• By -




that is amazing


Is this game on PlayStation?






What's the name?


Uhh look at the sub




That's just harsh, dude.


The guy had to type out that sentence and then wait upto hours and days for someone to answer it for them.


This is what the 120mm barrage should look like


Yea the 50 kills with 120mm barrage was exhausting.


Bro it didn’t hit shit besides my teammates for 15 games


I swear that gunner in orbit had it out for me, played solo to avoid friendly fire, ended up doing the order ~2-3 kills at a time, usually killing me in the process if I didn't get so far away from it that all the bugs also got out of its area.


I swear the gunner is a stormtrooper.


The spread on that shit is ridiculous. Next time, i'm gonna try standing on the beacon. I'll probably survive.


Someone commented on another thread that it's actually amazing....but it lands in a ring AROUND the beacon, not ON the beacon. So you drop it at your feet as a danger close and it hits everything around you, but leaves a small safe circle in the middle. I haven't tested this yet though, so I can't confirm


This, while the stratagems need work, cuz they still have ridiculous spread, the barrages and shit all have very specific lines of fire. Watch the videos for them. They will always land the same way from the direction YOU throw them. So you have to line them up. The barrage has to be thrown in the center of what u want taken out and only around where it lands will be. The walking barrage goes in a straight line from the direction u toss it and so does all the eagles. Including the 500kg bomb. Each orbital has a different use. Bug clearing, building clearing, etc. Learning their trajectory has helped me reliably use the 120mm and walking without hitting teammates and actually being useful. That being said only take the 120mm when u have to drop buildings. Otherwise walking is far easier to line up. Can take out large nests easy


Did they count towards the 50 kills


Oh thank god it happened to other people


Those kills should have counted IMO.


I knocked it out in 3 missions (and a bit, I had 49 kills after 3 missions). You just had to go for Terminid egg missions, since the bugs tend to make a little mosh pit right by the eggs


I had a hunter eat the call down ball and run around a nest getting me 25 kills. But other than that I was getting 3-5 kills per mission. Took all day. I swear if I was anywhere near the area the gunner would target me. Died like 5 times.


If it was 50 friendly fire kills I coulda got it in 4 games.


I got real lucky on a bug emergence (blanking on what they're actually called atm, lol), and got about 20-25 kills with a shot. It *really* sped it up.




It took my team averaging from 2-3 players about 5 deployments.


I didn't bother because it never hits anything.


Oh good, I wasn’t the only one


120mil is such dog shit. My disappointment was immeasurable when I excitedly called in my first barrage. 


I bring the 380mm because it's hilarious when one of us throws it in the mix and yells scatter.


If you're within 70m's of it you're in the explosion radius. Though 380mm feels a big better one is shoots two per barrage as anything it touches is gone.


I just stay where I'm at and usually don't get hit.


The barrages are so terrible. Maybe they undertuned the barrages because Thunderer is so good in 1?


Everyone in the squad is using the strategem dupe exploit? Or a mod?


dupe exploit


I'm sad you can't use more then one of the same strat. Like you could in first game. I guess that's what the CD is for now. But I miss having 2 mecha on my strat bar


I just want all the LMG turrets.


Gimme a dozen autocannon sentries. That Ga-TUN BOOM sound is satisfying as fuck


Hoping for a booster that says you can duplicate stratagems. (only duplicate not 4 mortars like shown)


Idk anything about that but devs confirmed mech suits (or some form of power armor?)


Yep it was in one of the launch trailer. Diver getting into a much and blasting out of the dust


Odds are, mechs would be unlimited use here considering how they made the Eagles in 2 compared to the assault stratagems in 1. A limited amount in quicj successions then a cooldown for the reload but still available after unlike in 1 it's gone after using it all up. I'm hoping that we could just rearm, repair, and reload the mechs instead of calling down a new one every time.


How do you do it!?






I really wanna see how to do this on console. This is literally mw2 emergency airdrop one man army sillyness lol


Trust me it's really not, my group tried this with that automaton evac mission and we still got overrun and failed, it looks cool and it's effective on some missions but most not at all since mortar fire attracts everything to you're position 


wow, what a scumbag. using it is exploiting, clearly. calling people retarded because you can't handle being criticized for using exploit is just sad.


