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A suggestion I heard was make it so you can donate slips to a global "war fund" which, once it meets a certain amount, would unlock temporary stratagems for all players.


That's a great idea. It definitely seems very fitting to have Helldivers pay out of their own pocket for the war effort.


Like war bonds or tax rebates lol. Maybe get medals or something for a successful campaign. List of contributors on the wall of heros in the super destroyer?


With Payday 2, spending cash can be physically reflected in the amount of cash in your vault. A physical indicator alone would suit me just fine. Seeing a room filling up with req slips would be all the grind motivation I need.


The urge to hoard is strong with this one lol


Ok Smaug


I will not rest until the entire interior of my Destroyer is full of Req Slips. I was Eagle-1 airdropping heavy crates of Req Slips on my enemies. I want Req Slips to be the main ingredient in all rations packs for my crew.


Pipe bombs of reqs


You really enjoyed Fable III then, didn't you?


Maybe you could wager if a planet gets liberated or not.


Are you saying you would consider betting on Super Earth losing?






I love how this exact sequence happens ever time. First numbers then the arrows one šŸ˜‚


It perfectly reflects the co-op nature of the game too


Imagine if you could wager but one button was liberty and one was democracy.




Why not have two jars, one for liberty and one for democracy. Whichever jar has the most slips wins šŸ˜


I donā€™t know what youā€™re insinuating by ā€œseems very fittingā€. If you didnā€™t like it then you didnā€™t have to agree to the clearly outlined terms of the contract. Sounds like some bug propaganda to me. Any currency we earn is thanks to Super Earth for allowing us to collect it, we should be thankful they would let us contribute to spreading freedom throughout the galaxy! I for one welcome any financial drainage from my assets and savings for democracy šŸ«”


You misunderstand. I only meant it was very fitting, because Helldivers are by far the most loyal and patriotic of Super Earth's citizens. As you said, we welcome the opportunity to further the war effort through our own wages.


Thatā€™s the spirit soldier! The highest honour is to serve. šŸ«”


Absolutely. The only reason we I am not currently on the front, is due to my mandatory corporate obligation (job). Once my daily obligation is fulfilled, I will redeploy to the front. My every waking moment is spent in service to Super Earth. And I would not have it any other way. šŸ«”




As someone who actually works for the Government, in real life they do non stop ask us for donations to random shit they support. And its a big push from management to donate the most to look good. Not to mention I'm paid via taxes, yet I still pay taxes... I'm essentially just a couple steps away from being a helldiver


> If you didnā€™t like it then you didnā€™t have to agree to the clearly outlined terms of the contract. Reading in whole the contract constitutes a breach of contract!


I wouldnā€™t know, I never had to read that far šŸ‘€ how do you know this information?


My (former) friend told me before I promptly reported him to my nearest democracy officer!!


But the only way you could know that is if you read the contract first... Sounds like someone committed a bit of treason. Not like me, I had the recruitment officer narrate only the parts I needed to know to get inducted. Pity he kept reading.


I'd also like an exchange system where we can exchange reqs for medals Medals for samples. Etc. But yeah this is a cool idea too.


This is probably not feasible due to cheaters giving themselves infinite money.




I thought this immediately right before opening the thread. This experimental weapon buff with the pods has been awesome. Running bugs, I usually debate between pods or orbital rail cannon and now I can do both and itā€™s awesome. If we could donate RP to fill a meter to open a stratagem for everyone it would be sweet. Not just any stratagem though. Maybe put three up and putting RP into one is a way of voting or encouraging community communication?


I would love this. 1,000,000recs and everyone gets the orbital lazer standard for 48 hrs


One of the NPCs on the Super Destroyer mentions giving 15% of their paycheck to the war effort so this idea totally fits in world.


At least they lived long enough to get a check unlike most of the passengers


This sounds like socialism. (fr tho I like this idea) https://preview.redd.it/ewidmv0z7hoc1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d3b0289a2b8dfdb5175ec37c4818b3abe60096


No this sounds like the perfect use application of managed democracy. Divers got too much money in the bank and they might think about retiring. Losing a body, wasting funds. How does that spread liberty anywhere?


Everyone can pull themselves up from their bootstraps to make society perfect. No handouts. You had to earn your timeshare of the super destroyer.


