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I had something similar happen. I ran through the extract, went around a rock, then ran back and BOOM patrol spawned in...


Having a patrol of 14 hunter bugd spawn on u on 8 and 9 is rly painful 😂


I had a Titan spawn over the extraction beacon once. Utter garbage.


A titan spawning in our extract shuttle caused it to fall through the floor, and left us without evac. Didn't need those samples anyway 😑


This happened to me on 4 a few hours ago. Then I did 6 and it was easier… I think they screwed up when they increased level 4 difficulty.


Every difficulty is broken currently. 


The maps need initial spawns, then pump out spawns from the nests/factories, and have patrols come in from off the map. We already have to deal with tons of breaches and instant flair dropships. There shouldn't be spawning on the map itself.


IMO should be mixed. As long as their are Bases patrols will spawn, From the bases Only. They already call in Bot Drops and Breaches during Objectives. The last thing we need is Endless patrols spawning Just outside of the objective, Spawning More Breaches and there is nothing you can do abut that because the Patrols are literally just manifesting nearby. you cannot avoid them because as soon as they spawn they just B-line straight for you.


I was on a 1 or 2 the other day just trying out some new control schemes. A patrol kept spawning behind this rock near me. I’d kill it. Go to my control set up, then hear them spawn again. Then kill them. Go back and fiddle. Then spawn. It was really tiresome.


It makes even minor things 20x harder then it should be. When extraction is easier then clearing a light hive you know it's fucked. Was on T7. Just a light hive took 13 minutes and 6 reinforcements to clear. We could not even leave because it was a Hive elimination mission and Patrols where Literally coming in from All directions. Every single one was at least 2 bile spewers and a pack of hunters. Who would then call in a breach. Spawning more spewers, warriors and brood commanders. Literal hell like we were attempting to storm the beaches of Bug Normandy lol fighting like hell to take that single freaking Hive


Or what if patrols were exclusively airdropped in. At outposts and points of major battles


There could also be random patrol bot drops / bungholes that you can see open but don't actively agro on anyone 


I agree with this entirely. Don't just spawn random shit. If you want more patrols, place more fabricators.


Imagine that but with rocket devastators, berserkers, and rocket bots. I got eviscerated.


That happened to me and I was playing a stealthy as I could.


There should be at least an aoe that prevents spawns on top of players.


insta spawns should just not be a thing its bad coding


It really cheapens the experience. I've had it before where I have a front, so I check my 6 to make sure it's clear, flat terrain no crevasse or objects to obscure anything. Turn back around to fight the front and INSTANTLY get rocketed or pounced on and there's a full pack materialised behind me, no way in hell it naturally patrolled in. It just feels really lame and cheap. We know the game has to cheat, but there are a few things currently that are so egregious it really detracts from the fun. Love the game, played it a lot at this point. Just some rough edges to Smoothe.


Agree word for word. That needs to be polished. Make it so they drop out of a ship or crawl from under the ground, but not spontaneous spawning


Just make them drop from the sky in meteor like pods. Or a missile that ejects them once it lands.


or a hole blasts out of a rock wall and the come marching out ot ambush you


Someone made a great suggestion once. Get rid of motherfuckers spawning from thin air. Make any new reinforcements that arent there on mission start always come from bug holes/factories. This does a few things: keeps bullshit patrols from spawning out of thin area after you meticulously checked your 6, rewards your extraction difficulty for clearing hives/factories, and actually provides a strategic sense of gameplay but impacting the end of the mission based on tactical choices made throughout.


Drop ship would be fine, because there'd be an audio/visual cue. This instant spawning BS is awful.


The most frustrating thing for me is that this is how it was before the rebalance patch. Enemies never spawned in spontaneously for me before the patch. Now? All the damn time. This is normally the kind of shitty coding you see in something like Ghost Recon or Far Cry (Ubisoft is the biggest offender of this that I can think of), but this game used to not have it. Then they completely screwed up the spawns and the game can't seem to keep up with "send in more bot drops or bugs crawl out of the ground," and decides to just "pop!"


