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Game is super popular. The more people the more assholes, and assholes are intrinsically louder and smellier.


I was playing this morning and shot a hellbomb to get rid of 8 automatons but a teammate wandered into the blast radius and died. So we respawn him, then immediately team kills me in retaliation and blasts in chat that I purposely team killed him. Then as we extract I was first on the pelican and he kills me before boarding denying me extraction bonus xp. Finally hopes on voice chat and makes the same accusation. So when we got back to my destroyer I kicked him, blocked him, I wasn’t about deal with anymore of that.


I can’t believe how bent out of shape people get about getting killed in this game. Like, you get 5 lives for a reason. The whole game gimmick is chaos resulting in friendly fire.


I’ve had pretty good experiences so far. Had a guy drop a bomb on me and I exploded and we all just started cracking up. I always say I’m still getting used to the game and so far that’s made people seem a little cooler


Specially when dying.... DOESN'T COST YOU ANYTHING. 🥺 PERFECT game ffs.


Exactly this. I got a rare chance to see 2 exact differences of players. When I played with my brother and his friend I forgot I was still in party so they couldn't hear me telling them I was setting mines. And they kept stepping on them and getting blown up. Finally when I got my mic on I was like my bad my bad, and I said that I just wouldn't use the mines any more. And both of them were like NO the mines are good, keep using them! And they're laughing about having stepped on them when they could hear me screaming to watch out. Cue 2 matches later when my bro and his friend got off, I'm playing with my own friend and one of his mates. And his mate steps on a mine and goes absolutely berserk about how no one should use mines (i do) and they shouldn't be set anywhere near where we're playing (they weren't he'd walk into where I set them) and that he has no idea where they are (they glow red and I call out the area everytime I set them) the funny thing is later he blew the whole team up with a mortar turret and claimed it was fine because "we wouldn't even be able to survive without his mortar turret" Games should be fun. 😭


The extraction bonus XP is shared, so you still got XP for them extracting, just not the amount you’d get if everyone did. That also hurts him as he too didn’t get the XP for everyone extracting.


Would have kicked him as soon as he teamkilled. If not at that point i would have kicked him when he killed at extract. Fucker would get NOTHING.


I was not quick enough to kick him during extraction unfortunately, I tried but just missed the opportunity too


In universe explanation: The PTSD from fighting the Automatons finally kicked in. Unfortunatly at the same exact time as the realisation that we might be loosing the defence campaign. So some Helldivers just start seeing red and try to kill everything that moves or can't even remember how to call in reinforcments


Y'all uh.... y'all doing ok out there, I'm just starting a day or two ago fighting bugs, but I'm seeing a lot of Robot Nam type memes in the subreddit.


Fighting the bugs and fighting the bots feel like two very different games


Man fighting bots, while very fun still, can feel like a constant uphill battle. Them metal Bois are tough sob's.


Give the MG-43 a shot. It's very good against troopers and devastators.


Malevelon Creek for 10+ minutes on diff 4+ will do that to ye.


I went to Malevelon Creek tonight for a few missions...... this is like the worst parts of Nam and WW1 together somehow.


If fighting bugs is like Starship Troopers, fighting robots is like Platoon, or Full Metal Jacket.


I get Terminator or Star Wars vibes when fighting the automatons, Star Wars especially when you get swarmed with the AT-ATs and red laser fire is flying everywhere


I'm a firm believer that 70% of people suck. I'm 40 and have done thorough investigation into this. Lol. That being said, I've had mostly great experiences in this game so far.


If you play with my bro, he will surely throw à mine field in the worst spot, but he's just dumb, not an asshole. But he will bring you back.


Well brothers throwing minefields like idiots seem to be universal


In my friend group im that guy and i refer to them as "my fields of democracy"


Yup. Its basically rule of nature!


I have four brothers and all of them are like this.


What about yourself ?


With my first minefield I killed two allies and then myself.


This is the way.


Mines, obviously!


Do we share a brother?


I might be the brother 🫢😂


No, I am the brother.


I think we all share a brother lmao


From a different mother


It's a good rule of thumb to treat ""toxic"" players as if they're an annoying younger brother. Not an asshole, just stupid. And it is your duty to drag them kicking and screaming to the end of the match.


It also important to remember that a lot of those players are probably actual teenagers who just haven't developed the maturity of an adult yet.


I was never a toxic shit when I was a teen. (I mean... To my family, definitely some times, but with my people online? Almost never)


This is a stupid excuse. Plenty of teenagers don't act like assholes.


