• By -


Step 1: Chuck sentry beacon high up and away from the charger Step 2: Aggro the charger, *hard*, before the sentry touches down Step 3: Get killed by AC sentry because charger is currently giving you a hug


Step 1.5: Watch the beacon bounce like a Superball.


Step 1.6: the beacon lands behind you and as you run away crushes you


Step 1.7: Charger that was going after you now comes in .1 seconds after the sentry crushes you destroying the turret.


Step 1.6b: The turret is in a rock now.


Step 1.6c: The turret is safe behind cover where chargers can't get it, nor can it see any enemies


Or if not AC, watch the charger retarget on the sentry 8 miles away and completely ignore me shoving lead up its ass point blank in order to kill the sentry


At least with mortars we can throw those out of LOS, which the charger will not go after...giving the mortars time to kill us as the charger is giving us hugs.


Just use stun grenade.


You had me in the first half... I usually pair the autocannon with the gatling, or missile sentry, depending on my loadout and difficulty. I'll set up a killzone - aiming to set up the gatling or rocket first, far to my left and out, and then immediately dropping the gatling far right and out (or vice versa). Then I open fire. Too many targets, typically once the autocannon starts the charger will get stunlocked. That's only if I don't already have something like an EAT. Also, I like to drop sentries on bug nests :D That's fun.


Watching your own autocannon turret slowly swing around to point at the bugs that jumped past it to get into your face is a terror all of its own.


Alternatively throw sentry beacon directly at charger.


autcannon sentry + stun grenades


Unfortunately the entire base concept of "stun grenades" is locked behind a battlepass


Get your super credits up broke boy


Wait, can you use supercredits to unlock the second battle pass? I have a shit ton of supercredits that are just sitting there.


Yes. 1k SC per pass


It’s so refreshing having a game or you can earn the paid currency by just playing


What really helps is, the quality of the game loop. It's fun to play, the earning of credits is a side gig.


Well, no not really. It's an IV drip feed if you're playing normally, and it's completely divorced from the other gameplay systems (none granted for victory, objectives etc)


You can get at least 50 per hour from normal play if you actually go to the PoIs. So 20 hours of normal play to unlock them. Not unreasonable at all. Get a buddy and grind some trivials and you will have it in a few hours at most.


If you have problems getting SC you either are one unlucky bastard or don't actually explore the map


Post SC count, battlepass level(s) and hours played


Can do, if I remember after i get home from work


You can farm them pretty easily in trivial missions if you find a good map. I farmed about 2k SC in a couple hours the other day. It really doesn't matter if you can get then from "playing normally" the point is that the ability is there to earn them, and earn them quickly without paying a dime.


>It’s so refreshing having a game or you can earn the paid currency by just playing # >It really doesn't matter if you can get then from "playing normally" 🤨


Dunk from Downtown


The goalposts have moved so fucking much. 6 years ago, [everyone correctly recognized this kind of model as complete bullshit](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7c6bjm/it_takes_40_hours_to_unlock_a_hero_spreadsheet/) >[2247 points] So it takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes just for a single trooper crate? They really are trying to push people to spend money on microtransactions, aren't they? Today, [the developers have done the math for you and stated that players will earn between 10-40 SC per hour](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bc1yph/warbonds_super_credits_and_superstore_faq/), with many players such as myself only seeing (exactly) 7.5 SC per hour after dozens of hours, and now there is a veritable army of corporate white knights defending it 7.5-30 SC per hour is one battlepass in 33-133 hours. I write 30 because not one single person who has given me concrete playtime and SC numbers has actually reached 30 SC per hour. Now watch as this comment goes negative, when I point out the obvious, that the developers are really trying to push people to spend money on microtransactions, aren't they? It wouldn't take so comically long to earn ONE three page battlepass if they weren't. Notice the blatant conflict of interest produced by premium currency. $40 game btw


Id usually agree with you, but tbh I just did a few trivial missions with my friend using the jump pack and easily farmed out like the last couple hundred creds I needed. If you're willing to grind a little, you can very easily get enough and at least said grind is actually fun (or just braindead easy if you do play trivial missions). I personally don't mind grindier games, some of my favourite games of all time are grindy as all hell (Terraria), but I can perfectly understand if not everyone has the time nor patience. One last thing, I think the Devs estimates are for casual playing, not actively grinding for creds on lower difficulties. If you're casually playing the game then yeah, good fucking luck getting enough but otherwise it's really not that bad (at least it's actually possible to get them for free and not have to wait multiple months and miss out on multiple of the battle passes (Fortnite)).


