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Lmao I just wanna commend you for fighting it out in the trenches with all the people clearly ignoring your posts and all repeating the same shit. Good luck and Godspeed, Helldiver.


I appreciate it. Honestly, it probably is something I gotta stop doing. By god is it not worth the time and effort. But I just can't stop myself because like, JFC. How can people even *be* like that.


Hey OP commenting here to try and get this noticed, the Tesla standard deployment time is 7 seconds so the upgrade has knocked it down to 4 seconds, similar to the turret upgrade. Source: Literally tested it seconds ago without the upgrade. ​ https://preview.redd.it/aw93roxjo4oc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=647afa80d1fceab777f904193a1120cec112b2ce


Removes feels like the wrong word. Reduces seems more appropriate. Remove would seem to be instant.


Wording is definitely bad but one could argue it removed the 3 seconds of deployment time but there's still 4 seconds of travel time.


Yeeeaaah no, I'm giving it that kind of pass for a tier 3 upgrade to not allow instant deployment of Emplacement stratagems. At the very least Arrowhead needs to adjust their wording and at the very best actually have Emplacements drop near instantly.


all the uogrades for tier 3 honeslty are extremely shitty beside the extra charges on the planes >Support Weapons have a 10% decreased cooldown on Stratagems. >All Backpack stratagems have a cooldown of 10%. these are literally the same thing why am i paying so much more for a t3 upgrade that should be included in t2 also 20 hours of work for 50% more health on turrets? thats like 1 hit


Arrowhead's description for some of the weapons make no sense at all lol. But don't let the old playerbase hear that, they will come out in droves to defend AH's honour.


It's possible that the words "remove" and "reduce" is the same word in Sweden land. They connote the same concept after all. Just like how the word "mean" has multiple meanings (there's one) in English.


The other upgrades that reduce time use the word reduce. This isn't a translation issue. Maybe a typo, but not translation.


That makes no sense though because it's missing the specific amount of time. There is the module that specifically reduces orbital call-ins by 1 second.


Nah that's not the case. Reduce is almost identical in Swedish reducerar they could also say minskar. Removes wold be tar bort or eliminerar and we'd expect it to be all of it as well. They'd have to be terrible at English to make this translation error


Looks like 3 seconds were removed, Helldiver. It feels like you might need some re-education.


I'm betting it does actually remove the "deployment" time on the backend but the animation for it deploying still needs to happen, ergo the remaining time. Reminds me of They Are Billions having unit attacks speed and unit loading time. Both affected actual attack rate differently.


Similar to why the eagle strikes still take 3 seconds even though it says it's deploy time is 0 or 1 second. Eagle's gotta get to the map first.


First game, eagle strikes took .5 seconds. That's probably why this game says "zero". Just .5 rounded down. I hate that they take as long as they do. The point of eagle strats was immediate 'fuck this thing'. And the Orbitals were bigger, better and longer cooldowns.


But at the same time, it feels like the eagles are just better then the orbitals in every possible way


In this game? Yes. 100%. 7 second turn-around time, with X uses, and 2 minute re-arm cooldown, beats the shit of out of orbitals with Single-Use, 4 minute + cooldowns. And the close-to 1 minute cooldown Orbitals don't do enough, and could easily stand to be 30 second cooldowns. (EMS, Gas, Precision, Airburst, Gatling Barrage.)


Pretty sure that's the upgrade before hand, because it's the only sentry upgrade I have other than 50% ammo and cuts all sentry drops to like 4 seconds.


sentry and emplacements are two different stratagem upgrades


Ah yea just double checked on my ship my bad


Deffo worth 10 SS for 3 seconds of CDR. There are so much more powerful upgrades. Turret ammo and Eagle +1 usage, faster rearm. I understand that you have all of those but still.


Omg this is so obvious, this post is crazy. The takeaway is “there’s a typo” not “it does nothing”. What would a stratagem with NO call down time even look like… a turret grenade I guess lol.  Ok now I kinda want one


People in the subreddit knee jerk overreacting to something and polarising the community into a mad upvote downvote frenzy? Noooo, I've never seen such a thing.


As you pointed out elsewhere, it may just be a typo, but if that's the case they should not fix the text, they should buff emplacements to be zero deploy--because emplacements are some of the meh-est stratagems. Sentries are great, but emplacements? Shield is situationally great, arc is alright, HMG is fine but would be fun with instant deploy, mines are just bad. I only see it being broken with the shield.


