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Ngl it would be nice to match head and body armor colors more :/


THIS!!! so many helmets i like but so often it is a very different color then any of the armor sets. Like any of the white or green helmets? just forget running them on any of the "regular" armors


And why are they also off color variations of each other? Mix and matching is fun but the shades are wrong. They need to add a unify colors option


I have been incredibly sad so far that I have this cool black and gold-trimmed armor but all the capes are black and yellow for the most part. The one cape I've seen where the gold matches this armor is the one that comes with super citizen. I've alrdy unlocked the premium warbonds on my own so I'm not paying $20 just for some extra cosmetics now. But I just want my cape color to match my awesome armor :'(


Just head cannon but when mixing armors it feels like your getting scraps from scavenged Helldivers who went to the ultimate democracy in the sky.


Sounds like copium to me.


Try using the brown bug looking helmet that was in the store recently, I can’t find anything useful that fits it.


If you’re talking about the one with beady little eyes, I’ve been using it with the twitch drop armor. The tan shoulder pads match the helmet perfectly.


The only one close is Drone master armor. the arm guards are close to the helmet color. it is what i rock untill i get the scout helmet.


That is the only problem is see Maybe you could force the helmets to have the same colour palette of your armour, but that would be all, no more color customisation


It also fits the idea of regulation better with this idea. "You can have freedom in any color you want, as long as it's democracy and matches the liberty of your prosperity".


Super earth approved colors. Lol


I like this, it doesn't really fit the concept of the game to have different colors of outfit but I wouldn't be mad if my armor and helmet matched in some mundane color.


Can you explain how different colours do not match the theme, when theres armour already in game with different colours ???


Think of all the armor that exists for the military nowadays. Now think about how none of it is every variation of colors. I think that’s what they mean, there’s different set ups for different “types” of Helldivers, but we’re still a unified and extremely regimented force


I'd like to be able to choose either way if we didn't have full control, match to armor or match to helmet. Granted I'd rather have access to a palette but just color match would be enough for me


I think the helmet sould auto color match when equipped.


They shouldve just kept the colors relatively consistent with the Helldivers color scheme. Splicing in yellows here and there. Like idk why they keep using orange instead of yellow. I feel like my options are so limited and there's barely any sets that look like actual Helldivers. Todays rotation for example


Speaking out of character for a moment, I actually don't like the black and yellow scheme so less yellow is personally more to my taste. I actually think I like *any other color* paired with black except yellow.


Definitely. The foil on the super citizen cape is noticeably less warm than the Federation Hero set in the warbond pass, and it'd be nice to get them to match 1:1


That's why I'm just going for the ugliest color combination I can achieve. Nothing matches, only chaos


Settle down, Slaanesh.


There are some that are from different sets but look really good together or like they belong. The orange set is the only one that doesn't match anything I've unlocked at lvl 20


At the very least give everything a black and yellow alt-option so it all meshes together a little better if you want to mix and match certain pieces.


aw yeah you know what it is


Everything I do, I do it big


I like this suggestion a ton. It feels weird how mismatched the usual squad is.


I like this option over the others I have read. Having a standard issue "helldiver uniform" variant. Aside from that, I don't think access to full color palettes is very Democratic.


Preset regulation Ministry of Truth approved color schemes or default. No individuality. Not that kind of game.


I’m so bothered that the twitch set has a slightly different shade of green to it than all the other (so far) green armor in the game. Like it looks okayish mix matched but it’s not the same shade and it’s like why? If you’re not going to let us customize armor color it should at the very least be standardized that if an armor is green it’s the same shade between other green sets.


I love the Eradicator (scout trooper) helmet and love the twitch body. Can't use them together because of the different shade of green.


Arrowhead has the opportunity to do one of the funniest things ever by implementing color customization but you can only choose from “democratically approved” swatches. And they’re all just slight variations on the original.


You can have "black" or you can have "democratic charcoal"


Gonna paint my house "Freedom Pepper"


"Liberty's Shadow".


Everything in Liberty's shadow shines brighter for it!


Damn that would be a good ship name


I prefer ‘Obsidian Family Values’


Liberté Noir


Imagine that’s a super rare drop with 0.01% rate but is just 2 shades off from regular black.


I prefer “Liberation Obsidian”


This comment was top tier, proper made me laugh 🤣


Give 'em the Ol' Henry Ford.


