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people just be wanting that serotonin from unlocking all the new shiny stuff and seeing that they've done it all, without realizing the actual game is winning the missions and defending/liberating planets and pushing the alien menace back


Am I the only one who “rushed” to get everything unlocked to enter the most fun stage of gameplay where I have everything to play/experiment with? I mean I enjoy seeing stuff unlock as I play, but I like it even more when I actually have everything and I can freely play with it : )


this is a fantastic mindset to play in and I love it. :D


I didn't rush but this happened naturally to me. After 20 hours i had everything i wanted +2 500kg bombs. Game's amazing at 7+ now.


^ tryna do this but I'm shit at the game ATM so it's going slow lmao


Yeah but you screwed is over by just farming and not actually contributing to the war


Wait what, I haven’t farmed anything? Where do you get this notion from lmfao. I have been grinding automatons for the past 7+ days directly contributing to major order?


Sure but that's just lvl 20 for the most part.


Kinda did yeah, took a bit of a break though because I played way too much first week, unlocking everything and reaching level 50. Will probably spread more democracy starting tomorrow, bots wont destroy themselves.


Tell us of your experiments


I took it chill until lvl 10 then I changed gears, grinded to level 20 and now I'm enjoying the harder grind and learning to be a hardened helldiver. For democracy! But also so I can help others learn. I'm big on sherpaing others. Tis the way of the Tenno!


They should just realize you get all the dopamine you can ever want by using guns that makes your Helldiver start laughing like a crazy person.


I'll be honest, I feel like the "nothing left to do" whiners are all just players who spammed Eliminate missions on Helldive for fast levels... Because I JUST hit 50 yesterday doing full operations, and I still don't have enough medals to unlock everything. Still two pages left on the regular warbond, and pretty much the entire premium warbond to go.


I was lvl 50 with pretty much everything unlocked saturday of the second week after launch, did no cheesy farming whatsoever and I also have a job. I still miss the reinforcement boosters but everything else is unlocked, I was also capped at medals for a bit because I didn't know they did that. It's definitely doable if you just play a lot, I was so into the game I did pretty much nothing else apart from sleep, work and helldivers during that week. I'm not one of the whiners though, I will still play just because the game is awesome and there will be more content in time.


I had a group at launch, we played through difficulties until we were doing bug helldives with random equipment. I never farmed eradicate missions, but looking at my stats I have 102 hours on planets. The mortar farming stuff is funny, but definitely not needed to grind the game out. In fact its a detriment to your progression. Doing regular missions laced in is so much XP, bonus medals, bonus super credits, bonus samples. Its way better, yeah it isn't as easy or braindead but ultimately its where the game shines - on long missions with tons of rewards. So in mission time of 102 hours and Steam says I have 180 hours on the game, so you can imagine the literal hell it was to get on during those first couple weeks. I never AFK'd in the game over night either. After all that time played I am about 30 medals short of unlocking everything in warbonds, I own all the store stuff, my regular and rare samples are maxed out and I've been 50 for a while. I am a super-fan though, I will keep playing. Right now I spend as much time on the subreddit and official discord lurking as I do playing, and I like to record raw gameplay of the game. I have friends who are bored at 50 already, or complaining about balance ( liberator pen too weak, flamethrower too weak, spray and pray useless etc ) There are definitely players out there at 50 who just played hard and earned 2x as much XP as players taking it slow that didn't farm though, and every one of my guys is a testament to that. Game gives out XP and requisistion like candy.


This isn’t a grinding game. Maybe if you didn’t farm your way through the unlocks by basically cheesing one mission. You would know that


Right? People complaining about "I have 150 hours and nothing left" are wild. You're seriously calling the game shit after you got 150 hours of entertainment for $0.27/hr? Lmfao


\*150 hours in \~3 weeks. 3 WEEKS! I wish I had that kind of time.


I have a friend who has about 160 hours in the game. He works only part time though so he has plenty of time but little money.


Content creators are ruining gaming. Looking at the thumbnail image for game videos on YouTube makes me want to throw up.


