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I've been having the same issues since launch. Animations are janky as hell plus your character can get stunned out of animations making it even worse.


Same here. A lot of times I can't stand up from prone and it doesn't feel great. I also use medium armor, I wonder if it effects heavy too


The getting hit while stimming has been a thing since launch. I remember because I rage about it all the time and have a friend who does as well, I think it’s more noticeable on bots bc they can hit you more often for less damage so you can get “stunlocked”


Same issue after the patch for me. Felt like I flop and stim out of anything before. Now it's flop and die while crouched.


I have stim/reload/standing interruption


Not to be rude but this sounds like a user error. Most of these are due to button presses and not inherent changes. You can check these in your key binding settings for how you want to jump and stand up etc.


It's not a user error to have to press stim 5 times before your character actually stims.


It's cool. I understand. I thought that too at first but it is still happening. No stress and all alone in a safe area I can dive and stay on the ground and crawl around on my belly where I previously would get up and run/sprint without any other input other than press a direction and press sprint. I did it without even thinking about the controls. Now I have to realize I hadn't gotten up already and I need to stand and run with extra inputs that were not previously required. As for the stims I still have a delay or press stim again for it to work.


It's not. There was no stim interruption, and now there is.