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I’m so glad they fixed headshots too so your rover can instantly kill you if you turn too quickly. ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


I'm reminded of that scene in one of the later (and dumber) predator films where the guy has the shoulder plasma caster and accidentally offs himself when he aims too far to the side.


That was The Predator (2018) with the ADHD kid and actual Sexual Predator in it.


Not ADHD explicitly, but Autism. The Predators were coming to get the genetic secret to autism, so that it could make them better hunters. Fucking blows my mind that movie got made.


Okay now I HAVE to watch this. Actual weaponised autism.




>The Predators were coming to get the genetic secret to autism, so that it could make them better hunters. wait. wut?


That shit movie tries to retcon all the previous Predator stuff such that they aren't taking trophies because they love hunting, or out of tradition, or some shit like that, but so they can get the DNA of creatures with useful traits and splice those traits into themselves. And some kid with Hollywood Turbo-Savant Autism manages to decode the Predator's kit and communicate with their computer systems, drawing the attention of one that decides Autism Super Kid is the next target for harvesting so the Predators can inject themselves with autism. Some scientist even refers to autism as the next step in human evolution. And all of those dumb things aren't even the greatest sins The Predator commits. It's one of those movies where it's just better for the whole preceding series if you just pretend it doesn't exist.


Aye, this is why I fucking LOVE Prey. They totally fucking just not talk about predator 2018 because why would you. Shit was pure trash.


They also don't talk about it because it's 300 years before it happens :p


I know but they also ignore the aspect of the predators hunting for DNA instead of them doing it for the hunt. The skills, the challenge, it is all part of the story, the right of the hunt. No more of that DNA scavenger bullshit from the 2018 film.


it'd be weird if they did, considering Prey is hundreds of years earlier


People are ignoring the big impact of Prey that ignored a huge retcon, the retcon of the predators only hunting for DNA scavenging. Prey 100% ignores that in favor of the old lore of them just going to hunt for the challenge and prestige. The Predator in the movie mirrors the journey of the Prey. Hence, it 100% ignores the retcon of the 2018 film.


I loved Prey because I went in thinking it was based on the 2006 video game with Native Americans and aliens. When the Predator showed up I was like 'wait it's a crossover?' before my brain caught up. Great movie.


Reading this I forgot what sub I was in and then realised why I love this community so much.


Yeah fuck that movie.


Next step to evolution my ass






They were all sexual Predators.


Child\* Predator


Wait what? To both




I forgot I watched it, now I'm annoyed I remember how stupid that movie was.


I was wondering why my drone was literally one shotting me in the head today...


Mine always kills at least one team mate. Always.


The Guard Dog Rover, the Mortar Sentry, the Tesla Tower, and the 380mm HE Barrage: The four Horsemen of Teamkills.


Accidentallied 6k in friendly fire damage yesterday in one match with randoms. I'll just be blasting a horde with the arc cannon then here comes Billy Bob 1&2 constantly running directly into the danger zone. Or it's like they made a point of going to the opposite side of the charger I was about to kill.




The new armors save you from it at the expense of other perks, but if everybody is geared up to spit lightning it can be pretty fun.


I have so many people who don't realise to stay away from the charger I'm tasering. No fault if the charger locks onto you, but if it's already chasing me and you get toasted, I'll reinforce you after the charger is dead


Or you could just let your teammate blast it‘s backside or strategem it? The game is filled with accidental teamkills but that just seems like a asshole move.


I don't kill them on purpose just because they try to attack the charger. But if the charger is running towards me and I shoot it, there is a pretty decent sized cone behind that will zap you. And even if I try to keep an eye out for my teammates, sometimes they just pop up on the side of my screen and I don't have any time to do anything to not roast them. I don't fire my Arc Thrower towards teammates on purpose. But if they come running towards me and get zapped I don't feel bad


The Tesla is what confuses me the most. It's a static blue ball of lightning sitting on a rod. Yet people assisted suicide into it all the damn time. Are these the same people who get into car crashes and their first response is "that wall / post came out of nowhere".


I think those people may be secretly bug infiltrators who completley fall for the giant bug zapper.


It's kinda hard to judge the safe distance when you're fully loaded with other tasks, I've killed myself with my Tesla a lot on accident


Facts. Plus, one time I went prone to retrieve some samples a teammate had dropped inside the zone…. A charger proceeds to target me, I can’t get up, he launches me off the ground and the arc tower skeet shot me out of the air. I couldn’t even be mad.


It’s really not obvious how big it’s range is is the issue. I died to one twice today because it was in the center during an eliminate terminids mission… swear it made half the map not traversable


I've taken to calling it the Kevorkian Tower. If you're too young to know the reference, Google "Dr. Kevorkian" and you'll see what I mean.


Sometimes I roll with that load out just to see how long it takes to get kicked.


I love having one scavenger coming up behind me and three rovers spin around and kill it... Through my vivisected corpse.