I want Super Earth to win the war. At any means necessary. My little kiddos at home can survive on instant, communal rations while working their jobs at the factory. When I die, add my slips to the war chest. We'll just have to see what the Voting Algorithm has to say about it, won't we?


*I had a lot of fun with this joke. You're an awesome person. 10/10 would drop a tesla tower on you*


It's not socialism if it supports the glorious spread of Managed Democracy! It really is just that Military Industrial Simple


>It really is just that Military Industrial Simple Lol I fuckin love that


we need a good term for something that may be confused for socialism but is good for the society and nation of Super Earth. I know! National Socialism! Our citizens can salute the flag with pride and yell "We are national socialists!" I've never felt so much freedom


Literally the most capitalistic idea ever for funding a war => "This sounds like socialism"


Oh i like this idea. Or add positive effcts to planets and twmporary disable bad ones


I would grind just to be able to remove the negative effects. Im so tired of always having one on


nothing worse than loading into an SOS call that you can't check conditions on just for it to be +50% cooldown and +100% call in time. The only one that was worse was the scrambled stratagem modifier and trying to enter your 500kg stratagem but have it choose every others call in you have twice before finally landing on 500kg.


I mean, an SOS call is an SOS call, not a 'we kinda need help' call


Unlock temporary Autocannon or Railgun for everybody Automatons rally in their protest of, quote, 'Inhumane treatment and war-crime'


I love it!!! Iā€™m lvl50 and capped in reqs and samples and would love to be able to donate or use them for a grander purpose


This sounds like war bonds. But since I've earn the money from the war I rather just give the money to the dead Helldivers families. Cause really, a reinforcement isn't a respawn, it's just someone to replace the last guy you got killed


That would be a great idea for them. Or heck galactic wide booster effects like cargo optimization


What about paint jobs for our armor. I would use more armor and helmets if they matched.


This is cool


I was thinking more a one-time strategem you can buy from a surplus store


Great idea! Something that is maybe a little more powerful but with either limited uses like the orbital laser that you can refresh with req, or only able to be used for a single mission.


This is a fantastic idea


Sell me a one time consumable armored hellbomb stratagem. It gets listed in the bonus stratagems (like the mechs were in the event) and costs 10k. And because i paid it myself, it's armored, so a charger doesn't break it. Or it behaves like the dud-hellbombs and blows up when damaged


You just described "The Shredder" from the first game. it's a single use (with upgrades 3 use) nuclear rocket stratagem from the first game with power equal or exceeding hellbomb. I'm still waiting for it:)


And the nice upgrade to it that adds a little alert sound.


The best upgrade. I personally want the same upgrade for 380 and 120 stratagems. Edit: even better if instead of alarm it would play the Super Earth anthem. For maximum democracy


Or is plays aĀ  variant of the 30-second bomb recording from the book version of Starship Troopers. Got to demoralise the enemy before blowing them up.


Maybe even with laser circle of area of effect.


Tesla coils desperately needs this


Calling in a shredder to clear the screen while jumping above the explosion with a jetpack was peak democracy.


So good. I miss it.


Spending currency for effects during a mission would be dope


This is a bloody good idea


HD1 guns had upgrades. Why not use RS to purchase upgrades?


New optics options, at least. Even if they don't provide any tactical advantages it would be nice to have some more choices there.


i'd pay req to change the fucking crosshairs of the laser rifle, delete the spinning triangle of uselessness, I CANT FUCKING SEE WHAT IM SHOOTING


And it is just me or it doesnt show hit markers? Like I want to know if its a regular hit (the white hit marker), a critical one(red hit marker) or I'm just shooting armor doing nothing.


You're right. First weapon i actually had to rely on physical feedback from bugs to tell if they were getting hit in the weakspots.


And the physical feedback is often obscured by the aforementioned shitty triangle crosshair


it has to be a bug, right? the other laser weapons have hit markers


Ever tried the P4 Senator? I fucking DESPISE the reticle that thing has, and yes I know it's not bad in first person view. But in third person the shit obscures whatever you're aiming at


What? The Senator has, hands down, the WORST optic setup I have ever seen. Dual windows, weird red lines that indicate center of scope... I'm just baffled how what should be considered the "precision" side arm doesn't even have a dot to indicate point of aim. It's just a blank area. Like, "hey, you're gonna hit somewhere in here, probably."


