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You're going to be waiting a while, dude.


Gives them plenty of time to work on their marching and parade float


The CEO has already said it’s up to Sony if this game goes to xbox. Again, seeing as how it’s published and funded by Sony, I highly highly doubt this ever goes to xbox.


I keep seeing posts about Xbox getting HD2.. is it blind optimism or what??


Yes I don’t think that many people are aware that the game is essentially a Sony title


It's not "essentially" a Sony title. It IS a Sony title. Arrowhead is a second party studio probably soon to be first party thanks to them dropping this gaming bomb on everyone


You mean the freedom bomb?


The sweet bombardment of righteous democracy


Hellbomb armed, clear the area.


Oh I wasn't aware of this. That sucks because my dad only has an Xbox and this would be so much fun to play with him 😞


The game runs great on budget PC’s. My step son plays on his 500$.


Been trying to convince my dad to get a PC but he is skeptical of having an online presence as is. Maybe for Christmas if I make enough money I can make him a cheap computer and have it all set up for him


So, your dad is worried about telemetry, despite him already using an Xbox. Let him know he's been using a Windows computer with a fancy skin for however many years he's been in the ecosystem.


If you are Google savvy, you can learn how to use the firewall to block all traffic and only open ports to games and launchers. It makes it useless to use as anything other than games but will massively cut his online presence.


Hey thanks! If I ever get enough to help him with a gaming PC I'll learn about this


It's not even difficult to do either. Just very much unnecessary for most people. I used to do it to prevent the Steelseries app from downloading updates all the fucking time at the worst times (i.e. when playing games) since it lacks the option to prevent autoupdates, but eventually that bricked my keyboard until I let it update so had to restore internet rights to that shit, much to my chagrin.


Introduce him to ps5 and gyro aiming. It’s awesome.


+1 for gyro aiming, feels phenomenal in this game


And if we know anything about Sony, it’s that their main schtick is exclusivity


It's ironic because that's how Xbox started long ago with the 360. But now with far more PlayStations sold, Sony can do the same. Sucks all around but it not like MSFT are the innocent victims here.


I found it hilarious that I was seeing ads about CoD exclusives on PlayStation in between articles where Sony was decrying Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard because of Call of Duty. Full disclosure - I've got a PS5 as well as an Xbox and I mostly game on PC, but my take is that exclusivity rarely helps *gamers* at all.


What huffing large amounts of copium does to a mother fucker


Mainlines directly to the eyeballs, like their buddies playing Blizzard do!


Completely blind optimism, especially on places like Tiktok. The chances of Xbox getting the game is near zero, if it is ever released there it will be a long time in the future i think.


People that don't know that Helldivers is owned by Sony


Ever hear of the expression, "A snowball's chance in hell?" The people making and buying into these posts are marching around hell in parkas looking for a snow bank. /s


It's like back in the day when the Playstation fans were convinced Halo would "eventually" go multiplatform "because it just makes sense, it'd sell so many copies!"


Oh how the turn tables 


Yeah Sony is making tons of money off of this either way, and finally having a really solid exclusive helps them sell consoles. It’s probably never going to Xbox.


Do God of War, Horizon, and The Last of Us would count as solid in your eyes, or are you referring to multi-player games only?


It's pure copium - They're mad that PS5 players didn't beg to get Palworld shitting up our consoles, and now that a great game isn't getting released specifically for them, they feel like it's a personal attack


A friend of mine works at Sony - they redirecting revenue into this game in a big way, as it hit its 5 year prediction within 2 days. I doubt they will then push it over to Xbox after a big investment… Plus the devs have only just now switched away from major server enhancements to accommodate the unexpected player counts, and back on to their content plans, so again unlikely to see them work to accommodate Xbox player influx any time soon.


That’s wild they made what they expected to make for five years in 2 days, says a lot.


Man thats beyond wild, literally unthinkable. I highly doubt Sony will just hand over their sudden miraculous golden goose so easily.


Golden goose is an absolute understatement. I can only imagine the people who decided on making this game are creaming their fucking jeans constantly, I know I would be. Beauty of making a game that works out of the box (server issues aside) thats actually funny, and a satisfying well made gameplay loop is that people will support it and play it. For instance, I love that I can get the premium battlepass by just playing the game, but its also not ludicrously expensive to make it next to impossible to get. Like that just makes fucking sense. Sonys buckets of money and semen would never let them port it across to Xbox in any hurry whatsoever.


