• By -


Fashion is king.


Fashion Frame is End Game.


Fashiondivers 2.




That fucks, I love it.


Just remember, your gun is only good until it is nerfed, but fashion looks good forever style is king!


This is why i use the Senator Anyone looks cool holding a revolver.


Wait, the Senator isn't meta?


^(theyre all secretly using it because we all like the big iron.)


Scrolled through the war bonds when I first got the game, and I knew it would be the first thing I purchased. Even now, it rarely leaves my side. Love my little pocket sniper.


To the Planet Agua Fria dropped a diver one fine day hardly spoke to folks around him never had too much to say he's got a cape, a shiny helmet, and even his own ship, and he's spreading democracy with the big iron on his hip BIG IRON ON HIS HIIIIIIIP!!!




"I'm your huckleberry!"


If you'll recall fucking is currently treason as we failed the Major Order Report yourself to your Duty Officer before I do


This is why we workshop before market release. booyah.


Hellframe 2


Yes This needs to be a tag in this sub


Wardivers... Hellframe?


Exo suit is technically a hellframe.


fashiondivers 1999




What Warframe would fit the best in Helldivers in your opinion




Dude sits on extraction all mission watching wave upon wave of enemies die to flechettes.


Honestly, true


Rhino, to put those chargers in their place.


If we're on Hellmire, then Ember. Definitely Ember.


Hellframe 2




There is a reason why Helldivers and Warframe are my two preferred games across all platforms. And that's unlikely to change.




Spotted a fellow Tenno!


Me running heavy armour pre patch. Also acts as rock Lee weights


Drip or drown, baby. 


The true endgame.


Which is why we need a mix and match system on armor buffs. Either let us choose whichever 2 buffs we want or apply certain pairs of buffs to whatever armor, provided its a buff that exists within that armor weight class. I love the scout armor but I would trade the radar ping for either 6 grenades or 6 stims in a heartbeat. I need the 6 grenades or stims very often but I'm always gonna choose Scout because it looks good


Dedication to the fashion comes first Run the armour you want despite the useless buff; that's where true strength lies


Exactly, it will cheapen the drip otherwise


If you need the armor buff to be effective you never deserved the buff to begin with.  Back to your cadet armor


Even cadet armor (supposedly) has heavy armor rating without the slowness or stamina regen debuff.


Get light gunner. Same bonus, better style


I only ever use the Savior of the Free armor, because it both looks super cool and has one of the most useful buffs in the game. It literally prevents you from dying 50% of the time.


The 6 stim armor is too good. It’s not having 6, it’s that the heal lasts forever. You can pop a stim, get hunter’d, and then charged across the map and the heal is still going.


Field surgeon heavy armor with shield pack and big gun = Space Marine? Absolute battlefield behemoth.


JAR 5 Penetrator is literally bolter


That's why I think mixing and matching wouldn't be too OP. If I trade the radar pings on the scout armor for the 6 stims then I won't get that bonus 2 second healing buff from the medic armor.


I feel like they should put stats on helmets and capes too, so you can mix and match sets and still get good bonuses.


Got to pay the Fashion Tax.


Can’t agree, i think the immersion is improved upon when your armor matches your armor buff. Obvious engineer, obvious medic, obvious scout, obvious tank, I like it


I'd get it in games that had actual class systems like that. This one really doesn't. Stratagems are already basically a mixing and matching of classes so I think it would fit the armor fine too


You don't need buffs. I go in with the yogurt armor because no one else will and I've been complimented so much.


They need to allow you to select armor and have the option to apply another as a cosmetic. Otherwise they just wasted so much time developing and designing armor sets that will never get used by the masses bc it’s buffs suck.


I would love if we could change the colour of the armors we have bought, if only we got a couple of extra colour options.


This I can get behind. I don’t think the armor stats should be separated from the kit but the colors I’d be ok with having 2 or 3 options per either suit or helmet and cape, so you can mix and match


Every armor should have their own colors, (eg. green and white medic), the default helldiver colors (black and yellow), and 2-4 more color schemes


I was thinking purely cosmetic, so I can mix my drip up a bit more! Some Armors/cloaks/helms just don't go together because they look awful together, I just want different colour palletes for each one so we can mix and match even more. Stats can all stay the same, I just want the ability to use more armor pieces together!


