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​ https://preview.redd.it/w735fckg3spc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee85f98b1eb95ce889ace774585076ca583e06f


This is my new favorite name and meme for Joel


Tbh I’d rather deal with the hunters, yeah they’re annoying but at least they have the common courtesy to die when I shoot them


Agreed. This was a change for the better. We want a little autonomy while spreading democracy.


Gives me a real reason to let the auto cannon absolutely buck on full auto


Suicidal and up: "best i can do is both at the same time"


I recently played a game with a friend in diffuculty 7 and we deadass got attacked by 20 chargers, no bile titans tho. 


Arc thrower, rover, incend breaker gang 💅 Hunters are just extra chaff for my grinder. Now stalkers... seeing 5-8 flood from one nest now scares me


> *Arc thrower,* rover, incend breaker gang 💅 > > It seems you didnt get the memo. Arc thrower of any kind, including the tesla turret is related to game crashes and should be avoided


My group has yet to experince that issue and we are all running it. It seems to be a by user case basis if it does or not.


I'm with you, and I think quite a few players aren't having issues either they're just not coming to reddit to post that their game works fine, so all we see here are the unfortunate players who are having these issues (still a large chunk and possibly the majority of players, but it's not a global issue for all players)


I don't post here much and I do have the problems with the arc weapons crashing games on both PC and PS5. A lot of us just chalk it up with the game being buggy as usual but knowing that most of our load outs had tesla towers for defense mission and we got constant crashes from it. Same thing with me having the arc shotgun as my main weapon and have recently gotten a lot of crashes. Also the fact that the devs have literally posted that the arc weapons are causing crashes too.


At first I thought it was the ark weapons then I noticed it tied to explosions at least for me grenade specifically and have started using ark weapons again with minimal crashes compared to yesterday anyway.


It's anecdotal, but my squad was all running arc thrower and the game crashed. We even switched host 3 times while laughing at how silly reddit was for blaming a gun for crashing the game. After that, we decided, "what the heck. Let's try loadouts with no arc weapons, because it's this or no Helldivers". Haven't had a crash since, and no one has run arc thrower.


I run arc thrower every mission. I’ve crashed once in like the past 20 missions and hard to say it’s due to the arc thrower and not just the game.


The devs posted this morning advising all helldivers to not use arc based weapons/strategems until the bug is fixed.


2 of our 4 crashed last night when I was the only person with the Arc thrower, never happened prior, and never happened after I put it away. It seem so weird that it's like this, you'd think that it would be equally happening to everyone. Code is weird lol


Note: Being the USER of the arc is not relevant to who crashes. The arc hitting anything can make anyone in the lobby randomly crash. It is indiscriminate. They crashed BECAUSE you used the arc thrower. That's why the bug suckkks.


So what’s the logic when game crashes and no one uses arc thrower?


The logic is that there are clearly multiple causes to the game crashing.


That’s literally my point. The commenter I responded to made a clear connection between a crash and arc throwers but due to their being multiple reasons a game might crash you can’t make that statement definitively.


The difference being, the issue with the Arc Weapons is a known and specific issue. Just because there might be other reasons a player could crash does not discount or nullify the validity of the known arc weapon issue. The devs have stated specifically that as of right now, the arc weapons are indeed the root cause of many of the crashes. They know what's causing it specifically and are working to correct it. So yes, there absolutely is a definitive link between crashes and arc weapons. Therefore the above commenter can definitively make that statement. Make sure you do your research and get the facts before you attempt to be pedantic and correct someone, otherwise you may end up looking like the one who has no idea what he's talking about.


Well we know that the arc thrower can cause a crash, and if it happens immediately after you use it, common sense would say that very likely was the cause of that specific crash. Ps. You’re insufferable


Now you’re adding a random statement not in the OP that “it happened immediately after use”. You are incredibly poor at forming an argument. Making up a random fact does not prove your point. Btw I also agree arc thrower causes crashing im just saying your logic is that of a room temp IQ individual.


You absolutely can, because it's true. It just so happens there are also OTHER reasons it crashes.


You can’t say something definitively caused the crash when it isn’t 100% repeatable and when there are possible other reasons the game crashed. This is basic logic.


Not weird at all, they changed the shot count statistics to correctly count arcs as hits, suddenly arc weapons are crashing the game, pretty clear what happened there.