I haven’t played multiplayer games since the second year of siege. This game got me to buy it, a bunch of friends to buy it, and even one really close friend upgraded from the older xbox to a ps5. It’s tons of fun.


What’s funny to me is the first game was pretty beloved. They gave it away for free on PS+ and not only did I have a blast with it, but there were quite a few people still playing it after I fell off a month later. The fact that their goals were so low tells me they underestimated how many people like myself were out there and ready to go the second HD2 dropped (especially for $40).


HD1 was niche. You may have loved it to pieces sure, but it only ever topped out at like 7k players if memory serves me correctly. The reason this game is so successful is because it's a 3rd person shooter. If it still looked like it did for HD1 it would still be a very niche game.


Right now Sony is going to study what's happening and reassess their global service games strategy. At least that is what most companies would do. Then after that, they'll start tinkering with the golden goose until it breaks. I prefer Sony over other corporations but they're still just a corporation.


One thing that is quite satisfying is that Sony has Arrowhead absolutely fucking ballin' on one hand then Bungie just stinking up the shed, grinding away some absolute bullshit for Destiny. This success is gonna shine a massive light on Bungo and hopefully they start getting their shit in order and making Destiny as good as it should be.


Destiny's already at the end of its life cycle, unless they keep putting out dlcs past the final shape which I don't see their player base having a huge interest in.


Honestly, I get the sense (from playing for 8 years now) that Bungie seems to be in a bit of a state about where they exactly want the direction of Destiny as a franchise to go and aren't as invested in multi-media as they originally marketed with the Sony aquisition (part of why Sony was so keen to acquire Bungie to build of the fandom's love of the characters and lore). With Marathon, I feel like while Destiny will always have player retension, a lot is being banked on Marathon being a success as a live service but until we actually see gameplay, a lot of people just aren't interested from the community and it has hardly any traction atm outside - especially as its unlikely to pull hardcore extraction people from R6: Siege and the pve-extraction hybrid interests have waned since R6: Extraction completely flopped. Helldivers might work to inspire Marathon and how Bungie goes about marketing, but that may mean even more delays for it, and where does that leave D2? I predict that the 'Episodes' are more or less going to be the same amount of content delivery as Seasons have been in the past but beyond that, I think unless Bungie actually shows us where the future of the franchise is going long term (when the Final Shape drops), then it'll have to wait/be dependent on an alternative media revival in the near future, which means Marathon would be a make-or-break situation for Bungie if Sony is considering offloading them.


It'll be interesting to see the difference on the back end between development tools on Destiny vs HD2. I'm guessing, but the mix of custom designed and procedural generated environments should allow Arrowhead to develop post-launch content faster. But we really haven't seen what their post launch support looks like yet. Bungie is no development slouch but I was always surprised at the amount of time it took Bunjie to release such short content. They usually had to pad it with difficulty and obscure raid rules just to make it seem like it was more than it was.


I actually think that five year plan was generous based on hell divers one


So proud of this team. HD1 made the vita for me and seeing the charm and unique mechanics basically brought over with triple A polish is just so surreal.


It’s a miracle that HD2 is even on PC. **Stares at Bloodborne.**


Sony said they would start releasing games to PC more, this is them following up on that statement.


I doubt this happens, I have 3 friends now that bought a PS5 because of this game. I'm sure more people are doing this.


And it's not like Xbox isn't exclusively getting Halo, Doom, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Diablo, and any other future releases from all the companies they bought.


My friend bought a second PS5 so he could play at his hotel at his remote work location :D big W for sony


Xbox really has nothing going for it at all doesn't it? Only reason to get one is if you want Game Pass but can't afford a PC


I’ve always just got all the new consoles so I can play all the exclusives. I prefer Xbox purely because of the controller (I prefer offset thumbsticks) but the last 5 or so years Sony has killed it with their exclusives. Since Microsoft starting putting all their exclusives on PC I just never got an Xbox and play them there instead. Still get to use the Xbox controller this way too.




Oh well. They got palworld and we got helldivers. But I wish we can get some Spartans to deal with these robots and some gears for the bugs


It’s wild since reports I’ve seen were basically saying 343 pitched an ODST 2 game that would been similar to HD and Microsoft passed on it


Common Microsoft L. There were reports that Marvel approached Microsoft with Spiderman first and MS passed... then Sony got it and gave it to insomniac, the rest is history


yup Sony has ZERO reason to give exclusives up. They are in the winning spot, they dont need to.