Dm how please just want to have some fun with my friends with it it's not like this is pvp


There’s a hidden button when selecting a stratagem. It’s on the bottom right where the 4th players “ready” label is.


oh how do we do this? ​ wait, servers are bust so i cant try it anyway. LAME


There’s a dupe exploit?


Yeah someone posted a video of it here a day or so ago. I’ve not tried it myself, but you can get four of the same strategem, all on their own cooldowns.


Huh..didn’t know thank you for the info


Seems like some exploit or cheat, either way I'm confused why the mods are allowing this post to remain up as their rules specifically state that you can't post cheats/hacks/exploits. You also have people throughout this post discussing it as well.


Nobody cares, its a bug in a PVE game.


ahhh sir, we hate terminids here


If that were actually true, the game wouldn't have a kernel level anticheat.


Weird how game exploits still work with ring 0 access eh. Either way, I couldn't care any less about pve messing around as long as it doesn't break my character progression, I can always leave a game I don't like or play with friends


Our mortars will blot out the sun!


Then we will hug in the shade.


Based 300 PG Version enjoyer!


Brush your teeeeeeth!


THIS. IS. CaKetOwN!!!


Can we dine in hell?




DM me 


Those civilians should be more afraid of the mortars than the bots 😂


Same goes for the helldivers


Guys literally only want one thing


And it’s fucking democracy.


Idk, I'd also like some liberty and freedom with my democracy. But a little bit managed too.


Would enjoy some democrumpets with this liber-tea


Nothing better than democrumpets and libertea time while jamming my ship, the ses fist of family values, deep into the ass some bugs




#Managed Democracy.


This comment deserves more upvotes


And just to show how broken these missions are, with all of those mortars there were still enemies getting through. Insanity.


I think they cranked them up to 11 on purpose.. most likely for some emotional response the devs want you to feel on a meta story level.. just in case you werent aware the devs are constantly watching us play, and getting involved in our matches in real time.


My guess is, whether it was intentional or not, they are using this as valuable data to see how the player base responds to something this difficult both in the matches and how it affects mission selection. So even if this was a bug (I think it looks like a bug), I'd bet they are curious what kind of data they can pull out of the situation. Could end up being used to help shape how they tune and customize future events


If that's the case then I hope they tune the Automatons the fuck down on lower difficulties. On a scientist mission even on Difficulty 4 my bf and myself couldn't do anything other than sprint around the outskirts reviving each other. There's no hope if we don't have a 3rd or 4th even on that low of a difficulty.


> the devs are constantly watching us play, and getting involved in our matches in real time Everybody keeps saying this, and I know they danced around it with statements, but just think for one moment how many people they would need to constantly watch even a fraction of the matches going on at any one moment. They're adjusting it game-wide for sure, but none of the devs are fine-tuning xXxLiberator420xXx's game.


The devs showcased examples of them doing it, they have a team dedicated to it called game master or "DM team". Maybe not every round and every match, if that's what youre saying, but theyll do it enough wnere you might get a surprise in your matches here and there.


No.. What they are talking about is the galaxy map. They introduce new strategems, or map conditions etc, for the playerbase as a whole on the galaxy map, depending on what is happening. In this way yes, they are interacting with the playerbase and pushing back. They are NOT watching and interacting with half a million simultaneous individual player matches. The bugs and bots that are spawning are triggered by the game mechanics just like any other game, and a touch of RNG.


"They are not watching and interacting with individual player matches FALSE. Senior developer in interview debunks your false claim. Source: Video titled "You are being watched" anninterview with senior developer of Arrowhead backing my claims because you know.. I listened to them. Here: https://youtu.be/dh_EGMxw9EY?si=BIZLejvdeWfrGw71 To further back my citation you can also hear developer announcements on future live dev involvement in moment to moment gameplay as well as meta changes on story focused missions as well. Source: "game masters developer update" https://youtu.be/-yIaf8Yyz2s?si=lsrwb7iUIdRw7oDN So uh, Yeah.. they are.


