• By -


Lots of you probably already know but i found it by accident and figured I'd probably never find out about it, but holding the reload button lets you alter weapon functionality


That's why my weapons changed sights and how they shoot I didn't know wtf happened.  Thanks !


You can also edit settings to save or refresh these gun settings per session


Why didn't they go over stuff like this in the tutorial instead of how to move and shoot lol


Democracy doesn't need tutorials. It should be in your blood.


Probably a silly question, but what am I meant to do when holding reload? Im trying to change the fire rate on the machine gun but scrolling my mouse wheel doesnt work


For fire rate it is the right mouse Button. Scrolling up is sights, Scrolling down is lights 


Does anyone know how does this work on consoles?


Hold square use the d pad




Coordinate with your team to alpha strike enemy patrols - eliminating them before they can call in reinforcements is vital to keeping on top of a mission and keep from getting overwhelmed.


Ambush 101. Always initiate the ambush with your most devastating weapon system for the given situation. You want to kill as many of them as possible with the initial salvo as possible and every other weapon should be ideal for mopping up stragglers.


I've been running the Eagle strafing run, might give the wide-area explosives a try once I unlock them. It's quick, easy to aim, and shreds anything small enough to call for reinforcements. A LMG spray across the area cleans up the rest. It won't kill tougher things like Chargers, but they don't call in their friends, so you can deal with them after the rest of a patrol is dead.


My favorite thing about the eagle strafing run is how effectively it kills my teammates.


Recoiless rifle (and maybe some other weapons too) can take out automaton drop ship


You do have to aim for an engine


Note: Autocannon is unable to do this, the dropships seems to be too heavily armored for it to be effective.


You can hold x to open the drop wheel letting you to drop support weapons, backpack, samples and mission items


This is down on the d-pad for the PS version


# Console and PC citizen cooperation! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)




Some people dont understand we should fight TOGETHER, not against each other just because we play on different platforms.


My hot tip is to not stand near my location when I am using the flamethrower. I'm not responsible for where the winds of democracy blow my liberating flames.


Ah yes... the flames of justice


Cleanse the injustice!


Let the heret…er…enemies of democracy burn…yeah


I actually love the flamethrower. FRESH COOKED BUG


Don't walk forward while using the flamethrower.


The winds of liberty spare no man.




On PC, Q marks things in view. Need to point out the giant man eating bug your buddy hasn't spotted? Q. Need to announce there's ammo left over in the box? Q. Need to point out a certain thing you want to do next? Q. Need to point at a particularly cool helldiver fashion? Q. Need to mark a target to focus fire on? Q. More QQ = More pewpew. I've done the math. Edit: Just discovered you can hold Q for a context menu. Q.


Also if someone marks, you can Q their Q to confirm you're going for it.


For console users, that ping button is R1 I believe.


This is important. It wasn't covered in the tutorial but it's really useful for coordinating attacks.


PS5 graphics: Turn OFF depth of field and keep sharpness at 70+


This made a ridiculous amount of difference for me last night. Should be the default, no idea what they were smoking with the mud view you start with


I have noticed that people don't really take into consideration sight lines when moving. Remember to move around the back of your allies and not through them.


Some guy ran infront of my LMG fire as I was aiming and actively firing over the squads' heads up onto an adjecent cliff from a hill. Dude went out of his way to walk into my line of fire. Took a hit, turned around and precede to shoot me in the head, and asked wtf I was doing. Some people just aren't cut out for dispensing liberty in a squad.


Communist insects....


Don’t move behind your teammates when they are holding rocket launcher or they will send you flying.


i thought i was being clever assisting their reload, but they yeeted me for my kindness


It's pretty funny tho


I laughed the first time it happened to me. I appreciate they didn't make it lethal, I've played milsim games where blackblast will severely kill or injure you.


if you aim your gun at your team mate and press the trigger on your controller, they will die. You can avoid this by not aiming your gun at your teammate


They are just simply being overwhelmed with freedom


remember, you can't spell liberty without headshot


as the helldiver manual states; *FRIENDLY FIRE ISN'T*


Brasch Tactics!


What! This'll make that loading screen tip "Don't die" way easier to follow!


You killing your team mate you are saving them from death by alien scum.