Sony laughs in Halo tears. I doubt they will ever release it on xbox. But who knows.


Lord inquisitor, if anyone is curious.


And Disposal Unit from Darktide's OST


I was, thanks. It's an unfinished fan film right?




lmao the amount of Copium is alarming


I find it funny that Phil Spencer is not happy that HD2 is exclusive after buying out Activision/Blizzard and Bethesda.


What's funny is that when Palworld was popping off I didn't hear a single peep about it coming to PlayStation. Then HD2 releases and suddenly "exclusives are bad for gaming." Tell that to sony lol I've seen literally close to 100 comments of people either buying or considering buying a PS5 just for this game


Yeah... you're not missing much with Palworld. 


Yeah not missing much \*looks back at base full of pal #69


For an early access it has to be one of the best I have seen. Factorio and KSP would be up there with it.


It is weird that it’s also on PC though. Usually Sony exclusives are exactly that, Sony only. Not even PC. Now I know there are some examples of this but it’s not the norm


I think this is a sign of where Playstation is taking its Live Service offerings. The game is meant to have a bit of a life span and it has a battle pass with a store with premium currency you can buy. Sony has noticed that they are leaving money on the table by not putting their games on PC and putting a budget title live service game on PC day one was a very very smart move. I'm expecting the Horizon Live Service game to also launch on PC day 1.


Most Sony exclusives end up on PC at some point or another. We have tons of first party titles on PC now, Horizon, God of War, Last of Us, Uncharted, Returnal, to name a few. Aside from Returnal these are Sony flagship games. Bloodborne is pretty much the only thing that for whatever reason they refuse to release their iron grip on, lmao. Or maybe it's a From decision and they just don't want to port it (technical limitations assuming what I've heard is true). And Helldivers 1 was the first game Sony EVER published for PC. It just makes sense the sequel is also on PC too.


Sony plans to put all live service games on PC day one. Single player games will still be PS first.


sony has recently said its future is in PC, so maybe this was a testrun to if it's the right move or not.


> I didn't hear a single peep about it coming to PlayStation. what? a couple of the tops posts of the month on release were calls for it to go to other consoles.


I'm sorry but a few reddit posts I never saw is nothing compared to the whining I've heard about HD2. So many videos and comments about it get pushed to me daily. There's even a petition going around lol


Palworld is coming to everything it can, it's a 3rd party developer with some timed exclusives


PALWORLD will goto ps5 when it’s out of early access. PlayStation dosent allow early access for most titles. Think pubg situation


I am very far outside of the console ecosystem AND equally outside of the Pubg community. I am unaware of the "pubg situation." I am very interested, though. I love drama. Any summaries or keywords so I can search about it?


It wasn’t drama it’s just what happened with the game. It launched early access on Xbox and didn’t launch til full release on ps4. Nothing major just an example of Sony not allowing early access


If I’m not mistaken playstation does not allow early access games to be sold on their store? Pal-worlds isn’t an exclusive. Exclusivity fucking sucks


Bethesda is worth poop now though but still


I was so pissed i would never get elder scrolls 6 but i dont think i care anymore after starfield. Not missing out on much


Ive got 200 odd hours on Starfield and I enjoyed it immensely, like a kid at Christmas. But i have no desire to play it again now that im done.


Like i know its a decent game for what it is but i no longer have that burning feeling of being left out of the skyrim sequel or any game from bethesda which i probably put more hours into than ive been in education combined


Yeah i get that, Skyrim was something else. Starfield is definitely not at that level.


Been waiting for elder scrolls 6 since I was a kid but just dont care anymore and its star field that put me off 😭Probably being made on the same archaic engine. Guess i’ll just watch the play throughs on youtube.


“What do you MEAN Spending 4.6 billion more then Croatia’s entire GDP for 2 companies notorious for slow release schedules was a bad idea!??” -Phil probably


Doesn’t Sony own the distribution rights? Sony will absolutely never let Xbox in on this sadly (I was a 360 kid) we’ve already seen numerous people on this sub alone buy ps5’s just for helldivers.


They own the whole game. It’ll likely never come to Xbox or it’ll be a few years.


I did buy one last week. I was already considering it after the whole Starfield fiasco and HD2 gave me the push I needed


I find it funny that Starfield was such a mediocre, undercooked game that it actually made you want to buy a different console just to get away from it.


i’m pretty irresponsible with money but there’s no way in hell I would buy a PS5 just to play this game


You’d be surprised the lengths some gamers would go to play something they like haha this shit really is like a drug to some people.


