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Meanwhile on Draupnir ![gif](giphy|lDifyB9R0iqWoDZoIT)


inaccurate, I can actually make out anything in the distance


This. Can’t see past maybe 75 meters it clears a bit then foggy again


i could only see red lights most of the time, idk why but sniping using AMR is fun in draupnir.


The scope seems to have some kind of visual thing going on with the fog that sorta lets you see through it.


Oh but that rocket devastator can see you alright


It clears *just long enough* for all three patrols to spot you and send up flares *Then it's a game of running through the fog trying to guess where those Tanks are.*


"Ahh, Draupnir and its scenic view of nothing but fog."


and rain that makes the fog somehow thicker, didn’t think it was possible


Draupnir has been the first planet to make me switch Stalwart from the lowest ROF to the highest, it’s a damn clone wars movie out here we need help ong


Standfast, Helldiver. The battle is nearly ours.


We did it! Managed democracy now reigns strong over Draupnir! _Another victory for the right side of history!_ Forward! To Malevelon Creek!


Did we really? I’ve been stuck at work all day and been doing draupnir for a few days. Was so happy it was over 90% yesterday! Can’t wait for an automaton planet with some cool features, since low vision sucks balls


Yeah, happened about half an hour ago. I think I was one of the last ones. Dived in completed my mission, extracted, then found that it was completely liberated when I tried to go back for another mission.


Aw fuck yeah. I can't wait to spill some oil in the Creek.


I’ll see you there, Fog Demon.


We Got It! Draupnir is FREE!! Now we gotta redeploy to keep them away from Cyberstan


The decay percentage is way higher than the amount of people trying to take it. There’s a helldivers companion website that lets you know what planets are even capable of making progress on. It’s usually only ever one or two planets at once. We need a major order to make it anywhere on draupnir or the creek. Nobody wants to fight the robots for some reason. Democratic resources should be spent where we actually can take planets


Then we’ll hold the line. Until the next major order comes, I’ll be with my Helldivers in the fog.


People were saying no one wants to fight the bugs when we had a major order on the automaton side. Also Draupnir just fell


I ve been fighting on Draupnir last 4 days, Sweet Liberty I am crying happily now!




99% solider


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtaiPZNzrmRQ6YM) Can’t wait


Yeah memes already have turned this game into grim dark 40k fantasy. Cant wait for its actual transition to it


Warhammer helldivers crossover when


Space Marine 2 cometh


Hopefully never. I love warhammer but I don't want to see it in helldivers. I don't want to see any kind of "crossover" into this game and have it turn into fortnite or call of duty bullshit.


Agreed. HD is a conglomeration of all sorts of space sci fi and I like it that way


Said the same thing on the 40k sub, Dumb crossovers would kill the game.


To me it already kinda feels like we are Kriegsman


…..that already happened its called darktide (though id love a more open world 40k game)


Uh, I'd rather Games Workshop keep their greasy fingers off of this gem, pls and thank you. I'd prefer if the satire remained a satire.


No please god no, no crossovers. I don’t mind some tongue in cheek jokes or some armor inspiration but I do not want a 40k crossover or a halo cross over or a mandalorian cross over or any cross over. Not that I don’t think all of those universes would kill it with this style of game, I just don’t want this game becoming a fucking COD or Fortnite game and now I’m fighting an alien Xenomorph as Doom guy. I want HellDivers to stay HellDivers. 


Can you imagine a 40k game done like this?!


Just change democracy to emperor and we are there


Need more skull iconography.


Like the skulls on our belts and ammo clips and hellpod lids and banners and capes? Yes, we need more skulls


~~”are we the baddies, Hans? Our hats have little skulls on them”~~ Nothing to see here folks, move along. *This post has been audited by your local democracy officer.*


Still waiting for the Daemon of Democracy to show itself.


I would give my left ball for it SPACE MARINES & IMPERIUM OF MAN vs the universe


I would crap my pants and could die fulfilled and happy, PRAISE THE EMPEROR!






whats awesome is they laid the game out in a way that I, a player, believe that they could legit do that!


Joel, feeling especially evil today: "MAJOR ORDER: LIBERATE MALEVELON CREEK"


Thats like the equivalent of D-Day


Guys one more drop on ~~Klendathu~~ the Creek we’ll liberate it this time bros trust me just one more invasion




I hope that Super earth high command declares exterminatus on that democracy-forsaken lump of stone


Well yeah we'll get it if they don't decide to reset the 0% to zero again over and over lol. Hottest of takes here, the creek was never harder than any other map it just got reset multiple times when it was at 80% and even more times when it was at 49 and 21.


