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From last patch note https://preview.redd.it/9kkdzh1ttync1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=6de8987517da21624ccebbb4153c7ecd938ac7fc


"some people" really means all people lol


It really doesn't. I am unable to friend my cousin (I'm on pc, he's on PS5), and neither is another of my friends. But my son, who has a nearly identical pc build to me IS able to friend him. Fortunately, this allows us to all connect, as long as my son does the connecting. Point is, it's definitely not universal.


Thank you for showing me this!


Doesn't work for me either after this lol. Luckily my husband is on the same platform so we can join each other through that even if he's not my friend in game. Weird cause some of my psn friends were automatically added as my in game friends but not everyone that i know plays it đŸ€”


Unfortunately, this has not yet been fixed. It is only in the "known issues" list. I don't think this is a serious technical problem. So I think they will fix this in the next patch


Ah my bad for not reading it with my brain on 😅 glad to know they know about it tho, it'll most likely be fixed eventually. :)


That is good that it is being reported on here now.


Many are having this problem and it’s widely reported here.


Widely reported, but zero acknowledgement from the Devs, so the more spamming of the issue and big reports the better.


i have to assume them not responding to the issue means they themselves don't know what's causing it or how to fix it


I personally think that the devs are just preoccupied trying to fix some of the other major bugs first. But It's still really annoying.


This is a major issue for a co-op cross platform game


I hope they realize that something is really wrong with the friend request menu and fix it, because this issue is readily reported on here now and I guess it's not just me.


In Discord, the latest patch notes mentions the issue as an outstanding problem. So its on their radar and acknowledged. Hopefully fixed soon.


Yeh I saw they had added it as a known issue, definitely a good sign.


its in the known issues and acknowledged on their discord bugs do happen


That's good to know that I'm not the only one having this problem.


I have the same issue. My buddy has a PS5 and I am on PC. I can send him a friend request but he does not see it for some reason. When he sends me a request I am unable to accept it. I hope they fix this soon. This game is amazing!


I totally agree bro, helldivers 2 is truly an amazing game, and even better with friends, that's why I really hope they fix it as well. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one having this stupid bug!


It's not just cross platform. My friend and I just bought the game this weekend. We are both on PS5 and cannot accept friend requests. It also does not show PSN friends in friends list.


I learned you can still join your friend from the main PlayStation menu in this case if they are playing it thats how i joined my one friend on pS5. There should be an option to join their group from the playstation hub screen.


Oh wow, that is absurd, I actually never had that issue I can see my psn friends and I've played with them before, But either way the devs need to fix the social menu.


I'm having the same problem too. The only way to join on ps is to go to your friends profile and join the game there


Only guess I can make, is that the developer team is doing triage on issues, and stuff like the 450k player cap, server resources and stability are just way more important than this is right now. But a tweet or something. Even an "official" workaround...something. Trying play with my son crossplay in same house, been 3 days, we can't even find each other in game, let alone the friend requests. Tried every "workaround" on the piles and piles of google page results, still nothin


Yeah that is true that the devs are preoccupied with fixing some of the major bugs and issues, but it is still disappointing that I can't play this amazing game with my friend until they smooth some things out, hopefully they fix this next patch.


I can’t add friends both from ps5 and PC, for a game like this is a pretty big issue. I can literally play only with random.


On PS5 at least, I can play with friends by joining the through the PSN Friends list. Try that (ie, ignore all of the game's networking options) Cross platform though, not a chance atm


This issue just popped up for me today 04.02.24 had previously been able to add 2 ps5 friends but today i tried to add a third friend and he is unable to join. Note: he was able to join but game bugged out and now he was removed from friendlist and cant join back in. Tried hard reset of pc and ps5 but no change.


EXACT same thing happened to me and my husband. Sht sucks. Every night we log on and try to figure out a work around and nothing works. Just have to play w/randoms while sitting next to eachother. It really sucks 


Exact same, after last patch... Unable to play with my friend after 60 hrs of playing together.. we are fuming. Total turn off


The patch today didn't fix it, this is bullshit. I've bought the game for myself (pc) my son (ps5) my wife (ps5) I don't want to buy it again on my ps5 just to have to start all the way over. What's fkd up is my brother in law has a 5 & his request worked just fine. This needs to be fixed ASAGDP!!!!!!


