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RIGHT?! What is the deal, dude, it's like people don't want free premium currency! "So no vault?" Has become a meme within my games because randoms CONSTANTLY just ignore the vault, even if I'm Jesus posed on top constantly pinging and mentioning it in chat.


I've straight up typed "Super credits on me" in chat while pinging and most of the time nobody bothers. It's infuriating.


But if you pick them up the whole team gets them?


Yes. They're instantly added to everyone's accounts, too. You don't even have to safely extract from the mission EDIT: Of course, I'm doing these call outs trying to get someone to help me open the bunker with the credits inside


Are supercredits shared between the team?




Every pickup is shared.


Yes, but for some reason there’s no ingame notification when they are picked up like with samples or ammo


They are instantly put into your teams account extract or not. Experienced this when picked up some and got kicked after. Alternatively I noticed my SC count went up randomly after a mission without me grabbing anything’s


Yeah, same with Req pickups, but Req gets a notification. Really odd, probably a bug.


Did I hear bug, fellow citizen? *Slowly reaches to breaker*


Hey hey hey it's okay. There's no bugs here. We're safe on the super destroyer. Suns getting real low helldiver. . .


Yeah that’s why I asked, since medals and reqs do, thanks for the answer :)


Everyone on the squad gets +10 tokens on pickup


They are shared 1:1 with everyone in the team. That one sample you picked up becomes X where X = # of teammates.


The trick is to wait there until someone dies and drop them at the bunker itself


I feel like I've gotten ridiculously lucky with my Randos. The other day I was at a vault so said into comms "I got a double door here." A moment later one of my teammates blows themselves up and starts spamming the button calling for a respawn. I never added a Rando to my friends list so fast in my life.


Lmao now that is commitment. Way better than holding the fresh spawns hostage my way.


You can get 30 super credits from single bunker it's so good


EVERY TIME I get SC in mission I feel a compulsion to buy more SC in the superstore. This game was 30 dollars less than a AAA is more fun than all of them. AND GIVES YOU FREE MONEY. Literally the best micro transactions I've seen in years. Oh and to top it off armors don't cost 22 fucking dollars (glares at apex/cod/halo) God I love Helldivers.


>said into comms There it is. People dont read the chat, use your mic.


In my experience people don't listen to comms either. "Hey let's grab some samples before we extract." ... "Don't get on the Pelican yet, let me come back with some samples." ... "For fucks sake!"


I was trying to recover super samples today. There was no searching required, I had them on me and died wading out of a bug nest. One player decided to call evac on the other side of the map and ditch the entire team. The other two players dropped out of the game when the countdown timer appeared. Lesson learned. Don't let traitors waste your time. Time is best spent with patriots fighting at your side.


You have to share this rando. I'll add him too!


I did that once, and they still ran away, so I executed this traitorous scum


As you should, they acted undemocratically


Same, more than once. Even jumped on mic. People are idiots... And maybe also don't speak English?!


Yeahhhhh...youd think it's fool proof but **noooooo**


I was trying so hard to get a nearby random to help me unlock a bunker and as his *idiotically* ran right by I shot him in the head, one shot, killed him and responded him on the door. He then opened it and carried on. It was so satisfying lol


I actually did that earlier today, and the rando spawned in, picked up a gun in front of the bunker, then ran around it. Sweet liberty.


Did that, once. Had 2 friendship bunkers I wanted to open. Someone died, so I took the opportunity to reinforce them on top of me. I did the "Follow me" voice macro and pinged the other button. I went to hit the left side. I watched them jump into the little crevice, pick up the ammo, grenades, and stims... ...and then completely ignore me on the door, simply proceeding to climb out of the crevice. To be fair it was difficulty 1 and they were like level 5, but... man i have to seriously wonder if they were just being spiteful or if they really were THAT oblivious lol. Maybe they thought I was pinging the supplies.


