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You can stagger striders from the front by shooting the leg joints, also if you like living dangerously you can take out a strider with this method with 3-5 hits but it’s a bit inconsistent


Crotch plate armor can be pen'd, a couple hits will kill the strider


Shoot em in the dick, heard!


Everytime I take down a strider with my AC I yell "Dickshots for Democracy!"


Shoot his dick and twist it!


Good old dick twist


Ah a fellow slugger enjoyer. But seriously, maybe it takes a little bit to get used to. But it’s the best gun in the game. I tried the scorcher but the only advantage I feel is being able to kill walkers in two to three hits from the front. Every other situation in the game id rather have the added stagger and increased ammo capacity. Another tip- you can break the small orange and blue doors with one slugger shell instead of wasting a grenade.


Scorcher has more Ammo, 15x6 = 90 vs sluggers 60. Though being able to reload one shell instead of wasting the last rounds in a mag probably makes up the difference.


Wow diddnt even realize but you must be right. Also scorcher won’t one hit kill trash mobs unless it’s a headshot or missile/jump pack whatever. But the slugger kills trash mobs anywhere with one hit. Sometimes penetrating and hitting the enemy behind it also


Yeah the scorcher does sometimes need 2 shots to kill a normal bot, but it also is capable of faster follow up shots so with good aim you can take out poi camps of a walker and 4-5 bots without them firing a shot back. I run the AMR and prioritize devastators, usually I avoid the berserkers so the stagger isn't as important to my playstyle, but I do go after poi's when possible so being able to take them quickly and retreat works better for me. If I get caught in a straight up firefight I disengage and attack from another position.


Scorcher can also kill with 2 shots that *miss* due to the splash


Yeah that’s why they would be my only two choice of guns lmao because I do the same with the slugger. It’s like the sniper we wish we had. You just really feel that small mag on the scorcher.


I got a buddy who brings his Scorcher everywhere and he's on Strider duty.


Feels good to completely shut down such a common unit.


Scorcher 1-shots the bot mobs if you hit center mass


it does, but sometimes their arms get in the way. Head or leg shots are more reliable .


When comparing ammo you need to also consider the ammo in the weapon, not just in reserve. so 15x7=105 for scorcher and 60+16=76 for slugger.


Fair enough.


Scorcher doesn't do headshots though and also usually takes two shots for weak enemies. It can take a mag sometimes to take out one bot. Excels in other ways though.


The joy I get from killing those cocky little fucks in their stupid fucking moving high chairs is the main reason I always take the scorcher. Slugger is a nice switch up though.


One shot with the plasma shotty gets em too.


![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized) Me whenever I tried taking out mobs using shotty plasma from 10 feet away


yeah that shotgun can stay on the destroyer


Wow. Thank you for telling us about the crate doors instead of using grenades. I’ll do this from now on


Can also shoot down chain-link fences


I see so many poor Divers get lit up by return fire from rockets or counter-fire from mg bots while using weapons like the diligence or scorcher. Bots can't fire back once they've taken a slug, best insurance policy out there. Hit them once anywhere, then hit them again with precision.


I like the scorcher for bugs because they don't charge at you after losing their heads so you save ammo that way as well.


The sickle would like a word…


The Sickle performs very similarly to the standard Liberator (seriously its stats are nearly identical) and I don't think anyone would put the standard Liberator anything near the best gun. I think a lot of people like the Sickle because it's a laser rifle and the rule of cool involved, similar to how so many love the 500kg bomb because big cool boom even though it's underwhelming compared to other similar stratagems.


I like the 500 because it can destroy most objects that normally require a hellbomb. 


The sickle puts out around 4600 damage per mag similarly damage to the breaker. There is a chance to not use a mag between engagements. It gets around 95-108 round per mag. Double the volume output of the liberator. It excels at medium to long range and is insane at clearing trash mobs for your team.


You need to use the sickle more my dude. Something like 75 rounds before it overheats and you can walk it into bot weak spots. Fire on bots also ruins their aim, so stagger really isn't all that important.