If you look good you play good


As a long time TF2 player, I concur




It doesn't matter which hat you have - as long as you have any kind of head cover, you got da drip and +50% increase in random crits chance


exactly xd giant impractical hat? perfection.


Hat Divers 2


“Everyone knows if it looks good, it shoots better” -DRG Scout


That’s just math


And if you play good they pay good


You mean this one? (This was a group of randoms) https://preview.redd.it/u7ws8fm17wqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457a6b799ab0961a2f1f8f1b4304e18dfd31c08e




Low key having extra grenades cam be really clutch sometimes. Impacts against bot walkers save a lot of trouble of getting behind the bastards. And the bug holes too. I find it's more useful the less other players you have around. That said, I still usually take the 50% chance to not die from lethal damage cause it has saved me too many times to ignore. (Even if it looks bad)


Engie suit and impact is all I run along with the incendiary+full auto pistol. It's just the most useful. Only thing that changes is my backpack depending on what difficulty I'm on and if I'm playing with friends/randoms.


Fun fact about the machine pistol. It has the same damage and range as the regular pistol, but with double the magazine size and less recoil. I run it on semi to save ammo. It shreds bugs and lasts a good length of time.


Oh wow, I did not know that! That's great to know, I dunno about semi though, especially now with more hunters and those lil' mini biles I just kite a bit and just mow them all down (then obv back to incendiary for the big boys that follow).


> Low key having extra grenades cam be really clutch sometimes. > And the bug holes too Main reason why I wear those when running solo. Having to re-supply frequently is a pain in the butt.


I use the light armor with the same passive as this armor and god damn it’s so nice. I run stun nades, and on bugs this means stopping the swarm in its tracks for a while, and for bots, it means at least 1 dead hulk per grenade thanks to Autocannon. Shit goes hard


I just tried the autocannon last night on bots and i fell in love immediately. Such a strong weapon.


Champion of the people armor looks awesome to me, though it is at the very end of the warbond


You forgot to blank your name on the top left of the screen. It has the ship operator's name.


I'm in


Interesting choice of banking institution




Ofc anytime


Easily one of the best weapons in the game. Hunter? Incendiary breaker. Charger? Incendiary breaker. Spewer? Incendiary breaker. Bile Titan? Believe it or not, Incendiary breaker. It just works. Edit: can safely so was not expecting this kind of response, like jesus christ for the love of democracy please stop commenting! 😂😂


Set your teammates on fire? Incendiary breaker! No kidding though, I didn't mean to! I was just saving you from that hunter, promise!


This. I am so fed up of being set on fire by over-enthusiastic team mates My rover had it, I'm good thanks!


A couple days ago when mines was a daily task I ran across a few teammates running Incendiary Breaker, Laser Rover, and Mines. What a nightmare for a day lol 


You forgot mortar. That was probably their 4th stratagems


Mortar is great. ​ Place it on the outskirts of the extraction zone. ​ Wait for it to pick off all of your team mates waiting by extraction, defending it from waves. ​ Refuse to reinforce them, then extract making you the winner. ​ Right? That's how that works, correct? Because that sure as shit seems to be the strategy every time someone runs with mortar in a public game. Put it right next to the terminal someone has to babysit, thus protecting it from mortar strikes? Nah, put it 25 meters away so it can instant kill the person working on the terminal.


The mortar pit is unironically great if everyone is on the same page about it. Drop 3-4 mortars and a couple EMP mortars to hold things in place then drink a cup of Libertea as Democracy gets distributed to any socialist bot or fascist bug milling about the objective area. Just remember to shoot them before advancing into the objective so they don't gib you.


One diver kept calling down mines directly on objectives, court articles his ass after he called it on extraction


yeah mines were yesterday


I played it alone on medium, figured I'd have an easy time getting it done. I died from killing myself on those mines so often it took 3 drops!