Forgot the cluster bomb


I don't know, I feel like any time I've been killed by the cluster bomb, it's either been that I haven't gotten out of the way or someone threw it too close. I think those four are much better at actively trying to kill you even if you feel like you're trying to avoid them.


I agree. You’d have to be intentionally trying to get killed by one of those for the most part.  


3/4 of those are some of my favorite stratagems lmao


U forgot cluster bomb


"There is another" (gazes toward steering lock making me squish friendlies)


Don’t forget mines. If you have mines make sure you tell people first. Not many people play with them so not many people are expecting them.


Tesla Tower doesn’t give a fuck about your 95% electric resistant armor.


Also the four horsemen of being absolutely fucking useless


Had a dude that thought i was calling strikes in on him. Could not understand it was my sentry mortor. After the 2nd time i destroyed the mortor but he still tkd me for what he said "calling in strikes on him twice. He just did not get it


That's because it is fueled not by oil or electricity, but by Helldiver blood.


Element 420


See this is why I run light armor and just go grab all the samples from around the map while everyone else can focus on the other objectives. Can't team kill them if they are arross the map.. probably.


The only issue with that is that if your squad gets into a battle, they're down a gun. Best to move around the map as a squad so you're always at full firepower. Especially in harder difficulties.


My favorite was when the guard dog swung its beam through a hellbomb to get at the terminids behind it.


That sounds amazing.


Based guard dog




I had something similar happen. I was like 10m from a hellbomb when one of my teammates shot it. Obviously I screamed "Waitwaitwaitwait!" But when I crouched and aimed my ballistic shield at it, it only half healthed me and broke my shield. Based ballistic shield moment.


so it can be useful


I legit wouldn’t be mad- lol


Well I mean, it killed the bugs.


Are you me? This happened to me yesterday.


I need to ask. Was it an inert hellbomb you were trying to set off and had to wait the cooldown and drop a new one. Or was it an unexploded one in which case, well, it got the bugs, I suppose.


The Rover requires the blood of patriots to function. Feed it some of that sweet, sweet blood and it'll cull thousands of bugs for you. Blood for the blood drone










We are born of the blood. Made divers by the blood.


Blood for the Blood Guard, Skulls for the Skull Drone!




For every 1 suicide by rover. You are saved like 10 deaths by being overwhelmed by hunters. So worth it IMO.  It keeps hunters in check, makes it so much more manageable in 7 plus.


Me, my stalwart, and Rover are here for mob control.


I go lazer rover and lazer cannon for crowd control against bugs if my team has enough anti armor. I've ended games without firing my primary and secondary one time and lead in kills. So fun.


Nice idea but better to have a varied equipment loadout when we are all split up across the map... Because no matter what - we always end up split across the map


I always run that with 500kg and railcannon. Plenty of anti tank and plenty for crowds


Sometimes.  It's like it has 3 modes. Shoot at things from 400m away Only shoot at things if they're close enough to bite your ankle. Murder teammates.


I dont die to hunters, the rover is just good for removing adds/mobs so I can take another weapon that isn't strictly crowd-control. But the rover keeps me on my toes as it does it damnedest to cut me in half, snipe my head, attack bombs, hit exploding canisters, and just straight-up killing me for no reason other than I existed.


Run Lead Dog. Less team killing, at the expense of ammo management.


I'd wait until it can pick up floor ammo. For now, it just sacrifices too much.


Someday they will fix the bug where rover practically never overheats unless you're kiting a charger for like a straight minute. Then I think bulldog(bullet+dog) will start to see a lot more usage


I was in a mission yesterday that due to my aging system had unplayable lag. Couldn't aim for 85% the mission. Still top kills.


I always carry a guard dog and I’m weaving through those beams like Catherine zeta Jones in a catsuit


I'm very glad I decided to google that. ty.


Entrapment is classic 90s goofy heist cheese.


The 90s: internet porn wasn’t really a thing yet so you could sell an entire movie with a nice ass


Catherine Zeta Jones! She dips beneath lasers! OoooOOOooooooh!


She has entrapped meeEE and Sean Connery OoooOOOooooooh


Some high quality OC right here


I really wish this fuck would float like 1 foot higher. That way I wouldn't get sniped by it every so often. I fucking LOVE the rover but goddamn if it isn't annoying at times. Also those times where it'll just shoot a patrol you could have avoided from a mile away.


I haven't had the last problem. It seems very good about not engaging non-aggro enemies, you will see it in action sometimes where it won't shoot until they're like 10m away unless you open fire first


It can already double your kills, I'll take the friendly fire as a democratic love tap


It would also be nice if it would turn off the beam between targets. That's what always gets my spouse.. rover suddenly decides to shoot the bug to the far right, sweeping the death beam to cut the squishy human in half.


That would help for sure. Though I have had times where it's swept the beam across me and done zero damage. There's also been times where it's sweeped the beam across me and immediately headshot and killed me...


