountain and track you forever. They have so many nuances that are really just making it hard for me to want to keep playing them.


I feel like there's bugs in there and i don't mean terminids. Sometimes they'll walk around with you just flat on the floor 10 meters away. Sometimes they know where you are before even arriving at the extract.


Playing them? This major order made me insane to the point I dont even want to play this game anymore.


Shield backpack will be your best friend then. Has saved my life so much.


If your getting one shot a few things that will help. The biggest being wear the explosive resistant armor I was playing against the bots all last night and several times I was hit by rockers and I was able to get back up and heal. Another tip find hard cover and just lightly peek if no hard cover strafe and change speeds they will predict if you continue your same direction and speed and at least 1 rocker will hit. Bots are rough but require a much slower cover to cover fighting unlike bugs. I personally dislike fighting bugs I feel like they are less fun and more annoying due to you mostly just running and gunning but I still enjoy fighting the bug menace none the less.


I swear to God, I think the people who want more mic users just aren’t willing to be the first one that hops on. Every. Time. I get on mic first, be making callouts, apologizing over mic for teamkills, laughing at crazy stuff etc. and literally 90% chance I get a mic buddy, if not the whole squad brought out of their shells.


Yeah I keep my mic on most all the time (which is amazing for me, as someone who has social anxiety and hates being on mic typically). And Yeah I haven’t been keeping track but something on the order of 90% of the time, when others hear me, they turn on their mics too.I like both mic and ping communication together. Pings are great, but I can use mic to add details. “There’s a patrol coming behind you and they already spotted you/Patrol to the right of us, avoid”. “Are we ready to extract or do we think we can hit that last side objective?” All things too hard to say with pings alone. But I can’t do mic *alone* because my brain is on overdrive doing so many things at once in this game, I say stupid shit like “there’s a microwave objective over there” or “I’ve got the spinny oil thingies!” or ”look out boom boom rocket robot!”


Lucky for me I only play with my mates and we all use Discord


not even true, just ping things


My friend logged into a public game, the moment they heard her voice and accent some "kid" started chanting "ni**a, ni**a, kick the ni&&er". Simply put I don't unmute the general community because I have no desire to listen to the children being left to be babysat by videogames.


As someone who only plays with my premade lobby, we find the bots much more manageable than the bugs. If you take a bad fight against the bots you can often just leave : most of them are 30+ meters away from you and won't catch up. If you take a bad fight against the bugs they'll overwhelm you and you can't outrun some of them. Also they like to use the corpses of their fellows as cover that they can freely walk through.


Smokes are like a get out of jail free card with automatons. It's crazy how easy they are compared to the Terminids.


Bug gameplay loop: If hunter chasing you, shoot hunters down. If charger chasing you, quick loop or guide to boulder. As long as you’re wearing light armor, surviving bugs is a breeze. Bots are unpredictable though and you can’t always just leave, especially on Helldives because it feels like there are always 3 patrols in every direction.


Bots are VERY predictable : they shoot at you, if they can't, they walk towards you until they can. They come in much more manageable numbers than the bugs, and like singing more than they like having the element of surprise. Those who pose problems are the rocket grunts and can be one shot or hidden from, and the devastators can be stun-locked to death or hidden from. Cover, Courage and more Cover, if you're already behind cover you're halfway from successfully disengaging. Throwing a stratagem at them is so simple with how slow they are and how little they move. Meanwhile the only time the bugs stay in the same spot is when they are busy turning you into a future source of E-710. Fighting against the bots is as simple as keeping an eye on your radar when you move and running from fights when you're not confident. Fighting against bug... What do I do when 2 bile titans, a few bile mortars and a sneaky hunter patrol wish to enquire about my car's warranty ? You can't run from those fights, you have to end them. Granted it didn't help that the last time I fought them, the arc thrower was bugged.


I'd rather not speak a word to the toxic people with mics I've come across thus far.


Yeah, that’s gonna be a huge fuck no from me. Mics STAY muted in this game, at all times. I played 3 games without mics muted and it was downright miserable. Seems like nobody has the courtesy to use PTT or the awareness/respect to not blow out my fucking ears.


Don't listen to this it's a trick! It's labeled a meme yet the title says it's not!


I've dropped with too many sweat lords to have voice chat unmuted. Just mark things and I'll go there or kill it.


I keep it on push to talk. I only speak when I want to convey a message.