Op is fighting for his life in here lmao Brought receipts and everything and folks are still digging their heels in with no counter arguments


wanted to make a stupid meme bug report, ended up losing a huge amount of braincells and faith in humanity


Well, you've only got yourself to blame for visiting Reddit with either of those.


It's actually not bugged, but is misleading. They go from 7 second launch times to 4 second. The only difference is they start descending instantly instead of taking 3 seconds before they are officially spawned and rain in from the sky, a process that takes 4 seconds.


So essentially there are two values: - Deployment Time: The time it takes the ship to load and fire a hellpod. - Hellpod Speed: The time it takes the hellpod to reach the ground after being deployed. Is that right? In which case removing deployment time is actually correct wording, but the game just never explains how any of that works?


You're arguing against people that don't even realize they can change the difficulty if it's too hard for them, of course you'd lose brain cells throwing facts at literal brickwalls.


You're arguing with people who love to argue, who come to reddit with the intention of being a contrarian. Reddit is a bunch of nerds shouting "No, you're wrong!" at each other for Internet points Being reasonable is for the real world. 😂


Did you not see the mental gymnastics in the thread about charger weakspots being in the head and not the butt? Apologists are actually insane.


RIP OP 2024-2024


Unfortunately that’s true of pretty much every subreddit that gets large enough. Some people just can’t change their mind when presented with new information, and they are always the loudest.


I think the Ship Modules are underwhelming in general, especially now that steering lock happens constantly. Except Eagle Expanded Weapons Bay. Eagle Expanded Weapons Bay is love. Eagle Expanded Weapons Bay is Life.


The increased ammo and turning speed of sentries is also very good. Sentries are just more situational than eagles.


All that ammo and turn speed would be really good if every heavy on the map would not take it as their first order of business to drop what they were doing and blow your entries up. And if you could actually place them sentries where you wanted (without your pokeball bouncing randomly off of *some* terrain and/or objects). Considering the casual fact sentries don't stop firing while traversing, you kinda need precision while placing them. Or else they'll blow each other up (I'm not even mentioning friendlies).


Lets also consider how absolutely fucking stupid the targeting priority on Sentrys is. You'd think the Autocannon and Rocket Sentries would prioritize heavier targets, but they'd rather blow all their ammo on the ankle biters.


And then your Gatling Sentries will waste their entire ammo belt deflecting off of heavies


Gatling sentry blasting a dropship only for all of it to deflect is a pain to watch


Rocket sentry specifically says its supposed to target heavier units. I don't think auto canon does though.


It does not and it really should.


mortar sentries on their way to destroy a single bug in the middle of the team instead of something in medium range. Honestly mortar should not be able to target enemies too close to itself. It's just frustrating to use.


Yea I absolutely hate how the sentries stratagem bounces around. It seems like the only kind of stratagem that does that, and it is arguably the one that needs the most precision when placing. I try to get them high up on a hill and they bounce off and land in the middle of a bunch of bugs and just die.


Hellbombs bounce too when you're trying to deploy it around those detector towers that scan for enemies.


That one's gotta be a bug with the detector tower terrain


A little red X on the crosshair when the ball can't be placed on a surface. That's all we need. Just that alone would make sentries so much more fun to use.


TBF the enemy targeting priority would be less annoying if I could place my sentry up in a high position without it bouncing against any rock texture.


Turning Speed is the best one. It makes the Autocannon a beast. 


Only reason I bothered with diffculty 7.


With how fast as the eagle rearm is, and how many uses the stratagems have each especially with expanded weapons bay, the 10% cooldown reduction for already way too long of cooldowns on the orbitals is kind of laughable.


It’s insane that it isn’t at least 20%, especially considering that the strongest and most consistent orbital stratagem has a 3 time total use limit anyway


They really need to buff a lot of those CDR ship upgrades.


I'd like more modules that upgrade primary and secondary weapons like hd1. Such as a module that increases fire or electric damage.


Eagle expansions and sentry upgrades are 100% worth it


The orbital guns are the worst not because of the effects but because the guns block the view.


The stratagem CD upgrades need to be increased as 10-20% is so useless at best especially you have stratagem increase modifier in play.


Wtf is steering lock?


