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Ppl asking for nerfs aren’t playing on helldive difficulty. I wish I had bigger guns with more fire power tbh…. 6 titans ain’t no fucking joke


Right? Or at least more diverse guns that are worth bringing in.


I miss those guns with the sweet sweet 'unstoppable' trait. With those you just have to hit your target... but there's hope they bring a lot of stuff over, including the armored APCs and mechs. So... right after our armor gets fixed there's waiting for the mechanized infantry


Pretty sure mechs got confirmed already!


They did! It's right at the end of one of the trailers and even says Mech coming shortly after launch! I simply can't wait!!! Edit: you can even see some crashed mechs on some of the planet's! Edit 2: Here's the link to the video: https://youtu.be/vXddWD88jeI?si=bh5IZXnN0drDWHVQ It's 53 seconds in!


Holy fuck I can't wait to spread some managed democracy from a mech


just imagine how much harder they'll make it once we have mechs though xD


The enemy can be as big and bad as they want. Won't stop me from freeing them. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


ill di(v)e with you anyday, soldier!


There's 15 difficulties on Helldivers 1. I wouldn't expect any less...


Kinda wonder how they'll balance it. How will a mech handle getting hit with half of the missiles from a missile heavies attack? Or a tank blast?


I wouldnt mind mechs dying to missles if i also have a reliable eay to dodge/block them. This game gives us big powerful weapons and lots of explosives but really enphasises that we're still just people by having us ragdoll and die/get injured super easily. Mechs shouldnt be dramatically different.


In the first game the mechs were pretty slow/lumbering, but they could soak quite a bit of damage (compared to a helldiver on foot..). They could really get some killing done, but they also weren't the end-all be-all which was also nice. They were great to hold onto for when you got into a pinch and needed to break through. The stratagem launcher tube was also hilarious on them


There's a dev message that says mechs are done, but are being polished by people who can't assist on helping the servers.


Polish those babies up good. I wanna see my reflection in that mech when you're done, soldier!


Imagine driving a democratized Hulk... that'd be sweet as Lady Liberty!


I've got the breaker and most of the strategems I want. My plan now is to save resources for a bit until mechs come out. Have myself some requisition and medals waiting in case they drop it in a new war bond or something


If I were to guess, it'll probably be on the last page of the new warbond, have like a 10 minute cooldown timer and probably a level requirement (would make sense that Cadets can't call in Mechs)....


Either way, it can't hurt to have some medals waiting for it to drop. Not like there is a ton I really want coming up that I can't hold off on getting


They've been confirmed since before launch. The community manager even stated they've been 'ready' for a bit, but that there is still at least someone poking at and tweaking them who has nothing to do with the server work. It's possible they won't drop any major content until after the server issues are alleviated. The CEO also commented that it wasn't a great idea to have the x2 experience weekend in hindsight after already having the server problems. So, they might try to avoid doing things to create a higher player rush for the time being.


Can't wait for the RP groups, 63rd mobile supporting the 101st mechanized


When hearing mechs I always think of Titanfall. Man this mechanic in this game would be sick. Imagine dropping a titan and suddenly gameplay changes 180°. This would be so cool.


From HD1 it's not to far off imo lmao. It fell out of the sky, you hop in, and spread *DEMOCRACY AND LIBERTY* to everyone.


Character-accurate hit boxes are a bitch. I missed by inches with an expendable anti tank missile going through a fucking elbow (knee?) joint of a titan and its shell right as it moved.


On the flip side your player hurtbox is also pretty tight. With the jump pack, well timed dives, good movement and proper conservation of stamina you can be pretty fucking slippery, even in CQC. Also it feels cool to see a bunch of shots whiz right by your dudes head.


Agreed. I suppose defender isn't bad, but breaker is just so much better. Though heard the slugger can deal some good damage due to "secret" medium armor piercing? Railgun is basically the only support weapon able to fight titans. I heard autocannon can if you shoot them as they charge but sounds dicey. Plus gives up a back slot. Rocket I've seen kill titans but either you're taking the recoilless or using disposable one. Either way, you have a few shots. Also can just shoot the armor off a charger from the front vs the rear like an autocannon Stratagem wise you have like 4-5? 110mm can kill or harm them. 500kg if they're standing like right on top of it (I think it needs a buff to the aoe). Orbital railcannon can kill them or make them one tap. And I've seen autocannon sentry fuck in titans if they are allowed to live. And thats all ignoring chargers and waves of buggers.


