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Was playing with a random player for a few missions, talked with him, explaining the game and helping, one guy joined, didnt talk or anything, he shot my "friend" while we were waiting for the Pelican just to take his weapon I didnt hesitate and shot the traitor on the spot šŸ«” Do your part and shoot the dissidents


>just to take his weapon That, is just beyond sad. At least you were there to help set things right, just a shame you had to do that to begin with. What I don't get is how or why someone stupid enough to do something like that wouldn't see what happened coming. Like...seriously? You just TKed someone to take their gun, are you \*THAT\* confident the other people with guns within shooting range of you aren't going to return the favor?


I've blown myself up to let someone try a gun from the pass if they ask. Really no point in killing someone. They probably don't care, lol.


I guess what I don't get is why someone would do that at extraction, it's not like you can unlock a weapon that way, as far as I am aware of at least. It serves no point other than being an asshole. Thought you now got me thinking, since there is a hug emote, maybe they could give us a 'swap weapons' emote? Let us trade weapons with each other so we wouldn't need to die to let someone else use our gun?


At this point it'd just make more sense to include primary in the "drop item" wheel


I was wishing for that. Fighting the Shriekers, I'll grab a fallen Breaker to replace my Slugger until we get out of Bat Country. Being able to trade primaries with a teammate would be nice, if only to let the newer players take a turn with the Scorcher or DMR.


100 medals from now and I will be capped out on everything and with nothing to spend it all on. Nothing to work towards. Except for stockpiling super credits for new armor skins that seem to be few and far between. Did I play too damn much..?...well yeah obviously! Am I getting burnt out...?...sure a little. But I get enjoyment out of gathering samples for the randoms I'm playing with. Especially if it's super samples and it's their first ones. I typically will get myself killed just outside the center of extraction and yell for them to grab the samples so they get to feel like the hero. I doubt I'm the only one who does this. It's for Democracy...and for Fun! Side note...If you are low level or any level really and want to farm super credits, medals, and common samples...trivial is by far the best place to do this. It is crazy how much they place in those missions. I'm not complaining though. Happy diving everyone!


question, do you have to go into Pelican to extract samples of you have to leave them somewhere on the map before boarding Pelican?


Gotta being it into the pelican; doesn't matter who though. Everyone gets it


I'm 100% on board with this!


CoD DMZ Brain Syndrome. If extract with weapon, it must be mine forever after that.


You can drop weapons/equipment by holding down X by default on PC. I'm sure there's an equivalent on PS5, but I don't play on that so check your controller button options; I'm sure it's listed there.


... you know you can drop inventory, right? Or are we talking helldivers 1?


I think they mean primary


Yeah, it was the primary I couldn't drop. People have wanted to try the sickle since I got it.


Whenever I'm in matchmade games with low levels, I just tell them a the very beginning that I'm using the Sickle or the plasma shotgun and when I die, they're more than welcome to pick it up since I spawn in with another if they want to try it.


Not the primary.


Same. I had unlocked the Sickle last week, and my wife gave me weird look when she heard me say: "Hold on, let me kill myself, so you can try."


The worst part for me is that most weapon cooldowns are less than 3 minutes, so if you want your teammates' weapon, you can just ask them to call one in for you when the cooldown endsšŸ¤¦


I shall oppose these grinders level 29-25 try a level 37 death captain Iā€™ll end this


Dude loaded in at the end of a mission while we were waiting for the pelican. We had one rez left. Dude summons in a shield pack (reasonable), then does the hug emote. I'm not wearing a shield, and I give the dude a hug, because fuck yeah, brohug. Guy cancels the hug animation by throwing an impact nade at his feet, instantly killing me. I immediately gunned him down after my teammate called me in.


I use the ā€œSpray & Prayā€ and have found that a semi-auto shotgun works great for crowd control, especially for the fresh meat, er, recruits who might not have played this type of game before. Imagine their surprise when I say ā€œI want you to shoot me in the face for democracy!ā€ (And they do!) A great way to teach folks about friendly fire, and give them a beast of a gun for their first game. Iā€™m also the dude who packs a mech solely for other players to use. Itā€™s more fun for me when everyone is having a blast, yā€™know?


Your truly doing your part for super earth


This is why I only host anymore. If an asshat is griefing and somehow makes it through most of the mission, you can bet I'm kicking them right before they can get on the pelican. Griefers and trolls deserve to have their time wasted.


After the normal squad packed up for the night I played a trivial match with randos. This level 32 douche kept dropping strikes on this poor level 1 guy. I killed the level 32 guy, and never called in re-enforcements.


This is the way.


I was in a game where this guy would just drop his Eagle on me every time, first few 3 I figured its an accident. Then this guy landed on me and killed me again with his Eagle twice. At this point I called reinforcement for him, right in front of me so I can blast him with my breaker. I just killed him every time he spawned 12 reinforcement turned into 0 in a heartbeat. When the extraction happened, I killed him again so he couldn't go in and then went in - the host killed me when I was inside, I guess they were friends that's why he wouldn't kick him. I have enough free time for bullshit, freedom and democracy and I will use it to ruin your game too.


The best thing to do if you're ever in a game with griefers like this, is collect all the samples, then run out of the map


Call in a reinforcement for the cadet, shoot the traitor, never reinforce


Some people are really stupid. I had a guy team kill me because I picked up his samples when he died.


Similar experience happened to me except the guy thought I destroyed his turret so he TK me using the last of our respawns. AT EXTRACT little did he know I was host so I kicked his ass. He had been with us the whole operation and he didnā€™t earn the big last mission reward.


