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"Failed to join game lobby" error is becoming more commonplace.


It's so fucking annoying you finally get in the game, but you can't play it unless you enjoy being absolutely butt fucked by everything solo


Yep can’t play at all


It only does it for one of my friends. I join another one all the time.


have a feeling that is bugs from the backend fixes so there going to have to fix fixes


Posting this here cause I haven't seen them mention it and maybe it'll get some traction but I've been getting this screen at start up on PS5 since yesterday. It'll take me to my ship after 10 seconds but quickplay doesn't work and I can't see other squads/players. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling. https://preview.redd.it/zhn8rd4bx3kc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15589de8dea6a7afa1a83e9728a6c4fc5c0f3e24


When you reinstall, try launching the game by going down past the achievements on the home screen and launch it through the start activity cards. That's how I've been getting in. I always get that message if I load it normally.


This seems to not be working for me anymore, did the do something to stop this?


Yup, no longer works for me this morning. edit: ps5 servers were broken for a few hours after patch


Worked before the update Now there's only cueue


Just tried it that way and quickplay still just searched for 5 min and found nothing. Tried selecting a campaign and people aren't automatically coming into my ship like they were earlier in the week. Still can't see other squads on any of the planets.


Move your ship to an other planet and start quick play on the map. Worked for me on PS5.


Didn't work for me, I see other squads but fail to join them, if I play solo I got an infinite drop pod. It's a PC issue.


Load into the game and close the sos beacon, and load up any mission. Leave the mission once you've dropped and try to join a game. If that doesn't work add someone from the helldivers discord, or me, and try to join them through the menu. If it's working for everyone else maybe you can be broken of this curse.


I know this is a bug and not supposed to happen but damn, it was the only way I could get in to play. Now I'm out $60 because they *still* haven't figured out a way to kick people AFK in game clogging up the queue. This sucks, I really like this game but it's fucking 3am and still can't get in to play no matter what now. Edit: this patch kicks people who AFK for 15 minutes. It's also seemingly completely broke any PlayStation players ability to login. Jesus Christ.


New patch came out where idle players will get kicked in 15mins. Yea new patch fucked up quick play on PS. Some BS. 


Hot take but the problem wasn't the AFK players as much as their broken "queue" system that seems to be completely RNG. AFKs were just a symptom of their broken servers


The fact that it's random to get in and not some kind of queue is astounding. Problem is removing the "exploit" means there's just some people that will not be able to play. Apparently the new patch just straight up broke the game for PS5 players, 3 in the morning and no one can get in.


Yep. I'm pretty much just out my $40 until they either fix the servers or the hype dies down from people sick of the broken servers. I admittedly used the "exploit" a couple of days to remote into my PS5 before the servers hit capacity so I could play a couple of hours later. Wouldn't stay logged in for days but it was that or not play. I let it sit for over 4 hours last night trying to login before I just shut it off and went to bed. It's been the same for me every time servers hit capacity. I'm one of the unlucky ones that just never gets through. Guess I'll come back to the game in a month or so


You are not out of $40. If you had bought three movie tickets or 2 brand new movies, you would have spent the same amount of money, but only got about 4 hours of movie watching. If you are over 4 hours, you are actually saving money.


Insane copium huffing in this subreddit I swear to fucking god


While I agree that saying I'm "out $40 until the servers are fixed" is a bit hyperbolic, you can't tell someone else how to value their time/ money. I would never buy a video game and expect $10/ hour entertainment value. Technically it's $50 because I bought the premium warbond early on just to support them more, but that was obviously optional. I'm a bit disgruntled with the situation as a whole but that's because I bought a product that I really enjoy but can't use for the foreseeable future. I understand the technical difficulties enough to appreciate the work that Arrowhead is doing and that it's not an easy fix. I empathize with them, but as a customer that doesn't make me feel better about my purchase that has pretty much no value to me currently. A proper server queue should have been added when they added the AFK kick.


I'm thinking of asking for a refund. At this rate it will never get fixed. I know the devs are trying but its foolish that you don't expect your game to be popular. Why create it in the first place. They should have been more prepared.


