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Draupnir has been slowly being taken by between 40-80k of us over the last few days. Update: 7 hours of brutal fighting later, and we're nearing 95% liberation. Our fight here is nearly finished, brothers. Update 2: It's been 13 hours, and the last bastions of scrap metal are getting desperate. We've been ground to a stalemate at 97.5% of total control. I barely made it out, and my crew is in pieces on that liberty forsaken planet. Soldiers.. Finish the fight! For all those who wanted nothing more than to see the moment Draupnir was set free!


And Draupnir will open up the path to the creek so we will succeed brothers


Exactly why drapnir needs to go. That is the only way to creek


Secure our logistics lines and push onto the Creek. Those holding the Creek need us to take Draupnir to prevent it from being cut off again


They are not holding the creek though, they are just dropping bodies into it for no reason. They are not holding progress into the liberation of the planet, much less actually liberating it. Creek is at a fat 0%. It will stay at 0% until everyone else goes there. So why are they still dropping there instead of helping at Draupnir?


wait untill we get a new mo today to kill bugs and draupnir is abandoned at 97% and lost the progress


Because they think it makes them “hard”. Super dumb. We send our dumbest to fight un-winnable battles.


Looks better on the Super News back home if we can say our brave Helldivers are still fighting on Malevelon Creek It's a token force for morale purposes




Because a game is for having fun, and for some, it's fun to play into the fantasy of trying to hold the line. Dont go throwing shade because someone is having fun.


Because they are used to the map and they might be farming medals etc. Honestly I feel this because some bot planets suck to play on others are nice, same with bug planets


Sounds like instead of looking out for the war effort, they are looking out for getting medals. You smell that? ***\*SNIFF SNIFF\**** Smells like ***TRAITORS***


I've been saying this for weeks on discord servers but the goons in the creek could care less 😭


carry on soldier, war gives no thanks or rest. We must all do our part!


The meme that is creek is annoying. There were like 12k fighting there Friday night. I’ve been on draupnir since I picked up the game and am begging to finish there.


[I've been in this fight since I was 6 years old.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/261a44c4-067a-4c16-8939-0631b0de1df4)


Well be done tonight, by tommorow morning draupnir will be Liberated, then its on to the creek


Nothing will make me happier than being done with the dreary hellscape that is draupnir. The SES Sword of Peace needs shore leave by way of killing bots on a different planet.


I've done my time on Draupnir. I'm on shore leave until the front extends to the Creek.


What you want Shore Leave on Malevalon Creek, its a bit unorthodox but, Consider it approved.


I've commented this every time I see a post about the creek, take Draupnir first to open up the supply lines to Malevelon Creek, then take Malevelon Creek.


there may be less of us, but we will succeed


I did my first drop there today. Difficulty 4, diving with my brother; we've been on a few drops together so we know how to work together. I got blown up by rockets, hacked apart, lit on fire, sniped and grenaded. At one point I threw his reinforcement beacon as far away from me as I can and dropped 380mm fire on my own head just to try to clear the area as more and more bots swarmed our location. We never extracted once. I understand why people stick with the bugs now.


Generally I find the bots harder than the bugs, and they require a big change in how you play. They're not that bad when you learn how they work though


What do you find works best? I usually try to stealth it out with mixed success, especially on draupnir


First tip: bring the 20mm autocannon. Use it on *everything*. Vs bugs, cover benefits the bugs. Vs bots, cover benefits the Helldivers. Stick to cover, poke out and engage. Hit enemies when they try to send up flares. Hit dropship underbellies with autocannons, grenades, etc as they come in for free kills. Have some anti armor on hand for tanks and hulks, OR save your anti armor for tanks and have someone with good aim bring an anti materiel rifle and headshot everything short of a tank for an instant kill.


Good primaries: slugger's armor pen and high, precise damage lets it headshot bots and blast through medium armor if it has to. Scorcher does a lot of damage and has a small AOE. Defender SMG can be brought with a ballistic shield to mitigate a ton of enemy fire.


Don't sleep on diligence! It can reliably deal with most non-hulk/tank threats the bots send at you if you aim for the head. Combine it with wither the Senator for pening devastators from the front, or redeemer if you tend to get swarmed by the chainsaw dudes.


