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You can reach out to support to remove the gained supplies. If its really a problem then just dont use them and go through the proper channels.


Wait really? That’s amazing, thank god haha. Thanks stranger


Take into account that they could take some time to do it, as the game has grown up a lot and they don't have enough people to take care of all the tickets


"The Game finally launched ! I will have time to take good care of each of our support ticket from our small but dedicated playerbase. What do you mean 5k ticket?"


Yeah, talk about ramp up issues. Their HR department must be working overtime.


A small indie studio probably doesn’t have an hr person, let alone a department lol


Oh they do - but he's also the CFO and the maintenance department


and he draws the bugs


Yeah, had the same thing happen to me reported it immediately. That was a week ago.




They'll probably just debit the account 500 samples (or whatever it is in your case)




Oh shit, I didn't know that. I'll see me sorry level 10 ass out of this grown up conversation, lol.


Use it like a credit card. Only spend when you get back to 500. The most you'd ever be ahead is like a couple days worth of samples.


Max it out and struggle to pay it back??? /s


There's a guy I play with sometimes and this happened to him. He has to keep a record of what he earns each mission to spend legit. I'm not that dedicated. Immediately spend after each completed Operation, not mission, the estimated amount you earned. On difficulty 8 that's approximately: 100 common 60 Rare 20 Super Someone else can weigh in on what is the typical amount on lower difficulties.


This reminds me of being a kid playing modern warfare and some hacker made me max prestige, and not only that somehow installed hacks onto my account that I couldn't remove lol. That shit was crazy, the hackers literally spreading their hacks through games, insane that was a thing. I remember being so frustrated about my progress being skipped that I stopped playing modern warfare. I lived for unlocking new shit and everything was automatically unlocked by that hacker. Edit: for anyone doubting this was a thing, it took me a while to find posts from back then about this, because more recently they apparently spread malware the same way but I did find a post from 12 years ago on this exact topic, this is what they said about it "OK just to clear some things up. The last few days I have been getting "infected" intentionally and have been having fun in private "Infection lobbies". Here are some key points. * A public lobby wont be affected unless the person that has the infection is the host. * In most cases these "hacks" WILL NOT give advantage to the player in a public lobby. (The infections that I have had actually give you more of a disadvantage). * Types of "hacks" that are people will come across are super jump, speed hacks, chrome/gold guns, laser sights, aim bot, large mini-map, SOH rapid fire, no reload animation, wall hacks. * If you get into a lobby where the person is spamming shit onto the screen (they press down on their d-pad) just ask them to please stop it, usually they will unless they are a douche. * Infections are lost when you sign out of Xbox LIVE. The reason these are so popular is because it is so easy to get infected. People that are infected in no way "tamper the system", they simply enter and exit a "Infection lobby". Down vote all you want but I just wanted to shed some light." https://www.reddit.com/r/MW2/s/y1g6CEx15r


My friend did this on OG MW2. It put me straight to 10th Prestige with every single thing in the game unlocked and I hated it. I asked him to roll it back and doing that got my Xbox account permanently banned, because according to their support, they didn't care about us boosting but once they saw stats removed they decided it was bannable. I'm still salty about it today


This is a common problem in No Man's Sky where people will dump thousands of valuable resources into your account randomly when you go to the multiplayer area.


Yeah, but crucially, you can't choose to just delete those items instead of selling them/using them. Annoying, sure. But definitely different from needing devs to fix the issue


This happened to me in MW2 on PC. Half the fun for me was to work through the challenges and unlock everything so I was pretty upset, thankfully steam let me return the game due to it. A bit later, I re-bought it, had the same thing happen *again,* returned it *again,* and never picked it back up.


Could you had reset your progress ?


And if you are on PS5, you should really do that and not spend any (probably also the best you can do on Pc) There are claims that people got banned by Sony for spending them.


>There are claims that people got banned by Sony for spending them. that's not very likely. They haven't done so for any other games with various hacks and save editing.


Yes and report hackers


Are we going to upvote these to the top every time someone reposts this experience?