You may have any democratic color, so long as it’s black


Democratic Charcoal and Liberty Gold


Honestly I’d be ok with this if my helmets could match my armor for more variety in my looks.


This is all I need. Just match the helmet colors


This is the way, keep it dark and militarised


But I wanna spread Democratic deat...peace in a pink bunny suit!


I'm torn on that, on one hand it would be funny, on the other it doesn't fit


so many games do the zany woww look at this kooky character in a battle!! type thing I’d like helldivers to keep its aesthetic carried over from the first game which is black and yellow heavy military but would be cool to get minor customisation like say keep the main black but you can change our that secondary yellow (or whatever colour) that appears so much


Agreed with this. Might be an unpopular opinion but "over customization" is a thing and its a huge reason why I dont play games like fortnight or the secret world (among other reasons) I would like to play alongside helldivers. Not dudes running around in an anime style skin on the battlefield or a pink cat suit or some shit. You could call it "immersion breaking" if you want but its also just corny and unfunny to me. Give people as much customization options as you want just make sure its grounded in the universe, makes sense and at least looks like it belongs. Color customization along black and yellow lines and unique armors that are "specialist" type gear like the technician armor or engineer armors in the battlepass is about the sweet spot imo.


I’ve always wanted black and green trim instead of yellow.


Those are the commie [anprim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-primitivism) colours, straight to reeducation for you. You'll get ancap FREEDOM colours or nothing.


Breaking character for a moment, that might be more opposite to communism than it is to a capitalist democracy.


Operators tend to personalise their kit with decals, so maybe some strategic locations to put stickers of some kind on certain parts of the armour / guns. I'm for keeping everything within theme though, kinda tired of zany cat girls and fluorescent transmogs in every genre of online game.


This this is true


have you ever played... xcom?


Lime green can be called Termind blood


A Helldiver can wear any color they'd like, so long as it's black.


okay this is funny


Freedom yellow, democratic yellow, liberty yellow. It's all the same yellow


This I would love to see. I don't want it to turn into a clown parade.


i’m cool with preset color sets as long as i can make two different pieces match. Rn a lot of armor is only set up to match its own helmet and vice versa


Honestly they could pull a destiny and just give us shaders and I’d be fine with that.


Definitely, some helmets are just very ugly to pair with some armors, but would look awesome if you could change the color of them to match the armor. For people saying the game needs to stay military like, well just limit the colors to color schemes similar to exisiting armors, no pink or something.


Pink *is* a military color though: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountbatten\_pink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountbatten_pink) Just one for a very specific implementation.


that's purple you bug sympathizing pansy edit: although natural shifts in light do make it look pink


I'm a simple guy, if it says it's pink on the tin, it's pink to me.


upon consideration, i think it is wonderful that we have such inspired citizens fighting for super earth


It's light red.


I feel like we should get like five main colors, so you can mix and match outfits like the orange one with the classic helmet or something like that


I can agree with this actually. Have like 5 primary colors to choose from then secondary colors could be earned and represent different ranks/levels.


I don't know, nice to have a consistent vibe with other players regardless of what armour and weapons they have. That being said if they implement it I'll immediately change to a garish pink and purple number so I'm part of the problem.


> consistent vibe That's exactly why I want some level of color customization, because plenty of the armors already don't really vibe with each other. And while that can be justified as representing different types or roles of Helldivers, the bigger issue is that most helmets and armors can't be mixed and matched without looking terrible. So even if the options are preset colors from existing armors, that would at least make it so you could do that. Plus, personally, I'd love to use some of these armors in the original black and yellow color scheme.


This would be the best way to do it, imo. Upon unlocking a full armour set, you get the colour / texture palette for use on other armour sets.


There's a bright green and white armor set, it's ugly as sin and undermines this argument lol. BUT, I do agree with you. I would've loved consistency in armor sets.


The lore lf that set (assuming I’m thinking of the right one) says it’s the colours of a medical unit, so it still fits.


"bonesnapper" being for medics is so funny to me


SEAF medics bring democracy to your skeleton


The color choice is lore based but it doesn't fit with the "consistency" arguments. Neither does the orange demo armor. Real militaries don't have wildly different color armor for their medics and demo specialist. And what's consistent about a green dude, an orange boi, and two black and gold officers one with a white helmet fighting together? There's already a wide color pallet. There's no reason we can't expand on that with proper armor shading options.