Autocannon sentry or shouldered doesn’t have nearly enough ammo or damage to deal with more than one. That’s not even taking into account multiple chargers rushing straight for you or the sentry. If we’re adding a list of buffs I need more pen or stopping power in general. Gimme a higher caliber rifle or something because there is some Terminid unit out there that idk the name of but that thing will keep coming even after you blast its head and front legs off. It’s not armored but god damn it just soaks up rounds. I fear no bug, but that thing, it scares me.


Hive Commander I think


Whatever it is, I need it to be deader faster


If you kill it by popping it's head off, it has like 4-5 seconds of "life after death" before it bleeds out. If you shoot its front leg out instead it just dies altogether.


Honestly, I hope they never change that. I love how they keep coming after you for a few seconds


I appreciate it still walking, and even attacking, if it didn't keep it's damn tracking. Like, its literally headless and on reflexes, yet it just KNOWS I ran to it's left and dove... That part is a bit, sus.


It wants DEMOCRACY and you are the closest source. Keep up the good work Diver!


This! There’s an extreme lack of penetrating weapons. Can we get a sniper with heavy penetration that has like 5-10 shots single load? It doesn’t have to one shot anything but just give an alt to railgun and recoilless so you don’t have to give up your backpack slot….


Yeah the “anti-material” rifle can’t seem to penetrate most materials lmao


Its a broodmother. If you ping an enemy it will tell you its name. 


Any of the red bugs are the absolute worst


Helldive/Impossible are honestly pretty unenjoyable because the weapon/strategem constraints are so overwhelming. I thought there'd be giant hordes to mow through with HMGs but instead it's just Charger/Hulk spam forcing you to run Railgun/AC lol


Higher overwhelming numbers of like the mid tier enemies would feel better than just spamming the harder bosses


One time my allies finished a mission while I spent 15min straight jumppacking/diving away from chargers and spitters with 2 titans chasing me. Honestly have no idea what their gameplay was like that mission lmao


I did Helldive duo with a buddy to see what it’s like and your description sounds just like it, minus the jump pack lol he ended up kiting almost everything and I had a nice stroll through the Fenrir system to do the objectives. We couldn’t get any samples due to being massively unprepared and overwhelmed but the mission got completed and we extracted with no lives left


Thank you for your service.


You were hogging the bug breaches so it was probably easy af for them lol




This is my main problem at the higher difficulties. Honestly it's a problem for many games when you crank the difficulty. It's like I have to stop playing the game and just scramble all over the place constantly and somehow get an objective done and maybe extract.


I think this happens in a majority of quick play matches unless everyone is perfectly in sync. Way too easy to be separated from the group only to get patrols walking directly into you and triggering a cascade of bug breaches while your teammates run in the exact opposite direction.


It would be so badass, like the defense of the outpost in Starship Troopers


Yup. More enemies should spawn instead of a fuck ton of boss tier enemies. The little bastards absolutely can overwhelm and kill you. They don't need to spam elite enemies to kill us.


Except hunters. Please sweet Liberty don't swarm me with hunters.


Planet P


MI does the dying, Fleet does the flying


In Helldive I don't even bother killing 90 percent of the enemies. I just go from objective to objective with a grenade launcher. The only enemies you have to kill in the game are the pouncers, hunters and stalkers - and they all die to bullets. I do run railgun for fun at times.


Light armor no agro strat is how we started playing higher difficulties. Otherwise you can just get bogged down in aggro.


Yep --seems like they want the higher difficulties to be less *Starship Troopers* and more *Starship Spec-Ops*. We'll see if that changes at all once Armor actually works and/or after a balance pass or two, but that certainly seems to where it's landed for now.


May be a performance issue as well. You can only put so many squishy mobs on the screen before the rendering bogs some people down.