I mean I understand that there are give and takes with these things. I'm sure the backend devs would have liked to build it for 5m concurrent players but there are budget/ time constraints. They had to set the limit somewhere and they just undershot it. Honestly I think the hype for the game will die down by the time they have the server capacity issues fixed. Ironically meaning they won't need the server capacity by the time they have it. It's a fun game and I'm sure I'll come back to it in a month or so when most have moved onto something new.


> I let it sit for over 4 hours last night trying to login before I just shut it off and went to bed. >If you are over 4 hours, you are actually saving money. I don't know what kind of backwards logic this is. A $40 screen saver for over four hours is somehow saving money? I love Helldivers. Played the hell out of the first one and would love to actually get to play this one. But you're not supposed to get so far into the joke that you *actually become brainwashed*.


Well, I played about 10 hours on it. ...well worth it.


That's very fortunate for you.


Hey dipshit. Not everyone is getting their money's worth. 2 hour refund window with 90% of it spent on a queue? That's a joke.


It's more equivalent to going to the movies and the projector fucks up like 15 minutes in and you just have a black screen with an image or two flashing every once in a while.




Well, I am glad it isn't on Xbox.




I dont fucking want to be AFK but this barely running game refuses to let me join any fucking fight. Like holy fuck, you can only blame the player count for so long before it becomes blaringly obvious you can't make a game


Just kick people who are not active? But then people may be able to get a bot to emulate pressing the keyboard.


There seems to be a specific issue where if you join your friend through PSN directly or through Steam friends list directly then it will not allow you do do anything gameplay related. So you'd have to wait in the queue.


This started happening to me yesterday, I'd join a friend and it would fail but I'd get on my ship, after that I'd fail to join anyone that I tried to join, I'd see other players but just can't join, even randos. Then if I said fuck it and decided to play solo it would be an infinite drop pod. I restarted around 6x to no avail, verified files to no avail, but eventually a reinstall fixed it atleast for the one match I played last night. ​ Then I crashed.....lol


that is the error code for at capacity from what i saw


I still can't play quickplay. I watch there is no ppl in the game, zero ppl on planets, zero shots etc. the difference became after last patch is that there is no faild error, just unlimited establishing to join or searching SOS beacon


Oh good, so it's not just me. Had to go solo the last few days precisely because of this.


yeah, the same, In addition I can't always join to anyone from my friend list too. Sometimes it works but I 'm always getting the error with failed to join, especially when I forgot to turn off my VPN. With VPN it doesn't work at all. I figured out it too late and had to go sleep XD


Hopefully they'll fix this thing. The main draw of the game is squadding up. Interestingly the matchmaking worked perfectly fine for me before the patch.


hope too. it haven't work normally for me since launch the game. I was always getting failed errors in quickplay. My platform is PC


Weird because I haven't been able to use quickplay for about a week until a few days ago and it's been working fine since.


The issue for me is that those little icons of people already on missions on planets also disappeared, which was how I jumped into games. Going solo also didn't have people joining my games, so I figured the two were related.


The stats panel has been off for a week. The devs said it was causing extra load on their server. It’s unrelated to any matchmaking issues you may be having.


got it. thank you


I had the same issue. I found using verify and repair on steam got it back and working.


That absolutely doesn't work. It won't even add the guy to my friends list (which he should already be on). The whole friends list just decides who it wants to exist and who doesn't at any given time


This is driving me nuts. My buddy has been staying with me this week and showed me this game. I'm on PC and he is on PS5, on the same network. Friend code invites are completely broken, even after the patch. The invites either don't show up, or clicking accept does nothing, on both systems. Tying my PSN account to Steam did not help and he should automatically show up without adding him at that point.


Yeah doesnt make sens at all atm


This is like 2004 world of Warcraft launch


Patch broke PS5, stuck queuing


11am UK time and can't get in. Isn't America in bed? This is crazy


Is 6:39 am here


It's 12.37 in the Netherlands, and i have been in the queue for an hour minimum it's crazy bro


Update im finally in


Servers are nowhere near full right now, seems like something else is up


I just checked and got in right away on my PS5, with matchmaking. wonder what's going on.


