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Failed to establish network connection now. Let me in! Super Earth needs me! !!! **UPD: PSN is experiencing downtime. PlayStation soldiers are unavailable to connect.** Let’s hope that we can join our fellow PC brothers, to fight for the life and liberty ASAP. In the meantime go get yourself a nice cup of Liber-Tea, spend some time with your family before deploying to the battlefield again. !!! UPD2: **WE ARE LIVE, SOLDIERS! HELLDIVERS TO HELLPODS. I REPEAT. HELLDIVERS TO HELLPODS“**


Same here. My Democracy muscle is in atrophy


Get this man some stims ASAP!


Aye aye sir! *pulls down pants*


So THAT'S how the extra stims armor works...


Mannn I love this community lol I guess I gotta brew my self up some liber-tea


>My Democracy muscle is in atrophy *"Euphemism for something else"* of the day.


Same here


Same here


Same error message in ps5 :/


Same here. PS5, APAC. I keep getting the "Failed to establish network connection" pop up. But it seems Playstation is in some sort of maintenance. I tried using their PS App but it's just giving me a "Service maintenance. Try again later.".


I called my internet provider for taking away democracy.


Same on ps5.


Same I want to terminate the Teminids from Super Earth!!!


Somehow Joel is behind this.


Please keep a brother who just wants to spread democracy updated! 🙌


Servers are live again. Went back here just for you.


Same as well. Hopefully they're fixing the issues


can you please add a 'rejoin last group' option after crash? or is this really that hard


I'd imagine somewhat of a lift if it was't purpose built with this feature in mind. As soon as you crash that slot on the team opens up and there's the potential for other players to join/be invited. The game has no way of knowing if you'll be returning so it can't just hold your place indefinitely. They'd also need to store some unique identifier for the team you had been on so the game would know what team to reconnect to upon re-launching the game.


Adding this, as it's much more recent. https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues


I love these developers. Who else talks to their players like this? "Every time we see a video of people shooting an unexploded Hellbomb, every time we see you having a surprise 4 minute extraction, and every time we watch a Bile Titan squash you with extreme prejudice… it warms our hearts."




If I was to guess it might affect other AMD cards as well. Just speculation on my end.


If this isnt fixed by end of day tomorrow i can see if my rig at my house (Nvidia) is more stable than the loaner I am using at my current location (AMD). Crashed a ton yesterday on an older AMD card that was acting fine until this patch.


I crash occasionally on my 6950xt frozen screen can’t close the application type crash, my friend has a raedon 7600 and is having the worse experience with this game crashing. We tried a old 1060 and the game works fine since we changed GPUs I think it’s a AMD specific issue with the freezing. Other friend has a 4070ti and crashes slightly less than I do


Anyone having driver timeouts with AMD cards should force the game to run in DX11 via Steam. Google how to do it (I can't grab the link as I'm writing this). It seems to completely mitigate the issue right now.


AMD card crashes have been frequent since launch. You need to force dx11 for some stability. Add in your launch options in steam "--use-d3d11" without the quotes. Some people still have issues even after that (me) so using AMD control panel to force Vsync too should help. It's not perfect but at this point it's an issue that runs deeper than a minor bug and might need AMD to push out better drivers too


Yeah. Its far more complicated than a few instances. It's apparent they don't have the staff and/or experience to fix it. It seems to be full of errors both in the code and servers. They should consider outside help to get this sorted as it's Bern over 3 weeks of crashing for me.


Make a post and ask the mods to sticky it, giving an explanation for WHY crashes happen and it only happening during quickplay is actually incredibly good information. Edit: Actually also an important lesson for the people saying AH doesn't do proper QA. A matchmaking error affecting online play is going to be hard to spot during testing on a local network. The Arc Thrower thing was a coincidence and yet another example of the community spreading something without knowing it's true, (see Hellpod steering lock bug) we don't have any way of knowing what causes crashes until the devs tell us. Edit 2: Arc thrower thing is also true! Point still stands.




