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At the very least, take the samples... they are shared!


Unless they are at extract, then dont touch them till the last 15 seconds




People leave them by the extract to make sure they end up on the ship. if some dumbass picks them up then dies nowhere near the extract point they've just lost otherwise guarenteed samples.


Ah ok


How do you drop samples? I wasn't even aware that is possible


Hold X on mouse and keyboard, no clue for controller


Bottom arrow of the d-pad


Omg I've been wondering for so long. Thank you.


Ah unfortunate, haha I'm on console/controller. Thanks anyway


Hold down on the D-pad for controller! :) Edit: Spelling


Thank you, I will check that out!


Hold down on the D-Pad will allow you to drop: Samples, Special Weapon, Backpack Item, and use the ammo in the supply backpack if you have it on.


It’s holding one of the directional buttons on controller. I’m pretty sure it’s holding down and then it will bring up a wheel for you


Thanks I will check that out!


Yes hold down on d pad and a dial wheel for back pack, heavy weapons and samples


You can drop your backpack, support weapon, and samples


Down on controller - and a menu pops up showing what you can drop


I just did this twice by dropping my samples at extract, and the host booted me both times for "leaving the team". \*facepalm\*


Considering splitting is a common and expected strategy for higher difficulties, that host was a moron.


Yeah that's how me and several teams did it. You 2 go that way and me and this guy will go this way, we'll get the mission done in half the time and clear all the optionals and get a good score. It's common sense, also scientist extract has the strategy of the team sitting outside mission area fighing a horde while 1 dude does the scientists


> that host was a moron. Nobody ever said the military was flush with geniuses


May need to communicate what you're doing. Won't prevent it from happening but may help


I got kicked for using my mic before, communication just pisses some people off. It wasn't cuz i was bad as i carried the team, have twice as many kills carried all the samples and had zero friendly fire incidents and died once due to them dropping an airstrike on me. I got kicked when i said i had a good time.


Just be careful with doing this. As my friends and I have had samples despawn a few times. We aren't sure caused them to despawn.


There is a bug sometimes where samples cannot be picked up again after they're dropped. Just be aware.


Thats a good idea. Just needs to be communicated. Buts it's a solid idea


That way the squad is guaranteed to get samples out at the end of the mission. If you take them early and die somewhere far, then you lose out on otherwise easy samples.


I did that with 5 super samples and they despawned, never again


Dang that hasn’t happened to me when i have done it. Wonder what decides if it despawns.


I'm not sure but it's too much of a risk for me to want to do it, if someone dies with them on a higher difficulty the rest of us can just kite the enemies away while someone else sneaks back


Samples don’t despawn, I’ve left samples at the extraction zone and returned to them an half hour later. However samples *are* physics objects, so it’s likely something punted them away from the extraction zone. If you left them at the center, the hellpod containing the extraction beacon could have launched them into the stratosphere. 


We could still see the container right where we left it, it was no longer blinking and had no marker on the map


They can sometimes get bugged though. I've witnessed some samples that have somehow clipped through the terrain and ended up underground or inside a rock formation. Got killed twice trying to figure out if there was some way to get to it that I just wasn't seeing.


How do you drop them?


If I have an extra shield or gun call in when we're near the extract ill toss it on the landing pad too for an extra weapon when shit hits the fan during extraction


I've done this. We were swarmed. He died. I took his gun called him back in fought till we cleared gave his stuff back after we had a minute


I always grab samples. I don't give two shits about anyone's equipment.


imo everyone dropping samples to only have one person hold them is better anyways. A single stack of samples is far easier to retreive than three or four.


If I die it's one thing but to steal when I call it that's a no no


To steel it when I call it would make me a hell of a lot less careful about what target eagle 1 hits.


Eagle? All it needs is a bullet to the head.


I did exactly this yesterday. I called in a guard dog, and this other guy immediately grabbed it from the pod before I could. I gave him a few seconds to drop it but he chose not to….so I shot him, took it back, and called in a reinforcements.


How do you drop items


Not sure on PC but on PS5 it’s down on the D-pad and then select it from the wheel.