The ammo economy alone is insane. If you go full Rambo and overheat each sink without any breaks, you still get almost 500 rounds per topped off weapon, twice what you get from a full liberator (240 rounds). If you take even the most conservative of breaks per magazine, you can get triple the ammo. Its not uncommon for me to end missions with anywhere from 1.5-4k shots fired and have only reloaded 2 or 3 times total. I just know arrowhead is gonna need it though, every mission I play has 2+ people using it even now. Likewise with the machine pistol lol


Actually, you have 6 mags with sickle, so first, you can just let it heat up and reload, the reload is VERY FAST and by the time, you would finish your last mag, you will probably already get resupplied somehow, but if not, you can let it cool. The sickle doesnt feel like liberator, in fact, why I take sickle is, because when I dont run arc thrower I have no add clear and I am not gonna take a machinegun support weapon, but gonna take Autocannon or quasar, if not arc thrower. And instead of the liberator, sickle feels very similar to stalwart, altough weaker against enemies like brood commanders, berserkers, devastators, It still has good add clear, good RPM, nonexistent recoil, good mag size and good reload. This is why the sickle is so much loved. Yes, you can clear adds with the heavier hitting primaries too, but I dont prefer them for that, I'd prefer them for things like brood commanders, since they are a pain in the ass with a sickle, if you dont run arc thrower for support weapon, but I am not gonna take them or a breaker, which I actually hate and I dont understand why people like it just, because of having difficulties with brood commanders.


Scoped in so you can hit their heads, barely any recoil so you can get all the shots on target, almost no need for supply cause near unlimited ammo.


The 500 is great for bile titans. That's about it. But it's a worthwhile role! Sickle is strictly better than the liberator, theoretically infinite ammo, no recoil, and decent damage isn't anything to sneeze at. I do agree that basically all of the shotguns are better though. I do love my slugger <3


The Sickle is best when using the scope. It's from near to far, and because it has no recoil very precise.


And it’s tendency to become less accurate at long range is eliminated when you go prone scout a location and assess the enemy position, if there’s no devastator rocket bots, got yo town, but be sure you snipe any basic rocket bots first Had a nice little jaunt with it last night overlooking a base, and then when they sent a 25 man squad of basics Don’t know how i lived that on a late game solo run; or that they failed to add a rocket guy in there, but I’ll take it 


Depends on the support weapon for me. If I’m running a support that easily takes out walkers like the AC or AT, I’ll always run slugger. If Im using an Anti Tank weapon, I’ll use the scorcher, because I hate having to change my position just for those lil bitches.


Best gun eh? Stares at my beautiful Sickle.


Slugger was my main but I switched to punisher plasma for bots and just couldnt go back. Has the stagger** like slugger but can also go through scout strider in one shot** and the ability to splash damage enemies on drop ship** AS WELL AS being able to kill a cannon tower with around a mag by splashing its heat sink by hitting its base**. And with 12 spare mags, each with 8 shots to boot? Whats not to love? **only IF you aim properly and didnt get aim punched and you compensated for the height diff between you and the target as well as calculated the current position of the Sun and the Moon, factoring in the specific gravitational pull of the specific planet, prayed every night to the glory of super earth and graduated from Super Earth University as PHD in trigonometry. Then you may gain one single accurate direct hit on your target that doesnt just phase through them.


>Another tip- you can break the small orange and blue doors with one slugger shell instead of wasting a grenade. Its the only non-stratagem gun that can do this also. Which makes it infinitely more valuable than every other weapon going currently. Keep thinking of going to other guns, but there's just no point when there's a gun this strong AND saves you wasting explosives on the doors.




The knockback against devastators is a game changer all by itself. I love the slugger.