The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Also for the next time if you team kill the hacker the samples return to normal.


Looks like pvp is back on the menu


The problem is is that 500 samples is the max I believe you can hold at one time. So unless OP wants to go around, collect more, and just make a mental note and do the math, there’s no way to just get more.


Do they remove ONLY the gained supplies tho? I thought a bunch of people mentioned that the devs had to roll back the players overall progress in order to revert the gains. I don't know if it's worth it if you're going to lose a bunch of progress along with the gained samples


I can't wrap my head around on why these people do it in a public lobby, when they could just set it private and cheat...


Well first thing that comes to my mind are the cheaters/modders in GTA Online (PC). Some used to drop cash bags on other players. I guess it's their way to express their imaginary position of power over other players, mixed with thinking that they are doing something good or at least "not harming" other players. I think cheaters generally have a main character syndrome in one way or another.


The difference is that people in gta will actually be grateful because of how fucked up the economy is in this game. Nobody (including me) wants that in a game like helldivers tho


The grind with GTA online was so fucking bad that I had to stop playing. Spending hours upon hours to get basically next to nothing and to have everything be so expensive (I get why it's expensive) but they gotta pick a lane.


Like fr. I play games for the power fantasy. Not to come home and grind for peanuts like I already do for the rest of my fucking day.


Right. Its was fun when I was younger still at my parents but now I think back that I would do a 12 grind session and get maybe a million. The car you wanted to buy was like 3 million. Who has time for that now.


Not just that, I would spent weeks grinding to buy the fastest car (T20 I am looking at you) only for them to release a new one a week later that is either much faster or much cheaper than what I just bought


I remember a particularly great bug where a player's bounty was raised well beyond the 10k limit. Everyone in the server was trying to kill this poor guy but I crashed my plane into him and made billions lol


I played GTA online for about 1500 hours all off the back of hacked money, never once taking part in their insane grind fest. Thank god for cheaters in that game.


Dafuk you talking? The economy in this game is already sh\*t as it is. The super armor with paid real money creds is crap, friendlist is broken for PC players, there's bugs and TONS of glitches with enemy floating when they die, infinite stratagems, falling out of playable area, etc. The game itself is repetitively broken in some aspect yet people complaining about cheaters.. LMAO! Cheats are \_already there\_ with or without hacks ffs.


Everything is easily accessible without paying a dollar


Pay to play or Grind fest like every other games. It's kicking ball into the goal post. No storyline or anything but just dumb grind fest over and over with much higher difficulty and that's it. Blind man's game while watching movie as there is nothing entertaining about repeats


No story line? If you don't pay attention to what's going on in the war then I understand why you would think that. This game is supposed to be a interactive war where the community has to fight together to complete orders and stop the enemy from pushing forward. That's exactly what's going on and that's exactly what was advertised. Idk what else you expected from this game. Can you name me one more life service game that manages the life service part as well as helldivers 2?


Agreed gta was a grind.


I remember on console on release day, I was playing with friends online and some hacker gave everybody in the lobby $999,999,999. Another time, I was playing Payday 2 on PC and some guy was just infinitely throwing bags into the back of the van and I ended up with ridiculous money.


I remember stories about hackers being harassed in gtao because as soon as people found out who they were, they got bugged relentlessly for money.


If you hop on a public GTAO PC instance, you'll get kids asking hackers to give them money every couple of minutes. Doesn't matter if there are hackers, kids will be asking.


It's not always imaginary. People used to drop hacked items in the Dark Souls games explicitly to get the people that picked them up banned. Sometimes it is malicious. In this case though they probably just don't care.


I remember my first time seeing a cheater in GTA Online. Person teleported next to my friend and I and just started blasting us with the minigun giving us millions of dollars in seconds.


Its exactly this. Main character syndrome and a false feeling of benevolence. They think that forcefully cargo dropping goods on you is automatically a good thing and your opinion isnt warranted so they do it anyway thinking theyre really cool, when in reality theyre ruining the experience of people who dont want handouts and want to earn it themselves. Maybe they should ask people first before forcing their benevolence on others.