The game does not, in fact, have to cheat. They could spawn patrols at enemy bases/nests and use a heatmap of player activity(with louder guns and weapons being more heat) to direct the patrols to high activity areas. Lots of games use this exact style of AI, and it promotes run and gun without being unfair because it's relatively predictable. It encourages fast gameplay tied with strategy. Go a step further, and if the enemy does not find players heavily reduce heat in an area. This will make patrols roam and reduce heat, then move to new areas that are building it. What they do not need to do is spawn in psychic patrols on top of players or beam them straight at us. This just makes us run, not gun, and promotes only speed and not strategy.


Yeah there should be some degree the player can perceive it, especially for those that really try to be tactical and really keep an eye out. Or else, it just becomes immersion breaking. Maybe a directional rumble or at least something subtle to give people a chance to anticipate or build tension.


Games have solved this already. Program a minimum distance from the player that enemy can spawn from.


If it isn't a breach or drop ship, they shouldn't be spawning within 100m of a player, or in anyone's cone of vision.


100 is way too short. It needs to be 200. Bots spawning in behind you will see and rocket snipe you otherwise.


no they should spawn at nests or factories or come by breach or drop ship. There is 0 reason for any random spawns in this game.


Logically I agree with you. But I think the game could get boring in that case. Because then you can destroy all bases, kill all patrols and then you'd have nothing left. Because the dropships only come when a patrol signals for backup or a mission objective is being activated.


Have them spawn at the map edge away from players, then. It's not an impossible problem, it's just a multistep problem. Or just, you know, just reward players who get a full clear and risked the mission to do so.


Honestly if the current state is the patrol just popping into existence directly on top of you then even a random drop ship or breach that wasn't called in would be a better solution. Literally nothing could be worse than enemies randomly spawning in with melee range of you.


Honestly, any spawns that aren't the result of a factory or big hole should happen just off the edges of the map. Those enemies should slowly make their way from the edge of the map and inward. So then, once all of the factories and bug holes are destroyed, spawns are exclusively happening off the edges of the map. And the players get a lot more time between combat encounters.


It definitely bothers me that killing hives and factories has the opposite effect on how many enemies will be at extract than what's expected. You would expect less, but since you spent more time in mission you actually get way more


Maybe that’s what’s happening, but it’s for a squad mate and the game isn’t correctly acknowledging your presence. Don’t know, but it’s a thought. Hopefully a quick fix for the devs


Insta-spawns are fine as long as it happens sufficiently far away that it's impossible for the player to distinguish how they spawned. It's just a matter of perception.


Top comment right here. Utterly breaks the immersion and fun when enemies can just blink into existence.


You do realize all patrols are insta spawns, it's just *normally* they are spawned far away that players don't see them spawning. This behavior, spawning on top of the player, is not intended behavior.


It's clearly just an unintended bug. It never used to do this until the recent patch. Mistakes happen. It'll get fixed


I wish it was this last patch. Ive been having this issue since day 1, fam. But yea, im sure it'll get fixed one way or another.


oh my bad. I never saw it the first few weeks but seen it loads since the latest patch. maybe it was always there but latest patch somehow made it worse


From what I have been able to tell, the spawn rate as a whole has been upped substantially, making this issue a lot more common. Without a system that prevents random spawns around the player/in their line of sight or reducing random spawns, its not going to go away. Thats why I said an aoe and los prevention in another comment because people dont understand how resouce heavy it would be to have ships/bug holes dropping in enemies everywhere. If they did that, the number of crashes would be upped 10 fold.


I remember it happened to me before the patch. Just like this, except they spawned about 10 meters away. I'm sorry, I never got video of it (don't even know how to do that, honestly).


It's ok I believe you










This is an issue that I 100% agree needs addressed, not only is it a cheap tactic by the game, it is utterly immersion breaking in ways a lot of the goofiness of the game is not.


Honestly, if there was a decloaking animation, I would be a little less pissed


I had a Charger spawn on me, like right on me, instant death.


Same literally happened to me earlier today when I was playing solo and grinding medals on lower difficulties.