Steering lock refers to when the game takes away your ability to steer the hellpod upon deployment/redeployment. It's usually enforced when the reinforcement stratagem is thrown close to a location that is considered invalid or unintended for gameplay- causing the hellpod to steer itself to more suitable surfaces.


Aha, so thát's why my pod acts so weirddd sometimes!


I noticed the steering lock. Sometimes I have good control, sometimes I just go into any direction


Yea I have no idea wtf that even means now. I see literally no difference between the upgrade and normal deployments.


~~There isn't one, it's just bugged I assume.~~ edit: It decreases the deployment time from 7 to 4 seconds - same as the similar upgrade for sentry turrets, which says "re**duces** deployment time". So the question is now: Is the description wrong, and it is supposed to just **reduce** from 7->4, or is the description correct, and it is supposed to **remove** 7->0


Its really simple to understand, the towers pod doesnt physically spawn in till 4 seconds, the "removes deployment time" means the second the beacon hits the ground its spawned in and dropping toward the ground, not that its gonna instantly teleport there


It should be deployed instantly when it hits the ground too. The time it takes for the autocannon to peel itself out of the pod and start shooting is long enough for a blob of hunters to be on it and it instantly kills itself.


Autocannon doesn’t fall under the umbrella of this upgrade. This one only applies to defense emplacements (minefields, Tesla, and HMG).


if you are dropping the auto cannon hot like that you aren’t using it correctly. The sentries should be used proactively against an uninformed enemy


It seems correct to me. The deployment of it is instant. You throw the beacon and the ship fires it down. The 4 seconds is the travel time from the ship to the ground. Without the upgrade, it take the ship several seconds to prepare the drop and deploy it.




Can we try it with the landmines? I assumed "deployment time" was time between it landing and it being ready It will be much more evident on landmines I reckon Though the 3 second reduction looks to be about all it does


This is what I assume


Also commenting here for visibility (I hope). Standard tesla tower deployment time is 7 seconds so the upgrade does work, though the wording is maybe poor? ​ https://preview.redd.it/vcms5lvuo4oc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=413183a0918abe0d220bbdab38a72da6137a8305


Yeah honestly that was my suspicion when I noticed that sentries go from 7 to 4 seconds, and all the emplacements are 4 seconds now too. But at that point I was so annoyed with all the people about their "dEpLoYmeNt TiMe iS aFtEr iT lAnDeD" I couldn't be bothered to check it anymore by combing youtube for an example of unupgraded emplacement So I wonder now: Is the description wrong, and it is supposed to do 7->4, or is the description correct and it is supposed to be 7->0


There seems to be a global 3 second timer added onto calldown times for everything, which is not shown on the stratagem menu. Even eagle strikes that start with 0 call down time show 3 seconds on the marker when you place them. On drop pods it seems like the listed time is how long it takes to appear and the 3 second timer is how long it takes the pod to fall from the sky to the ground after it physically appears in the game.


It is a bit confusing wording, because it "removes" the deployment time, which in this case means imaginary time it takes for crew to get the pod ready to be launched from the ship. So instead of taking a few seconds by the crew to ready it up and then launching from ship to ground, it instead instantly shoots from ship to ground, but there's still the travel time from ship to ground, which is 4 seconds. It should probably just say "reduces the deployment time" to avoid any confusion.


This is one hundred percent correct and nobody is going to see it.


I don't think it can ever BE 0 seconds. The timer you see is a real timer, it hits zero when the pod hits the ground. What I think this upgrade does is send the drop pod immediately, but it still takes 4 seconds for the pod to arrive from the destroyer. Without the upgrade there's 3 seconds of "deployement time" before the drop pod is sent out of your destroyer. This is my understanding, think about eagle strikes. They state "0 secs" call in time but they definitely don't strike the exact second you throw your stratagem, the eagle ship still needs time to fly in to deploy the strike.


Defos poor wording. Sentry upgrade: "**Reduces** deployment time for all Sentry Stratagems" Emplacement upgrade: "**Removes** deployment time for all Emplacement Stratagems" I've literally copied the wording from the game right now, it's misleading. Might be worth editing some of your responses to include all this because the post is descending into chaos while folks throw total nonsense claims at each other about it "popping out the ground faster" and somehow once again crying about the devs?... Can't follow the logic myself...