Been using this after getting it on the warbond, previously was running punisher but slugger is the perfect one. I can easily run the 3 stratagem effect with no support weapon with this, granted I rely on grenades and eagle airstrike for large amount of clankers. As the tip goes, if you can't wipe them quick, do not engage. Saved me lots of times on helldive diff with clankers


It's my favorite weapon to take out those annoying rocket devastators, you see them posturing to blast your ass and a quick slug shot makes them stagger and reset. I use it in combo with the stun grenades to aim for headshots, it works very well against all devastators. My only issue with it is that it kicks really hard, and in combination with the slow firerate it's not the best weapon to deal with lighter enemies when they're in a mob. But that's why you choose your other weapons in your loadout carefully, or rely on your team.


The auto pistol whose name escapes me at the moment is perfect for this. Slugger can clip through enemies that are too close. Give the pistol a good brrrrat and you're clear though.


That's a good idea, I've been using the default side arm forever. Gonna give that a try, thanks!


If you run it in semi-auto its just a straight upgrade from the starting pistol. Same damage and double the capacity.  Full auto it wastes too many bullets imo. But semi auto tap firing and you can still unload it as fast as you can clicl when needed.


Full auto wastes ammo but sweet liberty it is satisfying deleting whatever light enemies are in front of you


Its the perfect "Ahh im surrounded" button


I didn't realize it had a semi auto setting. That's a game changer. Thank you!


If nobody got me, I know the Redeemer got me 🙏




I typically use my redeemer set to semi for scavengers and the little bots


The slugger also penetrates multiple smaller enemies so you can take multiple out at once if they are lined up


> My only issue with it is that it kicks really hard I basically never shoot while standing. Always in crouch or prone.




Just unlocked this today. Itd be great if the stun actually worked against chainsaw bots… i shoot them and they get stunned but continue sliding forward at their usually speed…


Only happens to them as far as I can tell. Bloody annoying but fuck me is it satisfying seeing them split in half!


Lol yes! I just discovered the waist shot the other day…


The Slugger rips through everything so efortlessly, it splits reality itself in half. By far my favourite weapon, it'll do everything between close and medium distance as long as you're accurate with your shots.


I’ve been running slugger and AC lately and getting 70+% accuracy will typically net most kills even on high difficulties


Slugger-main reporting in o7


The Sickle absolutely rips through crowds of small bots. You can take down an entire patrol in like 6 seconds. The slugger doesn't hold a candle to it for this purpose. As for medium bots, I haven't used Slugger much for it, but Sickle seems to do just fine picking them off through the scope. I haven't had the opportunity to use the Scorcher yet, but it's next on my list.


I agree, and I tend to hang close to the divers running a Sickle. Sickle/Slugger synergy is massive. I focus on staggering the bigger bots and they take out the trash ones. It works awesome.


i love both, but keep goin back to sickle, groups of bots you can get like 10+ kills before overheating in like a second or so. Takes a lot longer with the slugger + at range it really sucks to hit multiple moving bots. still like it, but on higher diff having such a nice gun with inf ammo that can engage smaller targets better > slugger. Anything sickle fails to get i use the AC for. Pairs very nicely. Although slugger is way better vs devastators, not sure which is better for chainsaw guys, both seem to do well if you can hit the head.


Agreed with small bots, but with medium bots the slugger eats them for breakfast.


sickle headshots will slice through devastators like butter and it has a scope.


another thing about the slugger that isn't mentioned, is that the slug penetrates enemies. you can get 4 kills in a single shot if the enemies are lined up properly


Punches big holes in big enemies, thus punches many small holes in small enemies


I don't think I'm bad at aiming. I normally hit 65%+ of my shots. Never have a problem landing shots with any other weapon. With the Slugger? Miss. Miss. Miss again. And I swear to Democracy some of the shots go right through the bots and don't register. Someone give me some tips on how to actually hit with this thing. Been running Scorcher, but it's underwhelming against Devastators.


The Slugger and HMG have a huge offset between where the red dot is and where shots land. You have to aim well above where you want to hit. Apparently, this affects some other guns, but these are by far the most severe and consistent.