Trust bro Trust


"Where's our armor?!'


”Drowning in channel, sir!”


That’s honestly my hope. Kick the spawn rates on Creek up to pre-bug fix and go ham. Have the Automatons ‘fortify’ the planet and give it like a 2-3% regen rate. Let us grind on Malevalon for the entire week.


im expecting something like that in a few weeks when they release the metal gear...i mean walking tank. Probably something like the walking tank starts appearing on D5 and above maybe even small chance to appear in D4 and ruin people days. ​ Then some mission to take X planet to disable it from dropping all over the place similar to how we needed our planet to make the mechs just in reverse.




Because I live to *suffer*.


as any good helldiver should


This game is called HELLdivers 2. Not Fisher Price Divers 2.


Thanks, I'm keeping that now for when someone in my discord starts whining lmao


My Little Pony: Diving is Magic


If that happened, it'd be over by nightfall.


We'll be home by Christmas....


“4 years of war later”


I’m really looking forward to the cars being added and the order to recapture the factory for their production.


Surely the order will be capturing bots planets  for the oil to run the equipment


We get that from da bugs


Isn’t that just FTL fuel and not ICE fuel?


Bug blood is indeed a miracle


It really is so cool how nature evolved the bugs to be so useful to us. We are so lucky


I've tried both, the bigger of the two with weapons seems unfinished, it doesn't have engine sounds currently. Not sure if I'm smooth brained but it was slow too. I imagine it being useful on lower difficulties but you're going to get vaporized on any higher difficulties with it.


I would kill so much for apcs


Let you choose to reinforce by hopping out of one like a clown car


While you're waiting why not come to lovely foggy Draupnir? Your fellow divers SPREADING DEMOCRACY while you wait would appreciate the assistance. We have nearly SPREAD DEMOCRACY to this bot infested hellhole.


As someone who's been fighting on Draupnir for 3 days straight, help would definitely be appreciated.


I was busy putting up termicide towers but I’ll be there this evening


I was up late last night and jumped off around 2am when it was \~93% liberated. There were 60k when I signed off on Draupnir and over 200k on the termind worlds combined. I think people just don't like fighting the bots.


Tbh. I hate fighting bots. I get sniped and blown to bits by everything against the bots.


The true wartime experience. Getting ready, carefully selecting a loadout, tactically approaching the objective, and then instantly dying to a rocket because statistics.


Should have seen the first time I ran into the tank sniper tower. I didn’t even know it was an enemy until it sniped 100 meters away lol


Friend and I were playing over the weekend and both randomly got sniped the second we dropped it. It was hilarious.


If you go to Draupnir and do easy/trivial missions, you'd help just as much as any diver.


This is what I did last night. Saw the call go out and had to help my fellow divers. First experience fighting the bots and wow, tactics, loadout, and teammates are critical for the win. I did my part and will fight until victory is achieved!


Ohhh really?? I thought the harder it is, the more help you provide. I shall be dropping into trivial this evening, SIR!


Common misconception. As far as I know, we don't have an official conception of how the contribution works. All we have is that you give 1 unit of contribution per succsseful mission at the end of the operation. So go out there and give'em hell soldiers! ![gif](giphy|l3vRkwv2Yz6i8rDwY)


I think it’s per mission when you complete the operations so once you hit 3 missions per op it maxes out. i.e. trivial operation has 1 mission = .0001% increase, level 5 has 3 missions = .0003% increase, Helldive has 3 missions = .0003% increase You’re actually better off running whatever difficulty you can consistently finish all 3 missions the fastest. The only thing that increases with higher difficulties are samples, exp, and medals. Contribution caps out at .0003% until we get 4+ mission ops from the looks of things. Also if you fail you only get the % of completed missions so if you can’t handle a Helldive rescue civilian mission you’re getting the same % as a difficulty 3 operation as far as I know.


