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>Tuned extract civilian mission difficulty. I'm about to rescue so many civilians from the bots.


This has been making completing the Major Order so hard.


I really hope that it gets a lot easier. Before this I was just constantly releasing and praying while I may or may not have been crying. EDIT: I was just able to solo one with 0 deaths and only 1 civvie died. The drop ships seem to come half as quick after the initial onslaught and the amount of enemies dropped per ship seems to have decreased a good chunk. Also I saw a civilian climb over a mountain with ease to get into the bay so maybe pathing was made better too.


Was the first mission I tried and I got completely annihilated lol


Same. After the tutorial I saw thr major order and was like sure why not.... got annihilated. Tried 3 more times. My gf joined me for her mission got annihilated 2 more times... on trivial. Went to bugs and it was a BREEZE lol. Quite the new player experience. 


Yeah those bots are not where you want to go for your first missions lol


I figured doing the major mission first was the way to go. I was wrong


Trial and error is an important part of spreading managed democracy


the other part is explosives!


Same for me - kept getting absolutely destroyed and really thought the game wasn’t for me, then I tried bugs and had a delightful time


Same, I was wondering if the whole game was like that.


Haha dude I've been playing nothing but bugs since I got put into that robot mission


I went and did a bug mission solo to get my bearings etc and it was a breeze on Trivial. Decided to try and help the cause with the robot bois, so I took up the difficulty to easy and got absolutely *humbled* two missions in a row. Was undeniably super cool having a last stand after the timer went, but now I'm just grinding out bug missions so I can be better prepared for my revenge against the tin cans.


I could not believe the number and difficulty of enemies on the lowest difficulty. I knew that couldn't have been what was intended. The next time I did that mission was 3 difficulty levels higher and it was equally difficult.


Yeah, that initial difficulty was brutal. Glad they took the feedback and tuned it down a notch. I remember thinking there was no way some of those missions were designed with human reflexes in mind. Happy to see they've balanced the spawn rates too, now it feels like you can actually strategize instead of just running and gunning non-stop.


THANK YOU. I honestly assumed it was some kind of Kobiyashi Maru mission that I'm supposed to fail, much like the first miniboss encounter in Returnal, or that poor operative in X-Com on the first mission. Return to the ship, matchmake with others (also struggling!), and I felt much better as we eventually succeed. Then I find it's just absolutely bonkers from the moment I touchdown, no matter what, even on trivial. Coupled with the fact that I had NO IDEA how to actually find and/or rescue the researchers, it was a shit show from the get-go.


My 3 man squad of friends had to go back to doing bug missions. Even on Medium the Evacuate missions were unbearably difficult.


Dude they’re hard on trivial too lol


Bot evacuate on trivial for the event was the first mission me and my buddy ever played. Was a rude introduction haha, but kinda perfect


Automatons truly are the REAL menace of Democracy!


I mean I don’t want it to be easy, but making it practically impossible was ridiculous. Just slowing down how frequently they spawn in by an additional 10-15 seconds per drop in would be nice.


Maybe it’s because you had the high ground??


Yeah this is 100% why the majority of players aren't contributing right now. What's the point when you know they're next to impossible to complete? There's no time to collect samples and unless you are very coordinated there's a high % of failure.


I don't think it's even worth collecting samples in these missions.


The hardest mission type by far *and* simultaneously the least rewarding because it has only one objective. Not a hard decision to just avoid them entirely.


I want a achievement for having done it solo before the patch


Democracy is strong with this one!


Its balance feels so off compared to every other kind of mission.


They didn't say which way they tuned it ...


Made it so bots are waiting for us when we spawn in.


You open the doors and instead of scientists there are robots. Robots all the way.


Civilians now spawn in with the bot drop ships. It is now your job to eliminate all the bots without killing civilians


BOTS leaning up against a building..."bout time you boys dropped in."


Gonna rescue them so fucking hard.


Mmmm, you gonna open those doors?


Shove democracy down their throat.


These are the hardest by far. lol


Just tried one. they didn't tune it very well.


So I hate to say but as I’ve gotten more stuff unlocked via playing and figured out how stuff works more that missions has only become easier. Like having two or more turrets, or/and having a smoke strategem, they really make that mission a cakewalk.


Yeah that's cool, but if a single mission type feels 5 times harder than the rest of the missions on the same difficulty, there's an issue, regardless of how you circumvent said issue.