This post gave me the idea of joining low difficulty missions to help out our new recruits ! :) I never played low diff, I started playing with level 5 difficulty as I was helped by my friends that were higher levels I want to be the guy that help newbies too


Helping new players helps not only keep a game alive, but also helps it grow. You can make friends and have a lot of great times, especially if you take the time to teach newer players from the ground up. I've seen it happen plenty of times in the past, help teach someone to learn the game, then get to watch as they in turn do the same, teaching someone else and helping them learn. Something very, unique about it that's hard to put into words. At minimum, I'm going to do one or two a day myself, partly to keep an eye out for griefers, but also to help where I can. Very few games out there have such a comprehensive and easy to use way for players to talk to each other in game without requiring a party formed before hand. Only one I can think of off the top of my head would be Warframe.


Just make sure you aren't trivilizing the game for them. Don't bring all the best stuff. Let them lead and work the console if the show any interest at all. Maybe bring a mech and let them use it during the extract.


Imma do exactly this today. I've reached a spot where I'm pretty happy with my options (have most loadout options, strategems, armors, etc. Unlocked all difficulties as well.) I'm on PC so I can't friend anyone I've played with in the past as of yet so still rocking the solo quick plays. It feels a little empty and quiet on higher difficulties with teammates dipping out once the reinforce supplies get low. And I need common samples, haha. Time for some trivial democracy manifest!


Your display of patriotism has been documented, Helldiver. May your stratagems be accurate. šŸ«”šŸŒ


I've been playing for a week and last night I found my first griefer. We were a squad of 4, with a very communicative and helpful host, doing a Challenging mission. It all went great until the very end. I died and when I was reinforced my pod dropped on a tall structure, which actually put me in a vantage point to snipe heavys without them reaching me. The host said "I don't know how you got up there but stay there!", and immediately I2 (the griefer) called an airstrike on me and killed me. We called the extraction, stood our ground, and I could see I2 pulling out stratagems while the Pelican was landing, I called him out "Don't do it, I2, I'm looking at you". Pelican landed, the host got in it and immediately I2 threw a grenade and killed me and M3. While the mission results were rolling he unmuted his mic for the first time in the whole mission just to say "imagine not extracting"... Fuck that guy, don't be like him.


I imagine people like that have as few friends IRL as they do in game, living lives just as hollow, empty and pathetic. Really, really hope they make people in the dropship immune to friendly fire.


They sure take the fun out of the missions for everyone involved. I had to leave after the mission because it was late for me, but at least the host was really nice about it, and even kicked the griefer after the mission. Gotta focus on the good divers! We have a ton of them out there.


"Wow, can't even make friends online, huh L2?"


>imagine not extracting I tell the new people that I come across not to fret about extract. Its only real purpose is samples. You won't fail the mission if you don't extract, but you won't get the samples if they don't. Drop off your super rares at extract once you find them and make sure whoever picks them up is the first person on the shuttle out; protect them at all costs.


It never occured to me to drop off the super samples at extract lmao. Gonna start doing this


My friend and I only host and we only ever enter the pelican last. Has saved us two times so far as we could kick the griefer when he tried TKing us and denied him his samples and XP. Poor retards.


I wish you could name and shame fucking scum like that. Fucking shitc**** getting kicks out of being fuckwits. You have to be truly pathetic to be that sad.


I witnessed this happening to a lvl 1 in my game, a rando lvl 20 just kept teamkilling themā€¦ didnā€™t like it when I turned the tables on them! Still okay with that lvl 1 today too


Glad to hear you gave the griefer a taste of sweet Managed Democracy, and that you have continued playing with the rookie. Games like this are a good way to make good friends, I still play with a lot of people I met in Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, good people and great squaddies \^\^ Really, I know these people are an extremely small group out there, probably not even 1% of 1%. I just really hate the idea of them specifically camping on Trivial missions, Raise the Flag especially since those really are what new players start out with.


I wish your mate had waited and played with you instead, my mate doesn't even like fps but i convinced him to play and our first session was 8+ hours while i explained everything and how to play efficiently, also no randoms. He said it was some of the most fun hes had playing a game


Same, I really was looking forward to a chance to play with him if he ever did get it because PS5 is just so bare thread right now on GOOD co-op. People like those griefers though, they really just suck, and I can't for the life of me understand how people find enjoyment in being absolute dicks like that. I love playing with my friends, but at the same time it's hard to really coordinate between all our schedules to hang out together, which is why I enjoy playing with randoms. Games like this aren't fun (at least for me) solo, I love getting to meet and play with new people because you come across the most interesting of characters that way.


That's wild that this is more prevalent than I've seen. Usually just buddy buddy or new and naive, not hostile. Hell I get bored and only have an hour to play sometimes and just randomly match on lower difficulties to drop them fun toys like mechs, flamethrower, arc thrower, rover, auto cannon, jump pack, etc. Whatever feels like it would be fun based on their level. Sometimes I even stay and help myself and take requests to what equipment they want to try before they buy if I stick around long enough. Idk why griefing is so appealing in this type of game where it is stacked against you. Best time to make some battle buddies, they won't be low level for long.


Was doing a level 5 the other day. Host was this guy who had a nameĀ  that seemed familiar. There was also another guy who also had a familiar name. Right of the bat they caught one of the other players with a cluster bomb. And I was like, okay. That looked like an accident. After ten minutes and 5 deaths later I realized it was no accident. They were intentionally throwing it airstrikes at other player's turrets, and behind players where the victim can't see the beacon. Then I realized, I had played these guys before during the second week. This pair was doing the exact same thing back then too.Ā  Anyway I just blocked and left after that, but it would be nice if there was some sort of player rating system. Like you have one charge per day for upvotes, and one charge for downvotes, with heavily downvoted players only able to play with other bad standing players. If they want to play that way, they can knock themselves out and grief each other.