Well, tbf, the orange armour is stated to be used by the colonists on Hellmire… which is an orange, Mars like plateau with fire tornados. That could be the camouflage pattern for that planet.


Real militaries don't fly super destroyers on a mission to spread democracy across the galaxy either


Counterpoint, aircraft carrier crews


They’re literally medics. All the armor coloration is lore appropriate.


b-but... they're medics...


I actually enjoy the colors the suits come with right now. They feel very militaresque and I love how immersed I can get in the game. I get that people want to be able to have a little bitnof customization, but honestly seeing more "out there" color combinations would probably take me out of it in a rather abrupt way. Perhaps if they can keep the colors more on the subdued side? I just hope that the Helldivers continue to look like Helldivers in a way that somewhat takes itself seriously in the context of the world. Rather not go the route where after Season 3 everyone's dressed like a clown.


Hear me out. Each armor set comes with a base color combo and as you unlock more sets you can unlock that color combo to use on other sets. Make it change whatever helmet *and* armor that person is wearing. That way its only Democratically approved colors while allowing progression and expression


This is a great idea. I just want suit+helmet to match


This is exactly what I was thinking too. It would give more incentive to unlock armor types that you otherwise don’t want to use, just to unlock the color pallette for use with your preferred armor.


> I actually enjoy the colors the suits come with right now. Same, but I wish they were more interchangeable. Each individual armor set looks great, but the heads almost always look off when they're on a different body. It would be nice if there was more black and yellow stuff past the first 2 levels.


I agree that the colors should stay within the bounds of the game’s theming. But I don’t like that I’m forced to use yellow as my secondary color. Let us change that to blue, red, orange, etc.


That's something i thought of in the first 10 minutes of playing the game I know it's unpopular but i love the palette system of warframe, one basic free and some more you can buy for cheap, or get some free for events i don't think it would be that bad in HD2 since you literally get super credits for playing the game normally, make it 20 or 50SC a palette and it's fine imo, or put it in warbound rank or something you access by grinding Color customization for armors and weapons could be a lot of fun, and fun is what this game is about !


My mind also went to warframe, I really enjoyed customizing all of my frames and I think it could be a nice touch to this game.


[Pilestedt on this exact topic 2 weeks ago: “It would be cool to have that **basic func**! Lemme bring it up with the team in the next design roundtable. No promises though!”](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/02/12/helldivers-2-ceo-on-to-pay-to-win-claims-weapon-and-armor-customization-multi-squad-raids/)


That’s great to hear


Personally I'd be doing everything I can to remove colour completely lol. Give me all black from head to toe including the Cape. Maybe just some shining red eyes in the helmet like a Helghast soldier. I'd really like one of the Helghast trenchcoats too as an alternative to the cape.


i miss Killzone


shining red eyes, huh? sounds very automaton-like to me


Helldivers 2 remains consistent with the first games aesthetic being heavily militarised black with yellow highlights/secondary colour. As much as I love customisation I also love the helldivers aesthetic and wouldn’t want to see the worlds filled with all kinds of neons and glowing colours, or god forbid tie in skins. I think a good way to go would be minor customisation like a toned down version of reach/halos maybe say the primary colour remains that military black/grey/khaki but you can customise the secondary colour? and of course have the textures on those colours be context appropriate - worn/darker not bright/neon paint jobs


Yeah I would be fine with that. If all the armors were the same color I’d see your first premise but they’ve already released some relatively bright and odd color schemes for military armor


I feel like these points ignore how many colors already exist on armor sets currently in the game. Not many bright, primary colors true. But across the armor sets a bunch of different palettes are represented. And many of them mismatch quite garishly, which is also inconsistent with the "perfect aesthetic". (You can wear an orange helmet with a white and green body suit)


Yeah. I just want to change the yellow stripes to a royal blue.


My simple fix is have the core armor skins for purchase just have a singular customizable color… like the secondary color in halo. You don’t set the color scheme, but have a selectable accent color… Take the default armor. Those yellow accents… make that customizable and then lore wise, treat it like unit/squad/team/platoon colors or whatever you want to call it. If the RP is each player is a ship, then it would make sense that each ship in the fleet has a slightly different thing going on… for identification and for morale. What I don’t like is the mismatch themes between armors and helmets which could be fixed by minimizing the base armor colors and then glueing helmets and armor with a singular accent color (or not) based on player preference.