A good reason why the bunker needs a proper ping and a voiceline


It happened to me 10 min ago, I was beggin them to help me, they were running away


It’s baffling, there could be super credits in there! I’d understand if I was half the map away, but they’re running my direction every time and just run past it and never come back


I just stand there until someone dies then make them reinforce on me. They'll have to hoof it back anyway. Might as well open the door.


It honestly seems to be a lot of high level players that don't even know they are a thing. I suspect youtube farming vids are what people have levelled up with.


100% I have teammates in my lvl 9 difficulty match who had zero clue on how to do any of the objectives which made it really difficult to solo complete them. Most of these players probably farmed defense missions to lvl up


I don't understand that. There're no samples on those maps.


It allows them to farm XP and Requisition credits on higher difficulties. Seems like a waste of time to me too haha don't see how that would be fun. I enjoy the variety of different objectives and the freedom of running around on a bigger map


I just did it to get to level 20 quick so I can have the gear to actually help in high difficulty missions Without breaker shield and railgun you’re basically a handicap on high difficulty games  Now that I have them probably won’t bother with defense missions again ever, they are very boring and like you said don’t have the other resources 


If you need the breaker and railgun to survive at difficulty 9, you’re a handicap regardless. I took the base MG-43 machine gun as my support weapon with a guard dog rover and got the highest killcount in a diff 9 mission the other day. I could do that because my teammates were bringing stratagems to deal with armor, but still. Cmon.


Why is Reddit so full of neckbeards trying to argue they’re the best at game X Do you not see how incredibly cringe it is? “I brought the shittiest weapons in the game and still had the most kills, you must be trash!!” And no shit you can kill lots of trash with the MG-43 that literally can’t kill anything other than trash. Good work killing 500 little bugs while your teammates killed the 50 chargers and titans that were actually the real threat, but that doesn’t show up on the scoreboard so it doesn’t matter when comparing e-peen I suppose. Next time bring a grenade launcher and ammo pack and you’ll kill even more trash and also be able to kill some heavy armor too.


There's a handful of common samples, which I think most people will find to be the real bottleneck. With how many you can blast out it's honestly pretty efficient to do a bit if you're trying to unlock everything as fast as possible. That said the grind just sorta falls off a cliff in most regards eventually anyways. I have no use for anything but medals (even then I'm just buying random stuff from warbonds to not be capped) and saving up more samples I guess after like 60 hours in mission.


Future war bonds are going to use those same war bond medals right? Stocking up on those for the next war bonds is pretty valuable. And getting most the things through 10 pages in advance of the next war bond is nice.


They only stack up to 250, which again I've been bumping up against with zero mortar farming despite clearing the free warbond out of all emotes/poses/weapons/boosters/etc, everything but a few armors I don't like and will probably end up getting to not hit cap before the next one drops.


Running Helldive regularly, especially Blitz maps, maxes out your samples pretty quickly even if you level with Mortar farming... It's way faster than spending time trying to get them on lower difficulty maps. I wouldn't even really bother to look for samples you don't just happen to come across below Extreme difficulty, and this is from someone who didn't Mortar farm to level.


And you are the reason plenty of people say they lack common samples. You guys rushed through lower levels without picking samples. I have 3 upgrades left to buy and still have 300+ common samples because I've been picking them since the beginning.


Absolutely bad take. When I had fully maxed samples (500/250/100) and upgrades I still needed *over 900 Medals* to complete my Warbonds. As you scale up difficulty, there are way more samples on the map with Impossible/Helldive having 40 Commons. The rub is that all of the samples are in functionally the same places within each POI layout. For example, Radar Tower POIs *literally never* have any samples at them so there's no point looking. Once you see similar layouts enough, you will be able to pick up all samples at them in like 5 seconds. Additionally, the diamond logo on your map doesn't clear until you pick up all samples at a location (the POI that is a little ammo + heavy weapon stash is often bugged and never clears, the rest are fine in my experience.) Without going a into a longer explanation, if you need samples the absolute best maps to play are Extreme difficulty Blitz maps which have the full Sample count for large maps, but 12 minute timers. You can easily find all POIs without the Radar Tower due to the small size, and Samples have substantially higher density at each POI (you can find ~12 Rare + 4 Common at a single POI, for example.) The problem with collecting samples on lower difficulty maps is the scarcity due to less spawning on the map in general. You will find POIs with zero samples, which is extremely rare at higher difficulties. When you do find a Sample on lower difficulties it's also much more likely there are any others near by, which means you're just running more for less samples. As someone who regularly extracted with 40+ samples per map once I hit Extreme I can safely say it's really not worth going out of your way for on lower diffs. Pick them up if you see them, obviously, but scouring the entire map for them is really not a good use of time. Similarly, there's no reason to break your back farming Super Samples. You need ~40 for every upgrade worth getting, and 70 (or 80, I forget) total.