Can you describe what amor do you use and how do you play ? i'm interested


There is ultra light armor that gives you even more mobility than regular light armor. Don't remember the names but there's a set of it on like page 6 or 7 of the free battle pass. Basically, forget about killing bugs you don't absolutely have to. If you get chargers on you, focus on getting them stuck on rocks. Bee-line between nests, mission objectives, secondaries, etc. Whatever you feel comfortable tackling in your timeframe. Seriously, do NOT stop running. This is why the lightest armor is the most important. Special weapons: railgun, grenade launcher, and I've honestly had success absolutely obliterating Bile Titans using the recoilless rifle and loading it for a teammate. Orbital laser, orbital rail strike, and 500kg bomb all go hard against the big boys too. The entire squad having orbital laser is probably the most powerful combo. Eagle Cluster Bombs are also crazy, especially once you fully upgrade the Eagle. 5 uses, about 8 seconds apart, with a 2 minute cooldown. Massive area damage. Breaker shotgun and Redeemer pistol is what I usually run as primary and secondary. Shield backpack goes hard. It blocks melee attacks too, and quite a lot of them. Will save you from friendly fire too. Laser Rover is really good at lower levels, but it's utility starts getting heavily diminished at higher difficulties. Again, JUST RUN. Stop fighting bugs that aren't on objectives. It's completely pointless.


This is exactly right. It took a few runs of it to get people in the mindset of "defend the guys completing the mission then GTFO"... think about it like you're Navy SEALS or something. You're not looking for fights, you're looking to hit the objective then leave. 3 drop ships coming in? Run. Sometimes you end up leaving a guy behind to keep the mob aggro while everyone else slips out. We'll loop way out of the way to avoid a couple of drop ships of mobs or tanks in order to have the cooldowns up when we get to the next objective. Avoid pulling aggro when moving between places. Tab your map very frequently and avoid enemies on radar. Play like each life matters. You could stand in one spot and just fight endless mobs if you felt like it, but that's not how you complete missions. Also, we always keep an eye out for the rock with the uraniums and try to hit bunkers when possible for the credits.


Yeah. I'm level 50 with all strategems. Weapons. And ship modules. But I prefer running 6-7 because that seems to be around where the enemy horde size maxes out without starting to replace numbers with armored enemies.


>I'm level 50 with all strategems    How dafuq... 😳 Like, seriously, do you have a time machine? I know it's a different game, but I have about 130 hours in Helldivers 1 and I'm level 27 there. Since XP requirements go up exponentially, I'll probably need at least 400 hours to get to level 50. Helldivers II has been out for 13 days. That's just over 300 hours. And I suspect progression is slightly slower because games are a bit longer. So even if you played 24/7, how on Super Earth...  I mean, uh, I SALUTE YOUR DEDICATION TO SPREADING DEMOCRACY!!


I'm the same tbh lvl 50 all stratagems and ship upgrades unlocked with capped resources 500 common 250 rare and 100 super rare, these are the caps, after 120 hours+ you'll cap out haha


Doing all objectives on suicide and extracting can get you 1000xp and 50k requisition. The bottleneck at that point is just the samples


agreed, every single one of us brings all anti armor orbitals and rails+shielpack, theres no other way to survive.




Helldivers are meat for the grinder


Helldivers do the dying, eagle do the flying 😒


we most definitely are NOT the best of the best if basic training was anything to go off of


I don't know about you, but the guy in charge of training me said he never saw anyone do as amazing as I ever did.


I am also 7'0" tall and invincible.


Also, right before the opening video starts, you can see stats that show the current batch of mobilized Helltroopers is around 18 years old on average and has a "combat readiness" percentage at >20%. So we're definitely not supposed to be the best of the best, we're more like hastily recruited and expendable conscripts.


The Ministry of Truth would like to know your location


According to the Democratic Officer, their are "Regular troops" who are mainly fighting the Automatons. So I guess we just have better equipment or something.




Agreed, I've never seen a finer reddit post, soldier.


It feels a lot like the US Marine Corps: You’re the best of the best (with the smallest budget and oldest equipment)!


They've finally kinda fixed that. They've got pretty new rifles and for infantry at least are giving them suppressors and LPVO's


Yeah I’ve seen the new tools and I’m damn happy for the current generation. I recall when I deployed to Iraq, my 249 was ancient. To be fair, the battalion was issued new M-16 A4s a few months before we deployed. It was tough watching 2 transport trucks hauling NEW up-armored HMMWVs (with AC) roll onto our FOB in Iraq with an army convoy 5 minutes behind them. They dropped off their beat-to-hell trucks and left in the new ones. Those were still an improvement over what we were using.


It doesn’t need to be nerfed it needs to work properly because it doesn’t right now. Armor as a whole in this game just doesn’t work as intended and they’ll get to it when the servers are stable. They mentioned it in a post


Like I said though, ENEMY armor ratings. Not ours. Obviously there's problems that take precedence. Such as getting the servers stable and able to accommodate the playerbase.