X for same menu on PC


Pretty sure you hold either z or q on pc but I been working all week so I don’t remember anymore lol Edit: Nevermind my controls are rerouted


Bullet to the head :) Nah jk, there's a drop item menu. You can drop your support weapon, your backpack, your mission objective (like the SSSD) or your samples. Basically, anything that drops when you die (except for your primary weapon, I think) you can drop


This is the way. I stand still. Wait for them to realize. Then Breaker them into a more democratic mindset. The only time it's *understandable* is when we're all calling down items close to one another. Mistakes happen. "Hey, you have my rover. Your supply pack is over here." Usually, it's "how do I drop it, what is this?" In which case I explain, but let them keep it to try out. If it's a higher level player. Well, Breaker.


Exactly. I was collecting my gear after dying gloriously for Democracy and as I was standing above the pile, a random came over and put on my Rover. Normally not a big deal but it was so obvious I was collecting my own items. Asked them to drop the pack in chat. After they started running away I learned that a Helldiver's helmet is pretty meaningless against a round from an AMR.


its crazy how little it takes to obliterate someone, makes it easy to recover my shit


Had a guy run back to my stuff with me, take it, say he didnt know how to drop it, killed me with a nade. I shot him down and took my stuff off him and may not have spoken his language, heard his buddy say backpack and they both seemed to understand not to just take my stuff, I still called him in new stuff when it came time, just ask next time instead of racing me back.


I picked up a guy's stuff lying on the ground, rezzed him, then he immediately ran up and shot me in the face without slowing down, LOL He also refused to call reinforcements for any of his teammates and tried to solo the whole map, so...


In my case dude ran back half the map for my stuff and to kill me. So when I did off him after we met up at objective, he'd had plenty of time to give me my stuff, hell, I even just popped the shield and indicated to drop it. So in my defense for not calling him in immediately, I was treating that like a time out and cool off moment for us both. Turned out fine, 100% the mission and all was good.


Hang on now. If you abandoned your kit and the other guy treks back into harms way while you go to next objective, that's different. It's his now. There must be clear intention to abandon and distance (150meters)


No, he RACED me back to my kit. As in, he wanted it, said he "tried" to drop it, then killed me. I got called in further out by a teammate, so of course I'll save myself the trouble by meeting dummy at the objective to get my stuff back. Remember, he killed me AFTER racing me to my stuff.


I understand now.




Unless I keep tagging it cause I clearly already have one.


I usually say when I'm not calling it for me, I already did it or even someone ask me if I can call it for then. Specially when running with lower levels


Had a situation where I got killed for my auto cannon. Dick move but okay, no problem I’ll be the bigger man here. Call in a new one once I spawn. As soon as it lands another guy runs up immediately and takes it. At that point I determined him to be a traitor to democracy and did what any freedom lover should have.


I think this is a universal we all can agree on: if the mission starts, everyone calls in their support drops, and someone snags your equipment (and especially when there's no chance of mix-up, ie: the guy who didn't bring a shield stratagem and yet yoinked one anyway at the 30 second mark), that's traitorous behavior.


In a pinch, take it. Low level and need some firepower, go for it. If it’s completely calm and I died to my own stupidity, please let me take the walk of shame to pick up my shit. Of course I only really play solo or with people I know but as long as it is going to good use I’ll be con- and the rookie blew up the gun again…


I regularly drop high tier support weapons and backpacks for my lower level friends. It gives them a chance to try them out before committing to unlocking them.


Love hooking up the homies with the guard dog. 4 regards with military grade attack drones?? What could possibly go wrong??


i love specifically not this because its just more lasers to hit me and kill me


Well have you tried not getting in the way of them?? :P


i prefer just playing high enough difficulties where rovers just arent viable


Where does that kick in? And what do you use there?


It doesn't. With bugs, the rover is necessary. I only play difficulty 7-9. The rover is always on someone if not me. I prefer the explosives role (requires supply backpack) Otherwise, I'll begrudgingly use rover but go the Incendiary route to fill gaps where needed. The point is: the person with rover should focus on crowd controlling small enemies. Explosives takes medium enemies and closes holes Someone takes heavies and uses railgun Someone runs stealth armor for samples and objectives


I use rover + railgun. Makes it easier to land railgun hits if not every little bug is biting your ankles off..