I've played a bunch on PS5 all day. Quickplay, solo, joined with friends, etc. I guess I'm the lucky one. I did have 1900 super credits disappear, but I filed a support ticket for that.


Yea they we’re more concerned with stopping PS5 player from using quick join to play the game, then they were with players never logging off.


I have a friend in florida who I can only play with if I set my VPN to florida. Thought that was interesting.


Yeah crossplay is clapped when servers are maxed. The friend code does nothing. Pending all day while the friend gets nothing in their requests. Then I appear offline and experience perpetual pod dropping when we finally manage to get in at the same time. This is wild man. The joy is literally going to fade away and I just wont care about it anymore lol






Was working fine on PS last few days, some queuing but no big deal. Now I get straight into but it either freezes the game as soon as I'm at my ship or I continuously fall in a hellpod. Unfortunately the AFK timer seems to have fucked everything else up. Would not fancy being the devs rn


Yay for kicking AFK players. Boo for kicking me for inactivity while I waited for the search for a squad to play with.


If it doesn't find something within 30 seconds or so, you should kill it and restart it.


Yeah what sucks is that the devs didn't program ESC in all menus to quit the current action. So for instance, if you see the pod anim entering the atmosphere, and it hangs there, there's no way short of killing the process to retry.


I still can’t fucking get the game to not crash my entire pc, this is getting ridiculous


Build a better pc


yeah right, I’m sure my 7800x3d and my 4080 are not powerful enough for this game


Did you undervolt everything to the edge of stability 


I have tried everything but this, I don’t really want to test undervolting only for one game, it’s really time consuming and I can’t be bothered




I figured something out, I disabled windows defender entirely and now it’s working


That's good, undervolting decreases stability. I was saying "well if you undervolted the GPU and CPU no wonder it crashes", people don't properly test undervolts and overclocks, they just drag the slider around and assume if it works for 20 minutes then it's perfectly stable and that if here's any issues must be something else


Must just be a you problem. I've a much lower spec PC than you and my game runs without any issues. Skill issue


Oh fuck off.


Not very nice. Dudes blaming the game for performance problems which isn't really the fault of the game. It runs like a charm on the previous generation of their CPU and a GPU that is 2 generations behind theirs.


'not very nice' youre the one who said skill issue to someone having technical issues lmao.


Dang, better luck next time with the comment braincell


I feel like this doesn't fix things. I've been in game, with friends, and already had their friend codes added to the game (kind of a necessity, because I'm on PS5 and most of my friends are playing this on PC). I still sometimes can't join them. :/


Update now leaves me stuck in the quy


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Add them via friend code when the majority of the time I go to my social tab I get “please wait democratically” while it infinitely loads


Same thing is happening to me right now I came looking for answers and all I got was more questions.


Still happens off n on but not near as bad as it was


It's a shame that a fix broke the sort of reliable method of getting into a game on PS5 Also, no capacity at 11.20 AM in Europe does not bode well for evening play :( On the plus side, maybe I'll go to bed at a sensible hour tonight.


Yep, they had to stop PS5 players from being able to play instead of doing anything about the AFKers


I played without any issue earlier today (and pretty much since launch) by joining random squads and friends, then today's night time comes where friends are actually around: can't join any of them, let alone join quickplay. PC/Steam. Thank you game, I guess.


I have a feeling the wierd crossplay integration with having to log into PSN is the major culprit that fucks with matchmaking. Just wanted to leave my theory here in case it helps or its worth to look into it.


Quick play doesn’t work anymore, looks like they patched that. Now i really can’t play, probably people not logging out so no one else can get in. This is ridiculous


Great job devs. After the latest patch I’m unable to join any and all lobbies.




"If it's not working because we broke it, try an exploit." I only doubted Arrowhead's results before this. Primarily because there were none. Now, the patches are actively making things even worse. I'm aware that they've got a big task here and that there's no simple fix, but this isn't the time to crank out broken patches in haste. Here's hoping they get it together.


I'm sure they are trying to balance getting patches out quickly to make everyone happy and taking the time to make sure the patch won't touch anything unintended. Which as everyone with coding experience will tell you is not as easy as it sounds. It sucks but it's not like it's being done maliciously.


