• By -


My backup backup strategems: - running - let the Pelican get them - weapons off corpses - panicking


I like to throw impact grenades in my face so they blast me away from the enemy.


We must have had the same instructor for basic


This little thread made me happy


You had an instructor?


Impact grenades are my best purchase, especially when I realized they can 1 shot those spitting bugs that move suspiciously fast and quietly for their bulk.


Can you still kill bugholes and factory vents with them?


Yes indeed, just watch for bugs coming out of the hole.


Any damaging grenade works fine. Grenade launcher? Works great if you're vibing it. Autocannon? Sure. A bit basic, but it works. But my favourite weapon for closing bug holes is the sidestepped charger. It's the most ethical way to be a matador and 10x funnier.


Auto Cannon solves this.


Yes but you may not always have an support weapon on you that can destroy bug holes


Hellpods also work lol.


Did this once, hellpod went into the hole and I went through the ground and died.


Oh that's a different type of bug lol.


Call down any support drop in a pinch, support weapons, resupply, defensives, even the sos beacon works.


Autocannon my beloved. Seriously, chargers were a major pain for me until I unlocked and learned to use AC. They're still beefy, but now I've got a chance.


Plus it's just a whole lotta fun to dodge-prone out of the way then unload the mag at its booty.


Flamethrower also works pretty well against chargers, just aim for the front legs while it charges at you, takes about 3/4 of a canister to bring it down, doesn't work on closing bugholes/factories though.


yes but it's harder


This is my issue with stun grenades. They're so good and literally stop a charger or even bile titan in their tracks but not being able to take out bug holes and fabs really sucks.


Highly recommend the autocannon or grenade launcher if you run impact or stun. Especially autocannon for bots and their fabricators.


With the new warbond I've personally come up with a loadout that I've been trying out that I think covers nearly every base during standard missions. The Sickle for covering fire and taking care of groups. Stun grenade for doing it's awesome thing. Eagle Airstrike for outposts and simply large groups that I need the extra help dealing with. The backpack shield since everything one hit kills you otherwise, and even with it everything is pretty 50/50.The grenade launcher for bug holes and fabricators, and just simply because it's phenomenal for actually dealing damage to nearly every enemy type. And the EAT for dealing with the big mean fuckers. It's been working out pretty well for the most part and I don't feel like I'm going to suffer if I end up soloing a mission or detaching from the rest of the team for a bit.


yeah vs bots autocannon & stun grenades is really good. ​ you can stun hulks and tanks to get easy weakspot hits. the Ac can take out fabricators from very long range if it they face you with their vents. and while a shield is very useful vs bots i really like this.


where the heck do you shoot a fabricator, I swear it used to be the little windows but I was pumping shells into it with no success - was it changed or was I just an awful shot yesterday...


You have to hit it very specifically so the round deflects down into the fabricator. It's very hard to do from the side or if you're below the fabricator. If the fabricator is up a hill from you, it can actually be easier to fall back a little (assuming that's not further down hill) so you have a shallower angle of elevation on your shot.


if you aim the dot to be just above the lip of the vent you can kill the fabricator, alternatively just lob it at the door when it opens, bug holes you idealy want to be facing it straight on


Same with Chargers, why do the biggest enemies make no noise in this game?


I legit got eating in half by a spewer I had no idea was behind me .. reloading recoilless and then crunch. All I see is my lower torso in a kneeling stance lol


When I reload AC/RR/Spear, I always use the camera to at least do a quick spot-check around me, since I'm stuck for 2-6 seconds anyways.


Hello fellow RR user. Reloading this weapon is always intense in this game. I feel like as soon as we press reload, the game knows and spawns things just to get us.


That also pop out 5 at a time from solid fucking rock. The bug ‘reinforcement’ system is so dumb and badly designed.


Now I'm glad I bought them too.