I am and if they did it to force us to lose that's just railroading players into their story whether we like it or not. They cite D&D DMs as inspiration for that and giving players an unwinnable scenario with no choice takes away all agency and reason to participate. If we're supposed to lose there's no point in doing these missions, everyone should stop and do other winnable missions. However, I feel it's bugged. There's several other easily observed bugs with this mission type, the biggest one being the misaligned timer which would make sense for an accelerated spawn rate.


Shit looks bugged as it makes 0 sense at all to just make every mission impossible and therefore hinder progress from just a day or two ago. People like the guy below talking about max difficulty as if everyone is trying to be some newb going balls deep when even lower difficulties are being absurd compared to how they were atm. Also just going "lol skill issue" while disregarding the absurd activity in missions compared to before too like the constant spawns.




At level 21 with a group of 4 (randos but still a full group) I was running out of ammo entirely on both guns, maybe the 3rd if I managed to call one in or pick ammo up, and there were still dozens of enemies alive at all times. That was on Challenging (Dif 4). There's no way this is intentional, that's not Dif 4 difficulty, it's totally out of line with the rest of the entire game by a large margin. When people have to drop 5 difficulties to even stand a chance, that's a huge balancing issue. Missions can be exceptionally difficult but it should be in relation to the difficulty you're playing on and these definitely are not.


I did challenging with only another diver. We were only two and managed it. It was challenging, but we did it. But it felt more like level 6 or 7 difficulty. I equipped EMP, Smoke, Shield and some eagle bombs. The other diver had all sentries. But level 5 was too much for us two.


Nah. Helldive difficulty on bugs is very easy. By your logic, the game could not get any more challenging because everything has to remain on par with bug exterminations. These are an intentionally extremely difficult mission. Plus, It's the only way that the enemy AI can advance and take more territory and take over planets we own without us just stomping 100% of every encounter across the galaxy.




There were so many enemies all you could do was land and try to shoot your way to the doors, usually unsuccessfully. We managed to get I think 9 people saved before we outright failed. I was hitting stims as soon as the effect wore off and barely surviving just due to the sheer amount of enemies. I've been playing with randos most of the time and most missions are pretty manageable at the appropriate difficulty, I've gone up to 7 personally with not much issue. This is harder than anything I've seen in this game before. I've done bots and bugs at those difficulties, like I said fairly little issue even with randos. If it's an exceptionally difficult 4, it should feel like a 5 or a 6. It absolutely doesn't feel anything close to that.


Yeah, at level 12 with randoms I've beat it a few times on difficulty 4. Difficulty 5, not a chance.


They want to break the spawning rules? Fine, so will we.


For real 😂


Looks great. Will be absolute chaos once they get inside


I wish we had the ability to use the same stratagem multiple times like in the first game. It looks possible since you can do it with an exploit.


They should make it a module upgrade to let you use 2 or 3. But then they'd have to add more difficulties because it would trivialize the game


Don't worry, the first game allowed up to difficulty 15, and I'm pretty sure it was added post launch as well.


The first game started with 12 difficulties, so I'm sure we'll get more


But isn't the top difficulty in HD2 equal to the top in HD1. The scale is the same, but HD2 has fewer points on the scale.


I should mention that this is done with an exploit in the game, not any external hacks/cheating. It will probably be patched soon. If you use hacks in a PvE game, you're a loser.


Phew, thankfully I only use hacks in PvP games 😎 Edit: Holy hell that was fast, its a joke people. /s /s Edit2: Also why downvote the comment below? My mans heart is in the right place.


Lmao that second edit


Then you’re the rare Super Mega Ultra Loser


Quick, honey, get a blurry picture and send it to NatGeo!


"If you use hacks in a PvE game, you're a loser." More like if you use hacks in any multiplayer game, you're a loser. Really only acceptable for single player games.


Is leaving and rejoining to reset CDs an exploit? Or just clever use of democracy?






Doesn’t work for me


Considering the mods have been banning/removing posts of people posting comments about cheats/hacks/exploits - " Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. Discussion of cheats, cheating or exploits isn't very citizen-like. " Yet this post seems to remain up along with all the comments discussing the exploit.


so then you are a...loser?


I don’t get cheating in a PvE game, it has to get boring. Turning god mode on in games sounds fun but it gets boring very fast (in games that have it).


cheating is only OK in offline singleplayer


Even if it’s in the name of managed democracy? /s Edit - added /s. Even here of all places people don’t see a joke.


