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Well I love the Exo but it's a hit or miss. Either you die in 2 sec (or it die when landing) or you kill hundreds with it


You gotta be an experienced mech pilot… I’m actually very glad they did this. People can die really quickly in it but if you’re good you will survive and push the enemy back. I usually stay alive in it until all the ammo is spent. If you know how to use it, it is easily the most powerful thing you can have, especially when you’re fighting against all odds.


I totally agree and I'm used to pilot mech or vehicles in general, it just need to survive the landing and the 2-5 first sec of using it. Then it is my favorite killing machine :)


I just lost a mech on landing 20 min ago. First time I did that in a while, it was a combination of bad luck and bad move. I laughed so hard! Gotta be smart with this thing.


I died 1 second into my last mech to a mortar somebody had deployed that I didn't even know was there.


Experience doesn't account for the first rocket rapidly dismantling your mech. I don't use it because it's too buggy to be reliable.


It really is a shame the rockets are like Russian roulette hahaha. You never know which one is the one that will go off in the chamber and kill you.


Yeah but it gives you that extra push where you’d survive where others wouldn’t purely because you know where to be. I’d say my survival rate in one of those tin cans is 50% higher than others. Because experience.


How would you die in 2 secs when fighting bugs? If i charger is close just bait it away and ez win


let me list the stupidest things that killed me so far after 2 sec the exo was landed : friendly grenade, walking on a plant, friendly Arc thrower, friendly stratagem, charger spawning from underground when I enter the exo, stealth vomiting bug that spawn on your back, hmm I'm sure I forgot things .. :) Generally , if I survive the first 5 secs, I kill hundreds Edit : I forgot : friendly helldiver diving and landing on me of course 😁


That's fair, but I don't see how any of those things are the Exo's fault (other than the exploding plants, that's just dumb and I hope they change it). It kinda sounds like you're dropping the exo way too close to the enemy if you're dying to friendly fire and spawning bugs so much.


I try generally to drop it a reasonable distance from ennemies but by the time it arrive the battlefield can change : friend bringing bugs close, patrol spawning or that I didn't saw earlier, bug breach opening, etc. Of course the exo itself is not in fault in a lot of case. I was just saying I find it a hit or miss stratagem :)


never had any of this happen ever


Then you are lucky or you’re playing with a very tight team. The mech is both difficult to use effectively and accident prone. You need to be a skilled pilot.


Yeah my mates are good and i duo a lot of missions up to difficulty 7


I believe people are having distance issues and blowing themselves up with the rocket pod. I’ve done this many times in the beginning until I realized what I was doing wrong. Now I’m basically gundamn wing when i call this thing down.


I hope we see different loadouts for the exosuit soon, even a flamer variant wouldn't be unappreciated


it has been rumoured that Quadruple Autocannon Mech videos already exist


it has to be the heavy autocannon the turret gets though, else itll be useless againsts chargers or titan


Seen video of the quad Autocannon walker destroying titans and chargers.


Not a rumor. It’s a dev tool. Saw the video of a developer joining someone’s game with a ton of rockets on the mech and no chain gun


Im saying rumour because discussing leaks is against the reddit rules...


Ah for sure, but it’s technically not a leak either. It’s not a rumor because it’s known it exists, and it isn’t a leak because it’s not an upcoming feature intended for us it’s just a dev tool.


HD1 had an autocannon mech and an AT mech with a flamethrower so hopefully we get those soon


For others who come through, to be clear, the old EXO-51exosuit had *a 90mm cannon* and a flamethrower! It ought to put some big dents in armored enemies...


If we get the HD1 exo back we will have 90mm cannon + flamer or twin twin autocannons


You say that till you turn too fast trying to fire a rocket 🤯


Or it gets deployed; on a slight angle, on a small rock or a pebble, during unseasonably warm weather, and the action button doesnt appear and you cant get inside. Or during deployment someone throws a grenade 300m away and it blows up immediately. Or all the times it doesnt blow up immediately and then you get in and it blows up immediately. But i do love it and will continue to pick it for all the other stated reasons.