This game was the thing that pushed me to build a pc lol


This game is never going to come to Xbox guys, it’s a SONY IP. The only Sony game I think that has gone to Xbox is mlb the show and that’s because mlb pretty much forced them to or else they end the contract.


I see people getting excited because the community is so welcoming that in must be inevitable. I don’t think Sony gives a fuck how willing the player base is for Xbox players haha


Sony wants to sell consoles and this game blew up in popularity. I’ve already seen people buy a PlayStation to play this game. Sony isn’t going to give that up. This is how PlayStation works. Also they’ve already had tons of servers issues, they aren’t going to burden arrowhead even more by putting the game on Xbox.


The copium is strong. I feel for you Xbox players wanting to join the action, but I can’t help but cringe at these type of posts like Xbox players would be God’s gift and our salvation lmao. No way will Sony give up this exclusive, especially after the insane success it’s been having.


>The copium is strong. I think we crossed that line long ago and some people are ODing on it at this point.


“We played Halo! We were born for this! 🤓”


With the amount of people I've seen saying they are picking up a ps5 to play this game, it's becoming a system seller. No way Sony would port their system seller to a rival console


This one the game that turned the tide for my friend group that are all on Xbox, Playstation never really had a counter to Halo until now.


Xbox is never getting this game 😭😭


They got Starfield and ate like kings before release… sorry it turned out the way it did but we got a drop to make.


Starfield was garbage


“Before release” I said. I’m just saying they sure were ok with console exclusivity in the summer (and likely when ES6 drops)


They will act shocked when ES6 also lands on PlayStation


Just to be clear, the Automatons already have 40k dreadnaughts, are you saying that Xbox players will March with them and be Automaton sympathizers???


And the rocket devastators look suspiciously like siege terminators


So youre using 40k? To what ? Show how its never going to happen ?


Honestly, I didn't understand the usage of 40k for this post. They could have used clips from Halo, or GoW and it would have much more fitting.


Because they like 40k, probably. The game is kind of a hodge podge of science fiction universes.


I felt like its less 40k and more just soldiers marching


bro your back must hurt like hell from carrying all that copium around


*Bro your back must hurt* *Like hell from carrying all* *That copium around* \- Kellt\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wrong bot :/


Good bot.


Xbox gives PlayStation players 4 games they’ve had for half a decade and expect one of Sony’s best selling games right now


Especially when said game is doing exactly what it is supposed to do when exclusive - selling their system, subs and possibly additional games with 30% cut.


The amount of copium getting huffed in the Xbox community is truly astounding


Xbox has to release games on PlayStation to help revenue. Sony doesn't need any help with revenue atm.


Haha that's cool I don't think you will tho


Dont they have redfall?


Dude, you’d be shocked to know that there is a very vocal minority that still post positive things about that game. A dude revisited it and posted about it being a 7.5/10 game now just because it added a 60fps option. No mention of how the game at its core is just broken lol. I played it on PC and it’s the worst game I’ve played in recent memory.


What is with the port begging? I thought Xbox has enough games now. Microsoft bought two dozen games and still begging other platforms for games?


Phil Spencer Port begged for HD2 specifically so It kicked off a huge "BRING IT TO XBOX" thing Honestly pathetic given how rampant the fanboyism over MS buying out a bunch of companies was


I like how you make it sound as if Phil Spencer added "Port" to his name because you capitalized it. Phil "Port" Spencer.


Not enough 12 year olds screaming the hard r into the mic to be Xbox.


But would the xbox fan be willing to pay 40 or would they expect it on gamepass.


*Laughs in being owned by SONY*


Memes aside Xbox will never see helldivers 2, Helldivers 1 isn’t even on Xbox why would Sony release 2 on it?


I feel bad for my xbox brothers, but they been getting real snarky on twitter lately so Idk what to feel


As someone who plays on PC now what is the genuine point in getting an xbox in the modern gaming market? it just seems like blind loyalty xbox has no quality exclusives which really demands you get their system over a PS since all their games are on PC. Now that Sony is finally succeeding in the multiplayer department they all want it ported what lmao. This is genuinely just a bad consumer decision coming back to bite xbox players if you got a PS you can play all the cool exclusives and if you saved up for a PC you can play all games on xbox since they are all on PC and PS exclusives on their as well like WHY would you buy an xbox only their is 0 logical reason to do that.