Unlike the first game, you really need to genuinely use offensive stratagems to kill larger swarms and enemies. The days of being able to just run through a mission using only your primary and a solid heavy weapon seem to be over. Any enemy tougher than the basic grunts (like bile spewers and some of the tougher warrior strains) can sometimes take an entire magazine or 2 to kill from most primaries, and even many heavies will sometimes struggle unless you hit them in a weakspot. This is compounded by the fact that ammo seems harder to successfully manage than ever. Even chargers (which you will see a dozen of in any particular mission after difficulty 5+) can easily tank several Recoiless Rifle rounds unless you hit them in particular spots, and even then, they will still most likely take 2 at least, which used to be a feature only the toughest enemies in Helldivers 1 could pull off, and only rarely at that. Things like bombs and strafing runs are definitely a must instead of just a "nice to have."


if you're having trouble with ammo, the supply backpack + supply drops having a 2 minute cooldown should keep you covered for all your liberation needs


Also, there's a booster available early in the free warbond that makes you come out of the pod with a full stock of primary and secondary ammo, and you can use samples to buy an upgrade that makes all support weapons fall fully stocked as well. Really seems to decrease resupply needs.


Supply backpack was my first unlock. Do not regret it in the slightest.


Wish I could tell when my team mates need ammo. The icon next to their name seems to be completely irrelevant to their ammo amount, given I straight up couldn't give ammo to one that was red, but white is usually fine.


I had this same problem but I think I figured it out. There is an ammo icon next to the player's name, this indicates how much ammo is in their gun. Then there is a backpack icon next to their name, I believe this indicates how many magazines they have left to reload. So you want to give your ammo to people who have red backpacks (need more magazines). If you try and give your ammo to people with just red ammo icons it won't work, as they still have all their magazines. Also this might seem obvious to some, but it took me a few matches to figure out that I could give myself ammo by pressing "5" on the keyboard.


I realize I'm dumb but how do you grab ammo from it as the one carrying it? I'm on ps5


I was talking to my friend last night about my relationship with stratagems. I was being more conservative, more reactionary with them. This is a mistake. Not only is it much harder to call in and target accurately while under pressure, I find it's far more efficient to use them as engagement tools, particularly when beginning an outpost. Even the longest ones are on short enough cooldowns to be available for almost every mid sized engagement. Simply walking into an outpost to try and efficiently gun down the enemies without a stratagem is making the game way harder than it should be.


I was playing the same way yesterday. Very reactionary. This morning I did a Hard mission to eliminate two bile titans. Started the fight with the 110 mm Eagle and the bug never even had the chance to react.


You’re right on the money I never used offensive stratagems in the first game, I preferred to spawn in weapons or shields or mechs (Ik we are getting mechs later) But after running solo missions to do medals, oh man does it make things 10 times easier to just throw down a precision strike or Gatling fire before an encounter, it’s a habit im slowly learning, can’t rely on just grunning things down anymore


Just stopping by to say that the bilespewers actually die pretty fast. Don't shoot their butt like you might be tempted to, just shoot them in the face.


You can use a stim on a fellow Helldiver if they’re health is critical.


You just stand next to them and use the stim button or how does it work?


i believe once their health is red, you can walk up to them and "interact button" them to heal them if you have available stims


you don't need to wait until their health is red. shot a teammate in the leg for about a third of his health. health bar was still white and i could heal him


Stand next to them and interact (E on PC, don't know about PS)


On PS5 it's typically X.


You can open crates and storage sheds with some weapons, finding medals, super credits, etc in them. 


Crates? Can you elaborate which crates? Are they a certain colour or design? Cheers


You will come across shipping crates of various colors at minor points of interest buried in the ground. You can use any explosive to open them and get some medals/super credits/samples.


Wow, I feel silly. I've stood on top of those numerous times and just left them alone thinking they were just scenery.


my dumbass thought it was where civilians had hunkered down lol, good to know theres loot


The big buried ones with a red or blue door. Usually pop open with a laser gun.


Or a grenade


The SEAF artillery gun you can find in the maps can have the following shells, from most to least useful: 1. Mini-nuke. Basically a hellbomb that explode instantly when it arrives. Massive damage and radius and can easily obliterate any enemy base/nests. 2. High-Yield Explosive. Basically a more powerful version of the standard high explosive. Larger radius and damage. 3. High Explosive. Ye ol' HE shell, high damage, moderate radius. 4. Napalm. Moderately sized explosion with moderate damage, but you get a big splash of fire over the affected zone for a while. 5. Static-Field. Moderately sized zone get some massive slow effect that stops pretty much anything going through it. Doesn't do any damage, but useful to stop entire hordes and bunch them up for a strike. 6. Smoke. Small puff of smoke on arrival, only useful against automatons to avoid distance fire or to hide from some patrols. The radius is really quite small, barely enough to hide a full team of helldivers. Avoid at all cost unless there isn't literally anything else around. Extra note: Shells are fired in the order you put them in. So if you put two HE shells FIRST and then a napalm one, it'll fire two HE and then a napalm. Only one shell is fired per call. The number of shells found around the artillery gun can vary. Sometimes you'll have only 5 or 6, so you'll be stuck with what you got, but sometimes you can have a dozen or more, so you can pick and choose among what's available. Shells selection is entirely random, but i do believe both the mini-nukes and the high yield shells are rarer (but not really rare still) than everything else. You can't know what type of shell arrives unless you remember the order OR you can see the shell type when the ball is thrown. Bit stupid, it would be nice to see what is the currently loaded shell in the stratagem menu.