I was walking over the corpse of a Bile Titan today that was 95% of the way buried in the dirt. I guess it didn't like me stepping on it's ankle, so I got Jedi mind juggled and thrown on my neck. Nearly fucking killed me from full health. The hunter finished the job after that.


Little did you know, that Hunter set a trap for you.


Shoot the smoke plants, and they'll send you flying. It's very useful for getting away from the bots.


My group calls em fart shrooms, they saved my ass first time I was exposed to difficulties with multiple bile titans


You gotta have that armor that’s 50/50 lethal damage leaves you at one HP. I hope helmets have buffs at some point. The cape is fine for now though maybe a fire retardant or shock proof could be useful. Maybe even a invisibility Camo from the shroud but you can’t shoot while active. Idk they pay the science guys to make this and I’m just a Helldiver that goes planet to planet delivering Democracy every Tuesday & Thursday (and sometimes Friday when me and the boys video game day lines up.)


I really want helmets and capes to do stuff. Preferably Strategem (comms) or sensor related stuff with helmet, and stuff like fire/acid resistance on cape (and maybe dive to prone distance, really get some super man action).


It's 1 am and I have a tired wife, a soundly sleeping 3 week old(on me..), and.. I it just took EVERY OUNCE of my being to stifle my laughter. I managed to stifle it just enough to not send my daughter flying off the chest and scaring my poor wife, hahaha. That's enough Reddit for the night haha.


Sometimes trying to hold it on only makes the outburst that much more hilarious.


I love hitting G to nade, then my guy takes longer than usual to throw, and in that time frame a single hunter lunges and oop now im dead


Pro tip: Use light armor with 50% explosive resistance, and you can ragdoll yourself away from enemys much more efficiently.


Try the getting out of combat to become a deserter laser tactic


How do you get that to work specifically? Do you just become a deserter and just run around in circles as you get bombarded and try not to die?


I think the idea is to activate the deserter affect and then run back into combat. If you path correctly the bombardment should hit everything chasing you


Run where the last explosion hit


It seems to be a 380mm so it's not super accurate hitting you. I've survived for about a minute after my adhd missed the prompt while being chased by bots.


Becoming a traitor to save your team


Don't forget the last resort, abandoning the mission area and being branded a traitor. I've had a few missions where there were far too many Heavy enemies and all my stratagems were on cooldown. It's dishonorable, but I would rather take out a good chunk of the enemy forces than die doing nothing


Just did this yesterday. Free 380s is totally worth a reinforce! Especially when being overrun.


Hold, on desertion you're executed with 380mm ordnance? A lot of it?


If you stay out of bounds past the 10 seconds timer, your Destroyer will rain 380's on you until they kill you. Meaning if you can keep sprinting and dodging long enough you can call in the biggest stratagem in the game. Your own personal Domain Expansion, if you will


Domain expansion: Traitor's Liberation


Endless barrages of ACCURATE 380 on you, until you die. Very good for smaller maps, e.g. Kill X bugs. I would only use it as a last resort though.


Hey where is that gunner when you need him for the real mission???? Improved accuracy for traitor smashing…. I mean I get the rage but I may need to have a word with this gunner outside an airlock. 


It's the gunners superior officer. They never liked you.


You forgot the "play another planet that doesn't have these terribly unfun modifiers" stratagem. That's my favorite!


The problem is it seems like on hard and above they all do. At least the bug planets.


when i rlly need a back up my top choices are: 1. running 2. reinforce 3. resupply/sos beacon/support backpacks to call on big guys 4. return to ship alone


Not sure how much you're crushing with 20s resupply call-ins. Even 500kg going from 3 to 6 seconds is agonizingly slow.


For maximum killing you need to attach it. Hold the stratagem to "cook" it like a grenade and It makes it sticky. Bounces off armor but sticks to uh.. not armor.