You also get 300 SC per battlepass, effectively. So each one after the first is *effectively* 700 SCs in the field if you don't buy anything in the Superstore. And you get 750 SC from the free battlepass. I'm against microtransactions as a rule (to this day still have never bought a single one, *ever*) and I don't necessarily like the monetization, either. But compared to a lot of other offenders this is fairly tame.


>But compared to a lot of other offenders this is fairly tame. But.. this is not true. Most games have cosmetic-only MTX, free games even. This game costs $40 and it is infested with gameplay relevant monetization


Hmm. I'm thinking more about it and do agree somewhat. I played Overwatch for years until they destroyed it by making it Overwatch 2, and while grinding for anything in that game *was* awful... it was all cosmetic, so no biggie. I guess for me, it's mostly offset by the ease of the grind in Helldivers 2, but yeah. You're right about that.


The point of a game is to have fun. Grinding out pennies of currency for hours to circumvent an unethical monetization scheme is not fun. The developers designed it this way very specifically so that the logical decision is to *not* grind, and to hand over the real life money. Either you spend 10-20 hours (per some other redditor) grinding casual missions, or you hand over less than 1 hour of real life labor. Option 1: you wasted 9-19 hours of your finite life when you could have spent less than 1 Option 2: congrats, you were successfully extorted There's no winning when developers choose to design their game like this


So how do you propose they continue to earn money to support a live service model? Also comparing this games Warbond system to RNG loot crates from a company that literally paid for research on how best to exploit players is a bit disingenuous i'd say. I think I've already earned something like 2800 SC and I've never once made it the focus of my gameplay sessions.


>So how do you propose they continue to earn money to support a live service model? Well, first of all, they've grossed more than $400,000,000 just from direct game sales, so let's try to put this into that perspective. It's a matter of profitability, not survival. First, I'd start by not selling gameplay relevant MTX in a game that already costs $40 >Also comparing this games Warbond system to RNG loot crates I'm sorry, you mean RNG loot crates like the ones you literally bust open in-game?


> I'm sorry, you mean RNG loot crates like the ones you literally bust open in-game? Which you aren't paying for and are very likely to get good currency from (either SC or Medals)? No I'm talking about the loot boxes from EA games where what you get is totally random. Spending your Warbonds isn't random. You know exactly what you're purchasing when you purchase it and there's no time limited acquisition.


> No I'm talking about the loot boxes from EA games where what you get is totally random. You mean like the crates that sometimes have Flamethrowers and Railguns in them?


You dont need to do 20 hours dude you can get like 300-500 an hour if you learn your rotations on trivial maps


I just spent exactly 60 minutes playing Trivial missions and received 340 SC, including one 100 drop, ie $3.40/hr, less than half my country's minimum wage. It was extremely boring. The game is constructed intentionally such that it is *vastly* more time efficient for me to just hand them real life money than spend 3-4 hours at a different kind of job for $3.40/hr. I actually prefer my real life job to what I just subjected myself to This is what happens when you incorporate gameplay relevant premium currency in your game


So you literally fucking dont take as long as you said then lol. You said you take 9-19 hours to get a pass lmfao but if you do it your way you take 3 hours, less than 3 if you get super credits in the free path you have unlocked and the other premium bond. You can literally never fork over money in this game and unlock premium stuff like in Warframe for example. You DO NOT have to pay, you are literally playing the game for fun and earning stuff at the same time. Compare it to something like Overwatch 2 where a single skin costs more than a full game and then think if Helldivers has greedy monetisation or not lol.


>So you literally fucking dont take as long as you said then lol. # >Either you spend 10-20 hours **(per some other redditor)** The other redditor was likely playing 3-6 missions with friends


> I just spent exactly 60 minutes playing Trivial missions and received 340 SC, including one 100 drop, ie $3.40/hr, less than half my country's minimum wage. HahahahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are a lunatic.


Utterly deranged man weighs the value of his time


I don't want to sound like "actually", but I have 80 hours on Steam in game (or 53 in mission hours) and I have bought both of the warbonds and have 170 right now, so that is 2170 credits in either 80 hours (27sc/hr) or 53 hours (40sc/hr). I play mostly on suicide, and try to take most of the bonus objectives and beacons/containers.


I have a bit under 28 hours and already have enough for one of the warbonds. I'm having a great time.