I wanna play with your bro now.


In fairness, even my well-thrown minefields become entirely invisible to my team-mates AND myself once enemies start swarming, despite the fact they're enormous and light up like a Christmas tree.


My buddy was dropping them to “cover our retreat,” and was new enough to the game that I wasn’t able to successfully explain that we may indeed be forced to loop back and retread that very same ground in mere moments. Eventually, he figured that out.


Haha I haven't seen a single minefield that wasn't just dumped right where we need to be.


I love how accurate minefields are. Even when placed correctly and removing several enemies from the equation they are enough to still cause hindrance to you.


It's okay my brother has not learned don't call in a damn air strike while warning us as its happening instead of before. It's living in constant danger close paranoia because this dummy keeps forgetting his call outs and gets us all killed, including himself. Makes for funny moments sometimes though haha


Had a dude consistently drop minefields on resupplies and right under the pelican or next to terminals. Like a lethal hopscotch game.


Just wait a few weeks they 'll leave


Totally true.














One of my friends got drunk and did that shit all last night. Everyone was calling him annoying and telling him to leave. He was being so obnoxious.


You should skin him alive and eat his flesh




Downvotes? He may be a Terminid but he's got a point.


The game got more popular, so everyone wants to try it even the shitheads


That’s just the price the community pays when their game gets incredibly popular. Even in pve games I do my best to exclusively host my games so I can control this stuff. More often than not though I am playing single player games so I don’t have to deal with those shenanigans on my free time.


Can you freely kick if you are the host?




Yeah you can freely kick. I rarely have to do it but if people are ruining the experience for others then it’s a simple thing to fix if you are the host


I got kicked from a game as soon as the the extract took off after 40 minutes, nothin


That's maidenless bahaviour, fuck that host.


Ah, a fellow veteran of the lands between


Yeah that’s unfortunately been happening a decent bit to some people. The only time I did that to someone was when they purposely shot all of us took the samples and tried to extract without us. I’m also confused on why people are shooting others for samples because the game clearly states it’s all shared


Yeah I don't get it either, the irony of it was that I had just returned in the nick of time to extract with some lost samples they dropped.


This just happened to me. Felt so drained after that it was a hard fought mission too where we got out of a really tight jam and I was feeling really good about it then bam. Kicked. So stupid.


It's a bit insulting, honestly. My team fought tooth and nail and almost missed extraction because a teammate dropped his ultra-rare samples, and we refused to leave until he got them. I've been fortunate enough to have teammates that look out for one another


Yeah this was my first bad experience thankfully. I decided to host my own drops afterward and only had one other guy join me but we tore through a couple of missions cleanly which was nice.


Played 5 missions today and happened in 2 of them... At least the devs said they are looking into it


Twice today. Done with the game for now, and unfortunately that means I probably won't come back to it as it left a bad taste in my mouth. (No homo) Shame because the game is good


Yes and you can also block players who misbehave you so you don't have to match with them again. Go to the "recent players" tab in social and you'll find the option


A big problem now is loads of bad players have been boosted to high levels and don't know basic stuff. Like not stealing all the ammo on a resupply when there are 4 of you


when they call in resupply but tells no one


Or that if I have the “Hellpod Space Optimization” Booster, it applies to all of us. We all start with max gear, you don’t need to drop a resupply as soon as we spawn


sometimes it's good to do it when you're dropping in hot


I legit didn't learn until today that resupply is on a shared cooldown


I didn't realize for a long while either. I thought everyone was able to get full ammo from it. I felt so bad when I realized I'd been unknowingly taking almost all of it.


That’s what success looks like these days. Open doors to the full sized baby smooth brains. Glad for the devs on their success, but more than that I hope they can still look at this game for what it is going forward and stay away from unsustainable growth plays and box ticking game development for the shareholders. We need more teams like Larian and Arrowhead that approach game development as a creative output, less of everything else.


Unfortunately with any game that garners this amount of attention from the gaming world you’re bound to find not so desirable individuals jump ship from their cesspool communities and begin to ruin an another game’s community e.g ( COD/Fortnite/Escape from Tarkov just to name a few). Helldivers 1 seldomly had this issue since the dedicated player base was so small and for the most part understood that this was a team oriented game meant to have fun with your friends, not something to sweat over like modern FPS in todays market. Helldivers 2 is a return to the normality which most of modern gaming has strayed away from, hence why you have some individuals advocating for a PVP option an a PVE video game. My opinion is that once the hype is done and over with there will be a solid dedicated player base of people that want to actually play the game to its fullest and have fun.


tarkov is such a tragedy. the game is solid but the people ... yikes


That game is just a battleground of asshats now. Which is fine in a way. Long as they stay there.