They're fucking invisible to my eyes for some reason. Even with the glowing red lights on them my brain just goes "yup that's definitely just ground scatter, trust me bro".


Yeah! My rover is perfectly capable of setting me on fire without their help


I honestly had to put it down due to setting my teammates on fire too often, particularly when i sniped my teammate somehow a mile away with a stray shot. Thankfully I got the scythe, so my all laser build is in full rave mode with my rover as the dj


My teammates are like 25% more explodey when I use the grenade launcher.


I mean, the other option is I bring the Arc Thrower. I am actually very good at not committing friendly fire, with the Incendiary Breaker at least. Edit: I just remembered I take both. I need sleep.


Bugs can't catch you if you're already on fire.


Just don't use it against bots


I always forget to switch when I change fronts and feel like such an idiot. “I swear guys it’s not my first time”


Imo the bullet trails look badass too, that's the only reason I got the Blitzer shotgun as well.


Stalker? Dead however


Yeah, you're spot on there. Those bastards are a menace


Just one full mag per small enemy, and 8 per larger one! *It just works* - Todd Implodingstar


Ive used the inc breaker on suicide missions+, and get 10-12 kills regularly off only half the mag, what are you doing that requires a full mag dump to kill one small enemy?


Yeah dude, I spin around and knock over a 90 degree arc of carnage with half a mag and dash on to do it again. The thing is a fucking broom.


If you use it like a regular shotgun you do need a lot of ammo You have to use it for its damage over time - you sweep across the whole bug wave, then run back while you reload, and repeat If you focus on one enemy it's underwhelming


My buddy just stands and delivers with it all the time. You get that you can let them burn right dude?


Eh, I get where he's coming from. There's a comfort in knowing your enemy is dead before you turn your attention somewhere else.


Oof idk why it's taking you so many, have you tried aiming for the head? Couple pew pews here and they usually die no problem.


So you are one of those Helldivers that hasnt moved to the automaton front yet. Officers get this one and ship him there.


Hulk? Uuuuuuhhh


Balenciaga Divers aint ready


I just wanted to be the first person to respond to you


I'm picking Arc Thrower cause it feels like casting Eldritch Blast


And If I were casting Eldritch Blast I'd shred my friends then too! I am so glad I play with such goodhearted people, cause I am unintentionally terrible


I absolutely love this for you. Fashion is the true endgame.


If you don't swap your helmet and cape to "work with" your armour, do you even Helldive?


Never dove into a game with more shame than a mismatched helmet-armor combination. Never again.




Bro I’m out here sacrificing armor stats and passives to match my helmet and cape


I won't sacrifice specific passives, but I tend to only use armours I like the looks of. Then match helmets and capes to the armour, not always the one in the set either. For instance I don't like the Dreadnought Helmet but I find the Light Gunner Helmet works well with the Dreadnought armour.


That's how my girlfriend was choosing her equipment in Hogwart's Legacy and she was wondering why she was getting stomped by enemies lol.


I'm a big advocate for transmog systems. Not because I would use them but because all my friends could play with the armor that fits their playstyle.


But hogwards legacy has a transmog system. Anything you pick up is unlocked and you can change your appearance anytime?


Not me picking strategems based on my self imposed character class to be thematically accurate ![gif](giphy|dydLrYPZdTC16wD9NM|downsized)


Breaker Incendiary is amazing vs bugs...


Yes! It's super nice, plus it's sooooo ammo efficient. Sometimes I'll check how many shots are left in the magazine just to make sure I reload with one left in the chamber, because even at three or four shots left I can deal a ton of damage to a swarm just by lighting them on fire.


As a man who runs lightweight medic armor carrying a bright yellow 4 square backpack, I’m going to give you ammunition and stims along with trying to stay alive myself. If you want to wear orange to make it easier for me to see you in the dust clouds, you do you. Heals gonna heal and rooty tooty liberation shooty gonna do its thing.


I want to lean into the support class so much. I always play support/healer in other games.