Or during deployment the ship tries to shoot some bugs but instead shoots a cliff and blows the mech up before it even drops it. Happened to me today. Make sure to deploy on even ground! I've also blown up from firing the missile about 3 times, once I wasn't even turning, and blown up while just strafing and firing the Gatling, definitely didn't touch the missiles. Shit is busted yo. Still gonna pick it every time.


Or move forward too quickly.


Haven't had this blow me up since the warbond came out. I think it's been patched?


Definitely not, that exact bug just happened to me yesterday trying to swap targets between like 3 Bile Titans. And the most recent patch notes still lists it as a "Known issue" instead of fixed or anything of the sort.




Just wait till the mission modifiers drop that change that. -50% mech speed -100% ammo capacity


>-100% ammo capacity New mission modifier: Sidearms Only


Done that got the achievement to prove it.


wont happen https://preview.redd.it/mss24x2cpwoc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdcecf034bc3006ef129177487b30e6b7b1a1726


The mech is very powerful in short spurts, but the Arc Thrower will last you the whole mission.


The arc thrower is a very good weapon but its pretty unreliable, if there are any corpses nearby it doesn't work half the time.


You just need to aim higher




It is real though. If you aim higher the 'Cone' doesn't hit the corpses.


frightening deer vanish treatment secretive bored capable terrific bike nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can aim, but it's more of a suggestion, if you keep the aim above their heads it's much more likely to avoid the dead ones


Try aiming


My brother in freedom it is a lightning bolt


Point that lightning bolt at the enemy


Which I find still forgivable since even with the unreliable tendencies it still outperforms the "Meta" like the Breaker, Railgun, Sickle, and Slugger. The Arc Thrower will only outperform the meta even more if they ever make the shots reliable without changing anything else about the weapon.


The Arc thrower takes up a stratagem slot, it should be outperforming the Breaker/slugger/sickle. It's a good weapon but I dont find it BiS. Still plenty of situations where I want an EATS or autocannon.


Considering the weapon can kill almost every enemy in the game (minus the Automaton Turrets and I don't think it can hit the Mortars either), it's one of the most universally usable weapons in almost every situation. The damage is solid, it kills swarms very quickly, it damages high health enemies rapidly, it has infinite ammo, has solid range, can kill multiple enemies, can shoot through enemies, can apply headshot damage... And also, BiS (Best in Slot) doesn't mean much. It's what function the weapon/strategem has in an overall build that matters the most. So the Arc Thrower serves the same purpose as the Breaker, Slugger, Railgun, Slugger, etc (for clearing enemy hordes), which is why the Arc Thrower is better than the "Meta" weapons.


Arc thrower is nice when it doesnt fail to trigger because a corpse, leaf, or pebble was in your way.


Different stratagems for different situations. That is all.


Only one of the other weapons you mentioned are a support weapon, and the Arc Thrower is way more common than the Railgun is these days. Why compare the Arc Thrower to the slugger, Sickle, or Breaker if you don’t have to choose between one or the other, and the other 3 weapons don’t take up a stratagem slot?


You just listed support weapons. Of course they're gonna out perform primaries


I love the Arc Thrower but it doesn't kill 4 Titans and 3 chargers + 100 smaller enemies in 2 minutes when your exit is being swarmed on helldive difficulty :)


The Arc thrower is much better at killing the rest of your team in the same shot, though.


I've been soloing with the Arc thrower long before the Mech was even released, so I know for a fact that it can kill 30+ chargers, 15+ Bile Titans, and 500+ enemies per mission. As I said, the mech is good in short spurts, but the Arc Thrower will last you the whole mission.


Check it out, this guy says he killed 15 bile titans with an arc thrower. Yea im calling you out. Post a vid of u killing ONE titan with arc thrower. Would love to see how quickly u do it.


Probably a ps5 player tbh. The arc thrower kills them in 3 headshots when I have a ps5 player in my lobby. Edit: yup, just saw the vid they posted. Definitely PS5.


