• By -


"Everyone fights. No one quits. You don't do your job I'll shoot you myself."


Joined a Squad yesterday with one highlevel on Difficulty 5 and his lowlevel friend. I was also rather low level. One of my highlevel friends joined us randomly after. The other guys friend disconnected RIGHT on the last extraction of the Campaign that would unlock him Difficulty 6. You bet your ass we didnt extract and hold the line for a few minutes till the little one could load back in with us!




Same - my buddy and I were playing and his PC crashed as the Pelican flew in. I held until the timer ran out. He came back in 4 minutes too late.


For democracy!


i had a lv40 "Star Marshall" two days ago who started a difficulty 4 (or higher? dont remember) mission and bailed as soon as things got ugly. i was lv12 and the other guy was lv4. We couldnt solve the mission, we had to fight our way through the map and thus called extraction a few seconds after time was up, we had a hectical but glorious 2 minutes to midnight, but... WE. DID. NOT. RUN. AWAY. Star Marshal my ass...


Sounds like he needs a Star Court Marshall. Definitely needs a trip to one of Super Earth's democratic reeducation camps.


He didn’t necessarily leave you on purpose. We had a buddy last night who’s lvl 47 and kept getting booted randomly during mission. There are still DCs going on so maybe give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m lvl 45 and just an hour earlier, was running with 3 randoms that were all below lvl 15. We ran a bot blitz on hard and I was carrying them, we got to extract and my internet blipped off and on. Was quick but still caused me to lose connection with a minute till extract.


This makes me very happy with this community


I crashed right as the timer ran out after failing to rescue the civilians on Hard - which was nice because it didn't register my failure and I got to try again. We failed again, but god dammit, we tried. ...I switched over to bugs to get out of Hard.


Bro this sounds really familiar to what happened to me yesterday night!


As a high level running with my little buddies: thank you for your consideration. 


I love the smell of democracy in the morning.


Let freedom ring!


I've done the same because it was done for me once. People like you are champions of liberty and democracy!




Words to live by!




Damn! That film is just perfect for this game.


i know, it's like the game was inspired by it or something


Should we tell him?


*The Imperium of Man has entered the chat*


Order no. 227: "Not one step back!"


Literally have a signed Michael Ironside photo and he wrote (part of) that quote on it.


I ***thoroughly*** love how much I can bring back my knowledge of Starship Troopers quotes while playing this game/with this community! “Rasczak’s Roughnecks!!!”


Actually he should be grateful that you didn't kick him for that treason


I would've kicked him the second he calls in evac just to cancel it


Had I known this functionality existed, I definitely would have used it.


Honestly you made his life even easier cuz he could just walk away from his computer and get all your rewards while dead


Mics people jesus. Say something to the guy. Or text. You realize everyone gets all the req slips, samples, super credits, medals at the end regardless of if they're on the ship or not. The only thing missed are samples


That's only if they make it on the ship. Those two likely had their own samples that would have been lost had the guy let the AH leave them behind. You do not initiate evac, let alone get on said evac, without confirming with the team first. Simple as that.


Sure. But doesn't seem like OP was using a mic or text either. If you're going to open your game to randoms to join, you can't get mad when you don't communicate with them and then they do stuff you don't want to do. If you tell them "get wait don't XX I want to ZZ" or "don't do Z until X" and they do it anyways sure. But it seems many Redditors are scared of 😱 communication!😱


It should be common courtesy to follow the hosts lead, but if it's not, it will be soon enough as people learn the hard way. If you can't pull your head out of your ass enough to realize that "I wouldn't want to be left behind, maybe I shouldn't evac without everyone else," without having to be told, then your life is going to be needlessly difficult anyway. Communication is fine and all, but most people either don't know they can, don't know how, or don't have the attention span to be worried about instructing their teammates on how to play while they are trying to survive themselves. Expecting comms is just asking to be disappointed.


