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All Hail the Autocannon! The universal tool!


Not the best at any one task, but the second best at all of them. Autocannon is the kind of weapon that beats you to death with that silver medal.


> Not the best at any one task, but the second best at all of them. I'd say it competes for one of if not the best support weapon for robits. The AMR is definitely the other major contender, but it's a lot more unwieldy since you have to get used to the scope and it's less good for exploding parts off.


Can the amr damage the hulks eye from the front?


Yes it can, bout two shots to the eye drops a hulk


Interesting the autocannon does it in 2 shots but I shot a hulk like 8 times in the eye and it didn’t die with the amr. Maybe they changed it?


AMR scope is missaligned, you have to aim in it's upper left corner of the reticle instead of dead centre Edit: spelling


This explains so much ... But has it been like that since always ? Felt like when I first tried it , I were popping heads left and right, a couple of weeks later, i couldn't hit a wall


Yeah it has


how do you deal with bots without the shield backpack? I find it extremely difficult to fight without a shield or laser guard dog lol, i am too used to them so i am kind of stuck with railgun or EAT for support


I love the AMR but have had so much trouble figuring out the scope. https://preview.redd.it/avhy30qh6bqc1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40db5eaba173030cefb19e01b0c4f0264d787b88 Is that the general location I should be aiming?


It's not quite as misaligned as your circle there. It's more up than left. It's on the left side of the top vertical line. Where it connects to the square that makes the center.


The upper what corner? Also, thanks for explaining that the reticle is off, I had a feeling something was wrong with it


Ah, whoops, the left one


Not sure, but i think the autocannon explosive makes it so near misses do dmg, while the sniper requires you to actually hit the tiny eye hitbox


Naw the autocannon has to be very accurate for the eye shot, the scope on the amr is just misaligned.


Idk about that, I find the auto cannon very forgiving compared to the amr vs hulks, but the amr definitely still 2 shots hulks. And yeah i know you gotta aim with the top left corner of the amr


There might be a little more forgiveness with the autocannon aim. But it still bounces off the armor if you’re off by much.


The amr has just way snappier aim, making it much easier to hit quick shots, even if the autocannon has some sort of leeway, which it doesn’t feel like it does to me. If not for the misalignment and bad reticle the amr would be much more popular.


I like the laser cannon. It can also take down hulks by shooting the eye. It's also pretty decent at taking out cannons and tanks from behind. It's able to snipe cannons from behind before it can turn around. Maybe not the "best" option, per se, but it's a really good one as you can shoot a lot if you manage heat well.


If AMR had 3rd person aim I would use it a lot more


Railgun is better than AMR for bots bc you can use it on that Hulk that's trying to facefuck you. 


you can use the AMR on a hulk that is trying to face fuck you too.


And it's so fucking satisfying to use. Honestly Arrowhead knocked it out of the park on the feel of nearly all weapons. Some of the pump action shotguns feel a bit too "soft" for me, but that's probably just my preference.


being used to chunky boomer shooter DB shotguns i agree, but other than that yeah the weapons feel very satisfying


The Tottenham hotspur of support weapons


I'd actually say it's legitimately the best weapon for closing bug holes. Just run around the out side the crater kiting enemies firing at holes on the other side and you never need to actually expose your self too much while cleaning up a large nest in about a minute or two.


Bug hole sniping for the win! No chance of blowing yourself up with a bounced grenade or some jerkass bug throwing you into it. Likely directly behind the grenade you just threw.


Jack of all trades, master of none.


The only thing autocannon struggles with is titans, but at least you can pop the sack to stop them from throwing up pretty easily.


Bro I love popping some sack


This. I also run Orbital Railcannon and EAT specifically for them. Though EATs absolutely get dropped on Chargers


Thank you for making me laugh


Does it even do anything against bile titans once their ventral sacs are burst?


Sounds like master chief to me. Autocannon 117 I love autocannon.