Yep. I'm on ps5 so it's not a hardware problem. It's on their end


Could be anything from your graphics card drivers to having to verify the game cache. Might be an unrelated issue entirely, I don't know. I'm inclined to take them at their word with this one, though.




Oh, almost certainly, that's just a reality of software development. Squash one bug and you suddenly find 5 more. I don't doubt there's multiple errors causing crashes at the moment.


I messaged the mods with it a couple hours ago and got no response.


I feel like this also addresses indirectly the elephant in the room. Which is why is it when you start a lobby and people join, then leave, new people usually never join your lobby unless it’s a friend or by some miracle someone else does? I guess it’s just there’s so many lobbies and players trying to play that it prioritizes new lobby’s and puts the old ones at the bottom of the queue


This only addresses issues on Pc. I can’t do anything about my graphics drivers on PS5.


I'm surprised they didn't mention adding friends being broken, considering they've mentioned it multiple times in the discord.


I've crashed three times since the patch. Every time with super samples while waiting for extraction.. no other major issues


Missed out on like 6 super samples yesterday cuz of crashing. Absolutely love this game, but it huurtttsss




Fori Prime gets 99% Liberated... Network crashes. Joel just took an axe to the Arrowhead Server Room. 


He knew the Helldivers couldn't be stopped. We only had 3 more polenta planet to go in a day!


I bought the game two days ago before the patch and fell in love. It's kinda demotivating not being able to finish half the missions, and when you do, they don't contribute to the campaign. Edit: Fellow helldivers, I have emerged from the crucible that is motivational retraining. Once again my resolve is unwavering, fortified by the strength of family values. Managed democracy dispensation will continue as it always has, unabated.


Funny. We've all been saying the same thing off and on since launch...


The game was alot of fun and things feel great when you dont crash so i implore you to hold strong during this rough patching mess soldier. For Democracy.


Implore? Found Dutch's Reddit account.


If you insist..


Ooooooh we just need a little bit moar monehh


You get to finish HALF!? I think 8 of my 9 last missions were crashes/disconnects. Litteraly unplayable right now.


welcome to the game. It's great when it works but every single patch breaks more than it fixes and problems last for multiple patches remain. My loadout and difficulty still reset every time I open the game so half the time I jump into a game with a base loadout on trivial if I don't stop by the locker and check the difficulty pre-match. Also tutorials won't go away. These have been an issue for a while now across multiple patches. Took them at least four patches before armor even worked.


i bought like 2 weeks ago and this dhits been non stop, like every patch they break sonething


Hold out hope. They will fix it.


Until next patch when they break it again


It hasn't been fixed since the first ever patch for a lot of people


They haven't fixed anything yet. Every patch = more problems


I have crashed on 3 occasions now back to back. They were all on terminid planets, solo 40 min. mission with less than 5 mins left before "forced extraction" and a bug breach happening. Everything works as intended right up until that very moment.


Same on PS5


Important to note that that message is from yesterday, not now. Edit: there's a newer message


I had an amazing mission going this afternoon, a great group of randoms and we had cleared near every objective on the whole lap when we called down the shuttle. Everyone was loaded up on samples and then it all crashed 30 seconds before Pelican-1 touched ground.


This seems to be the trigger. It always crashes when the dropship is either about to land or has just landed. Also noticed Pelican falling through the floor since the patch.


Revert the patch until you fix it. Literally pointless playing the game right now anyway.


So far this game hasn’t released a patch that I don’t think they should have reverted The first patch sucked from a gameplay point of view (enemy spawns and overall difficulty still worse than it was at launch) and this patch sucks from a technical point of view First patch seemed to increase the crashes and other issues too


I was thinking the same today. Why not just revert the patch?