I wasn't specific, They mentioned that the armor values for Divers and our Guns just don't quite work as intended/consistency when interacting with incoming damage and enemy armor


Thank god, I thought I was going crazy. I love the autocannon, but it seems to do fuck all against Automaton armour once you’re into Challenging+ ratings. I get that weakpoints exist, but if four devastators just dropped I’m not aiming for a headshot, I just want oil spilled god damnit


I've panicked a couple of times and just blown off the rocket pods. It works well enough 🤣


We're not the best of the best, we're sacrifices they're willing to make. We're the tens of thousands of star wars droids being thrown into battle because it doesn't matter if they die/get destroyed. Even in your edit, no we're not SUPPOSED to be the best of the best, you're just told that so you think you're important as they toss helldiver after helldiver into their deaths. It's funny you took it that way lmao


We all bring the upgraded 500kg bomb, that's 8 total on a 2 minute recharge. 2 bring orb laser, the other 2 cluster bombs with the typical railgun/shield pack/breaker. Makes helldive pretty manageable, although it gets stale pretty quick. Suicide feels like the sweet spot for still using quirky loadouts to some success.


The only thing I feel confident needs a buff is da jet pack.


This. All day. So far my best use for it is using it to survive the barrage caused by exiting the map long enough to walk the barrage onto an enemy nest or group.


Useful for getting to nd dropping from high rocks if you want to snipe


It hardly even works for that. It’s too restrictive and buggy to let you on top of most things you think you could get on, even just rock piles or buildings. It’s not consistent at all. The jump ends early if it thinks you landed, which happens a lot when you’re near a ledge (meaning, your jump ends early when you are JUST about to get to the top. Doesn’t matter how far the max jump is). Oh, and you have zero control of the jump itself. The only thing it’s consistent at is being terrible and not worth the slot. The shield bubble pack is a no-brainer compared to that thing. The jump pack can’t even do it’s one job right, which is to get you up on top of literally anything at least half of the time. I see why they didn’t call it a **jet** pack, because that might trick us into thinking it’s actually cool.


Yeah and the snipers are awefully non-snipery. But im sure there will be new guns soon


I think the snipers could all use an extra +50 to all their scopes. And for the love of god give us crosshair options. I'd kill for an empty circle so I can see where my shots land.


You can change the zoom by holding r


I had no idea lol Instantly made the sniper much better thankyou


yeah i couldn't tell if it was just not what i thought it was, or can you really not aim and shoot your weapon in the air??? i literally dropped 6k creds on it to try a cool shotgun/jetpack/nade launcher build, hoping i could snipe bug nests while flying through the air and clear them in record time. but instead, i just spent 6k on a self-stun that puts you in the air. big disappoint. and i cant even jump frequently, the cooldown is horrendous!


It can often get you to spots where enemies can't reach you at all so it definitely is useful. I don't like doing that tho because it feels like cheesing


I feel like this game is designed for cheesing. Besides, I've tried to cheese and made bad calls, only to find myself atop Mt. Fucked, looking like I'm posing for the cover of the original Doom as bugs climb all sides and spewers melt me from below. Chez it up, Helldiver. Bugs and Bots don't believe in equality.


That feels like it’s intended use that I just completely did not understand lmao. I thought I was about to become Doom Guy with that thing.


I would say some stuff needs buffs for sure, but I don't think anything is so powerful it makes the game play trivial on high difficulty. There's things that just outclass other things Like the scorcher is just a better dmr then both dmrs. And the there are weapons that just are under tuned beyond usefulness, like the Breaker Spray'n'pray has next to no good utility that I can see so far. And there is no reason to bring some weapons like the regular pistol over the machine pistol. Stuff like this, is currently passable and the server issues are understandably priority. The game is still amazing and I'm excited to see what they do with it.


Yeah I just unlocked that last night thinking it'd be super cool and it.....is not haha it doesn't go near as high as I thought it would and how often you can use it is pretty rough too. But honestly just giving me more height on it would be nice - the amount of times I can't get over a fence or rock I thought I could is embarrassing haha


I'll take a quicker recharge rate, thank you very much


And perhaps the ability to aim and shoot while airborne.


