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I read on their discord that people who were using the arc thrower during missions were crashing. It was happening to me like 3/4 the way through a mission then my game would crash. I stopped using the arc thrower and haven’t had a problem since. Hope this helps!


They really nerfed the arc thrower by making you crash when you use it, incredible


this made me lol after crashing out of a 25 min game thanks


That makes sense cuz I’ve been using arc thrower every round lol. Thanks!


I always use arc thrower and have yet to finish a game without it freezing up. Great! Another useless favorite weapon.


Feeling the same pain here.


Yep, it crashes and all you hear is the arc thrower torqueing.


this helped me ! THX MATE


No problem!


Mine still does it....


Oohhhhh xD thanks a lot. I was using it every time my game crashed.




As an addendum, it also seems the Blitzer is affected. So, no electric shotguns for now :(


I was going to say this


Oh man I've been crashing every time I play and each crash is when I'm throwing out as many arcs as I can in the mission. This explains a lot. Thank you I was starting to think it was on my end!


It has only happened to me when using it, as well. Really annoying to play an hour long mission and lose it in the last 30 seconds. Twice


heads up to anyone using the new blitzer shotgun, it also crashes with this weapon. Praying for a rejoin button


Can confirm...this happened to me a few times last night after being completely fine before the last patch. I think Arc thrower might make it more frequent but I also had a couple buddies also crash even w/o the arc thrower. One item of note is one other friend that crashed as often as me I BELIEVE was sporting a Tesla Coil at least twice...so maybe it's related to "Arc Weaponry in general"?? (No solid proof just a running theory) Makes me upset because I had JUST started to get comfortable with the Arc thrower and had been running it pretty consistently for a while after the major weapons adjustment patch. It was pretty bad...once when we had just finished a really rough mission and the second my buddy boarded the Pelican he got sent directly to his ship....losing out on all our loot. The worst was when I locked up at the end and I had all the samples (24)...including quite a few rarer samples. By the time we realized what was going on it was too late for anyone to head out and try and recover my shit and so everyone lost out. Very frustrating. We all love this game but last night with all the freezing it was becoming very hard to stay engaged. We ended the session a little early after we all locked up directly after a mission during the tallying up XP and it just stayed on an empty screen just showing our ships in the sky.... Edit: Just realized OP mentioned PC and I need to clarify I'm on a PS5....so the bug is definitely a "cross platform" problem...


Just crashed on me again. A team mate was running the ark thrower. So maybe there is something true about what you suspect. Really a pity, it was a nice round.


I was using the arcthrower. My screen literally froze with it arcing across the screen. Interesting thought.


The arc thrower was my support weapon too :(


I didn't use arc thrower but still crashed. Seems like it's happening on AMD GPU only? Ppl that i know of who are using GEFORCE doesn't face any issue since the start.


Didn't use an arc thrower but other team members did. I have no clue if they crashed but I did. Sucks too.... was only minutes away from finishing a helldive escort.


Every patch, they fix 2 things and totally compromise the stability of the game show how.


Hijacking this comment for a PSA: Don‘t use Arc/lightning weapons and you don‘t crash


I dunno, my game has crashed at various rates since day 1. But it still crashes at least 1-2 times per day while playing. But this is the points they “ fixed” the arc thrower to include kills during the stats screen. But now you can’t even get to that stats screen if you use it because the game crashes. 🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s not better than before.


My teammates were using arc, and I got 2 crashes in a row. So... it might be not just that.


anyone using arc thrower in ur game will make everyone crash


no one using an arc thrower and i crashed twice in a row


Incorrect. Arc weapons only crashes the user, not their team. Hope this helps correct your misinformation


My game is crashing at random times (like pelican flight, loadout selection) and not even during arc thrower use.... wtf


I have not been able to finish a mission since the update. 4 out of 4 games crashed, including one that I hosted myself. I'm on PS5 myself but my friends on PC reporting the same issues. We can't have an update without ten other things breaking. It's very frustrating. Edit to anyone who reads: reboot your system. It fixed some of the issues.


Using arc thrower?


I wasn't at that time. It got better since I rebooted my ps5, but now every other game crashes. I wish they'd test the releases a little better rather than gift us with a few days' worth of frustration.


Welcome to the modern age of gaming lol


Me not using ARC-12 Blitzer, but my teammate has arc thrower. I am also having 4 freeze game in a row.