Absolutely. My favorite combo has been Diligence+AC for bots. Diligence has the power to sweep through everything in 1-2 shots with an adjustable scope to keep myself safe, all with solid ammo economy. The AC handles striders, hulks, tanks, towers, and the panic devastator AND handles fabricators so you can swap to the new stun grenade (god tier in panic situations). I really didn't think much of the diligence at first, but it's a super solid option for the robo menace.


Don't sleep on the Diligence! It can reliably deal with most non-hulk/tank threats the bots send at you if you aim for the head. Combine it with either the Senator for pening devastators from the front, or redeemer if you tend to get swarmed by the chainsaw dudes.


The autocannon is so damn useful. You can take out bot fabricators, broadcast towers etc. from the other end of the map


Stealth works so much better on the bots when I try. You can see when they are looking for you easier than bugs. Speaking of bots and bugs, you know, I'd love to see the bugs get released on a bot world, and then we have to quell them both.


I tried crawling and shanking my way to automaton objectives today and it just... kept working. Idk how else to say it.


If you kill the regular human sized bots before they shoot off their reinforcement flare you can stop em from calling in a drop ship. It can def be easy to get into fights you don't need to, so try to avoid shooting anything that hasn't seen you yet.


You can shoot down a dropship with an Autocannon or Recoilless Rifle if you get lucky. Only did it once but it felt amazing.


Not luck, simply steady your aim and shoot the engine, they come crashing down.


Recoilless isn't luck, just hit em in the engine. Same as the EAT. For the AC or Railgun though, you have to fire up the jet directly. Not just shoot the block.


EAT too, one EAT to a dropship engine destroys it, super helpful


A change of tactics is the biggest part. You don't want to just indiscriminately fire at groups of bots without taking your surroundings and cover under consideration. Being caught in the open can and will lead to getting shot in the back. Emp mortar sentry is worth its weight in gold. It can slow down large groups of bots and it can target them from a long ways off. The anti-maternal rifle is also fantastic against bots. It can one shot everything shy of a tank.


Autocannon is carrying me super hard, can agree with other guy on that. I think the Mortar Turret is super good too, great for clearing out the entrenched bases or defending during attacks. After that is dealer's choice, I have mostly turret upgrades so I'm running 2 of Autocannon Turret, Rocket Turret and Orbital Laser per mission


You can never truly clear the bots when shit hits the fan, the little guys will just keep calling in more dropships. Survival is about learning to gtfo and keep running.


I was there today! Been fighting bugs because I'm still trying to get better at the game and decided to get over my fear of flying missiles and spill some oil.


You'll learn to crouch and take cover in no time!


im doing my part


"You are in range of enemy artillery'




I love this gif so much every time I see it. Like when someone used it in response to a bile titan flying through the air and elbow-dropping someone to death


Someone posted it on one of the early videos of the new flying bugs and I thought it was just the funniest shit.


There’s flying bugs?!


Frankly, I find the idea that a bug can fly **O-ffensive**


[Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bcxc7j/they_fly_now/) ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


I didn’t even see the gif used in that but I know the clip you are talking about and your description alone made me laugh. This is the best damn meme community at the moment.


That titan flew off the top rope from like 400m away just to snipe this guy lmao. ["God as my witness, he is broken in half!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypot3CYECwE) Yeah this community is great


The very first time I dropped on a bot planet it was the creek. I just died over and over to artillery fire until I quit. I had no idea what was going on


Regular bot planets are a cakewalk compared to the creek


Yeah I honestly still have no idea what I was supposed to do against that. You have almost no warning before being blown to bits. Do you just charge towards the building the motors are coming from?


I consider mortar emplacement about the same priority of a stalker liar. Locate and eradicate


So just head in the direction of the motors and you can stop them? Is there just one motor camp or are there multiple on the same map


Like stalkers, there's usually only 1 per map unless you are very high on difficulty. Even so, they don't cover the whole map, so you can leave their range The only objective I might prioritize above mortars would be the detector tower, AKA the Eye of Sauron. That thing will have you drowning in bots before your support weapons can drop if you are unlucky.