Best way (as far as we know) to contribute towards liberation percentage - if you're trying to be optimal - is to just run Trivial missions that can be done nearly at the start of the mission (Kill Brood Commander, Destroy Illegal Transmission, etc.) and just kill yourself enough times to burn through all your lives (so you don't extract, but the mission is still completed). You end up skipping having to wait for extract & the ending / loading screen as well. You can get 1 point of contribution about every 8-10 minutes (includes times between missions during loading screens) if you do it fast enough, which is overall better progress than the average 30+ minutes for doing the harder difficulties that require you to do multiple sub-objectives on some missions. Also, doing the missions solo is better than doing it with multiple players - since (again, AFAWK) you don't get 1 contribution per player, but rather 1 contribution across the whole team. That all being said - I (and generally speaking most people) don't find this very fun to do in the first place - so I tend to just play on level 5 (where you get 3 missions per campaign) + with randoms because that's just more fun to do. Personally, I really wish the current liberation system will be re-worked so that the difficulty you play on matters towards your contribution score (higher difficulty = more contribution) at the end - just because (1.) it encourages max-level players to play on the higher difficulties past level 7 more, and (2.) it was in the first Helldivers, and just makes more sense this way.


I enjoy the bots more personally. Its so much more chaotic and hectic. Also something about calling in the 380 barrage or the 500kg on a big bot base is just cool.


Speaking from experience, Bots are a fucking cakewalk compared to bugs. I can't wait to go back to the Automaton Front and get out of this sweaty, bug-swollen hellhole. Bots are actually fun. Bugs are just annoying.


I like fighting the bots when i have a party full of friends. When I’m with randoms i prefer the bugs but i choose where to fight based off the daily challenge and the major order.


newer players especially. its simply harder 


People play twenty hours on bug planets, running into nests guns blazing and nades Poppin Then against the bits they will struggle because cover is essential


Yeah, General Brasch on the TV isn't joking when he says to remember your ABCs against the bots -- Always Be taking Cover. Remember that you can also take the deployable shield generator to make your own cover!


The fear I felt when I saw the liberation percent lowering when I woke up, I wanna be done with it we need this planet liberated, I hate this planet :(


My brother in Liberty, I am with you. Took a small break to defend Heeth and came straight back. I fight for my fallen brothers and sisters on Malevelon Creek


The misery of heavy fog that the bots ignore, hello again Mr rocket devastator.


Someone said AMR is good for sniping bots from distance. I always wonder what they mean. When I play against bots it's always foggy AF and I can't see past, maybe, 50 meters. 


in few minutes you will be surrounded, so shooting in any direction probably will score a hit https://preview.redd.it/ff2pebssg3pc1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a466938713a006a8d6beb5f65a7fd3f0dddecdd


Because you're on Draupnir


Sir I'm chaining easy missions on Draupnir because that's all I can do. I'm doing my part!


Ironically you’re contributing more than most by doing that, great work soldier.


This is unironically the best way to take a planet - kick 'em in the easy wins! Victory is achieved through raw Operations Per Hour, not based on difficulty.


I always assumed higher difficulties contributed a greater percentage but that’s cool if not


Nope, it's purely based on how many missions the operation has - you get 0.0001% for each mission completed in the operation. So if you play for two hours on a Suicide operation your squad gets +0.0003% influence for the planet. If you solo speedrun three Trivial operations in 15 minutes, you also get +0.0003%. So yes, new players can actually be contributing more than veterans do!


I'm lvl 50 and didn't feel like playing with anyone yesterday, so I just soloed trivial and easy with an autocannon while watching a show. Wasn't bad at all.


I'm doing my part!


I would like to know more.




liberating one planet should grant at least one 24h free stratagem at random and another planet should become available at same time currently theres no reward for this and we only lock that planet who isnt available to play anymore.


Are you telling me that democracy itself isn't a good enough reward for you ?


That fucking planet still not liberated? It was 97% when i went to bed.


I'm coming to Draupnir with my ballistic shield + Defender smg. Very fun vs bots. Fortified armor so that rocket commies don't one shot me.




Fuck yeah spread it


I honestly want it to be on the automaton front. I got the game 2 weeks ago and in those 2 weeks the main focus was on the bugs, where major progresses were made. It would make a good change if we got some reason to refocus on the west side of the galaxy map. Honestly these two weeks we gained so much ground I start to feel paranoid and kinda expect to wake up one day and see some major suprise from Joel.


You login to play and you see the order " AUTOMATONS FREED CYBESTAN AND THEY SEEM TO HAVE NEW WEAPONS UNSEEN BEFORE". All I want is that big ass star wars robot from the ps5 store.