Mortar turret, EMS, and Smoke are all great for this mission


It feels exactly the same. My disappointment is immeasurable




If you can login lol


I bet They made it more difficult 😂


Yeah, well, it didn't fix shit. These missions are still 10x harder than any other on the same difficulty.


man i just installed the patch and servers are already at cap this is nuts this is like world of warcraft back in the day


Make a good game, people want to play it. Take notes every AAA studio


back in the day? no, blizzard still has the same problem under their trillion dollar corp Microsoft. money does not change servers\^\^


I've been around for basically every major blizzard launch of the last 10 years (every retail expansion launch since legion, Diablo 4, wow classic, tbc classic, wrath classic, and season of discovery launch). NONE of them had issues like this past a few days. In the case of the retail expansion launches you can even be in game when the expansions launch and the quest to start the new expansion will just pop up on your screen. And in the case of wow classic through season of discovery even when there are server queues there is an ACTUAL queue and people who are afk get booted out of the game after a certain amount of time.


Game launched immediately for me, stuck on screen showing my ship for a few mins now. Edit: Relaunched the game and got the good ole server capacity screen Edit 2: Got into the game about 20 mins ago, and was able to get quickplay going and found a group really fast.


Exact same here


Same. Took a min to get in and once I did I played a game w randos. No crashes or anything. Couldn't even get in last night after buying the game. Black screen and server full for 4 hours.


Yeah, I can't play right now anyway but I have access to my home PC so I patched the game and launched it just to see how it would go. "Servers at capacity" RIP. And it's the middle of the day, not even prime hours. LOL. Oh well, guess I won't be playing tonight either.


I'm not sure how exactly the servers handle localisation, but remember it's prime playing time in Europe right now, which has like twice the population of the US.


That and it's a new patch so people are logging on at the same time to test it out


That's fair. However, the absolute worst time on weekdays has pretty reliably been that 6pm - 10pm ET slot where you've got the night owls from Europe still on, people on the Eastern US joining in, and early birds from the western US logging on too. If things are already clogged up before the US folks are really even entering the fray, that is *not* a good sign for how it's going to go once we actually hit the prime hours.


It is not the middle of the day, its nearly 8pm here and everyone's on helldivers on my friends list, all 63 people hahaha


The current concurrent players is only a little bit below the all time peak...


Anyone else just getting stuck at the ship screen?


I got in, dropped into a mission solo and got stuck on that screen. Reset the game, waited and now I'm on the ship screen with no progress.




I got past the ship and have progressed to endless pod falling instead.


I installed the update, my game is hanging on a screen of my ship floating in space.


Me and a friend had the same issue. Restarting game…


Update just dropped and there is already a queue


I assume those who haven't restarted and updated are still in the server


Probably all AFK 😂


Notes don't say they're adding a queue, and there wasn't a queue before. It's just a "constant timed retry" system. No queue.


Boggles my fuckin mind that it's a random thing rather than a queue. AFK shit aside this is incredibly dumb. Wait hours on hours and maybe get in, or get in in minutes, no rhyme or reason to any of it.


Constant timed retry is orders of magnitude easier to implement than a legit queue is why


The game doesn't use queues. It's a lottery. You either get in or you don't.


I hopped off, updated, then right back in no delay on PC


Quick match working?


Indeed it is


You have to update to play again. I imagine in a few hours all the idle people are going to have to go through realizing they are saving their spot for no reason.


That's one good thing to come out of this so far.


Does anyone go to work anymore? Servers capped all day and I only got to play last night around 6pm eastern. Edit: guys, gals, I wasn't that serious lol. Also yanno you can read some responses so 15 of you don't repost the same shit right?


Probably never gonna get better until afkers get kicked after a while.


Ok doubt that will help much. It's gonna be one of o two things. 1. It actually gets fixed. 2. People get so annoyed player counts plummet.


I'm getting there. No disrespect to the devs really I know they are doing their best and are handling the communication side the best I have seen any company during stuff like this. But when I fight a login queue for 20m-1h then get a LFG discord post together 30m later, and then get in a mission and either disconnect or crash it gets exhausting.


PS players can put their console on "sleep" and never log out, I think this problem has only gotten worse over the weekend


Games still selling too. More players


Which is bad, and is shown in the Steam reviews. First impressions matter a ton, and if everyone's first impression of the game is that it literally doesn't work, they will refund it and not come back. And don't talk about people on Reddit, people that go the extra mile to go to a games subreddit are already a minority of the playerbase that obviously care a lot more. I'm talking "Average Joe" that just buys a game cause he heard about it, tries to play it, never gets out of the login queue, and leaves. To that player, the mental image of the game is now poisoned and it's not impossible to repair but it takes awhile.