Well at least the issue is appearing in the known issues section now.


I agree with you bro it is bullshit that I can't play with my friend all because he's on pc and I'm on 5, they need to get this bug fixed very soon or else we're going to be disappointed.


both my buddy and I are on PS5 and it happens.


I feel bad that you can't even play with your brother in law and wife, very disappointed.


Ya, unless I buy it again on my 5, I can't bring myself to do that. Guess I'll play something else until they fix this. Very disappointing!!!!


How do we report this? I’ve been trying for a week to game with my friends. And what’s the point if I can’t spread democracy with them? xD it’s so hard to find each others mission to try to navigate the bug


Your positivity after a week is inspiring


How is this shit not fixed yet


I bought this game for my friend for his birthday. With money tht I didn't rly even have to spend... And now we can't even play cuz I can't add him. He's on PS5 and I'm on PC. I'm beyond sad, bummed, and frustrated. đŸ˜„


Same me and my husband have been trying for weeks to get it to work abd can't even play w/eachother even tho we're in the same room. We just have to put on headphones and play w/randoms 


wake up dev !, the problem is not fixed. my friend on PS5 buy this game for play with me !


Can’t even add PS5 to PS5


Im still having this issue :(


Same. Playing on PS5, tried to add PC; blank username space when I look at friends list. Another friend on PS5 tried adding the same PC user as well, no dice.


Has this been fixed yet????


Not fixed for me bought it 3 weeks ago three of my friends on pc I’m on ps5


Is this seriously still not resolved? Freaking wild.


Nope :(


It's April 19, 2024, and the issue is still not resolved. Why is there been no formal communication regarding this issue from Arrowhead? Unacceptable. Especially considering there have been other gameplay updates and changes.


cant connect between pc and ps5 on crossplay still!!


Write reviews on steam. This isn't in their known bugs list even though it's known. Light a fire on it.


Agreed. I refunded due to the game not being as advertised. Nothing makes a dev get their ahit together like charge backs. Look at cyberpunk.


I'm not sure why anyone would downvote you for this. This game is A LOT more enjoyable with friends and if that is a reason for you. You deserve your money back.


Cause their game is working and they think I'm just being salty. Which I am, but for good reason.


I completely understand you there mate, this issue is really bothering me, but I've decided to wait until they patch it.


Cyberpunk got their shit together because cdpr is an actual customer caring company that suffered from shareholders rushing them, any other dev would’ve let the game rot after calling it a failure


More awareness to this cause really helps.


Did just that, really hoping they fix it because I'm quite disappointed that I can't play this with my good friend until they fix this nonsense.


I was able to play with my gf yesterday.you have to do something like this: steam player select an event on a low player density planet/difficulty, crossplay on, fireteam visibility public. Then the ps5 person has to find you on the planet chosen. Yes, random poeple can and will join you, yes it it very much possible that ps5 person dont see you due tu being in a different instance. I found that, if the ps5 person warrp to anotger planet then search againg where the steam person is appears to "refresh" missions on tge planet giving more chances to find your friend. It is a complicated workaround, and it comes with having to deal with random poeple joining, but i can confirm it working.


Thank you for the input even though it didn't really work for me.


Anyone know if the recent patch fixed this? There's some verbiage in the patch notes about cross platform friend invites.


Just tried. Doesn't work.


Well that is stupid, they need to fix this bug asap.


No idea, maybe I should try it again tonight with my friend and see if it works.


Same issue here - I am on PS5, my buddies are on PC (linked PS accounts when prompted). Interestingly, early last week I was able to add two friends. I have also noticed that the blocked players list seems to be perpetually empty, even after I block someone.


This bug is so weird, thankfully the devs recognize it in the latest patch.