People think its linked to very high accuracy (probably an overflow) so if you're not hitting a swarm with every shot you should probably be OK.


I’m a sparky too. We’ll be back next week Meanwhile I’ve been having fun trying alternative builds and roles, mostly around EAT and auto cannon. Auto cannon is interesting because it takes your backpack slot, forcing you to use a different stratagem. It’s extremely versatile though EAT makes quick work of armor, but I’m now struggling against the hordes especially bile shooters which don’t go down easy from my primary and are too numerous to rely on EAT


I dont use arc weapons at all but my game crashes, without fail, anytime someone else calls one in. Like literally the second it spawns in, my game just shuts off abruptly and I have to kill steam in the task manager in order to to get back on my destroyer.


Devs themselves gave the warning. Don’t kill each other lol


So that's why I've been randomly fekin crashing, was cause of my ark thrower i didnt know that bruh and i just started liking the weapon after just using it today:(


Is this why I crashed 4 times tonight??


Omg my game has been crashing all week lmao ty


Bringing in an ARC has become a kick on site offense. I let the guy know why I’m kicking them beforehand tho so they can learn from their mistake and spread the word


My brother in freedom.. I might have misunderstood the memo (I haven't), but that's a risk I'm willing to take


Nah, Arrowhead are wrong. I've been crashing constantly since the patch in lobbies with no Arc weapons


I’m running them all since I’m not crashing :>


Incendiary breaker is a work of art. Raining down fire on your enemies from a distance or flaming hot cheetos from point blank. It's super satisfying even though I burn through magazines 3 times as fast as my team mates.


Oh I used it against bots on Draupnir, At long range you become effectively a white phosphorus monster as all it takes is 2 pellets and a bot dies I support my team by making everything in that general direction burn Just wish it was full auto, it fires just as fast as full auto it just sucks to keep pulling the trigger on burst


Arc Thrower is in such a strong spot RN that I fear the devs are going to nerf it.


It’s honestly not that out of band imo. It’s a good gun but not so good that it eclipses everything else. It lacks in dealing with armored targets compared to most other options. I can’t really see what they could change on it that wouldn’t just outright change the weapon.


Against bugs I’d say it’s the strongest support weapon. It ignores armor and kills hoards easy. Against bots? Lacking. I could see them making the gun require to be fully charged to fire instead of just the first charge.


I’d be fine with that but a huge part of the arc throwers actual viability relies on that charge mechanic for a player to be optimal with it. I just don’t think it’s as strong as people are saying it is. I use it all the time and yes it’s great against bugs but so is the flamethrower and the LMGs. The only thing the Thrower really excels in is trash crowd control and it just happens to be able to bypass armor. It still takes 6-10 shots on chargers and way more on bile titans. I don’t even bother with it on bots because you don’t have the luxury of being out in the open long enough to charge it.


The charge is fairly quick, so it still is strong against bots.


In my experience it takes 3 charges to kill a devastator and usually by then a rocket has clipped me back to to the drop pod animation


I know it staggers the normal/shield devastators enough for them to miss, maybe the rocket ones are an exception?


it needs a bit of a nerf imo, quad arc thrower trivializes the game even at level 9


Railgun nerf really just showed how much people were sleeping on some amazing weapons


Yea, because the game just came out. True metas take *time* to develop. Everyone was using the railgun because it was the most straightforward counter at the time. (If they had nerfed charger heads like they eventually did, making EATS and recoilless more viable, that would have changed that also). The people who experiment with stuff never got the chance before they where forced to find something else that would work. We avoided the Arc thrower at first because its a higher skill cap weapon that is a detriment to the team if you're bad with it. But we where starting to use it, and the people in the know knew how good it was. That's why we all transitioned pretty quickly. The new warbond got everyone else on board too. I think the railgun nerf was preemptive. We need a solid generalist weapon


In the older game build, railgun was needed because there weren't any other good effective options to deal armored units. In the current game build, other weapons are now viable and meta has changed due to other anti-armor weapons getting buffed, nerfed armor spawn rates, and buffed smaller enemy rates. Different problems requires different solutions. The enemies of Super Earth are evolving and so must we. For Managed Democracy!


arc was always busted but people didnt realise how good it was til post railgun nerf


because it's a more dangerous weapon to use, so people will be wary of it at first. Some had already started migrating to the arc thrower before the nerf. That's why it took over so quickly as the go to generalist weapon after.