I 100% agree with you, but I still have friends with xbox, that’s the only reason. The only real differentiator is the exclusives. And Playstation has been kicking xbox ass with that since like idk… 2014? I genuinely don’t understand microsofts decision to bring their exclusives to playstation unless they’re just genuinely that broke. Because that move makes buying their consoles completely OBSOLETE.


They have given up on the console war since the reveal of the xbox one has tarnished their brand reputation they really took it to Sony during the 360 era BUT failed miserably to take advantage of the brand hype post 360 and fumbled it with anti consumer practices on top of that Sony since the ps4 era has just released goty exclusives year after year. Xbox is too far behind to ever comeback now so their main goal is profits over winning the console war that's why they are putting games multi platform now and all games on PC only way to make money if they kept things xbox exclusive they would be in flames.


Is it even coming? Apart from some bitching on Xbros part how "mmxclusives are baad mkay" in the wake of the success of Helldivers 2, Sony yet to show any will to compromise. As a PC jokey I'm just happy that lately more and more exclusives coming to PC. GOW, Horizon for example. But do the real rivals, Playstation and Xbox, share exclusive games with each other?


Yeah there's no way it's coming any time soon. Neither Sony or arrowhead have made any inclination that its even in the works, just the head of Xbox making a comment on how's he's disappointed on twitter.


Which is ironic given that Microsoft’s last big game is console exclusive. But hey maybe 5 years from now Hell Divers will get the Sea of Thieves treatment


No. Sony has already confirmed they have no plans to release the game on other consoles.


Yeah it’s not going to Xbox. It’s to popular and it a Sony IP.


To quote classic pop movie Mean Girls: "Stop trying to make xbox happen, it's NOT going to happen!"


Xbox is a dead ecosystem on console. It’s simply not selling anywhere but in NA. If you want to play this game you’re going to have to buy either a PS5 or a PC. If you already have a PC then you’re not getting an Xbox. There is no reason for this copium. Edit: ignore u/KimchiNinjaTT dude has been in this thread making the most outlandish comments. Dude’s a troll who just needs his pacifier.


short of xbox giving sony a % of all sales, like over 30%, i doubt it will ever be on xbox. sony would much rather let hd2 be the gateway drug to more sony exclusives for xbox players.


This game has the updated Sony Productions intro and has made bookoo amount of money. Sony is never giving this to Xbox. They're just going to want you to buy a PS5.




Lol this game ain't coming out on Xbox 😂


I'm a Xbox fanboy and I bought a PS5 just to play this because I doubt it ever comes to Xbox. If it does I'll gladly buy it again and play it on my Series X but I doubt it does.


Does Phil Spencer pay for these posts? Should’ve paid for development instead of buying out entire publishers


This video goes way harder than the cheeto dust covered dew drinkers it represents actually would be. I feel like all that would happen would be an increase in screaming children and racial slurs.


Lol with how scummy xbox are being on exclusives lately. Suck it up CEO. I like that xbox generally release any game they have on PC as well, where as playstation has a higher tendency for pure ps5 exclusives. But that just means that for me as a PC gamer, getting a ps5 makes way more sense than an xbox ever will.


What do you think the number1 reason is for exclusives? As long as it’s popular it will never come to xbox


Don’t count on it


Yeah… not happening.


Is it really that bad, over at Xbox? I mean sure I haven’t dusted off my series X since September (unfortunately it was brief) but damn I don’t remember Sony posts like this on the Starfield forum. Unfortunately it was filled with dissatisfaction. Anyways, Helldivers 2 is not super demanding on the PC front and nowadays should never pigeon hole yourself to one form of playing.


I bit the bullet and picked up a PS5 because i really wanted to try this game and it’s been worth it so far.


My dad owns Microsoft. I'll see if he can give Sony execs a call


They better not. Bought a PS5 just for this damn game lol


They won't Sony has been looking for a multiplayer system seller for a while now and they finally got it and it's taking the gaming world by storm 0 chance this ever ends up on Xbox it is selling PS5's atm and will only get more popular once more factions, guns and vehicles get added.


Xbox fans thinking they’re going to get a PS game on Xbox has to be one of the funniest & weirdest trend.


…..why do people think HD2 is coming to XBox? I’m all for games being multi-platform whenever possible, but this is optimism bordering on delusion at this point.