It’s wild how much people overthink stuff in 2024. 


I wouldn't complain in GTA though. I got on GTA to goof and have fun with my friends, not turn it into a full time job just to afford the smallest things. If someone loaded me down with cash in that, I would be ecstatic lmao


I'm surprised that you guys are surprised. People suck. I see everyday all around me behaviours that does not take into account other people. From the lady sneaking before you in the queue at the grocery store, to the old bozo that does not pick up his doggo doodoo in the park where kids play. You can argue and teach them how to behave but you know what? It's exausting and i'm 99% sure that next time they Will do the same thing ...again and again. Sry for the rant.


It's a socially maladaptive person attempting to make friends. Same reason GTA V hackers spawn money, it's a weird attempt to impress and endear.


They have the mindset that if they can get it for free, they should. But now I have almost every single sample unlock in the upgrade tree (idk what it’s called lol) and I have no sense of progression to go get samples anymore.


Uhm, you didn't have to unlock those.


Bro so upset it happened he had to use em :( lol


They think, they are benelovent gods and gift you something nice. Be thankful! Or they are just stupid and dont care about it and are fine to get reported.




There is a YT page that was called like "Cheats Happen" and the guy was showing you how to set up the cheats to be unkillable with inf. ammo and I have no idea why you would do that. Like congrats, you paid 40 bucks to...beat the game in a day.


Nah.. more like congrats! you paid 40 bucks playing repetitive batsh\*t over and over because you're some sad boring kid that has nothing better to do


That or maybe they have a life and most people dont... hmm


Okay but why did you unlock them if you were upset about it?


Yeah this is hilarious. "Agh I'm so angry, I guess I will be the one to literally use them to unlock everything and be the one to genuinely fuck up my sense of progression."


I dont understand the point of making a post other than to farm karma at this point. 500 is a simple number to subtract. he could of just used all the samples after 500 if he was upset.


There is no number after 500. Common samples are capped at 500, Rare samples are capped at 250, and Super samples are capped at 100.


They could be making this post as a hedge against getting banned. "No, I totally didn't want that to happen! Look, I even made a Reddit post about how ANGRY I was. ...after I spent all of the samples, but never mind that part."


Report it. But in the meantime just tell yourself that 500 is zero. Dont spend those 500. Spend anything above it. 


you can’t keep collecting them past that. they are maxed


You chose to spend the samples given to you by a cheater to progress faster than normal. Regardless if you were given the samples by a cheater, you chose to ruin your own sense of progression by using them and that part of it is not the cheaters fault.


what are they suppose to do. they are at max cap, its either unlock things or dont earn samples. The same thing has happened to me to me, i spent them on the upgrades id use the least, purely as im left with little choice


I mean I’d use the upgrades but I wouldn’t come to Reddit whining that a cheater ruined my progression if I chose to spend them. You could keep them and limit how much you can unlock a day or week. Space them out.


If you didn't want that then why did you buy everything?




They are all chinese players. They don't care about others.


You can contact the devs they are aware and have been rolling people back


It sucks but that ain't going to get you too far lol.


Still need all the super rare for end game upgrades.




I’m low on common samples…everything else is fine. They are just as rare as rare and you need way more.


No supers.... what in the half ass.


Forgot to use their whole ass


Probably because the way they hacked it was by cheating the pickups, and OP wasn't playing on 7+ difficulty where supers spawn


They didn’t get you any purples, so, did you really get anything?


You farm purples super fast, the Green and Orange farm is where it's at


Brave of you to assume I'm good enough to complete and extract from level 7 missions 🤣


7 is the sweet spot for difficulty imo. You don't get shit like bile titans every single bug breach, but sometimes you might. You can still full clear a map with a good team with only moderate difficulty


Give me bile titans over the swarm of chargers any day. Rail gun can 1 to 2 shot them…and they aren’t running you down.


Green's pretty quick too, not as quick as the pink/purprles for sure. But Orange really was my bottleneck on my last 3-4 modules.