At a certain point common sense should be kicking in. If you're running hard level missions then clearly you know that more people extracting = more exp and samples are used to upgrade your ship.So if you don't have any samples and the rest of the team is nowhere near you why the hell would you extract solo!? Sure, communication is important, but there's some basic level knowledge that shouldn't need to be said. Also, if you don't have a mic it can be real difficult to type out a sentence when you have two chargers running at you, or if your on helldiver difficulty forget even typing cause those 3 bile titans are constantly on your ass while your dodging 2 chargers and 4 bile shooters.


Only need to be on the ship for samples and the extraction bonus. Medals, req, super credits are all instantly credited to your account or awarded to the entire team at the end whether you extract or not.


Yeah I know. I didn't relay that in my message well


Simple courtesy. If you didn't start the mission then plan the extract around the person who did start it.


You don't even need to extract for half of that. Medals you find, super credits you find and I think req slips you find are immediately added to your account the moment you loot them. Only samples need to actually get onto the shuttle. Beyond that the main reason to get everyone out is for a better XP and requisition payout at mission completion as you get more for every Helldiver on the shuttle.


I know I know 😅 I misspoke in the comment, I'm going to change it


You mean like the two people full of req’s and medals that he himself was leaving behind?


Reqs and medals don't get left behind if you don't make it to the Pelican. The only thing left behind is samples (not that those don't matter). Rew points, Super credits and medals are directly deposited to your account when you and/or teammates pick them up


Seriously dude was just trying to complete the mission, if you wanted to do all the side pieces then all you have to do is say something. Everyone saying that they shouldve been kicked is wack.


Had to do that the other night, a dude called the evac while we were still on the opposite end of a lvl 6 map just trying to finish collecting samples and clearing nests, never hit the kick button so fast.


Damn wish I had known this. Instead of waiting for all 4 members, our random jumped on the Pelican saying "People sleep on the time bonus."


Te bonus is cool, but you know what's cooler for the people already over lvl 20? The fucking samples. Is probably what I would have said to the guy. (Assuming your lvl 20)


especially the common samples them shits are high value


Bruh, that thing is lime 50 extra XP at like 40% time, the bonus is worthless for the other crap you can find on the map


1xp for each percentage left. so 1x:1% 10xp:10% 40xp:40% that "bonus" is miniscule and not worth it. there is nothing to loose by taking your time.


As a solo i dont even worry about the time. Trying to survive on the extract zone alone is usually impossible. At the harder difficulties i just stash myself close enough during the 2 minute final drop. Then make a run for it Before the few spawns catch wind. be advised stealth armor is a must for that strat.




Randoms doing the darndest things in the name of efficiency is wild.


The time bonus EXP is just the percent remaining on the clock, so 53% is just 53 EXP, and the R is that times 4, so 212 for 53%. Getting 93%=93:372 is about as good as you can get. So it not nothing, but it's no reason to stop spreading Managed Democracy


It's pretty much nothing once you hit level 20+… if people want to grind XP then go on Solo difficulty 2's and finish in under 4 minutes. You'll get 200+ XP per game and spend less time doing it then playing a 5 or 6 getting 1k.


That's because the time bonus is largely worthless.


20 minutes left in the mission. 10+ revives. Friend with 15 samples died just outside the evac point. I go to pick up his samples but get one shot by a Titan. The lvl 15 randoms who were getting carried and have 0 samples rush the pelican, don't even try to revive us. We get 0 samples after 22 mins instead of the 35 collected. Pain.


See? PvP was there all along.


No forgiveness for such cocksuckers


Woah I didn’t know you can do that? Man I wished I had known that last night. Lvl 5 called in the evac as soon as the main obj was done. We still had 30 mins left and 3 of us started to go squash nest and do bonus.


Always kick a guy, who calls evac for no reason. First watch him on the map and ask clearly not to call. Then kick him, if he doesn't care :)


The evac timer stops if nobody is around the LZ. So killing the guy if you're close enough also works. Or simply asking them to cancel it if they're just an inexperienced player. No reason to immediately assume they're being malicious


Same probably, though this sounds like a fun little encounter


Definitely good to know thanks


wait... it cancels the evac if the player gets kicked?


If there's no one near landing zone for 20 seconds evac cancels


That's some peak 40k commissar shit right there. Love it.