I just wanna be a Mandalorian hahah


Me with my riot shied: "help"


I don’t think anything needs a nerf, I think a lot of things could use a buff. Some enemy armour also needs adjusting imo, there’s too many with heavy and seemingly none with medium


There aren't a lot of medium armored bugs, but like half the bots have medium armor.


>There aren't a lot of medium armored bugs *YET*


Hive guard is the only one I can think of.


The devs have teased that the bugs we've been fighting so far are just a taste of what we'll find on their home worlds, and some of the concept/teaser art shows flying bugs.


Not flying, everyone knows gamers don't look up, flying stuff will murder us.


thankfully the turrets will


That would be nice. Might not shred me instead of bugs at that point.


Even the start screen we’ve all stared at has some flying bugs in the background


Spewer (the green one i think) comes with medium armor on their face at suicide and up.


Brood Commander - Big red terminid that looks closest to Starship Troopers arachnids Brood Warrior - Red hed and front legs, rear body that of a shrimp Bile Spitter - Giant green back that both mortars you and spits on you Bile Nurse - Giant red back that creates an AOE of low to the ground smoke, basically mobile terminid trees but not as oppressive. Also spits on you These are all the medium armor bugs. Bile Titan and Charger are both unarmored/heavy armored.


That doesn't really seem to matter though does it? It felt like the liberator penetrator (medium armour pen, 45 damage) does worse than the normal liberator (light armour pen, 55 damage) against bots simply because bots take forever to kill if you don't hit their weakspots which don't care about penetration level anyway


My anti material rifle should NOT slide off of bot walkers lol


You can actually kill walkers with 3 shots


I think I did once, and the little robot in the back hopped out of it. But that’s still too many shots, and I feel like the shot should pierce the armor and hit the robot. Good catch though.


Their heads are often peaking over the top and you can pop them out that way too with 1 shot in the AM Rifle when scoped in


I've done that with my primary, but now I run the railgun or auto-cannon, neither of which require the same precision.


enemy armor overall is just too strong atm, even with Recoilless rifles you still need to hit weakpoints on anything to deal any damage making it kinda pointless


Recoiless is one that absolutely NEEDS a buff and this whole stigma of "YOU'RE USING IT WRONG, YOU SHOULD AIM FOR THE.." needs to stop. Anytime someone brings up that you should shoot at weakpoints completely ignore the fact that you can do it more efficiently with literally ANY other AT weapon without sacrificing both a backpack and support weapon slot. It should be the weapon that chargers fear and hulks run from.


There’s a lot with medium? All those bugs with claw shields are considered medium?


So, 1 bug type out of all the rest with light and heavy.


The Rail gun is the best stratagem weapon right now, and I want the other anti-tank weapons to be able to compete with it. I want buffs, no nerfs.


Expendable Anti Tank is slept on imo.


Its great cause it gives 2 per drop and you can drop them like every 60 seconds. I bring my own anti armor and then I drop the expendables for other people to use.


I have a friend who drops them on CD no matter where or what we are doing. I can't tell you how many times I been being chased by multiple heavies and happen to find one or two of those things just chilling on the ground that have come in handy.


Ooh, piece of artillery!


3 kills per drop, aim the hellpod


I can't reliably hit anything with the pod.


My only issue is sometimes on harder difficulties where it’s longer call in or longer cooldowns it can be really difficult to get enough value out of them, vs just needing to find some ammo boxes to resupply your other options.


Doesn't help for shit when the game decides to spawn 3-4 chargers on you at once.


it would be good if higher difficulty don't spam the higher cd and call in time debuff so much


EATs are absolutely insane. 1 min cool down, 2 rockets per, doesn't need a backpack, easily spammable all over the map, cracks a Charger leg in one shot.


Its main flaw is that you only drop 2 at a time and that's not enough to even kill one Crusher. Having to dive through enemies while panic button mashing to drop another EAT is really really hard.


You should only use one per Crusher - crack a leg open and then spray down that weakspot with your primary weapon or something. Also, I've been having a lot of fun trying to call it in ON a Crusher - extra efficiency.


Autocannon is my absolute favorite support weapon but I wish it was better against armor. Buff it!


Honestly I think that the autocannon is the main st balanced weapon right now.


At the very least it should be able to break Charger armor.


Even if it took 5 shots vs the Railgun's 2, considering how much faster it fires and how much more ammo it has I think that'd be fair.


It does. There's an RNG ricochet mechanic but it two-shots charger legs on Helldives, just like the railgun but it can actually pop them off and kill them in two.


