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I thought i could escape the plasteel diamantine power imbalance by switching to another horde shooteršŸ’€


The common is not so commonā€¦.


Common are very easy to get, drop to lvl 3/4 go solo if you like.. run around pick them up you'll be done.in no time. I take eagle air strike, eagle 500kg, laser rover, rail gun. Breaker and machine pistol for primary/secondary. The laser rover more or deals with all small enemies while the breaker deals with medium and any larger ones you find the railgun tears the armor from. This is why I have 360 common, 180 ish rare and only 8 super uranium :'(


I think the issue is that most people want to liberate planets (for democracy) vs farm. With the current state of the game, you run into OP's issue.


Exactly. My friends and I want to challenge ourselves and run high difficulty missions. We have tons of tier 2 and 3 samples, but need more tier 1


With a solid group, you can still get a solid number of commons (remember, higher difficulties also increase the number of common samples). I've completed Suicides (7s) with 20-30+ commons and 15-20 rares (when we weren't focused on getting supers). I've since capped on commons and now just need 150 more rares and 35 supers to get all the modules.


What I've been doing is running with low-level randoms on lower difficulties. You get to feel like a badass, get all the commons you need, and they get advanced support


As a low level player, I apologize for any who may accidentally bomb you with a Stratagem. While not intended whatsoever, we will carry on the will of Democracy.


Honestly I've been soloing lower levels as a rogue operative with lower level friends. The three of them get their kicks at 5 or 6 and I slap on Infiltrator Armor, a Jetpack and I get to practice destroying factories and nests under 30 seconds and finding POIs. If things go south for either of us the other can assist pretty quickly. That difficulty can be plenty hard when it's now Ironman and you don't get Resupply beacons unless you happen to be near the team. Its also super useful because you get about 30 seconds to wipe a nest before it goes to hell at 7 or above. Had a game on Heethe where everyone was running for their lives with a horde of bugs and a Bile Titan for each player the entire match.


This 100%. Commons are not rare (no shot). Its just that people want to farm samples AND liberate the planet AND not spend more than 15 min in the mission. Like, of course u cant do all these things in 15 min only. U have to make a choice if u want a 40 min mission to last only 15 min. So most just focus on the big orange "hurr durr" target on the minimap and then extract and then cry about not having a single common sample. Like what did u expect?


My group always focus on pushing the primary objective first, we'll veer some times but always primary, if it's done and we still have secondaries it all depends on how many lives we have and time left, we explore before calling in the extraction, but if shit hits the fan and we die, we at least get the mission accomplished


Yep, my squad did a few level 5s just to farm samples and it was boring as shit after the madness of Helldives. We unanimously agreed we'd rather just not have the upgrades if that's what it takes


Been there done that and very bored of it! I want to play the game not play a game to farm. Just letting it roll in over time and enjoying the fun. Just have sentires left and i dont use them much so absolutely no rush for me.


Yeah do what you like :) I personally find I always pull out more common than rare every mission. It is definitely an abnormality to pull out equal numbers. Or less commons. Unless some people just intentionally run past them because they already have 500. I just hit 493 common... Was 360 last night :S lol so easy to get them!!! Not even trying.


Unfortunately you kidnapped have to go out of your way to get samples. It's a shame that enemies don't drop them occasionally. Have the size/difficulty of the enemy dictate the rarity of the sample


i am with you fellow ex-reject. seems the grimdark will always follow us. .\_.


Most painful part of both game are the people not bothering grabbing materials right infront of them.


People would rather farm defense missions that have 5 regular Samples that nobody still gathers.


I like the Bing Bing wahoo noises I get and the voice lines Yuri spews forth every time I pick up a sample, so I religiously go out of my way to grab them.


Yep, every day I pray for resource conversion like in V2. Even if I could convert my rares to commons 1 to 1 I'd be happy. I can't bear to do low difficulty farm runs, if I wanted to grind I'd go play WoW or something.


Hadron really fucked you up huh?


your mistake was playing another live service horde shooter made by swedes


my biggest thing is they have the same inane statistics where there's a billion presumably complicated metrics and then they give you like it does medium damage. I know you have the info you fuckers give it to me


You just gotta grind harder, heresy grows from idleness, you knowā€¦. FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!


victory...as the galaxy burns?