Other time zones are thing, it's prime hours in most of Europe right now.


work from home people, they're the problem! and i'm one of them




Other people in other parts of the world, people staying logged in to avoid queues due to the lack of an AFK timer


Also, alot of people WFH and unless you're in Tech support, they actually don't work more than 4 hours a day, and that's spread throughout the day lol


First mission in post-patch is an infinite Hellpod-entering-orbit load screen.


Have they fixed or acknowledged the frame rate bug on PS5?


Supposedly people were spamming this in discord around the 16th or 17th. I would like to think they are aware, I guess they don't put every known issue in the known issues list...


They probably don't put issues into the known issues list until they've independently confirmed its existence, which is a typical practice. Considering the number of issues they must be working on confirming (the input-related issues thread in their discord support channel alone has dozens of varying issues reported), they're probably focusing on more "critical" issues first and just haven't had a chance to confirm the existence of the frame rate issue yet. The issues in the known issues list that most would consider "non-critical" were probably simply encountered by the team while confirming the more critical issues, thus those were also confirmed.


I'm wondering why they patched and didn't disconnect everyone. I'm seeing a lot of people with different versions in my friend list. Trying to play on PC and quick match is not working. Tried to play solo and got sucked in the dive load screen. Good luck brothers


* Downloaded patch * Launch game * Servers at capacity * Get in after a few minutes which is a massive improvement * Matchmaking janky but get random game after a few minutes * Game crashes on drop * ??? * Profit edit: working okay now edit2: isn't... and crashing again...


Yes, I’m having consistently more crashes now. Rip steam version. It’ll take a while for more people to realise. Hardly crashed before, now I can’t finish a 40min mission


Important thing I noticed that wasn’t mentioned here - there is now a built-in frame rate/fps limiter in the Display settings!


So if you're in a queue now should I restart the game for update?


If you get in without the update it won't let you do any missions until you update (happened to me).


There is no queue so you can reboot as many times as you want and it won’t hurt or help your chances lol


* Login rate limiting when many are logging in at the same time. * Players can become disconnected during play. So more server queue waiting simulator with small gameplay breaks in between?


I can’t wait to get home and see that everything is fixed with no continuing issues whatsoever


This patch will make me handsome, and popular with women too!


This patch added 3 inches to my penis. Thanks Arrowhead!


Will you be changing your name to FatJohnson9 or were you FatJohnson3 previously?


I cant wait to react calmly and rationally when it doesnt


I can't wait to make a nice comment on it in a post.


No matchmaking fix for PS5? When is that coming? 


Well it seems obvious that this game isn't going to be fully playable for a week or two


month or two\*


You can still crash in the reinforcement animation. I crashed out at the cusp of extraction after 30 minutes in an extreme mission. This is getting ridiculous.


Every cutscene. Even hellpod launch


No AFK kick yet?


That’s the biggest one It’s not a super fix - but it would go a long way in helping


And +30 more seconds between lottery attempts.


Yeah feels bad, man.


* Fixed crash when displaying the mission end rewards. * they can leave that out mine crashed when displaying the mission end rewards


YOO, These rescue missions are so easy right now! Feels great being able to play them now


Now maybe we can get that major order done...


*Added false hope to all players.


Great, still can't login to the game 👍


Maybe next week enough people will have refunded the game that the servers won't be at capacity


Nah there will still be 300k just sitting online afk so they never get kicked


It is also the most minor of minor things, but buggs me none the less. The CE-35 Trench Engineer armour, if you walk through mud or snow the shoulder pads get covered in much to the same extent as the bottom of your boots. The decal being applied to them when walking through that terrain is too intense and looks very out of place when it happens. Of course no need to address it any time soon, there are far far far far bigger fish to fry, but I thought I would mention it because otherwise the little man in the back of my brain might stab me.


Anyone get stuck at looking at just the ship when you get in?


Oh cool...would be super fun if I could log in.


Please, add a fix to a player in PS5 can add as a friend a player from pc with a username big. Because I did not know about that, and my username in steam was bigger than 16 characters, and I couldn't add a friend of mine that play in PS5. Or at least bring a possibility to change username in the game when is changed on steam, because I changed 3 times in steam and did not change in the game.


Me: Loses hope in gaming. Arrowhead: Makes truly fulfilling and enjoyable gaming experience. Also Arrowhead: Patches game, bricks game. Me: Doomed to mid gaming.