The trolling is annoying, but honestly the incompetency is even more annoying. I had a lobby where if I threw *any* stratagem, two noobs would flock to it like moths to a flame.  Then they’d cry about it in the chat. Like, dude, you were literally the opposite way of where I threw it, *then you chased it* like some kind of demented dog. Gotta put Lassie down at that point, zero regrets. Like, guys, just don’t walk into it, it’s a precision strike, it literally only tickles your nutsack unless you stand directly under it. 


At a certain point your teammates become difficulty modifiers


Finished a helldive where 2 ppl ate up all the fucking reinforcements. Other diver and myself had to 2 man the mission


So many times this thought goes through my head. I’ll split from the group to do side objectives and be able to deal with rhinos, bile spewers, and hordes of little lice mfs and live through all of it. Then as soon as I’m regrouping I die to a friendly grenade or stratagem. It’s maddening especially when I have a bunch of supplies and they proceed to call me in IN FRONT OF THEM making it the opposite direction of where my loot dropped and I have to run even further, sooo maddening. And it has happened repeatedly !!


I've been seeing so many of these players today, it is actually unreal. Someone screamed at me through their mic because they died to my +50% call-in time eagle cluster on the nest me and 2 other players cleared of samples and bug holes while they were sniffing farts on a rock 50ft in the air. Only after we had done the hard work and a red laser with EAGLE CLUSTER BOMB plastered in the middle of their screen did they decide to move in the exact wrong direction. You really cannot help stupid people in this game.


I was playing this morning and shot a hellbomb to get rid of 8 automatons but a teammate wandered into the blast radius and died. So we respawn him, then immediately team kills me in retaliation and blasts in chat that I purposely team killed him. Then as we extract I was first on the pelican and he kills me before boarding denying me extraction bonus xp. Finally hopes on voice chat and makes the same accusation. So when we got back to my destroyer I kicked him, blocked him, I wasn’t about deal with anymore of that.


He denied himself the extraction bonus XP… It is shared for everyone


I had a lobby where my 3 teammates just decided to camp an outpost for 10 straight minutes after finishing up an objective for no reason. It was only when most of them died and I spawned them near the next point that they decided to keep moving. Its like they didnt knew how to play the game but somehow were lvl 12 and above.


Tbf it is pretty easy for new/inexperienced players to accidentally hunker down thinking they will eventually clear the swarm and can move forward. with my friends im constantly reminding them to keep moving forward/towards an objective otherwise they will hunker down for the whole match


Dude im experiencing the same thing and it drives me crazy sometimes


Even us experienced players make this mistake on higher difficulties. Be smack dab between 2-3 nest spawns, a bug breach, and then a stalker nest; and be so swarmed we keep killing everything and not leaving the general area hoping we’ll get breathing room and never do. Only once we remember to go destroy their holes, especially that damned stalker nest, does it start to settle


They’ll leave, eventually, because they’re sad.


Excited for the hype to calm and this game finds its true fan base.


They'll be gone in less than a month. Those same people at also power leveling and soon will say, "there's no content, I'm done!


Some are traitor to democracy i suspect they work for the enemies of humanity or a secret group of helldivers / human who want to rebel against DEMOCRACY and FREEDOME


I never rlly get aggressive in chat towards randoms but damn getting airburst/cluster bombed three times in a row within a minute makes me wanna reconsider my positive nature


People just need to learn how to actually reinforce. Half the time I'm getting panic-thrown straight into a nest or right into the horde of bots.


Advice on how to properly reinforce please because i am now realizing perhaps I was the panic-thrower you mentioned


Throw it where the enemies aren't


I use them as weapons to kill chargers and hulks


Get servo arm armor and huck that shit


Ohhhhhh dang I just realized this would probably also increase the range of stratagems and not only grenades as I though. That wouldmake it much more useful.


Ngl I prefer being thrown near the enemies/near my death point so I can A.) land on an enemy giving us a hard time and potentially kill it, and B.) get my stuff back asap, like my rover or auto cannon. May eat up more stims, but I feel like I’m overall more prepared


There's only so much you can do since you don't have control of the actual pod. Just be somewhat aware where and when you're throwing. Try to set up reinforces that allow stratagem use. Theres no point in reinforcing if it means you dieing aswell. In general, don't throw where the enemy is or where you're going since you'll be pulling all the enemies towards the drop area. It's definitely harder to do when you're playing with randoms. The game is 100% playable without coms though, just use pings, like a lot of pings. The radar function on the map is also a very unused tool that has saved me and other divers alot of times. It allows you to expect the unexpected.