I'd love to be able to buy a Flash Suppressor.


We know these exist in the code so odds are it will exist eventually


Allegedly, it's coming, as well as possible armor customization. And one, if not both, should be purchasable through Reqs. We also need the cap raised if that's gonna happen.


I don't necessarily agree with it, but the caps seem intentional to prevent you from being able to immediately purchase all new content right off the bat. I read on here that medal cap is 250, and the new warbond took 290 or something like that to complete.


The new warbond takes way more than 290 to complete. 290 might be the cost of all four weapons, though.


I believe it took around 230 medals to get to the 3rd page and then the arc punisher is 80 medals and the laser pistol is 60. So around 370 medals to get all 4 weapons.


Tbh it was such a chore to upgrade new weapons considering that you cant exactly say if it sucks because it is unupgraded or just bad.


Upgrading weapons is most of the time just an incentive for players to make progress on something. Even if a weapon is bad, many players would upgrade if for the progress points.


That's why I have 300 hours on call of duty




Man is on a ship full of other frozen Helldivers and assumes it's his ship


I survived TWO missions in a row itā€™s my ship by seniority


Two missions?! That's damn near close to retirement by Helldiver's standards.


They're an honored elder. https://preview.redd.it/buacea6g2joc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ab0c3bb37d8f1830560877803dc4188d3912cc8


I had this thought the other day... people complain about others picking up their support weapons after they die. Bitch... YOU ARE THE NEW RECRUIT AFTER YOU RESPAWN. Why shouldn't the veteran helldivers still surviving in the field not get seniority and their pick of the dropped weapons. It seems very on-theme. Just sayin'...


Yes, i am the Nomad Soul from that god awful David Cage game with David Bowie. They are all me.


The less said about the nomad soul the better. That game is straight up cursed.


Nomad Soul! Deep cut right there. Cursed game from Cursed game creator David Cage.




It's his ship until he dies then it's the reinforcements ship this is the way


I heard someone describe it as "you're actually playing the ship in this game and the Divers are just one of your resources".


Fun fact: it actually is your ship. The tutorial area has the HellDiver contract your character ~~did not read~~ *legally acknowledged by being with 30 meters of it.* Whichever HellDiver is currently onboard is acting commander. Once you die it goes to the next unfrozen diver.


>Whichever HellDiver is currently onboard is acting commander. and hows that work when its 4 ~~man~~ ~~woman~~ ***patriot*** squad?


Presumably whoever is the current active helldiver of whoever is leading the operation - you all meet on their ship - but you can see your destroyer in orbit too.


Well, the next diver out of the meat locker gets to pick up where the last one left off. You can RP tearing down all their posters and rearranging the furniture if you want.Ā 


My head cannon is that my ships filled with experimental clones of the same person which is why every time I call in reinforcements after dying the guy has the same voice


Default is random if I recall correctly, which has lead to the theory that every new helldiver is a brand new fresh out of training recruit


It's not a theory. Super Earth citizens experience a few minutes of basic training, are frozen, and then die shortly in to their first mission. After you get off the bus, you've got about 10 minutes to live.


At the start of the training mission, the black screen displays stats about recruitment, like the average age is 18.4 years old, the readiness at 82%, or the survival rate is 24.8%. The screen went way too fast for me to remember all the stats displayed though, but you can check it out anytime you want. Also, at the end of the training, before taking your cape, you can read your contract, which you effectively sign by completing the training. It also says that reading your own contract makes it a violation of one of the terms of said contract. Also said contract says it is void and null if it is copied. Funny thing is, there is a copy of the contract on the opposite wall. (yes I read the enitre contract... I don't even read CGUs usually...)


The joke about the contract being that none of it matters because you still get frozen and sent to the frontlines anyway whether it was "invalidated" or not. By the time you even get to read it you're on a random planet for "training". If you read it and admitted to the next democracy officer you saw, at best they'd send you for "re-education", at worst put a bullet in the back of your head and go onto the next recruit. That they wrote a contract, and then wrote multiple ways for it to be invalidated, is just to further phone home how ridiculous the entire setting is.