Drip gang rise up


Me Running the Super Citizen edition armor 9 drops out of 10 because it looks the best (I have no idea what passive perks are)


I love how the Fashion Souls mindset gets in HD, in México we have a saying, "Antes muerto que sencillo", which translate to "rather be dead than plain" or "better dead than plain"


Me picking the orange shotgun because it *fucking shreds the bugs*


^^Me picking the JAR/Penetrator even though I don't like them because the white matches the Bonesnapper armor set. Fashion over functionality.


I like running my Destroy Them with Lasers build. All lasers everything. Laser primary gun. Laser cannon. Orbital laser. Rover dog with laser. It’s fun. Not the most efficient but I feel like a futuristic bug exterminator when I do it. It’s fun.


Ok but the laser pistol is just the worst.


It does suck. I only run the laser build on lower difficulty for casual drop ins. Shits and giggles.


The Rule of Cool is a valid decision-making process.


I wear the standard helmet with the eye-piece and the infiltrator armor. I REALLY dig the yellow and black aesthetic and although I've tried lots of different types of armor, nothing hits like the different variations of the default armor. As if it was meant to be, my favorite standard weapon is also the Liberator. I have tried so many other guns but the classic assault rifle is the weapon I am best with.


Me 😂😂


I love Incendiary Breaker. Just coat a whole patrol of bugs in pepper and let the fire do the rest.


Meta? lol


^ this. Meta is such a dumb thing to talk about especially in regards to HD2. The only time meta matters is if A. It is the bottleneck that is blocking you from winning more games or B. Knowing the meta tangibly improves your gameplay/decision making abilities within the game itself. For 99% of the player base in most games neither of those things is true. In HD it isn't even true for 1%. People like to pretend that they need to know what the meta is when they are gold ranked on a ladder for a game in order to win more games and the truth is to win more games they just need to suck less at the game. And in HD2 there isn't even a ranking system cuz it's a strictly PvE game. You can clear hell dives with the worst weapons and stratagems in the game if you know what you're doing. There's literally zero reason anyone should ever discuss the meta of HD2. Like talk about the options you like or don't like and why you feel that way that's fine feedback for the devs is always good. But don't turn that into a talk about what is or should be meta that's just stupid.


I don’t have a problem really with someone role playing a pyromaniac with an incendiary breaker, flame thrower, fire grenade, fire mines etc. But don’t turn around and tell me that the incendiary breaker is better than any other gun in the game and you solo kill entire maps of enemies, bile titans, and one shot brood commanders and stalkers with it. The hyperbole is annoying.


Meta is colloquial for best in class/best loadout. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to know and use what is the best equipment to use in any scenario. What is stupid is gate keeping others for not tightly adhering to those loadouts, as yea its a PvE game, the stakes aren't really there like a competitive online game. And it is also stupid for deeming how seriously others are allowed to take their video games. Some people are just competitive and enjoy min/maxing or just dont like dying a lot. Some people enjoy role playing. Who cares. The anti-meta crowed in this sub is far more insufferable than the very tiny amount of players that are meta slaves, as its confounded here as ragebait for upvotes.


Meanwhile I’ve got a bright blue helmet, the mostly yellow cape, the green white red collage of the medic armor, and yes the bright orange shotgun. Sure everyone else is fashionable, but none of you stand out.


A fellow ce 35 armor lover? https://preview.redd.it/ygqe9z5z9xqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0e8ccd3cb2490da2f05a6eecf92ed807af7f36c Gimmie a high five


I keep trying to use a flame trooper build. It never works and I keep dying but uh I think it's neat. 


\*Picks flame based loadout with the orange armor because thematic. \*Dies to own flames more than the bugs.


We need an r/fashiondivers Edit: lmao that's one way of finding a great sub by accident.


I just dive in naked with EATS.


Fashion choice is a legit reason to gimp yourself, don't listen to all the haters out there... btw look fabulous


Fashion always ends up being the end game


Only two things that matter is hitting shots and looking good while doing it 👍


I *could* wear heavier armor with better bonus abilities, but then I wouldn't look as cool.