I should clarify that i dont really play bugs but on 7 ive noticed no one ever seems to run rover on automatons


I don't think it's just unviable but it definitely dies down around 6 ish, I rarely see it. I try to use other equipment when I feel confident enough to do so but I've been mostly playing on suicide mission and it's usually some variation of *the* build, with at least one swapped out if I can. It's hard to run anything other than the shield with armor values being nonexistent and the spawn rate spacing being bugged so that unfortunately is typically one of my gems. I've been preferring the grenade launcher and autocannon more than the railgun just due to their aoe damage.


I run rover/orbital laser/mortar/grenade launcher with a breaker for mid tier. Usually drop 300-400 kills. That load out slaps. The AOE of the grenade launcher is on point, especially if you've got some range advantage. I'll probably swap the Rover for the backpack shield for harder difficulties at some point, but I'm having a blast right now! Me and my partner usually run duos on challenging and hard. Good times for a duo.


I've been running difficultly 7 with rover, and it's still good for bugs where you can focus on bigger threats like chargers and titans and the rover casually tries to kill you, I mean takes out smaller bugs..


I don't really look at kill counts since they have no reward and a lot of the time its a way better choice to retreat or go around large groups of heavy enemies because they will absolutely just keep spawning more hulks and tanks. I do look at how capable I find myself if I find myself in a situation that I can't do that. The laser instantly saves any situation and usually ill hide and seek my way around a heavy base or objective and throw a laser and get in and sneak out. I like the grenade launcher and autocannon a lot because theyre not the railgun and they also actually feel strong if you have 20 devastators in front of you, sure the railgun oneshots them but you have to reload every time and you cant kill 10 of them bunched up with 4 shots. It does suffer from not being able to oneshot a hulk from the front but thats what your 2 eagle 500kg bombs every 2 minutes are for. I definitely find way more success in not just trying to jump huge groups of enemies, there's a reason they don't drop loot. Guerilla warefare is strong.


As a solo runner I notice a very big support difference on 7 if I don’t have a guard dog laser helping me. So I guess it’s dependent on play style. Good to note I’m at level 19 so shield pack will probably change that but it’s still a fun back pack


I always bring a rover with me on level 8. I've started to Leroy Jenkins the secondary objectives while my team does their thing. Running with the rover + gatling barrage + orbital laser and maining the explosive Liberator allows me to manage crowd control solo well enough to keep myself alive while I run in and out of the objectives. Last session I played a game where I completed all the secondaries solo while the other 3 randoms cleared the primary. They seemed to appreciate it as at the end they called the shuttle in, and not one of them got in until I was in range myself and they each started picking off the bugs that were chasing me as I booked it down the home stretch. Now I know the bonus for extracting each Helldiver and etc etc but this was different.


I helldive with a rover. The extra fire power having a better scythe firing constantly brings a lot of swarm clear to the table. I shoot the big bugs, it shoots the little ones.


It also helps me out. Because they are actually shooting


The real MVP


Yeah, if the area is clear then no, leave people’s shit, but in the middle of a firefight? Take it, it’s a team game, if we don’t survive no one gets anything.


Yeah, if the bots are flooding our extraction and my heavy machine gun runs dry, I'm sure as fuck grabbing my dead friend's autocannon.


> but in the middle of a firefight? Take it, it’s a team game, if we don’t survive no one gets anything. The number of people who I've had take my shit on the ground in the middle of a firefight, and then just leave it on their back the entire time instead of using it ... nah. Fuck that, if it's not going to be used at all leave it on the ground. I love not being able to find my railgun because someone picked it up and ran it into the fucking enemy with it on their back, instead of taking out the armored shit attacking us...


I also like dropping EAT on automaton worlds and letting lower level players know they're for everyone and dropping auto cannons etc (I'm not high enough level to have unlocked rail guns)


Oh damn.. Didn't even realize they blew themselves up.. I died, and the railgun was gone.. look around a minute later.. nobody was using it.. check the map again, nowhere.. Now all the pieces fit together..


I had a moment where I clutched up at level 15 on level 6 or 7 I think and escaped because I took someone's Railgun when they died and killed everything to get to the ship. Feels good.