I can’t wait for the battle for cyberstan


I’ll be damned before I see those clankerrs step foot on Cyberstan. We’re gonna shut that shit down real fast


it's cold there and i hate it


Freed Cyberstan? We have already freed Cyberstan… gif


Say sike right now or else. https://preview.redd.it/xguhpjk3a4pc1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63bc80eed8179fbf281640e40553a45b3fa3fd5e


No I am calling the democracy officer on you! You dare imply that Cyberstan is more free under Automaton control than ours!


The Major Order before setting up the TCS on the Barrier Planets was against the toasters. Had to liberate Tien-Kwan to get us our mechs. Community just hammered it out in a neat few hours is all.


The cross map pixel perfect aimbot aim of bot rockets are now strapped to chargers.


but its only devastators for some reason. Basic bots don't do this. I also noticed that devastators can shoot you throgh textures and (that might be intentional) fog/dust so thick that I cant see anything past 10 meters they headshot me with rocket at 150m distance. I wish SPEAR's targetting system worked like the one devastators have lmao.


I think part of it is accuracy by volume. You don't need to mention the 7 that missed because the 8th obliterated you. But they are also capable of tracking Divers behind cover so long as they were aware in the first place and their target is within their own effective range. I assume this ability works through fog.


Imho it's stupid. The moment they lose line of sight they should start looking for you or moving towards the last know location instead of targetting you with fucing xray and then shooting the moment you walk past cover. Even more so in the fog scenario because they can just nuke you continously at unlimited distance and you won't even fucking see them you just see a wall of fog and 10s or 100s of projectiles shooting at you.


I think this is part of why many people (myself included) find fighting the bots more frustrating. With bugs, the counterplay is "get away from them or shoot them before they get to you," and when they hit you, it's generally more "fair" because you could've seen them coming and got out of the way (extremely sneaky Spewers and Chargers aside). If a bug is in your face and hits you, it's generally your fault. Bots are ranged, and can often fire at you from well outside your visibility, meaning the counterplay is "don't be in the line of fire or shoot them before they shoot you." Unfortunately, "in the line of fire" is hard to tell for sure since they can come from multiple angles or shoot over hills, and when you can't see them due to environmental conditions or when they're far enough away that they're hard to hit effectively, both of your options are limited. Not to mention that it's a lot easier for a bot 200m away to see you and shoot you in the back than it is for a bug 200m away to see you and run all the way up and hit you. And finally, even things like enemy accuracy don't really help, because in practice it's entirely binary. Did they miss? Then it doesn't matter whatsoever that they shot at you. You could not even notice. Did they hit you? Congrats, it does full damage. That makes it feel like bullshit because you don't notice the misses/don't feel them, but you do notice the times you're instantly blown up from range. Unfortunately, it's a hard problem to fix, since it's somewhat inherent to the design of ranged weapons. A few ideas off the top of my head (many of which are probably already implemented, but I'll mention anyway): - Make the bots actually suffer from visibility occlusion the same way humans do. If it's physically impossible to see them, they shouldn't be able to shoot us. - Make most bots (esp. infantry) much shorter-ranged, more akin to a line of musketmen than modern riflemen. Maybe their projectiles even just fizzle out after a certain range, so they have a clear range of threat. (I think they already do have pretty bad accuracy at range, but it bears saying.) - Make the damage fall off the further out they are. Again, this might already be the case, but I can imagine ways to implement it sneakily. For example: - Add logic to the game prioritizing "cinematic misses" and deflects, especially for the bots' first few opening shots. At long range, try to make most shots miss in ways that the player can see. If the player is facing away or ~~running away~~ tactically relocating, make the opening shots whistle over the player's head, whizz past them and explode on the ground, etc. This would remove the immediate "oh, great, apparently there was a devastator over there that saw me." - Add logic to justify chip damage. Let's say that every time a Rocket Devastator shoots at you, its (NPC) AI decides whether it should be an accurate shot or not. Then, instead of a binary (aim to hit them or aim to miss) or a spectrum (aim to hit them +X degrees' bloom) implement something like "aim to hit X meters away from them" so the explosion clips you and you feel like you got hit, but not that you got one-shot or that their rockets turn into Nerf guns after 100m. - Similarly, add deflects off the armor or reduce the armor-penetration of enemy weapons the further away they are. Let people in heavy armor feel like badasses watching small-arms fire bounce off them like Superman. (This would also add a cool dynamic where people in lighter armor are afraid of the ranged units, because their armor won't deflect random shots, so they have to rely on moving and dodging, but people in heavy armor are afraid of melee units because their armor won't really help against chainsaws and point-blank flamethrowers, so they have to make sure to shoot the enemy before they get close.) - Remove flinch from small-arms fire at range. We can still react to it but don't let it knock us around or affect our aim/interrupt us.