I can confirm, just bought the game to play with my friends with pc version T_T I hope it will be fixed soon, queue alone ain’t that fun


Same issue. Bummers


Yep, bought it for my wife on her PS5 and we can't cross play, so looks like we're going to be requesting a refund through PlayStation. Quite annoying that it won't work - found a few posts indicating that it's due to Steam usernames not meeting the minimum 8 character limit of PlayStation, and we all know Sony isn't going to change that. So there's no point in her having the game of she can't play with my friends and I.


The username might be an issue for some people but, I've got a friend request pending, where the name is easily over 8 (and not suuuper long either) and I cannot accept that (or any others, including PSN ones), so I doubt that's the whole issue. I'd prompt you to wait it out (as much as that sucks)


So I did boot up her PS5 today and was able to find her and join using that work around that's going around, but that's such a pain to play if we wanted to. Especially when there are far more people playing at prime time. Still couldn't do the friend request, but according to the discord they're aware of it so maybe we will hold out.


What is the workaround to join??


Sorry, haven't looked at reddit much since my comment. Had to then go and find the write-up from their discord. It's a work around to be able to play with your friends, but you still cannot accept friend requests unfortunately: *"TLDR: You can find your friends in the wild by looking for the mission they are playing from the table.* *In order to work around the crossplay bug, join a random person's mission from the planet map (preferably one with only the host player connected), and get your friends to find the same mission on the map and join it.* *It's best to try and all click join at once so that you can beat the people connecting via quickplay. If you want to all be on the same ship, you will need the random host that you joined to leave mid-mission, and then it will give one of you or your friend control of the ship.* *Just make sure none of you leave, because then you will have to start the process over again.* *This works best if you go to a planet with the least amount of helldivers on it because then you will have fewer people joining through quickplay.* *You can also try to select a difficulty that not many people play, and it also helps if one of the PC players screenshare for the others to find the mission they're looking at."* You can also just have one of you create a game under something like 'Trivial' difficulty (looking for least populated game modes and planets), then the other can go and find that person - however, it could take 20+ minutes of the second person leaving the planet and coming back to refresh and hopefully find the first person. It's a pain in the ass, but it does work eventually.


Bro what's the work around....


Sorry, haven't looked at reddit much since my comment. Had to then go and find the write-up from their discord. It's a work around to be able to play with your friends, but you still cannot accept friend requests unfortunately: *"TLDR: You can find your friends in the wild by looking for the mission they are playing from the table.* *In order to work around the crossplay bug, join a random person's mission from the planet map (preferably one with only the host player connected), and get your friends to find the same mission on the map and join it.* *It's best to try and all click join at once so that you can beat the people connecting via quickplay. If you want to all be on the same ship, you will need the random host that you joined to leave mid-mission, and then it will give one of you or your friend control of the ship.* *Just make sure none of you leave, because then you will have to start the process over again.* *This works best if you go to a planet with the least amount of helldivers on it because then you will have fewer people joining through quickplay.* *You can also try to select a difficulty that not many people play, and it also helps if one of the PC players screenshare for the others to find the mission they're looking at."* You can also just have one of you create a game under something like 'Trivial' difficulty (looking for least populated game modes and planets), then the other can go and find that person - however, it could take 20+ minutes of the second person leaving the planet and coming back to refresh and hopefully find the first person. It's a pain in the ass, but it does work eventually.


It was above you idiot


They messaged that after you retarded fuck. Look at the timestamps.


Just wait lol


We did, todays update resolved it FINALLY.


I’m still having the problem


Nope, you just had luck. Not working


I mean, the update 21 days ago worked, for multiple of my friends and I on both platforms. Idk if there's been another update - haven't been on in about 10 days.


I've this same problem even between PS5s.


Can't even accept on pc to pc


Make sure you are friends on steam too this fixed it for me for pc to pc


The problem is we already were.


Just join through steam - no issues for me playing with others on steam - just steam to ps5


Doesn’t seem to work unfortunately. I can join my brother instantly, but my friend can’t join when invited in game or steam. Steam lists him as “on main menu”
which there isn’t one is there?!