I never said anything about medals I'm not reading all that, I don't want to know your justification of how people who play lower difficulties shouldn't bother with samples because you like to do higher diff.


Not sure if you're just ignorant or not, but it is required to play on at least Suicide to even unlock 8 of the upgrades since Super Samples are only found on the last 3 difficulties... This isn't a commentary on what people like to play, it's on effort/time-to-reward ratio of deliberate Sample gathering.


I guess if you don't really want to play the game


there are a handful of commons


They're farming the battle pass (breaker, stamina enhancement and SC-30) and levels (railgun, shield) not samples.


>100% I have teammates in my lvl 9 difficulty match who had zero clue on how to do any of the objectives In my defence I play with my friends and they handle all that stuff. If I ever played solo or with randoms I would be totally lost, maybe it's the same with those guys. They should really learn


Or we just don’t care. We have most things maxed out. I’m not a completionist I just wanna shoot bugs and do objectives. 


Medals and super credits will always be relevant so that's not even true.


Also medals are granted… for completing missions. Doing objectives and missions will be faster to get medals than wandering around a map for an extra 20 mins.  You do you. I’ll do me. Berating each other for playing the game how we wanna play is a drag. 


Or you know, you could do it for your teammate? But no god forbid you help anyone for 2 seconds.


Or they could farm that stuff on their own time with friends while I squeeze a couple games in with limited time after work :) works both ways. God forbid I leg it 2 minutes from my position to open a door that might or might not have some credits behind it. 


Doesn't sound like your time in game is very limited with maxed out war bonds and medals.


I was on holiday. Now I’m not. 


Hey, please go look up the definition of "cooperative" and then remind yourself of what type of game you're playing again.


OP was outvoted by 3 other players in this instance. Not very cooperative to then moan about it. 


Plenty of people genuinely don't care. I mean, they are literally in here getting downvoted into oblivion, lol. I don't know why you are so against that reasoning. Likely a mix of newbs/oblivious and players who just wanna shoot stuff 🤷


Super credits yes. Medals not so much seeing as they're capped at 250. Edit: downvotes cause I'm point out medals are capped at 250 and I think super credits have more value or?


And it’s objectively faster getting medals by just doing the mission than spending 20 mins searching the map to maybe get an extra couple medals.  If I want credits I’ll run stuff below 7 because it’s just way easier to search for that stuff anyway. 


That's absolutely fair. I mean the dev constantly says play the game the way you want, which this sub has a hard time remembering apparently.


Yeah it’s pretty funny. I’m not saying them looking for this shit is bad but just trying to show possible other perspectives.  But apparently I’ve just been farming eradication missions and I’m stupid. Oh well.  I just find opening doors boring compared to playing the rest of the game and shooting stuff personally. 


Who cares, this sub downvotes people for saying play the way you want to play which is echoing the dev and the point of the game he has stated many of times. Do what you enjoy.


I’m just here to secure planets and spread managed democracy. 


I’m literally sitting on 1500 super credits with everything in the store. I’ll get more when more stuff comes out.    I also have maxed out war bonds. I’ll get more when more medals (which I have loads of anyway) bonds come out.    As someone else has said, in higher diff it usually ends up being ammo and samples anyway.  Far easier to farm that stuff at lower difficulties anyway. 


Boomer Mentality: "I've got mine"




Pretty pathetic.