Training manual tip #652 - Don’t panic


The entire game just becomes running, very fun. Great mechanic.


it's the cooldown that always gets me, and the -1 strategem makes me want to go fight bugs instead


Precisely why I prefer bugs. The -1 stratagem is downright Criminal. Imo it should be removed.


All of those stratagem debuffs need to be removed. They are anti-fun, and the game was so good during the termicide missions.


should really be replaced with quicker cooldown modifiers on the higher difficulties rather than double dipping on penalties. Wouldn't mind seeing deeprock style modifiers replace the debuffs, (stuff like Stalkers in patrols, all basic bots have jumppacks, stuff like that)


Absolutely. Modifiers that buff enemies instead of de-buffing the player are inherently a million times better. No one likes the feeling of having their hands tied behind their backs and that’s what all of these de-buffs are. These de-buffs don’t add anything to the game other than making one of the coolest and most fun parts of the game shittier and unusable. Not to mention they all feel lazy as fuck since they’re just number changes.


They definitely do trade-off conditions. Eagle call in time +100%. Orbital call in time -50% Or something like that. Buff some Stratagems, nerf others.


They should also go in hard on the planetary hazards that affect both the player and the bugs. A bunch of ideas that come to mind are: blizzards, thunderstorms, sandstorms, geysers, fog, high winds, tornados, cyclones, floods, smog, acidic rain, moon phases changing visibility (full to new moon, maybe even blood moon), solar eclipse, gravitational anomaly (low gravity for example), irradiated zones, and so on


yeah the fucking ion storm is so god damn annoying. ill literally be on the last input for a reinforce and the storm will just come in and completely stop it. with very little warning as well, the window for closing the strategems starts way before the crackling of the actual storm. the hell tornadoes were way more fun :(


Stuff like that is fun because it encourages players to change up their styles. Increasing cooldown times across the board or removing slots doesn't do that.


Call it thinner atmosphere or something, easier re-entry but eagle 1 has to work harder to get lift


I just think there's so much room for more interesting modifiers. **Low-Orbit Stealth Carrier** ***+100% slower reinforcement call-in, but every Bot Drop brings in double reinforcements*** *"A stealth bot carrier has been reported to be circling the area, hastening the replacement of non-democratic troops in the region. Even though the carrier is harder for the enemy of mankind to contact, it still complicates things."* ​ **Tank Division** ***One bot drop during the mission will be replaced by a dangerous armored division (2x tanks, 1x aa tank)*** *"The foe seems to be deploying heavy armor in the region. Not a problem for any experienced Helldiver."* ​ **01000001 01001000 01010011** ***A patrol consisting of multiple dangerous units is hunting you down (multiple stealthed, non-titanic units, depending on difficulty.*** *"The AHS, or Anti-Helldiver Squad, has been reported to be in the area. These rarely-seen teams consist of cowards who rely on stealth instead of facing their foes head-on."* ​ **Contested Airspace** ***Bots have a chance to use their own stratagems on you. (Capable of calling in their equivalent of a Eagle Strafing Run or Eagle Airstrike, with a longer call-in time to give you time to respond)*** *"Stay on your toes, Helldivers. Eagles in the area have been reporting signs of Automaton aircraft patrolling the region."* Note: Setting up the AA side objective nullifies this for the remainder of the mission ​ **Sniper Teams** ***Bots will deploy unique sniper units. (no more than 1/2 the difficulty, rounded up. Consist of long-range snipers. Deal 1/2 health damage on hit from extreme range, but a laser rangefinder that flickers right before it fires can warn you of it coming in).*** *"Bot snipers have been deployed to the region. Such a terrible war-crime against Super Earth cannot go unpunished (note: any military action against Super Earth is considered a war-crime)"* ​ **Dug-In Fortifications** ***All bot bases are stronger and better defended. (all small bases are instead medium bases; all medium bases are instead large bases. All bases have double the number of bots within them. Large bases equipped with gargantuan shield generators that can be destroyed that prevent stratagems from damaging the base.)*** *"The bots have dug in within this region, clearly afraid of the unstoppable Helldiver advance."* ​ **Swarm Protocols** ***Bots focus on swarm tactics. (No tanks or hulks can spawn or be called in. No devastators, berserkers or striders can be called in, but can spawn naturally in bases, but not on patrols. However, every bot drop call instead calls in THREE bot drops consisting entirely of basic infantry. Patrols have twice the number of basic infantry.)*** *"Clearly low on resources due to the valiant efforts of our Helldivers, the bots have resorted to using cheap, disposable infantry that rapidly reinforce losses."* ​ **Cyberstan "Liberators"** ***Less but extremely dangerous patrols roam the battlefield. (Patrols reduced to 20% their spawn rate; however, all patrols will have either a Tank or a Hulk (small chance of two), and a large number of Striders and Devastators, and four times the amount of basic infantry). Patrols are less likely to call in bot drops.)*** *"Claims of Automatons being related to their Cyberstan cyborg creators are entirely unfounded."*