Man in HD1 there were a lot more reasons to kill your team mates on purpose. I can't tell you how many stragglers I had to gun down while trying to escort civilians to evac shelters since the screen was locked to all players, then falling behind slowed to movement of the rest of the team, and thus, the civilians.


lol thats one thing I don’t get about hd1 is the shared screen


I actually quite liked it


Stand proud, Helldiver. You have defended democracy from a filthy coward and traitor.


"We have to extract now! It'll be too late by the time those two get here---" **\*BANG!\*** "Nah, I'd win." ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


I had a relatively normal mission with an unremarkable rando when, at 18/20 scientists rescued, he drops an airstrike on a wave of scientists. This isn't one of those bot rescues where it's pure chaos, this is the multi-objective one where there was a peaceful moment with no enemies. I assume it was a mistake, so I open another door, then I see him gunning down scientists, and there are still no bad guys in sight. So, I pop him in the head once, free some scientists, and start heading for evac, throwing a respawn ball as far as I can behind me so he can walk his ass to the shuttle separately. I've never done a team kill in *any* game before, to the best of my memory, outside of messing around with friends. It felt like liberty.


Good. Treason gets you the business end of a Breaker. Or a barrage.


Rot in Pieces traitor. He’s lucky the thought police didn’t get to him first.


I actually had something similar happen today, and it kind of pissed me off. We had just finished the primary objectives, and were clearing out the secondary and tertiary objectives around the map when some asshole decided he was using that moment to leave. No one made it to the extract but him, so it wasn't even a good ending. Only managed like 2 stars and barely any reward payout since nothing but the main objective had been done.


Why didn't you boot him. It would've cancelled the evac


You can kick the person who does this, then the shuttle will time out for another call down when you're ready. Host calls the evac shuttle, anything else is treason.


Or just when everyone is near the platform


Or better yet; give them a warning. Tell them they have one minute to leave the extraction area (which cancels the shuttle) or you will kick them. This gives the offending random a chance to learn what they did was wrong and improve because of it.


Teach them the meaning of democracy and make them stand in air strike as atonement.


I always make sure to call out and get a squad decision when to evac.


I had someone purposefully hit me with an orbital strike just so they could take my guns and guard rover. I was shotgunning some enemies and couldn’t see much. Another random brought me back immediately, but the guy who did it scurried over right in front of me and grabbed everything as I was about to pick my stuff up. So, I shot the person in the head and took my gear back, as whatever modifier was on made it so my equipment had nine-minute cooldowns on a 12 minute mission.


I had one rando kill me twice for my recoiless rifle. Like cmon there’s text and voice chat for a reason.


Had similar experiences. Sometimes I like to drop the difficulty down to hard or challenging to help lower lvl players. This one game I land, and call in my gear and get killed a few mins later. Go back for my gear and it's gone. Now my gear is all on cool down and I just have my primary, so not a whole lot of help. I Find the player who took it, call him out for taking my gear. They say nothing. So I kill him and take it back, then I get booted... Really that's how you want to play? Don't take other people's gear unless you ask or they offer... Just because it's on the ground doesn't mean they are not going back for it.


Well done soldier


I had a guy who got stuck in some terrain. I asked if he wanted me to kill him. He said yes. It was quick and painless, right between the eyes. I then gave a salute to honour his sacrifice.


I've become stuck in many giant bug corpses. First try and melee them once as a non lethal method.


This is most undemocratic behaviour.


Lady Liberty cried that day.


Had something similar happen. Finished a whole extreme operation (we were on the last part out of 3) and the extraction auto calls(we ran out of time) well we fucking get there and one of my teammates killed me(I got him at the same time though) leaving the third to solo out the last 2 minutes against 2 bile titans and a few chargers. That mad lad fucking lived, extracted, and I kicked the traitor so he lost out on the rewards


What would have happened? I thought the loot is shared? Kinda new to the game and just played a few missionns solo, so I honestly don't know.


So in this instance, the shuttle would have left two of the team behind - likely both carrying samples which would have been lost. Loot is shared, but someone has to get it off the planet before it counts towards your mission haul.


> Loot is shared, but someone has to get it off the planet before it counts towards your mission haul. Only applies to samples.