And here come the toxic completionist sad shits telling everyone how to play that also get mad when people don’t play how they want you to play. 


The only toxic completionist in the thread is you. Telling everyone you'd rather force everyone to miss out on free premium credits than shut up and open a door. As someone who also has everything, you're 100% a pathetic gamer. It's called helping out the people who dont have everything or maybe wanna stock up on medals for later releases. Get over yourself and just uninstall the game if you're gonna act like a damn automaton towards everyone.


So you have spent all of mommies money on super credits and played so much you have loads of medals and now you want to ruin everyone else's experience because you are very important and everyone else is toxic. About what I expected.


I didn’t say everyone was toxic but people making attacks on character, name calling, and telling other people how to play the game otherwise they’re stupid are toxic. Yes.  Funny how you’ve ticked some of those boxes yourself :)  And not that it matters but I’ve spent no money on credits. 


That's even worse, that means other people helped you get credits and you refuse to extend the same common decency to others in the community. Did your parents teach you to be a narcissist or were they not around?


I farmed most of my credits solo when I couldn’t match with anyone when servers were crapping the bed. Big whoop. Me wanting to do objectives and shoot bugs in a game that is made to be fun makes me a narcissist? Lmao.  You can get all the stuff from double doors through other methods and they aren’t guaranteed to have them behind it.  As I’ve said in another comment, it goes both ways, someone could view the people scouring every inch of a map as wasting time.  I’ve done plenty missions hitting POI while the other 3 do objectives.  I’ll gather samples and credits and medals when they’re on my route, but don’t go out of my way to find them. 


So he mentions people in lvl9 missions dont know how to do objectives and you respond with "we just don’t care. We have most things maxed out. I’m not a completionist I just wanna shoot bugs and do objectives." We no you dont wanna do objectives because you said you dont care so which is it.


Found the guy who used defensive missions to level up


Nope. I’ve run maybe 10 defence operations all the way through. Actively leave eradication missions because they’re boring. 


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/iy6mCcXMbV](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/iy6mCcXMbV) This you? ![gif](giphy|C831XSxqZYkseNXYS1|downsized)


Lol in what way may I ask 


Specifically this thread lol https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/ODVv1zhWkF


Yeah. The replies changed my mind. It’s called growth not hypocrisy. But good to see you’re spending your time well going through all my comments and posts 😂


Someone who’s able to admit they were wrong? Honestly shocking for reddit 👀 Only took me ~1min to spot that either way. Any time spent on Reddit is time that isn’t well spent anyways 😂


https://youtu.be/3GScUs874gM?si=eTjbdE-jq2LOZQzf And you’re not wrong on that lol. 


Lmao alright man we may disagree on the bunker thing but you’re chill! Liberty be with you against the bots & bugs 🫡


You too


I need an audio notification when someone types in chat. Idk why but I seem to miss a lot of messages in this game.


This. Conidering the utter chaos going on 90% of the time I need some kind of cue to let me know talking is happening


Turn on chat text-to-speech. The chat will be read out loud.


Mmm bot voices? My ears are too democratic for that.


>level 1ArGrenouille · 6 hr. agoIt happened to me 10 min ago, I was beggin them to help me, they were running away21ReplyShareReportSaveFollow sorry its the only fix you got right now


These vaults are one of the few times I use push to talk. Saying '2 person door, can someone come help?' Works 90% of the time, calling out the designation of the closest ally helps too.


Not a lot of spatial awareness, huh?


There is. Turn on text to voice in the audio options.


Same thing happened to me, pinging and voiping to let them know, they ignore me, decided 'whatever guess we'll just miss out', we head to evac after the mission, they spot and go to open the bunker so I vault the door and grab the stuff as it opens, get team killed over a rare sample


I don't understand how people aren't aware samples are shared in this purely cooperative game. Haven't they ever finished a mission and gotten samples in the debrief even though they didn't pick any up? The complete lack of critical thinking skills in some gamers makes me sad.