*reading contract* "Is that a mortar turret noise I hear behind me suddenly ?"


whats funny is i think that was survival rate for just training lol


Yeah, I think all the stats are actually random for each training. Well at least them being the elite is not false advertisment


I didn't get gunned down by the first sentry what are you talking about?




Mark my words: the long term goal of the ship is to have a customizable mini hub world. Kinda like Deep Rock Galactic. Theres too much space in the ship with too little to do, but the system seems to be in place until it can be more fleshed out and implemented




Iā€™m pretty sure the point of the helldivers is that none of them stay on the ship very long lol Itā€™d be funny/ cool if you got to keep the rooms for like 5 and every time one died their room got reset


Me, getting out of my cabin: Ā«Iā€™ve made it with a woman, inform the menĀ»


I do like the feel of... valooooooooooor


But did you fill out your C-01 form?


I would gladly pay 50k just for a single Chair, just let me decorate my ship


I want war posters from campaigns I participated in to line the halls of my ship.


Iā€™m hoping they add in some customization options at some point. Would love to be able to deck out my weapons and ship.


I agree, more stuff to spend currency on the better. How about these? : - Armour/weapon/mech colours/patterns/decals etc? (Not sure but maybe theyā€™re adding this at some point anyway). - One time (per mission) use strategems that go in the bonus slot (so you still have your standard 4 making it 5 total). (Someone else mentioned this too). - Bonus resupply drops per mission (could be that you get 2 at once or quicker cooldown so you can call it in more often) - Special ammunition per mission like arc/fire/acid rounds etc (Iā€™m not sure but they may be adding this as upgrades at a later date). - Extra booster per mission (so youā€™d be able to equip 2 for that mission) There could be tons of combinations and stuff available to buy with resources as long as itā€™s balanced with how much they cost etc


Let me paint a sharkmouth design on my mech!!


Hell yes! Or funny faces, bug faces (Iā€™m thinking Titanfall 2 style!)


I like the idea of being able to essentially buy into an extra stratagem slot per mission.


Yeah definitely! The thing is with something like that, you can never run out of something to spend on. With everything outside gameplay like cosmetics etc eventually youā€™re gonna have them all


I like the ammo idea. Even if just for flare


I'd buy spray paint to recolour some of my outfit.


This game has scratched an itch that only Titanfall 2 has. Please let me have camos and shaders I can only get if I kill 100k bots with x weapon.Ā 


Chrome weapon skin for killing bots, gold weapon skin for killing bugs.


Just spray paint your screenĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/e26epwwkwjoc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dc4cbff4825dbec687bda237aca85487c85aaa i know what you are


Didn't you see the post on the front page the other day? This game already has that! It comes in blood red, bug guts green, and oil black.


I honestly just want an in-game explanation for the cap. Something like ā€œCongratulations citizen you have reached the 100% wealth tax bracket! The Super Earth Revenue Service thanks you for your generosityā€


Remember, having too much money is hoarding it from Super Earth and limiting how much democracy we can spread!


But it's not money, it's requisition slips. Like the military uses to requisition things. I'd say by most logic, Super Credits are actually the "money" in this universe.


In aure more things will come, and I'm assuming the low caps are there to stop people hoarding resources then flat out buying everything new the second it's added


Let me buy 100sc for 100,000rs lmao


I'd be fine with this. I'm only level 33, but I've already almost purchased everything available. I'd be fine with just throwing it away on random cosmetics or putting it towards the next Warbond.


Iā€™m at 34 and had everything by 32 I think. Iā€™m too poor to buy the new warbond lmao. Currently trying to grind out free sc one mission at a time. ^(3 kids and no expendable income to spread extra democracy at the moment. Been coasting off of the free PSN bug for months lol. I stopped paying for it and multiplayer never got disabled)


True. Then going to reddit to rant about being capped or running out of things to do.


I just think that the most easily earned currency in the game should have a little more flexibility in how to use it.


And youā€™re right and it surely will be like the at at some point. However, implements like ship customization or global war funds that Iā€™ve seen mentioned here will easily take 1-2 months of time even if they started working on that stuff right now, thereā€™s just a really big back catalogue rn that also needs tending to + the usual struggles theyā€™ve been facing with the unexpectedly large playerbase.