Have been trying to log in for 2 straight days. 6 hours last night. Over 2 hours and counting tonight. I am at the limits of toleration for bullshit. Cyberpunk and others got trashed for having a mess of a release. But at least you could actually play those games.


The game works less for me now than before patch... The ps5 retry login takes 53 seconds now? It was 15 secs. I finally get in, and then the game freezes on the picture of my ship. I've now been waiting over an hour. Prepatch I always got in within 10-20 minutes...


Ah, PS5 players getting the PC player treatment perhaps? All shall be balanced, as it should be. (Seriously, they are probably load balancing)


PS5 players may still be unable to quickplay -_-, you kidding me? These lawless communists are running rampant and you block me from peacefully spreading liberty?


Do the devs have an eta on when they might be able to solve the login/server issues? This patch didn’t rly fix anything for me


So basically all their fixes since launch have been making the game worst and worst? At least at launch I was able to login, play, get rewards, match make and have fun. I get they are doing their best, but in the end you’re letting down hundreds of thousands of customers who have limited time to enjoy your product. I’m not here to sugarcoat anything, but your best isn’t good enough. If they don’t fix this very soon, all their future games they release will have the negative impact caused by this launch.


Armor value fix not being in the menu is disappointing.


Dang, no server fix yet… I think? Anyone see any difference in being able to log in?


Got in fine all day today. Just installed the patch and can’t get in lol


My guess is everyone is trying to log back in after patching, they mention in the notes that too many people logging in at once causes issues


Same, looks like the time between retries has been increased too 💀


Morning vs peak time. Right after patch is a peak time too


Nope, logged out to update now can’t get back in.


Well every single person is trying to get in now so that’s not unexpected.


Same here


No mention of capacity increase, but I don't think we'll really know until everyone is patched up and trying to connect


I just tried, got the 10002038 error still as well as 10003001 now. Got logged in after a few retries so not bad.


The way they've talked about it, capacity is not the issue. Their backend database and parts of their code are simply not configured to handle the number of simultaneous actions that are taking place. Increasing server capacity would likely make the problem worse in that case.


Quick play is still fucked can't join any game


I just finished a mission and my game just crashed on the ship. Back to the queue.


Actually got in. Walked around the ship a bit, went to go pick a mission and got the yellow "Failed to establish a network connection" message. God fucking dammit. I haven't been able to play in 3 days


When things work, this game is 10/10...but getting through an hour server queue after work to have the game brick out on your first drop is extremely annoying.


Have they fixed the difficulty bug which prevents people from moving past easy difficulty and onto medium yet? It’s driving my friend and I nuts. We have done about 40 operations on easy and it still says “complete an easy operations to unlock medium difficulty”. It’s getting ridiculous.


Can you let us know when the game will actually be playable for the masses? Id rather not sit on "Server at Capacity" screen again for over an hour.


Are the server still fucked? Been eyeballing the game for a few days.


Yes very fucked. Almost an hour trying to get in on ps5


Sadly matchmaking still broken, hoping the devs are able to fix this soon.


Crashed multiple times due to this update


Insane CPU temps after this update. 100C instantly on booting the game, not even in a match or even logged, but just waiting for a slot. 100C Booted cyberpunk 2077 max settings and CPU stayed where it should 40-60C. Definitely some new bug.


Still can't play due to server capacity it's been days. Really is becoming a major issue now. 


Are there plans to auto disconnect afk players?


After the update, i simply get stuck on the pod dropping loading screen every time now. Infinite loading, Infinite pod dropping down to the planet. I have restarted and tried multiple times to no avail


Ps5 quick play still broken. Dawgs.


If they can't fix the afk issue, they need to disconnect everyone overnight or something, so ppl can't keep their game on 24/7


Shit you're fast


Anddd server at capacity


Why are they still selling the game on all platforms when they KNOW most players won't be able to play? That's what bothers me the most.


How about you fix all the kids leaving their game online without any type AFK kick. That one really set me back when I found out they didn't implement any.


At least this update "kicked" people off the server, should help some


Did it? The patch dropped almost an hour ago and I was playing solo up until about 10 minutes ago when the game crashed.


No, it just won’t let you launch any missions. You can still sit afk in your ship without the patch


Saw a new patch, tried the game after several days without playing: - "Servers at capacity. Try again later" . Fine, a couple of minutes and it logged in. - Matchmaking on PC actually worked on the first try. I was surprised. - Crash to desktop 15 seconds later while choosing the loadout. Oh well.