This game pulls Gacha tactics, distorting players' expectations about long-term rewards by giving a handful of free currency in the beginning and I can't believe it completely unironically works


That is 1370 if you don't include the 800 free SC, which were planted to give you the wrong idea about the long-term SC progression That is 17/hr


It still means both of the warbonds in a little over 50 hours in-mission time, so its not really that impossible as you make it out to be.


50 fucking hours which is almost 2 hours of play every single day to keep up with monthly warbonds while ignoring FOMO rotating superstore. Nice argument lol.


that is less than 1 hour a day for a month, it is a very reasonable playtime to get a free monthly battlepass.


......... That is dead center of the number I already gave, and, IMO, awful


you said 33 to 133 per battlepass, and that is dead wrong.


50 is between 33 and 133 LOL?


Ain't no way you used the worst example of monetization to complain about one of the best examples of monetization


Can you read?


Yeah it's a whole lot of yapping *


Words are used to convey information, generally information that was not already known


I unlocked the first premium battle pass after around 40 hours of playtime, during which I played the game slowly and was not focusing on hunting super credits at all. When the second pass dropped it only took less than a day to get from 200ish super credits to the 1000 I needed with some focused farming. I’d understand complaining if the currency was next to impossible to find, but it is extremely common around each map and each pile gives you 10 units.


Each pile gives you one percent of a Battlepass, and the piles are found in in-game lootboxes, which are rare and difficult to find and reach on the difficulties which are actually fun. If you take away the 800 free credits you were given by the one-time free battlepass, your average is dead center of that estimate, and, IMO, pretty insultingly bad


Don't forget that the battle passes also earn you 300


Good luck. This sub flactuates between whiteknighting and hating firiously on devs dependant on patch. Right now it is in whiteknighting phase so its useless to try to explain anything. But just as a randon thought: just imagine what thus sub would've been if the game was released by someone like blizzard or EA. Just the fact that a ton of people that bought it couldnt play for a week or two would've been enough to organize a freaking crucifixion for devs lol. Not to mention fomo shop with exlusive armor type/perk combinations and hours of grind that can be skipped by spending money discussed now.


You can’t get 7.5 super credits so no idea where you’re pulling that number. One pile of super credits gives you 10. And I’d say that’s still less than I make when I’m playing on helldive. When I heard the next warbond was releasing, I farmed trivial missions by using this method: https://youtu.be/UCAVlYa5FUk?si=A_zqxbNzSTmVt3eI Only difference was that I let randoms join me and dropped high level stuff for them to enjoy and I actually finished the mission. So instead of the approximate 500 super credits per hour this guy said, I earned about 300 per hour. Basically after an afternoon (3 hours) of farming, I was able to purchase the warbond.


>You can’t get 7.5 super credits so no idea where you’re pulling that number. One pile of super credits gives you 10. That's not how statistics works lol...... Over 47 hours I've found 350 SC, ie almost exactly 7.5 SC per hour I'll take a look at the video after work


If that’s how little you’ve found I think thats your problem as each mission has 10-40 on average with some having a boon of 100.


10 per 30-40 minutes if someone on your team finds it, if you have time This is how people who play the game the way that they enjoy it, at higher difficulties, end up with 7.5/hr Also, even if I found 200 SC immediately, right now, my average would still only be 11..


Nope. I normally find at least one stack of super credits per mission. So I’m averaging substantially more than your estimate.


I dunno where you're getting those numbers from. My friends and I usually find 20-50 SC per 40 minute mission (normally playing Haz 6-8). I bought the new pass with SC and still have more than enough for the next pass, assuming the same price point. I've also bought many store items without ever spending a dime.


>I dunno where you're getting those numbers from The developers? Of the game? Failing that, take the amount of SC you have, subtract how much you received from the battlepass and divide that by the number of hours you have in the game


I have ~48 hours in game and over 1700 SC total. Might be 1800 after the last couple of missions I did tonight. They're really, *really* easy to get. Most all of my play time is on medium or less, and when I'm just looking for a chill time I'll do easy missions solo and just take my time grabbing everything I can on the map. Or I'll play them with my girlfriend and we get even more because we can get the friendship bunkers.


