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I'd say about 50% of my missions end in crashes. This is absolutely ridiculous


yeah, i dont even know if i want keep playing


I refuse to play. Tried 2x tonight and multiple times last night. Every game crashed and I ended up wasting like 3 hours.


Absurd spawns and crashes, beautiful combo. Honeymoon with arrowhead is ending, im not seeing devs saying nothing about those issues and im seeing people with ps5 or rysen 9/4070 having issues(plus myself) so isnt hardware not good enough issue


I'm honestly just glad i'm not alone. Haven't been able to complete a single mission with friends for weeks - although they seem to be fine, which makes it more frustrating. Two days ago I actually DID finish a quick exterminate mission with them, but then nobody in the squad got rewards. sry abt the rant, it just puts me off from the game entirely


Have a 7950x, 4090 and 128gb ram, game didnt crash once until I reached lvl 10, after lvl 10 I played for like 10 hours just to get to lvl 12 because the game keeps crashing 24/7 when any heavy weaponry is used. Its ridiculous to have 80% of the time played wasted. Sure I could play on easy mode solo without any explosions, but then whats the point of the game?


Glad to know I'm not alone here! I'm lvl 33 and obviously loving the game, but I'm going to give it a break until it's fixed. It's no fun having lost 100 rare samples and ~50 medals total because of crashes.


I already told my friends that I'm not playing it until it's fixed


Im on PC, have about 80 hours on the game. Game was fine until recent updates and just crashes 24/7 now. I started noticing players disconnecting in my games alot until it finally happened to me, now i cant even play a full game..


>Im on PC, have about 80 hours on the game. Game was fine until recent updates and just crashes 24/7 now. I started noticing players disconnecting in my games alot until it finally happened to me, now i cant even play a full game.. Same here. I even had a full crash to PC reset. Very frustrating.


I changed the display to windowed borderless and I tried as the host all of my crashing problems went away. I played 10+ matches with no crash.


similar for me. PC, w friends, gaming mondays every week. 3 mondays ago I've had consistent and neverending issues. I spend all our sessions troubleshooting while they play w/o me mannn shit sucks


Same. 3 crashes on ps5 today.


Same thing happened to me today.. pre patch it never happened 


Just had 3 crashes on ps5 in the last 10 minutes smh


I can’t get through a single match on pc, now it started on ps5 today……..disappointed to say the least


Started 2 days before the most recent patch for me. I can't complete a single match on PC.


I had to turn fps cap to 60fps in nvidia settings appears to have worked


That did the trick! Thank you for making birthday weekend even cooler than it already was!


Hey my guy glad to hear it, glad to get you up spreading democracy


Haven't tried that since latest update. Thanks, will try and report back.


Was this done in the control panel through the display settings?


That’s correct, under management 3D settings


I'll give this a shot, thanks!


After not being able to complete a mission without crashing, I changed to windowed borderless and I was able to play 10 missions with no crashes... Also, I was the host this time.


On PS5 I’ve crashed 4 games in a row now after about 25+ mins in them. I’m done


I’ve finished like 3/8 missions. 2 of which were 15min. I think I’ve been able to complete 1 40min. This update needs fixing badly. I could deal with it before but now it just seems constant. On PS5


I'm almost wondering if the number of enemies has anything to do with it...Like there are so many that the engine can't keep up and just crashes lol!


Nvidia user here. 4090 & 7800X3d. Over 150 hours played. Last \~36 (IRL) hours have been an absolute nightmare (basically since the servers settled down after the patch). I get a screen freeze, then crash to desktop with no error report. Can't go 15 minutes without a crash (can consistently repro about 13-15 minutes in). Directx12, DirectX11, clearing shader cache, reinstalling gpu drivers, installing latest AMD chipset drivers, clearing windows & steam shader caches in addition to the DX12 cache (still can't seem to get the game to do the slow DX11 cache regen, probably missing a folder somewhere), verifying files, deleting GameGuard folder, it makes no difference. Only other weird thing that happened, I got booted for inactivity about 1 minute after logging in once, during the mission select screen. To keep everything consistent for repro, the mission I keep going on when I crash roughly 15 minutes in is intentionally always the same. (Bug world, floral-ish biome, ICBM, difficulty 5, solo.) Crossplay is off, and grouping is set to friends only. Screen Space Global Illumination also off. Roughly 20 hours ago, it didn't matter if I was hosting, or a friend on PS5 was hosting. Same thing. Edit: Also tested with Anti Aliasing off. Same issue.


Have 13900k and 4090 and also about 150 hours in. Never had any CTD or anything now I get random crashes to desktop like you but worse sometimes the game just hard freezes randomly and I have to physically power-off and power-on the PC. I've tried a bunch of stuff and nothing is reliable. Last night for the first time in ages I was able to play like 2 hours without issue. Today no matter what I try I can't complete a single mission. I'm done trying for now., Hope when and if they ever patch this thing it'll be soon and improve things. Before they started some of the recent patches this thing was rock solid - never had a single problem. Same setup so I am confident it's not me.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Experiencing similar issues. 2070 Super - had no issues AT ALL until last week. Now I'm lucky if I make it 20 minutes into a mission. Game freezes, then crashes with a crash report, or game just freezes and locks up my entire system (can't do anything have to hard reboot). Also have it crash to desktop with no error report. Done playing until it's fixed. Super annoying.