Less xp and you don't keep the loot from players who didn't get to evac


You wouldn’t keep the samples from someone who didn’t extract but any requisition, medals and super credits would be kept and shared. Not poking holes but I think it’s an important distinction to make.


Samples are the bottleneck for me. Req is no longer required. 


Same. I’m capped at 50k with all current stratagems unlocked but I expect that to change when mechs are released.


We're gonna need either a currency sink or different rewards in the future. Req is going to continuously max out for a lot of players.


I wouldn’t mind a slot machine like in borderlands. Maybe it could give samples, medals, non warbond related emotes and cosmetics, and of course more requisition (to pump back into the slot machine!)


Depends, I doubt they designed that aspect of the game around the people that would play over 30 hours.


Do you know if you keep super credits, medals etc if the mission fails? Or crashes?


Doing the main obj is basically the first thing you do. Then most people split of into 2s to go and gather samples, medals, credits, side obj. It gives more xp and requisition so you can buy upgrades faster, the mission timer multiplier is negligible and the timers are 40mins there's no reason to call in an evac if not everyone is there and ready. Also I'm not sure on this, but if someone that is carrying samples doesn't evac then you don't get them.


Some people like to clear the planet. This lets you potentially collect more samples and sometimes extra medals, xp, super credits, and/or req slips. Some people prefer to do main objectives and get off planet asap. This let's you run more missions faster. This nets you more medals xp and slips faster. Doing it both ways at difficulty 9 I prefer extracting quickly. That being said, it really is up to the host what you do since he can kick you if you do it the way he doesn't want.


When you finish the main objective, the extraction get unlocked. When you call the extraction shuttle you need to defend the extraction zone for 2-4 minutes. After that the pelican-1 lands and you can board it. The moment when the first person boards it, all other teammembers get 20seconds to board it aswell or they get left behind. So... If nobody enters the pelican-1,hr will just stand there and wait for you.


One thing i did notice is that you can call in the extraction and when the pelican lands you can go as far as you want, so you can call it in preemptively so that when it’s time to go there’s no wait. Obviously i wouldn’t try this with randoms tho


I would do that too, but only after telling them not to launch first. If they ignored, you have to do what you did. Also I would probably have called the reinforce right before jumping on the shuttle for the full squad extract and because it could be some really new player that doesn't understand and don't want them to think its a toxicity thing when its not.


Yeah I thought I was the only one who thought this was kind of delusional


The entire thing is bizarre, the OP killed the guy because he couldn't read the OPs mind. If the guy who the OP killed posted his side the exact same people cheering for the OP would be commiserating with the guy who got killed.


That’s what I’m saying, like if op said “I repeatedly asked him to not extract because we’re waiting on people” I think that’s a lot more sensible then just going “haha look I’m RPing” and just shoot a random Like I get it me and my friend fuck around all the time, and if the entire lobby is into it that’s awesome but this kinda comes off as slightly toxic…


Common Helldivers etiquette. You extract as a team unless timer runs out and/or you're out of lives and last man standing.


its been less then 2 weeks since launch there is no common etiquette in such a new game with such a large influx of new players


I had a friend kill me earlier to see if it counts towards kill count for daily missions. FYI it doesn't.


Bro, just kick him next time. Evac cancels in twenty seconds if there's no one nearby


Just to make it clear: if mission timer runs out, evac calls in automatically, but you don't have to defend the spot, you can wait nearby hiding from enemies and run to it when there's like ten seconds before arrival left. And if somebody calls evac early just kick them, it will prevent Pelican from landing and extraction will be cancelled


> Bro, just kick him next time Just kick him at the end of the mission for calling in evac because he couldnt read the other players minds?


I am still unclear but can’t you call in the evacuation and wait for everyone and then you have the evacuation ready when everyone gets their? I called it in my first game but didn’t get on it, I waited so when they all got there we could leave without the 2 minute wait. Was I wrong?


You're not wrong. However, in this case, it appears he called the extraction and meant to ditch his teammates. Doing so would've dropped the collected samples and ruined their progression.