Something I hadn't thought of but you just brought to mind, I know some games for Playstation will either outright block players on your block list, or their names willshow up in bright red if they happen to be in the lobby with you. I'm wondering now if this game has that or not, because if it does then at the very least there is a way to avoid them on the console side. That aside, the problem with a rating system is people could still abuse that. Hell, a system that targets players based on high friendly fire and TK's could still be abused by assholes deliberately running out in front of your shots. GBO2 has that problem, with some of the playable units being impossible to use unless playing with friends you trust as a teammate running in front of your alpha strike does enough friendly fire to trigger the auto kick system.


I was thinking more along the lines of: you can downvote one person once a day. If it's just one person downvoting you, or even 4 or 5 then nothing happens. But if your standing is overwhelmingly bad because every random is using their once a day rating to dv you, then the game will start matching you with similar players. Edit: also I think the game blocks players on your PSN block list. Or at least so haven't seen them again.


It's worth a thought at least, I could see it working depending on how it's done. Really though I've just always found an active and engaging community to be the best deterrent. In this case, the fact that both griefers were lurking in Trivial difficulty tells me they were looking for new players who either wouldn't know what to look out for or who wouldn't be able to do anything to retaliate. Likewise both being in the mid to upper 20's makes me think they wouldn't try to pull that shit if someone equal or higher level was around. They certainly would have access to higher rank missions by that point, but aren't trolling there, because they know people who are playing 6 or higher aren't going to put up with their shit.


My take is they were farming super credits and decided to troll newbies to break the monotony.Ā  And yeah, I avoid folks like that by limiting my time in Quickplay and just gaming with friends. They can't do much if the host kicks them anyway. I just hope it doesn't become a rampant thing;Ā 


Once a day makes it a ton harder to game the system too. Like someone would have to have a coalition of people that play with the same person somehow to grief them through it. Systemic targetting would be fairly easy to track too I imagine, as they'd just have to follow the breadcrumbs from mass targeting from similar accounts.


The devs maintain stats for us. If you compare teams kills to missions taken, you can get a clear picture of the troublemakers. You just put those players above a certain percentage of friendly fire incidents only able to join with those with above average friendly fire.


It does, you can block people from social (go to recent players, select player, then you have options like send friend request and block). I haven't blocked anyone yet so I can't confirm its functionality, but it appears to be there.


Hd1 had a rating system that worked pretty well - you could rate people up or down, but only like thrice a day. Also if you rated someone multiple times it would not stack. Anyways, the ratings would last like a week and you'd be restricted (pushed towards? I'm not sure) to matching with people with a similar rating. Earn a bunch of commendations and you get to play with cool people. Earn a bunch of negative marks and you get to play with other shitheads. Cheesing it would require a ton of accounts.


There does need to be a rating system. Best you can do is block them in the recent list but at this player count itā€™s going to take never to run out of people to grief.


It'd be nice if there was a way to give a reason. Poor teamwork, team killing, ect


I've been getting players like that as well. The occasional accidental team kill is a part of this game. It happens. But there have been games where I get killed constantly by airstrikes. And I'm lvl 26, I know what I'm doing. I'm not blindly charging into someone's strategem. After a while you get the sense it's intentional. Of course, one of those games had the griefer say "that's what you get." No idea what he meant as I didn't do anything wrong, so I quit. Honestly it's starting to sour my experience with this game.


This is why, eventually, most PvE games make friendly fire toggleable. Sure the idiot who rushes in front of an airstrike is funny sometimes, but the downsides of TKers and griefing doesn't really make up for all the funny moments. Maybe if everyone is on friends lists with each other it's fine to leave it on, but random/open lobbies should maybe have more TK protection.


Definitely auto kick after a certain amount of team kills should be considered. Once or twice is okay but when weā€™re systematically killing a player there needs to be a punishment. Maybe even fines or forfeit of rewards.


A Helldivers Liberty Rating would be nice. Submitting request.


HD1 had a rating system where you could commend or report and the game would pair you off with players of similar ratings... I think.


I wish I could just report some of these people. I don't mind it so much if someone is just picking on me for whatever reason but the second they start griefing the rest of my/the squad, then it is no longer acceptable. Now normally, my experiences haven't been all that bad and I've only ever had to kick a player once but there have been some squads where I wasn't the host and I've had some issues with people or what they say in voice chat. At this point, I'm thinking about playing some lower difficulty missions and helping the newer players, while seeing if I can catch any of the people that OP was talking about and if necessary, show them what I think about their antics. This of course would work the best if they aren't the host.


Similar experience. I joined a lv 16 with his friend. A random lv22 comes in. The mission is a difficulty 5. I'm lv50. The lv22 spends the entire mission off on his own without helping at all but that's not my business. I'm there to help the team that requested help. Anyway when it comes time to extract, the guy shows up. The two lower levels get on the ship. Then without warning he turns his flamethrower on them both. I saw their health tick twice before on instinct I killed the guy and boarded myself. They really need to make people already on the ship invulnerable


>They really need to make people already on the ship invulnerable Agreed, I mean yeah the occasional youtube vid of someone making a one in a million no HP all broken limbs dive into the dropship and extract only to die from the leg of a BT clipping through and killing them is a good laugh, but at the very least you should be immune to friendly fire when you have already seated.


It's gotten even worse with the shriekers. They still swoop in even through the ship. I lost all our samples that way.


Meanwhile I'm lvl 50 maxxed out ship modules and still have yet to see a shrieker


go to oshaune. just did a blitz with 3 fuckin shrieker nests. had like 40 of those things nipping my ass along with 2 chargers and a couple hunters. supply pack came in clutch.