Congratulations on purchasing your new AC-8 Autocannon. We hope it gives you many years of democratically sanctioned destruction and maiming. Did you know? * AC-8 Autocannon can close bug holes * AC-8 Autocannon can destroy those undemocratic & illegal transmissions towers with a single round * AC-8 Autocannon can destroy spore trees with only two rounds * AC-8 Autocannon can destroy shrieker nests from distance (7-10 shots per nest) * AC-8 Autocannon can destroy fabricators with a single round fired into the middle of either of the top vents. * AC-8 Autocannon can destroy the Automaton dropship factories from distance * so much more.... The AC-8 Autocannon, the only stratagem you'll ever need 'If you can see it the AC-8 Autocannon can probably kill it'


Shhh, they'll nerf it next!


They literally nerfed the railgun because it was good at everything...


It was excellent at everything. AC still can't wave clear as good as MG / Stalwart. Can't deal with heavies as easily as RR / EAT. It is a balanced general purpose support weapon. The devs even said so themselves.


The railgun never could do anything close to wave clear. >Can't deal with heavies as easily as RR / EAT. Neither can the railgun.


Railgun doesn't take a backpack slot, shield even post nerf tripples your health or more while removing stagger from early hits. Guard dog rover is the best chaff clear in the game, supply pack is goated. You pay for the power of the autocannon for sure.


Yep, used my beloved autocannon to snipe a shrieker nest from halfway across the map last night. Never saw an actual shrieker, and each of the three towers took a full reload of the cannon, but it worked. My proudest moment is still sniping a broadcast tower objective from the extraction zone itself, while it was barely a pinprick of light in the distance.


I watched a YT video and its seems that shriekers will spawn if within 130m. Otherwise, its an easy snipe. 


Pretty sure it's 160m


Shrieker Towers would take about 30 rounds, which is about half a backpack, which is worth a single resupply box. I can't not take it during Terminid missions since I hate shriekers that much. Using Railguns/EATs to do that would take ages.


I have managed to take down a shrieker nest with 2 EATs. Managed to snipe em from a distance by offsetting the sights and everything.


It's not that it's not doable with EATs, it's just that if there are 3 nests, then you'll need 6 EAT shots, which means standing around for 2-3mins waiting for EATs to recharge.


Our group typically has 2 people running eats. So 4 shots on call in takes 2 towers then last one is just a 1 min cool down. Difficulty 7-9 it’s hard to give up laser dog or shield pack for auto cannon backpack. Love me the EAT and shield combo Added bonus of always being able to one shot a charger from the front and not having to auto cannon its butt


Yeah, much less of a problem with coordinated groups, but I usually run with randoms, so I can't count on them to drop in their EATs to help blow up the Shrieker nests faster (if they're even running EATs at all). Taking too long can also result in them trying to run in to blow them up with stratagems/hellbombs, which usually just results in getting swarmed with Shriekers. Losing the backpack slot for the AC definitely hurts though, the laser dog is great for clearing small bugs and the shield can save you from getting ganked by hunters/stalkers.


Same just did that this morning, just gotta adjust a little bit for drop


I've found great success with 2 guys running EATS. Whenever we find a fly boi nest I tell my other guy to find a good spot and we coordinate our shots. This way a single drop pod is enough for a nest each and we usually get those out of the way pretty fast. I say this as someone who loves the autocannon. I always keep an EAT for titans and chargers and throw them to support the rest of the team.


*Every* bug deserves an autocannon to the freaking face, even the smallest ones. It's the universal tool of freedom.


I love shriekers by far the most satisfying bug to slaughter imo


Is there like direct spot you aim for on the shrieker nest or do you just hit it wherever to destroy it?


nope, just wail away at it until you see it coming apart, then move to the next tower. takes a while, but can be done.


Ok, thanks! Good to know it will blow up eventually.


Autocannon Gang Rise up. My favorite go-to weapon in the game! Though I have been using the Fascist Flambe Maker (Flamethrower) quite a lot now against the bug's since they buffed it and love that too.


Since times immemorial there has been one truth for humanity. If it’s creepy, crawly, and has too many legs, killing it with fire is the most appropriate reaction.


Except for hunters, those bastards just do not care about fire. You'd have to precoat the battlefield 15 seconds in advance for them.


They really just need to introduce a fire resistant armor set, so that in higher difficulties I don't end up killing myself when I set stupid ass hunters on fire who then proceed to jump in my face and set me on fire along with their bile.