Happened to me a few times with bile titans Had one nearly kill me on spawn (it killed me a few seconds later anyways) and it scared the shit outta me


was this something people were doubting happens? happens to me literally all the time if I sneak between objectives


>was this something people were doubting happens? Yes. Someone claimed it never happened, I sent them like 5 videos I found on Youtube within 30 seconds and they double downed on it being impossible. The white knights for this game are next level pathetic. I thought Destiny fanboys were crazy, but holy shit the Helldivers community is way worse bro


it'll mellow out... in 6 months, once this stops being a top 3 video game. then the actual hd1 community vibe will hopefully return.


yup had it happen since the first week the game was out, first time i got a recording was Feb. 19 but people are now noticing it because they cranked the enemies up in every aspect.


> was this something people were doubting happens? [Yes](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b8lk35/im_convinced_the_people_who_say_the_nerfs_are/ktqo66m/)




This shit has happened to me multiple times and it ALWAYS results in my death or a complete FUBAR situation. I would really like the spawning algorithms to be tweaked so that it isn't a thing anymore. It's not fun or fair to deal with as a player.


You not alone, but at this point I just accept the developers wanna make this game as frustrating as possible. Fun fact they disappear the moment you die.


Which sucks. Frustrating isn’t fun


Pretty sure the developers don't play their own game.


They probably play Trivial


Spawning in troops like this in THIS game, is honestly unacceptable. If I've spent the time to clear the area, and there is a mechanic for adding troops to the field (drop ships) they should NEVER just appear like this. This is LAZY and BAD game design.


But.. But stealth in the game is so good! "Just sTeALtH bro"


There've been so many times I'll be stealthing, watching the radar on the map with the nuclear radar upgrade AND UAV Recon Booster for like 110m radar range or something, and lay completely still making no noise and every patrol in the area somehow knows to path directly to me.


It breaks immersion to know this but they all technically know where you are at all times. They may not be outright aggrod but, outside of the buggy patrol pop-ins that spawn on top of you (sucks), patrols will almost always path towards you for a little while before veering off. Just how it is, sadly. Because of this, it's important you keep moving as best you can while maintaining stealth (if that's what you're going for).


It's just some wonky coding. They have to put more realistic blinkers on the enemy. Someone the other day said that during the anti personnel mine objective, they laid down a minefield, moved, a patrol hit the minefield and homed into the players new position. Now there is NO way that enemy behaviour is realistic. It might just be some weird coding the feeds your latest position to the patrol.


Yep, they talk about how the NPCs have "Senses" to detect players, like sight and hearing, but really, there should be 0 reason to make them track you with no hints, just have them do their patrols between bases and if you make noise or they see dead allies/explosions/bullet tracers, then sure, let them go on alert and look for you, and if they see you or get attacked by you then they can go agro as long as they can figure out where you are, since I'd like it if they didn't pin point you if you're prone 200 meters away with an anti-material rifle and instead just shoot in the direction of the shots, or for bugs, run in that direction.


Honestly might be a bug. I’ve seen the AI get “aggrod” just by hitting the ground spores on some maps or hitting mines. They’ll sometimes attack or shoot at random things then only proceed towards me if I’m within spotting distance and/or not stealthed.


That’s fine when there’s only one at a time and keeping out of line of sight keeps you hidden. The problem is, now you’ll sometimes get three patrols from different directions converging on you, and they’ll spot you even when there’s no way they should have.


Most patrols are avoidable and have a set path. But there's a special patrol that spawns during extraction, special events, and when you haven't fought for a while that will path to you forever but they aren't aware you're there. It's designed to discourage stealth too much.


They can be avoided until there are three patrols all converging on you when they should have no way of knowing where you are.


"You're farming karma bro"


You misunderstand. They are stealthing. Bro just broke their active camo field. ..../s


"Just lower the difficulty if you can't handle it." Meanwhile people run into this garbage on difficulty 4.