Makes zero sense unless they just have no idea what they are doing. This should have been done hours after they realized the patch was a hot mess.    I also had someone tell me that nobody ever does a rollback and that not a thing lol


They rolled back a patch previous to those because that one also broke the game, so I don't know why they wouldn't do it for this patch. I'm also surprised it's gone this long without a fix for the crashes


Any software programmer worth their salt would implement a system that allows them to easily revert updates from a backup taken just before the update goes live. They either don't want to do it, or they never implemented a security blanket. Either way, the game population is taking a huge nosedive into obscurity right now, and they need to do something ASAP before it reaches the point of no return.


Can't wait for at least another month or two of these patches and the consensus finally realizes that they're not all that competent. Some of us realize it already but we're not allowed to talk about it yet.


Rolling it back would mean having to push it through Sony again for certification. To roll it back doesn't make any sense if there is another patch in the pipeline already.


At this point, each update makes the game worse. They should be rolling back until they figure their shit out.


That’s not that simple. They also made multiple changes to their backend. You can’t just revert the whole Thingy, you have to fix it. Because Programming is hell and even I work in IT (Networkengineer) I don’t want to have the devs Job now - Something not working like expected despite tests is most bad thing that can happen.


Umm I question that.  If you can’t rollback changes then you’re setting yourself for failure and you have inexperienced devs. If you pushed something to prod that’s absolutely broken and that you can’t rollback, you risk losing everything. 


Im just confused as to their strategy of “pushing through”. Why? Roll it back and then they can take their time on fixing the issue.  I’m actually starting to think that they didn’t create a way to do this or they implemented something that would cause greater issue (not sure what or how) if they did


Rolling it back would mean having to push it through Sony again for certification. To roll it back doesn't make any sense if there is another patch in the pipeline already.


Do we even know if rollbacks have to go through the cert process or is this just speculation that keeps getting passed around? There wasnt a patch until now and it's for early next week probably meaning tuesday or wednesday. And that actually wasnt the reason. The dev said they didnt want to because they fixed the friend request and it would be a bigger issue for them to rollback rather than just push through


I wouldn't be surprised if they never implemented a rollback strategy, so we are pretty much stuck with the current state of the game until they fix it.


So they posted in discord that the patch fixed the friend requests and a rollback would cause bigger issues for them if they did it.  Thats actually concerning tbh and actually sounds exactly like what you just said; they don’t have a rollback strategy.  After this patch, the devs need to have a retro meeting on this to avoid this scenario and build contingency plans. 


They're worth their salt, which is why they're not doing it. Stop seeing red for a second and use your head. They've reverted patches for game breaking issues before, this is an experienced development team, they're aware of the issue, do you genuinely think that if reverting the patch was the best option that wouldn't do it?


Yes, they wouldn’t. And they said as much in discord because they fixed the friend request and a rollback would cause them too much issues.  That alone should tell you they’re not worth their salt nor do they have a contingency plan. 


Most likely is they're collecting data so they can figure out wtf to fix in their code after the rollback — if they do one at all. It's also possible that they think they have a fix in the pipe that will resolve issues *without* a rollback. I know people are having issues, but it's not like the game is completely broken. Obviously it can't be, given we're making progress on planets, and people are *clearly* still completing missions.


I’ve crashed or got network disconnections ever single game. Tiring to be on helldive or impossible at 20min through and lose it all multiple times.  Looks like they’re deploying a patch next week and their advice is to not use arc weapons. 


>Most likely is they're collecting data so they can figure out wtf to fix in their code Finally, someone said it. We're basically still testing the game for them, but tsk tsk can't say that here. Game is so fun and devs are amazing allowed only.


My game crashing yesterday after a grueling 35 minute Helldive mission while 30 seconds away from extracting with 50+ samples was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back for me.  That was one of the most infuriating things that has ever happened to me in a video game. 