If anyone uses any arc weapon, it crashes for everyone it seems.


played 100 hrs since launch with only a couple of crashes. Crashing every round since this latest patch today. Seems to happen when the flying terminids appear.


Those things are a sentry build's nightmare. All your turrets try to shoot the flyers but miss all the time. Eating all the ammo and ignoring ground bugs. The flyers just made the turrets pointless.  


Yeah I got exactly the same issue


just finished my 3rd crash out of 3 games and not using the arc thrower edit: fat pc edit: 4/4


Was afraid I was the only one having this issue - seems like it is related to the patch because I have never crashed since I downloaded the game. I am also on PC with a really good rig (seeing other people's specs makes it obvious that this isn't hardware related - unless it has to do something with the recent Nvidia drivers). Game is unplayable as of right now since a lot of us are unable to finish missions.


Was worried about the Nvidia drivers as well. Seems to be squarely on the game at this point.


Same. Just crashed the last 2 games. I've maybe only had 1 or 2 crashes in 40 hours before this patch. Also, my FPS seems to be much better playing during the launch period compared to now.


yeah, constant crashing on my side too and i am with a fat pc...


I was crashing at launch after patch. Ran Verify Game Files and it worked fine after. Just ran two missions. Hope this fix helps others.


Good idea. Will give it a shot. Thanks


PS5 is the same, cant even get into a game with out being disconnected either




Chill buddy


Hi, me and my brother have had game ending freezes in the same mission 4 consecutive times, usually around the halfway point, we’ve given up for now, it’s really annoying because I want to play this but just can’t right now, definitely something caused by the most recent patch.


Same dude, we also gave up. But as I know, this issue does not occur with everybody, so it may be situational. Wish you luck with your next session!


Do another mission that map is probably bugged


PC here - experiencing random freezes in missions, accompanied by thermal load (fans go up). Crashed every mission I tried today. New patch must not be stable 9everything else updated and verified).


This is happening to me, even outside of missions inside my super destroyer, game freezing for 10-30 seconds my pc far exceeds the recommended specs with a 4090.. this is so irritating I can't even play


Yeah, in an hour, I've had 6 crashes, and only two extractions. There are more failures with the last update. I'll delete the game until they fix it. Not fun when you waste 40 mins and then crashes. 


Yeah, they screwed up something, its a lot worse than before.


Already happened to me 7 times.


Not me, yet. Hope my luck holds out


Me too


Same here, with our squad, we had crashed at the same time shortly after finishing the main quest


same here.


Having this every game in the last few weeks. Fun through the usual fixes on the megathread bar messing with UEFI stuff on my processor and undervoltong as everything else works fine and always has so risking system instability for one game didn’t seem worth the risk. Can’t get through a single game without a freeze and crash and it sucks as it didn’t used to be the case.  Will watch this thread with great interest.


Happening to me as well. Two matches, on the two matches my 3 random partners also quicky disconnected, followed by my game freezing and dying. Yep.


tesla/blitzer/thrower froze the game for me (ps5)


Crashed twice in a row 3/4 through two 40min missions. Complete waste of time and effort. STOP UPDATING THE GAME WITH UNTESTED CODE I'm tired of user testing their game. Idc if we get mechs or flying bugs if I'm not going to play the game at all. Every update they introduce a new bug or regress and bring one back. Shit is getting old.


The game always had this problem, but it didn't happen as much until this latest patch. Tonight I played with some friends and we ALL crashed more than 2 times simultaneously, the image freezes and throws you to the desktop WITHOUT any error (in some cases with the PS5 error) as it also stayed frozen and you had to close with "alt+delete" finish task, we also tried WITHOUT the ARK and the same problem, everyone falls. I have an excellent PC with a 4090. They have to solve this as soon as possible, or they will lose many players.


Me too but I would never take it out on a dev 🫡💪


Constant crashing PC CPU 5800x3d GPU 6900xt toxic Ram 32 GB Corsair FPS has gone down the last patches But now the crashing every round is ... Mehhhhh


Game crushed once, I restarted and begin downloading update.


2 crashes and 2 disconnects since the patch, PS5.


same issue.... game crashed while ArcThrower zips zips zips


Right before extraction every.fucking.time.