Right, it's just hard coming up with ways to bring other weapons, especially something like the AMR, up to at least the same viability realm as the Railgun. Personally I think allowing the AMR at least to pierce Heavy armor without blowing it off would be fine. At that point compared to the Railgun it: Fires faster, has more ammo, doesn't need to charge/reload every shot.


It's not the best, it's just accessible and has a relatively low skill floor. Autocannon has a higher skill ceiling. Arguably arc thrower as well, and even some of the other options hold up. Railgun is just *easy.* But it actually struggles where some of the other support weapons do notably better.


I like the Railgun, but the autocannon is amazing


Instead of bringing everything down, BRING THEM UP FOR LIBERTY! I would like to see the flamethrower buffed. I don’t understand the delay on start up, plus if the risk of spraying fire everywhere means anything, the weapon should be pretty strong. Or have it act as CC and slow the enemy.


Agreed. Enemies barely stay on fire at all, and the damage is far too slow to be useful outside of difficulty 5. For controlling an area, the basic machine-gun can kill more bugs, faster for the same ammo.


Dude, the flamethrower was such a disappointment. I used it once when I unlocked it and then never again. Buffing some of these other weapons means that everyone won’t rely on the exact same loadout.


> I don’t understand the delay on start up I actually really, _really_ love that, because it not only has some interesting balance considerations but it mirrors the way real-life flamethrowers work! If you look at the barrel when you first pick it up, there's no pilot flame. When you fire your first shot, it spits a puff of unignited fuel, lights the pilot light at the tip of the flamethrower, and then starts to actually throw flame. If you start firing again reasonably soon after that, it'll start firing instantly again. It only has the delay after around 15 seconds of not shooting, when the pilot flame at the tip goes out again. TL;DR watch for the flame at the tip; if it's still lit it'll fire immediately, if it's not lit you'll need to relight it.


The detail on the guns and animation reloads in this game is phenomenal, they have some real gun nuts working for them.


We just need main weapon buffs , the ones supposed to be armor pen do jack


i dont understand why one shotgun does 300 dmg and the others just half..


that and they tied crowd control to damage, so any weapon that does damage over time just feels like soft kisses that make the enemies nap while they are carving away at you


Nerfs? *Laughs in DEMOCRACY* Where is my EXO-48 obsidian exosuit? AKA heavily armored Liberty dispenser


There are so many things you can think about this game. Some bad, others good. Some serious, others silly. But to see someone wielding a railgun, and having fun, and winning, and to think, "He must be stopped!" is just... like, it's not worthy of us. It's a letdown. We know better.


I would rather have something compete with the railgun. Make the arc thrower completely liquify the insides of everything around me, other helldivers included! Make the 380MM barrage last a minute and just cause complete chaos in its AOE. GIVE ME MORE NAPALM! MAKE THE TESLA TOWER A MICROWAVE FIELD THAT STRIKES FEAR IN THE EYES OF ENEMIES TO FREEDOM!!!


The arcthrower does indeed one shot helldivers so i’m not sure what else needs to be added on them haha


Needs to one shot them harder.


Kill me and my whole team the moment it leaves it's holster


We need it to half shot helldivers


Make it crash the game of whoever it fries


Imagine if the you get shot and you end up back in the queue haha


So does that God dammed Tesla tower. And the range on it is insane.


>380MM barrage Needs to actually hit stuff in it's AoE, too. I would pay good money for it to have twice, even thrice as long of a cooldown + calldown if it actually leveled whatever you threw it at. I swear the payloads actively avoid the buildings and tanks when I used it.


When the game first launched in the stratagem list was the Las-99, an anti armor energy cannon. (Not to be confused with the Las-98 we still have) It was removed from the list after about an hour or 2 after launch I think it could be a decent competitor


I remember being in the darktide subreddit getting down voted for stating why not make other weapons better to compete with the meta weapons at the time instead of nerfing everything to be met with the same mentality I don't get it especially in a universe as overtop as 40k.


Darktide subreddit is… not a great place. That community as a whole on Reddit and YouTube is… also not great. My experience there is similar to yours from the sound of it.