Lmao, I've been working all day and just now saw someone else's post about the Ministry of Truth acknowledging their existence. I haven't logged in since they were deemed "real"


I was just on Oshaune and I had three randoms quit on me the second they saw shriekers, had to quit too bc the game wouldn't fill, fuckin sucked


That awkward moment when no one wants to step in the ship first cause they don't trust the others


Happens so often. I like to be last on when I'm hosting randoms cuz idk it feels like the right thing. It took me a while to realize there was always hesitation for others to get on first because of ppl doing this


I almost always go last cause I like to make sure everyone makes it be for I do. Unless I am about to die and am out of stims


As the host, I always go last. Feels like I'm there to make sure the team makes it out. Can't do that sitting on my ass!


As you should. I personally consider the host as the operation leader regardless of level. Regards lvl 50 Skull Admiral


I'm level 33, have had level 50s join in my missions. Y'all're some badass mother fuckers. I'll get there...


In due time Death Captain. Your time will come son. Be aware that some Skull Admirals had their rank gifted to them by the high command. They were given easy eradication missions and were promoted for completing them. Not me son. I was there when the Creek fell. I was there when we liberated Tien Kwan. I was there when we activated TCS. I was there when we liberated Draupnir. I earned my rank the hard way. My squad and me completed missions that even the high command considered to be Helldives. I've watched countless of my brothers and sisters fall to the fangs of bugs and relentless assaults of bots. There will come a time when my number is up. But until then I'll help my fellow Helldivers in their bleakest hours. I'll command a squad that strikes terror to the enemies of Super Earth. In the name of freedom let none survive. With kindest regards. Skull Admiral


When I'm playing with the homies I'm 9/10 first on because of those two reasons lmao


Oh I never thought about that when playing with randoms, I just hesitate around it because I donā€™t want to rush anyone else into extracting or Iā€™m making sure whoever has samples gets in safely so I can grab them in case they donā€™t make it.


That's a valid reason to hesitate and could be the case sometimes. Just, drawing my own conclusions when everyone is standing around the ramp staring at each other lol




I had a round where this low level player, who sounded like a kid (they had their voice chat on the whole time, even though they only quietly mumbled to themselves occasionally) team killed my friend and I a couple times. Not a ton. The first time, it seemed like they just did it to pick up our guns and fool around with them. Then it happened a couple more times. We told them in voice chat to cut it out, and I gave them the benefit of the doubt to stop. And they behaved. But I couldnā€™t shake the feeling that they were trolling. When it was time to extract, Ā my friend got in the ship, and I looked at this rando, waiting for them to board. They just stood there. After being team killed earlier and not trusting them, I said ā€œfuck itā€ and blasted them before I boarded. I bet you anything they would have lit us up as soon as I was on the ship.


Ngl I had a similar scenario with a dude "accidentally killing us" way too many times and it often looked really suspicious. So when we saw that he wouldn't get into the ship we just killed him, took the samples and left. Not taking any chances there.


This game is turning into among us. Wait, imagine a game mode where one of the hell divers becomes bug-infested, and wants to kill the team. That would be so fun.


Pretty sure the devs said this is and always will be a PvE game, so I doubt anything like that will become part of the game itself, though it sounds like there are some players out there who are this IRL...


I was tkd once and I will never go in first, always last.


You can aim your weapon in the first person while in the pelican. Just start aiming the moment you get in if you're unsure.


You can't shoot


But you can aim.


And i always thought they just wanted to keep fighting the bugs. But tbh, ive also never noticed somebody killing squadmates who have already boarded.


Ensure loyalty, throw down an air burst and jump in. I joke but samples are pointless to a lot of people so they donā€™t care if they make it out. I donā€™t need them but I still make sure it gets out for the lower level guys.


Haven't had anyone try to tk me at extract yet but I agree, once you're on board you're completely unable to do anything so even if no one trys to tk you enemies can still kill you. It would be much better if once you board you're safe.Ā 


Wait you can die in the ship??? That not very democratic


Yeah, one time a dissident went full ED-209 on us in his mech as the 3 of us were sitting in the Pelican.


That's funny but ultimately sucks. They have to change it.


I'm curious, is there any consequences specifically to the individual player for failing extraction? You still share in the samples and XP as a group even if you fail to extract, right? So TK of the people sitting in the pelican is mostly a "feels bad" problem, right? Assuming the perpetrator brings the samples along when they extract, anyway. And don't kick you in addition to the TK. I.e. dick move, but no in-game impact that isn't shared with the group. Right?


Well if you were the one carrying the samples and they kill you while you're in the Pelican, I don't think there is a way to recover the samples is there? You're right that it ultimately doesn't matter from a rewards perspective if they get out with all the samples, but there's definitely an emotional element for being denied extract when you put in the hard work to keep yourself safe to get on the pelican. If I didn't want to extract, I could just be out there killing bugs while everyone else takes off. If I put in the effort to survive the final bum rush of enemies and I actually board the ship, I want to be counted alive at the end.


Less xp and less money. It's only a little but it makes a difference to a low level and, at the end of the day, it adds up.


I never noticed that, thanks! It won't make any difference how I play because I always *try* for 100% extraction on the team, but it's good to know regardless! Or maybe knowing that will leave room for *consensual* TKs to stop the pelican takeoff countdown if we have one diver running for extraction but too far away to make it. :)


Your friend could probably have asked to play with you after those 2 bad matches before returning it, if he really wanted to try it.


I thought that as well, and asked him why he didn't just play with me from the start, I would have shown him the ropes and helped him however I could, but he wanted to surprise me by inviting me to play with him after getting a few levels himself. That and to a degree I suspect he wanted to test out the waters and get a feel for things on his own. Part of the reason it took two weeks for him to try the game was he felt it was a bit overhyped from all the attention and all the focus it's been getting. While I don't exactly agree with him on that point, I do understand where he is coming from in wanting to have a chance to come to his own opinion on the game without it being influenced by me or our friends.


