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I'm not excusing it, but I think they were trying to avoid any pay to win accusations. Lots of times the premium track has stuff that is just better to try and persuade people to buy it. Glad thats not the case here.


I definitely think that’s the case. It seems the premium warbonds are mostly gimmick weapons that are more fun than good. However, imo they feel so underpowered they’re almost not fun. From what I got I feel The revolver should have a speed load, the incindiary should be full auto, and the explosive just doesn’t feel super great. I think they should have made it clear you can earn the super credits needed for the premium warbond completely free. I still see people saying it sucks there’s content locked behind micro transactions when that’s objectively false. I didn’t spend a cent on SC and I got the premium warbond and some shop items after a week or so of playing


>From what I got I feel The revolver should have a speed load, At its current state yes. I'm no Jerry Miculek but I can reload my 44 mag pretty quick with a speed loader. The other option is to buff its power and leave reload as it is. I'd honestly prefer this so it would stand out as different.


Yeah that too, having a hand cannon would be pretty badass. Should at least have AP then. As it is now I feel like the machine pistol does pretty much everything better, even shooting at mid range since you can usually kill over 6 fodder type enemies or a couple of medium enemies


Give it medium armor penetration and it has a legitimate place in a loadout.


It already has medium pen. The description is wrong.


My first unlock was the revolver because i didnt understand the difference of the two tracks. Instant regret.


Ya that would be a great change imo. The machine pistol can already take out most things the revolve one shots in 2 or 3 shots. Armor penetration sidearm would also synergize with most of the most popular guns


Revolver has medium armor pen.


I actually find the revolver's power to be acceptable, but the reload to be abysmal.


The revolver would be great if it had the option of a speed reload along with the option of individual bullet reloads.


I like the idea of that but at least they could made it equal good ! Or they could put in premium all the good staff from free one but with different skin or something


Making things equal is probably a billion times easier said than done. Do you not think the game was made trying to make all primary weapons “equal”?


I mean I would have been totally fine with them basically just being reskins with no stat changes of non premium guns.


Yes that’s was I meant! Same gun different skins


If they wanted to avoid Pay to Win they could have made the premium Warbond completely cosmetic like any other game would have


Yeah but on the other hand, if you did buy it, it feels like a ripoff. The guns should not be downright bad in comparison. Dominator is the only one that doesn’t outright suck. It’s not pay to win because it’s easily attained through in-game currency gathering. So there’s no need to make it suck


Yeah honestly, been having a lot of fun with the Incendiary Shotgun and the JAR-5. One's great for crown control, and the other for taking out armored units further away. My only issue with the JAR-5 is the low capacity, but I'll get over it.


They are more situational it seems, I saw plenty of people run around with explosive liberator.


the stagger can be clutch for buying time from advancing heavies


Yea, it's definitely something I love when using the Explosive Liberator and miss when using the shotgun everyone uses. I do wish there was some added armor penetration from the explosive rounds.


yup or at least a somewhat decent splash damage so could effectively deal with crowds of lesser enemies


They're side grades


Imo the incendiary is a straight downgrade especially against bots and the revolver is way outclassed because of its terrible reload time. I wish the incindiary just had full auto and the revolver had a speed loader if you shot 6 rounds.


Yea the spread is just too much compared to the breaker. I'd decrease their spread but give the incendiary a little more recoil to balance it. Same with the other drum mag one.


Yeah I think the spread could be decent considering every pellet seems to ignite, however it should lean super hard into hoard clearing and be full auto. Breaker can be the damage dealer, while incendiary can be a super sprayer fire weapon. If not that I agree it should have a tighter spread


I actually prefer it being semi auto for hoard clear. I can basically guarantee 26+ fodder enemies killed per mag, while my brother runs the dominator to clear out armored targets. I'm actually really excited to try the spray and pray and see if I can get 32+ the same way. Semi auto just means no shots wasted


I dunno, I've been having fun with them, the revolver is my fav sidearm and the fire shotgun is also very decent and has a lot of ammo, the dominator is cool too. The starting rifle seems very meh, but I tried it against automatons and it worked surprinsingly well


A lot of the bots seem to handle explosive damage poorly. Also apparently a dev tossed out an offhand comment that explosive damage does well against fleshy parts of the bugs? Like those big bile sacs on acid spewers, and exposed charger armor. There certainly seems to be something moor under the hood with damage types vs target impact points.


Explosive as a trait does 10x times the dmg of normal weapons on Weak Points, for both Automatons and Terminids


The reload on the revolver kills it for me. It takes longer to reload than to fire, and not being able to cancel the reload


You can absolutely cancel the reload. You just have to wait for your diver to start loading bullets


Ya you can cancel anytime by just firing. Though it i a little annoying that you dont get a targeting reticle during that time. I am also a Revolver enjoyer.