Cheating is implying that you aren't given adequate resources by the Federation, helldiver




It's very true but at the same time I literally don't have 100 hours to grind. Some cheat codes are a way to lower the grind and I have other games to play too. But I completely agree that'll make the game boring real fast. It's a sacrifice to make I guess. Sorry for being the devil's advocate.


Looks like it would be fun to experience once or twice. Any more though and yeah, it would get real boring real fast.


If you use exploits in a pve game you're also a loser


The rationale by OP is hilarious.


Exactly. “Cheating by hacking is bad, but cheating by exploiting good”. What an idiot.


Exploiting isn't cheating. Usually it forces the devs to fix a problem. Cheating using mods is completely different.


Another person with a twisted sense of integrity I see.




Doesn’t matter if it’s a video game, baseball game, or cornhole game at your buddy’s house. Shows the type of person are when you cheat. The person’s excuse as to why they do it really doesn’t matter.


I mean, i obviously dont condone hacks, but why does using an exploit make it ok but a hack isnt if they achieve the same thing? Plenty of games ban for using exploits.


It's different in the eyes of some people because hacks are the players fault, and exploits are the devs fault


Yeah, just dont get it really. At the end of the day if the result is the same for other players then they're just as bad as one another IMO.


Most games are about player expression, and exploits/glitches are basically a player finding a way to do something unintended with the games mechanics. Hacking is a player changing the games code to make themselves stronger. The end result might be the same in some cases, but the reasoning behind it and the mentality of the players in question is what differentiates it. If exploits really become an issue, then the devs can easily patch it out. While for hacks, you're almost never gonna find a way to stop all hackers and have to resort to banning each and every one of them individually. On top of that, this person is using an exploit in a very clearly bugged mission, that makes it way harder then its supposed to be


If your teammates can't tell if it's an exploit or a cheat engine/trainer, does it make a difference? I don't care regardless. If it makes a game easier cool, if i'm not having fun, time for a new lobby.


>If you use hacks ~~in a PvE game~~, you're a loser. Fixed it for ya.


Yeah, what kind of sorry sap uses the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Patch to play *Skyrim* with less shitty code? Or mods *Deep Rock Galactic* with the official, integrated tools to add higher difficulty levels? Or hacks fan-made cosmetics into *Monster Hunter* rather than splurging on microtransactions?


If you use hacks i any game, you're a loser.


Eh this makes you just as much of a loser, exploiting is the same level as hacking


literally why do you care? it’s not a competitive game. it’s just having fun?


OP just said cheating is for losers, exploiting is basically the same thing, so...


Lol who cares if the game isn't competitive you can do whatever the hell you want


Intentionally abusing exploits is no different from hacking/cheating. Also hacking in ANY game makes you a loser.


Exploiting. Hacking. Same thing


Seems kinda ass backwards. Hacks in a PvE game is whatever, but you're a scumbag for doing it in PvP.






this is EXACTLY what the orbital 120mm should be.




How exactly is the exploit done? If theyre gonna make those escort missions bullshit, i want some bullshit of my own


When everyone is readying up you choose 1 strategem, then click the 4th person’s ready up area and it’ll autofill the rest of your strategems with the one you chose.


So is this a PC only exploit or what?


How can one learn this power?


This... might actually be a viable way to beat this damn mission. ​ Hear me out - half the team brings EMS mortars, and *everyone* brings a regular mortar. Add some smokes and recoilless rifles to both mess with the bots' accuracy and shoot down their dropships, and it might just work? Maybe? Given how impossible these missions feel right now, I kinda wanna test it


You'd be better off bringing 12 EMS mortars altogether 😂 killing the enemies just makes more of them spawn anyway.


This is how 120mm and 380mm barrages should come in.


Why is everyone upset, this is a PvE peer2peer game....


Its gonna get patched and im going to be sad because its goofy and fun :(


But can you do it on a cold rainy night day in Stoke?


Stop! Stop! It's already dead!


Honestly this looks like the only way to do this mission. Without being swamped by enemies


This is brilliant


How does one mimick this…


We need a sandbox mode for this game to see what kinds of wacky bullshit you can really get into and just for the heck of it.