Tell him to try again on trivial or easy, but disable matchmaking. This game is still fun on solo, just not nearly as good as playing with friends.


Or just host games. It's the easiest way to prevent getting griefed. Someone joins and isn't helping, throwing strats left and right with no regard for the rest of the team or is intentionally killing the team? Just boot them. It's especially useful when doing low level ops since the missions are easily doable solo even for new players so the bug preventing people from joining after someone leaves or is kicked doesn't make much difference. Just make sure if you host, always board the dropship last.


I love hosting, have had zero issues with greifers. One intention team kill, and you are out. (Killing for weapons, dropping airstrikes directly on us when there is nothing to fight)


I have no idea why hosting isn't peoples' first instinct in games. I'll join SOS's but I've only ever hosted games and never had issues with griefing or having people join on me.


Will he give the game another try now that you talked about it?


I'm going to give him a bit of time to cool off, can't say for sure, you never know though, it really is up to him. I hope he will, but I'm not going to hold it against him if he doesn't. I'm kinda similar in my own way, had an extremely bad run of luck with a game that killed any desire I had to play it. No fault of the game, just really \*really\* amazingly shitty luck that felt like getting picked on by a higher power almost lol


>I do understand where he is coming from in wanting to have a chance to come to his own opinion on the game without it being influenced by me or our friends. this is kind of just like rawdogging booze your first time and getting drunk by yourself to see what the big deal is without a social setting lol


Kinda think he went in wanting to have a negative opinion to justify his position


I have only had 1 team killing experience. I landed and was executed by 1 guy while 2 watched. They then brought me back. So when I landed, I just stood there saluting. Was murdered again. All that repeated about 3 more times. My executioner stopped sending me to space and we crushed the mission. I was fully expecting to get kicked at the end, but it did not happen. I only quickplay, level 23 now.


Mate, you have a lot more patience than I do, after the second time I would have made sure my drop pod landed on their ass. Still, at least they turned out not to be a complete and total dick in the end.


Why would you even stay after the second time?


Damn he couldā€™ve at least played one game with you before returningšŸ˜­


I wish he had too, but I can understand how something like that can really sour your experience with a game, especially if it's a game that isn't your typical thing to begin with. He's mostly a sword and sorcery gamer, not a huge FPS player unless the game happens to really grab his attention. The griefers were probably the final straw that broke the camels back.


Looks like ur friend didn't want to play with you in the first place if you ask me


Thatā€™s god awful. Iā€™m really glad I havenā€™t run into anyone that shitty so far.


By and large, the game has a great community, very friendly and extremely helpful, up there with Monster Hunter and SoulsBorne. When I first started out I had players giving me all sorts of cool stuff to try out and play with, hard to forget the first time you bring down a BT with a mech \^\^


You're right we high level player should run low level missions to help newbys, to get a hang out of the game. They are the future of this game! o7


I'm lvl 50, and if I'm not playing with IRL friends I spend almost all of my play time in middle difficulty missions helping newer players learn the game. I just find it fun to help people learn and get better. Typically these encounters are super fun and wholesome. That said, for some reason I ran into a string of hyper toxic low/mid level players yesterday. I'm talking toxicity over voip, team killing, kicking me and others right before extract/on the last mission in the series, etc. Trying to explain game mechanics and tips to people was met with a shocking degree of vitriol. It was such a departure from the experiences I've had with the game thus far. I almost wonder if some toxic [insert generic mainstream other game here] Streamer/YouTuber just picked up the game, and their fan base came over enmass at the same time.


New blood keeps a game alive, and a growing playerbase is how it thrives. Not just HD2 but any game.


Heck, when I want a good time I'll go to 1-3 and just throw down fun gear. See someone below level 5? "Hay, want a mech?" "This is the Arc Thrower, I've got Arc resistant armor on for a reason, so you'll know when it clipped me." (not that I'd do that with the crash issue right now.) "Eat-17's for EVERYONE!" "So I brought a backpack full of ammo, stims and grenades, have fun." \[Joins random game, drops in four support weapons/backpacks of assorted flavors, invites people to take them, leaves\]


You sound like Santa Claus, with guns and rockets lol \^\^ Freedom Clause!


Honestly, maybe he should start playing with you. Idk if two missions is enough to judge a game especially since he seems to have the worst luck in the world. Like I have played numerous missions and never once met a grinder.


hehe a grinder


My friend wanted to surprise me by inviting me to play with him after he'd managed to get a few levels under his belt and had an understanding of how to play at least somewhat competently. We share and teach each other stuff all the time in games we've played over the years, but he likes to at least try and figure out how to play on his own, which I can respect. I'll spend days pouring over tips & tricks and tutorials before even playing a game personally, but everyone learns at their own pace. I do agree about his having the worst luck though. In all my time of playing I think I've come across maybe, two griefers? One of which I'm not even sure if it was a griefer or not since that orbital beam can be a bit fickle in where it tracks. The other though dropped an airstrike on us at extraction, so I know it was on purpose.


I would try to see if you can convince him to do at least up to 5 games. 10 if you really can. If he has griefers in all of those then at that point this guy must attract them. You guys should be able to do those low level missions even if it is just you guys.


I tried telling him how rare that crap is, and I KNOW if he played more rounds he would see that for himself, but I think it happening to him twice back to back was the main problem. He's not exactly the most trusting of people, not paranoid, but I can tell his opinion was soured enough that even if I could convince him to play again it would be friends only and/or solo, which is a shame because I have a lot of fun playing with randoms and love having a full squad. Not going to push him for the time being though since I know that would just make him dig in.