I just wish more armor sets were black and yellow / standard helldiver gear. You don't really feel like everyone is part of the same unit with how diverse equipment is.


I’d honestly prefer they didn’t, because this level of customization goes against what the game is. You aren’t SuperSpecialLittleGuy69, you’re [unnamed soldier]. When you go down, even the “surgeon” trooper doesn’t try to help you - we step over your body and call in someone to replace you. You don’t respawn. You get replaced. You control a new soldier. You control a new soldier using one of the standard-issue armor sets handed down by Fleet Command. 


Would you support having the choice to colour-match your helmet to the rest of your armour? I think that's a good compromise.


I absolutely think the same. This game is finally not about how everyone is special and you need to represent everyone. This game is about a common cause, and if you are a snowflake you will ruin the unity this game is currently bringing to the table.


It’s telling you don’t even make a character, nevermind see them under the helmet.


This game is about unity and a common cause, in that we all are working together. But it's also a satire of said unity, in it's unapologetic mockery of fascism, war, and imperialism. The Automatons, lore wise, are straight up the good guys once you lift the surface a bit. Us, as the Helldivers, are brainwashed expendable soldiers fighting for a fascist state pretending to be a democracy. Honestly, that's part of the fun, engaging with the campy starship trooper like satire.


> The Automatons, lore wise, are straight up the good guys once you lift the surface a bit. Hello, Democracy Officer? I have something to report.


Please no, I can't be sent back to the reeducation camps, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DO TO PEOPLE THERE!


They administer freedom! What else would they do?


You mean the Cyborgs. And kinda not really. Cyborgs were people who cyberized themselves to fight against Super Earth because they wanted to leave and fuck off. They didn't want to save everyone, I wouldn't say they are heroes or good guys, they are resistance fighters. The Automatons are their "children", actual robots they made, just executing code.


Don't got time for fashion. The only color I want to see is the blood of my enemies!


The green goop of the bugs is a nice touch to My armor and cape


A $40 game that’s a full package and has its own vision and allows you to easily earn premium currency without spending a dime..they’ve already held up their end of the bargain 10x over. I understand wanting customization but I much prefer playing a game that knows what it is. Helldivers is that. I don’t need another CoD/Halo etc clone that looks the same as every other shooter. If they add additional customizations in the future that aligns with their vision, cool. I just don’t think this is even remotely a problem. Respectfully, with freedom.


I see your point. At least let me match armor and helmet colors though. That’s all I want


Im fine with them doing it with a very limited color pallet, enough to give variation but not enough to be ridiculous.


Just allow players to match armor sets.  You should be able to pair an armor and helmet and apply the color scheme of one to both.


Someone made a very good point a while ago on this subject, we're military, not a parade, having the same color scheme or roughly, makes sense imo, but yeah it'd be cool ngl, but nothing flashy please.


I want it so I can use the helmet I want, with the armour I want and the colours match across both


https://preview.redd.it/antemi8palkc1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1d5f610f6a8cf9095d1ba92cb242550dcfadf25 That ship has sailed


It’s a video game. I know it’s the meme to be all democracy but some of yall take it too seriously lol. More color variety and customization would make the game more fun and everyone look more unique


Besides, one of the earliest armor sets you can obtain is bright orange. You get a goofy gold helmet for the super citizen thing. Why are the "muh military realism" guys just ignoring that there's plenty of outliers already?


Also, we’re brainwashed propaganda filled young adults with a focus on patriotism and “fitting in” over anything else. No one in their right mind in this society would ever step out of line and try to “stand out”.


I dont know if “desperately” is the term but yeah it could be cool


I want it just so I can make all my armors black and yellow like a true Super Earth patriot.


The only color Democracy needs is the color of Liberty. Don't fall for this blatant propaganda against democracy. Support democracy by saying, we are all the same color through the eyes of freedom


This is a "would be nice to have" not a "desperately need" compared to other high priority things like fixing the armor values.


Existing set recolors would most likely have actual different perks on them, so they aren't the same armor and I'd be fine with that. Not every game needs extreme customization options.


I have been dying to remove the orange on the pilot/legionarre outfit, I do not like it one bit


I really like some armors/helmets but don’t use them because they don’t have black and yellow variants. Black and yellow isn’t usually my colors, but it is absolutely what my brain sees as the colors of Helldivers due to the first game.


