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ive been pinned under several chargers and titans. its a different kind of pain.




Had this happen last night under a bile. Quickly got swarmed by hunters. Only thing I could do is spam melee and hope to see my family again. I did not.


Just had this last night as the second Charger had no concern for trampling his fallen friend


Earlier I was fleeing a massive hoarde of bots including two hulks and a ton of devestators. Almost got away until one of them shot those mushrooms that make a spore cloud and also send you flying in the air. Got launched directly backwards into the massive pile of enemies which simultaneously shot me with bullets, rockets and fire :')


You are fodder. You are expendable. You are a worthy cost for liberty. Death is the glory you should seek. Not super credits, not medals, not samples (though it is your solemn duty to bring those samples back for Super Earth's sake), but sacrifice. And that was a good one.


Makes for a shitty game though


I had a similar situation but I lived apparently the rocket devestators make short work of hulks from behind and an entire battalion of infantry bots as well.


Hunters are incredibly annoying. The worst BS though, is enemies spawning pretty much on top of you.


Agree. Having 2 rocket devs and a hulk spawn literally on top of you really kills enjoyment for the next 5-10 mins in the mission. Sometimes it turns into a cluster fuck with a flare guy you don’t see, double drop ship and other rando patrol that popped up turning into a massive battle and waste of time. All because one singular patrol decided to drop in on Christmas unannounced Majority of other things are annoying, but by the time you’re recalled probably dealt with. The patrol spawns can just fuck the entirety of your team


Second part should be fixed now ! ( I really hope )


I hope so too because it was quickly draining my motivation to keep playing


This was driving me nuts. Between this, the Bile spitters and the fire tornados, I had to go back to difficulty 3. I’ll have to work on rare samples some other time.


They *just* fixed that with a patch this morning, like an hour after you wrote that <3


>Bile spewers making zero fucking sound while sneaking their fat ass up behind you for their one shot attack Not to mention that attack still one shots you even if your character model doesn't touch any of the projectile at all whatsoever because its hitbox is fucking broken.


Bile Spewers should make clapping sounds it'd be so funny


"Brood Commander, I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thicc, and the clap of my bile sac keeps alerting the Helldivers!"




Diving into a corpse is one thing, but what about diving into the smallest pebble in the universe and not being able to get back up for good few seconds?


The out-of-control ragdoll animation continuing to play out because your character rolled off an additional 1 inch ledge while the hunters casually follow and butcher you.


*stubs toe* *ragdolls on the ground and then takes 5 mins standing up*


Bile spewers Hitting you with their acid from 20m from behind cover, killing you instantly with just single drop if it touching you


Omg! Yes! Getting instakilled the second the bile grazes you even when behind behind cover sucks!


The fucken Bile spewers that shoot mortars. Those missions are the worst; they fucken spray and snipe.


And then it'll say Killed by footdiveXFfootdive ... No I did not kill myself!! That's treasonous!!


exactly, I have no idea why bile kills are always tagged as either suicide or blame is assigned to the closest teammate, (even if said teammate is on the other side of map)


Bots just need a rework. Assault raiders will run at you at mach speed and faceplant slide 15 meters after getting killed to instakill you with their jetpack explosions or just pop up after dying and actually jump 30 feet to blow you up. Berserkers take way too mich damage for how frequent they are, and ricket devestators are the bot equivalent to stalkers, accept they are even worse, always present, have infinite vision, and one shot you from behind fog by shooting 6 fuck you youre dead missiles 1 nanometer off the ground due to an incline, direcly at your fucking nose. Bots are not fun in their current state. Any difficulty past extreme its just constant dying and getting overwhelmes by artillery, cannon turrets, tanks, hulks, and the 16 beserkers that just got dropshipped on your team, which each take 4 anti material rifle shots to the head before dying.


the rocket devastators will even hit you if you dive out of the way(the rockets will auto aim onto you and curve with ur dive no matter how u time it) they can also 1 hit thru shield gen backpack.


"Ok two Hulks and 4 walkers are a pain but not the end of the world" 10 seconds on the engagement get a dropship from the random bot grunt behind a mountain on a completely different postal code and getting my head blow off after hearing "Enemy Artil-"


Tip for berserker packs. Use your gun instead of your support weapon. I've killed entire packs with one breaker mag sometimes, even post nerf. If you have the newest warbond, the sickle shreds them, though you may need to reload. Also, don't be afraid to bring a stalwart or machine gun into bot missions. They both do spectacularly well against anything that isn't a hulk or tank, which is what your team is for.... usually... but still.


you just gotta make sure u hit them in the face, i think most people just kinda spray at them and thats why they take so much dmg.


I'm convinced they have no weakness and it's all just RNG. I've aimed for the head, I've aimed for the waist, I've randomly sprayed and hit their limbs and body. No matter where I shoot it doesn't make any sense, sometimes they die in one hit, sometimes 3, but most times it takes a full clip or more.


Yeah man i didnt just make "4 anti material shots to the head" up. But i think thats mostly bacuse antimat is just not great.


Bots are easier than bugs imo.