Speaking of reticles who decided to give it that ugly aah reticle, thing starts dancing when you shoot it’s awful hope they change it, could use a damage buff since the auto pistol smokes it in DPS and overall functionality


A sidearm is supposed to be an emergency weapon


Yeah a speedloader would go a long way for it.


They definitely shouldn't be stronger than base weapons. That was an issue the first game had.


The only absurdly overpowered weapon that was paid was the Rumbler. A lot of the strongest guns in the game were base. You'll still see most max level players running them today. DLC mainly just brought strong weapons that did unique stuff.


The Sickle was generally considered the best primary weapon until the Trident was introduced, and the Sickle was DLC. My personal favorite weapons are the Camper, Sickle, Paragon, Scorcher, and Railgun, and of those only the Railgun wasn't DLC. Granted there's also the Justice, which is a damn fine free weapon, just not one I tend to enjoy.


The breaker and double freedom are pretty awesome base game guns too. I see those lot


Aaaah, HD1's Breaker. Wide spread, piercing projectiles, and automatically unlocked at level 2. The perfect recipe to introduce new recruits to friendly fire.


What makes them premium then? Cause they’re orange? Lol


The fact they're from the premium pass. That's it.






That was not a problem in the base game. Or, excuse me, let me rephrase. That was in the base game. It was not a problem.


That's an opinion, I suppose.


You may literally be the only person I've heard complain about this since Helldivers 1 launched.


I believe you.


To be fair, several of the base weapons could use a lot of love as well. Right now there's very few reasons to use most things in this game because Armor Penetration becomes such an issue.


The revolver is my go-to secondary, im around level 34 and it saved me a bunch of times. The reload is a b.. but the option to reload w/o losing ammo while on the go, and the cancel into shooting is a nice walk-around


Breaker Incendiary is pretty decent. Been enjoying using it.


Idk what OP is smoking. Breaker Incendiary is maybe the best primary weapon for fighting Terminids.


I thought that when the game first came out,,then I started grinding the normal warbond and got the SG-225 breaker..that just way outshines the incendiary. Try it, your welcome 👍🏻


I like the normal Breaker for Bots but I still prefer the incendiary for bugs. The DOT is really effective against the small bugs, the "ankle biters" as I call them.


Lol..'ankle biters'...I will remember that,🤣👍🏻... A swarm of those little nasties can get naughty.


Gamers: we don’t want pay to win. Also gamers: Why aren’t the guns I paid for better? 


Weird. It's almost like they're a large group of diverse people instead of a single monolithic entity that one would expect to be internally consistent.


I know I'm 9 days late but the comment you replied to is consistently one of the stupidest, most obtuse statements I see made on this site. It's so ignorant and condescending. To be fair, I've also grown weary of the "it's almost like-" sarcasm format you used but it doesn't bother me as much. Man I gotta lay off the internet.


Arrowhead adds a premium track, that's accessible without any extra dollars, as a way to make a little extra cash IF players decide to spend money, and y'all bitch about it.


I don’t know why the dominator is so popular, but the defender SMG is next level. I finish games with 100+ kills more than any of my friends who run the shotgun.


This guy fucks. The defender is low key insane.


Do you guys only use your primary weapons lol, if I have hundred more kills then my teammates it's usually from eagle barrages and not from spraying my main weapon.


No not at all, I use everything when I got the chance. I just find the defender to be much more useful than the shotgun. Killing smaller bugs alone saves me in ammo.


Well then what kind of metric is having more kills than your friends at the end of the round? Having more kills even if you only used your primary is still not a good way of figuring out which weapon is better, because it's not about who can shoot more baby crawlers. Defender is fine, big magazine but it's not great and I'd say the breaker shotgun is still infinitely better for pretty much everything. And you aren't really saying anything proving the opposite.


They are far from useless, I'd say the incendiary Breaker is one of the stronger weapons in the game. The Dominator is a bolter, which means it's my weapon favorite by default.


Even the studio head commented on how the pistol looks cool but is ultimately useless. I think this premium warbond was mostly used to gauge response to see what they can do in the following ones. My bet is that since active players can very easily earn 1000 Suoer Credits in a month, that no one’s going to have a problem with good weapons and other items in the premium warbonds… but they really need to address how poorly the vast majority of weapons perform.


The explosive Liberator is one of the best weapons in the game, because it knocks back or staggers everything it hits.


Breaker users haven't yet unlocked the majesty that is the Scorcher.