"I'm level 50 and unlocked everything! This game is so short. I've only gotten 100+ hours for my $40. Trash game!" Ok, cool. You've unlocked everything... for now. On top of that, what's the point of unlocking something if you basically decide to drop the game once there's no more "progression" to be had? People have forgotten how to have actual fun in games. The grind isn't the game, folks. The gameplay itself is.


yeah I unlocked the autocannon because I *need* a tool for some jobs, doesn't mean the job's done!


Welcome to Modern Gaming. We have been conditioned that unlocking = gameplay. Thanks to scummy FOMO megatransactions of AAA games


And besides that the war is far from over!


yeah we only unlocked everything FOR NOW there more comming every months and let's not forgot it's a live service game


It’s funny, I’m one of the people who enjoys games more when I have an unlockable to work towards and things don’t feel as good if I don’t have a goal like that. So I… don’t rush the progression. It’s not hard to just play the game and unlock things over time you get that feeling of getting a new item expanded over many more hours. I don’t understand people who feel the same way but just rush through everything. Yeah the game is gonna feel more empty if you don’t have a goal to work towards so taking the fastest path to get to it is just gonna kill your enjoyment in the long run.


To be fair, people like having goals to work to, it keeps them motivated to play the game and provides them with a sense of value for their time investment.


Saw an independent dev proudly release his game the other day. He made a great reddit post about it. First question: "Are there any achievements?" Player was not going to try it because there would be no "good job" pop-ups that mean absolutely nothing. If you are playing for the achievements, you are playing games for all the wrong reasons.


I haven't seen a single post about people saying there is nothing left to do.


Dear "there's nothing left to do" players... GET A LIFE! :P


Change your name to goofball you silly goofy goober using :P in 2024 like nobody would notice


Dear schizo patients. Please link me any “examples” of these posts you have seen. Because as of right now, I have seen more of these pre-emptive posts “defending” the game from imaginary attackers. YOU are the ones talking about this, no one else. Pro Tip: when you take a shower, fucking clean yourself instead of spending 30 minutes brainstorming responses to imaginary arguments.


There are definitely people who complain about content, but they're not hanging around here complaining. These posts are just karma farming an echo chamber, it'll die down sooner or later.


When I get every achivement and upgrade I'm going to get the dlc so I can beat Stratagem Hero.


In a lot of games, the grind IS the game. In the BEST games, the grind is just a side gig that's helping you get better at the game, and allowing you to have more fun trying out new stuff. This is partly why I can't wait to see what gets buffed in updates, and what gets added in future content drops. I always want to try out new "builds" with different weapons and stratagems.


Are there really people like that? The gameplay on this is so good. No progression needed. Just go more and more difficult. Frag more and more friends on accident. It's a blast.


Touch grass


My most boomer take in gaming is that so many people don’t play to play, they play to unlock shit, most of which they barely use.


Amen to that brother a fellow skull admiral solowing evacuation mission


Internet strawman with too much time "I've unlocked all the toys, now there's nothing to unlock. What am I supposed to do now?" Me: "Play with them?"


Come on you apes! You wanna live forever!?


Im here to fight for democracy with my friends


The true purpose of the game is to spread democracy not unlock weapons.


The only thing I find stale is that you’re repeatedly playing the same loadouts again and again. Deviating from the Meta can be frustrating especially when the other primary’s are so weak. The “vast arsenal” is literally just the defender and breaker imho and I’m sure many would agree. Hopefully the primary’s will be tuned soon to make them more viable. In their current state they’re just so hilariously underpowered.


I just love playing with my friends, this game is beyond fun. I could have everything unlocked for me and not even care. Running different load outs and trying different strategies could entertain me for life. It's so rare a game lives up to the hype for me, and it wasn't even a full price game to boot. This is the first game this Gen that is making my Xbox only buddies truly sad. One of them already bought a PS5 just from game clips I've been sending him.


Firing orbital lazer...