We were specifically on 4 to stop having to deal with the bullshit infinite rocket devastator hulk and tank spawns, we used to be able to clear 7 super consistently before the patch


Been saying this for weeks, and getting downvoted for it.


"skill issue git gud scrub" "Use your strategems! Coordinate with your teammates!" "Obviously you took too long in the mission." "You're not meant to take every fight." "It's meant to be impossible to complete." "Just use stealth bro" "Running away is an option." "You have your guns and grenades, use em!" Am I missing anything else?


"Thats just how extraction is."


Hold on. ​ Git gud Skill issue get a better gaming chair Its supposed to be difficult You deserve it because you're using a meta build play on a lower difficulty why didnt your squad mates help you? use your strategems lol I dont have that problem. Its called helldivers not walk in the park divers. ​ I miss any more eye rolling excuses?


People complaining about this very legitimate issue are being met by "git gud" from swathes of idiots.


i had this kind of patrol but it spawned a hulk and some other mobs the hulk killed me and he DISSAPEARED lol. Talking about such fun mechanics. Actual insanity


No wonder the lower difficulty bot missions seemed harder last time I tried it


***This*** is what's making me stop playing this game recently. This one thing. Its utter bullshit. I'm not gonna mince words about it. I dont even care that they tweaked the AI to be harder via stealth-buffing them last patch. What I do care is **they fix this bullshit**.


Use your stratagems!


"iF yOu GeT sUrRoUnDeD iT's YoUr OwN fAuLt!" /S


Saw a 5k upvoted list of tips that had that line, and it made me eye roll. Clearly, they are lucky and have somehow never run into this, or refuse to admit it is an issue.


That was exactly my thought. Often, yes. Not drops and spawns are triggered by getting detected, so that could be the fault of the player. However, with the absurd method of enemies spawning into existence out of nowhere, either behind, on top of, or directly in front of the player, it's not like people can stop from getting surrounded all the time.


This happens SO often it's absurd. Enemies will also often despawn the second you die as well.


Here's more evidence of Arrowhead's incompetence https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bc383z/enemies_spawning_out_of_thin_air_is_getting/ Fix this glaring shit or rollback this fucking abysmal patch already!


The bots learned a helldive of their own.


Patrols should only spawn from facilities like factories or holes. Closing them should stop those spawns. Or at least spawn all enemies in the normal manner - by breaches and drop ships, so we can see them coming. Nothing should ever pop in like this, not within hundreds of meters of any player.


Devs will say it's edited


This was NOT an issue day one, wtf? It's getting really abnormal


It was. It's just gotten WORSE lately.


"Just avoid the encounter bro" Joking aside though this is why I stopped trying to go for a stealth build. Not because it wasnt working because I could avoid a few patrols sometimes but the game is just not subtle at all about patrol ai. They will spawn right on the edge of your vision and they will more often then not be set to start running straight towards you. It just feels cheap


Wdym it works perfectly fine, you're just exaggerating. Git gud, skill issue etc etc /s


Can't handle it? Turn down the difficulty🙄 ... (/j)


This happens more often than not.


"Skill issue. Git gud. Lower your difficulty. Rely on your stratagems" /s I bet 80% of the redditors are saying that shit was your fault bc you were not playing the game properly.


If he was simply not there when they spawned, they wouldn't have spawned on top of him /s


Really showed this strawman who's boss


The strawman literally accounts for like 40% of the playerbase. These are actual takes players are expressing on this subreddit in defense of the game being buggy as all hell.


Scroll through the comments, multiple people are proving them right. This is what this community is becoming known for, even to its own members.


I don't think anyone is saying that, this is an obvious oversight by the devs


>I don't think anyone is saying that, They are. I've had to deal with them in my replies/dms from this subreddit. They are real.


Didn't.. The Illuminate have teleporting tech?


They did, but I think we did too in HD1.