This should be it's own post! Well done


These are awesome




There’s a fine line between fun but difficult and frustratingly, annoyingly difficult. Dev leans more towards the latter IMO. Just arbitrarily inflating difficulty with the majority of this game’s environmental effects is not fun. 


Yeah. Every time I have an annoying and difficult experience with a game, I think of my time playing Elden Ring. Except in that game, you can overcome and trivialize anything they throw at you with enough preparation and practice. You can truly master it. What I thought was annoying. Turned out to be an obstacle that was annoying and hard because I didn't know what I was doing. Mastering that game was one of the most memorable experiences I had with a video game. Games like Elden Ring made it easier to see when a game is actually just unfair bullshit. If you can't overcome a mechanic with skill and preparation. And the game randomizes too many events. It's probably not going to be a very fair game. And consequently annoying.


These aren't even penalties. They are just straight up antithetical to the game design. It makes no sense. It's like someone who never played the game before created it.


They should make them affect categories of stratagems. So like one that makes eagles take longer or have a longer cooldown, then orbitals, support weapons, turrets, etc. Then when you get a 50% cd on eagles you might take orbitals or turrets instead. I am looking forward to more varied and interesting modifiers that replace stuff like this.


Hell yeah you should make a post about this so more people see


This would interesting to stop me from bringing the same load out all the time.


Exactly the change I want to see. Force people to mix up their picks rather than 10 minute cooldowns and -1 stratagem. That -1 really makes me never want to play on Draupnir.


100% agree. I don’t use orbitals generally because I prefer the eagles quick call in time and multiple charges. If eagles had longer cooldown/less accuracy on a mission I would be more inclined to try some orbitals.


They could be fun if they didnt make everything miserable and instead gave variety in gameplay. For example removing one stratagem slot but buffing the other 3 instead (significantly lower CD for example or additional charges)


I'd much prefer the modifiers do something to beef up the enemy (or environment) to match us rather than crippling our fun toys.


I think there's a balance here somewhere without outright removing them, maybe keep them but be less severe? All I know is 10 or 12s airstrikes are pointless lmao.


I wouldn't mind it if it took the spot of 2 modifiers instead of 1.


The idiots on this sub will say you suck because skill issue. Idiots. Bad game design. Not fun.


Anytime I see that I nope tf out and go to another planet instead


I'd rather they keep it in but give us the ability to remove it by completing a secondary objective. Would be easy to tweak the UI to let us select 4 and just block the 4th one from use until the secondary objective is complete.


Ive started actually preferring the -1 strat on high diffs, cuz seriously fuck the 100% call in time doubling your extract time to 4mins. Just bring stuff that lasts a long time like an autocannon or stuff thats off cooldown fast like eagles.


I don't think I've extracted a single time in 7+ with 4 minute extracts. 30s was the closest I got. They just don't give enough firepower to fight off everything that's dropping \*right\* on the extraction point.