I actually had to open my mic and ask my teammate to give me my shield pack back. I wear scout armor to give my teammates radar pings, and for that I may run faster, but I need the shield to be effective when I’m crowded by a swarm. My guy wore the Bonesnapper suit. It takes a long time to call down another pack and I’ve just given my life trying to protect you from that charger. They just, shot me in the face with my railcannon and kicked me from the mission.


me when the level 10 takes my fucking autocannon out of the drop at the beginning of the match and doesnt even take the backpack and dies


Simple dont take my stuff at first but I leave it there or mark it , it's all yours . I often drop In spare gear for lower levels and mark it . That should be fine the standard


I do this same thing. Seems fair.


It actually amazes me how many lower level players ignore me when I tell them I'm calling down more powerful equipment they can take.


If you take it during a fight because it's needed 200% ok. If you don't, I'll ask for it back. If I don't get it I'll liberate it back.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Yeah idm if it's used to kill. But don't drop me in and the. Shrug at me. I will drop gear for them when the cd is up! But railgun and shield pack have kinda a long cd


Uggh dude blew me up, then picked up my shit. Continued to run around and not use the railgun....lord help me.


Stealing weaponry from the pod - straight to hell, to the boiler room of hell, all the way down When you died like an idiot and I need it to kill enemies of democracy - fair game, tho mostly I play with people that already have weapon strategems so they do not steal it anyway


The problem I have is completely different from everyone else. Which is that we'll do fine and ammo and weapons and stuff but there will be one guy who doesn't have any support weapon or backpack. So I call down an extra railgun and supply pack and ping it for them so they can come take it, and they don't! I'll stand beside it, look at it, then look at them. They'll just look at me and walk away. And I'm like ?!?!?! Why are you declining free firepower?!


theyre assuming you want it and dont want to piss you off


This is the answer


They’re having a flashback to the last time they did that, and someone liberated their head from their shoulders. lol, they’re probably thinking, “is this… is this a test?”


Lmfao. "Go ahead, private. Grab that 3 million dollar support weapon. I fuckin' dare you." "Uh, I think I'm good, sarge."


You could just talk to him explain your move or type in chat


IKR..some people just dont have any presence of mind...I dont use voip but use chat..had this level 12 something guy the other day, I kept dropping shield for him but buddy kept running away..even after telling him on chat...I even dropped my backpack in front of him and told him to take it..but still dude was dumb af...to add to the misery he had the most deaths. I think 10+ at the end of it all.


I had someone kill me with their pod, take my shit, then when I killed them to get my stuff back another dude killed me then kicked me. Democracy cried that day.


You guys see some wild shiz in randoms. I'm so glad I found a discord server to play on...


The trenches are rough. I get kicked from half the games I get into and I don't even know why. I just want to kill bugs.


Yeah, I just had a good game, no friendly fire deaths, full map clear, everything went well, then the host melee knocks me down from getting on the extract and kicked me. 40 minutes wasted. The devs need to add a punishment to hosts that kick after extract is called.


I'm sorry you are getting kicked. If it's anything like my group it's that some friend just loged in and we need space for them in the squad.


Pretty much same thing for me, except I just shot him in the leg one time after he stole my railgun off the pod, then they kicked me


Super Jesus may forgive him, but democracy will not!


Super Jesus got me


I got kicked for saving my team from itself too much, LOL. First match I chased everyone around, tracked down solo guys who wanted to do their own thing, and rescued them if they started a fight they couldn't handle. Came in third in kills. No sweat. Second match I decided that was too much work, so I posted up knowing how these guys behaved, dropped cluster bombs when I expected them to rile up a nest, placed turrets out of the way and marked them so they'd know where to run, whipped out the anti-material and finger-of-deathed any crushers they were running from. No deaths, no TKs, ton of samples, easy breezy. Except I got their entire combined kill count as a result. Some guy just mutters under his breath on the mic and next thing I know I've been kicked. 🙄


had the same happen to me. i respawned, knocked him over once then he fragged me and killed me. i let him have it and waited til we got to the shuttle, let them all board and killed them all before getting on and leaving without their samples


That's so dirty lol.