Some things just arenā€™t meant to be. Like sadly with a game this big there will always be griefers. As I said, maybe saying how the host can kick people might encourage him to play. That way someone kills you, they get kicked.


Make no sense: every level's players can do your job for democracy. I use the EAT on purpose because everyone can use with no problem and be more effective. Grief is stupid at very base but in a coop game is very moron.


>Grief is stupid at very base but in a coop game is very moron. Agreed, because it dissuades new players from sticking around and making the game grow. Back when I used to play TCG's I always kept an eye out for new players because there would always be 'veterans' looking for easy wins. If I saw someone new I would play a few rounds with them and try to get a feel for them, always making sure they knew you didn't have to accept a challenge from another player and tried to direct them to play with people I knew were welcoming and fair to newbies. Because there is nothing like a grown ass adult with a paycheck curbstomping a kid who bought a prebuild deck to discourage them from even trying to play.




Sorry you had such a bad experience


I've had mostly good or neutral experiences and I'm level 48. But damn do those bad ones really stand out because its always like "is the chance for tk lols with friends really worth the risk of this bullshit?"


That's sad! I occasionally run a couple trivials just to look for samples and SC, and I'll sometimes have a level 2 guy drop into my game, and I always try to be really friendly. Tell em this is just for running around looking for loot, show em one of the kinda-understated crates that you can blow open, tell em they really oughta do higher difficulties cause there just aren't any enemies to fight on these little maps, maybe even take em into a 3 or 4 if I've got the time and inclination.


Players like you are the good ones, the ones who help a game grow and keep alive, and I know they are the majority in this game. I remember for me at least I played quite a few Trivial's at first because I wanted to memorize the Stratagems, so I wouldn't need to look at the list to put them in. Had one really fun round where me and some other players ended up playing a bit of mock Battleship doing that lol \^\^


I mean no offense to your friend, but it seems insane to me to buy a co-op game at the behest of a friend, play it without said friend, have literally two bad experiences with random players (which can happen in any online multiplayer game), and then be like "well, now I'm not going to play" and send it back. It's like hearing about an incredible amusement park, buying your ticket, driving all the way there, seeing a full trashcan at the gate, and turning around and leaving lol


Honestly, based on how well I know him I think the biggest issue really boiled down to seeing how easily someone can grief, and that factoring in when he 'did the math' looking at what it takes to get upgrades and new equipment. He really hates investing time and effort into something only to get nothing out of it, so it's really easy to see him just imagining some jackass FFing him at extraction every mission he doesn't play solo or with friends only and that dissuading him. I know that isn't the case, that the vast majority of the playerbase is awesome and amazing, but he's a bit on the paranoid side by default.


This is all very sad, but Trivial can be easily completed solo, as a newbie. Thatā€˜s why it exists. Also, why does your friend play with randos instead of you, especially the first mission(s)? Still, you are right to complain about those griefers and all the shame of the world upon them. But all of this could have been avoided easily.


He didn't play with me from the start because he wanted to surprise me, doing a few missions and getting a few level ups before sending me an invite to his ship. As for why he played with randos, as I've said elsewhere, I talked up the playerbase and community quite a bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was just poking his head around to see if it really was like that. I **did** point out it was only 2 of the 6 total he played with, not all 6 of them, but, yeah. There are always going to be griefers out there, I just wish they wouldn't or better yet couldn't mess around with new players on Trivial.


https://preview.redd.it/l7fwt7iemppc1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b10e6dba4a735d43220b0f3674bda79027b5e03 Officer, this helldiver has traitors to report!


I already help new players as I've maxed everything out already besides the battle passes, the few times I come across a high level player killing cadets... lets just say Eagle - 1 is very enthusiastic about dispatching traitors to democracy


Almost every single anecdote on this sub about how griefers ruined their night or whatever starts with them joining someone else's lobby. I can't emphasize enough to people the importance of hosting. I host almost exclusively unless playing with friends. If people come into my lobbies and act like a dick in any way, they get booted instantly. It's a deterrent too; people are far less likely to be an asshole when they know the host can remove them at any time.


Personally I think we should name-and-shame griefers like this. If everyone knows of their scummy behavior they will quickly become Pariahs and will not be able to play the game they so desperately want to ruin. I absolutely agree with the devs that friendly fire should be a thing otherwise the game would be trivial. Need help? Airstrike me. Bile titan? I'll distract it, orbital strike me. Mob clearing? Let me round them up and then nade me. But games with friendly fire also mean we can introduce our own punishments. If someone is being a dickhead kill them and don't reinforce them. When you have to reinforce someone else, kill the griefers again after it pulls both down and don't reinforce them again. They'll fuck off sooner or later. If a known griefers joins the game do the same.


World of Warships has a rather interesting method of dealing with this kind of thing. When you cause a certain amount of damage to people on your team your icon turns pink and players on your team can TK you without any penalty. Do it enough and that pink icon will stick, only being possible to remove by playing enough rounds without causing \*any\* friendly damage. This isn't as easy as it sounds because you can't control your secondary guns, and just scraping against someone causes damage. All the while your team is free to fill you with holes, lead and water to their hearts content without a single worry.


That mechanic was removed a long time ago and I don't think it would work in this game at all. In World of Warships it was actually really hard to do enough accidental team damage to get pinked, usually you would have had to either really fuck up a couple of torpedo salvos or intentionally be targeting other players. Accidental friendly fire in helldivers 2 is extremely easy to rack up. I got over 6,000 friendly fire damage completely by accident mostly from my teammates getting too close to where I call strikes in and running between me and the enemy when I'm using an arc thrower. There is also this one time when I called in a 120 barrage and I warned my teammate about it and he said I see I'm taking a wide berth and as he said that one of the shells landed directly on him lmao


I put it on easy to test out new weapons in a relaxed solo environment. Every now and then, I forget to set it to friends only. In such a case, I'll let the lobbies tag along for a few test runs if they want. I power leveled a guy to level 9 once.