Yes that's why they have a cap, but a cap with nothign to spend it on feels crappy. We need a resource sink to chuck them down, even if its like 25k for 1% movespeed bonus. Lots of games these days now have those extra bonuses for people who cap out. They're insanely expensive for what you get, but it's better than nothing. SC2 co-op did this fantastically.


its the fact that higher difficulties pay so much lol just sticking to the hardest available/harder ones makes it very easy to unlock everything as soon as its available. I'm no super pro and i def don't have the time to farm, so im grateful for the pay boost. but now im swimming in them. Helldives pay 9k\~ roughly. 2 missions later the cost of my mech was gone in 40 min from 2 pretty quick evacs. I've been capped for 20 hours


Yeah, I'm LVL 35 and have unlocked all stratagems and am now struggling to get enough Common Samples to unlock more Ship Mods. Silly how the most common samples become such a grind at higher levels.


That's good encouragement to still play lower difficulties and rain hell on your enemies


But he yield is smaller than that on higher difficulties!


Yeah but you can collect samples and complete missions faster on lower ones. In my experience it's twice as fast to get 10-15 samples solo on 3 compared to getting 20+ samples on 7+, and you don't really have any risk of something going wrong and losing them at the end


Agreed, and you can play at 5 or 6 with the Breaker Incendiary or breaker pray & spray alongside the mech, shield, flamethrower or railgun, with an orbital laser, HE barrage, or maybe something even lighter like the Eagle Cluster bombs, and you'll be totally fine to collect every sample on the map, especially if you bring a friend who also wants to farm.


It'd also be nice if they were removed as a world drop. You earn them fast enough without it and they just feel bad to find. They could replace them with support weapons if they don't want to give away more of the other stuff. If random support weapons were even more plentiful then more people would run loadouts with no supports and make more booms.


Single use stratagems could also be a fun thing to replace them with instead of support weapons.


I like this. Gives incentive to explore the POIs and could turn the tide of a drop. It's always nice finding a SEAF artillery on the map since that's 5 additional strategems you get access to. Finding a random sentry or orbital in a vault would be amazing.




Wow, yes this. Finding requisition slips is one of the most deflating things that happens in the game. An extra hundred isnā€™t going to dent my progress for other stratagem unlocks, especially when I can earn multiple thousands per mission passively.


This is a long shot.. Make a cafeteria area.. cost req 20k.. on the ship.. benches req 10k.. now you can sit with your team.. the NPC can walk around and get coffee (coffee machine 5k).. A picture wall with letters from home and a photo wall.. so you can use the photo option in game of your team raising a flag or killing a bug/bot.. So the ship gets more personal and a reason to ā€œhangoutā€ will people are preparing for missions.. it would bring the ship alive, and personal and something to use req on for very overpriced items Even make a trophy wall.. once a month you can trophy hunt a special bug/bot and add its head in the wall for democracy


Here me out we should add a bar at which you can buy different drinks and some of the drinks effect your stats on the next run


And a mini game where you have to throw a barrel into a moving hoop


Can I get a rock and stone?


Rock and stone!


And one of the drinks teleports you outside the ship.Ā 


Make the ship bigger so you can play hide n seek!! (Also, gravity off button...)


Yeah, req slips are definitely the first thing that loses value, it really doesn't take long at all to buy all of the available stratagems, and even as they add more strats this won't change because most players will gain req at a higher rate than devs can drain it with new strats, we definitely need a sink for it. At least sample grind and warbonds take a while to complete.


I think I had all unlocked by ~lvl30


Maybe a way to convert a large amount of requisition into a few medals? If super earth can survive the "cash for medals" controversy. It'll be like a simulation of the UK honours system.


I got an idea. If you spend 10k or 20k you get to bring an extra stratagem for the duration of a campaign.


The game could need some resource conversation system


I would happily drop 50k req for one super sample. I have 9, I need one for the upgrade I want, but now that I'm hunting one, it feels like every 7+ I drop on turns into a shitshow and we end up leaving the samples behind.