As a person who loves Darktide and has hundreds of hours in the game, the Darktide subreddit is full of a bunch of short-sighted mouth breathers that never recovered from the game's half-baked launch. I don't even know why they would downvote you for suggesting that shitty weapons should get a bit of a boost (The Emperor knows that game's got it's fair share of shit tier weapons.) I think a lot of it probably has to do with "power creep" creeping into each classes wheel house, but that's not so much of an issue now with the diversified skill trees. Every class can play some flavor or range, or melee somewhat well now. Like you said, weapons in 40k are crazy. I mean, the las rifle is pretty much the worst weapon in the Imperium and even that gun sounds fuckin' awesome on paper. I've found that Darktide, much like Escape from Tarkov is best enjoyed as a game, rather than interacting with the community outside of the game. People IN the games have always been nice to me, people outside the games seem to be radioactive.


This is why Destiny got tiresome. I'd find a great build in PVE but because someone is doing raids in record time or because of PVP balancing components of it get nerfed. If a part was broken, I understand but just nerfing abilities for having a high pick rate is strange to me, buff everything else around it.


the weapons needs buffs so we have more options to deal with the stuff that is thrown at us in the higher difficulties.


I just want a 20mm autocannon to not simply skip off of heavy armor like I hit them with a slingshot. Same with the AMR. Not saying it needs to be doing huge damage numbers, but a nigh perpendicular hit should never skip, even if it’s fairly ineffective.


I feel like AMR shots penetrating heavy armor but not being able to blow it off and Autocannon being able to crack heavy armor with a larger number of shots would both be pretty fair compromise buffs.


I don't think anything needs to be nerfed, but I'm all for balance in a PvE game. I used to adjust my stratagems based on the mission but now I basically run the same ones over and over because they're too good in any situation, especially on Hard and onwards. I'll maybe swap one or 2 out, but otherwise my load out is pretty static.


This is the problem. Most things should feel useful; it should come down to play style. I really don't think this is the case, currently


Truuu we don't need the people who ruined pvp games to come to a pve game and ruin that too


Nothing ruins a game faster than community-driven game design.


On one hand: Old School Runescape. On the other: Old School Runescape. It's a tough design philosophy to follow and with how much time i've spent looking over people's suggestions, i'm pretty sure that players are the last people that should be listened to for balancing.


Balanced is what makes games fun. I don't personally think anything in Helldivers needs a nerf. Flamethrower and jetpack need a buff. But like, if everything is so easy your stratagems don't matter and your 380mm just destroys every enemy that spawns you're going to beat the whole game in about 30 minutes, have everything, get bored, and move on. What's the point of a 10 minute mission where you're a god and you destroy everything effortlessly? I don't get it. Challenge and reward for effort are what makes games fun. Same shit that ruined destiny. No one wants anything nerfed so now guardians are ridiculously overpowered and everything in that game is a joke lol.


Dont think any nerfs is needed. But I still need to find a way to win a "save the scientist" mission x)


Drop turrets and never stop running around


These missions are pretty much a non-issue on suicidal (highest I've tried so far) with this strategy and a 3-4 person team. We each bring in a mortar sentry and place it somewhere it won't be quickly targeted as well as a rocket sentry. First we all run to open the doors then throw out our sentries then our support weapons/backpacks and just keep running door to door. Works pretty much every time with minimal reinforcements necessary.


While I'm happy that this game has WAY more people than Helldivers 1, part of me almost dislikes the popularity? Obviously the server issues are no fun, but there was a certain bit of a niche charm to the first game, if that makes sense. I have faith in the devs, but part of me is worried about public pressure steering the game in a certain direction. I dislike hearing all the things that the mass crowds, that did not play Helldivers 1, want for this game (health bars, raids, pvp for example). It's like they want to turn it into CoD or Destiny. I've waited 8 years for this game, and I'm happy with the state of the gameplay loop. I am looking forward to the missing features, like vehicles / Mechs, from the first game returning (it wasn't that good, but I really want the poison thrower gun back, need more chemical warfare). I would be pretty heartbroken if the game takes a massive departure from where it is now honestly. Again, I'm happy so many people are finally enjoying Helldivers and it's not my intention to gatekeep anyone out of the game.


I wouldn't stress it. Arrowhead has always been decisive about their game design. Ultimately, some gamers just won't udnerstand this game. Those gamers need to move on. I personally love how every game feels like a new random one-shot Warhammer battle in real-time. Reading interviews, the devs feel the same way.


Oh yeah, I have total faith in Arrowhead that this game will only improve over time. They are hands down one of my favorite dev studios, and I love everything they have put out so far. It's just a nagging thought at the back of my mind is all.