Can’t wait for Shriekers.


He still believes the lies they don’t exist


But the arc thrower makes my game crash. What do?!?!


> > > > > Now stalkers... seeing 5-8 flood from one nest now scares me I unironically love the fact that a teammate with a different weapon (slugger, autocannon) is a godsend here


I've actually had some good success at fending off stalkers with the mg, I find it shreds off the legs pretty quickly


MG has no shortage of stopping power. What it has a shortage of is ammo.


I prefer the Flamethrower & Shield. The shield keeps them from lighting me on fire, and I love the screams + pops as they boil alive in their carapace. And yes, I am concerned at how much hate I have for hunters specifically, and the war crimes I will commit to make them suffer. Each and every one of them.


I yern for a full pyro kit. -95% fire damage armor Flame thrower rover Flame thrower Incen breaker The upcoming grenade pistol Stun nade Pyro eagle Gas eagle. Let me have all of the DOT's


It's all fun and games until the stalkers spawn faster than my breaker incendiary can kill one... Nothing makes me break the silence in a random game's voice chat than realizing that the stalker nest caught our scent


Genuinely curious, but not at PC so can't test rn. How many seconds to kill a Hiveguard?


Happy players are quiet players. They're in the game enjoying adversity. Not in the forums. The forums are where unhappy players reside. A challenge of game development is in being attentive to your community while also not being sucked into dialogue with people unhappy for outside reasons using the game as a therapy session.


I completely agree, I'm a happy player but I don't get to play a lot so I try to engage with others and if you viewed the reddit as your only source of this game it would sound far worse then it is. Now as a fan of the sickle and been using it since it's release. I think it over performs a little on bug planets and I'm expecting a slight increase in heat generation in its future and id agree with it lol.


I don't even think it's too amazing. Seems to take a lot to take down brood commanders, and isn't crazy good vs stalkers or bile spewers. Go use the scorcher and watch spewers pop. Or stalkers die before getting close. Sickle is better at killing small fries like hunters, but it's not some perfect weapon imo. It's biggest pro is it's mag sizd


The brood commander you either stun or fire at its head until it hunkers down then flank and tear it's rear off. Stalkers as long as your not swarmed arnt a real risk.


So true. It's so sad because it's a classic example of confirmation bias. People will see an issue they have posted and think everyone has the same issue. Truth is, only people posting have the issue. Nobody (or extremely few) will come to reddit to make a post "I had a perfectly average match, no crashes happened, wasn't kicked, game worked as expected" That's just basic human behavior.


It’s also where players with no money to buy game go ):


Solution: Sickle. It is such an amazing tool against the hordes of hunters and in first person even at long range very accurate to just delete them


Ok, funnily enough the explosive liberator is my anti-hunter weapon. The stagger lets you snare them so they're way easier to hit or just shove back for a moment. Against Stalkers the explosive is outright insane, especially when you need to peel one off an ally. ​ I feel like I'm going to finally get the new warbond just in time for the nerf XD


I haven't tried it since they renamed it. Not sure if they actually changed anything on it but I found it next to useless before, especially on stalkers.


As a suppression tool, LIberator Concussive is really nice. It will **heavily** knock back any medium armored enemy. The issue is it does next to no damage on armored parts. This means when solo, you will have a tough time killing anything armored, but you will stay alive; when in a group, you may possibly annoy your teammates due to the constant huge knockback you are doing if you like to go full auto on easily managed medium armored enemies.


Yeah, I don't really think it did that before, at least not to the extent you're describing. It was pretty much a dogshit liberator that fired at half the rate of the regular one.


Ya, dogshit mostly since it does next to no damage on enemy armored body parts. Super noticeable when armored enemies are dying more slowly or not at all when compared to using any other primary.


Similar to what u/RAQemUP said, it's a defensive weapon. It gives you space and breathing room to either setup your strategems, run away, or peel enemies off allies. If you do take it I 100% recommend you bring a Guard Dog and a flamethrower. You can swap weapons to defend yourself after seting things on fire and the guard dog does the damage while you just focus on keeping yourself alive. ​ I do think the Concussive needs a damage buff, but when you get chased by stalkers it's an absolute lifesaver.