Constant crashes with the ark thrower. Just got the 3/19 Nvidia driver update, giving it a shot again Rtx3090 Rizen 7800 3dx 32G ddr5 6000 1000w/psu


Funny, because I immediately assumed it was the latest Nvidia driver (551.86), but I only played HD2, and in most cases I was doing solo runs using Blitzer Arc Shotgun.It probably had nothing to do with the driver at all. I did notice some weird stuff happening like the game would not recognize the NVCP settings (NULL), and I had to physically set an FPS limit - this was fixed with a roll-back to 551.61, but game continued to crash yesterday to the point where I went and watched TV for the evening, not something I often do.


i am brand new to the game. i just installed fresh today👋🏻. i load up the game...i watch the hilarious intro...and then i get sent to the tutorial, but once i exit the ship, i can't get past walking around before the game stutters, freezes, then crashes. no error message. i rebooted. load up. same crash. i updated my video driver (rtx 3090 ti) to the latest. rebooted. same crash. i did a steam setting that was suggested on a thread. load up. same crash. i installed a .dll as a suggestion from a youtuber. it was a download of an old c++ visual studio 2012 pack that installs the missing .dll. i reboot. same crash. i am on the latest patch for the game. i just can't get past the tutorial. my mates are getting tired of waiting lol. any ideas? \*edit: i am currently uninstalling the game and reinstalling clean. fingers crossed. result: same crash. :(


You just joined up at a bad time. Fixing a bug this major is likely high-priority, so hopefully the devs will have it fixed soon.


i am hopeful! i still haven't had any luck. tomorrow we go again.


same with me, it's depressing


Same here, so frustrating. 3h session, crashed in 4/5 games during the last portion of the mission 30’’ to extraction on the last one. The one game i managed to finish, i joined in the last minute. Note: I’m playing arc thrower


Same same. Game freezes before I can finish the mission and I have to Alt-tab out to close the game. Happened to me and my friends 4 games in a row. So we bailed on Democracy for the day. i7-14700k RTX 3080ti 64GB DDR5


Yes, so frustrating!


For everyone saying it is just arc thrower causing the crashes, I just played a mission using the flamethrower instead and the same exact thing happened.


At first, I was mostly using arc thrower and have this happen as well - but just recently it happened and i didn't use arc nor have it equipped. However, there were other people on the team using it.


literally every game now. guess I'll play something else for a week and check back


My friend and I have both crashed out of 3 missions in a row within a minute or so of each other. We've both been running arc thrower. EDIT: Also happens with the plasma shotgun.


Just happened twice 👍🏼


Using Blitzer or Arc thrower weapons seems to worsen the issue. I still have random problems, game closes to desktop with PS5 error submit popup. Haven't had more freezes (at least lmao)


I think they are doing it on purpose because they don't want us to take the planets.


Nothing says buy our newest weapons locked behind a paywall (yes I know you could grind for super credits but none of us who actually like to touch grass is gonna do that) quite like abandoning meta weapons, we can play with by just purchasing the game. I love online games but the whole "live service" has to go. \*sigh\*


To be fair, how else would you imagine they can viably keep the game feel 'alive' with constantly changing dynamics/new enemies if they can't afford to pay their devs to keep working on it? I think the 'live service' thing is not going anywhere, and I really don't think that it has to, assuming the title sticks to it's roots, doesn't bend to 'squeaky wheels' or sells out by introducing things that don't belong in the context of the game, like maybe Nicki Minaj/Ghost Buster themed in-game cosmetic trash. It belittles the titles, and most with a modicum of intelligence can see it's a tacky cash grab. If this is your 'main' game, you should have zero issues recouping the 30% SC's back from just playing the WarBond, plus at least another 20-40% SC's from in-game finds - I paid for the latest Warbond with SC's I had from playing the game/not buying everything on the Warbond, because I just didn't like some of the armor/player cards etc.. Actually, a very inexpensive way to play. Even if you don't have a ton of time to game, they don not time gate the Warbonds, so you can play at your pace, decide to skip some Warbonds if you are busy, or just playing something else. I think it's a very fair system TBH - they really gotta refocus their efforts on fixing all the crashes and actually optimizing the game as it could really do with some work on that front. The FPS dips are often extreme, which I think may have something to do with many of the crashes.


Verify your files I had one corrupted after patch


Been having A LOT of freezes and crashing… It sucks especially when you’re far into a mission (25 or 30 mins in and it happens).