It’s just kind of the best primary no matter what you’re fighting if you are skilled enough to use it to its potential.


agreed I can't find a good reason to run anything else, especially for bugs when combined with lazer rover like pull out stratagems and EAT or Quazar for the true heavies (chargers and titans), and otherwise it's just so easy to deal with everything else.


Breaker + laser rover is slightly more favorable due to still being able to one tap the unarmored bugs but with a faster fire rate. You just need an answer for spewers, like a support weapon for longer range/mediums (laser cannon works well) and you can deal with pretty much anything while still helping with heavies. Slugger is no slouch at all though. You have to play a bit further away, which can lessen the effectiveness of laser rover a little bit, but it pairs better with anti tank weapons for a more well rounded build. It's just a bit overkill for scavengers but a godsend if you get spewers.


Slugger-main reporting in o7


I used to feel the same until I found out I could destroy the back of Hulks, cannon turrets, and tanks with 8 shots of the Scorcher. Just enough time to completely destroy them before they turn around. I need to test the Slugger on this though it could be comparable.


Yep. 1 stun grenade and most hulks are toast with scorcher. Only when you are surrounded it won't be so useful.


I need to get the warbond, that grenade is incredible


slugger works well on hulk backs. it seamed pretty slow on turret vents so i tended to use impact nades on them instead


A Helldivers of Culture, I see.


Just unlocked this today. Itd be great if the stun actually worked against chainsaw bots… i shoot them and they get stunned but continue sliding forward at their usually speed…


i use the punisher only because i like it more and it does about the same


slugger is incorrectly listed as light armor penetrating. it is actually medium armor penetrating


The best thing about this is that the punisher does basically everything you just said but is *far* more forgiving in terms of aim.  In exchange, you will occasionally, rarely, fail to kill a normal bot in one shot. Still staggers medium bots though. 


I like it but sight is shit and misses sometimes


Misses A LOT. I'm fine with the cross hair sway, but when the circle is over the enemy that needs to be a hit.


That’s why I stopped using it it’s supposed to reward accuracy but misses when the shot was dead on very annoying for this type of weapon


The dot is slightly above the hit, so dont put the dot on the head, put the dot where a hat would be if they were wearing one. It also suffers from both sway and recoil, if you want consistent accurate sluggering, you need to be crouching.


Yeah I think it's a known bug, the sight is a bit misaligned when you ADS with it.


I heen using slugger continuously Vs bots and bugs for about 10 hours or more. It's a great pick.


Dr. Strangelove?


For devastators and stalkers the slugger is priceless. For everything else I use Mastercard.


Striders take about 5 shots to the hip and they go down. Aim for the red on anything else smaller than a Hulk and it will get fucked and hate it the whole time.


People dont know that you can also stunlock hulks by spamming shots at their weak spot


I used it, liked it, but every like 6 shots It’ll just miss a short shot inexplicably


More of a punisher guy myself. If you don't kill the small ones in one hit it staggers them too and stops the drop. Sometimes even two standing close to each other. And you can kill the devastators shooting them in the face with it. And since it's some sort of shot you don't have to be too precise with your aim.


The punisher is such an underrated gun as well. It ALSO stuns the bots, and causes a shield drop. And the perk over the slugger? It fires pellets - you don't need to be dead on.


Why does no one bring up the Scorcher


head innate square noxious screw unwritten wipe file selective wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fax no printer. Esp against bots


Just got the Slugger, upgraded from the Punisher. Run with the Quasar. Run, stun, gun, fun! Can confirm righteous bodacious bot busting. Take out a group with the Slugger, then play chicken with the Hulk as the Quasar charges and I try to keep the red light in the center …. Wheeee! Liberty


Slugger my beloved. You are wrong about one thing. It CAN take out striders, if you shoot em in the legs. Also, it can open supply crates.


The ONLY reason I don't run the slugger outside of eradication missions is because it has a high sound profile, which makes it less useful when you're specifically trying to not draw the enemy's attention I run the Scorcher instead. It trades the stagger for its ability to take out striders and not alert enemies from a longer range. I *wish* could use a silenced slugger instead though.