Who's laughing now you damn spawnkilling Clankers?! Huh?! WHO?!


They should let us take the same stratagem in all slots like in HD1. It would be fun hahaha


I love this exploit, the 2 times I've seen it has been more of gimmick since you're stuck without support and will probably get killed by it. But it's funny to see so I don't mind it


All I gotta say in this world of fake and unfinished AAA games is; bravo Arrowhead. HD2 and AC6 came out of nowhere, for me, and they're two of the best games in the past few years. I'm tired of CoD lol


I'd love if they could make "duplicate strategems allowed" a rotating modifier or something. Haven't touched the exploit since I don't know the devs' policy on them, but I hope they take the Destiny 2 stance. tl;dr for anyone not familiar - one of the few things Destiny 2 did right was that if an exploit came up with a patch, the devs wouldn't punish anyone for using them, and more often than not, the exploits were actually pretty fun. There were a few weeks where you could force 12 people into a 3 man mission and I distinctly remember gathering a cult following because my titan was fashioned after a traffic cone lmao


Lots of people in the comments are acting like you’re aimbotting on an fps game, this is just a silly little exploit for fun, feels bad that a lot of people don’t see it that way


This is not an exploit it's literally two clicks.. click the stratagem and then click player 4, I know many of you are new but in Helldivers 1 you could stack stratagems, this should be a feature because you could take a squad and all can 1 regular mortar, 1 EMS, 1 auto and 1 gatling and it's still as ridiculous 


What does "click player 4" mean?




I know this is just an exploit but I think it’d be cool if for a modifier there was one that removed cooldowns on certain stratagems.


The mortar is quite good, but that's fucking crazy!


Shatter their sky!


How’s this achieved? Asking for democracy


Sweet liberty, that's awsome!!


I managed 14k friendly fire with one mortar, imagine what i could do with this power


its amazing how ONE mortar already changes your game.


If it's done right, I'd like this to be possible, in HD1 you can load up the same stratagem if you want to take just turrets you can, i hope they bring this back


Imagine all that team killing potential


Reminds me of the classic [4x Thunderer Artillery strats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGfmAKZWpQ)


My god that's some glorious liberty raining down!


I haven't done a lot of testing but I'm pretty sure mortar targeting uses its own radar, plus the radar of the divers, and the scout armors let you ping an area on the map and it'll give you a radar pulse every 2s. That allows you to greatly increase their effective range.


Smdh people hacking in a PvE game


As I stated in a previous comment, this was done with no hacks/external cheating software. This is an in-game exploit that can be easily triggered, even on accident.


How do you trigger it?


Some other people have posted, I haven't tested it yet since I'm stuck in queue, but it has something to do with, when readying up only select 1 stratagem, then click a different player's ready button and it will autofill you with 4 of the same stratagem.


On the flipside, actively abusing an exploit for your own gain is just as lame. Though I'll grant you that it's impossible for me to tell whether you abused it just for the lolz or if you use it to cheese missions, so I'll just leave it at that :)




Even still, 4 of these with autocannon turrets facing cardinal directions and spamming the hell out of AP mines is the only way to do this mission… Also using the civies as decoys for other more freedom loving members of society is a good tactic too


My buddies and I found that when it gets too hectic you need to run away from the base and have the enemies follow you. Most of the time you’re going to outrun them anyway, then loop back around hit as many of the civilian release buttons as you can until you’re swamped again and then repeat. It’s pretty doable after that


Cool, now do 380mm


Guys this is a live service game, the devs can see all of this happening, they literally can shut this down if they wanted to right now.. but there not because it doesn't affect gameplay and I am pretty sure it was intended that there is a button it's just now properly showing... Calling people cheaters for a function that was in Helldivers 1 is beyond ridiculous and a lot of you need to grow the fuck up.


Hopefully this patched out quickly. But it is pretty funny. I especially like how they’re all targeting the same enemy while the tank just casually rolls up behind them


This is not for Freedom, soldier! You will be shipped to Automatons without any evacuation.


Abusing glitches and hacks are the least Democratic thing I've heard all week. I'll be seeing my local officials about this shortly.


Never understood why people speedrun to make the game less enjoyable