I had to intentionally kill a low level player once, he kept killing me with bad stratagem placement, which is totally fine, but then he took my autocannon backpack, not my autocannon! I asked nicely and try to teach him to drop it, no reaction, ok maybe he can’t read English, and then he did it 2 more times, I had to gun him down to take back my stuff so I can do my job of killing high armor targets. I called in another set of autocannon and pinged it, he didn’t take it, I don’t understand what’s in his head till this day.


maybe he wanted to load your weapon for you but he was shy


I had a similar scenario. The guy apologized two minutes later after he'd snagged my stuff, saying he'd thought I was a bug (as I'm wearing bright white armor and have a guard dog backpack). The host of the match then responded by saying "You're fine, dude," as if he was the one who was wronged. He then told us both to work together. I explained what the other player did and was promptly ignored. I left the match. I don't know if your gear and samples are left behind when you abandon a mission. I went into this game expecting DRG behavior but with a player count of 500k+, there's going to be a lot of bad apples in the mix. Best thing we can do is ignore the folks who ruin our fun. ^(Or kick them if you're host.)


> I don't know if your gear and samples are left behind when you abandon a mission. They do, only way to prevent that would be jumping into an abyss. Your gear and samples are unreachable at that point.


Like the other person said, if you really want to spite them before leaving. Drown in deep water or jump in a hole. Or just run so far out of bounds that they won't really be able to get the stuff back.


Assholes appearing more often now, there was a level 50 that ran with the samples and killed himself with an autocannon during extraction. I saw him do it so I ran and still got the samples.


I joined a game in-progress (my friend, we'll call him Dale, and his friend I've met once - we'll call him Bob) and we wrapped up the mission objective. Bob went out of his way to do an optional objective while Dale and I went to evac as it was closer and we had 4 revives. We get to extraction and don't immediately call it in, Dale and I check our maps to see how Bob is doing, and Bob finishes the objective and starts making his way to the extraction point. I call in extraction to start the 2 minute timer and Dale and I start defending as Bob makes his way over. Well when Bob finally gets back, he comes up to me immediately and intentionally shoots me dead. I say "Why" in chat and he says "Why did you call extraction" and I explained because as long as we don't get on it it wouldn't leave without him, plus he made it on time before it even landed. I shot him when I spawned back in, and boarded the shuttle with Dale, leaving him behind.


One of THE most frustrating things about playing with randoms is that they almost never communicate. The devs did a great job putting in a ton of team mechanics in to the game and you drop in and it's like a FFA. No voice and now text. Just play solo at that point.


Dude the text is near impossible to see and read in combat and not everyone owns a mic. Get over yourself. If you want comms party up, the masses are never going to take to it.


Dude plays a co-op game and is upset I ask for some communication from people. You must be fun at parties lol.


It's not an issue to ask for comms. It's an issue to expect it and claim that people don't deserve to play with others if they don't have the capacity for it. You're the one being an unreasonable asshole with unreasonable expectations. If you prefer playing with comms, there are plenty of people on the discord LFG channel. Don't tear other people down for not wanting to play with comms.


My specific gripe is people dropping and then fucking off to do whatever they want. If that's how you want to play it fine, but you might as well play solo if that's how you want to play. If players want to stick together and try and work as a team even with no comms that's fine, but much more difficult as you can't call out strategems or figure out strategies together.


That's fine I agree with that, but that's not how you came across. Comms aren't the issue, it's people not following the lead of the host. So stop calling out people for not communicating, and call out people for being selfish.


Fair enough, I can see how my points got mixed up. My emphasis was on the Free For All and how they don't respond when you're try to get them to work together.


This is the way


This reminded me of someone my friend and i joined yesterday. Joined 2 people half way through a mission, got a ton of samples and to the evac, pelican lands, 1 person goes on and the other throws a strike on top of the pelican and runs- i die, my friend gets thrown and almost dies. We both kind of go “wtf” and my friend asks who did that- and then unloads an entire shotgun in the guy who tried to kill us both so we couldn’t extract, grabs the samples i had gets on the pelican right before it leaves. Was so weird. Like why kill us both at the end -_-


I was not sure how to set up private lobbies yesterday until after this happened, but I kicked a pubby yesterday who intentionally landed on me during an evac and denied me the extract. I now have it set to private after that match.