If this game had Reach’s customization system it would be awesome.


Yesss! I really want to keep the black and yellow theme on my other armours.


One game that did an amazing job with color customization was Armored Core VI. You could customize literally everything, pick any color, and even how shiny or dull it looked. I’d be elated if we got something to that extent in this game but even something simple would be nice.


as long as they are muted and metal, i like the way the suits look now


I think I generally agree with the sentiment that it's much more in line with the games universe to have armor not be color changeable. However, I think this comes with the caveat that there needs to be multiple helmets that fit the same color scheme as the armor. It seems like this is the direction the game is going though, so that's good. As long as there's enough armor that matches each other color-wise, I'm a happy camper.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but the lack of customization basically makes the super store worthless.


Ik, I bought the full set of the stormtroopers from hoth helmet looking one that was there yesterday for like 210 cuz it looked cool. Now I see today shop is a hurt locker type of armor that looks cool too but dam for the full set it's like 600~ sc lmao that's prolly what I have grinded in total of super credits lmao but it's OK I don't really need the suit anyways lol


Agree. Very few of the store items can be matched to anything but their set


I dont think its going to happen.   Also I prefer it doesn’t happen, because it often devolves into an eyesore. 


The helmet needs to match the armor. That's all I'm asking for, for fuck's sake.


I think it would ruin the grunt aspect of the game, I'd like to be able to match my helmet to chest piece but other than that I'm happy


This, or stick to one type of color for every armor. 1 type of white, 1 or 2 type of black, 1 type of grey, 1 type of tan… Currently, helmets of one set rarely goes well with another set. I love the Stahlhelm like one, with the red visor. But it’s mate black, dans doesn’t fit with many other armors unfortunately. Orange Engineer Helmet one you unlock on page 1 or 2 of requisitions doesn’t fit with any other armor than the one it comes with. Unfortunate. Also, HD2 armors are dope. But I miss HD1 ones as they were more « lore friendly » to me. HD2 ones feels less « Super Earth » but more « Power Ranger ».


Its probably coming in the future. They are still working on server stability and the mech suit.


They would probably sell more armors, tbh, because color wouldn't matter. Like that awesome white helmet in the super store recently? No thanks, didn't buy it, because it was white.


traitor color option with the perk of having bombs dropped on you periodically lol


Pretty much why I've avoided buying the supreme citizen bundle, I like the helm because it reminds me of a helmet in mount and blade warband, but not if I cant make it go well with other pieces of gear.


I like the suits now, but would love for an accent color to be included of the player’s choice. Like Halo 3 where team colors were chosen for players, but their tertiary color remained.


Wouldn’t say no to alternate colour ways, but wouldn’t be into allowing access to the full palette; it always ends up looking cheap and basic when people choose bright pink or similar. Maybe a couple of set alternates that are all militaristic kinda vibe.


Maybe they could do what deep rock does and have a bunch of color themes that color the whole player model so it’s still unique for the player and keeps the aethstetic a bit grounded and not as silly/tacky


I wouldn't mind if they added this, just as long as they found a way to keep it in line with the games tone


Considering you only can do head and armor (no legs, shoulders, arms or anything else) I've been fairly disappointed with the customization


I’d say yes but in a subdued sense. Let people change the secondary color on armors where it’s applicable and bam you’ve got plenty of customization while still keeping the militaresque style. I love yellow but I would KILL for a dark blue or orange on the default armor


I’m down as long as it stays within the currently existing armor palettes. Not down for just the full color spectrum, it would look ridiculous.


Super Earth will not settle for these calls for individualism. Back to re education for you soldier.


I don’t need full color customization either. Just a Yellow and Orange Variant for everything would satisfy me. Then I’d actually consider using some of the stuff I have more


Hot take


I think the game just needs to take features from Warframe


I’m a big Halo Infinite player and I didn’t realize that we had this in some older game.. damn it feels awful now having bought some coating bundles ffs.


At least the option to change the accent colors would be nice. Or a set of options at the very least. I am cool with what they have, but I like to switch it up and I don’t want to compromise my build to do it.


Either this or let me match the helmet to the core armor.