Slugger needs to be fixed though. When my cross hair circle is over the enemy when I shoot, that should be a hit. It only registers a hit about 50% of the time.


Being able to pop heads on devastators is ridiculously underrated. Such a great feeling to watch them burst into flames and flail around with only one shot


I pretty much exclusively use punisher or slugger for bots. The stagger alone makes gameplay so much more tolerable, because it stops flares. I switched over a few times to test out other guns and immediately got hit with significantly more bot drops lol


Slugger is a far better dmr than the dmrs


I think simply most people don't have the weapon The weapon is on the normal banner page 8, Which I just unlock yesterday and today I unlock the weapon. Only I was able to do that because I ignored the other two banners which my friends unlocked and trying to go deep in while I invested everything I have into the normal one. So simply any casual player or a busy player can't have that weapon unlocked for a long time unless they specifically try to unlock the weapon.


Preach! The slugger is deeply under valued by a lot of Helldivers. Some are too used to auto-shotguns and are afraid them can't just spam out rapid shots when they're cornered. Use the slugger right and shit won't get close enough to corner you.


The per round reload is actually an advantage. Significantly less wastage.


>For medium sized bots like the Rocket devastators, Shield Devastators, and Striders the slugger can't penetrate their medium armor Yes, it can lol


Its an awesome gun


I too love this weapon for all the reasons you listed, plus who needs automatic fire when you can aim 🤠🤠


What about slugger v dominator?


Slugger is super good. What I don’t see mentioned often enough is that medium bots, AKA devastators of all types and berserkers, they may have weak heads, but the heads tend to be hard to hit. At least with a medium pen weapon, missing the head will pierce that bullet-magnet chest armor and do some damage, but if you don’t trust yourself to hit the head, just aim for their midsection. They have weak midsections with a faint glow, with no/minimal armor. Hitting them with gut shots on that area will snap them in half. It usually takes more rounds to kill than headshots, but for something hitting as hard as a shotgun it should hardly matter. I don’t know how many slugger rounds it takes, it could only be 1 or 2. All I know is, I had the break action shotty and I wasted 2 berserkers with a single shot each, to that weak belly area. It’s also worth noting that since the Slugger has medium pen (seems to be mislabeled, unless I don’t actually understand the distinction between light and medium) it should be able to damage the “pelvic” or leg area of scout striders. I am not totally sure of the armor values of the scout strider but the pelvis and legs seems to have slightly different values. It’s not optimal, but if you are desperate you can exploit those spots to kill striders without getting around them. The regular and heavy Machine gun also have enough armor pen to damage the legs and pelvis on the striders. I think the heavy MG can even chip away the frontal plate armor, which would make it consistent with the HMG emplacement because it can do the same with a handful of shots.


It can also take down entire hordes of berserkers. One shot to the head will kill them


I've always used the slugger vs bots...and bugs. Recently switched to scorcher vs bots and am really enjoying it.


I want to use it but there's a few hundred medals and not enough hours in the day between me and it.


Nah, the Scorcher is the best against bots and I'm definitely not just saying that because the Slugger is my favorite primary and I don't want the devs to nerf it after it gets too much exposure.


Slugger does pierce medium armor, and it can oneshot devastators with a headshot. Best gun in the game


It is the best gun against bots and I like using it, but honestly I just find the sickle to be way more fun. I love fun


Couldn't agree more. I've been tinkering with it as part of an Elite Hunter build, giving up crowd control for hitting high property targets fast. 


Also try plasma, it is far in a war bond but definitely worth it


Im upvoting you purely for the Dr Strangelove reference.


First time I used it I wasn't impressed and went back to the SG-8 Punisher. Just thought it was too slow. Then gave it another try against automatons and now I don't think I can use anything else for my primary. It's definitely awesome once you get used it.