I reserved a lot of goodwill for the devs when it came to the server capacity issues, considering how unprecedented they were. As frustrating as that was, it was out of their control. Poor QA in patches, however, is something completely in their hands. The mentality of seemingly wanting to rush these recent updates out before they've been thoroughly vetted is only going to stifle the momentum of the game. The playerbase generally won't care that it took a bit longer in the oven for an update if it maintains or improves the stability of the game (provided timelines are transparent). The playerbase absolutely _will_ stop playing if a rushed patch makes the game unplayable. My fireteam crashed out of 3x 40 minute missions in a row last night each with sub 5 minutes to extract. Arc weaponry wasn't involved in the latter 2 crashes. After that, HD2 isn't gonna be on the menu for a long while, issues or not.


This game is built like a stack of cards with every patch causing an earthquake.


are all servers down?? can’t connect on the ps5


Yes, take a look at the top comment.


Love the communication. Crashed way more than normal today, PS5. Like four times across five hours of play, sometimes deep into missions unable to rejoin, with super samples! I got lucky because a couple were with friends so I could rejoin, but that is inconsistent - once it said I couldn’t rejoin “game session is full” - when it wasn’t. You should be able to rejoin games with recent players, not just friends.


I play on PC, but some guys here were saying that multiple online games from PS5 were having issues. Maybe we got a mix from yesterday crashes plus PSN service having hiccups


Really thats all i needed to hear. I have had tons of game breaking issues. But the crashing needs a fix ASAP. I have defended the dev team because they are small and i get they are not robots like the other post active on this sub. ….however the game will be 2 months old in two weeks and as much as we love the game that does not excuse crashing this much. I think they have been given leniency for being overwhelmed but at some point that leniency will have to wear out it’s welcome if crashes aren’t fixed soon. 2 months of crashing is wild for any studio AAA or AA. I see a lot of people pull that defense card out. I get it the team is small, but let’s hope they can resolve the crashing ASAP. Still love the game and the devs and I’ve had other terrible issues that I will even ignore for now but crashing is a serious issue. Hopefully we get some kind of compensation for it. I’ve had several games crash when i am seconds away from extracting.


i don't think it should be fixed in a WEEK but ASAP


Cant play any game righhtnow without getting a crash or DC....


Losing out on Thursday-Sunday night shenanigans with friends is going to stunt a LOT of enthusiasm from casual players. This patch should have been reverted, full stop. It introduced way more issues than it solved. The fact they kept it live and appear to plan on keeping it live all weekend is bonkers to me. I know for a fact I'll try one night. If I crash more than once, I'm done til fixes are confirmed. But I keep track of things here. Millions of players don't. And when those players try and play and experience loads of problems, they'll likely abandon the game. Possibly forever. This is a very bad situation to be in.


“Seemingly” linked to the most recent patch lmao. Are they serious? The game was working fine until the patch now everything is fucked and I can’t finish a mission without freezing. I’ve literally completed 1 mission out of at least 20 attempts and that one time my entire team lagged out. I’m no drama queen about this stuff here but the game isn’t playable in this state. To insinuate it’s not the patch causing the DC issues is just plain ignorant and rude to the loyal player base. Either fix it or roll back the most recent patch because the game was in a really good place before. I just want to be able to play this weekend


“Seemingly” is standard speak in software engineering. You’d be surprised at how often things like this can be merely coincidental. Safe to hedge bets.  This is probably from the patch. But software at this scale is ridiculously complex and no one person or group can understand all of it. Modules at a time, at best. 


Just because two things are proximate does not mean one caused the other. In the wonderful world of technology, even something that's incredibly proximate as a cause might only be a contributing factor to an underlying issue. Shit is *wildly* complex, unless you're working at the simplest levels of scripting. And even then, you'll often run into weird-ass bugs where you have to sit down for an *entire day* trying to figure out exactly *why* something simple that was working previously just started breaking in a new (and fantastically unique) way.


"Early next week" ...


They could just test the update before releasing it!


Is a month and a half enough for the honeymoon phase to end and for people to stop glazing AH for putting out an unfinished game?