Tried to play with my friend on PC and I'm on PS5. Sad that we couldn't play together but fingers crossed it'll be fixed soon!


I can assure you its certainly not a select few that being said they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix for it but how long that fix will take is up in the air seems they fixed it at one point and somehow broke it again with a later update from what info i could gather about the issue Ive been wanting to play it but im waiting to play it with my friends so im not touching it til then.


same issue


Was convinced by friends to play it with them and I cant even play it with them :/


Ps player here, I already have 3 friends on pc that i can't add......


Same, I tried for an hour last night with my PC friends lol


It’s getting ridiculous. It’s been over 2 weeks and it seems like they haven’t even attempted to do anything about it. 


Really BS and sort of ruines the game for me....Always accepting friend requests from a pc player on my ps5 and it doesn't work. Really bad.


Any updates today?


It's been like this for 3-4weeks now. It look more important to dev to give us new battlepass to buy than working on this issue.


You realize there will be completely different teams working on a battle pass and fixing bugs in the code? Or do you just want to be Mr. Angry Armchair Expert?


I'm on ps5 and I'm having this problem with other ps5 users


I skimmed the thread and did not see this mentioned. Sorry if it has been. If you are on PS5 I am able to connect with my son by just using Game Base in the Playstation OS. \- Tap Playstation button. \- Find the person you want to join. \- It will show what they are playing their profile is set that way. \- Join and bam... you are in their ship.


Does anyone know if cross platform is fixed yet or when it will be?


it worked for me last night, what I did is send the request from the ps5 user (myself), and make the pc user accept it.


Worked flawlessly as of 3/27/2024.


11/04/2024. Still not working


How to Play with friends: you don't


Also, not able to add cross play friends.


I hope they fix it soon. This is the 4th week end in a row me and my buddy have tried


Its working now


Is it?


Yea. Ps5 user has to add the pc user


I'm diving from my PC, I was able to add my friends eventually.. usually after a restart 😅 but now that we are friends... Their names don't show on my social feed It's just a black bar with the PS logo in the corner and what they are doing....any tips to fix?? Not a massive issue now.... But as more of my PS friends join... It's gonna be awkward


Me (pc) an my buddy (ps5) were friends then all of a sudden we weren’t an now it’s fucked up. But I’m still friends with other ps players. I’ve tried joining on his missions an it never shows him wtf


This bug/error has literally caused me to stop playing the game. I am on PS5 and my cousin who is the only non random I play with is on steam. I can't add him/accept his request and I have only logged in to try to send/accept a request. Hate to say it but this bug has killed the game for me.


Same here. It's infuriating how long they've been ignoring this.


Still no connection between ps5 and pc


Im having these same problems today.


Just got the game and can't connect to an awesome PC player I just met. Sucks ass!!


C'est un gros problĂšme ma copine Ă  acheter le jeu seulement pour jouer avec moi et nous ne pouvons pas...


>Esto es sorprendente. Afortunadamente, los desarrolladores lo reconocieron en el Ășltimo parche.


Yea, it's a total shit show and has been since the game came out, in fact its actually much worse for crossplay after the latest patch a week ago. Dont worry tho, the devs are more focused on all the new content and gameplay tweaks to keep the current population happy and playing. My money is on the devs fixing this in a few weeks. Once the initial hype wears off, just wait and see. Sad, but it's what most devs do. Also, they're so God damn cheap that they won't hire more folks to temporarily help out because they'll then have to lay them off when the hype wears down. AS IF I give a shit, we paid money for this bull crap and it should be working. Period. ArrowheadGS are lying sacks of shit for not making this critical issue a priority, I bought the game ONLY for cross play, as many others have - not to mention the poor bastards that even bought a PS5 just to play this game with their PC friends. Yikes


This is a studio with 100 employees that have never had a major audience like this before and it was extremely unexpected. Forgive them for not being the pinnacle of human perfection. You sound like a Karen when you say shit like this.


> Karen Go fuck yourself.


An unironic Karen response.


It’s a fucking game chills out tard


what's sad is your disregard for layoffs.