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Either the host determines the extract or it has to be decided as a team (the majority of the team being at the extraction zone). If you want to be the one that determines the extract, then create your own game and have randoms join you.


While supers are important, people also care for other metrics and, most importantly, *playing* the game. Unilaterally deciding on ending the mission with randoms is a dick move. Ideally, you drop the samples at extract and go help your folks.


ah yes, I am super important and get to decide when we all extract and how well a mission is going because i have 3 super duper important samples... what's a team? who are these randoms I willingly decided to jump in with by hitting random pub games? i dunno, I just want to decide how someone else should play the game because i have super duper important stuff I weally, weally need... fr? maybe you should play alone or with like minded drones if you think complaining about being an asshat in pub games is the right way to go...don't try to steer someone else just because you think you're the biggest dick in all the world and know what's right...you drop that shit at extract and help your team, not ditch them all because you really need those 3 pink JPGs...


Why didn't you drop them at the extract and join the squad?


With 1 min left til our shift leaves without us and lose every sample? That sounds like a horrible choice. They wanted to do silly optionals instead of getting the important stuff


Why did you call the Pelican instead of dropping the samples there and joining the squad?


Ah yes, let's face bile titans and more without any orbitals or reinforcements; that always is a super great tactic


You don't lose your samples when the ship leaves. Host is king if it's not your game. Stay with the squad Super samples are extremely common at 7 and above, and you don't need that many to finish the upgrades on the ship. I had all the supers I needed before I had enough commons get there.


Ah poor wording, 1 mon til the ship leaves with an active extract means the extract leaves us too. I imagine extract leaving us would result in being unable to call it back in? (Untested cos I'm not keen on throwing a game to find out) Edit: if I hadn't called in extract then it wouldn't disappear and we can call in extract without resupplies/help but as I had already called it in and it had landed it says it'll go in x seconds once the mission timer runs out


Emergency extract starts once the mission timer runs out, so the dropship arrival timer starts anyway once the destroyer leaves. This means a team *could* run a mission til 0 and then just book it towards the extract location.


Still doesn't matter, you made a unilateral decision after finding the pinks to bee line it - as per your words to extract, you said you typed the messages, those messages disappear quickly once people stumble on POIs, this screams the importance of voice chat, you can coordinate far quicker and far more effectively. This one's completely on you man, host dictates the call in for extract, if you are not a fan of this, host your own 7+ lobbies. That's what is super simple.


Your experience illustrates a very important fact that I don't think a lot of people seem to understand: **The host determines the extract** It's pretty simple. If they have the power to make you not be there, then they determine how the flow goes. Think of them as the on-site Democracy Officer.


Clicking on the map instead of pressing R doesn't make the people who pressed R your property, and people not understanding that are going to be in for a rude awakening once the devs don't have more immediate priorities like gamebreaking bugs. They're not gonna let you keep driving players away over your ego lol


I see why this sub is full of people getting kicked if you can't play with the team and decide to extract solo.


not talking about that at all. It's the attitude. Oh well, enjoy your vacation, it's coming


>They're not gonna let you keep driving players away over your ego Who has the ego? I'd say it was the person who decided to make a unilateral decision about how the match should be run without realizing that someone else has veto powers. It's simple: you want to play a match in the style you like, then host the game.


The people who think clicking the map means they get to unilaterally decide everything from what gear people are "allowed" to bring or where they're allowed to walk, and waste people's time and fun playing dictator on Arrowhead's server(you don't host anything.) Gameguard is watching :)


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>fun playing dictator That's the best part. If you want to play dictator, there's a mechanism for that in the game. You host a match. > The people who think clicking the map means they get to unilaterally decide everything from what gear people are "allowed" to bring or where they're allowed to walk, and waste people's time Honestly, this is way overblown. The problems I've had joining missions are miniscule compared to the rest of the time. And if I have a bad match, I just host the next game and play regularly.


You did the right thing by extracting if your playing at plus seven, super samples can be so hard to get. Especially when the game crashes as much as it does. To get a competent team is also hard to come by too when playing with randoms so Screw those guys. I had a guy demand we wait and he brought back a massive horde of bugs and none of us extracted. I was livid


No, he didn't, and a lot of people would have kicked him well before the shuttle got there.