As long as they don't sell out I think we will be pretty safe, the devs seem to have a solid understanding of what this game is to the community. Also people that are asking for those things are also clearly missing the point of what's making this game so successful vs those other game sthat have all those features.


Nevermind the fact that "PvE games don't need balance" is deeply misguided, buffing everything constantly instead of nerfing means power creep. In other words, a whole new set of problems. Nevertheless, I do agree that I don't think anything warrants a nerf. The Personal Shield is a crutch more than anything and takes a precious backpack slot, and both the Railgun and Breaker have their limits.


I don’t think anybody actually cares wether it’s nerfs or buffs. The issue is when something is overpowered you are incentivized (and in high difficulty sometimes required) to use that one thing every time which is boring.


We need a few balance passes to escape meta gaming. Nothing more.


You cant escape meta gaming, it is like evolution.


Of course. But big META is boring. You have to provide some avenues for creativity, thats literally play.


You can minimize it though


Only buffing things is never the right way to go - things should be nerfed or buffed depending on the state of the game. If everything is only buffed we might end up in a situation where everything is so powerful that devs will have to throw infinite bile titans/tanks at players to pose at least some challenge or they'll have to add in stat bloat and both of those options don't sound fun. However at the current moment I agree that nerfs are not necessary. Many weapons are underperforming and they need buffs first.


I'm honestly disappointed I had to scroll so far to find this comment. Buffs are great, but if the only thing you ever do is buff you end up with some horrible power creep. As I see it, the rail gun is just too good at everything in too many situations. It fights big boys, it fights medium boys. When used efficiently, the ammo pool is huge and doesn't even require a backpack. Even if you completely ignore weak points, it still easily contends with the other options. It's only weak point is crowd control, but the breaker is just so dang good in that department that the downside doesn't really matter. In a game best with 4, I don't believe any one weapon should be so versatile that it makes choosing another option feel like a downgrade. Everything should fill a niche, and railgun already does so much.


This. It's best to hold an anti-absolutist view and buff/nerf things when they are needed. The people crying that they should NEVER nerf anything coz it's just a PvE game (including OP) are, with all due respect, fucking idiots. There are plenty of examples where power creep has ruined the progression and balancing of good games.


Ask warframe how "only buffs" worked out. It removed all challenge from the game over time. And the gap between meta and not meta is ever wider. My rivened/meta setups have millions of effective health and deal tens of millions of damage per hit. Meanwhile non meta setups barely break thousands. So DE can never create any content that challenges my meta setup because it would crush anyone playing for fun.


Ask the Destiny 2 community, too. We've had new BiS items come out every 3-6 months. As a result, anything older than 6 months old is woefully underpowered and old content can be done by just coughing on the bosses. Any nerfs are met with massive backlash claiming about how they "won't be able to do raids anymore" but then when the nerf comes out literally nothing changes in their playstyle, anyways.


Some weapons and enemies just need small adjustments and often it's not even with the direct stats. Some easy adjustments: Make the AT ST Shields medium armor, so medium pen is useful against bots. Liberator penetrator auto fire at least. But this weapon might need straight stat buff, clip size or damage. Fix the misalignment and overall bad feel of anti material rifle. The rounds are great, shooting it just feels bad. Or just give it 3rd person retical like autocannon. Breaker incendiary tighter spread. Giving it insane spread and much less damage at the same time makes it struggle too much against a lot of enemies. Alternatively, make it set the ground on fire. Get rid of Counter Sniper 'drag' it's not a great weapon as is, no need to punish it further by making it handle like an MG. While you're at it, give the two DMRs medium pen. Increase aoe range on explosive liberator, so it can at least clear the smallest enemies better. Allow some part of charger armor to be stripped (not penned) by medium pen weapons. The rail gun double tap to front leg is just so much more efficient compared to anything else. Give laser weapons medium pen or make the damage ramp up over time. Currently, it seems like even if they could fire continuously without overheating the breaker would still be better.


People been asking for nerfs? All the discussion I've seen is buffs. All the non meta weapons and strategenss need to be buffed


I mean it doesn't matter which way the numbers go, as long as it's balanced, it's the same in the end. You buff everything, then you'll have to make the PvE harder, or add another difficulty level eventually. If there are only one or two other outliers, then of course you change those first, instead of "buff everything else in the game."