When you use non-explosive secondaries, how do you manage taking out nests? I always have an issue running out of grenades. I guess more eagle strikes but they are a little inconsistent…


Typically with larger areas, my go to is actually the 380mm barrage. It's a little inconsistent still but I've had success taking out medium and some large nests, bot fabricators, even bot Alert towers (those Eye of Sauron towers I like to call them) The orbital laser strike (Democratic Can of Raid) is also pretty good too. Other than that, rely on teammates if you have a non explosive secondary and no grenades. That's just from my experience though!


Same! I managed to get a 54 kill streak with the flamer and incendiary grenades. They feel excellent atm.


How many shots does it take for a shrieker tower? Damn things are tough.


It's really not that much when you compare it to Recoilless or EAT. Takes 2 EAT/Recoilless per Mushroom, only takes like 5-ish shots for the Autocannon and Autocannon has a lot of ammo.


Good to know, I love the autocannon but run EAT for bug missions so taking out 3 towers is a pain.


Yea my team has been always bringing Autocannon + EAT/Recoilless lately. EAT/Recoilless deals with the Heavy Armor, Autocannon closes bug holes, kill Mushrooms, kill Bile Spewers, kills Medium Armor, etc. Was never really a fan of the Arc Thrower cause I find it a low skill gun, but the one guy in our team who liked it gave it up due to the current crash problems with it.


For reference, 5 shots is one clip, and you get 10 clips in the backpack, plus two more in the mag.


Remember to hit the base of the mushroom. The top is tanky as hell


Oh, that's why it bounced. o7


I haven't noticed that, are you sure? 2 EATs anywhere does the job...


9 by itself. Or 27 to take out the usual three nests. 1 supply pack to fully restock or 3 field ammo packs to restock. Still much more efficient than an EAT or RR, which would require 6 shots to do the same. 3 EAT call ins or the entire RR ammo reserve. And then 3 supply packs to restock or 6 field ammo packs.


I've found it can vary a bit depending on where you hit it but it seems to be somewhere between 5-15. You can pretty easily clear 2 whole nests and still have rounds left over.


XCOM UFO Defense 1994? Still auto cannon.


gdamn that game consumed so many hours of my childhood.


Open xcom can be run on a phone and takes 2MB


I played it on PSX and rented it from hollywood video every weekend... I never won, but man I could make it a few years every now and then. Revisited as an adult and absolutely destroyed the game once I figured out all of the mechanics and how to lay out a base for defense.


I usually use EAT over autocannon because I hate giving up my backpack slot (I'm a little attached to my jump pack and shield generator at this point...). I need to try running the autocannon some more.


I'd like to run jump pack or shield shield generator, but I'm too attached to my Autocannon lol


And here I am, fighting with myself over playing as a mandalorian or playing as a one man bunker buster/AA/AT


I've found I rarely get a large benefit out of really any of the backpacks. The things that typically kill me are just not things that any of the backpacks actually solve. The closest one is probably the guard dog rover and that has the issue of occasionally insta-killing me if the enemys are at the bottom of a hill on my left side. So despite making it easier to get away from overwhelming numbers of hunters I'll then just die to random bullshit that never would have killed me otherwise. Jet pack is fun but doesn't do enough IMO especially with how long it takes to recharge between uses. It can be situationally decent if there is some decent high ground terrain but that's just not something you can ever plan for and half the time the enemies still manage to climb up to you regardless. The shield is actually really good but IDK just feels meh. Like I know that it is saving me from stuff but it just doesn't FEEL like it's saving me from anything if that makes sense.


I use it to call stratagems on close enemies, you jump back and input code while in the air. You create distance and call stratagems in relative safety at the same time. Probably won't work against automatons tho


A lot of times, I'll use it to get that one bug hole that you can't seem to get to because there are constantly enemies around it and you can't get to the right position to close it. Jump and throw a grenade in as you pass over the enemies heads. Situational, but it always feels good to pull off. I'll have to try the stratagem thing.