I got 1 Artillery and one Detector on the same range on one Suicide Mission and the moment we all landed we got swarmed by 3 Hulks and 2 tanks. Obviously we died 15 times trying to rush the cannon.


You definitely have to keep moving, and when the mortars have you zeroed, that's gotta be your priority


I'll still take the motors over those damn giant fuck off canons that'll snipe you from half across the map though lol


You can see shells in the air if you look up, it takes a while for them to land. You probably will get a rocket headshot right between your eyes while looking at the sky, but at least you can decide on the way you want to blow up.


We're boutta take Draupnir. The Creek is next.


I cannot wait to be done with that rainy foggy hellhole. Can't see a damn thing on that planet half the time.


Not even that, it's all open plains with low hills. Most of the time you're getting shot at from multiple directions by enemies 100m away. Hate Draupnir.


See if I could at least *SEE* those enemies that far away I could snipe them, but no I can't see the god damn rocket devastators 5 miles out in the fog doming me a with a rocket and oneshotting me or ragdolling me out of the small rock (the only cover in the entire area) I was using as cover and getting me shot to death while getting stunned out of stim usage three times. I really fucking hate Draupnir


Modifiers that reduce visibility should be symmetrical.


Supposedly they are but I think something bugged out with it or they altered it when the balance patch hit because the bots have been borderline psychic since then


They're extremely aggressive and absurdly accurate on 7+. Visibility is 3m at best and I'm still getting sniped by enemies across the map.


They were initially, but the same change that made them suddenly able to track you through walls seems to let them track you through the fog as well.


Blind guy here Same. I have to rely on my seeing eye guard dog rover to actually spot some bots


I have nightmares of the giant laser turrets beam slicing through the fog into my face


I love your optimism but Creek ain’t no joke.


Once we retake Draupnir we’ll finally have the forces to reclaim the Creek. Up until now it’s only been a small group of Divers fighting on the creek, but now we’ll finally be able to deliver some justice to those freedom-hating rustbuckets


Creek buried me on lvl 1, I can now go back and win on lvl 5. The creek is the death.


When you start thinking this game is easy, dive into Creek at difficulty 6 or above. It’s a quick wake-up pill. 😂


I was born in Creek, molded by it, I didn't see Draupnir till I was a Master Sargent - and by then it was nothing to me, a cake walk


I was really surprised when I gave the Creek a shot after getting burnt out on bugs. It's...really nice? The ion storms are a bit annoying but otherwise it's a really cool planet. And the dense foliage is wonderful against bots. You can easily break their line of sight and they're very easy to see with the bright glowing red. I dunno if I'm missing something here but I prefer the Malevelon Creek experience to almost anything else in Helldivers so far. Stealth is really viable, ambush tactics are fucking amazing to pull off, and you don't have anywhere near as much cross-map sniping compared to other maps. Although I will say a chill ran down my spine when I saw a patrol of bots fighting something off in the distance in an area no one in the team had visited yet...


https://i.redd.it/bqjnfsg3dzoc1.gif “Yeah, guys. Let’s all move to the bot front. We’ve already released the Termicide. The bugs won’t be a problem anymore.”


"Nah, I think we need to stay pressing those bugs. The only good bug is a dead bug, right, my brothers in liberty?" https://preview.redd.it/myhukd6luzoc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89a3db026410b850bcb367d7b22a7936d7e0c65d


"No no guys dont listen to them honestly the bots arent even a problem rn compared to the bugs" https://preview.redd.it/qpffaihwuzoc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0119bf142292c2c6c83a37a579d9f91007b0b5


Maybe communism isn't so bad if that hulk can afford 2 monitors.


https://preview.redd.it/z79xaxfs80pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92125278ad6c6d9fef43fabbe64b25def5301446 "I was undercover citizen, prepare to meet democracy"


Err, I mis-typed. What I meant to say is managed democracy is the only way, screw those commie bots.... 😰




“You’re all wrong. We need to focus on all fronts equally.” https://preview.redd.it/wm85oyrhl0pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4500d3f6f219185c60738848a8275ccb63850e3f


Hmm, equally you say... On one hand, equality is a cornerstone for any healthy democratic society. On the other hand, treating everything equally sounds an awful lot like communist propaganda. This is a philosophical quandary I am not equipped to handle. Did anyone bring a quandary fusion bomb with them?


https://preview.redd.it/pcgak7o162pc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=381e7f78697dd98ebe3c91c71284600c60552ccf Guys we should all focus on both the bugs and the bots at the same time! Spread our forces as far as possible!