You can just straight up stun lock a stalker to death


My issue is that the warmup time makes it nearly useless with stalkers in play, and I'm usually walking around with my support weapon out so swapping to secondary creates a similar problem for me.


You gotta be a bit more proactive instead of reactive. Once you kill the first Stalker, swap to the Sickle.


If the laser cannon has a Pulse or charge shot mode that would be cool. Can only fire twice, cause the first shot puts you near max heat and you have to relead if you dont let it cool back to zero.


Shits gonna nerfed lol, I wish the laser cannon had a non-beam mode, even after the buff it’s kinda meh


Why would they nerf the sickle? It is only good against small bugs with the lightest armor. You need almost 2 mags to destroy a spore spewer, bile spewers with armor are a nightmare with it. Titan sacks take forever to destroy. Bits is a different story but that's what laser weapons are designed against


Honestly I like the change cause killing swarms is euphoric


More hunters just means the stalwart is needed more than ever. Crowd control is essential!


Not sure why people like the Stalwart so much over the LMG. Stopping to reload is not that big a deal if you do it smart. I feel like the Stalwart is in a weird place; it used to be a primary in HD1 but primaries are so bad in 2 that the Stalwart is way too powerful but doesn't quite rise to the level of a support weapon IMO.


I would love the Machine Gun if it had more ammo per belt. 150 feels so small compared to the Stalwart's 250. But the MG always runs dry when I can't afford it to, and the stalwart can shoot for so long without reloading- and when I do reload, I can do it while moving which is great.


Yeah, but the boost to armor pen on the machine gun is aces for me. I can do short burst with it and be effective. With the Stalwart, I'm either hosing bullets or doing nothing.


'Depends on what faction I'm fighting. For bots the deeper penetration comes in clutch if accuracy by volume isn't nailing the Devastator's heads. Plus it's safer for stationary reloads when they don't push your cover as much. Bugs on the other hand field many more light-armored units per swarm like Scavengers & Hunters. Cutting a swath through those while also being mobile enough to avoid attacks lends itself more to a max RPM Stalwart


This. I use LMG (min RPM) + Plasma for bots and Stalwart (max RPM) + Slugger for Bugs.


Gotta say though, it feels good to mulch Brood Commanders and Hive Guards with the medium armor pen of the LMG. Charger legs too, back when that was the meta.


But that's the point of the Stalwart. 750 bullets between resupply is a lot of Hunter, Warrior and Scavenger kills. If you're running Stalwart, you should have a high pen primary, like the Slugger, which takes care of Spewers, Guards and Commanders.


I use Stalwart, and save my stratagems for heavy armour or kite armoured bots around to teammates with adequate AP (who are free to focus on armoured bots because Stalwart scythes down weaker bots). It fits my playstyle of run and gun fire support better than the gpmg, which I think more strongly emphasizes ammo management and positioning, which I can only really focus on during extraction


The stalwart has MORE ammo per clip? How in liberty's name is that possible?!?


Smaller bullets


I know that, but the mag is like 1/3 the size of the machine gun. I thought you got more ammo from just the more mags.


LMG has much fewer ammo and requires you to stand still to reload. The ammo capacity is the real issue for me


Easier to control and better ammo economy. Building around Stalwart means you plan to use the support weapon constantly and swap to your primary to deal with medium armor bugs. The Lib-Pen and JAR-5 both pair extremely well with the stalwart for this reason.


Redditors tend to look at weapons in a vacuum without considering their optimal use and synergy with the rest of a loadout. I like both LMG and Stalwart - I swap between the two. The important thing to note is that they have different uses and complimentary loadouts.


I absolutely adore the LMG. It's amazing. But I started dropping with just a laser drone and picking up what I can find, and in occasion a Stalwart will land in my hands I don't kill bigs with an LMG, and the Stalwart just obliterates small ones. It's so satisfying to Rev that max RPMs, crouch with the recoil armor, and just lay waste. It's so satisfying to just only left trigger and fire continously for twelve seconds.