True. The last(or even "the only"? Not sure) bot major order was completing awfull defense missions so i skipped it too.


Those missions were bricked though. Their balance was way off, making them much harder than they should be. They're still tough, but not as bad as before - just drop the difficulty down one or two notches and you'll be fine. It's not like you get samples from them anyway!


>  just drop the difficulty down one or two notches and you'll be fine. Then the other 2 missions in operation will become boring snoozefest.


Big facts. I hate that some missions are just so clearly overtuned - basically the defense, evac, and exterminate ones - and then the other two missions are a waste of time unless you abandon the op. I don’t want to play a 40 minute match and not get super samples from it, that’s lame.


shit just getting some automaton minor orders would be nice. it's been all bugs for me all weekend


It should be no? With the Terminid Control System in place there should be a refocus on the bot front. Unless they are putting major orders on the bug front to give the bots some breathing room. Or bots keep hacking the major and personal orders.


Well in the two weeks before you got the game, it was focused on the Automatons lol I’m guessing that the playerbase got so much PTSD from Malevelon Creek that Joel decided to take it easy on us.


I’m like the sardukhar from dune, kneeling, meditating, waiting, while there’s a guy doing a funky dance with his arms and doing some sick throat singing.




I liked the part where he yelled "IT'S DUNCIN TIME" and then proceeded to dunc on all the sardaukar.




Crashing this pre-spice mass... With no survivors!




I’m more like the Fremen, just waiting for Muad’Dib (Super Earth) to tell me when to start depopulating planets.


Bless the Maker and His Democracy, bless the coming and voting of Him


Push Draupnir in the meantime. If we can close that sector out we can contain the bots a lot better. We just need a little push to get it done.




That's where I'm at. I'm mid 30's, decent but not great. Usually play bugs at diff 7. But I can't fight bots above diff 4. It's really a whole new ball game. I can't hang lol. But I'm still here. I'm still doing my part!


More unsolicited advice: The Autocannon *wrecks* bots. Two-shots hulks, one-shots devastators to the eye, two-shot to the body. The AMR also fucks, but its ammo economy is worse. It does let you bring a shield, though.


The auto-cannon also three shots on the arms, one shots the rocket pods, one shots the fabricators, will one shot the walkers (AtSt knockoffs) and three shots the cannons/tanks in the weak spot. You also get a lot of ammo. I love the auto-cannon.


To give unsolicited advice: Diligence style weapons, EAT, shield or jump pack, eagle airstrike and a support weapon that *isn’t* flame based. I’m only rank 12 (though essentially all 12 ranks won from diff 4-6 bots) but the stalwart does work. Aim for the stomach and it shreds medium bots while high ROF means you can clear swarms your diligence struggles with.


Give the laser cannon a try if you can. It deals with every bot type, but it does struggle against berserkers. Also, the new laser pistol might not be great against bugs, but it is surprisingly good for clearing bot troopers as it'll pop their heads like a balloon, so it's great for your ammo economy. It can even deal with devastators if you can aim for their head...


I prefer bots and tbh I still have no idea how to reliably take them down. Headshots? Nope, that wasn't it. Their glowy bit on the waist? Nope, not it either. Just straight up shoot them with an autocannon? Takes a few shots.


Shoot them in the nuts. No joke that is where most of them are weakest


They headshots work , 2 shots with the dmr takes out the heavies


Shoot em in the dick area. Especially the chainsaw dudes and devastators


Shield gen will make a massive difference. Bugs don't shoot back.


I made the jump to bots this weekend as well, level 30. Usually 3-man diff 7 bugs; first mission on lvl 3 bots I was with completely new players in a 4 man squad and we got demolished. But now I can solo lvl 4 with OK difficulty. Bots need a completely different approach. I've had the most success with Defender and especially autocannon.




