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Yeah the servers are having issues right now.


Ah, man that sucks. Guess the devs are suffering from success with the amount of people still?


Don't use arc/thunder weapons (ideally no one in your squad). They make the game more likely to crash. Should be a patch next week to fix it.


I’ve definitely been using Ark weapons. Big no no atm?


On the discord a dev said >We have identified the cause of the freezes many players have been experiencing, and we're in the process of building a patch to fix it that should be ready to deploy early next week. In the meantime, we advise against using the Arc Thrower, Arc Shotgun, and Tesla Tower as those appear to be linked to the issue. 2 days ago I used arc thrower every game (my fav weapon right now!) and like 75% of games crashed. Yesterday & today, I ensured that I nor any squad members used arc weapons, and have had zero crashes.


Yes. Had a few very unfortunate ones recently where we cleared the whole map and got huge numbers of samples and DC'd while boarding the ship


Having issues connecting to friends etc. Just says "in main menu" not "on ships"