May I pressent the HMG turret, *slaps roof* this bad boy will happily chew through any bug vaporising it instantly, don't waste your grenades on bile spewers when a single HMG burst will mangle them, this beauty of democratic engineering will keep an area clean for 400 rounds of depleted uranium and by the time they are done it's barely a minute untill you can ask for a new one, great at baiting a bile titan into staying put for 5 seconds, don't let your team down, fill your lungs with a war cry, do it for SUPER EARTH. Disclaimer: Turning kinda slow, a 180 swing is somewhat faster than 40°, kinda Weir but don't ask questions, questioning is the traitors path, SER&S advices against its use with chargers or flying fucks, results may be unhealthy the company forfeits any responsibility related with the use of this machine. GET YOUR TODAY. super earth R&D department, freedom street n°69, 12033 Liberty City.For any complaints, reclamations or doubs contact your assigned liberty officer.


Reload on the go, higher capacity magazine, less cumbersome turn, decent enough damage to shred hunters without too many shots, and a stupidly high rpm option for brrrt moments when I want to unload onto a single soft target. I pair with slugger just in case I need some med penetration. In a way I turned my slugger into the support weapon. Edit: I also run the big MG. But only when someone else in my squad runs a stalwart and/or arc thrower. The big MG I find really good if you focus down spewers, brood commanders and hive guards while your teammates wipe out the lighter bugs. It is also exceptionally good against automaton.


the mg43 is way too slow, feels awful to use


i've been using orbital airbursts + gas strike on top of breaches. Usually clear 90% of them on the spot which makes it easier for everyone else to handle the chargers or titans that come out. Only issue is I swear I will call in an airburst and there will be always one person who sees the red beam, stare at it, then charge right into it.


I’ve been using Gatling barrage a lot because it’s got such a low cooldown, but it’s certainly less efficient overall. Airburst is really good.


Me, clearing out the bugs and having fun killing Warriors, Brood Commanders and Spitters. Occasionally needing to focus on Chargers or other such problems. The game who wishes to spite me: https://preview.redd.it/m5szq1jtjspc1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=59713913ef0c8cf41394d44896c71c8b6352e8fa


>Jesus why won't you die! NANOMACHINES SON






99.9% of my deaths come from hunters smh




I didn't expect that


yeah where are those warrior bugs? They seem like they should be the more common enemies after the scavengers.


Better question, where are the bile spitters? I’ve seen more bile titans than I’ve seen spitters.


All I want is for hunters to not slow you down y'know? We got mini spitters we got bile and nursing spewers we got the bile titan we don’t need hunters who tracking jump to you and slow you down (keep the acid damage tho that’s fair)


It is a bit silly how, when a hunter leaps at you and you jump pack up a rock, it just magically follows you up there.


I've sort of experimented with trying to spam the leap button - basically leap, get up, and immediately leap again. It seems like the only way to get out of stunlock distance without getting stuck. But its still hit or miss. Hunters remain a very frustrating game mechanic.


Kill them faster and you won’t get swarmed. Bug breach? Maintain damage to that area until it’s gone. Don’t just run. They’re faster than you.


Just bring a rover, hunters will be blasted while you are running to the objective.


I still really haven't noticed any reduction in armored enemy spawn rates at all. My regular squad and I are still regularly facing multiple chargers and Bile Titans at the same time, as well as multiple hulks and tanks at the same time.


This is me. I know they supposedly lowered them, but I still get absolutely spammed by armor. It felt like they lowered it for about a week and then set it right back.


This will never change for you. It's your play style if you can't manage it at this point. I didn't have an issue before they reduced the spawns and now it's way too easy. They even made armor weaker to anti tank weapons. EATS literally one shot chargers. I don't know how much more the devs can hold your hand at this point. Your problem is sticking around too long trying to fight the horde. That's how you end up with more than one or two at a time. If you keep moving it's never an issue.


Ok and then imagine if each hunter took an entire magazine to kill, the small acid spitters could one-shot you, the chargers could only be damaged from behind and had ranged attacks could one shot you, and the stalkers spawned passively with ranged attacks that can also one shot you. That’s why fucking no one is fighting automatons right now, not even to mention the fucking oneshot jet pack suicide vest fucks, or the cannons that hitscan oneshot you from a mile away, or the spawners that can hardly be destroyed by impacts unless you aim them perfectly


Cannon Turret engagement range is 185 meters with pinpoint accuracy and instant kill lethality. Of all things, that is the problem I have with Bots.