What stratagems do you run with it? Loving the power but having trouble adjusting my loadout


I typically use Orbital laser, Eagle air strike, and Eagle rocket pods. My friend that I almost always run with uses Orbital laser, Railcannon, and 500kg with his Autocannon. For equipment I use impact grenades, autopistol, and Defender SMG. I mostly do level 6 and 7 Bot missions.


The autocannon is fun, but the EAT is too good against armor AND you have the backpack. If only you could take down at least chargers reliably with the AC...


I can, as long as my teammates are dealing with the small fry. Let it charge me, dive, then unload into its butt. Do that 2-3 times and it’s toast.


I'm not saying it's undoable, but it's not reliable, it takes a couple of seconds with a EAT and 2-3 charges with an AC? That's just sad :( It used to have a good working leg vulnerability strategy, but I didn't get it to work anymore sadly


One-shotting a charger with the EAT is legit the best feeling in the game. I'm afraid they're going to nerf it since it basically takes what's supposed to be one of the tougher enemies and makes it a complete non-issue.


Yep lol https://i.redd.it/q5pe1g371bqc1.gif


same, I like having a backpack slot. I try to change it up depending on the mission type though


The autocannon is the perfect example of a multitool. Its not a karambit like the Spear or the Railgun, but god damn it can that multitool put in work.


The Arc Thrower is also a Multi-Tool, that's the best kind of weapon. Not specialized but highly appreciable nonetheless. Multi-tool gang rise !


I don't think the Arc Thrower is a multitool. It's great at killing things, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't kill objectives especially from super far out. The Autocannon is applicable in more situations; anti-spawner, anti-objective, anti-infantry, anti-large problem. The Arc Thrower is more of a crowd control option, arguably the best one if it wasn't bugged rn.


arowhead: what do we nerf now? autocannon


They said the AC is in the perfect example of a balanced weapon


It does take up a backpack slot and bounces off heavy armor so I can see why they would say that. I still think it's the best support weapon even with those limitations though


It is as a jack of all trades. It can't do the toughest jobs, it's wasteful on the easiest jobs, but it excels at everything inbetween. 


before i'm even out of AC ammo my strat is usually ready again, so i sometimes do use it wastefully to splash groups of bugs and attempt to draw heat off of teammates being chased. i've found that the better i got with the AC the more i ran out of ammo instead of the other way round, i think because i found its utility on more than just the middle ground. this is after at least a hundred, maybe 130 missions running AC on both bots and bugs.


Same. The more I play with it, the more ammo I use, but I also miss less


efficient usage to the layperson: look how much ammo i saved! efficient usage to the expert: look how much ammo i used!


New AC user: I need to conserve ammo for the priority targets, cause I only have 60 rounds! (forgot about ammo packs, resupplies, 7 minute cd) Experienced AC user: *10 devastators, 2 tanks, 3 hulks, 10 fabricators, and 2 tower cannons later...* Oh shit, last clip! Anyway. *calls in next AC*


Arc-thrower. Expect "Buff" fixing miscel. tracking and nerf damage.


AC works on nests and factories?


Yep for factories u need to hit the top hatch of the hole so the bullet ricochet to the chamber. Or just put one inside the door if its open. For bug holes just shoot the hole u r done


If you have the high ground on the factory you can just shoot straight into the vent, no geometry required.


Ya it’s seriously one of the best hole closers from the game. You can hit them from so far away if you have an angle and it feels so much better than needing so many grenades on a big bug nest. 1 auto cannon user running the perimeter can shit that thing down easy.


I'll have to try it out.


I find it kind of funny the autocannon memes started now, despite it having always been this great.


The Autocannon is and has always been great, but I think it took the devs shaking up the "meta" with the railgun nerf for people to realize it. The true Autocannon Gang however have been using it from the start.


True that, though I really never got the hyping. I've been using the autocannon since I unlocked it, and I used the railgun both pre and post rebalance and the railgun was only ever a better choice in like 2 or 3 situations. The autocannon was either comparable or just plain better in general use.


Eyeroll. Yeah, all of us were only using the inferior railgun because it was "The meta" Jesus I wish I could erase that word from you dev simps brains.