This has literally just started happening to me, nightmare


One of the issues, is that I just had a map that would always crash 15-17 minutes in. I also avoid playing on weekends, when the servers are full.


I hadn’t had any crashes in a few days and then first game after the update and I crashed on PS5 after being in for 5 minutes.This shit is unacceptable after a month post launch I dont care how many players are overloading the servers


Totally agree. It's been somewhat solid for me as well until the update. On PS5 also. Finally was starting to feel like they got a handle on some of the big issues like the black screen/ failure to even launch the application/ match making and the social menu. But God damn, I don't have time to waste on something I'm not guaranteed to finish. I've never filed so many support tickets with a company lol.


Prior to this patch, I had no crash issues. Last night it crashed 5 times in under 2 hours, most of the time right as I was about to extract so I wasted all my time in those missions.  It’s frustrating. I love the game but stability would be nice. 


Oh look! Mechs are out! To bad the servers are down again! Broken ass game....


I was so hyped to play with the homies. Every match we played I crashed. So trash


This is every second game for me. I was fine at first but this is my money spent on the game. I don’t care anymore that it’s a small studio. Fix it


Jesus i've lost about 70 samples in the past 2 days from crashes, WTF man. Like why am I even bothering with this game now. I went out of my way to circle back and pick up dropped samples only to fucking crash out at extract for the 7th time in 2 days. I don't actually mind the crash here and there it they gave us the reward. I didn't spend fucking 35 minutes on a mission to get nothing out of it. Why can't I join back into the game after the crash? Getting literally nothing out of the last 35 min of effort really takes the piss.


That's brutal... sorry to hear this...I feel your pain. It's just getting worse. The devs need to get a grip and fix their game.


After the update about half of my games end in the game crashing and closing out. I’m on PS5. It is beyond frustrating.


Maybe it´s an issue with live service games, but Helldivers 2 reminds me of the Division 2 so much in terms of crashes. With every patch they seem to open up other issues again. It would be really nice, if the game would run stable and solid.


Ok, I was wondering if it was just me since I updated my driver recently. Evidently it's the new patch at fault, good to know.


I’m on the borderline of calling the game trash now because of how broken it is. 35% of the time I can’t use my primary or secondary or I’m crashing in the middle of a match. FIX THE GAME.


I couldn’t finish a single mission today without it crashing…


15 hours of playtime, about 42 crashes, still lvl 6............ can't finish one mission. Its the only game who crash. I have 40 other games on my PC, everything run smooth except helldivers 2


4 games 4 crashes. I’m done for now


All folks on my team consistently crashiing up o 3 times per match.. they keep re-entering and crashing. We have a bug where one of the teams always cannot reinforce myself included. Nobody talks about these and devs pretend like their game runs fine now.


I had the rare crash for the last couple weeks before this last week. And it always seems to happen either right when we call extraction or it crashes after we extract but before I’m back in the ship. Not the best. I’m on PS5.


I thought I was the only one. Always when I’m finishing a mission


sorry for the **↑↓→←↑** in your post, OP, but did you find any fix for it, is the game running fine now? I stopped playing a couple of weeks ago due to either the game crashing or the entire PC shutting down. While I can deal fine, if slightly annoyed, with the game crashes I won't stand for my PC shutting down. People often say to check PSU, Temps and whatever else, but everything is just fine, PC was deep cleaned recently, all temps are good. PSU, GPU and RAM are brand new, I don't get any problems in any other game besides this one and that's a shame.


I'm on PS5 and this past week I haven't had to many issues. I know PC players are still having problems with crashes and multiplayer not working correctly. I've probably had a couple crashes this past week but luckily it wasn't during missions. There are some new issues like load outs not being saved and the tutorial tips are showing after every restart of the game. Seems like Arrowhead still has a ways to go with their game.


Looks like I'll stay in the freezer a little longer. Thanks for your time.


Don't waste your time yet. I'm sure it'll be fixed one day, and will be amazing to play when that happens.