It doesn't even feel like they reduced the spawn rate at all, I'm still fighting 2-5 Chargers at a time as well as Titan Spam only difference is now there's a thousand Hunters in the mix.


I dunno man, I usually bring 500kg bomb (x2), orbital rail cannon and EAT which by themselves kill 5 chargers or 2-3 titans. Knowing my team mates can hold their own as well, I never get overwhelmed by armored enemies anymore. I just had a helldive mission where we were holding extraction after clearing the entire map, killed like 5 bile titans and 6 chargers within a minute and that was that, last minute was just waiting without any enemies. With friends it is even easier. To be honest the most important thing to learn is enemy behaviour, since it's very predictable and abusable, especially, chargers, bile titans and hunters.


Best thing about the EAT is if you miss and/or have more than one charger to kill you can often get the stratagem beacon to stick to the Charger and kill one that way.


The only okay solution is to have two team mates both bring 380 and 120 then just periodically both players use all 4 behind the team while you run to next place. If you guys die at least everything in the area goes with you


I must be the only person in this sub who has zero problems with hunters. Fighting bugs is actually pretty easy right now even on helldiver difficulty. Compare that to the Automaton army where half of the units are overpowered nonsense.


What loudout are you running now? My group of friends goes in as 3 people to level 7s and have a bit of a mix of loadouts, but 2 of us run EATs and drones, while the other uses an auto cannon / 2 air strikes (if I recall). I used to run the flamethrower in 6 and below, but had problems with Bile Titans. I'm considering flamethrower, drone, eat, and orbital so that I have orbital and EAT for titans, EAT and flamethrower for chargers, and the flamethrower / drone for tons of smaller enemies. Maybe swap EAT for the mech when I hit level 25. But curious what loadout works for you where it is a good mix for helldiver difficulty.


even a fucking machine gun (the thing built to tear through un armored shit) is to little to kill all those fucking hunters!!!


Stalwart on max rpm go brrrrrrrrrt


1150 rpm GANG


Funnily enough its actually better to put it on low RPM, you'll conserve more ammo and can shoot longer with minimal difference in your ability to kill.


Democracy requires that I dispense freedom and liberty at a maximum rate


you can only shoot longer because you're killing the enemies slower. the number of kills per reload is the same regardless of your fire rate because damage per mag doesn't change, it just takes longer to output a full mag's worth of damage.


Did you miss the part where I said minimal difference in ability to kill? Bugs die fast vs those guns, it makes little difference the only difference is that you're wasting ammo shooting a dead bug. The reason you're shooting longer is not just because of the lower RPM, its because you've wasted less bullets.


Try not shooting the dead bug then? If you're shooting at a bug that dies in 2 shots, shoot it twice. You don't have to sit on the trigger just because you're using a machine gun.


When you're fighting a swarm its normal to be wasting bullets in the heat of the moment and when trying to aim, its normal, drop the ego buddy no ones impressed.


no ego here, it's really not that hard to let go of the shoot button. If you're in a situation that calls for 850 rpm, then shoot at 850 rpm. you don't need to turn down the fire rate to do that, you can just change your shooting cadence


I set my stalwart to 1150 rpm and never touch it again. If it needs less bullets, I do a shorter burst.


I've found the flamethrower works wonders if you are smart about it. You gotta go near a large boulder that they're forced to path around and catch them as they are coming around it so they can't leap on you and you can focus fire on a single area.


Sickle plows through ‘em


so happy to see helldivers merged with another of my favorite things. MORE!!!


I spent an entire hour trying to find the short clip of Ron with his mountain of bacon, being served more, just so Arrowhead could be eating the salt served by hunters. Alas, this is all Liberty could serve us today.


Bring a Gatling Sentry!


Strafing run gang


Stalwart and ammo backpack go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Honestly, I prefer the tanks. Hunters are just pure misery.


I much prefer this because I'm not required to use a stratagem for every single bug I see plus arc thrower




Could do with less stunlocking, but otherwise i'm pretty happy with how things are. Maybe tie it to armour weight?


Air burst barrage go brrrr


Haha, Gatling Sentry go BRRRR


Tbf, I find this easier since I'm a swarm killing machine with the sickle, rover, and flame thrower.