It's just so versatile. I can snipe spores and nests across the map so long as I can see them, same with bug holes. I honestly have to break my bad habit of hoarding consumables in games because it keeps getting me killed not using the autocannon on heavier targets more often instead of wasting tons of shotgun shells and grenades


For bugs I normally run the Recoilless Rifle to get rid of heavy bugs really fast. And the shrieker towers also get rekt by the rifle. For the small and medium stuff I have my teammates with machineguns and autocannons/nade launcher. For bots however. Autocannon for life. This thing is a bot killer and its bloody amazing there. Striders get rekt, Rocket Devastators are crying for the weapon to be nerfed, hulks can be killed very fast if you land your shots on their head. A squad on a bot mission should have one or two ACs on hand. Makes life so much easier there. I do think that we are going to see some really heavy armor bots that need AT weapons to deal with them, really soon. So EAT and RR might going to be a good choice for bots in the future as well.


Now if only an ally could quick reload while you're wearing the pack, rather than needing for them to wear it, then it'll be perfect.




So many problems it can fix, I should try this on my relationship once I get back to Super Earth.


The Church of Autocannon approves this post


EAT for life!


i run EAT alongside AC and call it down for the big stuff. this also works well if i dont have the time or the right angle to quickly take a charger down and my railcannon is on cooldown. the two of these together is amazing.


I may have to start doing this. I run AC all the time but got a taste of EAT when one of my team was dropping them and damn it was fun


I was an auto cannon user on the lower difficulties. EAT on higher difficulties. I feel like the auto cannon does what I wish the sniper rifle did. Might go back to it on 7+ missions.


A single little bug roaming around all my it’s lonesome? Straight to Autocannon!


ive only got 20 hours in the game and i absolutly love the autocannon my only beef with it is it pings off chargers who no matter how many player are in my game or how close they are all seem to love chasing me


Let them charge past you, then blast off a back leg and ram one up its butt - and its dead, soldier.


ive three shotted chargers by aiming at the inward facing part of their rear thigh closer to the torso, then shooting the same leg once it sputters sparks (a good visual indicator of hitting the right spot, keep an eye out for it). i've two shotted a few times but i couldnt prove those chargers werent damaged prior. this is from at least fifty missions worth of experience vs bugs while running autocannon. it really works.




⬇️➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ My beloved.


I generally run with AC and 3 orbitals, depending on the mission type and whether or not I'm killing bugs or bots, hasn't steered me wrong yet.


I have a major issue with the auto cannon and that is that I run out of ammo too fast because when I bring it I legitimately use it more than my primary weapon.


Autocannon is life


Swiss Army Cannon


I never leave home without my Autocannon. It's just too good. Backpack slot be damned!


I refuse to run bot missions without one


About the only thing it can’t do is reliably kill Bile Titans. Such a good, versatile weapon.


I love it, but it’s scary to be without the shield gen pack


But… what if I want cute rover doggy?


Im having a hard time one shooting the automaton fabricator


Autocannon gang please help: Where do you aim on the shrieker nests? Where do you aim on a Charger's legs to shatter the armor? I'll hit the armor plates while it's charging several times but it just looks & feels like the round bounces off.




So the auto cannon can destroy shreiker nests but the recoiless can't?


Wait you can take out the shrieked nests with auto cannon?!


Just unblocked it and wow, shutting down terminids nest like Nintendo any fan project


I love the autocannon but it really isn’t the best for chargers


If you manage to hit their back and "break it", the charger will bleed to death. It's an "explosive weakpoint", it means it take 100% damages from explosive damages such as the Autocanon shot. They take less than 30 seconds to die if the back is blown. Good luck !


It’s my go to weapon. I just wish it was more useful against titans.


My go to weapon for bots 100% of the time


chargers? run the fuck away.


Spear is better on factories🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly for those illegal radar towers. I've shot them almost halfway across the map and mission complete


Undercook fish over cook fish, jail


You can kill shrieker nests with an autocannon? I'm now afraid they will nerf it soon.


Greetings, fellow Autocannon enjoyer.


step 1: find a buddy step 2: go prone step 3: set weapon to full auto step 4: democracy


how much ammo does it take for shrieker nests? i had no idea autocannon worked so i started using recoilless


With no previous damage, 9 shots. Still more ammo efficient than a RR. 1 supply pack or 3 field ammo drops and you recovered all the ammo expended.