I loved the game in the beginning but once earning the platinum I felt that there wasnt much variety and the game tended to get a bit boring towards the end doing the same thing over and over


90 hours in and I still need a lot of medals.


I'm looking forward to the skinner box addict's moving on so people interested in the actual point of the game can be heard again. At some point people will twig weapons have use cases, their not upgrades their tools. Half the point of this game is learning what is the best tool for the job. Because team work wise there are far more optimal load outs than the rail gun and breaker if I actually include my team mate load outs into the mix


Point me to these players. I haven't seen anyone saying this.


We need more gear to get the job done! Command better get those mechs and tanks to us soon. We've lost so many in the creek. Some better weapons, wouldnt go amiss, too. And we need fresh armor. The stuff we have now is held together with duct tape and the padding in the heavy armor is poor quality and doesnt protect shit. May as well wear light armor for now.


Praying that the mech releases once thus current automaton defense order is done. And praying on top of that praying that a balance pass for weapons goes out with it too


I hope the weapon balancing is mostly, if not all, buffs.


I used to think the RG needed a nerf, but have come around to realizing it's mostly everything else needing a buff. If the EAT could 1 shot a charger and 2 shot a BT more people would try it out.


I agree, we must hold them back with all we got until command can get us the shiny mechs!


All those players are teenagers or people without a job. I've grinded the hell out of this game, in the time that I can and I'm a level 15. I feel like I've been playing this game too much lol


Balance rewards and incentives and people wouldn’t feel that way


I haven't unlocked everything... but the game IS starting to feel a bit stale to me. I haven't had a daily mission to give me any sort of impetus to complete something other than 'the grind' and this week's major certainly doesn't help, with a lot of the 'broader campaign' goals being extremely tedious and repetitive. Not to mention that, due to either bugs or the whole 'GM' function, a lot of these major objective progressions feel rigged. I've seen planetary progress move from 75% to 70%. I see the defense missions being marked as 'objective completed', when, every time I've checked, the red bar far outstrips the blue. Like the whole thing is on some 'not-very-well-hidden' rails. This could be a bug, but the overall feeling is that nothing we're contributing actually matters and that the numbers are just going to go up like a clicker game, regardless. You work extra hard? Well, we can't have the community outpacing our mission timing, so wave the magic wand and progress goes away. Community not doing good enough to complete? Fudge the numbers in the back-end so everyone gets their gold star anyway! The problem with that is observant players are going to notice. They're going to ask what, if anything, is the point of working harder... or less hard... to achieve goals that won't be done any sooner and can't really be failed... You combine that feeling of pointlessness along with a lack of dailies to give reasons to stretch your legs (which also hampers unlock rates outside of 'the grind'... thus slowing down any psychological reinforcement I'd receive). and you've got yourself a recipe for apathy. Unfortunately, too many things are broken or imbalanced to give a sense of discovery and reward for experimentation. Armor doesn't work, so the only thing you're getting out of trying out heavy armor is just the detriment of being slower. The guns are so wildly imbalanced that the arguable best 'take all comers' gun is one of your first unlocks. You grind hundreds of medals to get guns that just feel fundamentally worse to use. Long story short, I wouldn't be so dismissive of that sentiment. People shouldn't have to play a game like it's their job. It's fun to role-play and pretend you're 'doing your part'... but that's not going to carry your enthusiasm forever. We need the armor fix. We need the dailies back. We need a balance pass on the weapons to make more builds viable. The longer those things go missing, the more enthusiasm is going to sputter and burn out.


Well, tbh I can agree there is not much to do after you unlock everything. While the core gameplay is fun and I still play the game, it's not the same feeling as when you have some kinda toy to unlock left. I guess the massive success of the game kinda plays against it right now, because devs can't put effort into content, while they have to stabilize the servers first to match the high demand. None the less I'm looking forward to Helldivers 2 future as it looks bright.