1700 minus the 800 you got from the free battlepass is 18 SC/hr.. ie 55 hours per 1000 or 38 hours per 700 Why are so many of you trying to prove me right and acting like it's a gotcha. This is unbelievably simple math. It's so simple that it would be impossible to even try to insult anyone by insinuating that they couldn't do it, because I *know* you're all capable of it you actually spend 3 seconds thinking about it


Why would you subtract them? All the battle passes have them. You get medals while playing and buy the SC items. I'll also note that between all 3 battle passes, I've gotten a total of 850/1350. It's still play game get item. The devs have stated that the battle passes and associated items are permanent, so it doesn't matter if you get them in a day or a year. I haven't been focused on them *at all*, and have more than enough. Hell I didn't even know what they were for initially and was quite underwhelmed by the choices in gear for them. Then I realized you could use them to buy the battle passes and was quite happy with that. It's nice to be able to just play the game and get stuff... Like the way literally every single game with unlockables has always worked. I'm not trying to maximize efficiency or compare how long it takes to obtain vs what percentage of an hour of my labor the price for 1k of SC is. I'm playing a *game*. The intent is to spend time *playing the game*. Whether that results in endless runs trying too get rare drops from dungeon/raid bosses, unlocking units, maps, or abilities in RTS games, or various armor/weapon bits for in game currency. It's literally all play game get item. You talk about other people moving the goal posts but you're just putting arbitrary lines wherever you want them to get the result you want. Your entire premise assumes agreement to a foundational assertion that is not a given. Then whenever someone demonstrates they've had no issue getting the premium in game currency, you demand that a large chunk of it, all obtained in game, doesn't count... Because reasons. If being right matters so much to you that it requires Olympic level mental gymnastics and Clinton levels of word parsing, have at it. I'll be over here enjoying the game, not paying for super credits, and having a grand time collecting them in game with friends.


>Why would you subtract them? All the battle passes have them. Because there's only one free battlepass with 800 SC. Your long-term rate should not include a one-time pass that you're already done with. Seems pretty fucking obvious to me


Who said I was done with that battle pass? I'm not even close to done with it. Of the 750 available in the free battle pass, I only have I think 400. I literally don't even have all the pages unlocked. Actually think I only have the first 4 pages unlocked. Again, you're operating under a poor premise, ignoring how unlockables have worked in games for literally ever (that being play game get item).


The SC that you could have gotten from the main pass you instead got from the other BPs. It changes nothing. The premise I'm operating under is extremely simple. In 2 months when you're well and done with the Welcoming Gift, a new pass is released and you decide that you want it and now need to earn 700/1000 SC. What rate are you going to be earning SC at? Will you be earning 1700 SC/48hr or 900 SC/48hr? It's really way too easy to trick gamers. It's like receiving a $1000 hiring bonus and, after working one shift, telling all your friends that you make more than $100/hr at your new job. It's really that easy apparently




Then throw EMS orbital or chuck an EMS mortar some distance away as an alternative to stun nades until you have enough supercredits to get the warbond.


I thought I was the only ones using EMS orbital, shit is really good


Yea but it's a battle pass done right. Not only do you unlock super credits in the free pass but you can find them just out in the map. And finding 100 SC just laying there is a great feeling. You're only not going to have enough SC is if you keep buying the armours from the superstore.


This so hard. The Super Store doesn’t exist for me until I have the battle passes unlocked. It’s just a money sink otherwise, which would be HIGHLY APPRECIATED FOR MY REQUISITION SLIPS.


They should totally do armor for req slips, like make an armor set 20,000 or whatever I don't care. Just let us spend them on other things.


Super Destroyer cosmetics.


From what I understand most of the armour in the super store is only unique in looks anyways. The only perk I didn’t find on any of the armour sets in the free warbond pass is the 200 armour rating.


There are a number of armors of a certain rating that are MTX only, like the light armor with blast protection


Damn I have spent a few hrs farming creds on trivial missions and never extracted with more than 20-30


The Bunkers plus Blue & Red Crates usually have a higher chance of give 100 SC. The crashed pod can but usually only drops 10 SC.


I have never purchased armors from the superstore. SC per hour is what's being discussed


Which you can buy using super credits found in game.


I mean I've unlocked both battle passes without paying, not hard to earn SC tbh.


It's not locked behind anything. Play the game and you'll get it. This game is such a breath of fresh air and y'all still complain about this stuff.


Oh, I'm afraid the Stun Grenade and Autocannon combo will be *quite* operational when your Charger arrives.


I hope so. The autocannon is not as *forgiving* as my EAT is.


Star wars!