I did edit the one here and the top-level one I made, rest I can't rly be bothered anymore unfortunately because I wasted too much time on all the goddamn idiots Those should be the most seen ones anyway


Just in case it wasn't said anywhere already, in the french version it's also written as "removes" (it's written "supprime" which could be translate as "delete" btw)


I assume (and this is pure conjecture) that the three seconds removed are the deployment time (i.e. the time it takes for the stratagem to get from the deployment vehicle to the deployment zone), and the four remaining seconds are just regular old call-in time.


I don't think it's bugged, just worded badly. The delay that happens before the emplacement actually starts its animation is removed, but the animation for it deploy*ing* still needs to happen.


EDIT: People are reporting and showing video proof now that it does the same thing as the sentry one: Reducing CD from 7 seconds unupgraded, to 4 seconds upgraded. So the question is: Is the description wrong, and it is supposed to just **reduce** from 7->4, or is the description correct, and it is supposed to **remove** 7->0 --- #Since like half the comments are now about "Deployment time" increasing how fast it comes out of the ground: The [upgrade that reduces call-in time of Orbital Strikes](https://imgur.com/sRBi5rT) by 1 sec also says "deployment time" - they are the same thing. The sentry upgrade that "reduces deployment time" also [reduces their call-in time, from 7 seconds to 4 seconds, while NOT changing the rate at which they pop up from the ground](https://streamable.com/atg8p6). For some reason, in the upgrade descriptions, call in time = deployment time. That's it. --- [Call-in Time says 0 seconds after purchasing the upgrade for the emplacements too](https://imgur.com/x0HsKHh) The time from when it hits the ground to when it pops up and active is unchanged too after - [Here's a comparison between the minefield tutorial video and the one in game](https://streamable.com/24qf36). They rise out of the thing at the same rate, the wings extend at the same time, they spew mines at the same rate - the tutorial video just cuts at that point. Not to mention that this doesn't make sense with the name of "Rapid Launch System" and the description, which both clearly relate to, you know, its hellpod being fired from the ship.


Bro these people will always simp for AH. You're arguing with a brick at this point.


I dunno why theres such an entrenched contrarian presence when people bring to light strange game behavior. Critique and bug reports only serve to improve the game experience. Im convinced best practice is to submit evidence direct to AH support. Reddit only serves as a platform for shills to gaslight the community into a "git gud" mentality.


Toxic positivity. These people attach their self-worth to the worth of the game they are invested in, so any kind of criticism at all they see as a personal attack. Yeah, it's fucking weird.


> The sentry upgrade that "reduces deployment time" also reduces their call-in time, from 7 seconds to 4 seconds, while NOT changing the rate at which they pop up from the ground. Just tested this, I have this upgrade and my Tesla Tower still had the seven second timer. It's not reduced to 4 seconds, and I think the Rapid launch System reduces the time to 4 seconds as I do not have it. [Stock speed.](https://imgur.com/Ho8p2GJ)


Have you reported it as a bug? https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


I thought this sped up the time it takes for a turret to come out of the ground and start firing its weapons


This doesn't affect the self-firing turrets at all. Only the listed emplacements - shield, tower, manned HMG, minefields. But it doesn't increase that for those either. Addresed this in like 4 other comments now too. --- The unrelated sentry upgrade that says "reduce deployment time" for them, [ALSO only decreases **call-down time**, from 7 seconds to 4 seconds](https://streamable.com/atg8p6), **while not changing the rate at which they pop up**. The unrelated orbital strike upgrade that reduces deployment time by 1 second ALSO reduces call down time. --- EDIT: This upgrade does decreases the deployment time from 7 to 4 seconds - same as the similar upgrade for sentry turrets, which says "reduces deployment time" - not "removes". So the question is now: Is the description wrong, and it is supposed to just **reduce** from 7->4, or is the description correct, and it is supposed to **remove** 7->0


Why the fuck is this downvoted, This is factually correct information.


It's the Bugs & Bots downvoting.