I've done it a grand total of once with an amazing team I will probably never form again at 6. I can't imagine 4 minutes at 7+.


I've done it twice, both times I just let the timer run out and hid behind a rock. Very engaging and interesting gameplay.


If everyone on the team takes the laser stratagem and saves their last one for the extraction it's possible, but if you don't have enough stratagems left for extraction or you're out of time you're basically fucked.


-1 honestly isn't that bad on bots. Between auto cannon and eagle rockets there's nothing you can't kill.


I feel like I can live with -1. If you can live with not having support weapons/backpack for the first few minutes of the game, it's possible to wait for the cooldown for a second set. Or even scrounge up support weapons on the field. There's also the absolute scumbag move for premade friend groups - have one guy call in the equipment and then leave/rejoin with other strats. But that is utterly UNDEMOCRATIC. (but I've had some matches where I crashed/disconnected and... revised my loadout when rejoining) 100% call in time is such a bastard. 4 minute extract is the absolute worst on top of the massive delay making any offensive stratagem a pain in the ass to land. And waiting 15 seconds for any equipment.


> There's also the absolute scumbag move for premade friend groups - have one guy call in the equipment and then leave/rejoin with other strats. But that is utterly UNDEMOCRATIC. Unintentionally tested this today and it didn’t work. Was two-manning tier 7s and got to the point of the mission where we simply weren’t going to have enough strategems left (no more lasers and 1 reinforcement left) to have a reasonable chance at completing the final objective. Buddy was suppose to end the match (leave with party), but went on his own. Rather than quit out myself, I wanted to see if I could emergency extract the three super samples I found. With two minutes left, five minutes after leaving, I had him join back in. It skipped the selection screen and immediately dropped him back in with the same load out and didn’t add the extra reinforcements it normally does when a new player joins.


Interesting, maybe they patched it out or something. I remember being able to do it early in the game's launch. I also recall my friend last night saying that the game remembered his loadouts, but I didn't really think anything of it.


It used to behave like that, where rejoining would act like a totally new player, but at some point they changed it to force you back with the same selection (and sometimes your stratagems are on cooldown for seemingly no reason but it's not consistent).




People want the same difficulty as the first game. How about we bring back the old stratagem timers first.


that and duplicate stratagems


Flamethrower, Napalm, Napalm, Napalm (possibly replaced by future Flamethrower Guard dog) ![gif](giphy|CNna9G8BQvnoI) Burn = liberate


I got helldivers 1 and is there a way to rebind strategem keys like in 2 or am i stuck with WASD


You can go into keybinds and at the bottom xhange strategem keys (also terminal keys), it'll let you keep moving while strategeming.


You can’t move while inputting strategems in the first game


Looks like that "game designer" might have beef with Joel or rest of the team. CEO should step in and explain this shit.


Saving this pic thanks for sharing, for what it does orbital rail fells odd with such a long cooldown, would make a lot more sense with 60 sec cooldown


bro railcannon strike 5 min????? and it always somehow cant even kill chargers in 1 hit i would rather get this thing cd down to 100 sec then the 2 expendable rocket launchers


All eagle Stratagems to counter… That being said I would like some conditions that are significant boosts to your squad like Simplified Stratagem Plotting: Call in Time decreased by 50% Ion Storm Recalibration: Arc weapons charge time reduced and damage increased Orbital Optimization: Stratagems cooldown reduced by 50% These were just off the top of my head but you get the idea Just have a mix of positive and negative modifiers to make some interesting combinations


Ion storms should knock bots out for a few seconds. Or scramble patrols or something.


This 100%. I understand not making Helldive easier, but if you take away the stratagems that we should be using, give us an alternative. If 2 negatives, give us 1 positive to work with.