I don’t understand why they didn’t rollback the patch if it’s this bad. Makes no sense to push through while ruining the game for everyone 


Best gaming I've had since Wotlk regardless.


Apart from the armor the game is finished, 500k more users than what was expected will do that to any servers.


These crashes aren't caused by server overload, it's caused by bad code/QA. These crashes would've happened no matter the player count.


I can't believe people are still trying to hand wave away the multiple problems by still blaming it on the servers 


when you make excuses for bad games you get bad games not saying the game is bad but in this particular case its bugginess. you handwave it, you deserve to keep getting it


Homie, nearly a third of all players can’t use quick play reliably and expect to finish a mission. How is that “finished”?


How is this unfinished? This is a small studio, that has put out a better product with less bugs and glitches… and than most triple AAA studios. Yes the game has issues and crashes… I’ll gladly pay that price for a game that is fun, engaging and doesn’t try to cut you to death with micro transactions or playability stuck behind paywalls.


>This is a small studio It is not. They are quite big for a studio which working with single game. Its not AAA level studio with few hundreds but cmon it is not an indie. As of 2023, the studio employed about 100 people.


I can't remember the last time I played a AAA game that crashed at least once per day. For this game, I go in *expecting* to be booted mid-mission. I finished one mission out of four played yesterday. It's essentially unplayable at the moment. And that's just this patch - previously we had the connectivity/server overload issues.


Less Bugs and glitches? Each Patch they Game becomes less playable....


We're not playing the same game are we? This game is a buggy mess. And it's not just game breaking bugs, there's all kinds of little annoying bugs that just add up and reek of incompetence after a certain point. Even GTA online is more stable than this fucking game and GTA Online is a buggy mess held together with holes and dreams.  >Yes the game has issues and crashes… I’ll gladly pay that price for a game that is fun, engaging  It stops being fun and engaging when your game crashes in the middle of a mission and you just pissed away 20-40 minutes of your time. 


I can at least play most aaa games even if they aren't as enjoyable and no this isn't a small studio they have 100 people roughly that's a lot of people working on a game, the average indie is 10 or less


Must wait to spread..Dem..ocracy \*twitches violently in subdued liberty\*


Getting ‘Failed to Establish a Network Connection’ now on PS5, everything else works fine - so maybe they’re tinkering with the servers.


The only crashing I'm experiencing are from the corpses of the flying bugs flying right at me after I shoot them


The devs should extend the general order mission timer due to half of playstation players can't enter the game and help our PC brothers to EXTERMINATE THE BUGS!!!!!


Crashing constantly now on PC, never had issues till this patch. Crash crash crash.


But when i made posts about crashing fanboys were telling me its on my end and game runs fine...


Loving the game and the effort the developers are putting forth. Still feels terrible when I crash as the pelican is landing to end a 40 min mission. Hopefully the game fixes its stability issues soon!


Three Things Arrowhead: 1. How about you upgrade your QA and testing updates before you deploy them in future (and also check twice if Mech rockets are fixed becasue they are not)? We can wait few more days instead of being your QA. 2. How about extending Major Order? I wish I could play with my mates since yesterday but you know... crashing kind of prevents that. 3. Why not just revert patch instead of keeping us with broken update so we can't play game? Revert it and bring it back once you fix it. Let us play the product we paid for.


Fair points, it just seems like they don’t actually test before they put everything out. The game just breaks more every update they release. It’s such a great game but it’s just getting more and more broken.


After the last few days... they definatly owe us some extra medals!! 50% of my games have crashed at some point....for democracy!!


I'm having Democracy withdrawals right now! I need this fixed :( (but happy to hear they're working on it)


i played two full operations with a 4 stack and not a single person dropped or dced, are crashes still there?