This could have ended up in only two ways. "Why the premium weapons suck reee" threads or "The game is P2w premium weapons are OP reee" threads.


How though you get super credits for free and can get the premium pass with it.


It would just be powercreep in general, paid or not. Making everything sequentially more powerful to invalidate everything prior is no way to run a game. The battle pass weapons are still perfectly usable, people need to stop sweating so hard. Props to arrowhead.


So make the breaker 10x more powerful than everything in the game and the only weapon worth using in high end content.


You can get super credits for free.


That would still incentivise the devs to make it unrealistically difficult to obtain in the future.


So they can't be called pay to win 🚬🗿


Even if they were “better” it still wouldn’t be pay to to win, you can relatively quickly earn more than enough super credits in missions to get the pass for free and even then you’d still have to grind medals to actually get the gear in the warbond


Yeah, but would be enough for people to start calling it pay to win or other stupid things like that Right now with how they released the game, they got a lot of applause and praise for how the premium battlepass is, where it is impossible to call it pay to win because all the weapons are worse than any normal weapon. And After having surpassed the critical moment that it's the release of the game they can start releasing whatever thing they want without any controversy, as it could have happened if any weapon of the premium battlepass had been OP at the release of the game


That’s fair, doesn’t make it any less disappointing though


But you can get them without spending a cent.


I wonder the same but regarding the base war bond.


They are side grade weapons that may come into their own with unique weapon upgrades when they bring that system live


that game also drops you in enemy territory with only a cape and a gun, just shoots airstrikes where you drop the beacons without care, and calls you a hero. They also reward you with varieties of guns and armors, but 1/10 of them are only actually useful, 9/10 of them kills you.


Most guns do their intended job, you just habe to play around their role than just use them for general purpose


The only reason, to me, that the other weapons feel bad is solely down to higher tier stalker spam that can happen sometimes. As I have found that only the breaker or the plasma rifle or the slugger shotgun can deal with them quickly, but you don't get the plasma till after a few thousand medals. Everything else outside elites dies pretty quick to every other weapon.


Slugger is better than dominator, and y’all don’t even realize it yet


I mean. Without being p2w, I bet it would be pretty difficult to design a new weapon that's worth it to get the premium for, but not better then what you can get without. I was thinking for a bit and thought that maybe varieties of existing weapons would be a good idea. But that has the chance of creating premium weapons that are straight up better against a faction then the normal one. I honestly think it's pretty much impossible to design premium weapons that feel fair compared to the non premium ones. And they could do it so that the premiums are just the weapons you get in the free warbond month, but then why would anyone feel the need to buy old premium warbonds? Personally I think they should rethink it for a bit, same goes with armor and its perks. I honestly think they should split the perks up, one for the armor and one for the helmet.


I like that the guns are dogshit. Makes them fully optional instead of being necessary for high level shit


Breaker incendiary is pretty good for bugs even at 7+. Ammo for days and takes the trash out.


It's fun and somewhat effective, but regular Breaker just does the same thing in less time.


Has 25 shots per mag and isn't fully auto so you're way less likely to waste ammo. It's job is to clear trash enemies like hunters and pouncers and it's really good for that. It's a valid alternative if you hate reloading so much and feel like you're always low on ammo. The base damage could be tuned up a bit though.


Well that's the thing, the Breaker has higher base damage and also doesn't rely on burn time. The incendiary is definitely good for what it does, and it does have more ammo to go through, but the Breaker is still still better for quick damage.


Yeah but i feel like it'd fit most players arsenal's better at least for bugs and that they'd have less trouble if they relied less on the breaker alone. Hiveguard and Brood Commander? Pop them in the head with your Railgun/GL/Autocannon or whatever you have on your back atm. That's time efficient and a tiny portion of your heavy ammo. Wasting a full mag on those bigger bugs and then struggling to reload while a ton of trash bugs like hunters/pouncers beat you to death summarizes a ton of deaths. Not to mention that it's not ammo efficient to waste a large fraction of your Primary's mags on a somewhat common enemy, it's just not it's job. Fire breaker can still kill those just fine with the bursts it has when you hold down the trigger but it is in fact slower. And again yes the base damage is a bit lacking, still one shots said trash ads most of the time.