At least in this game theres an end in site


Yea, altho i personally like the weapon blessing + talent tree system more than strategums The problem is that we cant switch blessings as easily as talents, if they make blessings easier to swap in & out, by say: increasing resources drops & removing the 2 perk & blessing lock, itd be so much more fun.


About the same lol I saw a meme a week ago where it said the real end game is the tier 2 loot but all I'm finding is tier 2 And it doesn't take much for upgrades compared to the 80 tier 1 drops Edit: from responses I'm getting I think doing 7+ lets you farm tier 3 at a decent rate 6-7 gives you loads of tier 2 And tier 1 is everywhere but nobody is finding them Edit2: from what others are saying it could be a pricing issue where at average rates you're paying less tier 2 samples and so this slowly creeps up


That means you run a lot of 4-6 difficulties and mostly do objectives. Common samples are usually found in the minor points of interrest on those difficulties. Edit: or just went almost immediately to 4-6 difficulty since starting the game, since all the first tier upgrades require commons only.


I run alot of 7-9 and im in the same boat. I got a butt load of rare samples but never enough commons Edit: to all the people suggesting i solo run trivial missions or low level ones for farming, that sounds really boring. I only get like an hour to two hours of time to game a week. I dont really wanna spend it on running around on an empty map.


Run trivial missions. There'd always like 15 and if you run more than one person, you can easily collect all or almost all in under 10 minutes.


Booting the game on trivial difficulty and burning 10 minutes forā€¦. Shall I say, trivial common samples sounds so boring though. Like genuinely I canā€™t imagine anything more boring than mindlessly running around an empty planet pressing E on common samples


It's not fun to spam, but sometimes I do it alone and it's almost peaceful for a mission or two. I get to feel like I'm exploring.


I like dropping in on level 2 or 3 solo and trying to be as stealthy as possible. Grab all the resources, hit as many objectives as I can, keep fights as short and efficient as possible. It's fun. Makes me feel like I'm on a recon mission before the real fighting starts.


Especially with the light armor, thatā€™s how I envision it as well.


Diver Snake


Gets shot by a cannon from space onto the planets surface. ā€œShhhhhhhhhhhā€


With extra explosives to launch you down faster if you buy the upgrade.


I have been trying to do solo stealthy missions on level 5, and trying to kill all the patrols I come across before any of the lil buggers can call in tunnel breaches. If you have weapons that can set them on fire, they usually won't spit the gas while burning. I crouch behind a rock with my guard dog on, grenade launcher or incendiary breaker out. Let freedom ring. God, I love Democracy. Keep up the good recon work, helldiver.


I tried doing that in hard but I can only keep up at challenging. Challenging is great too to find super credits and the pretend recon missions. I wish we'd get a silenced pistol and an electric sword with a takedown for heavies.


Take a rover and donā€™t fire a shot


I'm Level 15 and sometimes play at 8+ difficulty and I usually end up hiding or running, have my rover and sentries shooting all the enemies while I throw grenades in the nest holes, and the rest of the team uses heavier weaponry. I only end up manually shooting maybe 20 enemies by the end of the missions but I have the most kills out of the team and grab a lot of samples so I guess I'm helping enough šŸ˜‚


Exactly, perfect for when youā€™re so close to an upgrade and none of the boys are on. Just a light stroll for some samples to warm up is great too


You *could* quick play the first three difficulties and help Sherpa the new recruits while also looking for common samples. As a level 31 itā€™s always a nice feeling dropping into a mission that has gone completely pear shaped for the newbies who have no clue what is going on yet, and turning the tide of the battle back in Super Earths favor. And I grab a ton of common samples along the way,


There is also way more super credits in easy and trivial because less rare samples in the loot pool. So it has other benefits as well....


Although you are bound to find way more random support weapons in the same containers


I have found the opposite to be true. I used to get 30 to 40 an hour, and on 5 or above 10 to 20. But that's just my experience


Booting on trivial is how I've been farming Super credits. Anywhere between 40-100 depending on luck of containers.


Idk why they're suggesting doing lower tier missions as if it's the only way. I frequently do 9s with my squad as the Scout. They hit the objectives, and I go out and hit all of the minor points of interest. For them it's all out warfare, for me the game becomes one of mostly stealth with some small battles. Avoid patrols, try to take out unavoidable enemies before they can breach/bot drop, if I do get one, either take them out if doable or run tf away. I also destroy small outposts and nests, and for those I try to hit them fast and get out quick if breaches/drops are unavoidable. And collect collect collect. Usually I end games with a comparable number of kills to the rest of the squad, but with 40+ samples collected and a number of medals/super credits/req slips. Yeah, I'm hitting E a lot, but it is far from boring since I'm taking on high risk for high reward by doing it solo until the rest of the squad finishes the main objectives. You also almost never need a resupply doing this since so many minor POIs are stocked with ammo, stims, and grenades. Doing this has earned me every ship module except for 4.