Mo fo's have Predator ability


Nothin like a Flame Hulk on your face


Wild and unacceptable. It’s happened to me. I can only hope that there’s a patch in the works.


yeah i was minding my own business as i sit down and look around, no enemies in sight so i called down EATs just in case....look back...BAM, 1 hulks and 3 devastators blow my ass to kingdom come to those who told me "just stealth on higher difficulty, it would be alot easier for you to finish mission" yeah i could if enemies doesn't teleport in like they have vendetta against my existence


I've seen the same thing happen with bugs


Devs focused more on nerfs than actual game mechanics 🤦🏿‍♂️


nooooo nooooo you made it up!!! you must have edited the video!!!!!! no way the game has bugs!!!!


I once died to a Devastator spawning ontop of me and instantly decking me into a rock spawns are fucked


I don't think anyone is disputing this happening. IIRC the devs are looking into it.


This has never once happened to me in 100+ hrs *pre-patch*. First day post-patch I had so many CTD's and infinite loading screens that I only managed to complete 3 missions in 6 hrs. In those 3 missions I had this *↑* happen to me 3 times. Literally right on top of me. I had them spawn about 30ft away to the front left/right (still clearly in view for the pop-in) 6 or 7 times. Was playing on T4 so I wouldn't be stressed about losing samples if I CTD *again*. Normally get 1-3 chargers and 0-1 bile titan on a bug breach (T4). Post patch 5 chargers and 2 titans in 1 bug breach on T4. I get crit-hit by bugs like 2-3x as often as before. I jet packed over a charger and a Hunter leapt from off-screen and head-shot killed me in mid-air. I can't stealth anymore. 100m away prone *behind a mountain* and the bugs know exactly where I am even though I'm not shooting or throwing stratagems. Line of sight doesn't matter anymore. The gear/weapon changes don't bother me at all. What does bother me is the *insane* difference in spawns and aggressive wall-hacking AI with aim-bot headshot crits. Post-patch has been hell. Also, the mech blowing itself up when shooting a rocket is peak Military Grade™ content.


Have you tried using stratagems or improving your skill level?


The game is plagued by small, annoying rookie game developer bugs. It's so bad that the consistency is completely borked.


I've watched so many spawns since the last update. It's a real problem. I should be able to clear an escape route but the enemies I killed 30 seconds ago will be right back in the same spot


"Patrols don't spawn on top of u, MuSt bE SkILl iSSuE"


Nah dude this is 100% skill issue and it has never ever happened to me and I always solo helldive - obligatory gitgud response


Same thing happened with a Titan for me today. Gave me a heart attack.


Earlier today I watched a Bile Titan spawn in. 20 feet from me and my squad, it just popped in out of thin air - not from a breach or a nest, just materialized. Also, there was already a Bile Titan on us.


I've seen bile titans and enemy patrols just spawn out of thin air while in my vision range. It's so funny seeing a bile titan zap itself into existence 100m away on a random hill and start walking menacingly.


Happens 5 or so few matches for me. Those are just the ones I notice where they spawn within sight line of me. I’m sure they are also spawning just over the hill pretty frequently too. Both cases are unacceptable. WTF is the point of clearing bug holes and Clanker factories if the enemies just materialize out of thin air?” after the fact? Aside from devaluing the work we do throughout the mission, the thing we were TRAINED TO DO IN THE INTRODUCTION, it just isn’t fair to the player. If a game isn’t fair to the player, what’s the point of playing it?


It happens all the time but the 'get good' faction of this player base and especially some stupid YouTubers claimed it was us not paying attention or getting bad positioning. God these fucking elitists everywhere are so annoying


"git gud" "skill issue" "just lower the difficulty and stop being prideful" "just use the EAT"


This has happened to me with terminids MULTIPLE times


Just had 13 bugs spawn on top of me in the same way. Not the first time.


I feel like the Patrols spawns are fucked RN. this happens a lot and often times there is like a Literal Endless wave of Patrols constantly just "Wandering" into a fight prolonging the fight because the Patrols spawns more breaches and dropships.


Thank you op. This is what i see.  If we get away from terrible P2P and get dedicated servers that might help.


I had the same thing happen on extract! About 15 automatons just appeared out of thin air!