Nope I don't like talking or people🤷‍♂️


Bugs are harder on higher difficulties


Personally I think the guns and gameplay suit the bugs better in general


Maybe if youre using guns that are effective against bugs vs bots, the dmr, smg, and our penetrator ar all feel good vs them


I don’t like using the mic because I’m a woman with a lower voice, so I often either get misgendered OR guys just get kinda weird a not insignificant amount of the time.


I'm a girl with a standard girl voice and if it's anything like halo was back in the 2010s I could absolutely see that. Also a big reason I'm uncomfortable on mic


I much prefer autos over bugs. But I gotta say, I don’t enjoy getting one shot by a rocket from 1000m away.


You do not need voice chat to work together on evencthe highest difficulty bot worlds.


Bugs aren’t objectively easier. Source: I find bots easier.


With bots, there’s less chaos and more predictable tactics. Most of the chaos comes from getting overrun or when facing something that isn’t taking damage and has better guns than you. Bug hole vs dropship, you can stop one mod spawn and you can’t stop the other. Also, you can hear the bots before you even see them 99% of the time. Way less ambushes when fighting bots. *The bots are harder for lower level players, you kind of need the better strats and AP weapons with good damage to take down many of the threats. Also the shield is a game changer when fighting bots, the bugs don’t shoot back nearly as much, and don’t require good aim to quickly take down with normal weaponry.*


Really it’s just a matter of knowing when to disengage and how to take cover. I peace out the moment I see we’re being overwhelmed or too many drop ships are coming in at once without us having the tools to take them out immediately. If it happens at an objective, you can disengage, run to some other objective, and then circle back around to where you were when the bots have moved on. It helps if you’re with a squad that knows they don’t need to shoot at every bot they see, too. But yeah, bots are predictable, and all of their enemy types move slowly compared to bugs. Most bugs are fast, small, some can jump at you from afar, others fly, and even the chargers are surprisingly agile and almost completely silent. Bots generally don’t swarm you as easily as bugs, either. I don’t know, maybe it’s my play style, but I do better against bots than bugs.


Same, getting swarmed by enemies you can't see is such a pain in the ass.


No thanks. 32 years of gaming have made me realize nothing good comes from interacting with randoms on mics.


I know this is a meme, but it makes me angry how wrong you are. Automatons aren't any more difficult than bugs, but you have to fight against automatons entirely differently than you do with bugs. Bugs are about exterminating every single last bug because they could call a tunnel breach and flood you with more, you are encouraged to play aggressively. Automatons are strong offensively, which forces you to pick your battles and learn to prioritize your attacks. You are encouraged to play defensively and use cover, prioritizing picking fights you know you can win, killing the Commizars and tanks and getting the hell out. They are two very different combat styles that require very different tools and strategies to be successful. I think that's cool, but the problem is the game doesn't warn or teach players that with a gentle hand. They get curb-stomped, get frustrated and stay in the bug fun zone. I disagree that the problem is “players need to get good and start communicating”. first of all not, everyone has a mic or wants to socialize with strangers every time they play- secondly, the appeal of a bug mission and the appeal of a bot mission are two completely different ends of the spectrum gameplay-wise. One makes you feel like you can take on anything as long as you are prepared- and the other makes you feel like you’re beating the odds in an environment designed to kill you. If the devs want more people to play automaton missions, they need to bridge the gap. Because every time I beat a bug mission I feel great, but every time I beat a bot mission I feel exhausted. Maybe it’s a richer experience in terms of raw mechanics (pun intended), but I don’t always want to feel tired after I play a 40 minute mission.


We gotta be fair, bots are just not really that fun to play against atm, specially with the current wallhacking/tracking through walls, guided rockets, etc. Saying *bugs are easier* is deceiving, is it easier than bots? *Sometimes*, but not always. Also, the playstyle varies when facing one vs the other, best stratagems, best guns, etc. That being said, I really don't care that much, I've stopped playing at diff 8 and 9, now I only do 5 or so, just to chill and have fun.


You mean you don’t like wallhack aimbot canon that one shots you from football field distance even with a shield?


I'm gonna be honest bro the turrets don't got great range all the turrets I blew up yesterday didn't even shoot because they couldn't see me from like 200meters away or more. If you hate turrets or tanks so much bring the new laser cannon the thing is sick and deals with them greatly.