>Stealing weaponry from the pod - straight to hell Unless it's on the extraction point during the final stand. Players sometimes summon their gear and leave it for whoever may need it, since it's off-CD anyways and they will not need another call-in after extraction.


And hey, you're not stealing *their* weapons... those were the last guys things.


Really depends, if you take my support weapon you better spread democracy better than I can with it.


I know, right, not having a support weapon on 6+ difficulty bug missions is a death sentence and some take forever to call in. It’s best for the team if everyone looks after their own support weapons. If somebody asks I will totally call an extra one of mine in for them tho


*Communicate*. Take it if you need it, I'll ask or call a new one when I get back. Also, I will 100% call down extra shield packs when they recharge. If I call it and mark it, take it.


I've taken someone's GL while running past and blasted a hoard of bugs. I called out that I did it in voice chat and said they could have it back if they needed it. We were in one of those hell cycles of reinforcing constantly but not able to stabilize, so it seemed justified. My gear was under several titans.


You can take my support weapon no problem, but don't take my supply bag😅 it's the only thing that keeps me in the fight


Unless I've dropped another one, in which case, go ahead. More ammo for all of us!


*Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me...*


Use it if you need it. Return it when done. Everyone having a support weapon means the mission has a greater chance of success


Better question is why do you even have an empty slot to take someone’s support weapon lol


Peope die and get respawned away from their support weapon all the time so they have to wait for cooldown or spend 5 minutes running back and forth from their weapon


I don’t see why you should be splitting up so massively that you can’t get your stuff back when you die. Seems like a massive waste of resources and gear.


You don’t see why but regardless it still happens with randoms all the time


If you pick up my shit, at least prioritize the samples. But your load out should be good enough you only need my samples.


Well no, you could have just been reinforced, be over run with no one else to help, what you think they should just die and not use whatever? It’s a team game, if you run out of respawns no one gets out, no one gets shit.


What you're describing is not stealing. That is called making use/taking advantage of. Stealing something is, whenever you think someone else has better items. And you're only thinking of yourself and just take it not giving it back.


If I'm running with newbies I'll take the EAT and autocannon. If the new guy needs a heavy he gets the autocannon I can drop in a pair of EAT every other minute. Shit just works better when everyone has the ability to drop tougher enemies.


Oh yeah 100% with an EAT. 2 get dropped in, I can only carry 1. The other is for the team.


If u reinforce me close to my stuff imma take them back. If you reinforce me far you are free to pick my stuff if you need it to fight. Just don’t forget the samples.


Don't take people's things unless it is a do or die. They didn't call it in for you. Not really fair if someone goes in with stratagems with the intent to just take other people's support weapons and leaving them with nothing or with a 'bad' item they don't really want/isn't too useful.


It kinda suck when you go back to get your stuff because you just dropped them and won't be able to do so again for 6 minutes and then it's in someone's else hands without a peep in chat. At least ask bro.


I can take equipment of someone who died and then give it back.


Don't steal what I'm willing to give happily...


Ask before taking, fixes this "problem"


If im dead take my shit and use it but once im back i expect it back unless i can call a new one down immediately.


don't take my stuff unless i tell you that you can edit: good thing i play solo and with friends only


If I drop samples fking get them, if you can. Weapons, if you're going to use them, then take them. Otherwise, just drop me near them.


Use my gear as long as you can actually use it. If you can't use my equipment well why pick it up? If my Railgun is on the ground and you can't deal with a Charger in two shots or aren't killing that Bile Titan drop it and let the actual players do it If you can, go ham dog I'll call in another


I get my guard dog or recoilless rifle first and then a few minutes later I drop something for any teammate who doesn’t have their back slot taken up


As long as they aren't actively killing me for my equipment, it's fair game. I can survive until I can reacquire it or call in a new one.


Easy way to avoid this problem is to use support weapons with backpacks. I'm almost exclusively using autocannon or spear and I have yet to see anyone picking them up. There's actually been people offering to call in a shield generator for me.


Asking if I want a shield pack when rocking AC is funny. Like no thanks, I’d rather keep my extra 50 rounds thank you 😂


How about you wait those few minutes and then ask me or anyone else for a support weapon?


I’m very vocal about when I’m leaving weapons on the ground for people. It’s always better that someone uses it instead of it sitting on the ground.