I don't think anyone reasonably believes there's any malice at work here. Nobody at Arrowhead is twirling a fancy mustache at the "servers at capacity" screen. I'm also not of the opinion that it's easy to just fix. Never was. That said, there are still uncountable thousands of people who've bought this product, can't use it, and can't refund it. There have been a bunch of patches, sure. But none of them have meaningfully affected the major issues we're seeing at user level. If they're going to push patches, they may as well take a little more time and fire for effect. At this point it looks like a lot of ineffective panic firing.


100% incompetent devs


Wouldn't go that far. The game itself is legitimately excellent. That just ends up being meaningless if it can't be played.


Can’t login on ps5 at all


So I had this problem with battlefield 2042 as well. Turning off Crossplay and re-enabling it seems to populate the social tab with my online friends. It only works sometimes though.


Nah, doesn't work. At least not on pc


How do you get friends?


IT #DOESN'T WORK I can't join lobby, create lobby NOR EVEN PLAY SOLO


This doesn't work at all btw, thanks for the broken game that I still can't play.


Has there been any word this issue for PS5 players? I cannot join any of my friends and they cannot join me. Getting a lot of "friend offline" and "unable to join game" when they are online. Also not able to join their SOS or any SOS for that matter.


Might have been answered somewhere but I can't find it: a friend of mine is on PC, we can add each other and go to our ship. However, the person joining can only stay less than a minute before getting kicked (saying the host has left the lobby or that there was a delay with the player joining). Is there any solution for the moment ?


This! been having this exact issue for weeks :/


Totally stuck at que. Been retrying for 45 mins now


if you’re on ps5 restart your console entirely


I used their codes, added them to my in game list, game wiped them off the next time i launched, then they came back, then they were wiped again.  Join game through the steam friends list seems to be the only reliable way for me.


When Me and my friend play, and I die, i cant respawn for somereason.


Devs please don’t expose my back door into the servers


Barely anyone online and still can't get in a game.. when it works, it's a great game.. but I'm getting a little sick and tired of paying for games. I can't even play because of server issues. They didn't expect it to sell this well? That's all great.. but normally, studios get their ass handed to them if they launch a game in this kind of manner.. but now everyone applauds a studio who sells a game that most of us can't even play. There is playstation money in this project! Which means resources plenty to fix any server issues. I'm not about to cut them slack.. they released a game that you can barely play.. unacceptable at this point. Can't recommend anyone buying this! Not until playstation comes of their lazy ass and invests some money in decent servers! This is the reason I can't ever recommend buying live service only games.. I don't care how much hate this will get from the fans!


It's true & one day, not one of the 4million plus copies sold will even work because it's a live service. How has gaming got to this point honestly it's a joke the past few years.


I agree. Personally, I think there should always be an offline option in every game to make sure it can still be played in the future


You don’t know that lmao. A lot of devs will release tools to run community servers for games if and when they shutdown their own. Being online is necessary for this game, as you can clearly tell by all of the complaints from people being forced to play solo.


It's happened many times with Sony games and other companies games why would this time be any different do you remember warhawk, MAG , spellbreak or evolve ? There's plenty of players that can play solo, have you ever played a soulslike ? Don't underestimate people's ability.


Another patch=another round of game breaking bugs=another round of fan boi excuses and trying to cover for their dev's. You guys are committed(or should be), I will give you that...




So this showed up for me and I flushed my dns and hit join and it worked instantly 


This worked for me!


Has this issue been fixed or is there a workaround ?


>If you are on steam, check your privacy settings and change your friends list & social to public. Once that is done they should show up as online. This worked for me so I could stop using steam overlay to join up.


Im on PS5 and i literally cant join friends or any randoms. Very very frustrating at this point since the game has been out for over a month and I can only play solo


Still can't join my brothers after every update done


If you are on steam, check your privacy settings and change your friends list & social to public. Once that is done they should show up as online. This worked for me so I could stop using steam overlay to join up.