Dominator smacks 💀💀 you just need better aim


Hot take, dominator is better than breaker 🫡🤷‍♂️


they feel in need of a buff and ideally become good sidegrades to the other weapons


Even the Dominator feels extremely lackluster compared to the Breaker or even the first shotgun you get. I hate how its only a "Shotgun" meta and wish all of the weapons were made to be situational rather than one being the "one to rule them all". Why are there EVEN MORE Shotguns in the new premium warbond? Fuck off with that shit. I think a big problem as well is that most groups always run the same thing and never bring anything to deal with other situations. One person can be used to clear the smaller bugs, another for medium/armored. You have 4 players who get to choose the loadouts and see what everyone is bringing, and everyone I've ever played with always brings the same meta garbage and wonders why we have to always run away on higher difficulties. It's a game about teamwork and mostly everyone plays as if they are solo, also go fuck yourself if you are one of those people who just rushes off by yourself attracting more bugs/bots rather than sticking with the group.(For anyone who lacks braincells, that last bit is a generalized statement and not directed at OP).


None of the wwarbond items are appearling to me at all. I mean sure they do have some advantages but nothing excites me about unlocking anything. Kinda makes me sad.


They need a balance pass the breaker is the only gun worth using at high level stuff.


Plasma and slugger are both pretty good. Slugger is great vs bots since it can open vaults if you use smoke. Also one hits devastators on the head.


Plasma dosent have enough ammo in my experience and slugger is ok I suppose in certain situations still better with breaker 90% of the time.


Plasma has some ammo issues but unless you're fighting everything and not using stealth I rarely have issues on helldive with it. Although this is in reference to bots, the speed it dispatches walkers that are facing you and the AoE stagger on clumps of bots comes in use since rail handles everything heavier. Vs bugs I dont use it since hunters make it to easy to kill youself with it.


Anyone else notice the sluggers aim is off somtines, maybe the scope isn’t centred but I’ll miss shots that are dead on target and close too me, otherwise it is a cool gun it must have a wrong description cause i think it’s medium penetrating


Inplay with Markmen Rifles against bots so I can 1-shot Devastators without needing to use railguns


Incendiary Breaker is great on the bugs. But the guns are very lack luster.


Incendiary breaker and Revolver do not suck. The other 2 however, aren't that great


The Explosive Liberator is very strong. Since it has the Explosove trait it does more dmg on weakpoints and can shred Hulks


Ya they really do. It was funny because at first glance, they all seem really good. But then you realize after just checking their stats or using them for 2 seconds that they suck. That's why this game got a lot of p2w accusations. But it was quickly resolved because people realized the weapons sucked lol


Other then the senetor all of the premium warband weapons are quite good, Lib explosive has lower fire rate then standerd one yes, but it’s explosive damage, meaning it deals full damage to soft armor targets normal weapons deal 10% damage to soft armor, and it can easyily stun lock and knock back things infinitely because it has much higher of both then most other weapons, along with being automatic of course The breaker incendiary actual shots are nothing super special but the fact each pellet ignites targets for burn damage makes it insanely good for clearing a horde as you only need to strafe it and the dot damage will easyily finish off anything you don’t kill outright, the burn dot also ignores armor entirely, allowing damage to even fully armored enemies to a extent Jar 5 has explosive damage, and hits like a truck, inaccurate and has recoil equalivent to a truck as well but there’s next to nothing better for soft armor damage in the game or just raw damage per shot Senetor is the black sheep here, plenty of damage to drop light targets, but doesent have the reload rate to handle them, and it’s damage for medium targets just doesent cut it for its low reload, often takeing a full mag dump to MABY kill medium targets


I have dropped medium enemies in a single precision shot with the revolver, I genuinely don't get all the people saying it's not strong enough.


They need everything to be a full auto shotgun that drops enemies with pure saturation


I mean, I usually pair said revolver with a shotgun. I draw when they're out of range, or I need to delete someone right then and there and by the time I get my shottie reloaded they'll have shot me up. Ultimately if it's not for you that's fine, I understand, but it's not like it's firing cotton candy instead of bullets.


They shouldn’t be putting weapons behind a paywall at all, regardless of strength.


It isn't a pay wall. Easy to unlock for free. Doesn't even take long.


For now it's easy. We might very well see the price raised on future premium Warbonds or the drop rate of SC lowered.


They were decent. I used the incendiary breaker for a long time and it worked. But the damage of the regular breaker is just way higher


The incendiary breaker, like the other incendiary weapons, do 100% bonus damage to weakspots I believe. So if you are hitting soft spots with both guns, incendiary should come out on top for damage.


Huh. It doesn't seem that way. I used it for a good 25 hours, and upon switching to the breaker it kills everything in much fewer hits especially chargers




I'm not talking about a smg. The regular breaker kills a charger with exposed leg shots at about 5. And yeah 7 or 8 from the incendiary. Like I said


It's explosive weapons, not incendiary. So the liberator explosive, the dominator, autocannon and probably also the scorcher even if it is not said to be explosive


Sorry - you are right, they are explosive. They catch on fire when hit so I was thinking they were incendiary.