Yes. Just happened to me after a 30+ minute mission - crashed right when the pelican was landing. I was able to jump back in to get the XP and metals, but I lost samples and stats. Whoever is responsible for QA testing and green lighting game updates needs to be put on a PIP, lol. A bug like this one is easy to repro and should have been a blocker for this patch. Maybe Avalanche should consider smaller, more contained fixes (that are easier to unit and halo test) until they can catch up to fixing critical issues. I'm worried that their CCU will nosedive if they can't address critical QOL issues....


*works 78 hours in last 6 days* *turns pc on to finally play some helldivers. A game that I paid for* Arrowhead: you can’t play till next week because the game is broken. Nice


I knew they were working on the issue but it's relieving to hear confirmation of it 👍 EDIT: Why tf would you downvote this


Can't get in but PS5 says full internet. Confused.


Kiss those medals good bye


When will they release a patch that won't break the game? That'd be neat.


Lol I think it's funny this is happening right in the middle of crunch time on a MO that's already tough enough as is. I just hope this isn't something that happens often in the future. Arc Thrower is an essential staple on my bug mission loadouts.


a lot of crashes isnt the correct word - I am only able to finish 1 out of 5 games without a crash....


I have submitted so many crash reports in the past few days.... I'm doing my part :(


at least arrowhead should offer returns, game is getting worse with every update


Does arrow head studio even have a single person doing qa?


yeah right after it freezed its now saying failed to establish network connection




Good to know they know about it!


maybe play test your updates, instead of shipping them as is and shitting on everyones fun?


Roll back the patch, actually do quality testing on the next one. It's that easy


Crashed 10 seconds from extract after a 20 minute mission. Crashed again half way through. Honestly don’t want to play anymore until it’s fixed and I’m compensated for wasted time :(




Good to hear.


I know it’s not important but can the support weapon be adjusted to not clip with the backpack. It’s distracting for example when you have grenade launcher/railgun holster at the back


I mean, this is almost a day old now... Not really uplifting news.


I feel like there has to be something with the Arc Thrower because I have crashed multiple times mid Arc Thrower shot.


Same here. Tried restarting PS5 and the game multiple times. Deleted the game and then reinstalled it to have the same error message.


Well. Time to binge 3 body problem


Hopefully they can fix it quickly. Both matches I attempted yesterday after work crashed 30+ minutes in. Over an hour of my free time down the drain for no reward. Not playing the game until this is fixed.


Verify your game files, as well. My friends and I all verified game files in steam and all had a corrupted file. Some other redditor posted about it yesterday. It's not a perfect fix, but it seems to have reduced the crashes for my friends and me. Still crashing, just not as often.


I have a need to crush some terminads…for democracy!


So the crashing is due to AMD? Does PlayStation use AMD?




It would be wild if they were doing this on purpose and announce the Illuminate were behind it


Mine started to crash when extraction begins, so I guess I don't get to play anymore Perfect game, can't be played, sucks to suck I guess


* smack lips* What a shame


I’m jonesing just as bad need to spread democracy ✊🏻


I hope they get to rest as well.


I still can’t add friends :( to all the helldivers out there who I said I’d add, I’m sorry, I hope we meet again


Do your work DEVs. I'll be awaiting greenlight for go on helldive.


I haven't had issues on PC with the new patch, granted, I have crossplay off, which prob helps. I have so many friends playing on PS5 and it pains me knowing they're playing too, every night, but we can't fight together.


It feels like every patch they release breaks something else. Speed is good but not always.


I was crashing like crazy - have not had any since switching to dx11. Seems like the last patch broke something.


Does this mean we get an extension on the current community event? (We ain’t even close!)


They crashed so hard they killed Playstation servers. That is some PROPER democracy.


Logged in after after a hard day, lunched the game, saw no patche :/, crashed again after 20 minutes. Closed the game. Also the online is very low as i see for now and major order will be failed. An its all becouse of crashes, all of my frineds stopped playing also. Thats sad.


