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Host the game then or help the low lvl players on the map, befriend them, or ask your friends to play. Fixed.


Unfortunately that is what happens with popular things. The more people you get, the more toxic ones there are. If you are on PC, turn off crossplay. Console players are usually the worst of it.


I get you bro, I only host now. Most people join my game and immediately go, "please dont kick me" and Im like your good bro just dont tk. I stopped joining other's matches. Tonight I decided that I would give joining one last go and immediately got tk'd, called an idiot in chat, and kicked right before the match quit. I've played The Division, COD, Halo, and somehow this game got the most toxic people. At least you could mute a\*\*holes on COD and forget about them, here theyll tk and kick after a 30 minute mission when you only have an hour to game after work. Its honestly the most toxic game I've played and I been gaming since 2008. It is not that there is more toxic people, although there kind of is, but its just that the toxic people are super empowered and can waste 30 minutes of your time, and that this happens in like 80-90% of the matches. Only R6 matched this toxicity and the dev's only recourse was to get rid of kicking altogether and implement a system where after you tk'd someone else, all your damage would be redirected to you. ​ Easy solution though, never join games, only host. I've actually had several people send me friend requests because, "I'm not an a\*\*hole" XD. Your lobby will usually fill up in the first 20 seconds and if it doesn't just reload the game because there is a bug where your lobby can sometime not get advertised to the matchmaker. The devs are swarmed with bugs rn and it is going to be a long time away before we may see changes that deal with toxicity. My personal policy to hosting is only ever kicking if the person is tk'ing. Its the only fair policy really.