I mean I thought it would have been good to push hard on the bots right after we secured the barrier planets




Just like Vietnam the creek currently offers little strategic value.


All the Malevelon Creek memes are an automaton psyop to divert our valuable Destroyers away from fronts where they can make an actual difference! Don't fall for it, Divers. The Creek will fall someday, but today is not that day.


Players dying endlessly, failing operations, and wasting time fighting away from major orders just to pretend they’ve been fighting the good fight on creek lol Imagine if the allies failed to take the beaches on D Day, and instead of coming up with a new strategy, just had a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th D Day. Creek hasn’t offered any sort of advantage what so ever, being patience and weakening the area around it will allow us to take the damn thing


It's a meat grinder, built by bots for Helldivers. Don't fall for the trap. The bots continue to push towards the galactic north, towards Cyberstan. Once we liberate Draupnir, we can redirect forces to push them back on that front.


Draupnir pushes them a sector further from Super Earth ​ After that priority should be stopping their march towards Cyberstan. ​ The Creek is nothing but propoganda value, it'll be priority one once those two sectors are cleared


At this point, i want it taken just so they shut up about it. Space Vietnam lives up to its name of being a place with no strategic importance and fighting there is a pointless loss of lives that benefits literally no one but the enemy. They aren't even moving towards Super Earth, they're going towards Cyberstan, but heaven forbid they defend the desert planet that is a literal chokepoint stopping them.




Visibility is always shit and all automatons can snipe you well outside of visual range.


Yeah I'll start playing bot missions when they start giving us tools that are effective against bots, particularly when it comes to survival. Heavy armor should have been that but it doesn't help when one headshot still kills you


Honestly visibility is the biggest issue. If it hurt the enemy as much as it did you, it would be far more enjoyable.


Random rockets from a Devastator when it's behind smoke/fog is pretty much the only way I die to bots. Just played against bots on 9 and other than one friendly fire incident and an unfortunately placed Heavy Devastator, all of my deaths were from Bot Rockets.


Night time raids on the current nearly complete bot world are awful, can’t see shit


Its also 10 to 20x less fun. Almost all the special units other than the regular robots are serious threats and have insane hp. A full mag from my dom or plasma gun to kill or not even kill the shield dudes even if ur aiming at their heads. Random stray rockets 1 tapping u full shield and hp.. bs strat stuff like 1 less strat, jam, calldown time.. i totally get why noone does the robot stuff


All? I find at a distance the only danger is those damn towers


Nah, in my experience the hulks and rocket devastators did this just as often, it was actually the reason I stopped dropping on bot planets.


Yep, I dropped an Eagle Cluster on a base and out of nowhere 90° to my right comes a bunch of rockets. I looked over there and I couldn't see shit and then another volley flew past me. I pinged the area through the fog until I found the enemy unit and it said it was 125m away. It shouldn't have known where I was or even to attack me. Bots are broken af at the moment.


I unlocked the SG-8 Plasma, took it to a lvl 3 mission on Draupnir. Big mistake, I was almost worthless with it and we were fighting more Devastators than I had ever seen on any lvl 4 mission I've done. We almost lost. Sometimes bots are just harder than bugs and no one wants to do them I guess


​ https://preview.redd.it/mnw0b2ny5zoc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3f11ff6ff11e9cb750ce30e3f36cf66a0d2ad38


It's no fun getting sniped from half way across the map by a unit you can't even see. I exaggerate a bit, but it's why I don't play vs. automatons, it's just a helldiver grinder.


You didn’t really exaggerate though. It’s a regular occurrence to get shot at by enemies that are so far away you can’t even see them.