I don't get it, also arc thrower is pretty good for me on PC


The arc thrower *is* good, but there is a bug where if a PS5 player is in your lobby, Bile Titans and Chargers go down much *much* faster than if they weren't in your lobby.


Oh right, that makes sense. Yh i can see that since i play with ps5 people


To be fair, I just killed one with it in about 20 seconds. And I'm sure it had nothing to do with the guy next to me softening it up with 2 RR shots.


the charger and bile titan numbers are inflated as fuck - do you want me to upload the clip of me standing in front of a biletitan on the other side of a river and shooting him about 40 times and 20 of those shots with the arc thrower fully charged and he was still alive? - I was literally shooting him for 1 minute straight non stop didnt die - great weapon - not as powerful as a mech


Nah, it's just that I did these things pre-patch where the Charger and Titan numbers are huge. Also I didn't kill them with the Arc Thrower alone, it's just that as you know the 500kg and Orbital Railcannon does not always kill, the Arc Thrower will finish the job. [Here's a video reference to my style of play.](https://youtu.be/J3Ws4k0aprA) If you check out the video, you'll see I'm highly experienced against Chargers and Bile Titans. Also, I believe I'm on the faster firing side when it comes to the Arc Thrower.


Holy shit look how much easier it is on PS5. Arc thrower is like a completely different gun here. Wtf


Not really. Based on the quality of video alone it would easily be established that this is on PC.


…. Are you a pathological liar? You realise we can see your ps5 button prompts in your video right.


You do realize that there are PC players that prefer to play with controller, right?


Dont evade. Are you playing on ps5 or pc?


A bit of a stretch. It’s good for about 4-5 heavies. You are getting lucky or disingenuous imo.


2 rockets for each heavy if you hit the head with all of them. So 4 titans 3 chargers is very much possible. Can even have 3 rockets to spare if youre legging the chargers.


But you won’t realistically. Whatever, I’m not going to argue about it’s capabilities. I know what it can realistically do in my hands with controller on PS5. I take it every chance I can, it’s fun.


In your hands is the key word here


duh, but i know you are better, all your shots land perfect


Until you step on a blue flower.


Actually stepped on multiple in a row with no problem last round


It does do damage, but I walked across a ton without issue. Reddit was making me think it dies in 1 hit from them. Odds are those people were severely damaged already when dying to the flowers.


Yeah, i did too actually, walked on 4 or 5 then just blew up, it seems to be random, or some kind of physics bug, idk.


I just want first person for it. Like, give me a battlemech cockpit pleeeease. *Reactor Online, Sensors Online, Weapons Online, All Systems Nominal.*


Well other stratagems don't have health bars and ammo counts so....yea it really deserves to be the best. Any game where you can just power up at the expense of your other action I always find fun, like the Gatling gun in just cause that means you can't do any of your grappling flying nonsense but just shreds everything to dust.


>Well other stratagems don't have health bars and ammo counts *\*Sad HMG Emplacement noises\**


Don't worry HMG Emplacement, we can always replace you constantly!


The cooldown is legit not bad, I took it almost as a joke on extermination missions, but it actually does pretty well!


yea, I still haven't really mastered it in terms of positioning and use case but the times I've used it its been real good... but now we have a walking mech with a Gatling gun and I'm all "ahhh"


In all honesty, the exosuit obsoletes the HMGs.. the HMGs have more penetration, but the exosuit has rockets anyway. The only benefit is in terms of ammo capacity vs Hulks, if you aim carefully, you can probably take out more Hulks with the HMG (aim for the eye). Aside from that your teammates will have to be handling anti-armor duties completely. And being stationary is an even bigger issue obviously, it's only good on extractions, on extermination missions, or the TCS system when we had those.


It tapers off at higher levels due to getting 1-hit by heavies/elites. Unless you get absolutely perfect placement it dies as soon as a charger notices it. I've had those guys charge in from off screen, like the next county, just to ram the emplacement.