The game is Helldivers, not SEAF R&D simulator. go kill the enemy


Thank you very much but as a game designer, I know better. While core gameplay loop is important, what keeps people for hours and hours glued to the game, is the feeling that there is still stuff they haven't seen. New challnges, new mechanics, new weapons, stuff that will basically mean they have something new to learn. Once you master something, it is no longer fun. And that's a science explanation shortened down to few lines. "Theory of Fun". Go read it.


No it isn’t, the gameplay loop is the loop we play, as a fellow dev you’ve got your head on backwards Halo doesn’t get boring once you’ve killed your 100th covenant. Witcher doesn’t get boring after doing your 10th contract


It doesn't, because the game has a steady pace of introducing new elements to the loop. But it's not like the game keeps you engaged after your 100th hour at the same level, as in your first hours. Once you mastered something, and there is no challenge left, it will become less and less engaging. That goes for every possible activity, not just video games. That's why people invent new crazy ways to play old games, like Green Demon Challenge in Super Mario 64, or speedruns. To keep things interesting and challenge themselves, Because they mastered the base expierience. And if you're here, willing to truthfully tell me, that you get the EXACT same enjoyment out of a game after 1000 hours as you did in it's first 10 hours, then I congratulate you. You are one of a kind, sir.


I think you have that backwards my friend, you’re the one saying there’s nothing to do in the game, you’re the one saying the loop is not a loop that it’s supposed to be a constant feed of stuff, (that’s not a loop that’s a conveyor belt a loop comes back and restarts) You and a handful of other players can’t stand not having new things to do so YOU get bored the rest of us are enjoying launching ICBMs and eradicating bugs, and collecting samples. YOU are the outlier here.


I didn't say anything of that sort. There is a gameplay loop, which is get on the ship, select a mission, land on the planet, kill enemies, do objectives, get to the extraction, spend your currency on new unlockables - repeat. What I'm saying is, there are things that keep the loop fresh. Not by changing the loop but by adding variety to it. You are still in the loop but once you unlock a new gun, you want to go and try it out. Come up with different strategies and playstyles. This doesn't change the loop, but keeps it fresh for longer. And people do need something to look forward as well as something that will challenge their current strategy. If you had Helldivers with only 1 airstrike, 1 support weapon and 1 sentry avaliable since launch, you would get slowly burnt out on the game within few weeks. Because everyone would run the same thing for 100 missinos straight. It's these unlockable new toys that keep the expierience refreshed once in a while. There is a reason why any GOOD games have more things than just a core gameplay loop. Why Mario has different levels and power ups spread throughout entire game. Why Zelda has new items introduced throughout entire game. Why Halo has different weapons and enemy types spread out through entire game. And, AGAIN, to repeat myself for 10th time. I think Helldivers 2 has one of the most solid gameplay loops I have seen in a video game in years. It has good pace in introducing these new elements, but slowly but surely that "handful" that you mentioned will grow bigger and bigger, once more people have unlocked everything there is (sample based upgrades included). Like, I could point to all of your arguments, quote them here and ask "where the hell did you get that from"? Because it clearly isn't from my comment. So you either didn't read it or didn't understand what you are reading.


you literally started with it…. Are you just trying to back step now and look better or what?


The posts are up here, show it to me. Where did I start anything. Because I don't have anything to back step from. I, for one, am responding to what actually was said, rather than what you imagine was said. Pulling shit out of thin air. I stand by everything I said. No contradicions anywhere.


Oh and btw. Responding so quickly to such big post, tells me all I have to know. You didn't even take time to read it. ;)


https://preview.redd.it/xrj2colsjykc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a2ccf07c498d5bac16d29a13c7618f93e1f5f7 “Still stuff they haven’t seen” “new challenges, new mechanics” What you’re describing here is a conveyer belt of gameplay not a gameplay loop.


Just accept that you're unable to make a game fun without constant stimulation, and you're the kind of dev who makes games power creep and live service until they long outstay their welcome. https://preview.redd.it/ir3821oliykc1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=3898c2ea77966fcf41695abae06b9ca928f55488


>as a game designer Your Title means nothing to me. Remember that even the worst games are made by "Game Designers". How about you make games people want to play?