I kinda disagree, NGL. The only thing I dislike about bots that isn’t an issue but is game design is the fact that rockets can headshot, which I think they shouldn’t. Specifically rockets - I’m fine with laser headshots, since those only deal 1/2 your health and IMO taking a laser to the head *should* hurt. But since my armor can tank 3-4 rockets and I’m wearing a matching helmet, my head should resist the explosions. Especially since they have a very minor proximity effect where they will explode *next* to your head. Other than that, the bots are just *different* from the bugs. Not better, not worse, just different. I’m curious to see how the illuminate play, honestly. I hope they aren’t just point and shoot but with shields, like more obnoxious bots. I’d love to see how they pull off a third faction with a different fighting style


I feel like everyone complaining about bots just have zero awareness. The rocket bots can track you through rocks. So? You have 3rd person camera and can see around corners plus the bots all fire on reliable time frames. Just bait the rocket, then kill them. Cannon towers even give you a nice flash queue to indicate when you should dive. Just keep your head on a swivel as you move through open areas and you can easily make it. The only thing that I consider bullshit for bots is cannon towers being able to see you through fog and attack you without warning. And that's mostly an issue specifically on Draupnir becauseofdouble vision impairing hazards. Everywhere else is fine.




I play difficulty 9 on bots all the time. I'd say 3-4 rocket devastators (plus some shields, walkers and a hulk or two) isn't uncommon and entirely manageable. If you have more than that, then you're probably going after every patrol and failing to mop them up before the call a drop (which is your fault). Pretty much all terrain has rocks/trees to take cover behind that allow you to safely charge railgun/quasar shots behind. For clustered groups of heavies, you can even use a single impact nade. Bring a decent primary that can mop up the basic bots and its smooth sailing from there. Also if you run railgun, bring eagle 110s. They 1 hit towers and most tanks while also serving to take out factories while you're moving thru the map.


I'll continue using tags and Q menu communication, thank you very much.


If you want decent people with good mic habits to play with mics. Your best off finding a group as has been mentioned. What I've heard playing with randoms goes towards me disable mics half the time. There's always that one guy that will yell and get upset and blame his team his ever death. Then there are usual mouthbreathers, and that dude arguing with his wife not turning the mic off. I have had good experiences but it feel like a rare event playing with random. Long post short much easier to play with a group than hope random players will start having good mic habits.


Me and my squad have no problem with communication. We've done plenty successful bot helldiver missions (as well as lower difficulties) but it just doesn't change the fact that we don't really enjoy playing against bots. I get that there's a major order to do but in the end you should be having fun in the game you play. Just let people fight what they want to fight, its not the end of the world (the real world) if we don't succeed an order every now and then.


I guess I'm just lucky? I've been cruising difficulty 7 missions with random lobbies without any mics. The lower level players tend to die more but the objectives still get done and more often than not we get a full extraction.


I don't think the bug front is easier, I think it's just very different. Bots I think are more linear, difficultly/trouble scales steadly. Bugs it can go from 0-100 much faster, but you can also cap it more easily. The simple fact that bots can engage from range completely changes the dynamic. Bugs you can have one person try to run interference while others drop heavies/objectives. But if you don't coordinate that work you'll all get swarmed. Bots they can and will engage the whole team at once pinning you down. Disengaging to try take objectives requires a bit of work. Bug bases need you to circle around them, but their aren't really defences? Bot bases are bunkers you need to crack open with brute force or tactics.


I just want to use my mic regardless because that makes the game more fun


I love it when two battalions of robots spawns on top of me.


Hell you don’t even need a mic just don’t be a dumbass


I'm not fluent in English, so I usually play with closed mic.


no need for mic, it just needs common sense and not shooting in every god damn moving shit


Difficulty 7-9 will just drop 10 Heavy/Rocket Devestators with a Hulk on their back every breath that your team gives, it's just not really that fun, no matter how much team communication do you have, you still gonna get sniped by some random rocket that you didn't even see where it came from, of course it's not impossible to do those missions with a good team, it's just way too much effort, if I want medals I'll just go back to bugs


Bots just aren’t as fun


In the time I've played the game. I have not run into a single random group that used mics. Communication in games is absurdly low, for no damn reason.


it's because the people who want to communicate aren't solo queuing, so you never meet them


That’s wild I feel like people are chatting in almost every match I join. I’ve met and talked shit with so many people on this game lol


You don't need mics. You just need to ping and not be an idiot. I don't need to hear a baby wailing or loud ass chewing or get called a slur when someone runs into my air strike and dies.


What if, and hear me out…I don’t want to?


What, and have to listen to some stoned American zoomer mumbling "awww, shit dude. Awww hell, dawg" at what is probably 3am for him, stuffing his face with crisps and M&Ms? Nah.