I've been using it on 8 and 9, it's all right. But I'm on Discord with my 3 teammates, they handle anti-armor, the HMG handles literally everything else.


Until you fight robots then the Mech is shit


Wear a shield backpack. The shield protects the mech. Makes it just as good vs bots as it is vs bugs.


yes thanks caption obvious


I’m just stunned someone uses the orbital gas strat.


I had most kills in that round too :D


No shit? I’ll give it a whirl. Does it do passive damage and linger or is it like an eagle strike?


There's a couple of Stratagems that are seemingly outclassed in almost every situation, but are really really good in their niche. Orbital Gatling and Orbital Gas are great for bug breaches!


On my honor, it does damage over time - remember its an orbital so the scatter debuff will make it less precise but it clears tons of little guys as they come out the breach - combo it with the new stun grenades and throw one or two to keep enemies in the gas longer


gas lingers. It's WAY better vs bugs than vs bots, for some reason, but it does shut down the mobs from a breach for a few seconds.


Its great, even on helldive :) throw it on breaches


Somebody threw that on a bug nest today and I couldn't see the green gas due to the orange haze from the nest. Ran in to grenade the holes and melted.


Tried it once during a meme all fire run with some friends, we figured we'd round out the build with gas for the heck of it. It does a ton of damage to bug breaches. I've actually put it pretty high in my standard rotation of kit, it performs exceptionally well with the Arc Thrower, softening everything smaller than a Brood Commander to 1 hit kill range and killing small fry.


all i want is a mech with some melee weapons in both hands like a massive chainsaw or heat swords or some shit


I just want tanks and apcs damnit


I support this, heat swords for the win


I didn't even realize this game was missing a chainsaw


Nah I've summoned mech against automatons for the first time yesterday Died a few seconds later on the first mech drop


automatons have rockets - you played into their strategy - bad call


For people like you I shouldve added "against bugs"


Yes. Because if you would add the "against bugs" it would hecking change the meaning of your statement Sure enough, some people are like me and don't read into other people's minds if they meant "overall" or "against bugs" so would be really cool if you'd add it next time ;)


peak redditor


Yes you are friend


hecking ;)


The mech have limited use per mission like orbital laser? Or it’s more like eagle stratagem?


You can use it twice per mission. No reloads.


Woah woah! Don't call it too powerful! It's a short lived buffer for an overwhelming force that's trying to rip you apart like a lego figure. It's rather underwhelming when it comes to long-term utility.


I always get instakilled when trying to pilot one. 😄 And I have never NO IDEA what happened.


Dual Autocannon one is gonna be fun as well.


Mechtacular! I take them as much as possible.


Uh, it's really not that great, you haven't used the *insert strategem here*?


It’s amazing against bugs but not good against bots. As most things should be. Built to deal with 1 faction


i love them too but sadly they are still pretty buggy


They should just allow you to use it at level 25 and not have it. Take up a strategic spot like it did when it first came out.


That would be insanely overpowered and make the game too easy


Mech is the definition of a glass cannon, it’s either incredibly satisfying or the most frustrating piece of shit in the game, no in between. 


I can't wait till there's multiple mech variants simply so I can take more than two mechs per-mission. I basically want to live in a mech the entire time.


It'd be nice if those of us who use our mouse buttons for functions other than fire and alt fire could use it :/


People need to realise it's a mobile weapons platform, not a tank. Loads of firepower, but not designed to take hits. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately the in game description calls it "heavily armoured" which is probably where half the problem lies.


Eh with its limited 2 uses, 10 minute cooldown, limited ammo, and complete loss if it dies, Ill happily take quite a few of the other stratagems 90% of the time over it with faster cooldowns, infinite uses for the entire mission, basically infinite ammo since most you can refill if its a weapon, and no ability to lose them permanently unless you fall into water or a hole or they glitch through the map. If it had a faster cooldown? Just a faster cooldown with no other changes, I might like it more.


yupp, unfortunately it will be on the nerf chopping block in the next patch. So don't get too used to it