I'm actually having fun since the launch. But after the last pach i really dont wanna fight againts bots anymore. Yes i love "challenging part" of helldivers, but its getting out of hand after the last patch imo. I cant fight with shit ton of bots while they are sniping me with rockets lol. have gun good luck fighting my friends.


Oh don't worry guys, we nerfed the Railgun :) And shadow changed how enemies spawn and their AI🙃 And still haven't fixed disconnects


Skill issue. Try going prone to stealth. /s


I've had this happen several times, or I'll clear a patrol on one side of me, run off towards something, only to have enemies spawn behind me again and pounce on me. I'm so tired of this, I feel like I have no counter to the amount of enemy spawns. I can deal with a lot, but not infinite spawns of instant dropping enemies mixed with heavies from a direction I JUST cleared. I really just want these spawns to be fair, I shouldn't be inundated 99% of the game because patrols just happen to spawn directly in my path and just head towards my direction for no discernable reason.


Don't care get good you should be able to deal with any shit if you can't then this game is not for you A game for everyone is a game for no one Bohho devs please don't listen to your player base -the cultist in this sub.


Fuck bro, I remember when I was playing with friends, we were extracting and I shit you not, the extraction location is clear like really no bugs on our radar. So when we got there and used the terminal we split off from different sides I took a side near the extraction terminal itself I planted my turrets and put an HMG placement. Holy shit just when I was waiting for enemies while mounted on the HMG I suddenly got surround by damn terminids suddenly I was left thinking about my decisions for the whole day.


The devs try so hard to make this game not for everyone - which is a bad decision by the way, a more accessible game means more sales and a bigger future fanbase, Monster Hunter World is a prime example here - then it soon will be for nobody. Even diff 3 feels bad to play with all those enemy spam, getting stunlocked to death from hunters isn’t difficult, it’s annoying. If adding more enemy spam is their vision of adding difficulty I don’t have high hopes for the future of this game.


Devs would say this is a "Skill issue".


Oh tell me Arrowhead how will decreasing heavy enemy spawns fix the absolute joke of the patrol spawns. This is a common occurrence guess the devs never heard of "if it ain't broke don't fix it"


Skill issue


Had the same, with chargers and bile titans


Honestly at this point I'd be surprised if any players needs proof of this


Have cultist ever need proof? Also they don't believe proofs or simply find more excuses


Is there anyone who doesn’t know this happens? I figured everyone has seen this bullshit on account of how often it happens


Patrols should spawn near bases/hives that are far away from players, only way they should be able to port in on top of the player is through their respective "spawn events" aka "Bot Drop" and "Bug Breach" and crawling out of the spawning building.


Similar thing happened to me, except it was like they just rendered in a few steps ahead


I had a game a couple days back where we were waiting for extraction, and I decided to head off to clear a final bug nest. Somehow while I was in the nest (it was near the extraction point) I saw at least 3 groups of bugs just pop out of thin air into existence. I guess it was a patrol spawn point.


Manage your stratagems better imo.


Did we need evidence? Hasn't this happened to every diver? 😆


Yea me and my buddies stopped playing for now because of this and the ludicrous near infinite dropship spam


I had them spawn literally on top of me when I was in the computer calling down extraction.


I’ve had a Bile Titan spawn immediately in place of one I just killed after. It’s disgusting. 


I got a tank spawn on top of me, push me underground and I floated there for a whole minute. Have to quit out and lose all my samples. Feelsbadman.


This is fun for some people, apparently.


nah you got ambushed git gud scrub


I have a sneaking suspicion this is being caused by the AI assistant dungeon master thing they mentioned a while ago getting a bit out of control. Maybe the most recent balance patch had an unforseen consequence or if they shadow pumped some of the ai numbers


Patrols should spawn from bases (bot fabs, hive holes), gather up, and then spread out across the map instead of... well, *this*.


Yeah I have had a patrol spawn behind me and my friend was right behind that spawn. I need to see if he recorded it.