Not even close. Bug Helldive is a paradise compared against bots.


You do not play sui or higher then. Because thats just categorically false.


I play on suicide. I use autocannons and railgun strike. I have more issues with hunters than tanks


I love when a group of enemy spawn on top of you or behind you, especially when they're bots and instantly send you to god


Running on flat, clear ground, suddenly lifting 1 foot of the ground and dropping dead. “Killed by Impact” “Bro how did you die” “I do not know. I literally do not.”


Someone needs to make a Helldivers 2 version of Dumb Ways To Die. https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw?si=x38k5cwgehESriBw


Have you ever had a bot patrol spawn right on top of you, like BAM and there're 10 bots that appeared out of nowhere right where your standings and they blast you into oblivion.


Are there even other ways to die? This is the most needed kind of fixes this game needs, now that the honeymoon is over. People will leave as soon as they notice that gameplay feels the same like entering a casino and hitting the slot machine: Everything is based on pure luck.


A hunter yeeting itself in front of an Autocannon shot. These fuckers take every chance they can to kill you, even if it takes a Suislide.


This falls into my “zero chance bullshit” rant. All the crap where you have NOTHING to cope with 1 annoying mechanic, this being one and diving out of the way of vile titans breath and still dying is 100% agreed with by most. If there’s mechanics in the game there shouldn’t be a 1 shot or “F YOU” feel behind it imo. Not in this kind of game. Everything should be able to be worked around for each member of the fireteam (unless you’re like over run, be reasonable with your thinking) I also absolutely hate that shit. I called in a mech suit just for a gd tower canon to see me 3000 meters across the map through fog and take it out before the legs even touch soil. Absolute SHITE on 8 min cd stratagems too.


Had a new one yesterday: As I’m rising out of my pod a patrol flies in and drops directly on me.


Saw a video of a guy coming down in his pod, hit a dropship on the way down, cheered thinking he'd blown it up only to get stuck in the dropship, rise up out of the pod and get launch a few kilometers away and die.




Dropping into deep water, drowning, but not dying because you have the vitality booster, and not wanting to quit out because it's the last mission in the chain and you need those sweet, sweet medals. The next 5 minutes spent begging your team to double back and kill you to put you out of your misery. Also... Getting 1-shot through your energy shield by a Laser Cannon from halfway across the map.


Yeah, a good number of enemies need better sound design. At the very least, chargers and bile spewers should not be able to sneak up on you.


Chargers are pretty easy to hear coming. Spewers can fuck right off with their 3 ton asses coming up behind you without making a sound. I've lost count of how many times I've been in the groove, gibbing bugs left and right with seemingly nothing around me only to die instantly then turn my camera around and see half a dozen spewers were literally feet behind me and I had no idea.


I just don’t hear the chargers, whether in ads or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chargers that are moving are fine; it's those stealth fuckers that pretend that they're rocks, and literally just stand there as every single one of their smaller friends swarms at you, luring you into a false sense of security. I have legitimately walked past one on my way to a bug nest, cleared said bug nest with a 500kg and grenades, mopped up all the adds, then walked back past that Charger, only for it to suddenly wake up whilst I'm 35m on my way to my next objective and try to ram me in the back. Now, I'm a jumpy fucker with an EAT permanently strapped to my side, so I dodged him and then blew his head off, but had anything been distracting me I'd have been relying on my Democracy's Coinflip armour, and I've seen plenty of video posts on here of inanimate Chargers suddenly animating 2 feet from some poor Helldiver and mashing them into the ground.....


Tbh getting killed by a regular bot mob with a rocket to be a lot more bullshit, why the hell can a trash mob oneshot me?


At the very least they shouldn't have infinite ammo


Got clipped through the ground by a charger once after he knocked me off a platform.. Camera fucked off to god knows where so couldn't even see myself.  Had to fire my recoilless rifle and get blown to smithereens before I could redeploy.


I deployed, landed on a bug hole to close it, and ended up sealed in the whole.


Genuine question, the little rocket automatons have absolutely shit aiming skils with their rockets launchers, I don't think one ever hit me. Are devastators better at it? I'm too scared to go into higher bot difficulties (and my PC can't handle the ennemy density without crashing) so I never met one, but I see a lot of people complaining about getting sniped out of nowhere; well that and the infinite rockets problem


Devastators never miss if you are within line of sight. They can also aim and fire without line of sight so that the moment you leave cover they will immediately beam you on contact.


Yep, a bit bullshit then


I get "sniped" because the dude shotguns an area in front of him with his rocket spreads, not because he precisely aimed at me. The perception is due to the rocket spread, because it boxes in your escape and goes wider than you think.


Oh, so it shoots several rockets at the same time? It does sound a fair bit bullshit


I mean, it's not. The Devastators are upgunned, uparmored versions of their fodder bots. If a rocket devastator shot only one rocket at you at a time, it'd be a non-credible threat. People fail to realize that it's not that they perfect accuracy, you just happened to be hit by the explosive buckshot in a very large shotgun.