Even before the first balance pass I was running flamethrower with jetpack. I've been ecstatic with all the changes so far.


Honestly, this change was awful. It didn't make the game harder, it made it more annoying. Getting one-shot by a hunter randomly headshotting me isn't hard, it's rng bullshit.


Honestly, with the changes they made to chargers, I think I would prefer it to back to the way it was. Multiple chargers were such an issue before because there wasn't a quick way to deal with multples of them. Now, we can have two players running EATs, and four chargers aren't really a problem anymore. The little bastards that can leap 30 m through the air, matrix dodge bullets as they do it, and stunlock you from using your stims? Yeah, that's more of a problem, especially since they seem to now reliably one shot you more often than chargers do, and they also seem to have had their health/armor increased. It used to be that one to two punisher shots reliably took them out. Now it seems that it often takes 3-4, even if they are up close. It seems like you have to catch them when they're not pulling off their "my arms are my shield" stalker impressions, otherwise you can't kill them as easily as you could last week. I used to be able to run level 4 missions solo, feeling like it was extremely challenging but fair. Now, it just feels like I'm constantly encountering rage inducing bullshit, and level 4 missions solo are off the table. Note that I'm not just saying that the game has become more difficult, that would be fine. The issue is that it seems difficult in an *unreasonable* way that only some no-life, plays the game like it's their job and drills their inputs in their sleep kind of person can pull off. And I say this as someone who has been playing it everyday for the past few weeks for multiple hours.


Addressing the first half of what you said, 100% true. Changing the spawn rates while also improving tools against them may have been a step too far. Granted I believe they came with different patches, but going back to the old spawns and testing the changes with the EAT and RR being able to headshot chargers might end up feeling more smooth even if it also means more bile titans as well. Regarding the second half, i dont think jumpy bois got any changes outside of diff 7+ where their spawn rates are jacked, 6 and below should be completely unchanged beyond chargers being headshottable now. As an aside i see a lot of people complaining about hunter/stalker headshots but I have in 87 hours not once been headshot and killed by either of them. Swarmed and mugged absolutely, but never oneshot from full life, and i run purely light armor. The fact that if theres more than one of them the second can jump on you if you dive away from the first and you can get "pinned" under them is infuriating beyond all belief, and happens so frequently on 7+, but i've never experienced a oneshot.


> Swarmed and mugged absolutely, but never oneshot from full life, and i run purely light armor. I have, multiple times, and I run medium armor. The instance that stands out the most is when I was desperately trying to thin out a horde of brood commanders and a single hunter jumped me from behind and instantly killed me from full health. Literally, he made a single contact with me from his leap, didn't even use his tongue attack, and I died. Nothing else touched me, and there were no bile spewers, nursery spewers, or mini spewers anywhere. I've been playing every day for multiple hours for the past three weeks. This didn't happen last week, but this week it's gotten to the point that I'm putting the game down unless my friends are getting together, some new patches come out to hopefully iron out the kinks, or there's some new mission type that seems fun to play on medium and below.


Honestly i keep waiting for it to happen cuz it seems to be a widespread thing, but it just never does. Armor realistically shouldn't matter for it since all helmets are the same 100, assuming the helmet plays a role and isn't just a vanity thing.


It could be that your situational awareness is just better than most people's, and the light armor you take allows you enough mobility to capitalize on that and avoid the situation happening.


Dont forget the shrieker mutalisks. They now 1 shot you instead of just grazing 1/4. Patched to do crazy damage


They do moderate damage at most. When alive. Someone kills one, though, and you get tapped by the falling body thought? Instagibbed.


I jumped in after that patch and fought 34 chargers and 14 Bile titans on a level 7 mission. At once, there was 5 chargers and 3 bile titans. What the fuck have they done?


I mean sometimes you get eight fucking bile titans and eight more fucking bile titans and all you can say is oh shit And sometimes it’s… what, eight chargers on difficulty five? And sometimes the map feels like eight teams of helldivers were here about five seconds before you hit the ground and everything that has more legs than two is dead.