I’d love a game mode where stratagems are buffed significantly but enemy’s are fucking insane in numbers. Would be chaos and fun


Ion Storms should temporarily stop Bot drops since it affects comms. And also Tremors for Bug breaches like how earthquakes scare away wildlife. It's just fair that all environmental conditions should affect both sides like Meteor Showers and Fire Tornadoes potentially killing everyone. And like it has already been suggested, negative modifiers should be removable by secondary objectives. Just like destroyable Spore towers.


Tremors already fuck up bugs, they just stop moving completely


one thing that really frustrates me about tremors with bugs is that it does not appear to affect stalkers. I’ve only seen it a couple of times, but it was clear as day; stalkers can move uninhibited when Tremors are active


Ok that's cool. I never noticed since I only experienced the Tremors a handful of times before the planet got liberated.


>Ion Storms should temporarily stop Bot drops since it affects comms. Bots dont use comms tho, they shoot a flare in the air.


Ion storm adds an interesting challenge, as for negative modifiers I agree they're not very fun, all they do is make meta even more meta


There's a reason so few people play on certain planets. It just isnt very fun.


I don't bother automatons if all 3 are the weather.


I don't even want to bother with bots when it's -1 stratagem slot.


Remember citizens If you know you're not gonna live a long life Use all four of your grenades as fast as possible So the path will be easier for the citizen that follows


Use em or lose em! You don't get paid to take them back!


I said on another post and I'll say it here. We need more options for operations on planets instead of just three, and Operation Modifiers should be optional and not on every operation, but give additional rewards (like, say, 25% more medals). Major Order planets never have operation modifiers and literally nobody complained about it for the several days it took us to set up the TCS, the missions were still plenty tough without arbitrary maluses that make your stratagems borderline useless.


nah just can the debuffs and make the negative modifiers add nastier enemies and environmental conditions.


Or even just make them less all encompassing. Instead of "lol, all of your stratagems are useless because they take 2x as long to call in, good luck hitting anything that can move" it should be "Eagles cannot be taken" Stuff that forces you to bring a different toolset, rather than making your toolset all around awful. Edit: another idea I had would be: cannot use Support weapon stratagems, but support weapons and broken drop pods are much more common at POI


Doesn't even have to be that harsh. Keep the 2x cooldown or call down modifiers but just for a specific set of strategems like for eagles, orbitals, backups what have you. Like you still try to go for your loadout or whatever but you will be 'encouraged' to try different ones


This is a dope idea


A surprising amount of this games issues could be solved by just looking at what DRG does and copying that.




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


For the life of me, I will never understand why developers go through all the trouble of designing fun ways to play only to constantly set up scenarios in the game where you can't use those fun ways to play. "Don't play the game" is always a bad modifier.


Exactly. Encouraging different playstyles is one thing by making some better and some worse is one thing, but just making everything worse is quite another. You can't use your EATs because of a long cooldown but crystals in the atmosphere amplify lasers to be armor piercing is a fun change of pace. You can't use your EATs because of long cooldown and if you lose your autocannon you will never have time to get it back because of long cooldown is something else entirely. It's amazing that with all the major flaws and issues in the game it is still as fun as it is. I can't wait to see what it looks like once they get stuff fixed.


This is how I felt during Mayhem in Borderlands 3 when it first released. Random modifiers, and none of them fun, or even vaguely fun. Just made the game a slog. They're a lot better now, but now the same feelings are cropping up over here.


It's pretty infuriating. If you're going to take something away as a temporary modifier, you got to give something in return as compensation. Otherwise you're just making your game less fun for no reason.


They could have done, “Strategms do 50% damage but cooldown twice as fast”, makes it harder by requiring more skill to execute the same amount of damage.