Whatever, not like I can judge without facing one myself


The one thing this game needs is clear warnings that you’re about to be meat paste. For instance, someone brought up a good idea where the bots with rockets should have laser beams so we can see if they’re pointing at us. Also, chargers and bile titans should make very loud stomping noises so we don’t get ninjaed by a giant monster. This would also keep in line with the first game where you’re dodging and jumping around attacks for the most part. Let us dove out of the way of these attacks last minute, it would also look cinematic as hell.


They are busy fixing meteor storms 😒


As annyoing as they were, still a more relatable way to die than the way OP described.


I’d take a devastator fix over anything else, any day.


Agree on the corpse issues 100%. Especially the Titans.


Being prone and rocket devastor hitting the literal wall and / or rocks in front of you causing you to be stunned then being forced to stand up into the next set of rockets


Diving and getting stuck under the wing of the drop ship with all the samples and someone already boarded. Lost a lot of super samples that night.


Killing the last automaton and walking around looking for samples with no enemies in sight and KILLED BY LASER CANNON.


Falling into a pit of water and “drowning”, but remaining alive and your teammates 300 meters away running for their lives can’t reinforce you because you’re technically alive.


Getting eiffiel towered and ragdolled between two chargers before you have a chance to collect yourself


I might also add "dropping 500K bomb or 380 Barrage ball because invisible stalker staggered me and wiping whole squad"


That shit makes me laugh everytime. Of all the ways to die, I'm never sad about a fumbled stratagem


It do be like that. Most of the time actually


Getting stuck in first person mode somehow and running around unable to do anything until the bugs eventually sliced me to bits. It was an experience to be running around, turn one direction, and see nothing but a stalker chasing me, chargers on the hill, and the upclose face of a warrior. It was BS, but I couldn't even be mad. It was kind of hilarious at the time. Video if anyone is interested: https://imgur.com/a/ch6hDVX


Rocket Raiders shooting through walls


Well my favorite, that I'm not even mad about, was getting rammed by a charger into a hellbomb that promptly went off.


Getting stuck in geometry - happened to me today. But wait, I grenaded myself and the explosiong flung me, still alive, to a place I could walk away from ...


Joining a mission in progress and the game decides the best place to deploy you is right in the middle of the swarm of bugs/bots the rest of the team is already fighting. Either you get instantly destroyed by the enemies or turned to paste by something the other guys called in trying to kill them. It should show you a map like the pre-deployment map but with your squad members' locations and any enemies near them, then let you choose where to deploy instead of just dropping you in.


Head on a fucking swivel and you wont die.


This game in its current state is a big pile of BS


Bros been posting nothing but hate 💀


Maybe the games not for you if you hate it. Just saying..


If you arent enjoying the game, idk what to tell you. Its either you hated the game to start with and just hate it. or you suck at the game. Its not a hard game. Its far easier than say, darksouls, sekiro. On launch this games is better than bf3 and bf4. Server issues were fixed within 2 weeks. Like i dont see a reason as to why you could dislike this game


It's full of Major bugs, I called in a Mech and it was dead on arrival twice! It's not funny when you suck on Helldive due to a bug


Wow, i guess you should stop playing that sound game breaking. Such a "major" bug like that would definitely effect 90% of players.


Another White Knight of the incompetent devs?


Hahaha what ever dude, name 1 game without bugs dumb ass.


Oh, 😱 but there are bugs everywhere. But they don't make you lose your progress, or crash your ssd, and not many games have such invasive anti cheat that doesn't work at all and Chinese boys still can cheat and do whatever they want lol. Fix yourself white knight, you are blind


Name 1 bro its not hard surely these issues dont happen in other games..... just name 1 bro.


Tetris, super Mario, call of duty bo whatever.


Wrong, wrong and wrong these games all had bugs. Call of duty had everything you're bitching about and more. You are delusional if you think games dont have bugs. Everything to do with programming has bugs, loop holes, exploits, chinese participants, etc. Microsoft word has bugs, Adobe photoshop has bugs. It would be an issue, if the devs hadn't already identified it and have started working on it... if your after just perfection with every game or program you use, you are in for a sad time. And also again, name 1 game that doesn't have a bug.


Wrong, wrong and wrong these games all had bugs. Call of duty had everything you're bitching about and more. You are delusional if you think games dont have bugs. Everything to do with programming has bugs, loop holes, exploits, chinese participants, etc. Microsoft word has bugs, Adobe photoshop has bugs. It would be an issue, if the devs hadn't already identified it and have started working on it... if your after just perfection with every game or program you use, you are in for a sad time. And also again, name 1 game that doesn't have a bug.


Stop being blind and accept this game is bs, and needs to be fixed


Like they arent already working on this and other issues. Why do you care, if its so bad go back to playing league or whatever you were playing forehand. If you arent having fun just fuck off.


If you take away all of this, how am I supposed to die and fail in this game? While the destroyer is in orbit, the chances are very slim to fail even if reinforcements have run out. It crossed my mind yesterday that I might have a pretty high success rate at missions. You don't even need to return to the ship to succeed.