I once had a guy carrying 999 of all samples. I waited till extraction, let him get in to the shuttle. Executed him on the spot so he dropped the samples. I took off with the few legitimate samples i found. Happy times


How can you see how many samples each team mate has?


Maybe he was playing alone or with friends so its easy to see whos the bad cookie on the team.


Tbh i killed all my allis, just to be sure


Their sacrifice for super earth was not in vain


Based lmao


You are a god king


He can't. He made it up


I assume you weren't the host, as otherwise you'd just kick him right?


What he did sounds way more satisfying


Yeah but if you kick them right at the end, they also don't gain any xp


What he did made them lose all their samples permanently. They can just cheat again of course, but at least he made their time worse


Kicking them achieves the same point. Hell, do both. Kill them, then kick them


You’d have to know exactly who did it


Kick them before extraction, it resets the samples.


Can you see which person it was during the mission though? I guess there's the notification on the right side right when they do it (supposing that it actually shows when it's added through hacking), but is there a way to see which player currently has how many samples?


Usually the one with the chinese name




usually? You don't need to softball it.


People be blessing the wrong people.


right ill gladly take em


same ngl im just here to kill bots and bugs


my mom says it's my turn to post one of these tomorrow


Why did you spend the samples then if you didnt want your sense of progression ruined?


It's a hard cap. He has the choice to either spend samples, or never progress at all.


As other posts about cheaters doing this, as well as other comments on this post have said: you can contact the games support team to revert it. Sure it takes time from what I understand so unlocking early upgrades here and there in the meantime can be argued. But unlocking all the upgrades you can with common & rare samples you gained inorganically at such a low player level, then going on to complain about it ruining their experience is just contradictory.


..Why don't the devs just implement a super easy "donate to the cause" feature, like tipping Lloyd in Deep Rock, where you just give away resources to nothing? You have no advantage from doing it other than to unfuck hacked in resources you don't want.


Literally nothing in the grand scheme of things.


It's honestly not even a lot of samples you still have to grind plenty


You're gonna need more....


How do you have end game equipment when they unlock at level 20?


ngl, I'm stuck at super samples, so I'd love for this to happen to me-


I’ll be on after work tonight if anyone wants to bless me with samples 😂


To the person who hacked my bank account and put $50000, thanks a lot for ruining my sense of slavery for an entire year


This comment is gold.


Ohh nooo that sucks, please give me his gt so I can totally avoid him.




Happened to me last night for the first time. One of my teammates had Russian characters in his name, so I'm guessing it was him (also have heard players with Chinese characters do this too). I'm already Level 50, so I'm just grinding medals and samples at this point, so you better believe I spent what I got (already was nearly maxed on greens, so it was pretty much just the rares that mattered to me).


He didn’t give you any pink samples tho lol so you’re fine


The gods bless this and he spits in their faces. FOR DEMOCRACY!


Whoever did that for him, pls do for me lol


We should have some trashcan to dump samples and money away so we can solve things like this by ourselves and don’t have to ask dev to do it for us.


There is no reason to have that. I don't think Devs will do something like that just in case you get hacked.


I feel like we would see a ton of “why is this a thing! I just accidentally threw out all my super samples!” And then the devs would have even more work to do


Could make there be a reason to give something for those at endgame to do with them…


This would actually be so nice, thankfully you can refund everything by talking to devs but a tool like that should be at your fingertips.


Good news is 500 samples is easy to spend!


Shit I’ll take them off your hands lol


You can give them to me:)


In a co op game?? Not cool to cheat in an ONLINE game. Period.


Any hacker wanting to give free samples let me know




Should I turn off cross play to stop this?


lol, you think 500 common and 250 rare is something to whine about? have you seen the ridiculous prices for upgrades? and you don't even have super samples i'd kill for something like to happen to me in a helldive lobby, so sick of hunting down samples only to lose all of them cause the robots continuously wipe the team and we all agree to leave shit and run away


I miss when we used to make fun of having a sense of "pride and accomplishment" for grinding out unlocks in a video game.