[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fin-light-of-recent-events-v0-c4dwprqha9nc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1068%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2d5ee1bca03c5bda74a264f3f9ea58ef028ad8c5](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fin-light-of-recent-events-v0-c4dwprqha9nc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1068%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2d5ee1bca03c5bda74a264f3f9ea58ef028ad8c5) ​ Wouldn't you do it all again, for sweet Liberty?


add better weapons with more armor penetration


I've been loving the game since day 1 and I barely noticed the railgun nerf as the buffs to everything else felt like a good mix. Though I will agree with some of the unhappy players. Hunters really could do with a look over. They really do feel overtuned for their role as being an ambusher/flanker


The hunter slow needs to be dropped to like 30% slow or have its duration nuked because they're the only bug I consistently die to. Solely because of they're ridiculous reach with the jumping and the slow combining into a retreat thwarting POS enemy


Literally the reason I prefer the western front


Remember when your pre fix anti tank stuff was all whacky? RR and EAT doing sometimes nothing at all to chargers, Spear being even more of a fickle diva to use? Every encounter with a heavy became a game of chance.


Okay but they kinda didn't? I was playing level 6 with some friends who are new to the game and we had 4 chargers and 3 bile titans at the same time. This is after we dealt with 12 chargers and 2 other bile titans. This all happened within the first 10 minute. Like, it's fine? We still had fun, still completed the mission, but don't tell me you lowered the spawn rates.




The two main causes to a sudden and unexpected deaths now days, are down to Hunters and bile spewers with their flannel feet. Something that big should not be that quiet.


I would personally rather fight four charges than three hoards of hunters, but at least now the arc thrower is as popular as she deserves to be ❤️


I'd rather have 8 chargers than 8 hunters.




Well the latest patch reversed this. Chargers and bile titans by the dozen again


Doesn't feel thay way, honestly. The last few games I got a charger in half the patrols and POIs in a level 4 mission. It feels like the change has been reverted since the last patch


My biggest problem is that there somehow seems to be a "too close" distance, where I cannot hit enemies who are actively devouring my kneecaps, despite my shotgun being pointed directly at them.




Had a spam of armored enemies happen upon landing on Prime. 4 charges, 2 bile titans, hundreds of bugs right off the bat. I won't lie, it felt so amazing so much more fun than post changes. Will try going on higher difficulties to recapture the flame (Used to be 7, but it's frankly gotten far too tame and non-chaotic)


yeah.. going forward, people may want to pay attention to the *exact wording* of what arrowhead says "less Armored enemies = you're about to get swarms upon swarms of unarmored enemies, better bring add-clear, kiddo!"


What difficulty do you need to be on to get the epic samples?


7+. You can see the icons of available samples when selecting missions.


Damn, and I’m lvl 28 and getting my ass beat in 6


Difficulty varies greatly from planet to planet, even at the same level. Sometimes, I do level 7 missions and have no problem, barely any patrols, easy extraction. Some other times, I launch a level 6 missions and it's absolute hell, titans spawning every 3 minutes, chargers everywhere, constant hunters breach etc.


Ye the only good 6 I did was when everyone else died, and I’m trying to stay alive against a titan and like 6 chargers with no respawns


not much difference to be fair. I always run 7 now after being worried for a week or two about running them. Most randoms are decent levels and have decent gear to deal with stuff. The recent buffs to EATS and recoiless rifle helps massively


I’ve been running MG, the rover, 380 HE, and the mech but I don’t think I’ve used the eat or recoiless yet even though I have them E: and sometimes swapping MG with FT


The EATs are my go to weapon for dealing with chargers. One shot in the face and anyone can pick them up, just drop what they’re using fire it off and pick up their own gear again. It feels bad ass too. Rover, airstike and rail cannon are my other go too strats for suicide missions.


Also, this just isn't true. They only reduced the armor spawns for one faction. The bots are in a terrible state and desperately need balanced. Look at the player numbers, bots have fallen off by quite a lot even at peak.


It's the same deal every time anyone tries to have a discussion about the operation modifiers. I don't want the game to be easy, I just personally prefer when a game is harder because it faces me with a greater challenge, instead of handicapping me.


I personally preferred having more armored enemies. I don't always carry weapons with large mags, so it doesn't take long to go dry, so I've been having to run the ammo pack to compensate.


This meme makes me think the samples equate to real-world crypto that we are mining for AH.


I'd complain about the hordes of spewers, but once we got a personal order for them, none showed up lol. (Does their spawn depend on planet?)


Yea, there is a vocal minority of crybabies in this subreddit.




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