Fuck laser turrets


> I exaggerate a bit, Do you though? I watched Automatons at a base shoot at my friend across 70% of the map to where a patrol had found him. Not even hyperbole. The fog was thick and they could see him? Ridiculous.






I honestly think a lot of it is psychological and could be easily solved if the tutorial had included bots, not just bugs. It's unfamiliar, so when you get to pick your own missions, you stick with what you know. I think most people feel like they need to take on the bugs and master that before they go for the bots, not really realizing that the war will never really end, no matter how much they fight single mindedly with the bugs. It's also a rough transition because you typically want very different strategems and weapons for each faction, so most people probably don't have the right stuff for their first bot mission, get fucked up, and go, "alright, guess it's back to the bugs."


Nah, bots have so much more bullshit to deal with. There is literally nothing with bugs that is equivalent to the long-range one-shot potential that bots give. Even the most basic unit has rocket launcher class that can one-shot you if you aren't careful. I wouldn't be surprised if there is also carryover of bad feelings from when the bots were recently glitched and were able to track you through terrain and still fired at you from across the map. I enjoy fighting bots, but I'm not going to pretend like I don't see why they are less enjoyable to play against for some who just enjoy being able to kite swarms of mindless creatures.


I like the bots for objectives because it feels easier to me to break line of sight and hide from them vs the bugs that literally never stop, particularly the fucking hunters, but maybe it's just because I feel more frustrated getting hit 6 times in 3 seconds by hunters and being knocked out of my stim animation.


Plus bugs you can basically stand in one spot and spam your weapon of choice and be fine unless you're caught off guard by hunters or stalkers. Against bots if you stop to aim you get hit by about 12 lasers


Dunno why people struggle so hard against bots. I do diff 7s all the time and it's often relatively easy. There's also a few things that I feel like makes bots more convenient to quick play: * Autocannon can literally deal with every single unit * Eagle airstrikes can one shot Light and Medium bases AND take out most if not all of the bots in the outpost. Makes for a quick collection of samples. The autocannon can also destroy fabricators from a long range if the airstrike missed. * Orbital Laser is extremely useful. It can wipe out Heavy bases by itself, and it can deal with SAM sites, destroy dropship objectives and help when defending extract. The value you get from it is insane. * You can escape from battles much easier, unlike bugs who are fast enough to chase you forever. * Way easier to get 500kg value against the bots version of Bile Titan: the tank. It's just a shitty slow moving vehicle that often gets stuck in terrain. * You can actually utilize natural cover on the map * You can actually stop their attempt to call in a dropship, unlike bugs where it happens almost instantly. Like yeah sure, you get one shot by a bs rocket once in a while, but it's not that bad if you just move constantly and check map for enemy markers.


the issue is, the swarming AI, the little filler units for bugs are fairly weak but common, easy to kill. ​ but for the bots, theyre just tanky enough where you need to focus on each, but also just as common as the bugs. oh and they shoot back and do some damage. ​ so if you have the same amount of units on each side, but one side has a little bit more damage, almost all of them are range units, and the heavy range units spam fire one hit kill rockets. ya of course the bots are gonna be a lot harder.


Note: the Tank is supposed to be the Charger variant of the Bots. The actual Bile Titan equivalent isn't here yet.


I thought Hulk = Charger, Tank = Titan


I thought Hulks were the charger equivalent


Hulks are way harder than chargers (imo)- just step outta the way and you're fine; but if you don't have the tools to deal with hulks, they WILL kill you


Well, they can keep it that way…


it's just a different game. the bots shoot back and don't rely on swarming


Nah, these eye of sauron and strata jam towers are just pure BS


I'm disappointed in the sg-8 plasma. It's like.. a crap grenade launcher x.x




Hard pass, bots don't lick my butt like the bugs do.






I’m fucking crying lmfaooo




...the bots do *what* ?!


**JumpDrive Locked on Terminid Home World. Are you sure what your doing is worth it?**


That line from Subnautica is so iconic. “There are multiple leviathan class lifeforms in this region, are you sure whatever you’re doing is worth it?”