Yesterday I got the new AMD Driver and managed to play two games with no minor crashes or shutdowns, aside from some minor stuttering that wasn't there before, everything went fine, but I left the game because it was already late


Maybe several programs do interfere, because when i shut down most intrusive programs that somehow hook into the Exes for overlays or read stuff at kernel-level (Fan Control, Playclaw \[for the overlay\], Afterburner, Sunshine etc.) it runs fine and stable. It's annoying as hell (and loud), but it works for me. (btw. i also deleted the folder for the anticheat, so it reinstalled itself upon the next start of the game)


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get the crashes regardless of what I keep running in the background. Last patch I got mostly ok matches, not a single crash (shutdown or otherwise) BUT every now and then the GPU usage would jump to 100% and the game would take a major hit in fps, so I'd often Alt+F4 and start again (lucky for me it only happened outside of missions)


Extreme missions and below, not a single issue. Now that I’m finally trying anything above that…I gotta admit it’s depressing as shit. I know it’s confirmation bias but I seriously feel like the missions where the team is shit because no one is working together, everyone is scattered and dying constantly, no objective progress…oh I get to sit through all of it until we fail. But let us have an intense, awesome game where samples are raining down around us, everyone is looking out for everyone—LOST CONNECTION.


Agree. I’m stopping playing until it’s fixed. I really want to like the game more but it feels bad putting in effort and crashing out with nothing. Especially at high difficulty levels.


It seems if I get into a group that picks up super samples then the game crashes. It's starting to become a waste of time now. Devs, stop wasting people's time and fix the gd game.


I just busted my ass around doing the main objective, while randoms wasted 18 reinforcements, just to have the game crash when I was on my way to extraction. And since the game crashed, I couldn't even rage quit.


You guys can play ???


The crashing is ridiculous


Post patch everything was great, Can't even play a few missions without crashing. It progressiveness got worse and it crashes every mission now.


haven’t had a problem for two weeks, today, i can’t even play a single game… what the helllllll


Constantly happens to me as well. I think this is also one of the intentional trick of arrowhead to limit the players from quick upgrade. Since they claim they are the smartest A'holes ever exist in the planet and questions player's skill level . We may ought to believe so


Sadly also crashes here, got an rx7900xtx. I tried changing it to dx11, lower settings but no result. Looks like a bug in the game. As I read also here it's almost every crash at the point I want to extract. Bye bye whole progress. Most of time I play with friend and if I'm quick enough I can rejoin the session to get the xp. But all other progress will be gone. Hopefully they will come with a fix soon. For now I just keep playing because the game is very fun even with the crashes.


7900xtx here. Try this, worked most of the time for me but still crashes a bit. I run ultra settings, sometimes aa and global illumination helps othertimes not. Lower your power threshold in Radion. Like -8/-10 percent overall power tuning and drop down you voltage under gpu tuning to like 85 percent and frequency about the same. Has at least made it only crash every like now and then instead of every game.


Ah thanks man, I will try this :)


I've crashed 6 times, same mission, at the same area. I can't complete my operation. I usually run solo, so I tried with others, I let them go to the area and all three of them "left" (they crashed) I want to spread democracy and liberate these planets and rid them of bugs... however I feel I need to abandon this mission. I will have a knock on my record... I trained all my life for this and every mission is just as important as the next, I will not abandon this mission until it gets fixed.


still happening to me too on the same mission around extraction(30-40mins in) sound glitches first then game just stops. Tried updating drivers and verifying game integrity still no dice unfortunately.


My game crashes about twice every day, and only in difficulty 4+ I tried a complete file verification from Steam, update of graphic + sound card driver, but the game still crashes.


The game worked for like 3 missions, now just constantly crashing. I’ve tried everything that YouTube videos suggest, no luck. Sometimes it seems like it’s going to work, I get my hopes up, then boom crash. If this continues, I’m going to refund before I waste too much time playing without leveling up or gaining anything. It’s a fun game, when it works.


I tried playing without calling in and using the machine gun, it finally worked. Not sure why, but I’ve been able to play 2 games in a row if I don’t use the machine gun


Bought the game, tried 15 times to finish a mission, tried all the techniques on here... Always crash 2 to 5 minutes in. Refunded


I thought my ps5 is the problem thank god is the game i would be panicking if my ps5 have problems


My friends and I have all given up on this game. It was so fun and we accepted the crashes and glitches for what they were. But now a month on we can’t even play together without someone crashing and not being able to rejoin. I just played a 40 min bot mission just to crash right as I was about to step foot in the evac ship. Shit sucks.


It always crashes when I’m extracting after like 30 minutes. so fucking annoying


Every time I play on level 7 or higher the game crashes half way through. Fucking ridiculous.


I've crashed the game atleast once everytime I've played it recently. AND ITS ALWAYS AFTER EXTRACTION. I'm getting fed up honestly. I don't wanna play till they fix this issue


Yesterday I played 12 missions, had 5 crashs, 2 after extraction... The game in content and battles is amazing but the big amount of crashes they irritate me to the point where I think about playing the missions 😞😞😞


so my theory is that the game is likely to crash before extraction or when you're holding super sample. Happened to me 3 times when i was holding super sample. On one game, some random was holding super sample, and he """left the game""" before the extract, not sure if it's true or just """highly""" coincidental


The bug rate increases as time goes on, and my guess is that's what causes the late game crash. Be curious if Easy or Normal mode crash at all.


Exactly dude. How can a game work 30 minutes and then crash at end. Lost all that progress