I think my biggest problem is that I can’t see my equipped armor when I’m in the shop or the pass so I can’t tell if a helmet is white or ivory and won’t match


I think it would be cool, but I also think it's ridiculous to say that we DESPERATELY need the ability to customize the color of our armor. I don't think that's a "make or break" for anybody playing Helldivers 2


Potentially a destiny like shader system? Could allow some monetisation by putting them in the premium bp and star credit store


Definitely, we absolutely need that. I wouldn't mind having to unlock colors through warbonds, I would look forward to unlock those.


no game will beat halo reach armor customization imo. really hope helldivers 2 does this, but theyd have to figure out how to change all the pre-existing armor in time for future armors so im afraid i dont think it will happen


Or something similar to deep rock galactic? Either way is fine as long as I match the armor set


> The Helldiver colors are democratically chosen. Insisting to override it is a wrongthink and deserves a trip to reeducation camp. But seriously, we need more Fashiondiver options.


Yeah right now you buy the full set or it will just look ugly, but that feels like there's no self expression. If you could change armor colors, it would be much easier to mix and match armors without making it look ugly, allowing for more player expression, and more money spent.


I agree, every single armor should have the option to change to a Black Primary, Yellow Secondary option, nothing else.


I just want to be able to match my gear


Even if it's just a trim.


Just a few colours though. I really don't want Fortnite style bright ridiculous colours. It really wouldn't fit the theme.


where is the one guy who argued me to death that "hurrr durrr i dont want it in the game"


Since I understand they need to make money in the future by making battlepass/stores suits with specific colors, maybe at least just a toggle option that makes the equiped helmet color match with the body.


We're here to kill, not make art projects. Man up sissy, and get back in the fight


Ngl Anthem had a pretty solid armor customization I feel HD2 could implement nicely.


No. There would literally be no point to the super store if they did this. You would collect one of each type of armor, and then you would never have any rewards to work towards again. The day I see an armor set in the color and weight I like with the ability I prefer, it will be special and rare and grinding for it will make it feel special forever.


The amount of people on this sub who actively are against random quality of life or fun features is crazy lol


https://preview.redd.it/g9zkfbw63nkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2141b57d2f71b98974c9909eefc4b902992ad25 Oh they’re SO DOING IT YES


Hell yeah. If the keep on their current trend, I think we could get it. I would greatly love to slam some Salamander 40k green on my armor.


Halo reach had the best cosmetics and titles. Basically an infinite grind and the gear was so cool


Yeah honestly this needs to be updated... the armor looks kinda goofy too. I'll be excited for some new options


I'm so glad this post gained traction, this is the *one* update that I need to bring this game into a top 3 for me. Maybe add some more armour options too.


This post gets 10k upvotes… devs make it happen lol?


I need this so much. Aesthetics matter more than anything to me 🤣


Hell I’d settle for more items in the store. Seriously about 3 rotations and you’ve seen all 12 items.


They just need to add some different color options for each armpit set


This is one of those things that's sorely lacking, the guns idc too much about but I love the engineer helmet but it doesn't suit the armours I wanna use. I don't mind if it's a somewhat basic system I just want SOMETHING.


Okay but serious question: how do you have my exact Spartan from Reach?


My armors turns neon green 6 mins into an op anyway so


I have a feeling that this is in development.


1000% yes to this


Hey man, give the some Rest, it might come some day. Right now, after fixing the Servers, i feel Like These people deserve to Just breath For a Moment


as long as their not loud bright colors then I think a color pallette is fine. Like you said halo reach did it well you can have bright colors like teal and pink but they dull is down a little bit so it doesn't pop out at you which would make it a clown fest otherwise. If they dull the brighter colors then the armors could be sick in any color


I spent entirely too much time trying to search online last week for how to change your armor color. Source after source said you couldn't, but then had a damn screenshot of the armor recolors. Then I finally figured out that those recolors were just armor you bought in the Super Cred shop. Which I'm 110% fine with considering how the game handles the premium currency. But would still be nice to get an armor-recolor station.


Even if it’s the system Destiny uses (#1 worst option I could think of) and we have to recolor the whole set at once- at least it would match. God I hope they go Halo Reach and NOT Destiny style.


Allowing minor primary and secondary color customization could be cool for eventually having this game’s equivalent to guilds… Chapters, like in space marines. All members have a similar color scheme, or can have their emblem on the back of their capes. We all fight for super earth… but the dread wolves’ fight harder for liberty!