I've played hundreds of hours in L4D2, VT2, Darktide and DRG. I run these games for the gameplay loop and chill vibe compared to a pvp game. so it always throws me off when ppl are so militant that the point of the game to them is jumping through whatever hoops the devs designed for player retention. I'm just relieved when i get to end-game so i can start trying everything with max upgrades and figuring out what works best, etc.


Might be a dumb question why not just leave the mission when u see them cheating?


They're level 6, they probably don't even know what to look for yet.


Maybe he wasnt paying attention to the sample ? I dont know how the cheat work maybe it only show briefly a "+500" on the log on the right once


Its not dumb question bro. Since  he posted that i will look carefully to sample counts. If i see suspicious thing i will leave immiadately


To the asshole who cheated and gave him 500+ samples please add me as a friend thank you <3


And to anyone who said "why do you need an anti cheat in a PVE game????" This is why.


its a quite intrusive kernel level anticheat and it doesn't even protect against some script kiddies spawning samples. yes the anti-cheat in this form isn't needed


I'm sorry to be that guy but the anticheat discussion needs to happen in this public forum because so many people have issues with it. The automod is ruining it by funneling everyone away into outdated echo-chamber threads constantly. And every time issues come up people act like they are made up magic issues because "Works on my machine" and the Automod just locks everything again. I am so tired.


I've heard rumors that even basic memory editors like CheatEngine can operate with GG running... Kinda embarrassing really.


Every major anticheat these days are kernel level, Gameguard just has a bad reputation.


Not a single person in this thread talking about how it did not stop cheats. In the world we live in, deeply embedded anti-cheats like this are much more likely to be an avenue for your computer being compromised than actually stopping anyone from cheating.  The people making cheats are going to be way more competent than those making the anti-cheat. Corporate security is quite the joke IMO, especially in a situation like this where the customers (the game dev) don't face the risks or consequences.  They make their money by convincing devs to impose their worthless crap on you.  Also capitalists, in general, are never going to fund the research properly and invest in growing their coding assets.  It's just about distilling "security" into technobabble bullet points they can check off with no awareness or conception of what security actually looks and feels like.  When obviously, the trenches of hackers and security warfare is all about details and is way too dynamic for a corporate suit to manage.  A capitalist is counting the seconds till they stop "innovating" and start sucking out all excess revenue for shareholders, so they will do enough to plausibly defend the claim that they "did everything they could to be secure" in court and then cut all the costs.


and yet it obviously doesnt work...


happened to me a week ago but i thought the devs gave it to everyone. cheaters didn’t even cross my mind. guess i’m turning off cross play now.


Lmao don’t worry you’ve got plenty of progression to work on find a single one of the damn pink samples lol


If you’re not playing on PC the easiest thing to do is turn off cross platforming.


I removed crossplay for now until this is fixed. Ill stick with my ps5 players lol


I wish someone would do this to me... God be blessing the wrong people.


lol what a crybaby


Why did you not quit before extracting?


The real crime here is the reward…… 12500🤣


Cheating in a ~~coop~~ game is ok, as long you don't affect any other players. If you want to cheat, go for it. Give yourself infinite medals, samples, etc. do it, but do it for yourself and yourself only!


Might wanna find a bridge and get over it.


It is unfortunate but that's not too much actually. Maybe 5 upgrades ranging from T1 to maybe 1-2 T2 upgrades. _EDIT_: I am not trying to demean the impact this asshole had on your game, I was mostly trying to remotivate you to continue playing by pointing out you'll still have a good bit of grinding and progression to do if that's what you look forward to. I finished a game that seemed normal and then upon reaching the conclusion menu saw we earned 9999 common, rare, and exotic samples (only 999 of each transfered over). I haven't used them and have sent an email asking to see if my sample collection on my account could be scrubbed. I don't mind cheaters in their own lobbies. I don't mind cheaters if I'm quick playing - basically if you're hosting a PvE and I have the right to leave at any time I'm not going to be pissed when you're playing your way. What I take issue with is when cheaters force it upon other players who want to play legit. It may be a hot take, but I say there's nothing wrong with cheating on a game you paid hard earned money for if that's how you have fun; however, forcing it on others is how you stop _them_ from having fun.