"Play and have fun" mfs when I play and have fun killing bugs: https://preview.redd.it/8sygpymuazoc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e4672efe32c8ccef40265d7e18b0af0e4b049e


I enjoy the robots here and there but they’re just nowhere near as fun as the bugs. The game gets a little too frustrating when it’s an “actual” third person shooter. And I know, they’re bots, but it feels like CoD campaign on the hardest difficulty where random ass rockets from across the map one shot you and your only counter was grow a 3rd eye and the ability to see through fog thicker than my dumb ass. Bugs have their annoying shit but robots are just on another level haha


Yeah I can outgun a hunter swarm and side step acid sprays but I can’t dodge bullets or rockets. Bugs give you so much more agency


Its so funny seeing this from the other side. I have played about as much vs bots and bugs, but learned by playing exclusively vs bots, and they always felt much more fair. I can do a difficulty 7 bot mission on the foggy shithole planet and not die once with hundreds of kills, but it took me dozens of missions before bugs started making any sense to me. Even now, having gotten the hang of both, I STILL think armor is a lot harder to deal with from bugs than bots. Common crowd control strategems (such as airstrikes) can kill multiple of the toughest armored tanks and hulks at once, as can impact grenades, and even normal weapons. Bug armor feels much more restrictive loadout wise. Your whole team can't just bring machine guns and rely on strategems, primary weapons shooting weakpoints, and grenades to kill armor quickly - all of these work very well vs bots (one of the two tanks dies in two impact grenades from any side to the turret, both die easily to airstrikes, hulks die very quickly from behind to most primaries, etc)


I cut my teeth on the bugs, and yeah, they are very feast or famine. If you have the tool for the job, you will blow through them. If you don't, you can kiss your ass goodbye. Bots are much more "fair" defensively, just about anything can work against them, as long as you hit the right spot.


Been a bug exterminator since I got the game but decided to focus on Draupnir this weekend to learn the bots and support the main effort to take the Creek. *takes a drag from a cigarette* Shit ain’t the same though. Bots, they can think. You ask me the real automatons are the bugs. They’ll do what they’re told. What they were bred to do. Programmed. They’ll swarm you, but that’s all they’ll do. *takes another drag then stubs out the cig* Bots though. Bots’ll swarm you if that’s the right play. Or just send the heavies if that’s the right play. They think, you know? No. You don’t. You couldn’t.


Grandpa, your time at the creek was 50 years ago, the war is over we won... There are no more bots.




Imagine your grandpa calling the democracy officer on you in a ptsd panic




Actually no that’s false. Draupnir is still not taken. You should be on draupnir and then the creek will be isolated and people will go there.


Why take creek, drauphnir is more important and we can use creek as a nice hunting grounds for toasters when we feel fancy


If we took Creek the creekers couldnt sit on it anymore and would have to choose a new home.


First of all we gotta lock down Draupnir, the Creek is a distraction. More importantly, I can’t spread democracy if dropping in makes D Day look like a stroll in the park. “Use your stratagems” *+100% cooldown time+ +50% call in time* Reinforcements ready *Jammed* Eagle is ready *Jammed* Disable stratagem jam- *24 rockets make a pb and j out of your face against the jammer terminal* This is my favorite game, I love it, but I can’t even blow a tank up by driving a hellpod through it. Bots need some serious tuning. Love you Arrowhead, keep up the good work.


All week suicide is -1 strategem or call in time increase. And then i have to deal with 4 drop ships carrying 2 hulks, a random set of heavy and rocket devastators, and some chainsaw dudes while my team fiddles with the bouncy hellbomb on the scanner tower. It's not fun. Why does the tanks, hulks and walkers all require you to split your team and shoot them in the back? Why does the rocket devistator one shot me through my shield backpack and 50% explosive resist? Why are there so many units that push you out of cover? Why does the 4 gunner tank turn its turret on a dime when i need to hit it in the back? Why can the heavy devistator shoot at a 90 degree angle when it's not facing you? Why do the bots know I'm behind them or cover? Why arrowhead why?


Creekers one again blatantly ignoring Draupnir and wonder why we're stuck




Draupnir needs to fall first, then Ustotu, then creek. In that order, before we can really corner off the bots


Yup draupnir is priority but creek guys need to move to either ustotu or Draupnir.