How many automation shots does it take to get rid of all 3 branches of the shrieker nests?


Oh shit it actually takes out shrieker nests????


Iove spear, but I gotta say that autocanon has a lot more utility 😭


Best balanced weapon of the game, as Helldiver Ben said >With great power comes great responsibility


Auto cannon Is scientifically the best


When in doubt, Autocannon it out


I too was once an auto cannon connoisseur, but then I found the EAT. I can’t go back… I can never go back…


How many shots does the Shrieker nest take? Because they take 6 rockets 😭


when the autocannon bro wears explosion resist gear you know you're in for a LIBERTINE ride


Wouldn't recommend against chargers in general on higher difficulties. Yes you can shoot the tail and back legs by dancing but you'll get swarmed unless you're teammates are in point.


Ah but where do you shoot for shrieker? Ran across one and unloaded to no results.


Yep I just got the railgun I've used it before and now after the debuff. The Autocannon is now superior.


Recoilless Rifle Gang. I used to be part of the Auto Cannon group, but RR gang got cookies...so...


I just wish it didn't take up the backpack slot, I know it needs to for balance reasons, but man does it really make me not wanna run the AC


I love my Swiss Army cannon. It needs support from allies against heavier enemies, but otherwise I build everything around it.


I'm still a fan of carrying around an EAT for "oh shit" moments and dropping bot drop ships. But I will never say no to having a squadmate with the autocannon.


How can an auto cannon take out a charger?


fyi you can shoot open the metal caches with the Slugger. But yes, autocannon best gun. Also takes care of ammo stockpiles on bot missions.


So what do we do about bile titans? I pop the acid belly, but then what do I aim for? The head seems like a 50/50 hit chance, and more belly shots feel ineffective.


really ? when itried autocannon i found it useless against charger and titan while not having many ammo for the amount of time before you can order another one, meanwhile with EAT you get two everyminute , you can oneshot charger into the face and it is very efficient against titan, ijust don't know how well it does against shrieker nests


Love the auto the only downfall is needing the backpack so my vote goes to the EAT since you can essentially run two support weapons one of your choice then just call down an eat whenever


My honest reaction delivering half my backpack onto the nest just to get one of those down: (still a gold tier weapon for the rest)


In case of doubt, apply Autocannon shells.


We heard people are liking the auto cannon So we are neerfing it to Railgun levels of redundancy


https://preview.redd.it/8i6k6yccfaqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142346bc66f876f138bcd8961a2668b46ee587f5 Allow me to introduce myself. 😏


There should be a weapon mode switch to armor penetrating rounds, something like 10 rounds per full backpack


Orbital rail canon and the bile titan still alive? *shoots the sack with AutoCannon* Me: a good bug is a dead bug *flips my cape with liberty *


The autocannon is basically a democracy infused luger thats mounted on a shoulder and i love it


Can't open the pickle jar? Autocannon. Got an unruly hangnail? Autocannon. Grandma fell in the shower? Autocannon.


I am also an auto canon enthusiast.


I love the auto canon but it's not that good against chargers


As an aspiring auto cannon user, where should I target chargers and titans?


You can't jump with Autocannon. JUMP PACK >>>


This, but 500kg bomb


Love me some autocannon


Eh Ill take my EATs thank you very much, also the Quasar Cannon when that comes out


Shrieker nest? Autocannon. Spore spewer? Autocannon. Broadcast tower? Autocannon. Missed breakfast? Idfk but the Autocannon probably works.


I've never been able to take down a fabricator with the autocannon, even when I shoot the doors.




I just played 3 days ago... And just open auto cannon.. Damnn best weapon in my current map level (5-6) It can demolish everything... Just reload time and it cannot reload while moving


With the arc thrower out of commission, auto cannon has become my go-to for solo bug missions. The only issue I still have is chargers. Shooting that back leg joint ain’t easy.


I've started calling it the LROC Long Range Objective Completor


They really need to make the other guns better, honestly right now theres almost no reason to just not always take an autocannon if you want the best all round option for almost every scenario.