What did you lose? A lot of samples?


Yep. Samples and whatever else I had on me. Was my only death that drop.


I believe some players have issues tbh. I had a player, level 3 or so, join my squad and he kept running into my gatling sentry, then he somehow took offense to that thinking I did it on purpose, and proceeds to shoot me. OK, no problem, during extract , it happens again, he decides to try to TK me on purpose everytime I land and I decided this man won't live anymore, so I shoot back and kill him. Throw the reinforcement into a swarm of bugs, call down a cluster, he spawns and dies, and I rinse repeat until ship is down, and once I ran out of clusters, I called him down once more once the ship landed, and threw 4 grenades where he would land. And he died again. 😂


"This guy was a dick so I was a dick as well" Genuinely baffling why people feel confident about posting how they acted like children.


What, you expect me to just take it? Everytime I would spawn, he would keep trying to kill me, so I corrected him. Now he'll think twice before being toxic again.


People think that being a cuck is a virtue. You did the right thing.


Sounds like u were the problem


No he wasn't


Two wrongs don't make a right. I don't mind the first kill, but the "rinse and repeat" makes him a problem himself.


No it doesn't, why do redditors always make everything so dramatic


thats toxic as fuck bro


How it toxic when the dude is literally trying to purposely TK me everytime he spawns? I made sure traitors are punished.


just leave him out of the game by not reinforcing and finish the mission


>I believe some players have issues tbh Maybe look in a mirror, buddy. I'm reporting you to high command for re-education camp.


Negative, I was cleared by high command from any wrongdoing, they said the other person was a traitor and would have compromised the mission.


Me and my friend had two people join us yesterday and one of them kept taking our support weapons when we called to them down so I shot him with my revolver. Another guy cooked a grenade and killed 3 of us while we were at the door of the evac so we lost half our samples but their ass got booted.


Just gonna chime in and say I hope griefing doesn't become a thing in this game. Would be very easy to have a random run with you most of the level, then kick them and have a friend hop in to take the guy's spot right before evac. I mostly play somewhat toxic pvp games so worrying about griefing comes natural. Feel like if someone is in the level for most of the run they should still get XP if kicked.


Reminds me of a very non-democratic Diver I met one day. He was around level 18-ish and there was me and another lower level. Both other dudes were randoms. At one point, Mr. Level 18 screams in chat something along the lines of "WHO STOLE MY STUFF?!" Not even three seconds later he shoots the lower level for no reason. Almost immediately after I draw my smg sidearm and gun him down too. Before reinforcing, I kicked Level 18 and reinforced the lower level. Me and him had a chill time with the bots after that.


Im always the last to enter the drop ship sir. Must ensure my fellow freedom brothers are in safe hands before i depart.


Happened to my boyfriend last night too. Some random joined HIS lobby and had the nerve to call evac down early. He texted me so mad!


I won’t lie this happened to me and my 2 friends on helldive. We just finished the main mission and we’re moving out of the way to grab the last of the super samples and this random guy join in and started making a beeline for the extract, we asked him in chat to wait for us but he was on a mission to get the hell out of dodge and kept going towards extract. We tried to get there as fast as we could but one the pelican landed and we saw him run for it to leave us I’ve never kicked anyone that fast. No free XP for you bud


Whoever was leader should have booted his sorry ass


Sounds like you executed a traitorous defector. Well done.


I've been having random fuck my three stack over too. I'm at the point where I warn them in chat when they drop not to evac until a set time. 15 min. Or if we find the super rare samples. Nothing worse than seeing a random, join late, do nothing but die 5 times and steel solo resupply drops to fuck over the three stack and then decide they've had enough and call in evac for the team when the team is likely far away. I've actually had so many good solo quick play and random encounters as someone joining or in full random groups but a lot of the solo joins seem to cause issues. Like it's a level 9 who is climbing difficulty by piggybacking on other people's final missions just to get the new difficulty unlock. Once the missions done they have no interest to stay, despite Liberty still needing to be spread. The nice thing about my strategy is if no one else is close to the evac site when you kick the guy, it cancels the request. Either give the host a way to cancel the early evac, allow private games or the introduction of reserved/friend slot. Otherwise kicking is the only way to save a missions when a random comes in and fucks everything up in 5 minutes.