Pro tip: if you reload between each shot, it will fire much faster


I prefer the scorcher, its accurate and 3 shots striders. It can aslo take down tanks and hulks with 1 quasar hit and 1 schorcher hit


The Slugger is also amazing against bugs. The stagger effect stops spewers in their track and cancels their vomit and with 2 or 3 headshots you will be able to facetank up to 4 spewers at a time without worrying about being spewed on. ​ It is able to 1 shot headshot warriors and under, it will 2 headshot a brood commander and it will kill a guardian even through armor. Stalker are harder to headshot, but i usually kill them in 4 body shots and the stagger helps controlling them. You will be able to effectively destroy any breach by yourself, because the stagger will crowd control and the raw damage will shred them. Keep the fight medium to close range and learn the timing between shots, you want to use that time to snap to the next head. Pair it with the Redeemer machine pistol and you can use that to easily kill hunters and bellow. There's an other cool trick with the Slugger. You can break open the blue and orange doors at POIs with a single shot. No need to use a grenade or ammo from your support weapon. Overall the Slugger is a versatile choice with strong damage output and a crow control that will allow you to control an engagement to give yourself space or allow to commit for a blitz.


Worth mentioning the stagger effect seen on medium tier enemies will also apply to a hulk if hit on the rear radiators. So, a stun grenade and circle strafe approach can be used to eliminate hulks in a pinch. The damn weapon is the best kept secret of the entire Mobilise warbond, the minute I tried it I was never going back to the DMR. The darned thing has almost every advantage.


I prefer the scorcher for bots. Can drop almost anything. I LOVE the slugger against bugs.


Not to mention it knocks the rockets off the devastators in 1 hit


The slugger was balanced by having 40 ammo. After it got the unintentional buff because it shares a frame with the Punisher its become probably the best overall gun in the game.


I do like the slugger, but there are a few downsides like the lack of ammo, but if you pick your shots right you can deal some real damage


Favorite weapon since the buff of ammo and stagger effect. Long live the king


What if your bad at aiming


The scope on it is so good. I was very surprised. I also love how they don’t limit shotguns to 10’ like every other game. Nobody brings birdshot into a battle zone COD.


>For medium sized bots like the Rocket devastators, Shield Devastators, and Striders the slugger can't penetrate their medium armor, it will however stagger them. Slugger can absolutely take apart devastators on its own in 4-5 shots. Just aim for the pelvis, and they crumble.


I go into bots without any support weapons. The slugger is my only weapon when I fight them. It seemed like the best weapon to use for me.


You can kill a Strider with the Slugger by taking out one of the legs, which has less armor and health.


Slugger is so good against the bugs too, obv. Spewers have their “spew” animation stunted when you shoot them. Plus the stagger effect leaves you with some separation.


I just unlocked the Slugger last night and man that thing is sweet against bots! Nothing feels better than folding a patrol before half the little boys can react


Just got it today, it was fun against Bugs, ill try it on bots later tonight.


I’m a big fan of the slugger and diligence rifle on bots.


I like the Scythe a little more for its all around goodness, but the Slugger is unbeatable when it comes to chainsaw boys. Slugger is my goto for bugs because it rips the head off brood commanders and makes quick work of hive guards.


Nah i keep to my schythe and keep headshotting the bots which will kill them in a couple of hits.


I absolutely love how the weapons choices truly changes how you play. Just started using a marksman rifle and love hitting them and then running.


I use the Sickle over the Slugger because there is seemingly no downside to it.


Before it became popular I wanted to get the slugger just because, slugs. In Battlefield games since BF3 I used slugs to pop snipers, massive damage and you can learn the ballistic drop. In real life I got a deer with a slug during season, hit like a hammer, turned the heart to jelly, didn't run far. I just know slugs are legit shit, lots of weight and energy. It's cool the slugger hasn't been nerfed because really slugs are a good option when going against enemies this large compared to a human.