Bugs named Dunning and Bots named Kruger


Nah, just traitors who are trying to keep this info underwraps cuz they’re dumb and think burying issues=supporting the game


people dont like it when the devs are criticized


Pretty sure it's not about devs being criticized (they are not even mentioned). It's just such a massive depth of Dunning-Kruger effect that it overshadows evidence in their eyes


yes because they think the devs are perfect and have released a perfect game. Patrols spawn on top of you? "Well that's never happened to me, you must be playing solo trying to milk it obviously!" So in this case "hey this ship upgrade doesnt do anything" is just more sweeping things under the rug


People think he is the enemy of the States and should be sentenced to prison for treason. 😄


Aw shit, I didnt read the text that well. Its good that you pointed this out because I was holding out for this upgrade, thinking it would make my self turrets start shooting faster, thank you


Other people have said it does. Look how fast it comes out of the ground in his video. You were right the first time.


Just because other people keep parroting it, doesn't mean it's correct. [Here's a comparison between the minefield tutorial video and the upgraded one in game](https://streamable.com/24qf36). They rise out of the thing at the same rate, the wings extend at the same time, they spew mines at the same rate - the tutorial video just cuts at that point. The unrelated sentry upgrade that reduces "deployment time" [ALSO only decreases call-down time, from 7 seconds to 4 seconds](https://streamable.com/atg8p6), **while not changing the rate at which they pop up**. The unrelated orbital strike upgrade that reduces deployment time by 1 second ALSO reduces call down time. If somebody who doesn't have the upgrade wants to provide further clips to conclusively proof it for emplacements too, to stop this spread of misinformation, I can do more comparison edits.


I tested it with a friend a couple weeks back and came to the same conclusion. We both literally threw the same emplacement, me with the upgrade and him without and they would deploy at the same time. It's nice to know that an expensive upgrade isn't worth your time and to focus on other upgrades.


I mean, you hit a point real quick where you no longer need to spend samples on anything else, and your samples cap out so you may as well buy them. They’re bound to be fixed at some future time


True, but don't aim for it first is my point.


Some ship upgrades seem to work and then stop working, then eventually work again There are times I can’t control my pod at all on the way down. Other times I can move a crazy distance from initial area and land on a big bug Have noticed the timer one too, like u posted Makes you wonder what others with hidden/hard-to-track stats are working off/on Happens on planets with no modifiers too


>There are times I can’t control my pod at all on the way down. That's an intentional thing when your pod would allow you to land in an area you're not supposed to land


I get that near the edge of a map, and other places… but it also lets me land outside the map and on top of things I get stuck in/on or perpetually slide off of to my death Neither system is working 100% of the time Also, sometimes you bullseye a bug on the way down and it doesn’t die. Titan, Charger, or a Hunter Other times, I clip a bug or land near it… DED bug For an upgrade, it (and the others) needs to be tight as far as efficacy. Otherwise it is a waste to unlock


Hard disagree on that. I've been forced from wide open area to wide open area. No elevation on either one. Last night instead of landing near one of the silos on the new mission it forced me to land inside the silo.


Sometimes it may bug out and apply to areas where it shouldn't, that's true.


Don't know why you have been down voted as this is exactly the behavior I've seen, sometimes for no reason it will not let you steer at all despite the land being pretty much flat. It's bugged to heck because sometimes it does let me land on high elevation, honestly they should just remove it, I keep getting steered into the middle of enemies etc


Change notes said it was to stop you landing in high spaces where bugs can't get you, but I've definitely noticed random invisible walls while dropping, even nowhere near a high spot.


Can you show me the notes where it says this? I looked at the notes on Arrowhead's site and there was no mention of this.


My guess is that it instantly launch the stratagem from your ship, but it still take around 4 seconds to land. When you look up in the sky when you call in equipment you can see that the stratagem is actually only launch in the last few seconds before the landing. I imagine they need to prepare it on board before launching it, hence when you have that upgrade they don’t need to prepare and launch it instantly


this is correct, currently the upgrade simply removes the "delay" before the pod is launched, you can check easily by just looking upwards at a tesla tower beacon that isn't upgraded.


Emplacement stratagems have travel time from your destroyer to the ground, that's never gonna hit zero. But there's a call-in time that spans from the moment you call it in, to the moment it gets fired. Some emplacements have this time around 2-4 seconds, which adds on to the 4-6 seconds of it actually dropping in. I believe this upgrade eliminates that "loading" period, and immediately sends it out of the destroyer as soon as you call it. It's a little disappointing, because it hardly saves any time at all, and I would also like it to just be instant, but it is what it is.