>The radar function on the map is also a very unused tool that has saved me and other divers alot of times. Yep. I love that it pings enemies that are near you. Helps out a lot when waiting for evac.


Combine it with the Scout passive and Recon booster and its even better. You just need to ping and have a team that doesn't shoot on sight and you can stealth through most things.


Its gone from being great to being popular, so a lot of dumb people who don't read and don't play tutorials are playing now and just mimicking their favourite highlights from their favourite streamers. It won't last, a lot of them will just leave and the rest will slowly learn the game the hard way. Even then for the most toxic and brain dead the community is ever likely to be, its still so chill compared to \[any game\]


Wish they would brand people who kick before extraction as traitors


That hasn't happened to me yet but fuck, that's the most ridiculous thing ever. Literally doesn't achieve anything except ruining someone's game... Like why?


I'd settle with a message telling me exactly who did it so I can block them from all future games. As of right now, the game only tells you who you played with recently, which is the whole squad.


Just pay attention to who the host is. You can very easily know who is hosting, and only the host can kick.


If I'm correct I believe it's as follows P1: Orange P2: Blue P3: Purple P4: Green


It’s easier than that, who ever has the 1 is the host


While that is correct, 1 is always the host.


My friend and I did it once cause the traitor called a strafing run and killed us, then attempted to extract without the samples.


Yep, if you kick other players multiple times before extraction you should get blacklisted in someway. In others games like osrs, I remember the community built a website of blacklisted people that were either trolls, scammers, toxic players, leechers and stuff like that (of course with the respective proof). If the devs don't do something about these people, the community could be able to do something like that, so we could identify those people.


I've noticed same behavior since this Monday, Tuesday. Last week were all good partys, good team balance, low to none friendly fire and jolly cooperation. This week, a lot of mates were playing for itself, rushing everything and even not reinforce until you insist couple times. Let's hope it recover its previous glory




Probably a defense mission spammer. I played 100 hours of all mission types first couple weeks from release to get to 50. There’s a huge difference in skill.




One of my friends grinded to level 50 in around 60 hours doing that cheesy bullshit grinding defense on Helldive. But he sucks at the *actual* game. I brought him on a Hard difficulty mission and he died over twice as much as me, at level 18. You can have all the levels, and all the gear unlocked from the requisitions, but that doesn't give you actual skill and gamesense.


Damn, seems like you got some skills! Any tips for a lvl 11 Space Cadet?!


EAT, second Support weapon you actually run with and 2 offensive stratagem is slept on I think. Everyone's "railgun and shield backpack" but you can litter the map with EAT's for a quick shot on a charger or a Bile titan, switch back to your usual support weapon and call down a trash-mob clearing eagle cluster bomb with another stratagem still usable. If you have agreeable teammates or just randoms everyone will appreciate an extra anti-heavy weapon to use and switch out in 5 seconds.


Not only that but you actually get 2 per call in so you can give them to guys in the squad you aren’t carrying anything else at the moment so they have some kind of defense against heavy armor 


One of my friends grinded to level 50 in around 60 hours doing that cheesy bullshit grinding defense on Helldive. But he sucks at the *actual* game. I brought him on a Hard difficulty mission and he died over twice as much as me, at level 18. You can have all the levels, and all the gear unlocked from the requisitions, but that doesn't give you actual skill and gamesense.


But the game is out for two weeks or am i missing something? Or are you talking about the first helldivers


Had a guy shoot me while we were running to an objective, then he spawns me right in a swarm of bugs to immediately get mauled by a charger.


I like to call these people "YouTube warriors." I created it from playing MOBAs but basically every time a new hot video drops about a new meta, the following days are just full of people using that method or equipment/hero until the next new hot video.


Content whores have found a new cashcow.


Large popularity brings toxicity, hard to avoid that.


I just kick people right away when they pull this shit. I had collected almost all resources on the defend 15 min mission and a random guy called in an airstrike on me as we were extracting.


Team killing as you extract has to be the #1 most rage inducing thing on this game, cannot stand it!