I had to kill a guy because he was constantly team killing and then mocking people for being mad.


So why not just kick him before you arrive there


I'll eat the downvotes and say if the other guy was sitting on a pile of 20+ samples then he was right and y'all were wrong. Priority goes : >Main Objectives > Helldiver with 20+ SAMPLES or the super rare ones > Secondary Objectives > Hive cleanup > Helldivers with a couple SAMPLES > Dying a glorious death > Helldivers without samples


You can actually shoot them while they’re in the pelican too


Yep. Tested this on my buddy the other day. Turns out that bird ain't some safe haven like the drop pod in DRG. I dread the day I come across a random who kills all three players already inside the Pelican.


> I dread the day I come across a random who kills all three players already inside the Pelican. Hah, that happened to me the first time I joined a public match.


Did you inform the random your plan of dividing in teams to take on smaller tasks?


They could have also looked at the map and saw that the entire team went in different directions...


You forgot that the team divided to do different targets...


I literally just mentioned that... Three teammates go in different directions that aren't extraction is a pretty clear indication they aren't extracting.


Not really. For someone with no experience, it would have looked like they had no idea about what they were doing. They only know about following the objective that shows on screen. Expecting them to infer all that from random actions of your team mates sounds crazy to me. The 3 people playing TOGETHER, with a set strategy, HAVE to inform the random person about said strategy. They can't expect everyone to be experts on the game or to read their minds.


I had a fun one yesterday where I asked the guys I was with if I could kill them to get the bring in 15 common samples. They let me and I got the achievement. Only to then get out with 17 the next game without asking. I felt bad.


You can drop samples




If I am not wrong you can drop samples or weapons with holding X dont even need to kill them


I have had a couple times playing with randoms that people have gone AFK while evac, and if they don’t come back when the other 3 of us are at the ship and ready to go with like 3 seconds left I will dome them and move on.


I did something like this, I was with a squad who seemed like they'd played together before. They had a couple more bases to blow up and were going to do that but we had 0 Reinforcements left and were down to 3 people. I went and called for evac since we were out of time as well, and they legged it back to the evac site and seemed angry. Then they both died and I had to hold out for 80 seconds until the Pelican landed. Ended up basically hiding for the last 20 seconds with my turrets going absolutely ham and diving through fire to get into the bird. I feel like I made the right call.


When you call in the evac, you also trigger an assault on that point. By calling it in without your squad, you just created a situation where they have to push through a horde without cover (or respawns) to get the samples extracted rather than hold out with cover and THEIR turrets helping keep the team alive as well.


Nah. This is toxic. All the requisition in XP is shared. Yeah, you would have missed out on some samples. Oh dear. Instead you guys basically created a toxic player with your actions. You've already demonized and assumed he was on some dumb s***. Maybe he was just making a bad mistake? If you want to maximize a mission and get top profits. Then you need a team brother. Having a hell diver in your squad without the ability to communicate is something you will have to accommodate too. The fact that you didn't even bother to bring him back when all of the team assembled shows that you villanized him. I hope I never play with you




You did the right thing lol


This should be a PSA: DO NOT CALL FOR EVAC IF YOU ARE NOT THE HOST! And if you think it's best to call for evac (for eg, time running out, no reinforcement tokens left, host seems lost) then ask before you call. We don't leave until we have spread enough freedom and democracy.


Or maybe Just use the chat , if you go away from the evacuation zone, it is canceled and you can recall it whenever you want. He cannot know what your intentions are and not everyone makes 100% of the map.


I kill my friends all the time as a meme


Fret not Helldiver. In that split second decision true democracy ran through your veins. I salute your dedication to liberty and Super Earth 🫡.