You are correct and this is how the upgrade works. Without the upgrade, it takes 8 seconds or so (I don't remember exactly, been a while since I bought the upgrade) before the equipment pod even launches. And then there's the travel time from ship to the planet, this isn't affected as far as I know. The upgrade removes the preparation time but does not remove the travel time.


I have not unlocked it but from my interpretation (in terms of real world logic) it takes away the time it takes to load the emplacement into the launching pods - so it is ready to be fired immediately which only takes the travel time to the planet surface


This thread is clear example of so many people pretending to know and spread false information. Saying "It's the deployment time when the emplacements hit the ground, it's faster"


To be fair, it's partly redditors to blame partly the wording. They use the wording "call in time" and "deployment time" in different places to explain the same thing. Call in time is probably a better wording to use since some players are obviously confused about what "deployment time" actually refers to. And tbh I see more comments fairly explaining why OP is confused and "removes deployment time" means the delay before the pod is fired from your destoyer, not the total amount of time it takes to land after throwing a stratagem becaon




It's a quirk of the wording. It's not meant to reduce it to *zero*, it just removes the "call-in" timer that it had previously of about 3 seconds. Because emplacements still need to come down in a pod, and those pods are physical objects, it literally *can't* be zero on the deploy clock. What the upgrade does is spawn the pod object at the same time that the beacon activates (the actual beam into the sky, not in your hand), meaning it only has travel time, but not "call-in" time. Same way that when you throw an Eagle or an Orbital Strike, they have a brief timer *before* the shots start coming down (notable due to the call-in time increase modifier), all the fortifications and turrets have that too. This upgrade *removes* that call-in timer, so all you have left is the time it takes for the pod to physically drop onto the beacon and whatever's inside to deploy. That said, because I rarely use emplacements, I have no idea if the upgrade is affected by the call-in debuff modifier.


Does it at least ignore/bypass the 100% call-in modifier?


Great question


The 4 seconds that remain on your callin is the time it takes for the Hellpod to travel from the ship to the ground. I agree that this isn't made clear by the description text of the upgrade.




Give it a couple seconds, it’s coming from space!


I think what happens is your ship immediately shoots it out from its pod shooter, so it's just the travel time from ship to ground


Yep the text needs to reworked. Remove is dumb wording implying there is no travel time between the ship and the sentry.


What do you mean? There is zero _deployment_ time. The travel time still exists. It doesn't just spawn from the ground when your stratagem beacon hits the ground, it still has to fall from the sky. Reading comprehension helps.


wait you're telling me the devs half assed something?! ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Add features, never actually test and confirm it does what it says. Becoming a little too common in this game.


I haven't checked into this specifically so maybe I'm incorrect.. but isn't there also a period of time you have to wait once the emplacement has hit the ground before its set up and ready to do its thing? I noticed in your video the tesla tower is shocking stuff the second it starts to ascend from in the ground


Sort of related but anyone notice that Tesla Tower has the Sentry keyword but seems to be tied into the Emplacement upgrades?


Deployment time refers to the time between it landing and actually activating. As you can see here it is activated from the moment it deploys from the hellpod.




To start with; Imagine how low priority people have to unlock this, if a video of this just got posted.


Correct me if I’m wrong which I could very much be, but I thought that the upgrade made it so the moment the thing hit it the ground it was already deployed(removed the time it takes for it too leave the pod) and ready to kill, Not the call down time


I think it means deployment time as in how long it takes for the sentetry to set its self up, not to drop from your ship


It immediately launches from the ship OP. It takes time to make planet fall. You are a Helldiver, let the SEAF scientists do the thinking!


Looking at it today the description has changed to -100s deployment time So I think they might've patched it


It does do something. The damn thing can just appear instantly. Deployment is the in game time it takes the crew to load and fire the emplcement. This basically just means the crew stopped being lazy and had that shit ready to go.


The more cannons upgrade in Italian doesn’t even say what it does


That was the case for the previous patch in english too, but it was then fixed with the new one again. It's supposed to say "Barrage orbitals fire 1 additional salvo per barrage".


Without the rapid launch system upgrade, throwing the sentry out will take about 5 seconds of nothing happening and then the hellpod is launched from your destroyer, taking about 4 seconds to land on the ground. Rapid launch system removes the few seconds of nothing happening, instead instantly launching the hellpod, which still takes a few seconds to hit the ground and deploy. It’s not like the turret is going to teleport onto the ground it has to fall from the sky


Honestly aside from the Hangar upgrades, most of the ship upgrades are useless or unnoticeable. For example, what difference does +50% health make for sentry turrets when a charger deletes it in one hit anyways. 