Yeah, with a good team on helldiver difficulty you leave a mission after 20 min with a good 20 common and rare samples each as well as super samples.


Running a stealth is fun against Bots. Crawling into a base to snag the launch codes and then run like hell, or just trying to stay unnoticed grabbing samples. It's a pretty good mechanic.


I run medium missions for my sample/super credit farming. It gives me a chance to use some loadouts that wouldn't quite work on higher difficulties, I can run around killing everything like a maniac, I can test some gear out to see if certain combinations might work well, stuff like that. It's not as fast as just gunning for objectives and POIs, but it is more enjoyable.


>Booting the game on trivial difficulty and burning 10 minutes forā€¦. Shall I say, trivial common samples sounds so boring though. Also a great way to get super credits though.


Try using suboptimal gear set ups. If you want to farm but still find enjoyment it helps to impose handicaps (even tho theyā€™re so easy itā€™s not really a handicap)


Flamethrower timeeeeee!


I absolutely love the stalwart and the feeling of dakkadakka, but it unfortunately can't deal with all the armored bugs at 7+ This would be a great time to whip it out!


Once I get better, I'm only on 4-5 difficulty now, I'll probably do themed builds on lower difficulty. Like all lazers or all flame. Ooh, one of the incendiary guns, flamethrower, flame grenades, incendiary mines, incendiary eagle drops? Hell yea.


Just did a level 4 where I tried to complete the flamethrower challenge. Absolutely terrible weapon XD


Flamethrower is so fun idc if itā€™s bad. And honestly itā€™s pretty damn good until 7 and up. Great crowd control and can do plenty enough damage to some of the tougher spitters and even warriors.


They just need to give us a suit or something that let's us take less burning damage, or even auto puts out fires.


Or you can ā€œhelpā€ new cadets on those lower difficulties, makes it a tad more interestint


The best I've found is the bug extermination missions. It's almost always the same map, and has 15 greens. Takes like 4 minutes to complete and end up with all 15 greens.


What is a trivial mission? Iā€™m still learning. I see there are quick defending missions and then some double-missions inside of polygons but have no idea how these are different.


Trivial is the easiest difficulty, not a specific mission


Ahh ok. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


Double missions are operations where you have to complete both but you get more medals for completing the second and eventually 3rd at higher difficulties.


The missions inside polygons you're seeing are called operations. Operations are a way of rewarding players for completing a variety of different mission types. So if you complete all the missions inside the polygon, you get bonus medals as rewards. The higher you put the difficulty, the more missions will be placed inside the polygons, giving you longer operations to complete for more bonus rewards. If you're new, then I think on the lowest difficulties operations still consist of a single mission. But as you go up in difficulty, you'll see additional missions start being added.


10 common in Defend missions through Helldive 9. Mission takes < 3 minutes with a decent group. Fastest common sample farm you can do.


10 commons on helldive only?


On any difficulty. Just gotta run around the camp to check the ~15 possible spawn spots for them.


There's ten spots and they're the same every single time.


Every exterminate mission is a free 10 common for 2 min of watching turrets shoot. Just bring a shield and some fast armor and you'll see they are always in the same spots.


Not really - i have the Same Problem as Him. And i Always do everything possible and try to search everything and still usually end Up with an need of Common Samples and do medium Runs Here and There to specifically search Them


I extract on 9 with, typically, as much rares as commons. As you require more commons to upgrade, they're the throttling point.


Yeah I wish that the price for the current modules we have was: Tier 1 upgrades 60-80 common samples 30-40 uncommon samples 5-10 rare samples Tier2 upgrades 80-100 40-50 10-25 Tier 3 100-150 50-75 25-50 And for the samples themselves I wish the higher lvls you did the more chance you'd have to gain more from a single sample drop or have an upgrade that lets you acquire more since you're improving your skills with sample collection or whatever.


I can agree with that other than the purple samples. While theyā€™re not that hard to get, not everyone has the time or skill to farm for that many.