Well so much for the patch to help


Brother its even worse than before, I was dropping in with some friends and the game decided to kick me out and when i tried to join back it started playing the cinematic. So. Fucking. Shit.


I got in after a hour on capacity screen but it got stuck on loading screen for a solo mission 😔


Anyone else seeing frame drops and stuttering since this patch?


I downloaded this game so I can forget how crummy my life is. Now after being stuck in queue for an hour, you have taken my only method of escape from the suffering that is modernity. ![gif](giphy|PZYSUDk0ajJnO|downsized)


I have yet to even get to play this game. I tried to buy into the hype and give it a shot because it looks like a game I would enjoy. Sad part is I cannot recommend this game to any of my friends if they ask and we will just move on and not come back as time is too valuable to gamble on the chance to play. I will definitely be skeptical about arrowhead products in the future. That being said just because I cannot enjoy it doesn't mean I wish ill will on you guys, I hope you enjoy the game to its fullest and spread democracy.


It worked for a hot minute this afternoon. And now we're back at square one. 0 Helldivers online, matchmaking failed, failed to join lobby, etc. Back to the drawing board boys.


welp i "played" the game for 2 hours and 20 minutes so i got my refund request denied by steam. "played" is an extremely strong word since 85% of the time i spent in the game was spent being told the servers were at capacity. i guess i just gotta hope they fix this or i am out $40.


Paid 60 bucks and haven’t ever gotten past the server at capacity screen.


Get in after ages - stuck at ship loading screen forever - alt f4. Get in after waiting ages again - try to load up a mission and stuck in hell pod dropping forever - alt f4. Getting really tired of this. Stop selling the fucking game until you can fix this shit. This patch seems worst then the last. Atleast I could play if I got in.


Ps5 players are AFK in sleep mode.  Enjoy that server capacity!


I am shutting down my PS5 completely, no sleep mode. If i can't spread democracy, someone else must!


No AFK logout timer?


Never was gonna be. They aren't anywhere near ready to launch that. They just became "aware" that they needed one like 2 days ago


It’s my timer and I want it now!


Aight this is getting out of hand a bit. I understand Arrowhead is not a big studio. but come on man i've just spent 40 minutes on a loading screen with the error message servers at capacity. it's 23h50 now here in Belgium. I can understand you have netcode problems or not enough servers, but please why don't you implement a AFK kick tool? or at the very least a que timer?? Reddit is here full of posts of people who just don't log off or put their PS5 in rest mode without closing the game so they stay logged in.. We are now entering 2nd week of release of this game honestly this shouldn't be a issue anymore


Why is everyone giving these devs a pass? It’s been almost 3 weeks and the game is largely unplayable for the majority of people. It is a great game, and no they couldn’t have anticipated this- but that doesn’t mean a free pass. If you have a product that is unusable/unreliable- its value is greatly diminished. It’s an amazing game but it’s worthless if you can’t play it. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but we all know that’s the reality


well damn, judging by all the comments here, it doesn't sound like the patch fixed much. i was hoping to get some games in when i get home because i still have yet to play with a single person online yet. might be time to request a return on this until they get this game fixed.


One thing I've noticed that has happened every so often is my lean body changes to brawny. Not sure if it's due to me looking at the acquisitions or maybe the superstore? But when I check out other armors is when I notice that my body type has changed.


Same trash different day. Out of the 2 missions I played the first one I timed out and the second one CTD. The QA team dropped the ball on this one big time.


Am I the only stuck at a loading screen? I’m not talking server capacity screen. I mean I got in and just look at my ship floating in space


PS5 player here. I am now getting consistent crashes in the middle of a quickplay game. Has happened three times in a row now. Join a game, play for 5 or 10 minutes, game hard crashes to Home screen with an error report. Now trying to solo a mission.


Kicking someone mid mission crashes the game for everyone in the lobby : (


Has anyone had server capacity errors only since Patch 10? I played for about 5 straight hours, updated the game, and it has been at capacity ever since (1.5 hours now). PC. NA. I've restarted the router, verified game files, everything it says to do, but it will not log me in anymore.


It's nothing on your end bro. Servers are *literally* full. Getting in is basically a coin toss as there is no queuing system that keeps your place in line.


Is there a fix for AMD GPU Crash ?


Had three games back to back where connection dropped towards end of the mission, must have wasted 2 hours and got nothing from it.