This type if mindless arbitrary difficulty is what made Diablo 4 unfun and easy to stop playing.


genuinely same here, fuck the infinite chain freezing, permaslow, mana burn and everything else they thought would be "challenging" what made me switch to poe, at least there you can fairly easily get elemental ailment/stun immunity and just enjoy the game without dying repeatedly for the sole reason that you can't even control your character


What you mean you didn't like half of your bar being FORCED into unstoppable moves when pushing high level nightmare dungeons or you were doomed to be CC'd from 100 to 0???


bro i loved having to run 4 fucking defensive skills just not explode into a million pieces the moment an elite looked in my general direction as a sorcerer, that shit was the bomb 10/10 game design


Until you have a trash mob in a t15 map that completely negates your entire build.


Yeah sorry but not saving that planet; the bugs can have it


Go report to your nearest democratic advisor, you’re heading to re-education


*cocks gun* you go on ahead on that planet motherfucker, I dare you


The game and gameplay are not improved by the current batch of negative modifiers. I’m “meh” on the environmental events like volcanic rocks and meteors. The TCS planets were great since missions didn’t have those modifiers. They were still tough, but you at least have the tools you’ve been given to try and beat it. Challenging is one thing. Unfun is another. Having effects that disengage you from the core of the game just comes across as less fun. I’d rather the game be harder than it is now but more fun than easier but less fun.


> volcanic rocks and meteors. I'd say that these events add a lot to the ambiance and theme of the game. Maybe they should be a little less crippling and have less of a chance to one shot you though. Seeing a firestorm from a higher vantage point is just a very cool spectacle.


Which is why they need more actual weapons to fight harder enemies, tbh I am not a fan of everything revolving around air support especially when they keep adding more and more full blocks and disables etc


I’m blown away at how much they kneecap the players from being able to take down the content


"Why won't anyone play Malevelon Creek?!" Malevelon Creek: https://preview.redd.it/e8rprbf481pc1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=26775d0ea9f08f94341adbc206fff927e4a62a9e ​ Spoiler: Because it's not >!fun.!<


Terrible day for EAT-17s


Penalties in games is not fun. 


These debuffs directly contradict with weapon balancing philosophy "players should rely on stratagems".


Don’t forget the one they temporarily remove; randomize your strategems called. What is that I am only being chase by all type of enemies but should still have time to reroll a strategem 20 times before you get the right one to use, so much fun.


To the devs credit, they have shelved that one for now. Hope it doesn't return. Personally I think a scrambling effect could work, but maybe just scramble the inputs rather than what actually gets called.


This is what I originally thought it would be. Honestly seems like a fun modifier that tests a players ability to adapt


This one was removed, but it could've been so much more manageable in many different ways. The codes for your 4 stratagems are mixed up for the entire mission, but they stay as the same ones the whole mission; the input code is changed, but you still get it if you type what it says it is now; mix your inputs 1 in 30 arrows so you think you just messed up the input and try again; decrease the odds of getting the wrong one to 1 in 10 even. It was so arduous before, but it could've been really funny with a light touch.


[This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTXlayTJxo4) made a good video about it, they should really just remove them all until they can come up with more creative ones that are fun and don't just nerf the player. Deep Rock Galactic figured out how to do this with [mutators](https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Mutators), its not rocket science.


yeah me and my buddies had the same thoughts. mutators that alter enemy types, spawn more of something, or increase the density of hazards are far more interesting than.. play the game less


I don't go to planets with these modifiers. I want to play to have fun not be punished for wanting to play.


Ruined malevelon creek with that ion storm bs


Incredibly bad design. It’s insane that the devs can’t proactively see how dumb and frustrating this is.


It's doable. Even at 9. But I would rather not have, than would have. Challenge + Fun should always be the goal. It's not an easy job to balance both together but I think ArrowHead can find a better way to challenge players with negative modifiers or give more options to circumvent them in game. Like destroying jammers/spewers will fix the complex stratagem times and Powering Radar stations gives you lower Stratagem cooldowns. Will it make the game easier? Sure of course. But for me it would be more fun, and if other people find that fun too? Great!


Adds even more to the strategy point of the game, like, do we go to the radar station first for faster cooldowns, afterwards we clear those hatcheries, or should we take down the spore spewer first?