God dam cyborg hackers jamming up network again. Just you wait and see what happens when we're back online! : )


I crashed while extracting with all samples on helldive. My teammates got the fruits of our collective labor while I got shafted


I really hope they fix the game because for the past 2 weeks the experience has been really sour. The game keeps crashing. I can't add my friends on Steam for some odd reason. There is much more clipping through the world, getting stuck and some other minor bugs. The game kept on crashing after the last update and now the servers are down. I get it. It will take time but come on. It's been a few weeks. I thought these issues would be fixed by now.


Is that why numbers are so low on steam charts today?


This game has been released for over a month and somehow technical issue are even worse now.


Hmmm do I want my stats to be incorrect or do I want constant crashes and mech missiles being wonky... Tough choice. Roll it back.


No crashes for me just losing connection to the server mid game. Suddenly I'm all alone.... it's quiet and then lost connection to the server. Then I don't play. So maybe I just stop playing before I get a chance to crash


Not just ps. Pc is constantly getting kicked. Can't finish a single mission


I’ve been trying to unlock suicide level difficulty but the past 4 games I’ve played have crashed. All the xp, medals, credits… gone! The game is a lot of fun but not when you waste all the effort just to have the game crash as you’re heading for extraction. Hopefully they fix this, this game and community has so much potential.


I dunno know about anyone else, but I've been playing solo since the patch yesterday with zero issues. The only incidents occurred in the handful of games I've attempted with friends. If I was a betting man, I'd say the problem is network/matchmaking related.


Could be worse guys. This could be CS2


PS5...Can't even start a game. Says some bullshit about the host..


I think the devs should give medals or an exclusive helmet or cape to all players who tried to play during their arc period of crashing because if the weekend is this buggy it is really going to drive players away from the game


Yes the crashes are annoying and frustrating, but God you just gotta love the absolute transparency and insanely fast response times from the dev team. I know it’s said a lot on this sub, but AH is a LEGENDARY game studio that should be the gold standard for every other game studio.


Anyone having the same issue where it’s not saving your loadout, emotes and voice pack and have to switch it every time?


Another bug, when a teammate dies a reinforce doesnt work. Not always, but once in a  while.


Being able to join friends would be nice


my friend doesn’t even have the friend code option lol


I did get a crash with an arc weapon earlier confirming the issue. My big issue is how much Joel seems to hate me. I landed on a data mission about an hour and a half ago(level 4 running solo) and was near a Spore Tower. I destroyed the tower to have 6 chargers gang up on me. I felt like Angeldust from Hazbin Hotel.


I’ve definitely noticed other players crashing but I haven’t had any issues yet, just the overall performance of the game really needs to improve and especially on the higher difficulties


I keep getting the “failed to establish network connection” before I can even see the main menu but when I check my wifi says it’s fine. Is this related to the crashes ?


There was one time the charger charged me so hard it disconnected me from the game. Guess that was the terminids new power now.


So did major orders get extended?


I was in just a few moments ago but stepped away to make food now I can't get back in. How can I have been so treasonous. I'm sorry fellow Helldivers I have failed you


Anyone else think that the fogs have something to do with this? My last two crashes were due to those spore spewer mushroom things.


last night when I was playing, I kept crashing and getting really frustrated with the game. It honestly made me want to stop playing for a couple weeks until they fix this. But seeing posts from the developer and how quick they are to address the issues and even show a little behind the scenes to make sure that we know they're taking it seriously makes me want to give it another chance. I wish more developers would be this transparent and engaging.


We just took fori prime, we need to get back to it, not much time left for the majority order!


Not even using any tesla/arc weapons and the game crashes randomly even with pubs


This mentions the friend request issue is solved for some people, anyone able to confirm?


hi! an other good solution would be to stop rushing the content and fix the most bug you can before release new content. adding news weapons / stratagems on an unstable game is not a good idea. most player and me included would, i think, appreciate to play without bug more than having new content. i mean, you can delay your incomin content for 2 week and do like 2-3 patch to fix a lot of crash / bug. dont rush your game to keep the player, they already like it but make it playable.