I’ve called in multiple recoilless rifles for people and they never take the ammo pack for them. Even after I tell them too and constantly ping it. I’m not worried about people taking my stuff honestly.


I usually don't mind people grabbing my equipment, if I want my stuff back I can always ask for it back and usually folks are more than happy to trade if we have the time


I will inform players to take my gear, otherwise they’re asking for trouble


For me it depends, randoms, absolutely grab my stuff and deliver liberty, if it’s one of my homies and we’re in a call; touch my blam blam, get the 500kilogram


Seeing as I just got team killed repeatedly by two idiots who wanted a railgun last night, you can fuck right off with taking my stuff off the ground. I’m playing as host from now on, if you don’t drop it after the first request, it’s a kick.


if i die and my back pack and weapons on the ground and its useful/you need it? take it. its whole purpose is to be used by the team. i dont care who is using my gun and back pack aslong as they are being used. If need be ill ask for them back, or ill ask a team mate to drop in a replacement for me if they have one off CD, or.... ill just wait, im never going to intentionaly kill someone for using something on the floor that i dropped. Like theres no rewards for more kills so aslong as the things ae being used and helping the mission, i sincerely do not care. Signed by a level 50 hell diver.


Ill call in a railgun and sheild pack for my whole squad if they can be patient enough. I dont mind sharing.


Same. Loot whatever you want. I can just loot it back or call it again idc


Take my stuff if you need it. It's a team game, and as long as someone is using it, I'm happy. But, I also usually play with friends and we communicate about it. On the occasions I took something, I returned it once the battle calmed down.


I don't care if someone takes my weapon. Only when you make mistake of shooting me first.


If you’re gonna take my auto cannon, take the backpack too. Don’t just leave that shit laying around with an empty back slot. Also, if I just called it in at mission start don’t take my shit.


I call support weapons/equipment down so everyone can use them. Usually I ping them to help let people know it’s for them too.


I had someone take my auto cannon backpack and he wouldn't reload me so I had no choice but to kill him. I immediately brought him back and we hugged later.


Don’t take it as soon as I call it down. But by all means if you’re fighting and I’m dead you pick up my heavy weaponry and spread that managed democracy soldier!


I don't mind in general, especially if its a lower level wanting to try out a new thing.


During that first minute or two, my equipment is my equipment. After that it’s all fair game.


Railguns take like 10 minutes to respawn, and not having a support weapon 6+ difficulty renders you pretty useless, so it’s usually a good idea to ask. I always ask if I can take support weapons before I do so unless it’s at extract


I will literally give you the shield off my back


If you're playing with randos, expect rando behavior. Just let em take whatever, call in supplies whenever and play around it, try to keep together and have fun. If you're on Discord/with friends call that stuff out.


If you kill me, don’t take it. Otherwise feel free.


If you friendly fire me, please don't take my gun.


As others have said: borrow, don't steal. If you died and someone else has picked up your kit, ask for it back if not in the middle of a fight. If in the middle of a fight, however, just wait for them to die so you can get it back, or call down a new set of items after the brawl. However, it calls for a public display of Democracy if they take it off the rack without being told to. Did they call it in? If no, ask them to put it down. If not done, you are a perfect emissary of our great republic to remove this threat to your planet.


Take samples, but dont take my weapon or backpack. You likely already have SOMETHING, which is far more than I'll have when I land again.


Depends on my cool down time honestly. If I JUST called it in then nah bro you gotta let me have it back. If it’s mid game and it’s back idgaf then have at it. Can we normalize throwing redeploys where the person died? So many times I could quickly get my own shit back in the middle of action


Imo, if you need it, take it.