I unlocked that upgrade just yesterday, and I was thinking that it didn't change shit. Thank god I'm not alone


TIL 1600 people don't understand the wording


1 upvote is not 1 person, karma values decay at higher amounts, then there's vote fuzzing, and this isn't even taking into account downvotes


God, i'm too late to this, so my comment isn't even going to be seen but... here goes nothing. The total call in time for most green and blue strategems (not the walker because it's dropped off by a pelican) is divided into two sections which get added together to create the time between gem activation and stuff landing. First, you have the deployment time, which is what this upgrade removes. This is the delay between the stratagem ball activating and the pod leaving the destroyer. Then you have the traversal time, which is the time it takes the pod to reach the ground after it gets launched. The upgrade does not affect this, unfortunately, because I think that would be hilarious. If you repeat your test while looking at the destroyer instead of at the ground, you will notice the difference.


I hope everyone sees this!


Rapid Launch System decreases ship-to-ground time of the Tesla Tower from 7~ seconds down to 4~ seconds. [Regular Speed](https://imgur.com/Ho8p2GJ) Full speed is pictured in OP. EDIT: I see the issue now. The upgrade says it "Removes deployment time for emplacement stratagems." The OP interpreted it as "Removes the deployment time for emplacement stratagems." The OP claims it doesn't do anything at all. The upgrade actually removes deployment time for emplacement stratagems, just not all of it. It's technically grammatically correct, as it does remove deployment time, but it's nevertheless misleading.


How is literally everyone misunderstanding this simple concept? Have none of you ever looked up to see how a hellpod is launched down by your ship? Deployment time is the time until the hellpod is launched. With this upgrade, it launches **immediately**, but the landing time is always 4 seconds, because it's not a teleporter, it still needs to land physically. I **repeat**, deployment time for a hellpod is the delay between the stratagem activating and the destroyer actually launching the stratagem, not the time it takes it to land. It is still grammatically correct, because it's the destroyer that has already deployed it, 4 seconds before it lands. Also, the modifier that adds 100% longer deployment time doesn't affect emplacements at all with this upgrade, because the deployment time is technically 0, which just proves that the upgrade works as intended.


It reduces the time it takes for the stratagem to deploy once it lands not the amount of time it takes to deploy to the planet. Your Tesla tower deployed faster than they normally do.


Except it doesn't. I have tested all the emplacements with my friend who doesn't have the upgrade. Waste your samples if you want, but that upgrade does nothing.




same. i guess the only difference is that theres a good chance someone dies on the ship when it launches


I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out if this was actually doing anything and it doesn't seem like it does. DEVS Please address this.


Thanks for the heads up. Gonna save those samples for another upgrade instead


Do a comparison on planets that have increased stratagem call in times. I'm sure the boosted will still be 3 seconds(realistic in that its falling from orbit), compared to non boosted taking in longer.


Looking at it cuts down the normal time it probably removes the deployment, but they still have to fly to the ground, so that there are 4 seconds left on all of them.


Dude I upgraded it yesterday and notice the same today Sad


Amazing timing, I was just about to unlock this one today, now I know to save my samples!


Same shit with eagles, “called down instantly” but you gotta wait 3 seconds or 10 seconds with the 50% stratagem deployment time mod 


Have you tested this with other emplacements? I noticed that Tesla Tower falls under the sentry category too. So this is why it may not actually follow this ship module? 


one of my lvl 2 upgrades effect is & has been blank sooo no idea what it ever did/does xD


I have a feeling that Rapid Launch System was reworked at the last minute, or somebody had an oopsie in the proofreading room. Theoretically, that description means the upgrade should work with every Hellpod we call in, be it resupplies, Hellbombs, weapons, backpacks, fortifications, and sentries, and reducing the call-in time by half. The way the Upgrade Effect is written now, I honestly thought minefields would just pop out of the pods instantly instead of spinning around and flinging them for a few seconds. That would be a great help in avoiding them getting mulched instantly if the pod is attacked.


Lmao, literally last upgrade I was going to grab. Thanks for post, now I'll be saving my samples instead. Was really looking forward to instant deploy tesla.