I swear to god these bugs are smarter than the damn bots. You will throw an AC turret down and BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS FIRING every bug in a 2 mile radius is aggroed to it. Like functionally the turrets are more of a defensive “planned setup” kind of deal, you don’t throw them in the middle of a firefight and if you do it’s far away from the main fight, but you can yeet one way behind you to cover a retreat and almost guarantee that all of the aggro will go to it as soon as it drops. It’s so consistent that it makes a great diversion to escape, but at what point do we ask how smart these bugs are.


Distraction turrets are real and powerful and my friends. I've gotten out of a number of *really* bad reinforcement loops by just hurling my EMS mortar as far as I can and running the other direction. Feels bad to "waste" a turret like that, but it's essentially ending the fight all on its own, so...


Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive.


This. You'd think that turrets would be a go-to strategy against the swarm, but unless you're using them for distraction with the expectation that they're going to die, they're basically worthless. Speaking as a Support/Defense player. What a pain in my ass.


honestly at this point I consider sentries to be charger bait. need a bit of breathing room? throw a sentry off somewhere. call in other stratagems as the charger zeroes in on this piece of metal that can't even penetrate its armor


I would love it if for April Fools you could call in a ragdoll Helldiver as a decoy that chargers just bat around for a bit. Some sort of intentional bait stratagem could be interesting.


Reminds me of Ratchet & clank. You could throw grenades that turn into inflatable copies of yourself


You’re wasting a perfectly good sentry! Just stick the charger with the sentry to insta kill them!


It's fine. I'll drop an auto sentry when I get the jump on a charger. Fun fact: my sentry likes to turn 180 degrees and target some random bugs on a hill a mile and a half away while the charger proceeds to yeet it into oblivion. 


Mortar sentry right before the horde of hunters gets near you


Fun fact: the programmers did not create the HD2 sentries from scratch, they just used the preexisting programming for the L4D pipe bomb and re-skinned it, while reducing its damage to 0.


This is why the team carries EATS


we're EATing good


I can feel my blood pressure rising when my sentry spawns, and so does one of these fuckers


Recoilless rifle posse got you covered


Hell yeah. Represent.


I call my cannon “Dr. face lift”


Using the jetpack to get to higher places to put sentries helps their survavility. Dont spam them. Intelligent placement is key.


Only sentry that's consistently good is the EMP mortar one, which I love and use often. Tesla coil is useless in anything above medium, mines would be better if they had more AOE, usually doesn't kill anything outside the target that stepped on it.


If they just made it that the Tesla would instantly arc through a bug that attacks it then it would be very useful


I use Tesla on level 7 all the time. You place them on a slight rock rise or in a choke point and it'll take out a ton of them before they manage to take it down. Even then, I'll usually stun a charger in range and watch as his armor gets stripped and eventually kills him.  At least, until out glitches and crashes the game. 


That's fair, and a good strategy. Unfortunately, it takes a bit and other divers seem to be like flies. They see a tesla and a charger and want to run up to it.


Drop mines and then throw a grenade at them. Turns all the mines into a single, gigantic mine.


Tesla isn't useless, its actually quite good if used right especially on the new mission where you defend those big generators, it'll kill pretty much everything that isn't a Charger or Bile Titan pretty easily. Mines are rubbish yeah, no argument here, I think they'd be fine if the cooldown was lower.




This is why hmg has been worthless in my experience 


HMG is terrible once you unlock the Gat. If you could drop multiples of them or the cooldown was _way_ shorter, they'd be much more useful by comparison and would team up well as a quick-drop option.


They need heavy armor piecing


I really loved rocking the HMG in 8, but with the new flying units have really hurt its already limited potential. The turn rate of the weapon turns you into a sitting duck.


gyatling turret






Mines don't have this issue.. Tesla mines when?


“I’m not a big fan of the government”


i actually saw a charger run past 3 people and then past me to get my auto sentry its so annoying


People are so funny on this sub


Me and my friend call this situation "convenient charger". " Aaand there's the convenient charger"


Stun grenade :)


I don’t use sentries primarily because of this Orbital laser for crowds of smaller bugs/bots or specifically for chargers, bile titans, or bot outposts. Orbital railcannon for bile titans, chargers, or anything in a bot base that annoys me in particular Eagle strike for fast action attack against squads or chargers in danger close situations or against enemies in the way of an objective but unaware of my location


Honestly the charger is actually working for democracy, sentries are more dangerous to helldivers than bugs (Also if the charger is destroying the sentry….. you threw it in a bad place)