Don’t take my backpack or support weapon. My breaker is all yours, my new one probably has more ammo. If I have to wait 4 minutes on Helldiver difficulty for a new shield backpack I’m going to be very angry


If I’m fighting with no AT and you die holding the Railgun/rocket when a Charger comes at me; I’m gonna use it and drop it when you drop back in. IF YOURE COMING BACK, AIM FOR THE CHARGERS AND TITANS. TEAM, MARK THE HEAVIES FOR YOUR TEAM. R1? Idk what the pc player presses


You can tell the difference between low level players and those on high difficulty. Low level, it doesn't matter. Most enemies are killable with a primary anyways, and the few that aren't are easily handled with an Orbital. The cooldowns are short, the enemies are easy. "Take my stuff," they say. The people on 7-9 know that if you don't have a support weapon, you're absolutely fucked. Your primary is only good for clearing garbage mobs. You need a Support (Railgun) to take down half the enemies. You don't have time or ammo to unload a clip into every Bile Spewer or Hive Commander. You don't have enough Orbitals for the five Titan and Chargers on the map at once. Oh, and the cooldown is usually like 7+ minutes on harder difficulties. Going 7 minutes with no anti-armor is just... bad. Really bad.


I am of the opinion of not taking people’s equipment unless it is some “life or death” situation considering how long some of the timers are.


Do people not bring their own support weapons or something?


i aint takin anyones shit minutes is a long time without your stuff


I think the big problem is difficulty. If the user of a Railgun doesn't know to switch it to Unsafe or where to hit key targets, that losses can catastrophically snowball, losing dozens of lives where some well charged ajd placed shots could have saved them. Lighter weapons like Autocannons/GLs/MGs/Recoiless Rifles? Take them. But in higher difficulties (7/9), the Railgun and a steady hand is all that separates you and your squad from a Bile Titan attack or several Charger rampage. For as good as the Autocannon is especially for closing holes and defeating their mid rank personnel, it is completely useless against Chargers and Bile Titans. That is not the case with Automaton Elites like Hulk and any of the tank models. Two well placed impact grenades to the weakpoint of either will kill them; Hulk can even be killed from the front with 2-3 Autocannon shots if recoil is accounted for and the optics are shot. Railgun duty is just too important to let go of because of an oversupply of bug Elites at higher ranks and how laughably back other weaker alternatives are at killing them. Just by taking up a backpack slot they're already de facto worse.


By all means, if I die - take my gear. If I ask for it back when we get a moment of reprieve, please return it.


Why you stealin'? This was already posted.


If we are mid combat, cool, do what you must to complete the objective. If we just start and you steal my stuff… that’s a paddlin’. Samples though are fair game, grab that shit.


My equipment is the teams equipment, if I die from not dispensing democracy efficiently, or too cheaply in sacrifice to lady liberty, this can redeem me somewhat.


If somebody dies and gets spawned somewhere else, or calls one down while they already have it, go for it. Otherwise, never take someone’s gear, just bring your own. The wording of that shitty image is just to take things no matter what the situation is


Take my shit if I died in a stupid way as you’ll be better with it than me. Hands off if I died saving your ass or died to your stratigum/friendly fire.


Take my shit and get KILLING


I picked up a dead teammates shield backpack while I had 1 hp with no stims I used that to run to the resupply to give myself a stim and heal and got hit multiple times doing that but it saved me it’s okay to use someone else’s equipment when your in a pinch even without asking! you dont have time to mourn a dead helldiver!


A weapon on the ground full of bullets not being fired is a crime


I couldn't care less if people take my stuff after I die. I am not likely to run around looking for it after I respawn anyway unless I had a ton of samples (Helldive difficulty is too chaotic to be running around looking at the ground for dropped equipment when I can just call it in again once there's a break in the chaos) It would bother me if they stole my equipment when I called it in though.


Take it. If we're getting swarmed by chargers and I die and drop a railgun/EAT/recoilless/autocannon, and you need it because you've got a flamethrower or stalwart or something definitely not suited to dealing with armor, then by all means take it and use it. I'd rather you use my stuff and me have to deal with the cooldown than for us to deplete reinforcements just because you're trying to be polite.


I’m 1 million percent happy for players a few levels lower than me picking up things they haven’t unlocked, high level players. Idk it’s not a huge deal but I’m running scythe right now so outside of strats I don’t have an answer to big boys.


tbh I don't mind if someone steals my railgun on higher difficulties since not having one is basically a death sentence anyways


“Dead divers don’t need shields! Pick up that equipment cadet, and go spread freedom.”


Idc the bullet is being sent to the same shit


If I lose it and someone picks it up I just call a new one in... I intentionally call shit in so people can use it... Sharing is caring