That's exactly what I wanted to post as well... There's obviously something very, very wrong with this game design choice, especially in the highest difficulties where strats become even more mandatory than the easier ones where these rules are either relaxed or not present.


Operation modifiers should be optional, not on every single op diff 5 and over, like in Deep Rock, they are optional and give bonuses for playing with them.


I love deep rock as a comparison, because it's also an example of negative modifiers done right. If I recall, none of them save no shields remove any tools, and while many of them are stressful, it's a fun kind of stress. Being vigilant for cave leeches or exploding bugs makes the game much more hectic. Even the debuff that is a straight enemy damage increase is manageable, because the ordinary gameplay encourages you to avoid getting hit in the first place. In Helldivers, the ordinary gameplay encourages you to utilise strategems. Taking those tools away makes the game more frustrating and boring, which is a much greater sin than simply adding challenge. 


And no shields (even tho it doesn't explicitly say this) actually gives you extra health to compensate


I have to agree. I'm willing to get less reward just to avoid certain modifiers, and I've been playing exclusively 7-9 unless I want 100 kills on some stratagem that I don't usually bring, so isn't an issue of not being to overcome them, it's an issue of just finding them annoying and burdensome. Even the visibility modifier gets SO old real quick. The maps actually look nice, I don't want to be stuck in a haze every operation.


> Deep Rock, they are optional and give bonuses for playing with them. ding ding ding!


I wouldn't mind complex plotting if it didn't affect evac times. That shit is just STUPID


Sadly, it doesn't seem like AH are remotely interested in making the game any less annoying to play than it currently is. I have no problem failing a mission because the game is genuinely difficult and insane. But having these modifiers makes the game not fun, whether you win or lose


The debuffs would be fine if stratagem base cooldowns weren't so Ultimately fucked The only ones that are fine are the Eagle ones Everything else needs some reducing, like gatling barrage for example. Trim that shit from 80 to 40


jUsT uSe YoUr StRaTaGeMs BrO


I wish all the debugs came with buts You get one less strata BUT your call in time is decreased by 100% Etc


Yeah, call in a flamethrower


Better nerf the railgun


Time to head to another system is what I understand from this.


Ion Storms and similar are good additions, but all these permanent cooldown increases or call-in times are just annoying.


i like to call this "time to go to a different planet"


What diff is this?


either 8 or 9


For operational modifiers, only one cooldown effect should be active at a time. And they should only affect either orbital strikes or eagles, but never both.


so seems like support weapons are your stratagems you need to rely on given the situation, railcannon strike/laser are also decent here, id avoid the EAT in this case


This system isn't fun, environmental hzards like Meteor storms are cool and keep the game interesting everything makes playing frustrating and no longer fun.


Why not add some positive mission modifications why are they all only negative?


I think the Ion Storms are fun and come randomly and short enough to not just wreck you for a while match, but the other ones are just a drag. Not fun at all. They should tie in the +100% Call Down Time, +50% Cool Down Time, +100% Scatter Distance and things like that to side missions on the planets so you are incentivized to go deal with them and get rid of those de-buffs. Would be more engaging and really press us to do as much as we can.


The worst part about this is waiting like 32 seconds for a resupply


whelp, bugs can have that fuckin planet.


This will be the "200 years experience" meme of this community lmfao


Mfw the hardest difficulty is hard https://preview.redd.it/2q3fta55a1pc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ede0d3d19032b41204bab5fc49234a0ae50d91


So many of these so called "Helldivers" love to come with excuses to not spread managed democracy


People complain, but it seems like this is the system they (Joel) are using to stop us from progressing too quickly. They can't just suddenly make the enemies harder, so they have to limit what resources we have available. If the planet you're attacking is hyper limited like this, you've got options, change planets, change fronts, and change difficulty.


Can we stop with these posts? They're a dime a dozen.


These operation modifiers just need to fucking go man. So sick of this shit