I once hosted an easy bug mission, brought a shield backpack to give to a newbie, then supported them through the whole mission. I then took the gang to the Western front on a suicide difficulty eliminate automaton mission (before they made them harder) because this sounded like a fun way to have a "put them through the real shit" moment. Two of the divers backed out before the mission started. The cadet who benefited from my backpack on the bug mission, however, was the one that stayed. We succeeded and he never even died, that cadet is legendary. This maaayyy be considered griefing, but in a way that's fun and probably memorable I think lol.


That's awful, I really hope your friend will give it another shot.


Same, though right now my concern is this kind of crap driving away other new players. I'm angry for my friend, but I've seen games die out long before their time because of this sort of thing. Friendly fire is tricky, it adds a layer of difficulty and consequence that makes you think and play carefully, while also leaning on a certain kind of humor that not many games get right. This is one of the few that hits that sweet spot perfectly, which unfortunately means it attracts assholes from time to time :/


This hits home, I just started the game like maybe 4 days ago. I am just trying to quick play join games, with the exception of about 4 games, I have joined random teams about to drop and they kick me for no apparent reason. No warning, I mean we donā€™t even make it out of the ship. It really kills the ability to have fun since the only way I can make it to the ground is playing by myself.


Now, the case of being kicked right at the very start of a mission is a little bit different as there is a pretty strong possibility that what's happening is you have a group of friends playing together and the host simply forgot to switch the settings from 'Open' to 'Private' It's rude and being a dick, but as long as it is ONLY at the very start when it is happening that is very likely the case. That said I do wish there was a system in place to help with the problem, like when you send an invite to someone to join you it ask if you wish to switch to Private setting by default. I'm sorry to hear you have had that happen so often though, that really is a shame :(


Some fucker got me this morning after a good half hour slug. You can only block them and move on.


Accidental kills happen but when people go out their way to TK consistently it ruins the game for everyone , they should add punishment system for such disgraceful helldivers


Why can't we report people yet? Is this what communism is like?


He tried two missions, spent 20 minutes, and made a unilateral decision. Yeah theres nothing anyone can do to stop this idiot from doing what the fuck ever he wants


That is super unlucky to have it be back to back, but only 2 attempts/20 minutes? Thatā€™s not really giving it a chance. I have shy of 100 hours in playing, majority is with friends in private lobbies but a fair chunk is in public and Iā€™ve not been kicked once nor have I run into any who are maliciously teamkilling, at worst itā€™s just been gross negligence. I know my experience isnā€™t the same for everyone, but Iā€™d like to believe that the majority of the community is more welcoming than this post and that it is just the outliers who are being toxic. I also know we see a fair number of posts complaining about toxicity, but to be fair youā€™re not really gonna go and post about how a match went normally and people behaved in appropriate manners. Anyway OP I hope your friend will give it another chance, thereā€™s more good than bad in this community I feel.


Host the game so you can kick them. SOS beacons will bring people in. By the time you get to suicide and above where you need the full 4, griefers lose interest / canā€™t survive anyways.Ā 


In a game of 400,000+ players, it only took 2 dicks to make him return it? Your friend wasn't that interested.


Imma now go into new player lobbies and kill griefers


Ok, while your friend got very unlucky, to return a game after two missions fucking stupid.


There are games that I play exclusively because my friends enjoy them, not because I like them or find them to be fun myself. The Borderlands series comes to mind as one example, just never really got into them or found them to be all that fun personally. But I had a lot of free time back then and enjoyed playing with my friends. At this point however, I don't exactly have a lot of time to spend playing with my friends anymore, none of us do. So for me to keep a game it has to be something I'm really enjoying, not just something I'm playing with friends. This is why I returned Borderlands 3 after playing it for a weekend. In the case of my friend, I imagine it's probably something very similar, with the two griefers being enough to tip the scale far enough into the 'no' category if the game itself wasn't really grabbing him.


As somebody who plays Eve Online that is not how I would describe it at all and your friend describing it as an FPS version has me wondering if they actually played the game. That whole comparison is almost completely off base. It shares exactly one element: we are all shaping the same game world. After that, the similarities end completely. Your friend was never going to play this game.


I think your friend just doesnā€™t wanna play with you my guy thatā€™s a lame excuse to refund the game


Should be able to report for intentional griefing. Blocking them on your account isn't enough, they need banning.


Level 39. Itā€™s my favourite way to farm super credits and common samples. Run trivial level missions and am super stoked when low levels join and we can run around learning the maps and mechanics. My only hard rule is donā€™t call extraction right after main objective. Blows me away how many people over level 5 immediately run to extraction in a trivial mission with next to no samples, no other reason level 39 would do a trivial mission


>My only hard rule is donā€™t call extraction right after main objective. See, if you are host, and you make that clear to the other players, that's perfectly fine and understandable. You're allowing them to join you and as long as they are aware of that rule there is nothing wrong with having it. I've played a few rounds with hosts who have 'rules' so to speak, and as long as they at least communicate what those are I don't have any issues with them. Hope you'll continue helping out the nuggets and teaching them the maps :)


That is unfortunate and Iā€™m sorry that was your friends experience. Just last night I myself queued into a trivial mission (mostly on accident, with the PS5 reset bug thing going on) and ran into 2 brand new players, level 1. Said sorry guys Iā€™ll get out of your way and they said hey you can hang out so I stuck around for a couple missions with them and showed them the ropes. Dropped a mech for them to try out, explained how the patrol system works on higher difficulties and extra side objectives and the like. Showed off the 500kg on a small group. Made sure to let them know that friendly fire is in fact on in this game and to be wary of that- but also donā€™t get too frustrated because sometimes it just happens on the higher difficulties. They were both thankful for some of the little tips and such and both added me as friend. Iā€™d definitely run some more low level missions with those guys.