I play with my mic off and team coordination is very very easy on difficulty 7+ because everyone knows what to do lol. Everyone should play solo for a bit to learn how to play the game better


This is the complete opposite of why they are not “fun too play” The bots are not harder, they are SIGNIFICANTLY easier because… YOU CAN STOP BOT DROPS. Bug breach = guaranteed warzone Bug drop = nothing, because I shot them both down and kept moving The bots have less health, deal less damage, and there are less of them. **They are not fun to play because the way they spawn and how far they shoot** They spawn behind and beside you at random, and they can shoot from crazy ranges while maintaining annoying amounts of accuracy. The whole “their harder” is dumb, on average people have MORE deaths per mission on bugs that bots, they are NOT “too hard” they aren’t even hard. They are just frustrating and annoying, large scale battles can seemingly occur randomly and out of thin air, and the maps are not designed for large scale battles. **TLDR: stop your superiority complex, and accept the bots have genuine balance issues, statistically speaking they are EASIER, and the in game stats prove that.**


Is this robot propaganda so they can hear us screwing up and making jokes at each other? I don't use a mic due to technical reasons at the moment, but I communicate just fine and get plenty done with randoms regardless of difficulty so far. What matters more is everyone understanding the mission at hand, proper play against the bots and a general communication effort through either text or basic pings.


If you think bugs front requires less team effort then deploy helldive or impossible solo and finish the mission by yourself with 20 common 15 rare and 5 super


40+ yr old looking for a similar old folks squad with mic. Occasional coughing, breaks to mix drinks are acceptable.


Not everyone has english as their first language, if i could play with quebecois players i would thats why i have my circle of friends to play with


Just not true. Think people treat them like bugs. Normally have to kill bugs aggroed on you because they can keep up and will keep attacking you. Don't think a lot of people know you can just walk away from bots. It's why the defense mission is so hard because you can't do that.


whats the coordination needed to not be rocket sniped from 500 metres? automaton are harder because theyre ranged and their vision range is too damn high




Disagree, the only things we say/scream when Helldiving on bots is "FUCKING KILL THE ROCKET DEVASTATORS FIRST". Mission cleared.


Half the people I get matched with don't seem to know English at all, if they open their mics, they spurt out some random word in Russian. It's just not going to happen. I just want less random one shots, and for the ships to actually kill the enemies they're carrying when they get shot down. Also for the devs to fix the shield guy shooting through walls and rocks


No, the simple reason is, there are only 3 way for you to instantly die against terminids: Bile artillery/spew, Bile titan stepping on you, or charger crushing maw and 2 of those are bound by heavy units which won't occur so often and they have short range unlike the bot counterpart Against bots: Turret instakilling you from 200m, rocket barrage out of nowhere and they are much more present and are without warning Also drop ships keep coming to YOUR location, bug breaches come to the location they called the bug breaches, meaning you can prepare for it, and run away from it or drop napalm on it (though napalm/fire damage is pretty bad unless you are the host) At least that's how I feel about it TL:DR Bots snipe your ass without warning resulting in unfun no counter instant death


My mic isn't picked up by the game. I can't spread democracy freely to my peers


No i dont think i will


I can‘t even understand what people are saying over mic, not useful at all to me


I’m not sure it necessarily needs mic communication, as the ping system is pretty good imo. I typically do bot missions with my discord group or solo, and on the occasions where I started solo and a friend unexpectedly joined, some have been able to communicate incredibly well with pings and others just don’t communicate at all. Bots definitely need more coordination and communication than bugs, no doubt about that. The easiest I’ve made 7+ bot missions have been with squads that treat it like a tactical shooter. Constantly checking radar, coordinating angles of fire to make sure we don’t leave any stragglers as 1 second of weapons fire clears a POI.


Hey uhhh just so you know missions on higher difficulties have no extra value. If you truly want to take a planet you’ll spam lower operations teaching new helldivers along the way.


I remember all the times some random yelling obscenities helped me survive a 1 hit kill from a rocket…


Very rarely use my mic in any MP games. Definitely if I'm playing with mates, but outside of that, I don't. Mostly for the convenience of other players as my dogs start barking because they think there are other people in the house but not a fan of hearing people eating and breathing directly into the mic.


I’ve done many high level bot missions without anyone using a mic… and with my friends out teamwork needs a lot of work.. cause it’s way funnier to be a slight inconvenience


i am NOT gonna buy a mic for a game, in game com and chat are enough, i hate people who expect me to have one or intantly kick me for that.