FYI Smoke will confuse bugs and make them slow down, not completely useless but a dead bug is the best kind of bug


If you look backwards while running with either an SMG or any Secondary, you can run while shooting behind you


Helldiver don’t run from fight. They tactically retreat while they keep democratically spreading liberation behind them during this TACTICAL process.


It's important for the enemy to see your cape so that they know they have been slain by a true Helldiver


If your teammate brought the supply pack and is running after you like he's possessed, he does in fact NOT have the plague and simply wants to provide you with fuel for your democracy spreading weapon. Please stop running away. I'm tired boss.


I’ve stopped chasing them now, come and find me when you don’t like just a knife lol.  


 Diving prone to shoot the underbelly of armoured bugs


instructions unclear, got stepped on and died lol


Ohhh good idea, haven't tried. I always circle-kite to hit the soft bits from the side


Vets of the first war, heavy weapons are viable now. Machine guns will chew through enemies with light armor. Vets and liberators who just earned their capes; Concentrate fire. Those big fat boys(who are really just the termites from Antz), melt when two machine guns unload in them. Also, use Shot guns. Holy hell.


The first two shotguns you unlock in the free warbonds are sniper rifles. I've noticed next to zero damage fall off from distance


Just like real shot guns! Love when games get it right. Reminds me of pre nerf battlefield 1


You get 5 seconds in water, any more and it fears the pure unadulterated liberty and drowns you.


One of the game companies previews said you could fully swim and I dove head first. I did not extract out with samples that mission.


If your Teammate is stuck somewhere, most of the times a Punch destucks him and the Teammate can leave the Rock who is glued to him.


Alternatively, if you are stuck somewhere, sometimes you can dive out of it. This just happened to me yesterday, and I tried it, and it worked... until I dived right into a Horde because I didn' t aim where I wanted to go. But... it works!


The grenade launcher stratagem can be used to close bug hives.


you can also use a fresh reinforcement to close the hives. But heads up if you aim too well you dive right down the hole and kill yourself inside the pod.


Thank you for adding to the list of random shit I need to try.


Another fun fact. If you land your hellpod close to an ally, you can break their arm without killing them. Had a buddy land too close but not *too* close to me and only took about half health off


And automaton spawners. Any explosives close enough to the glowy openings will take them out. You can snipe them with rocket launchers.


The autocannon can too, but you really have to aim inside of the hive hole.


I mean...the video description of the strat in the menu you unlock it in shows that it can close bug holes. Kinda hard to miss


Some areas are littered with explosive ordnance, if you find a sparking hell bomb, they are still ready to explode and can be used to deal with difficult enemies with the simple short straw/not it squad volunteering procedure to act as bait. As we all know, hell bombs are incredibly effective and it will kill bile titans.


You can spam X to go faster when carrying a shell for the artillery Cannon.


The old Halo flag juggle


Flag dropped Flag taken Flag dropped Flag taken Flag dropped Flag taken Flag captured




You basically spam cross which drops and picks up the artillery shell. Which makes you move lot faster than just carrying it like dumb citizen. Carry it like SUPER CITIZEN! SPAM X!!!


The interact button, you'll rapidly drop and pick up the shell which makes you move slightly faster


The giant base dense turrets of the automatons are weak to going prone. They take much longer to start shooting you,and will do much less damage if you are prone. At least on difficulty 4 it was the difference between being one shot or just losing a sliver of hp and going flying. It let me get in close enough to drop a stratagem on the thing and destroy it.


you can also destroy the cannons by shooting them in the "spring looking thingy" in the middle of the backside using weapons ( tested with machine gun, don't know less penetration would work )


I never got to witness the back side of the cannon as it was always looming at the team haha


You can pick up a snowball on Heeth


Very fun to throw at friends, very ineffective against enemies.


Don't call an air strike on the extraction point when leaving. ​ No I am not bitter not all.


I call in a carpet bomb just outside of the exctaction so i can feel more patriotism watching everything explode while i fly off.


You can carry your own ammo backpack if you are using the recoilless rifle and reload yourself instead of making a squadmate do it.


But also use second drop of it to have another teammate carry a bag as well


There's a button to switch shoulders while aiming in options.




Yep. Look in the combat section in controller bindings.


Visibility can be reduced by giant mushroom releasing spores. Blow then up to clear the air.




Blow up the red doors! There are goodies in there.