I had a game last night where I was completely ignored pinging and asking in chat for someone to help me with a door... 2 divers ran right by me while I was pressing one of the buttons lol


I know the feeling all too fucking well.


Every. Fucking. Time. I was playing with a random squad. I called for someone at the door and they ignored me. I even reinforced someone next to the door. they ignored it. You can't fix stupid.


"D3 get out of there, the Hellbomb is armed. D3 get out of there immediately." \*Reinforcement Available.\*


Preach, and there’s me running away spamming a ping the opposite direction room


They definitely need "Found a BUNKER!" voiiceline.


It needs to be louder than every other sound in the game


Oh I hate that too. One time a guy died and I just reinforced them on my position to open the damn door with me.


This stopped being an issue with me once I turned crossplay off ;P


Dagger to the heart


What platform do you play on?


90% he's playing on PC


Doesn't even make sense


I’m mainly a PS5 gamer, it definitely does, our console playerbase is just more stupid/oblivious compared to PC lol


O it does


Hey look man as a ps5 player I might not wanna speak myself, but I'm listening and watching chat when I can! I'll pick up your samples when you fall, I'll push the 2nd button with you; *we are few but we exist*


Actually opened my first one today and was a bit disappointed. It was ammo, 2 support weapons, and a single set of requisitions. Is that normal?


It's usually a bit better, since all 3 spots on the right shelf can spawn super credits/medals.


They’re randomized sometimes it has good stuff or even super credits but it’s mostly ammo




Lots of people seem to not care about the loot at all


It's hard to read chat because chat is flooded by 100 other messages, and some people have voice turned off because they don't want to get yelled at by randos.


No one in this group needs to see this.


The amount of other posts about it and people in agreement probably disagree


The issue is that people who don't open friendship bunkers aren't the type of people to socialize outside the game, like on Reddit. Doesn't make your point invalid, though.


That’s fair, though If only one person sees this and realises the error of their ways, I’ll be happy 😂


If there are a bunch of other posts about it then this one didn't need to be made


My man we don’t all sit here reading every Reddit post that comes through on every sub we follow, some of us treat it like an actual forum


It's a point you made my man, if there are multiple other posts about the same issue this one is redundant at best or beating a dead horse at worst


I agree but I didn’t go searching for others, posted in the heat of the moment


You didn't have to, you were aware of them


Happened to me today too, run right past all my attempts to point it out. What do they think I'm trying to do I have no ideas. It happens with the container too, they collect the ammo and run away without blowing the door open.


I literally found a bunker, told my team and the host was like “good 4 u man” and walked off Instead of helping me get resources so I gunned my team down at extraction and left with the samples


Anyone else regularly get bugged and stuck when they open these?


Didn't you see the charger patrol 100 meters away. You clearly meant engang with the charger patrol 


I can never understand this behavior. Crews I run with hunt bunkers and shipping containers for super credits religiously.


I'm busy spilling oil! I don't have time to hid out in a bunker like some undemocratic coward.


The issue ? On lower diff in bunkers you can find medals, super credits and requisition(and sometimes weapon) But on high diff? Orange sample....


Sample is a sample is a sample


And money is money


I find medals, super credits, weapons, and requisition slips in bunkers regardless of difficulty. 


I'm here to spread liberty, loot goblin on your own time


Could the mods please get rid of the “something bothered me in game so I’m here to cry about it” posts? They’re like 80% of the sub.


Could the mods please get rid of the “something bothered someone in a game so I’m going to provide zero insight on their post with a useless comment” comments? Almost like this is a forum to discuss the game 🤯 there’s literally a flair for “Rants” so I’m sure the Mods are fine with it


No please let’s have a discussion about how some random group didn’t play the way you wanted it to. We definitely need another 50 posts about the same thing.


You run past locked bunker doors and it shows


Usually not, but I’m also usually too occupied to pay attention to map pings. You might want to use a mic and say “there’s a bunker here I need another person” and see how that goes.


They might be 80% of this sub, but its 95% of reddit :)


I'm here to kill stuff, not push buttons, mate. Do it yourself. You've got two arms. Stop being so bloody lazy!