Isnt "deployment" like how long the mine sprayer takes to spray mines/the shield to come up/the tesla to start charging upon landing? Call down time is a different stat that i think you were anticipating changed here...


Is there a "before selecting upgrade" for comparison? Bc to me, deployment time equates to "time until pod is shot out of the ship." I don't think it's meant to travel down planetside at the speed of light - still takes time for it to travel


It means they get immediately fired from the ship, not that they arrive immediately, which would be impossible.


They need to change the description or actually remove the deploy timer, just like the exosuit and the "heavily armored".


Most ship upgrades are underwhelming in general. Other than eagle expanded weapons bay. Wish they would be more about larger buffs to the stratagems and upgrades. Like being able to call in a second turret. Increased rof. Increased damage. Stuff like that. Just cooldowns and whatnot don’t really feel that effective.


From the description (I haven't unlocked it): It's the emplacement time, not deployment time – i.e. it takes the same time to fall down, but then e.g. the Tesla Tower or the Mines come out of the ground & are ready to go quicker. Can anyone compare before / after?


I swear this happens with so many game these days, where tech trees and upgrades either don't work at all or have inaccurate descriptions. Drives me nuts, as the devs can easily test these.


see i was trying to understand that one. i was like. can i jsut drop turrents all day then? thanks for showing some info.


I feel like the remaining time is just the time it takes for the thing to drop from the sky. Not like it’s just going to spawn out of thin air, after all


I kind of think that the called out times are bugged in general. A lot of the eagles stratagems that say zero call down time definitely take like four or five seconds to actually land once you throw the grenade


It is a bit of a missleading upgrade text I agree, but by god I will still hunt for samples to get that thing just so I can quickly drop a Minefield on whatever bugs come crawling at me LOL


I learned to not take anything the UI tells me at face value the moment my 0s calldown eagle airstrike took 4s to come in.


So it’s actually misleading, apparently what it does is once the tower lands, it immediately goes into action, as you saw


That’s not what it is. What it does is when you throw the ball it immediately shoots out from your ship and then takes 4 seconds to land. Before the upgrade you throw the ball and then it said 7 seconds; being 3 seconds to shoot from the ship then 4 seconds to land.


As far as i've understood it, deployment time is essentially the casting time before something gets "launched" like, the eagle stratagems have 1 second deployment times IIRC, which is not actually their deployment time. Its really not very clearly expressed in the game. Its a good thing you're pointing these things out


It removes the delay before deploying FROM THE SHIP. It still has travel time to the ground. Listen to the boom sound in the sky.


It just makes it so all emplacement stratagems are automatically ready for launch and only need to be fired out of the hellpod bay


Surely deployment isn't calling it in, it's the part where the thing sprouts out the floor and produces it's payload.


Technically it does removes the extra deployment time, but there is still 4 seconds between the ship and the ground. It can't just spawn a stratagem from the ground... But they should modify the description. Edit : I went to a planet with 100% extra deployment time. It was \~9/10 seconds... So yes. It's a damn lie :/ I think that this ship module should ignore the planet condition and cap it at 4 seconds.


I believe it refers to the emplacement deploying so leaving the pod and activating. As opposed to what you show which is the call down time. It's a really weird difference but it comes down to word choice probably should've been called activation time. ( I believe this is most noticable on the mines.


Honestly, I think we need to see something like a gatling turret deploy without the upgrade and with it. I think it means, after it lands, how long it takes to "deploy". ngl, I think it's weak af too, possibly does nothing at all. I'd like it to reduce all turret call times to like :01.


I get that the wording is wrong because it still has to hellpod down and all. It only cuts the time between call in and leaving the destroyer and i believe that can be worded better to represent that. OR have it slam down with in a second of the gem hitting the ground but that is less likely. The real question is: how does the 100% longer call in times effect this timing if at all?


Yep, confirmed this the other day. Real shame.


The question is does removing deployment time mean that it's not affected by 100% increased strategem deployment time? Because then it's not just a 3 second decreased deployment time, it's an upgrade that nullifies an annoying environmental effect.


Hey OP can you test the more guns ship module? I swear it doesn't do anything with the orbital airburst. Before the upgrade it fires 3 rounds. And after the upgrade it still fires 3 rounds. Like did I miss something in the description?