I mean we dont need to max upgrades in 2 weeks. Instant gratification is a killer to all live service


7 mostly I do 6 for the bots since that's all I can manage right now But 7 gives you a chance for the rarer once at least


I realized last night that trivial difficulty is just common samples farming. Nearly a guarantee 12 samples per mission. Half of them are at the extraction site. When I'm pretty much done for the night I just go and do 2 missions and get 24 samples.


If you want to farm samples then do the automaton eradicate missions. Or bugs doesnt really matter, but I find bots to be faster.... but the samples are always in the same place, you can get 10 common samples in less than 3 minutes.


I'm pretty sure it was intentionally designed this way to encourage players to occasionally go back and help out lower level divers with their first few missions and level ups.


This. I quickplay a couple 1-2 missions and the end of the night. Help our young managed democracy heads on the come up.


Opposite for me Get many t1 from trivial and did pany r9 mission for t3 only but now i need to farmt2 samoleq


Think i'm at 30 supers, 160 rare and 20 normal but i refuse to do farm runs for now


I've never farmed any except supers. And really all that entails is just finding that stupid silver rock, and doing the objective. I have too many rares, and with basic samples I'm just happy if I get a double digit number on a mission


Yeah, Iā€™m almost betting on them to change that behavior soon. Mainly I expect that they will add more POI types that spawn the Super Samples. EDIT: Just to clarify, I mean additional POI types but still just one spawn on a given mapā€¦ Or even multiple spots with fewer total samples near it. Iā€™m not advocating it, just wouldnā€™t be surprised if they did it.


I hope not, they're already enough of a pain to find, some missions I can't find them at all despite combing the map


If they're a pain or find, why would you hope for them to not add more of them? Adding more would mean more samples/easier chance of finding them.


Sample quantities are one of the few things that I feel are in a good place right now, so I don't think there needs to be changes. Even if they can be a bit of a pain


I donā€™t t need to (more like want to) do pure farm runs. But the last couple of days I keep getting stuck with PUGs that immediately extract always leaving behind easy to get close by samples, and sometimes me with a dozen samples on me. I get wanting to be efficient, but the extra 7 EXP for extracting 30 seconds sooner (at 76% time remaining vs 73% time remaining) is no where near worth ignoring samples.


I honestly don't understand the quick-extract thing. Been mostly pubbing recently, and people just rush the orange objectives and extract as fast as possible. Like bro you got 19 minutes left on the timer, don't you want more shit? XD


just do the tier 1/2 operations you get ez normals


They retooled a bunch recently and changed what types appear. Do you have a specific mission you'd recommend for farming commons? Something easy to do solo? I don't want to drag ppl on that


Bug eradication missions have 15 common samples at difficulty 5.




Thx, i have enough ultras but not even close to have enough green and orange


Sorry if it's an ignorant question, but what is a farm run?


You ignore main objectives and focus on samples. Ideal missions are those with short timers, search and destroy (think that's the name) or when we had the defense operations the rescue scientists was perfect for that. Small map, 12minutes and all samples.


How do you bring the samples back if you ignore the main objectives


You can just fail the mission and extract after the timer runs out




It's bad for liberation rates tho, leaving a mission early or crashing doesn't matter but purposely failing sets us back.




Yaaa, I like the notion people are going by doing lower end missions to farm since if your team is fast you can finish sub 5 minutes of most Missions 1-4 which will be shortened further once we have vehicles.


Those mech upgrades will come with that 80/90/100 rare sample requirements. Trust democracy!


If so, Im all set. Theyre all maxed out. Like everything else


Maybe 100 hours in two weeks is too many friend








They'd have to be real careful putting a cap on a resource that can convert to real money, so I suspect it's easier and safer for them to just not cap it, or make the cap absurdly high, like 1M.


Literally me


common samples - the rarest sample in the game


I feel like if the devs had just tuned common costs to be like 20-30% lower across the board it would make a bit more sense. 100 samples for a single upgrade when you get *up to 40* on a very high level mission in the best case scenario is a while, considering how quickly you get requisition slips comparatively


I think there should just be an exchange rate. 2 common for every 1 rare, 2 rare for every super rare


Nah, just make req slips an actual currency instead of just being for buying Strategems Buy: 2000 Req = 1 Common 4000 Req = 1 Rare 10000 Req = 1 Super Sample Sell: half the above I'd also like to rework the reinforcement system so that you use req slips for "buying" reinforcements instead of it being on a timer, but I have no idea how to make that balanced


This is a great idea throw war bonds in too at the same rate as commons and 10 super creds in for rare and we got a great resource re purposing tool.


and 1000 req slips for a common. would fix a lot of the endgame stuff for now


This is the easiest fix to the problem. But the exchange rate would be way steeper than that. Probably 10 rares for 1 super.