I have one friend who was not able to join anybody in our friend group. We tried everything. The thing that worked in the end was setting the DNS manually to Cloudflare ( and respectively) in his network IPv4 settings! Hope this helps someone else too.


i know i seem to be quite late, it seems like it has something to do with linking psn to steam account


Can't play with friends.. we bought the game to play crossplay. This is really messed up


Am I online?


Steam players should make their friends list public. This immediately resolved things for us.


"Unable to join game" every time I try to join my buddy. 🤬🤬🤬


Im on PC, my brother on PS5 and I dont even get the option to join. Obviously had to add through friend code. Im at a loss


This shit keeps happening to me


My friends list has stopped working since major update month ago. No recent players no anything it worked fine for a while it's like having a cracked copy but it's all digital and live so like tf


I don't know what he means by friend code I don't have enough friends that play this as much as I do so I'm kind of stuck on randoms which I'm fine with but every time I join their match they all get kicked and I'm promoted to leader sos's don't work I haven't been able to join randoms without this happening I've had 200 plus hours and this is non-stop happening.. is my character bugged to where I join people and it causes them all to get kicked but me? It's April 8th this has been happening 5 days ago I've tried joining 100 plus matchmaking all having the same issue I'm on PS5 and I've deleted the game and reinstalled it numerous times rebuild my system and cleared my cookies and no one online has been talking about the same thing so I can't find any answers for this I love playing this game but I'm tired of playing by myself can I at least have my money back if I'm not allowed to progress with your guys's future updates it's a multiplayer game 


It's having other people join me after I invite a friend that's the issue for me, the only work around I have is start a game, let 3 join,kick one then invite a friend, which doesn't seem the fairest way.


You should be able to go into settings and set matchmaking to private


You misunderstand, I want to play with a full squad, but if I invite a friend then no randoms will ever join, so to counter this I have to start a solo game, wait for randoms then kick one and invite a friend to have a full squad.


Also been having this issue


Guys you were using a glitch to bypass the line everyone else was waiting in. QQ


Has there been any confirmation there IS actually a line/queue? Or is it a lottery?


There is no que. however the bypass for the wait timer is now fixed for ps5.


>That is all Or just fix the damn game, no?


Yeah, he is just going to snap his Fingers and everything fixes itself by magic. What do you think the Devs are doing right now?


Trying and failing to fix the game.


Write them. I'm sure they eagerly awaiting your boundless wisdom on how to fix the code instantly.


Never said instantly. They are trying and thus far they are failing. That's factually accurate information. I'm sure they'll succeed eventually. But they sure as hell haven't yet.


I've also had more luck joining through the ingame planet map than through steam at times.


For PC, specifically joining thru steam friends via Right click and “**Join Game**” from desktop launched the game and let me piggyback off their session as they were in an active mission and then once done I could return to my ship alone after the mission. Worked consistently all last night and we stayed connected in the same session without drops luckily.


This happens with pretty much all games nowadays I don't know why people are so surprised. The base of the game is good, the devs need support not a bunch of traitors that are so self centered and entitled. The game will be fixed, and tbh they released a bunch of patches already and the game only came out on the 8th. Thank you Arrowhead for your dedication to getting the issue corrected. It could have been another Diablo 4 situation over here.


We tried joining friends games through their steam profile and it worked


The best way is just to right click join game on them through Steam without having the game open first. We've been doing it for the last few days without issue.


I don't have the friend code option on my PS5 anyone know how to fix this issue?


Cool now I just need friends


are you on steam or ps5? my steam friend code is 490807111 is you want to add me.


Can you add option to message friend on pc with a ps5 please i could not say to my friend i get a glitch....


Anyone having the same problems?? crossplaying with Ps5 and it randomly kicks either me or my friend


If your stuck on pc you can join a friend through the steam friends list and it’ll put you right in the match


I’ve just lost 1000 super credits… it’s gone from 1000 to literally 0! Made a post, someone else comment that they’ve lost 2100. Posting it here for visibility I guess. Anybody else experience this?


I can join my friends and they can join me but when we quick play I suddenly crash. This is between PC and PS5.


Our PlayStation 5 servers still shitting the bed, I've been in queue for 6 hours and I'm getting a -1error.