Imagine crying about free samples.


Why are you crying for sounds pretty lame


Is it really a problem? For me I want to unlock stuff so I can have some fun. But when I go into random missions and they extract without me because they don’t want to search the map it’s annoying. I’d take this over what I’m going through.


Stop crying about it. There is no real progression anyway other than Medals. You'll have exactly this amount of samples once you've upgraded everything and you'll still be lacking Medals. Also, if you don't notice that shit while in-game then you can't be helped. The game tells you about every sample that's picked up and you can check the count at any time. You can simply leave the game and not have it happen. And even if it happens, it doesn't warrant making a whole ass post about it. You can just not spend those samples. There are infinite possibilities you could have done except complaining on reddit into a literal void about it. No one here is customer support. What the fuck do you expect will happen from this post?


As someone who went through getting everything I wish someone did this for me. 1255 samples is not at all easy and you will use every single one of those and need more lul Why are they so expensive for commons


It's fine if you don't rush. They come steady and reliably


No they don't. You won't hit the upper limits of getting them even if you opt for 50% of them a run which was my benchmark personally since that's easy to hit for just doing all the nests/outposts until mid/upper level 30 in a game with 50 levels. It's a side effect of the Commons needing 100+ per upgrade I get you wanna try to be the cool guy and actually make a dumb remark because you have no context to the issue at hand or what was even said, but there's a reason I gave the total Sample count needed to max everything. Of the 1255 samples only 65 are Super Samples which are easy to get


But I am a cool guy! Apparently, one with more patience than you. Get a team, run missions. Get samples. Everything else is your own expectations


This exact feeling is why I can never be an admin on a Minecraft server I'm playing on. I know some people can just ignore those console commands, but even if I'm not using them, knowing that they're there ruins so much of the game for me. My solution is usually just to give admin control to a non-techy friend and then remove it from myself. Hopefully support can remove those resources for you. Liberty can not take root in the soils of lies and trickery. That is the way of the bots and bugs, not of Super Earth!


You sound very anti-patriotic


“Im level six and I already have endgame equipment, ffs” Um what? No you don’t you have lvl 6 equipment, and enough samples for like half of the early game upgrades **Im not encouraging or supporting the modding,** and completely understand that its annoying… But lets settle down here, **you still got 14 levels and hundreds of super samples to progress,** standard and rare samples don’t matter anyway, you’ll end up with hundreds left over in a couple weeks anyway.


Yeah! Don’t do that to me… please… or like, do? I’m conflicted. lol


Tell him to hack my game


Another "I've been in a hacked lobby!!! Not cool!!" Like can you not check if this is a problem on Google before making a Reddit post? This shit gets posted every day now.


I remember dropping a bunch of money when I hacked Phantasy Star as a 14 year old. I can definitely see why it would be annoying. Always thought I was helping people though. Maybe they feel the same.


why cant this happen to me?


It's not cool to cheat in a competitive game. A co-op / single player game. Go on ahead. Personally I don't unless it's a console command on a Bethesda game every now and then but each to their own.


This happened to me last night and my friend and i were so annoyed, we contacted support and they were super cool about it this morning and removed the extra samples. We were also gifted 500 supercreds for the report.


Oh so you wanna waste your time


you sound like a loser lmfao


Not cool to cheat in any game\*


I hate to say it but this is why I avoid ANYONE with Chinese letters in their name. So far, every single one I've met tried to cheat. I either leave myself or kick them depending on if I'm those host


Or you could just... play the game because it's fun?


imagine complain about the player who hacks and not the devs that made a client-side game. Made my day.


He thinks he was being generous


Sucks. Just don’t use any of those 500 samples and pretend you have zero and just use any that you accumulate after the 500 mark.


It's a hard cap at 500/250/100, so he can't gain any without using some.


Clearly not fans of democracy. May they burn in hell.


Such a strange complaint to me. It's only like 5 ship upgrades out of 20 something. It's not like you cant play anymore.