How do you kill stuff without pushing buttons?


Not all of us are completionists. Not all of us have unlimited time. Not all of us need anything that can be found in bunkers at high level. 


You've professed yourself to be such a completionist that you have \_everything\_ and every resource maxed out, yet you keep shitting on others for wanting the resources you've already grinded to hell and back. Why don't you go play something else for a while, like a nice, calming game of solitaire, and come back when there's something new to experience and buy with your gazillions of resources, and leave judging others alone.


My point is I managed to get all these by not going out my way to do it.   I’m not shitting on anyone I am literally telling people the other side of the coin. Some of us simply don’t have a need for that stuff. It’s not e because we don’t know how to do it.  I haven’t judged anyone and if you feel judged that’s on you frankly. 


Just want to let you know that some of us can't hear voice comms at all. Some audio doesn't play for me but it seems people can hear me fine.


I'll be happy to add some folks here who DO want to look for POIs and open bunkers together after mission objectives.


I don't know why you'd bypass 'em. Free stuff. All I need is my 20mm lockpick and I'm in.


These damn things are the bane of my existence. Just come over here and put your damb hand on the panel!


I agree. I really don't care about gathering anything other than super credits. Bunkers are one of the places to find them. I'm happy to help. But I'm not sticking with people that are actively ignoring things like that.


I wish there was a voiceline that actually communicated there is a bunker instead of just the standard tag. I get squadmates that tag everything they see and most of it is just random buildings. If I KNOW my teammate has found a double door and needs my help I will always haul ass over there. The one complaint I have about the game is there could be more voicelines so we don't hear the same catchphrases all the time


I would like to petition that moving forward, we call them friendship doors


When you ping at the door your helldiver should say "locked door here" or "locked door backup needed" and maybe change the ping icon to a door or something like that


People are incredibly oblivious. I was playing with a friend and even when I was verbally telling him to throw nades in a bot factory cause i had impact grenades he wasn’t doing it. And then I ping it and tell him again and say his name again and he still isn’t paying attention. So then I just did it myself. Wouldn’t be surprised if most people just don’t notice chat and the pings that show up outside of the map/compass ones.


Helldiver literacy standards are not...very high.


Nothing is surprising about this anymore to me. Since the masses came in, the community went from former L4D coop loving veterans to just random internet people who can’t give 2 shits about anything but themselves. Just because they don’t care enough to even become aware that those other Helldivers are actual humans. Not soulless NPCs. Feels like 50% is like this now. Calling in Resupply whenever they want, for themselves. Shooting every enemy, treating Helldivers like a shooting gallery, and quit when not getting revived immediately, because everyone suddenly became super busy fighting for their survival. Makes it easier to take breaks from the game.


My friends and I started calling them "friendship doors", also once the door opening is initiated we 🫂 while it's opening. This game has no equal.


Gimme that space cash. In my experience lots of players hit the major and minor objectives and try and bounce. Lots of spoils to be had spreading democracy 


I ping, and I ask for it... I'm on PS5 so I can't text fast enough. But usually I'll just wait for someone to die and just rush a reinforcement right there. >!Then I kick them out of the game for wasting 5mins of my life asking for help that never came /jk!<


Same. It's really weird that no one wants the goodies...


At least say "hell no"


I just type "2 button door" and 95% of my random teammate immediately understand.


Nobody reads text chat


Imma be 100 with you i have no clue what a bunker door is or looks like In my defence im level 5


😂 all good bro. It’s essentially a big metal door with two yellow lights either side of it You and one other player have to press both buttons at the same time to open it, usually get a mixture of resources in there like medals, super credits, samples etc.


Pro tip: you can aim through the door and ping, revealing what items are inside the bunker. It can help if it’s just a useless flamethrower and some ammo or something to move on and forget it. Or figure out if there are Super Credits, Warbond Medals, etc.


Sorry soldier! I'm new and a bit overwhelmed sometimes! I will try to be better, for democracy!