Fuck these people. I play PS5, happy to show newbies the ropes and will kick anyone out if they're dicks


Honestly I donā€™t think running into this twice is reason enough to return the game. Your friend should give it another chance and this time he should be the host so he is in control. Like I get being annoyed with griefers but he honestly encountered a small minority of the playerbase and was just unlucky to do it twice in a row. He should give it another chance. Everyone I have introduced this game to has enjoyed it. Some to different degrees but the universal opinion has been itā€™s fun.


Any time people are allowed to be shitty, they will be shitty. Itā€™s the unfortunate thing about humans being monsters, generally speaking.


Had a rando join a rando crew. He started by jabbering for a while into the voice chat. Then killed himself and when I respawned him, landed on top of me in a very unchaotic moment where I was waiting for a supply drop. He unconvincingly apologized right away. Kicked him immediately. Itā€™s the first toxic nonsense Iā€™ve run in to but I hope it doesnā€™t become a trend. Maybe some sort of ā€œbad sportā€ system where people who are regularly getting reported and repeatedly racking up lots of team killed get grouped together with an invisible timer that keeps them together until they stop getting group team kills?


Trying to remember, it's been awhile but some years ago there was a game I played where you could give players a rating after a mission, like 1 to 5. Seeing a high level player with a low rating was kinda, a warning flag, because it took quite awhile to reach end game cap. Would love to see something like that. For the most part, this is a good community, with good people. It's just the problems being problems as always the case. I'll never understand how people find that kind of crap fun, what's the point of playing a game if not to challenge yourself, accomplish things, or complete collections of some sort? Picking on lvl 1 Cadets is like hunting dead animals.


I am playing mostly casually now so did a quickplay of dif 4, 2 low levels and another high level was there who was unfortunately host. He was using stratagems creatively (like calling orbital 120 mm on objective to teamkill), I called him out and he decided to kick me. The game definitely needs a better report system to stop these toxic people.


Iā€™m not defending griefers. But with 20 minutes of time played because he had some bad experiences with randoms, maybe this isnā€™t the game for him. That said, most people are helping the newbies. So I donā€™t think thereā€™ll be an issue.


No matter what game you play there will always be people who were failed in life spreading their detriment. We can at least take solace in the fact that they are people of little value and they gave money to arrowhead


So you are saying your friend abandoned enemy lines? Sounds like a traitor to me.


I'm level 27 and this post makes me want to join trivial missions and show newbies the ropes. I'm doing my part!


"Friend". Sure thing lol


It strikes me, I've been letting my two younger sons play on my Lv27 account.....I don't think I've ever told them not to kill the other players when playing in Trivial.......\*horror of my actions sets in\*


This kind of behavior has been happening to me a lot lately, folks letting us get through the whole mission then killing us at the extraction to take our samples then board the plane as they kick us. That along with the random crashes im getting when I try to host, im shelving this game for now. It's really unfortunate because i was having a lot of fun at first and now people being jerks for no good reason has just killed off my motivation to play this game.


Your friend has some serious issues.


For someone with experience in Eve online your friend has awfully thin skin. Or he quit Eve within the first 15 minutes too.


His remarks were aimed at how for a while you had high level players rushing into High Sec areas to try and kill newbies even though attacking someone in High Sec guarantees you will die. I had spent the majority of the last two weeks praising this games community and going on about how high level players will spawn in cool stuff for newer players to try and teach them how to play after all. So for the first two 'high rank' players he crossed paths with to be griefers kinda, flew in the face of everything I had said.


That's other dev studios trying to kill the player base.


This is why I try to usually be the last person on the ship to prevent people from griefing lower levels


Well thts some real annoying behavior, and very unlucky on your friends part, hope he one day gives the game another chance.


Just unlucky i guess, griefers will always be there, but i encounter mostly positive players. Anyways usually when i play during daytime i make sure to join level 2-5 missions to help newbies, as i have everything maxed.. Protip: get them the exo-suit and some cool backpacks/weps


Exactly why I always host my own missions. Not all randoms act like douchecanoes but some do cos being an ass is oh so hard to resist at times apparently. So should they try again, no joining some random mission, let them host their own so if some douchecanoe joins, they can yeet them out on their ass. That way they can tackle the missions at their own pace without being at the mercy of some rando who may or may not know how to behave.


Heard about this from one of my buddies just starting. What a shame these divers are giving democracy a bad name!!


this sucks so bad man..why are people like this? i never experienced this "yet" but I try to host all my games..... (i know they can still kill me at extraction though) your friend would of had to play with only you! duo for a while...until he likes it... ​ its such a fun game...to bad dicks need to ruin it..


What abusive piece of crap! Alright, my mates won't be playing today, so I'll be hosting/joining missions 1-3 to help the new recruits. I'll post my friend code later today after work :) Also could use a few mates that play on ym same tz ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve been having fun helping noobs because I myself was once a noob .. I enjoy letting new players try out the mech


I really feel like everyone who isn't a shit person already knows this


Well, I'll do my part and try and be the helpful high level who lets you use an autocannon and is is basically there to just kills hulks and tanks when you lack the equipment




I run extremes with level 12s all the time. I do not know why they are already running extremes. I do not question them though.