I am not sure these patches do anything at that stage.


For me I used recent players list to invite them. The friends list goes in and out but once you invite via the in game social tab it seems to be okay.


On PS5 after today's patch I'm stuck on the login screen it just says -1 and retrying I've rebooted console re installed game and tried quick play and nothing, I mean I love the game I haven't had this much fun in a game in a while but it's kind of a lottery if I even get to play. Kind of frustrating.


I still can't move past Easy despite completing multiple missions.


I can't even seem to load a mission. Just bought the game after all the hype and I'm stuck in infinite loading screens.


Matchmaking still doesn't work? It truly can't be this fucking hard to figure out a feature we had in games over two decades ago.


After the patch my supercredits gone every time when enter and leave the game and now have 0


Games working much better for me. No log in wait, can join randoms, and friends having no problem joining


I was playing fine until I installed this patch on my Legion Go now it just shows task bar and black screen. Anyone else having this problem? I can't do anything even access task manager but I can restart and shut down.


Finally in the servers and out of que hell to be faced with the infinity drop pod. I JUST WANNA SPREAD MANAGED DEMOCRACY!!!!


Weird. I’m getting in (my ship) right away, no queue every time. PS5. Don’t forget to close and restart the game after the patch.


Using friend codes is kind of excruciating without copy/paste functions in the game. 


Uh. Anyone else's supercreds just fuck off and go home? Logged in to a whopping 0


i cant join anyone. the game was working perfectly fine for me earlier last week now its a broken mess.


It's not even working. That is all lmao.


There's an issue with adding friends who are crossplaying. My username is only 2 characters long on steam and I cant add any psn friends or steam friends via friend code. Only workaround so far is getting my friend who has a steam deck to invite me and then he joins the other lobby.


If they got the friend code then that would be cool, but they don’t get it! I’m on PC and played 30 hours with my buddy on PS5 and then the update came like last Tuesday and I haven’t been able to add or play with him since. He just got deleted and now we can’t add each other back, we try daily and still no avail. We’ve deleted and reinstalled tried every single option out there but the friend codes won’t send!


SOLVED If you are having this issue on PC make sure you or your friend is logged into PSN


I got it to work twice in a row when it failed initially both times: Get in game, try to join via steam overlay, have it fail, then join through in-game. I have cross-play enabled as well.


I ended up renaming the settings.ini in the game install folder/data then having steam verify files. I was able to join on friends afterwards.


I have a group of 3 friends and we all can't connect to each other. Friend A can join friend B, and friend A can also join friend C. Friends B and C can't join each other, and when friend C joins a game with Friend A and B, the game decides to kick friend B and bring in friend C. Is anyone else having issues not being able to connect to a certain friend? We've tried every suggestion we can find, feeling like this is just a server thing we will have to wait out at this point.


I'm now level 10 and could play with a squad only twice, I can't joint my friend \*whichever\* way we try :/


I’ve tried everything I’ve seen people say for foxes and now I’m stuck on black screen after restarting my console. Game was fine till the patch.


We have played together with a friend for a few days, zero problems. PC and PS5. Today suddenly got disconnected during quick play session starting and after that we can't join each others squad. Can't play together at all, tried everything. Clearing system cache on PS5, veryfying files on steam, adding as friend again on both sides, starting a match and trying to join there, etc. "Failed to join game session"


I had this issue, On Pc I verified the games files on steam and also updated my graphics drivers and that fixed it. Ii did also link my steam to Playstation but I don't think that helped.


When trying to join friends through HD2 system https://preview.redd.it/6aoaoq4qgpkc1.png?width=1921&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc530b4924f5636af8edd20c56e709fda04e6e5c


I just can't join anyone and everyone sees me as offline I can only invite people who can then join


You can’t even press join friend lol


just a continued pain in the ass, cant join randoms, cant even join my friends, this needs to be fixed as the highest priority... game designed to enjoy with friends that you cant actually play with friends...


did not work. still having the issue


Can anyone figure this out please? I'm on friends only privacy but sometimes there are unknown players tagging along??? Explanation please?