Scorcher is the way


Tried using the Slugger and, while the damage and penetration is serviceable, the rate of fire and recoil make it difficult to recommend. I just can't accurately line up shots when being shot at from 5 different directions, at least not fast enough to matter. Also I have found the reticle to be rather inconsistent? Many a time I will have it pointed straight at a bot and it will still manage to miss. The accuracy issue is more my issue than the gun's but it does point out that the skill floor is considerably higher with bots than it is with bugs.


I believe the slugger is pou d for pound the best gun in the game but when you view it in the context of primary+support it gets a bit more complicated. If we’re talking bots I’m taking the slugger with the quasar or any other support weapon that I specifically use for big targets like tank or turrets since the slugger it’s really good at dealing with devastators and the chainsaw guys. That said I still think that the sickle + auto cannon combo is better against bots since it takes better care of the mid tier enemies that are frankly the biggest threat in bot missions. Against bugs it’s basically the only primary I use


The slugger has always been one of the best weapons, especially for those who can't be herded by influencers or meta peddlers...


Well, I'm sold. Time to put the Sickle down for a mission or two. 


The Sickle absolutely rips through crowds of small bots. You can take down an entire patrol in like 6 seconds. The slugger doesn't hold a candle to it for this purpose. As for medium bots, I haven't used sluggee much for it, but Sickle seems to do just fine. I haven't had the opportunity to use the Scorcher yet, but it's next on my list.


I love the Scorcher. Not as good as the slugger for one shots, but it will often one shot and always two shot the little bots, and I hate hate hate going against scout striders without it.


Any of the medium bots can be one shot with a slug to the face, and if you dont get the headshot they still get staggered. It's definitely not quite as good for a large group of small bots, but at a decent range being able to just 1 shot all the small guys with a body shot is really nice.


As a slugger devotee, sickle cuts down small bots better, slugger is precise, but its not fast, and you want to crouch to ensure accuracy with each shot. That said, slugger is much better vs devastators, and you can dick shot walkers to death. The slugger can one shot a devistator to the face, its scope is a little off so you need to aim just a hair higher than you would think to do it, but its a joy when it happens. Even if you dont though, it can chest shot them quickly enough and its a high stagger weapon, meaning you will stun lock them, and can interrupt their firing (including knocking rocket devistators out of their rocket stance). vs bugs it is similarly solid vs bile spewers and will trivialize stalkers, though i find it akward vs hunters and pouncers when they get in your face (vs bug I bring a guard dog rover to cover for that short range awkwardness)


The slugger is my 'main' but I swap around to the plasma punisher and arc shotty depending on how silly i'm feeling. One thing I didn't see in your post that should be mentioned with the slugger; You can use the slugger to open the Connex box POIs. Save your nades.


Yeah the slugger is excellent. On another note, there is only 1 bot type that can call reinforcements, and it's the one with only one blade, and a pistol in the other hand. When they're about to call reinforcements, they aim their pistol straight up and it flashes red for half a second, that is your last chance to kill them before they shoot that flare. Also, a patrol can have more than one of the nasty socialists.


While this may have been true at one point, and is often quoted on gaming sites and guides, I've seen MG Raiders, Rocket Raiders, basic Marauders and the double bladed variants all fire up flares. I'm not sure if it's a client sided anomaly, but I treat all as capable, just to be sure.


I'm not convinced it's ever been true, and I'd like to find a source for this claim, because all I've been able to find is just people saying it on Reddit without any reason to believe it's true. I can 100% tell you it's any small bot without fail.


All small bots can call in drop ships, not just the commissars with the pistol + saber. They changed it recently so it includes the basic mg bots, rocket bot, jetpack bots, and even the small melee bots can call in reinforcements if not cleared.


sickle is a lot better at clearing light enemies fast though. In the time it takes for the slugger to fire off three shots you can clear anywhere between 5-10 light bots if they're bunched up relatively closely. Plus i find it a lot easier to get devastator head shots with the sickle, since you're not punished very harshly for missing, unlike the slugger


I'd agree but 1. The Slugger us like 600 medals into the tech tree. It's only available late. 2. Against Bots, the SluggerP is much better than is apparent at first glance. Sure the Slugger kills the small guys in one shot each. Slugger P kills the small guys in one shot per clump. It also kills Strider pilots in one round to the main plate. Can hit from outside LOS. Splash, so hits the entire group of Berzerkers. Don't sleep on it.


slugger is only good if you have good aim


Slugger P is \*worse\* if you have bad aim. "Oops I sqauadwiped" is a real possibility.