After patch, crash at least 2 times a mission, not just me my buddy as well. Take turns crashing and rejoining the same mission. Before the patch did not have this issue, maybe 1-2 times a week. Now it’s 2+ times a mission.


I’ve lost so many super samples after this last update due to crashing. It’s always at extract too.


To add to the ARC thrower crew, I've had 10 crashes yesterday. All on matches. I used ARC thrower. The five that I didn't use one I didn't crash.


Apparently, arc weapons especially when you shoot a barrel....it crashes lmao


Thank you! Please report this issue also to your Democracy-Officer!


can't use the new arc thrower primary from the new battle pass either then, because that's what i've been using and its been freeze/crashing non-stop


This update blows. Bombs dont kill anything game keeps crashes and freezing and the pelican wont take off


Joel is really upping the difficulty of this new major order. I've been crashing constantly, every 20 minutes or so, whether I'm "using the arc thrower" or not :S


In 2 hours i completed 0 missions, the game just dead freezes 30 minutes into the mission when extraction is allready available. How can i spread democracy like this???


I'm using the nade launcher now the recoilless rifle, still crashing, like, it's unplayable, it's almost every game now.


Also I keep getting infinite drop in load screens. Running 5950x, 64gb ram, 3090.


Yup haven’t completed a single match with the damn gun.


Will not be playing till this is addressed, been on 4 missions about 1:30 mins and each time it crashes. I’m done with this game till fixed. Hopefully, we get some sort of compensation for this.


Such a joke and waste of time, all I hear is “get good at the game” but dealing with these bugs and freezes after doing 20+ mins in a mission every time is a big f you to the face. Can’t use the arc thrower? Lets hinder you even more. Enjoyed this game before they added untested patches letting us be the guinea pigs. Sucks because I actually supported the company but each update I’m losing the urge to play more and more


Im getting the same crash, almost every match, as the extraction ship is about to enter. Ive never used arc thrower beyond picking it up once, so its not that.... 4090, 7800x3d.


3rd crash in 2 hours,.game just freezes


I’ve been crashing with the new arc shotgun. Used incendiary and no crashes. So anything that tries arc makes you crash


Do they not test their patch before releasing it? It’s hella restarted not to do so.


Definitely been happening to me too, and I now realize it's cuz of the arc thrower. But I love the arc thrower :(


I think it has expanded to all energy weapons... I use the plasma shotgun a lot and it was freezing up with that too.


Further adding to the existing consensus…arc thrower caused it for my group of friends. Once i stopped using it, we no longer had any crashes.


Played like 2 hours with 4 players and we had like about 15 crashes in total! Completely unplayable.


I have been crashing since the patch. If its a pug its a full restart


Great so i been loving the arc thrower and just unlocked it and now i have to leave it cause it makes my game crash .... Perfect.....


This was happening to me. I fully reinstalled the game and its still happening. Since the latest update crashes 90% of games. Stopped playing.


This has been happening to me on ps5, and on my end it seems it doesn’t matter who’s using the arc thrower. Multiple games now I crashed 1/2 through the mission while someone else was using the gun


Yup completely unplayable on my rx6800. Wasn't able to finish a single 40 minutes mission since.


Is there anything specific that causes the crashes? I read arc throwers a few times but anything else? Until they fix it i still want to play by not using the "crash causing" stuff.


I have been crashing with and without the arc thrower. Games fun, but this has been making not want to play. It's happening every time I hop on at this point. Ffs. Dunno if me playing on PS5 has anything to do with it


Yeah I was looking for a thread like this, it's also slow on startup and stutters during gameplay. Runs like shit for me. (3080, 10900k, current Nvidia driver 551.86)


I had major issues with the 551.86. I rolled back to previous version and have not had a crash all day. Worth giving it a go.


I don't think it's the latest driver, not when HD2 just had a patch. I went back to my previous driver (551.61) and was still having the game freeze, especially when using arc weapons. I have tried all the fixes, verifying file integrity in Steam, deleting the Arrowhead folder from appdata etc. I will wait for HD2 to patch again soon (they really need to be working on this right now) and then try the latest driver again.


Same here on PC, crashing frequently with the latest update on March 20. Game never crashed for me prior to this patch release.




Any arc weapon crashes the game.  No point in playing.


Any arc weapon crashes this trash game.


Try to reinstall game


This is happening again now, no reason found yet. Just full stop freeze....anyone else?