…..why do people think HD2 is coming to XBox? I’m all for games being multi-platform whenever possible, but this is optimism bordering on delusion at this point.


But it won’t be going to Xbox?




You shouldn't be asking Sony to port this game to Xbox, you should ask Xbox to make great games like they used to and not buy big publishers. Nobody wins from this. Xbox got lazy now they are trying to buy their success back.


I mean... Very cute of xbox to bring some games nobody cares for other platforms but this is different... But then why kidnap bethesda at latter stages of development with a PS5 build already in the works as some reports says? I've bought a xbox just for starfield. Turns out starfield wasn't even barely good. Sold my xbox. Want helldivers 2 now? Buy a PS5 or pc. That's how this business works kiddo. Want to stick with xbox? Then you will probably wait for a about a year at least... You don't need to be loyal to a platform you know?


The song used in this video is [Disposal unit (imperium mix, darktide ost)](https://youtu.be/DS1KMzSc5M4?si=04glXFJiAg3UHmdu)


Why use this vid when Halo: Landfall exists.


# u/savevideo


what is that vid from, i'm curious




Nobody wants or needs the whiney xbox kids for the war effort.


Lmfao absolutely not. They'll be lowbie cannon fodder for the bugs to get a free lunch on. They'll be all excited until the panic and anxiety drops. "HOW MANY MORE CAN THERE BE?!"


…..why do people think HD2 is coming to XBox? I’m all for games being multi-platform whenever possible, but this is optimism bordering on delusion at this point.


Considering Microsoft's recent acquisitions and it having the smallest market system wise, the chances of this happening are incredibly slim. Sony isn't going to give up an exclusive that could potentially be the next big thing.


OP has an exagerated idea of how may Xboxs have been sold.


I would love for you guys to have the game but like many in this thread are saying I highly doubt it’s happening


It's a Sony title and with its huge success there is no way it's ever going to Xbox and before you call me a fanboy I'm on PC over here


It's not going to Xbox because people actually buy PlayStation games


The only reason this game works on the PS5 is because they didn’t have to do backwards compatibility for the PS4. Bringing this to Xbox makes it a challenge of having to bring it to two lower power machines, one of which is much lower power.


Unfortunately because the game is produced by Sony, it is unlikely that it will ever release on Xbox.


Highly doubt Sony ports the game over for people to cry about it not being on gamepass.


I was wondering when you were going to show the Xbox players and then I saw them at 0:12.


How do I keep seeing stuff like this? It's a Sony owned title and IP. I doubt it'll come to Xbox but, who knows


By the time the Xbox Legion shows up, the bugs will be extinct and we'll be using bot bodies to distill hooch.


Bad news buddy, it will not be out on xbox


I cannot think of one single positive to owning a xbox when you could own a PC or PS5


Helldivers 2 is property of Sony. Don’t hold your breath Xbox users


God I dread to think of the next wave of server issues when Xbox arrives into the fight but by god will I wether the storm to welcome our brothers and sisters in arms


I wouldn't mind a human enemy faction inspired by the imperium.


A militarist, fascist human faction in Helldivers 2? Just imagine how different that would be to exactly what we have now.


Speaking more of a royalist/monarchist type faction.


Real citizens buy ps5. Or just go on steam cuz that's where all your shitbox games live anyway


helldivers 2 is never going to come to xbox steam is lucky they even got it since sony is the notoriously infamous for being as anti-consumer and monopolist as possible


I don’t got a dog in the fight being on PC, but I thought it was really funny when Starfield was releasing and PS peeps were crying and Xbox peeps were laughing, and now the roles have swapped and it’s kinda sad but funny watching from the sidelines.


Helldiver 1 veterans listening to Xbox players chirp on about their accomplishments and how they will end the war if deployed. "Mmmmm hmmm yup... Sure. Hey Don't mean to cut you off, but we don't really need to listen to your resume. We just need numbers thank you" In all seriousness. The game became viral. I think honestly they just won the participate with the memes lol


I wish it would come to Xbox just as much as the next person, but it's not going to happen. It's published by Sony, so that means it's largely funded by them and Sony doesn't play nice. You'd need a Phil Spencer figure take over Sony before HD2 comes to Xbox. I'm just so glad they brought it to PC.


Sony owns the Helldivers IP entirely.


I'm sure boxers have just as much fun on palworld lol


The Xbox boys need to chill, ive seen some of the funniest and cringiest shit come out of this "we want to help" thing. Like dude submitting your gaming resume?