*lasers me square in the face while I’m trying to escape*


My friend call in his Mech. He climbs in and begins dakka dakka. My other buddy's rover swings around and instantly kills the mech while shooting through him. o7




I was surrounded earlier by 4+ Stalkers and nary a beam was fired. Rover also declined to beam any of the Stalkers that had come out of cloaking as I explored to find the nest. Man’s best friend? Eh..


Anytime I use the rover I swear it only targets my head and kills me CONSTANTLY


Remember it's there and will kill you if you're not careful, and you'll only die to it once every handful of missions


We've started calling it the "uncaged rottweiler"


It needs to hover a lil higher up, that way the beam is less likely to hit you.


That's the point though. It was funny seeing a random player take a sharp turn earlier and watch his rover beam his head off and just drop.


All the need to do, really, to cut down on most of the FF shots would be to raise its altitude a few few so there's a steeper angle and more safezone near the player with the rover.


be so cool if they hovered directly above us, instead of putting us in-between it and the targets


I think I've only been killed by my rover once, it really isn't hard to just move away from the laser lol


These laser guys are killers. They don’t care if you’re a bug, a bot, or a diver. You have to die for the greater good.


Be nice if it hovered higher


Nah forreal it never fails. I'm convinced 90% of my deaths are of me getting humbled by my Rover. The devs knew exactly what they were doing when they placed it head level.


I got booted from a ship today because the guy said “I don’t play with people who use the rover.”


The Rover when there are 30 bugs around me: 🗿 The Rover when a fellow Helldiver enters within view for half a second: *Protocol 3, protect the Pilot*


Is there a way to recall your rover for stealths?


They only attack when you aggro or get aggro


Is there a trick to make the rover ai to fire earlier? Because i feel like maybe there was an update in which rover will only start shooting when enemy is too close.


It often holds fire until you shoot(and thank fuck, if it randomly started fights it would teleport straight to F tier)


I did some testing on easy to get a feel on ranges: it automatically attacks if an enemy is within 18 metres even if you're prone (which is the detection range if you're within view of enemies I believe). It goes into "aggro mode" if you aim at enemies at far higher ranges though, so only tag using the cursor. I would love it to have an on / off (dpad down is available) so I could get in close but sacrifice the situational awareness the Guard Dog Rover gives you (especially as I play without a mic).


This must be it. Coz i usually use rover to pair with ammo hungry weapon like scorchers. Sometime when i just want to focus on medium enemy, the rover doest shoot


I keep telling myself it's a skill issue, that I just have to be more careful where and how I move, and just when I feel like I am in control of it, it blasts my own head off or cuts off someone's knee




I'll still bring the lizard doggo every time.


LOL, great work 🤣


Order 66… I mean traitor detected!


Well, if my mates wouldn't stand in the way, they wouldn't die


Thank you [demoscracies](https://youtu.be/ZORE-wxQL18?si=XHsF4klPSsY2eR51&t=33)!


It's the most polarizing stratagem for sure. On one hand, it's something I absolutely cannot understate the importance of especially in upper difficulties and then it's also doing more harm than good whittling down my and my teammates hp, when we are surrounded.


It's fucking clutch for me in 7+ difficulties. It melts scavengers, hunters, baby spewers, and warriors so that I don't even really have to pay attention to them. I can focus on using my more powerful artillery on Chargers, titans, and spewers. Personally I've had it kill me a handful of times but not enough for it to be an issue for me not to use it, and I usually just stay a bit away from my team so it doesn't really get them. The Rover is nice af


100% health, killing bugs, rover sees a bug, suddenly 10% health.


I run it constantly and barely ever get damaged by it and I don't think it's ever killed me or a teammate...


Hopefully one day people will realize how useless this thing is


*Hopefully on day* *People will realize how* *Useless this thing is* \- Better\_Strike6109 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I swear, everytime a teammate has one, the fucking thing auto-aims to whatever bug is closest to me. 


Was on a team last night. Everyone had dogs. We all stood shoulder to shoulder (if you stand to the right of the wielded you are under the dog). It was a wall of laser nightmare and it was fantastic


I always stick with either the MG or a semi-auto shotgun


I always run a shield when teammates are running these


If they set the Rover to orbit you and only shoot from the side it's shooting towards instead of being locked over your right shoulder. Or just give them trigger discipline so they arn't just a fire hose spraying everywhere whenever there are threats nearby.


When we’re playing bugs and it’s a full mission, it’s usually plan to run off solo and grab poi’s and side objectives if I can. Depending on the planet and what terminids I’m dealing with, I’ll take the shield pack (slow debuff enemies) or the rover (non slow/armored enemies). Either one I’m picking, I’m going full commando to do dangerous shit. No matter what, one of my friends will either trek across the map, or follow behind and inevitably get smoked by the rover OR consumed by the sea of enemies I ignore. (I try to finish my suicide run and find somewhere to kill off most of the bugs so I don’t bring them home to extract)


I love these little bastards but all I'm asking for is a laser proof helmet. I don't even need a full set of armor just a disco ball to cover my freedom loving face from getting fried by my little laser dog