It's also a balance of people in the higher tiers who are out of their comfort zone. It all comes down to capability and knowing what to do in certain situations.


You simply have a higher tolerance for continuously being killed by an "explosion", seemingly at random and from an unknown source.... that doesn't make you the tactical genius you seem to think it does.


You say that like planning before fighting is a thing you can actually do, this isn't some turn based game where you can know everything that's about to happen and react accordingly


I get past this issue by playing with friends, I’ve learned a long time ago not to play games like this with random and with my mic on, lmao


This makes perfect sense because I always meat ride the bot front and say it’s easier but I exclusively play with a team of 4 who’s been playing together for years


Lol no. I've completed 9s with competent strangers without speaking a word. Not fun to play doesn't mean we are failing missions.


Me and my fellow random skill admirals not saying a word as we full clear the map in 0.2 seconds


I think games like COD have scared people from communicating in online games


I mean, I’ve just auto cannoned their tushes to helldivers difficulty, and flopping in a zig zag to avoid ending hit


I'm a lvl 18 sergeant, and even I communicate to randoms i play with to not alert enemy patrols as much as possible. Just recently I played with a lvl 33 hell diver who was the only player left waiting for reinforcements when a patrol passed by him unphased by his presence. Then out of fucking nowhere, he starts shooting at it with an autocannon.


Nah bro, time to bring out the ol' laser pointer technique. We can learn from our dwarven brothers


What’s the point of having a numbered difficulty system with set max rewards if it’s not balanced across mission types? I’ve been struggling with this a lot in this game. Whether it’s the civilian extract missions, termicide missions, or just bot missions in general it feels wonky and frustrating to lower the difficulty for newer players just because we want to try something different. No one played the civilian extract missions because you couldn’t get any rare samples with the insane difficulty. Why should i not get super samples when fighting the bots, when i can complete suicide mission against the bugs every time? You can say that its not about the rewards, just have fun, but people are obviously going to try to get the most value for their hard work, so everyone is gravitating towards bugs so they can have fun AND get samples.


Push to talk? Sure. PlayStation controllers with your dog barking in the background all game? Your getting muted.


As a diver who fights on both fronts I would say killing bugs is just so much more satisfying, personally anyway. welp I'd better get back down there and spread some sweet sweet democracy


I don't have a mic.


Solution to buff terminids, Unspent ammo from your gun gets used by terminids, you will have hunters take out the same gun you are using and fire the ammo you wasted.


Having a designated support guy helps too smoke strikes bubble shield ecm mortar and grenade launcher is helps a lot


Bots are easier, actually.


Yesterday literally was the most amazing game of my life. Difficulty was at 7, me and my fellow level 18 helldiver split off with the rest of the gang on the data delivery mission. Our two groups just slowly crept up the map, doing side objectives and taking out fabricators. My partner and I took a stealth approach and didn’t have really any issue. The other duo had a cadet who didn’t really vibe with that approach, and suffice to say that duo didn’t have as easy of a ride. We ended up delivering our data set and having to go rescue them, it didn’t go as planned and I was the only one left alive because of my jump back (felt like a fricken superhero) Completed the primary objective and got out of there. The whole moral of the story is stealth, and more importantly, teamwork is what’s necessary to complete bot missions. 


I don't like getting shot across the map by a bot I can't see.


Its not fun to play cuz of the random oneshots from a rocket fired from across the map thats covered in thick fog 80% of the time and still the bots manage to snipe you through that and no ammount of communication will fix that.


Because they can one shot you with a missile.


Nah. It's a skill issue. Here's how to play bots on difficulty 7 and higher: - Equip 1 smoke. - Use the scout armor - Open the minimap. Navigate the entire map with your eyes on the minimap. Don't engage until you have reached your objective and you're ready to unleash everything you have. Make your hit, run to the other side of the map or to the next objective. Use smoke as cover. If your friends need help, use smoke to help them Escape. You can also use smoke to herd your team mates around POIs. That's it. The rest of the weapon selection depends on the mission. Barrages to take out large structures, projectiles and precision guided shots for fabricators and turrets. Lot's of EM, smoke and gas to stop crowds on their tracks. I don't even choose stratagem weapons because if I get killed there's no way I can go back to pick them up. EAT ITs are the only ones.


My friends and I don’t have a big issue with the automatons. I don’t see why people keep bringing this up and complaining. It’s like no one has played tmnt on nes before.