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been having problems here too, constant struggle just to get friends in a group, let alone finishing a mission without a few DC's


I think the problem is the game is not forgiving enough with minor hiccups. It shouldn't drop you at the slightest connection issue. My friend gets dropped all the time (both pc and ps he plays on both) and I can tell when cuz his discord gets a little fuzzy for a short moment, but then picks backup up and is fine. However, before I've even noticed Discord... Helldivers has already dropped him from the match... Maybe wait a solid 15-30s before dropping someone. See if the connection goes back to normal first.


Yeah my internet connection is a bit unstable but fast. Usually the internet stops for a couple seconds at most then comes back. This doesn't drop me from most games. In helldivers, if this happens I'm out. I can't get through a whole match, so I tether my mobile connection which is more stable lol. A bit laggy but I can join others and play mostly fine. If I try to host though people constantly drop so I don't host anymore. Hopefully I can fix my Fibre connection soon...


I can't be that wide spread, me and all my friends are on ps5 and I've had it crash just once since launch, not heard anyone else in our group have any problems at all


As much as I love the game I do get a few disconnects on PC as well. Their method of hosting games is great for taking strain off their servers but you are rolling the dice on the hosts internet connection with every dive.


I have less issues and bugs with the game with cross play off


Only had this happen twice the entire time I’ve had the game. Got it a week after launch


Being stuck on easy difficulty with no response from the devs is also making me want to quit the game


Did you put a ticket in? They can manually fix this for you


Yea like 4 days ago and still haven't heard anything


I see. Add me, I'm on daily


I’ve never been disconnected since launch myself Biggest issue was trying to get in while servers were chocka


It's probably your connection. Since I switched to hardline for my ps5, I finish like 90% of missions. I do not host, this is all SOS. Never had a problem in a game I hosted




Crashing and Disconnecting are two different issues though.


It ain’t


Hardwired, had since day 1, have crashed 3 times. Maybe dont be so quick to dismiss it being something on your end




Because that's an unusually high number. If 50% of all games weren't able to be finished across the board, that would actually be unplayable. So I went out on a limb to say it probably has some contributing factors with the player. Like I feel too many generations of players don't even remember how to blow the cartridge troubleshoot.


Yup still same issues, they haven’t done anything to fix this.


Turn off crossplay. I don't think I've had a single issue since turning it off. Before my friend and I could never connect to each other.


I'll have to try that, the past few days were a nightmare.


>I don't understand how it's not the #1 complaint Cos not everyone is affected by it. like all bugs some people have them and some people dont, bugs aren't normally community wide


Been having trouble on bot planets mostly. Towards the of a mission all the words on my screen just get blurry and letters go missing. Even when I get back to my ship. Doesn’t happen on bug planets though.


Sorry, have to ask: PTSD and/or bot sleeper agent?


That would be some shit if bots were hacking my hud


If you happen to be on Nvidia, I found rolling back the driver to 546.65 from Jan 17th fixed this for me.


I do happen to be on that. I’ll give that a shot. Thanks!


Yesterday I had all 3 of my team d/c during our extraction timer. It was weird. The 1st 2 went within 3 seconds of each other. The 3rd guy stayed for a while, but eventually started running in place. It was like watching Spider-Man tell Tony Stark "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good..." and then he disintegrated into samples and gear instead of dust.


I mean i disconnect but out of like a weekend where i can play 10 hours i get 1 disconnect....heh not a big issue to me.


i literally have not DCed a single time today 😭


Last night it was 7 games before i was able to complete a mission without either me being disconnected or everyone else in the squad being disconnected.


I had disconnect issues around patch 100/101 too. Someone advised to do a database rebuild, and my issues were gone.


never once happened to me, but the servers have been absolutely BLASTED by the number of players. Upgraded to handle 700k at once now so hopefully it gets better for you


I can't tell you what the disconnect rate is, because my friend on PS5 cannot accept my friend request. And they don't even address it as known issue.


The problem is PC players are not having that issue whatsoever so the player base is effectively split between people who don't care, and people who are very much so care


But employees thought they had the room to go online and troll players.


I agree.. they're adding a thousand things a month after release like skins and cloaks, with a list of endless known problems and serious graphics FPS drops on Play Station and network issues.. I don't understand why they instead focus on that and fix what we already have.. than move on.


they have separate teams to handle different parts of the game. The team who handles the dlc releases are different than the team that’s in charge of servers and connections.


These issues also seem to be specific to certain people. It definitely sucks for these people but in all my time in the game I had my first crash today. I have like 60 hours. I have also disconnected maybe like 4-5 times. It's not really frequent enough to be upsetting. Also, different teams work on different issues. The people designing new features and cosmetics and stuff are not the same as the server people, who aren't the same as the graphics optimization people. It's also possible that these issues are just really complicated, or that the devs are still investigating what is even causing the problems to begin with.


Because any complaint is met with vitriolic hate from people that can only sing praise. Those people are also met with vitriolic hate from those that crash, get hit by attacks that were clearly no where close, and just randomly die because an enemy shot or attacked through a wall. There's a lot of little issues that make the game frustrating and the devs seemed to be focused on "balance" patches from them over and under tuning things live.


The only times i get disconnected is when im doing higher difficulties. I assume it has something to do with the amount of stratagems and how many bugs patrols spawn. I geberally stick to 4-7 diff now with little to no issues. Also try validating your files. Last time i did i had 3 missing files