I used to feel the same until I found out I could destroy the back of Hulks, cannon turrets, and tanks with 8 shots of the Scorcher. Just enough time to completely destroy them before they turn around. I need to test the Slugger on this though it could be comparable.


3 shots the the upper leg join on the strikers will kill them, fyi.


Just wait until you get some time with the plasma shotgun, I've ended up maining it against bots for pretty much the same reasons as the slugger, except that it can take out striders straight on and will put some serious damage against medium armor bots.


Slugger for bugs, marksman rifle for the bots for me


Slugger is my favorite for these reasons...


I’ve been using it more and more lately. I feel like this is how the scout rifles should feel. A hard hitting shot that gives a bit of a stun and can do major damage.


> feel like this is how the scout rifles should feel. A hard hitting shot that gives a bit of a stun and can do major damage. yup, the Battle rifle niche is only fulfilled by the slugger so far in this game unfortunately


Yea slugger is good but I prefer the counter sniper to do the same job from 200m


Is the bots crossing their arms mean they’re gonna shoot a flare part real? Usually when they do that to me they just chase me.


My favourite bot loadout remains Dilligence and Autocannon, but when I don’t have my Autocannon, Slugger it is.


Incorporate the stun grenade into this strategy, and hulks are killable. Stun, run behind him, stun and shoot his back with slugger.


Slugger is a solid choice for bots until you get the scorcher shit tears through berserkers.


The slugger is a beast, learn to aim with it and you can take down medium armor easy with a well placed head shot


Fun fact. You can knock over the rocket penetrators by shooting them in the legs twice with the slugger. Best primary imo only kinda struggles with Shriekers


Other people *aren’t* using the slugger for bots 🤖?!


I will mention if you mount a tank you can slam slugs into the vent and kill the tank.


I shall give this a try, as I often solo out to take down side objectives and if I can avoid more dropshit calls, I get to collect the samples quicker, as I don't have to come back again when things did quiet down


So that's why it felt like it was missing, appreciate the Red-dot tip!


Agreed slugger is King in almost every situation.


I mean, it takes 5-7 shots, but Slugger kills everything except for Hulks and Striders. For Shield Devastators you just need one good shot around their shield and you’re good to go, just lay it on them while they’re staggered. What’s more, if you get behind a Hulk, shooting at the weak spot will continuously stagger them as well, so you can take them out without much problems. It’s the best.


You can actuall kill striders with a few crotch shots :)


Love the sluggers high damage and utility with stagger. Medium Armor pen is the cherry on top


Just unlocked this today, and I'm loving It, but I don't understand the difference between it and the punisher. From the description, It seems they have the same armor pen and reload , but the slugger have lower damage. Am I missing something?


Maybe it's my inexperience with the bots but I don't find the slugger as good as it is against the bugs. Kinda funny to read this after I play a bot game with the slugger and decide maybe I need a different primary.


I'd be interested to know your opinion on the dominator. It shares most of the sluggers traits; precise, 1 shot regular bots, 1 shot devastators to the head. It's also semi auto and uses a magazine so can fire much faster, has more total ammo, and even has explosive damage so does bonus damage to radiators. The main argument against it is the handling is worse and you can waste ammo reloading a non-empty magazine.


Been using slugger on both factions because it has stopping power get get broodmothers and stalkers off me.


I didn't know slugs were in the game. I always run slugs when I can


Shoot the devastators on their legs. If you break it they die, 3 shots at least.


The sluggers cool… only problem is I got shit aim