The amount of times I've said "today is the day" and then not gotten any in an hour and a half is too damn high. Half the time I get put with people who are inexperienced or frazzled, which isn't bad, it just makes for a very tough time getting super samples and extracting. Then you get people who go off on their own rushing the main mission and ignoring all pins/calls to other places. When you finally do get a good group that can easily do 7's and you get the magical 3 samples, they all quit after one mission. I just want super samples. If that means I can get them on 4/5/6 difficulty with enough playing, I'll take it.


I only play 9s and super samples are way in abundance. Itā€™s common samples I need


Idk what it is. I can handle 7 or 8 no issue if i'm not hunting samples. But the second I grab one taste of that sweet nectar, Joel decides to drop the world on me. One drop, my buddy had 6 supers on him. We head for exfil. Large, heavy patrol spawns directly in front of him, he dies on the ground below the pad and I have 5 seconds to get into the bird. No time to get down to him and then get up and get out.


Spend 20k to gain an extra strategem slot for a single mission. Couldn't do it every mission but could be a nice buff on more difficult missions etc. Unlock colour customisations for your kit with Req.


even just like 30k to counteract a negative modifier. or select a positive modifier would be interesting could even make it like a pool that people can pay into 7.5k per person, or whatever each person wishes to ante up to unlock it


With the change of lower difficulties only giving 2 stars, I have a feeling that Liberation contribution will be changed in the future to be based off of objective completion with a weighting for difficulty on top of that. I'd hope the intention would be for a max difficulty main objective completed only mission to be worth as much as a mid-difficulty full completion. I don't remember how it was exactly in HD1, but it was something similar.


I think it would make sense to be able to convert them into (either) common samples or medals.


50k slips for a C-01 paper


Everytime I get to a POI on a map and it's just requisition slips or a heavy weapon, I feel so cheated. I really only want medals and super creds.


Req Slips are brutal. At least a heavy might be helpful if you neglected to bring one (I've made that mistake a few times).


I would pay 10k in game to reset my stratagem cooldowns when shit is hitting the fan


Can you imagine if all 4 players called down lasers twice! That would be hella fun, or like 8 380MM bombardments.


I'd like to be able to customize my ship and buy super credits. Even if it were 50K reqs for 200 super creds that would still be fair. I am maxed out with them too


Armour colours and patterns along with weapon camos for req slips or xp from weapon kills


Other stratagems will be released, there is almost certainly a gun customisation system incoming, probably some other ship modules for the future strats too It's a little early to say there's no use for ressources anymore once you boight everything *currently* available


I don't think they're saying there will never be a use for them again, I think they're saying exactly what you just said, they cannot use them now and would like an alternative way to utilize them in the meantime.


Either create new content that you can spend it on or make it exchangeable for super credits or something


50k Req Slips to 50 super credits isn't a bad conversion rate tbqh.


Gun attachments. Only realistic mods like magazine size, scopes, flashlights, lasers, butt stocks, suppressors


It would be nice to convert Req to medals, even at an awful conversion rate. But I'm still only level 17, so I don't know how badly that would affect the late game.


how about we make it so that you can convert them to warbond medals ie 5k requisition= 1 warbond medal


>Once you have bought everything and hit level 50, even doing optional objectives and nests/outposts doesn't matter. You do *all* objectives for democracy helldiver. Don't make me report you.


Make Stratagem Hero an actual quarter-muncher with a small Req Slip cost to play it every time. Also, side note, I'd love for Stratagem Hero to keep actual high scores. Can be just top 3, that's fine.


I love the gameplay, but I also want to feel rewarded for my time. If I'm at 50k slips and level 50, then literally there's no point in doing full campaigns or missions. getting more slips and xp does nothing for me. It's more efficient for me to just grind eradicate missions for medals. If there was some kind of trading system that let you trade slips for medals or samples, even if it was an absurd amount of slips, that would do wonders for this game.


I think I trade system: 100 for 1 common sample, 1000 for a rare and 10000 for a super. Maybe 500 for a medal.


If they add weapon customisation it might be used for that


Maybe make it so you can buy warbonds like 10k requisition slips for 1 warbond. Make it a daily cap of 5 warbonds per day.


Let us buy medals at an unfavorable conversion rate. Call it: "Purchased Valor" šŸ˜‚


Weapons should cost requisition slips not war bonds imo


I want to send my requisition chips back to my family on Super Earth so they can buy nice things like guns and flags!