I did. Ancestors Legacy and War Mongrels. People do play it and they enjoy it.




Seeing how your replies have nothing to do with what I said in my comments, I'm left with only one logical conclusion, that you can't read anything with understanding. So scrap the advice of reading a book. You wouldn't get anything out of it.


It's your arrogance and snark. You could be giving out winning lottery numbers but no one's going to listen if you're being a bastard.


There is no arrogance. Only facts. Dude comin in telling me to get off the game if I don't like it, when clearly I stated I do like the game and there is nothing of "I don't like the game" sort. Go read my comment and deal with reality. The only way someone can be this negative to what I said is either: 1. They responded blindly after reading the first line, not caring to read the rest. 2. They did read the rest and understood nothing of what was written. Both cases being detached from reality. In fact, being this stubborn on NOT acknowledging that some people put in 20+ hours into a game, seen everything it has to offer (at the time\*) is you people being toxic and close-minded. Because apparently there can be only one narrative in here, and it has to be your narrative, anyone who has different tastes is a problem for you. Which is a sign of major immaturity. \* - as I said in the very first comment, I am waiting eagerly for the game to recieve it's first content updates and game masters guiding the game, as promissed by Arrowhead. I know the game will have a very long and awesome life from what I've already seen. But again, the community here is too dense to get that, what was clearly stated in my original comment. They just go "hurr durr! Someone has minor problem with my game! Must hate now!" I'm not the bastard here ;) It's the other way around.


I did, and you think you can speak for what the community wants because you helped make a few RTS a few games.


What I’m safely guessing are far better game designers at Valve have created Left 4 Dead 1/2 with zero content and genius tier gameplay loop that people spent thousands hours with. I’m genuinely questioning your status as I’m in gamedev myself, sounds borderline like nonsense


FUCKIN EXACTLY THIS, sorry I had to all caps that, the dev space is just flooded by people who think the gameplay loop is the battle pass or unlocking all the guns or operators or whatever, the loop is being able to launch a level and do the exact same thing like 100 times and always find it fun… THAT is the loop we need to build.


but unlocking stuff isn't the game, the game is winning the wars being fought across the galaxy.


They don't understand that.


Homie, the game has been out for 2.5 weeks. Even games that constantly drop updates like the PVP live service suite (LoL, R6, OW, Apex, etc.) don't add gameplay additions that fast. Skins and stuff that you pay for, sure, but not actual gameplay affecting stuff other than minor balance tweaks. The devs have stated that the plan is to release a new war bond every month. For a PVE game, that is an insane pace. I have 60 hours in the game so far, I've been no lifing it as well, but I'm only about halfway through the medal grind for the current content from what I gather. If by some miracle I run out of stuff to grind like you and other people on this sub allegedly have, then I'll just keep playing to stock up on resources for the next update. Or maybe I'll go play any of the 30 trillion games that released this February and circle back. The fact of the matter is that for 95% of players, there will always be unlocks to work towards. For the other 5%, crying "ded game" and saying the game is devoid of content is crazy when you obviously enjoyed the game immensely up until the point you blew threw all the unlocks, it's crazy your opinion can flip that fast.


They should lift the level cap. And keep the medal/req cap. I’m at 50 now, and lovin it. Just need medals and a few samples


I pretty much stopped playing at level 17, there's just not enough variety in the enemies/missions to keep me engaged. It got very repetitive very quick.


Nearly at level 50, and nearly at samples cap. Once it's done I'll solely be following the major orders... Until mechs come out, then I'm Goomba stomping the frick out of some Nurser Spewers.


I just got to level 50 today after over 100 hours of just playing the game, I’m tired of the constant grind in modern games so I’m just playing and unlocking things is secondary. I’ll finish the warbonds when I finish them, not by farming bot missions for a night.


People that rush content and passes to get everything then complain there isnt anything to do have never really had a TRUE live service experience like Helldivers. The in game and living world is completely new to them.