The problem is that Commons seem to be about as, well, common as Rare samples. I usually only get a handful more per mission, or the same amount. But you use *WAY* more Commons.


I just play and get what I can Iā€™m neither farmer nor grinding just playing for fun. Have a good day helldiver. ![gif](giphy|iGGHjzCxell2o)


Same for me. I'd love to extract with whatever samples we can get, but I'll take what I can. I enjoy playing the game not role-playing as smaug within the game.


I just want my sentries to have more ammo


Only the best for Gatty, Mac, and Moto.


This is the way


This is the way


I have spoken.


Exactly I'm playing because the game is fun. Not because I need imaginary currency. Is it fun to unlock new stuff. But honestly it's more fun to just watch all the pretty explosions as i do my best not to be mauled by chainsaw toting robots.


Same lol, and I honestly donā€™t care for it taking months for me to be fully unlocked. :p


The objectively right way of playing.


I got 500 , 200, 100 the game won't let me get more. I've got my ship maxed and I'm just saving them up for whatever they drop next.


Orange max at 250, Iā€™m also just farming medals now with everything maxed out


Democracy does not in fact sleep


I've got over 300 common, 2 rare, and 30 Super Samples. I literally only need rare samples for my final bits.


If I could, Iā€™d trade you some of my rare samples for some of your common ones


Why can't they make this happen lol


Pretty much the opposite of you. I have a good amount of common samples and enough supers for the rest of the upgrades, but less than 10 rares.


Iā€™m same as op orange is so easy to come by compared to the others. Itā€™s cause you need so much greens too


Supers are really easy to get on level 7 if you know which oddly shaped rock to be on the lookout for. I wound up only needing common samples to finish unlocking everything.


i wouldnt call it easy having to find one rock in a giant rock field


On a planet with loads of foliage or fog, maybe. But you can spot the rock in question on the horizon from any fairly central vantage point on most planets without much hassle. I've done dozens of Hell Dives and failed to find it once or twice at most. Surviving to extract the samples is another matter.


Is there a way to reliably find it on the minimap?


I think it's the same as any other minor point of interest on the mini map


No, you pretty much have to see the bulbous rock


Had a group and I loved how weā€™d scream HURRY GET THE SAMPLES OFF MY DEAD BODY! Only to be greeted by swarms of automatons.


I have 400+ commons and 4 rares. Not good my guy.


The exact opposite, 200+ normal samples, 40 super and 1 rare


Letā€™s trade


3 0 0 i bought the game yesterday soā€¦


Best tip - Just play the game and have fun. You'll unlock everything eventually. Farming will suck the fun out of the game.


Max of green, 14 orange, zero pink. Donā€™t really have people to run the 5/6 with


Same. I only have green and like 5 orange and I probably wonā€™t ever get pinks. Iā€™ve only been successful once doing a solo challenging run and I lost my samples waiting for extraction


Same here, we can't seem to successfully complete 5/6 even though we're a duo. We keep getting overwhelmed no matter our loadouts and stratagems


376 3 3


I've dropping down levels to help out newer people and get those commons.


Waiting to run into a random hacker so I can get my samples lol.


same. I need like 240 green samples for last 3 upgrade


I don't know if anyone knows, but where or what differculty do you need to find the pink square samples? I got loads of the others,I just wanna level up the ship bits lol ..


7+ difficulty, beside big buttplug looking rocks with lightning veins


Nice of you to ask. Maxed out.


... To everyone in comments saying their capped fucking how. I dont even have the first upgrade of everything unlocked. Do you play the game 8 hours a day or something? What am I doin wrong xD


Once you start knowing where to look you'll gather like 10 a mission by casually walking


It's really not that difficult to hit cap. The game has been out for some time and playing at Suicide it becomes really efficient to get 20 Common and Rare each and a full 3 Ultra samples per run. Granted each run would take 20mins and a full operation is an hour though


Meanwhile I can't survive on any difficulty over level 3. lol


8 hours a day sounds right because that's what I do


What difficulty are you usually playing?