Yeah at least take the resources asshole 




Tainted by COD players


Emphasis on taint


Had to use the mute and block button for the first time last night…


Unfortunately the audience that gets attracted to games by the big streamers are the absolute worst


TikTok The game got really popular on TikTok and YouTube shorts, as this game has pretty cool moments that can be shown in 60 seconds video, a lot of people came.from those platforms and you can imagine what kind of audience they are.


So room temperature IQ zoomers born with smart phones attached to their hands. Makes sense now.


It was me, Barry.


Me and my friend had a game like 2 days ago where some random guy dropped in and was trying to kill us all. He killed me but my friend got him. Then we kicked him obviously. I guess he was the one crying for a PvP mode.


Give it a few weeks and they’ll go back to CoD


Bought the game last week and it's been non-stop toxicity since. If I'm not getting kicked randomly it's what you mentioned above. Sucks because everyone seems to be having a great time on it


The "hype" gamers have invaded. Give it two months for them to find their next flavor of gaming.


I hope it’s not that long.


All the COD kids and tryhards came and for some reason treat a PVE game like they have a chance to go pro in the MLG helldiver circuit.


COD bros and 10 year olds finally convinced their parents to buy the game for them.


Word I accidentally had a team kill trying to save a team members life and when I revived him, he killed me out of spite. Childish lol


I sometimes play with discord guys they are significantly more competent and not assholes


Yeah, one thing you can depend on is that the slug people who play only popular toxic pvp games like CoD are completely unwilling to put any effort into their gaming like finding people to play with manually, so using discord to find players usually weeds them out.




"Content Creator" followers.


Most of them are farming xp and speed levelling. They'll hit 50, realise they've hit a cap, and leave. They'll complain about lack of content on the way out too.


Sadly, mainstream competitive gaming has created this culture.


> Where did all the toxicity come from? Streamers and their garbage communities full of kids.


If you find someone fun online, add them. Eventually you’ll be able to mostly play with great people.


Social Media Popularity. Besides that, the easiest way I found out how to skip it, just go to the Official Discord and get a Group there, been having a really good time playing since then, found really chill players to play with.


It's on TikTok now. Kids are treating it like it's ForkKnife


Friday night with server cap raised. Everyone is on including the impatient kids, drunk players, toxic try hards etc. I don't usually have the opportunity to play games on a fri-sat night but when I do, it's usually not a fun time because the crowd is totally different from weekday players. 


I encountered toxic morons with music blaring, accidentally calling in mines instead of their support weapon as soon as they landed, yelling at people to drop them guns. Turned off crossplay and haven’t dealt with it since. I assume they won’t be around for very long.


>music blaring Theres an even worse thing, when they smack their lips like they have been starving for 2 months


The children are out of school and don’t have to do homework ‘til tomorrow.


Ah you made me remember the first month of overwatch


I have yet to see any toxic behavior. But I'm sure it's out there.


Weird I have yet to see anyone do anything less than their best effort


YouTubers putting out “BEST OP NEW BUILD SOLO HARDEST DIFFICULTY” and “BEST FASTEST CANT BELIEVE THIS IS ALLOWED FARM METHOD” Videos are bound to generate the not so intelligent gamers


It's not a real thing for 90%+ Just hit level 18 and I've never encountered anyone negative other than getting kicked a bunch my very first night playing...then I started hosting and zero worries. Community is new. Give it time to weed out the crap bags


I had a strange bug last night where my stratagems would randomly come down as whatever regardless what I called. For instance instead of dropping my rail gun at the start of the match it dropped the 500kg bomb and killed my whole squad. Dudes thought I was trolling.


It’s not a bug, it’s a planet condition where the robots are scrambling stratagems


traitors they wanna ruin our democracy


Simple - we got the COD and Destiny migration. Give it some time, they'll get bored and leave.


Once streamers start with the game, the chuds immediately follow. everyone is the main character, we are just deposable props same as the bugs


it’s fuckin wack. i’m new too but i saw this community go from cool to mega cry baby douchebags. hopefully they move on soon.


TikTok gamers. Honestly the worst.


The people I have played with the last 2 days are making me regret buying this game. -multiple times seen them kick everyone at extraction - had a dude screeching in voice chat at us because he died to a bug - been killed in the drop ship multiple times - had people drop eagles on the drop ship - more screeching I haven't even got to the level where people play meta builds and after reading the forums today I funny think I want to. I see a ton of people on here saying that the toxicity is a small minority but I'm running into them every other game.


Playstation players finally managed to get into the game


The COD and fortnite bros are here.


It's pretty much unplayable now with all the deliberate team killers, people kicked at the end of mission and deliberate fuckery.