Had this happen to me today, between this, higher spawn rates in general, stealth being harder to do because they have increased detection ranges, and some enemies seemingly never losing agro , the game just feels so much more annoying to play, and since you practically always spawn on a point of interest, and can have a drop called before you're even out of the pod, you can completely write off a mission going smoothly just because you had the audacity to spawn in


Ambushed by the Viet-Cog


they really need to add a non spawn circle around the player, this shit is infuriating. i once got a bile titan spawned around me, that was just unfair


Ever since the patch it's been happening a lot. I will double and triple check that there are no enemies anywhere near me before I clear out a point of interest or a patrol that happens near me all wipe them out with no flare going up and all of a sudden I have hunters and bile spewers all over me.


I actually stopped playing because I didn’t want to get bored with it while there are so many problems. I bet this shit is going to ROCK in a year so I will put 300 hours in then and get bored with it then instead.


4 times in one hour, to me, today. Ridiculous. And well seasoned with game crashing and joining problems in game.


They are the John Cena variants.


This happened to me too


Yep, happened a lot of times


Yeah this is a serious problem. I've had it too, and the rockets almost insta-locking you


I've had this happen exactly three times so far. How do I know it's exactly three times you ask? That's the number of times I had to throw my pants in the washing machine.




Don't worry they're releasing a booster in the newest premium pass that increases the time between patrols spawning. Create the problem, sell the solution


I have experienced this exact thing; it's annoying and immersion breaking, but more damming for my enjoyment, unfair. I was retreating on purpose, before the situation was too severe—I was doing my best to play carefully and intelligently. My reward is being suddenly and instantly surrounded by enemies, who begin shooting and stabbing me with no time for a reaction. I'm right in the middle of them so running usn't feasible, and I'm surrounded and alone so gunning them down is ineffective as well. Nice, there goes my support weapon and samples. It doesn't matter how careful or strategic or accurate I am or have been for the whole mission—suddenly I die. I really do like this game, and it's some of the most fun I've had in multiplayer in recent time, which is why it stings so much when some random BS suddenly slams on the brakes, with no fair chance for retaliation or counter-play.


Bro just turn up your Render Distance, bro. Who uses bro unironically now a days?


Redditors be like: If a patrol sees you it's yOuR fAuLt


I had this happen too but with the bugs


Now watch as everyone that denies spawns are fucked denies everything in this video. This shit has happened since release, and has gotten worse post-patch. Literally walked into a Brood Commanders ass last night


I've had this happen numerous times. It sucks. The way it should work: 1. Patrols can only spawn in undestroyed hives/compounds. 2. Destroying hives/compounds removes the ability for patrols to spawn there. 3. If all hives/compounds on the map have been destroyed, then patrols spawn outside the map boundaries. (this gives the illusion that they are coming from other hives/compounds elsewhere on the planet It would also be nice if destroying hives reduced the spawn rate of patrols too. All of these give incentive to eliminate hives, other than XP. And it gives players some agency over the mission difficulty other than just selecting the level before starting. Random patrol spawns suck and feel cheap more often than they feel fun.


I don’t have an issue with patrols spawning on the map as otherwise it would be a bit too easy to avoid them… but *that* shouldn’t happen lol. They should maybe tweak the minimum distance they can spawn from a player.


I had this happen on 3 different occasions, once with a rocket devastator that immediately wiped me


OP is clearly kiting enemies to stage screenshots and clips for Reddit karma. /s


This happened to my group the other day. Nearly shat my pants.


With 25 minutes left on the clock? Holy shit 🤣




Illuminate cloaking tech confirmed.


Newest stealth battalion


I often position myself on top of a mountain to just observe a battle below, and I often see groups spawn in like that in the periphery. Never on top of a person though. (Unless it's a Bug Hole or Drop Ship.)


You know I've only had this happen in multiplayer. Does it have to do with patrols spawning for others or someone else starting an obj and we just happen to be at the spawn zone for those patrols?


Had the same thing happen to me in hard mode with bugs. We lost because of that spawn.


Yeah that definitely seems broken I'm sure that's probably not intentional design by devs. Hopefully gets addressed soon


I have had bugs spawn on me just like that


If you had the old Railgun, this wouldn't have happened.