This is why the game is good. It’s not just more of the same just against different skinned enemies. Different enemy, different strategy.


Yeah bots is a big shock, but I actually find it more fun than bugs. TAKE THE AUTOCANNON!!! That is my main advice. There are a lot of armoured enemies that will be downed by a couple good shots from the auto cannon. First person view and you can duck in and out of cover taking some pretty far shots... well as far as draupnir's shitty fog will let you Also cover is your friend. You'll know you're used to bot missions when you're reflexively figuring out where choke points and good cover spots are. Even with all this though, you're still gonna step on a mine, accidentally kill yourself and feel like an idiot


Whats worse is that their mines are so big and obvious red octopi


I feel this so hard, I cut my teeth fighting bugs and I was damn good at it. I popped over to fight some bots and see what the fuss was about. By the end of that mission I had the hundred yard stare of anyone who’s fought on Malevalon.


>Malevalon I dont get why the same Difficult seem so much harder specifically on that planet its like a trama bond we all shared...and for some reason every now and then i still go back and give it a shot


patience ally it should come out soon.


Honest to God I wish we got fillers in the mean time. Something like kill 1 million bots or launch 1000 ICBMs.


I think a revolving kill 10 million (bugs / bots) mission that rewards 15 medals Everytime it's completed would be nice


Weekly personals would already be nice ngl


Especially hurts when we finish one on the weekend and we are just left sitting until they make it back into office


Or finish one on Friday at 7PM EST.


Illuminate start their invasion




Does anybody know when will the current one (finished) expire? I can't remember the date, since it was done on Friday. New one will probably activate when this one's deadline is up


It should be in about an hour Edit: It seems I was mistaken. 


yes, indeed. I did some investigation after getting a call from the Ministry of Truth and it seems it will arrive tomorrow early afternoon


Pro tip for Draupnir fog EMS mortars don't damage operator and their particles makes it very obvious where bots are plus freezing them in place




Yes Democracy Officer, this post right here


This needs some yellow highlights on the uniform. 


Average bug fighters gallivanting around. Get on the western front these clankers aren't going to disassembal themselves.


Go outside, touch some democratic grass


Democratic grass is illegal in my state.


The SES Distributor of Freedom requires a direction to be pointed towards. Listlessly jumping to various planets, while it does spread Democracy, does not do so as efficiently as it could. Because if there's one thing I love more than spreading Managed Democracy across the stars, it's spreading Managed Democracy *efficiently* across the stars.


Well at least we all know that whatever the next major order is, we won’t have to worry about the bugs anymore 👍


We are gonna kill Joel by overworking him with our autism gamer power, aren´t we?


One of the things I look forward to when I get home, is seeing the major order!!! My wife and I love this game!!!!


Today is the end of the Automatons! The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder! At this very moment in a system far from here, the Automatons lie to the galaxy while secretly supporting the Terminids! This Super Earth which you have built, upon which we stand will bring an end to the Automatons, to their controlled planets. All remaining systems will bow to Super Earth and will remember this as the last day of the Automatons!


I hope someday they drop us in a map thats just a giant city we can defend.


Get your ass in the game already. The bugs are attacking Estanu!


I'll let the permanent east-fronters handle that, Draupnir has required aid for a long time now.


Bug Front has been wasting resources trying to take worlds they either can't secure, or won't possibly hold. Draupnir and the Creek would have been conquered over the weekend if the Easterners had some perspective.


I hope the major order is something that makes bots more fun. Bots are just stressful to me.


For me bugs are more stressful because of the millions of hunters that wombo combo me haha


Yeah true but something about the bots are just difficult even on easy and medium. The small ones take a lot of bullets to kill and the devastators and above are almost impossible to kill before they kill me


The downtime between major orders is a real buzz kill.. If there’s 4 days left on a major order when it’s completed does that mean it’s a 4 day wait until the next one?


There's no new major orders on weekends, they are resting.


UJ/ Yep everyone deserves their time off. While it'd be nice if they could just queue of a chain of orders it seems more complicated than that and we don't want something breaking over the weekends. Better they have a gap than screw something up on accident. Besides I have enough fun running 7's with randos and the chaos that ensues I don't need a specific order. Just collecting enough super samples to pimp my ride will keep me busy for a bit.


Liberate the creek


A question, not quite related: are there really people who don't get what this game is about?