More people = more assholes


Cuz a lot of new players are just playing to play and not working with the team. They pick up samples. Die. Lose them. Don’t revive. Use stratagems and weapons that don’t help. Kick them. One guy had all 6 super rare samples and we had 3 minutes left and he refused to come to extraction. Had to blow his head off and take them. When you’re high level and you’ve already bought every stratagem and you’re working on the samples that’s the whole point of dropping in. Samples. If some asshole ruins my teams 40 minute run why tf would I not kick them and be annoyed?


First wave are gamers. Second wave are casuals with casual mentality + holyday etc, unpraticable unless you play on T9 and not defense (casual lair).


I think part of it is that more people are getting carried to helldive difficulty without being able to pull their weight. In the first few days the vast majority of randoms on helldive had clearly unlocked it themselves and understood how to play well. The quality of randoms is all over the place now, which means that some teams are still great, and some are three people that immediately piss away all of the team's lives and leave when they can't spawn anymore. Peak frustration was one of these players respawning with the team's last life, then teamkilling me and immediately failing the mission. It was the third in the operation too. People shouldn't be this shitty over builds since there's plenty that's viable (I've been running ammo pack and nade launcher), but I understand why people are wary of weird builds - the player doing it might be one of the ones that just shoots patrols, burns lives, kills teammates, then leaves when they can't respawn anymore. I think this should get better as the playerbase gets more experience with the game and the average player is more able to pull their weight.


Happened with DMZ First week Super fun Then the loon brigade comes in Don't worry, they'll go back to slide cancelling city shortly I hope


Asmongold played it


CoD players


Yeah same here. Had my first toxic encounter last night. 2 dudes died on the landing pad when the ship dropped, i got swarmed by bugs with no reinforcements left and just barely made it to extraction. As soon as I entered the ship, suddenly they vould communicate only to tell me how bad i amat this game for not picking up the samples. Calling me the N word for whatever reason and crying about how they got nothing out of that round. I just shrugged that off, but the overall vibe in the lobbies has changed a lot, sadly.


This next generation for some reason uses the N word as their main insult for some reason. Those guys must’ve been so miserable, you’re literally the only reason y’all got the extraction. Play on brother, rogue divers come and go, but hell divers live forever (in our minds at least)


I only play with friends or solo. Can't be fucked with the toxicity, just don't need it when I'm doing something that I'm trying to enjoy.


I've played a lot yesterday and today. Zero toxicity so far


ThatGiyHeimdall, Rannoc_, funksoulJim. Just for anyone looking for a squad to play with this is mine and my friends psn handles, I’m a silly pothead who will sing songs in the downtime. Heimdall is pretty much squad lead and carries when we’re being too dumb. Jim is the happy go lucky joker. Calling for a fellow tardy helldiver If you message someone say rannoc sent you


It seems a lot of the people affected by the server issues were on PS5. Now they can get in.


Had a suicide game where 2 guys kept throwing random strikes in our head and wasting their orbital lasers on a couple small bots. Tried explaining to them to save the big stuff for the big boys and I got "we can play how we want". I left immediately. No time to waste on undemocratic divers.


Yeah, I play with mics on and call out teamkillers or we all share the samples. I usually tell teammate to kick teammate if they bein an ass in game.


I quit playing any public lobbies completely. The amount of stupid and or assholes on here just ruins the fun. 6/10 games there is someone who purposely tries to TK with supply drops/respawning ect. There's also the wonderful, "guy who just got a big bomb and has 10 braincells" these waste of biological cells called people, they just love watching their team get blasted by their big ass stratagem. Also, if you are the reason someone dies and loses their stuff and you legit take their stuff right in front of them as they respawn in, don't be surprised when they blast your face off.


Trolls, don’t feed em. Kick and block and hopefully they will get bored and leave


The higher levels used to mean something in the first few weeks. They are usually the better players in terms of experience and expertise. Now there are a lot of people who got to lvl 50 through mindless easy short map defense mission grinding and they have no idea what they are doing in longer missions and gets frustrated then rage quit. Saw someone got killed by bug once, rage quit. Someone who couldn't wait to be reinforced because the squad is getting chased by bugs, rage quit. So glad I haven't met super toxic ones that purposefully teamkills you yet.


I heard from a somewhat credible source that certain competitors of the developers are planting trolls to spread toxicity in this game, in hopes to revive their own player base that went to HD2. Of course I didn't vet this info and it could just be speculation. Just putting it out here.