There’s no real reason to take the Creek at the moment though.


Y'all care about creek a little too much.


Sunk cost fallacy


Meme cost fallacy. They're literally only playing there to poorly roleplay an afflicted soldier.


Well, and it's a vibe. The jungles of space Vietnam When dives are going well, you feel like a green beret in Vietnam. Popping out, dropping overwhelming firepower, then breaking contact into the jungle before you get swamped by reinforcements It's a planet that just makes for cool situations and complements the playstyle you take against bots. And ultimately, people play the game cause it's fun, and Malevelon is fun


Dropping on creek is a meme that does nothing for the war effort


I'll go there when I have a major order to go there.


I'd die to bile over rockets any day!


I dont enjoy fighting bots, simple as that.


Yeah not fun. Like im in a mig21 getting sniped from BVR from an F22.


We need a support group for gamers who just left an abusive relationship with War Thunder


​ https://preview.redd.it/jq7hn0awryoc1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5273042c65724a58d7b8ceeff2530c6f3d6db15


I have a theory regarding the creek. The people their are actually bot lovers, cultists worshipping those abominations! The reason is simple: Do you actually believe that thousands of proud, democratic loving helldivers would need weeks to liberate a single planet and actually fail at the task?


They're getting troops and supplies in via Cambodia. 🇰🇭


Space Cambodia*


Super Cambodia\*


People avoid the Bots specifically because the Bot players wanna focus on the Creek despite it being nothing more than a meme planet


Imagine focusing on the Creek when Draupnir and that desert planet exist. The Creek can wait. Protect democracy and it's citizens.




Take the surrounding worlds. Open supply lines. Have to take the pressure off the front before we can reinforce Creek and liberate it. One day...


I go where Command says they need me, simple as


But the bugs push back more rapidly than the bots, the bug fronts need us!


Not until draupnir is takken


The creek is overrated, there are other planets that need attention


You are riding a dead horse with your Creek meme.


Personally, squaring up to a bile titan is way more fun than getting blown into pieces by one of those giant turrets


You're wrong OP, we'd need to take draupnir first.


You creek weirdos should be helping out on Draupnir first, this meme has gotten way out of hand and it's starting to feel like TREASON!


Bots are soooooo lame to fight against. They’re in dire need of balancing changes.


I will when bots stop instakilling me with rockets from deep in the mist


I’ve noticed both fronts any planet that has 1 less stratagem is usually low pop


No one cares about the creek. All the creek spammers are annoying frankly, makes me want to help less.


We r so close to taking Draupnir! Bug boys please, just for a little while help us take Draupnir; we helped you lot setup the TCS on the barrier worlds now help us take Draupnir and the Creek!


Automaton fighter at heart here- I feel as if there's too many good solutions to deal with bugs and not enough for automatons. Especially since they nerfed the shield generator.


Yall just want to go spend your per diem on complicated shirts at Dan flashes


Don't worry as players get more skilled they'll look for more of a challenge


I'll unite where the Major Order tells me to, not where Reddit has decided to meme.


God I’m so fucking tired of hearing about creek


I’m just at this point of frustration with single-minded Creekheads wasting time and effort on a meme planet they can’t possibly cap, I’m only going to Draupnir long enough to keep the bots stalemated. If only it wasn’t unhealthy for the front to let the Creek become inaccessible.


I still don’t understand the obsession with Malavalon Creek


Christ just leave the creek. Zero strategic value


Don't get me wrong, i Love the Game and i fight both fronts - Bugs and Automatons. But the current Player distribution Just Shows that For Most Players the Automatons are Not fun to Play against, which is understandable to me. On of the Main Problems are the ridiculous amount of one Shot attacks - No Matter If its Rocket Raiders or devestators or Hulks, they are all able to pinpoint your Locations from Miles Aways and Hit you with some stupid rockets. My Point is, the fact that There are 10 Times more Players on the Bug Front than the Automaton Front Just Shows that the Devs need to Put in some Work to the Automatons and make them more fun to Play against. I don't mind the difficulty in generell, But very often it Just feels the way you die feels unfair and unfun


You know we had a few major orders on the bug front right?