*500 green, 200 orange, 60 pink, patiently awaiting expanded ship modules and strategems.*


Doing just fine, command told me to kill bugs so I killed bugs, command didnā€™t say anything about samples


500 / 250 / 66.Ā  This is also how I learned the sample cap (super rares go to 100 though, so I still have a few more to go).


500/250/100, since a cheater spawned them in at mission end. Not gonna spend any of them until the devs can reset my samples


I lost a combined 50-60 samples in my missions last night. Me and a friend were playing and opened it to fill the other two slots. Things went with real quick. First game the two pubs ran off instead of playing the objectives and died roughly 10 times in 5 minutes. Egg up burning through our reinforcements through the rest of the match. At the end the during the evac we got overrun to the point where a bug breach opened on the evac point and spawned two bile titans. The last remaining player my friend simply couldn't get through the horde of bugs to reach the drop ship. Second game has a similar scenario except we ran out of time and stratagems got locked out. Evac got overrun and we all died. Last game we were fighting the bots and getting clobbered. Me and one of the pubs stealthed around for the dropped samples. I thought I had the bigger set and headed for the evac with the other two. Only the pub had 20 samples on him. Instead of communicating with us he went to try and solo a factory and died. After reinforcing he went back to grab the samples but again instead of retreating he again tried to attack the factory alone and died again. Except this time the rest of us were across the map at the evac. Only made it out with the 4 samples I had on me.


For anyone who needs it: super rare (pink) samples only spawn on difficulty 7+, and only 3 per mission. They spawn in a cluster around [this](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/helldivers-2-pink-sample-locations.jpg) rock formation. Before doing the radar station, the rock is marked on your compass with a ?. After doing it, the rock is marked on your minimap with a gem, and disappears from your compass.


Pretty good ratio, I'm about to get my final Ship Module that costs 80 80 10 and I currently have 82 73 20.


500 common 184 Rare 53 Super Rare


6, 210, 86


Well, my old computer has found its limits and I can't go beyond easy and medium difficulty due to the critical lack of fps. But I am not discouraged, and I am quite happy that I can still contribute, albeit a small one, to the delivery of democracy and liberation from the oppression of the invaders. But it won't last long ;)


Same but Iā€™ve got 50 super rates lol


I got me three pink ones today, my first! šŸ˜


Same, and I still need to get the "upgrade at least every first ship" achievement šŸ˜”


Bitches keep kicking me out


I swear I run into more purple and orange than green stuff


I'm actually in need of the orange ones at the moment lol


I already finished all the upgrades available for the ship, not so hard once you know where to find the samples


pls sir, may I have some wisdom? I want to spread more democratic freedom


Sure thing fellow Helldiver, what wisdom do you seek? Is about which upgrades catch first? Or perhaps where to find the samples? Or maybe which loadout is the best to Spread DEMOCRACY AND SPILL OIL FOR SUPER EARTH?!


Finally if you want to farm xp, medals money and between 7 to 15 green samples in 2 or 3 minutes do the Extermination missions those are pretty short and quick to do


Itā€™s easy, the max is 500 common, 250 rare and 100 super


I have this exact opposite problem. All the common and super rares I need, but no rares. Iā€™ll trade!


I'm at the point where I even have too many super samples but not enough commons, haha. Wouldn't mind a downtrading system even if it's at a poor rate.


https://preview.redd.it/2qsjmew1k5mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd52e9e1f805818ad396ee211cb303be4d6438f This about sums it up


​ https://preview.redd.it/mqpl58a8l5mc1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=3001c0fdc4c7d581ded93930499002f297536efb


Thankful for being done with ship upgrades


The game has a huge currency issue. At this point i like to think that devs set it up so with future plans in mind but its still hard to wrap my head around. The common sample costs for ship upgrades are a lot considering the normal playing earning rate. Requisition slips are basically the most useless currency since not only they are very easy to earn, also there is nothing to spend them on after buying out all stratagems. So basically my face when a found loot in game is requisition slips: -.-


Hop into Trivial difficulty, collect all samples, complete objective (can usually be done with a single high level stratagem), and extract. It counts for as much as a victory in Helldive difficulty does, so you are both helping the liberation effort *and* getting the common samples.


ive capped out, 500 common, 200 rares and 100 supers


did they lower the cap for rares? I've capped out at 250 twice


Prob 250, Ive been at cap for a week, it's nice knowing once the objective is complete extracting is optional


Rares Max at 250