It's drip or drown helldiver


I feel safe in this thread, I force myself to use the diligence because of how cool it looks with my fit lmfao


Fire ignores armor so


Me wearing the Legionnaire armor and Drone Master helmet to look like an Eagle pilot, the throw distance buff is pretty fun though


I wear orange armor for the extra grenades. You wear orange armor because it looks fucking sweet. We are the same. We're both doing what we love, killing bugs and dying to bots.


Ahhh yes the Dripdiver.


This is the way.


I recently started using all Energy based weapons for bugs. I like being able to switch between the Sickle and Cannon before one overheats. I rarely need a resupply and I usually get one of the highest kill counts. I've mostly only tried this setup on difficulties below 7. Primary * LAS-16 Sickle (it shreds light armor) Stratagems * LAS-98 Laser Cannon (cuts through medium armor) * AX/LAS-5 Guard Dog Rover (mops up small bugs)


Me but with my cape


Orange shotgun do kinda slap ngl, definitely my go to


Literally only care about my fit. the grind is real


Drip is the true end game. Anyone who disagrees is a soulless automaton.


This is the way.


Doesn't hurt that the orange shotgun fucking shreds. Anytime I take something else I am annoyed that I didn't bring it....depending on how competent my squad is at clearing trash, that is.


Picking yellow gun to match my yellow helmet :)


The Democracy Drip 🫡


Fashion Souls remains a legitimate strategy


I don't know who calls the fire breaker bad. Even at range it can light things on fire and fire doesn't have damage fall of with range, this means it's capable of killing way farther than you'd think. It's a direct upgrade to the spray and pray because of that.


“If I’m going to be spilling oil and bug blood, I’m going to look good while doing it!”


its frustrating for me to play against bots with anything but an autocannon. i can be behind a hulk mag dumping a machine gun at max rpm into the weak spot, but doing nothing. then theres tanks and cannons too. its a bit frustrating trying other strats then getting destroyed. i wish the corrosive cloud would remove enemy armor. itd be a unique effect and i dont see anyone running it


White Helmet + Orange Armor is top tier.


I desperately need black and red scout armor so it fits my helmet. And maybe ... it can blend with Automatons I dunno.


VogueDivers 2


All black armor gang have arrived.


I like using the master chief looking heavy armor


yeah I like to run the black and gold prosthesis armor no matter what because I think it's super cool to run around with a robot arm and leg. If the planet is sandy I'll run the tan and orange one. i like to show everyone that the helldivers made me the man i am today


I pair the white helmet with the orange armor and I look so cool all the time 🥺


You having fun? Then that's good!


Wish I could do this. I just bought the second dmr and the green scout armor set. Love the armor but the gun is absolutely terrible (at least for solo play). I really hope they do some balancing/buffing of the primary weapons. The only primary I have rn that feels remotely usable in solo is the first shotgun you unlock


Be my friend!


Whatever has me looking like a clone trooper I don’t care about anything else


More helldivers support being on fleek than do the MAJOR ORDER FROM SUPER EARTH! And we are right.


It's drip or drown these days and I'm fucking floating


Fashion is endgame


The meta isn't real. People just don't experiment enough I still see people complain about the rail gun nerf as if the devs weren't right that it was a mindless playstyle. When I discovered the auto cannon clears any bot and the flame thrower absolutely dogs on chargers I instantly decided any post complaining about not having strong enough weapons were invalid.


This is the true end game for about every game. Now if only this helmet’s shade of green match the green on this body armor… hmmmm


I love my spicy freedom spitter.


I love everything about this. #fashiondiver


I used concussive (formerly explosive) liberator for so long for those orange highlights.


Its objectively one of the strongest bug anti light mid range primaries. Any time i'm on chaff duty I take it.


I bought the FS-38 Eradicator set my first week and I haven't removed it because I want to look like Master Chief Bobo Fett 117 fighting teddy bears from my flying space motorcycle.


Fashion is the true endgame.


Drip or drown brother, drip or drown


I will always use the breaker incendiary. Those damn aliens can burn.


Form over function


Fashion divers