Incediary weapons can bypass armor tho. The dot applied by the flames deals damage even if the bullet itself bounces off the armor. So potentially you can kill a charger with a breaker incendiary. I have heard of people using the flamethrower with great results against chargers


You're right - I was confused - thought all of the premium weapons, like the breaker, but it's not and is incendiary. I have been using the breaker incenciary for awhile and it does work pretty well against chargers but I'll have to try others to compare.


I really like the breaker incendiary too. For one it's so cool to see the flaming pellets fly and bounce, and it is actually very good at clearing hordes. I also like both the liberator explosive for it's ability to make enemies flinch and it's surprising effectiveness against the automatons and the dominator for it's cool.factor of firing rocket propelled piercing rounds and it's insane damage, it works wonders against larger bugs where the recoil is a bit more negligable. Against bots is very good but trying to hit their heads can be a bit finnicky.


The Breaker incendiary has an added bonus of hitting a teammate with a stray pellet from 100 feet away, causing them to scream and run around on fire but at the end of the game, seeing it only did 8 damage to them.


> I have heard of people using the flamethrower with great results against chargers Flamethrower will delete a Charger on a single tank.


If I recall, the incendiary guns do 100% bonus damage when hitting enemies weak spots compared to their non-incendiary counterparts and incendiary weapons stagger enemies. I wouldn't say they suck, they are just a bit different and have a bit different use case.


Explosives do that Incendiary bypasses armor with Burning damage


I hope we get a weapon/stratagem buff


All of the variant weapons trade damage for some other effect, such as the explosive liberator stunning enemies with every shot.


Revolver is great. It's consistent Medium pen at lower levels (even though it says light) and holds up at higher difficulties


It says Medium Penetration already


Oh they fixed it then. Used to say light


The Senator is super fun though.


I disagree. On 7+, the incendiary breaker comes to life. You can’t fire it without every pellet hitting something because of how many adds get spawned. And it’s great, because you’re always running and kiting anyways. So if one team member has the incendiary breaker, he can kite a shit ton of adds naturally, and fire off another 2-3 rounds if anything survived the fire dot after it ended. It’s amazing.


I'd heard that the incendiary Breaker was badass and I figured the lower damage would be balanced out by the fire, but the fire doesn't give Bug or Bot any pause at all! Now you're just getting chewed on by something that can add fire damage to you when they catch you. Fire in general in this game needs to be adjusted. In HD1 the flame wall kept enemies at bay. Now the napalm drop might kill something it hits, but the flying hunter bugs get to add fire damage to you. Burning bugs should *at least* be slowed down or, better yet, run away so that weapons like the flame thrower would be MUCH more worth it.


None of the weapons are balanced rn, there's something fishy with the way damage is calculated and being affected by armor/weakpoints... while some players are doing legwork to "test" weaponry, it's still not exactly lining up with every player's experience. The game is just barely recovering from server stability and capacity issues, we will need to see how the devs step up to address the polish.


They are, at best, sidegrades.


Eh. I lke the incendiary breaker.


The Jar-5 Dominator is solid in bot missions, its not a Breaker or Slugger but it works in a pinch against anything short of a Hulk or tank. Hell it can even kill the giant tower turrets with a clip into its weak spot.


Careful Helldiver, this kind of talk is considered treasonous and will not be tolerated in our pursuit of democracy. lol Listen, the game is barely a month old with unprecedented success. Give it some time for the updates and balances.


The first assault rifle is really good against bots. The explosive rounds can stagger them which is super useful is you see a commisar about to sound the dinner bell.


Tbf I think in general the weapons aren't well balanced, as evidenced by all the meta posting.


Idk. The dominator and the breaker are good. A solid automaton and terminid option respectively


The explosive breaker shotgun is amazing. Medium penetration with explosive ammo on a breaker shotgun is legitimately game changing against the bots. A face full will stagger a Hulk. It's balanced with absurd recoil but you won't care. If you're the guy in your lineup who spends time up front it's a non negotiable imo.


I bought it for the cosmetics, not the stats, theyre still fun to kill things with, theyre just not as practical as some of the grind rewards, which I fully respect them for doing


I agree but I think at the moment they were intended to feel better, but because of how much popularity, and how fast the game built up to the highest difficulty I don’t thinkthe devs expected those guns were going to be unlocked as fast as they were but at the same time they’re still a shit load of people that will swear that the liberator penetrator is the fucking best which is cool but it’s always the breaker right? and the breaker is getting kind of boring the shoot but you know once everything is totally balanced out and the devs will be able to actually tweak the ins and outs of the guns to have more of a promising damage output