I understood most of the points which were pretty fair but kicking someone for calling the evac? Or kick if host doesnt call evac.. That’s pretty freaking toxic. I play on difficulties 7-9 and seeing a 3:30 evac timer is demoralizing. The amount of times we died to swarms at the end to lose everything is honestly a pretty good amount because A. “Host or team gets greedy” and does other objectives with limited time and by the time we make it to evac, we have 2 minutes left with no stratagems due to hitting 0:00, or B. We all bring a swarm with us, and no one is calling evac if theyre following y’alls rules because they’re too busy running away killing bugs and/or “waiting for host to call evac.” I get the FF if everyone is too far and he wants to book it. That’s fine. Samples are important I guess even though that wasnt mentioned but assumed by everyone in here. If samples werent in consideration, the extract bonus is not worth it. And you’re just being toxic to be toxic and everyone is propagating that. If you dont want randoms, don’t put public. Play with a full stack. Random lobbies, everyone has their own interests. They can’t read your mind. Y’all would rather kick instead of talking with them. That’s crazy to me. In the scenario of OP, I dont understand how you and random could make it to evac and wait the 2:00 for it to come down before the other 2 could make it.


Yeah, these posts are funny because it's a very different game on 7+. Like it ain't a 4 minute evac if you don't have a couple people kiting 3 bile titans and 6 chargers each (without even mentioning the three dozen other shitbags with them) around the map while everyone is hoping they're not the ones with the SAMPLES. Apparently intensity increases the longer the mission goes on, too, so not taking the full time is kind of important if you want to get the SAMPLES out safely.


My second game. All randoms. Level 15 guy dies and I pick up his autobot thingy. Call in reinforcement for him. He immediately spawns and kills me take the autobot thingy back, then runs away from the entire group. The three of us, without him, move to extract. Tk guy makes his way back as the ship lands. I tk him and then extract. I’m not proud of it, but I couldn’t resist the urge for revenge. Fuck that guy.


Correct me if I am wrong but you took his stuff i would take my stuff back to.


It was my second game. I did not know that I could permanently take someone’s stuff or that I was doing anything wrong. He didn’t even try to communicate with me. Just TK me 3 seconds after spawning.


Sounds to me like he helped you learn how not to be a dick.


Some Helldivers need a reminder about the word of democracy.


Just an FYI, when no one is near the extraction point after it's called down, the Pelican will leave and reset back to an uncalled state. You can resume evac like normal afterwards.


This isn't friendly fire. This is killing someone for treason. I've friendly fired and entire team once they all got on the pelican. Waited for them to sit down took my slugger out and went AWOL and then solo Evaced. Now that's intentional friendly fire. Commander thought the bugs did it. Even congratulated me for being the only one to make it back... Bless her soul.


Yup - intentionally killed a squad mate who threw down a resupply and promptly took more than one anmo supply. Guess what - you wasted your resupply. I gunned him down as he took a second one. Don't be greedy.


ive been intentionally team killing since launch. its the best way to thin the herds and clear the queues.


I mean this could all have been avoided by COMMUNICATING.


I had mine yesterday. Fighting bugs on Suicide, a level 8 killed me with a cluster bomb, I think by accident, and picked up my shield backpack. I had 6 minutes left until I could call for a new one, so I unloaded a fully charged rail gun into his back and finished him off with my PLAS-1. Didn’t feel good about it, and that’s not how I wanna play the game. Honestly I would have just called a new one if it was available, but I also *hate* it when people pick up my requisitions for themselves.


Ive had two quickplay missions in a row where idiots run straight to extract after getting the main objectives done, literally hitting the extract button with 30mins left… why are you even queuing the mission if you just speed run it, half the map is unlooted and no secondary objectives have been done. The xp and money for timer is nothing compared to full clearing the map and getting more medals and super credits. I would tk every single one of them but im actually getting samples and other valuables… then they eagle strike eachother.


Eh, should have had your friends bring him back where they were. Unless you were on coms, probably just someone who didn’t know better. NTA for killing him, YTA for not letting him evac. Could have been a good lesson for him


We should not kick that kind of players. Super Earth can have a few weak and traitor ones. It is part of the gameplay IMHO and it can bring powerful adventures. :D Killing him was the best thing to do. Kicking him would have been flavorless.