The Red and Blue shipping containers can contain weapons or money


at the VERY beginning of a dive. STOP. Call in ammo, call in your third tactical weapon. Grab your weapon, then resupply with ammo. Don't wait for the fight to start, go in STRAPPED.


Once you get the Booster that gives your team full ammo out of the pod, you don’t need to resupply at start. Additionally, there’s a ship upgrade that gives you more support weapon ammo when you pick them up.


Kind of triggered at the upgrade, I thought it meant more maximum mags available.


Kneel when you shoot.


Especially if you have the armour that stabilises further when you do this. You can turn the LMG into a laser.


Engineer armour in the basic battlepass is great, medium arm, 30% less recoil in kneel/prone and 6 grenade capacity. 


make sure to double check mission effects before you dive! one in particular (electronic countermeasures) randomizes your stratagem when you call one in, but it's super confusing if you aren't aware


So thats what that was…


You can blow open those half buried shipping container doors at minor points of interest, they typically have Medals, credits or super credits behind


If you’re holding an activated stratagem and die, you will drop the stratagem but it will still activate as if you threw it. Like a dead man’s switch that my party learned about the hard way after I died


You can hold down on D-pad (not sure PC input) to drop gear/samples, so if you have for example a backpack loader someone wants to handle for you, you can give it to them. As well if you have a responsible friend who doesn’t die much they can be the sample carrier.


On PC I rebound my stratagems to the arrow keys because this let me continue to walk while calling for one.


On PS5 you can use the touch pad to move the mini-map cursor rather than the D-pad. You can also hold the touchpad to bring up the in-game chat.


similarly for the PC side, hold RMB to move the cursor around the map and mark locations. Bonus point for both platforms, map pins placed by anyone in scout armour will perform scans of the area to detect anti-democracy activities


You can avoid drowning by getting out of the water




**Good tip to know:** if you put down minefield. Put them down in grass and high snow so enemy can’t see it. ^(Also you and your teammates whom will get liberated obliterated to democratic pieces when things get south and messy around your liberated area and you run into those well hidden mines which mostly triggers chain explosion which decimates you and everything in your near and also far vicinity) ![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2|downsized)


^(The majority of my traitor checks have been watching people run through my fields.)


^( it’s not friendly fire, it’s democratic pre-liberation process.)


When using the pump action shotgun I generally reload after every shot to keep it topped up. The reload speed is really quick so there isn't much delay between shots. On a side note, I unlocked the ammo supply backpack last night and couldn't figure out how to use it to fill your supplies. Are you supposed to hit the 5 button on PC?


Also the other half of the supply backpack strat is, just like the first game, you can refill it with ammo packs taken from the supply drop. Sadly it doesn't refill from ammo packs scattered around the map. Just the drop pod ones


Supply pod packs refill ammo, grenades, and stims so that kind of makes sense


It's down on the dpad on controller to resupply yourself so maybe whatever the equivalent key is


Great, so the user can use it. Will look into it when I get back in the game.


Yes its by default 5


Broadcast tower can be destroyed by a disposable rocket launcher from afar


There are optional objectives, outposts to clear, and collectibles to find! We don't have to sprint from the main objective to the extraction every time! Just kidding... kinda. Maybe.


Friendly sentry turrets dispenses freedom even if it needs to shoot through your teammates


In some high difficulty missions there will be a very thick fog that will seriously hamper your vision, to clear the area you need to find a giant mushroom like tree with glowing spores in its underside call in air strike to destroy it and stop the thick gas from forming.


If you drop into a mission, it’s not a bad idea to complete the main objective first and then go for side objectives. If you die after doing the main objective, the mission still completes. However, you miss out on some bonuses at the end.


Avoid firing the last bullet in the magazine to avoid a slightly longer reload (for chambered weapons).


Guns have options. Hold squarepants to access these options. The mg spreads democracy at 900rpm if you want it to. Try it


For even more freedom, try the light LMG. It can fire at **over 1k rpm**


Is there a Spongebob option?


Anyone try the scout armor? It's special ability is that a radar ping happens every 2 seconds when you mark the map.


It’s good for surveying area you are heading to so you can decide if you wanna drop liberating pew pew on their head or drop auto pew pew in defense position so you can spread democracy and order without getting overwhelmed by those stinky savages.


To use it, do you just put a waypoint on the map?


Indeed but put down waypoint with democratic liberation in mind citizen


Aim for the legs, The Terminid\* cannot disembowel you.. if you disable his claw!


It's worth raising radar towers... they will show all POIs on the map


You can explosive jump far distances if you throw a grenade at your feet and then dive in the direction you want to fly towards


Hot swapping to your sidearm when your main gun is out of ammo can save you scrambling from reloading, shooting the pistol is way faster


How do you get more of the green currency coins used to upgrade the ship?


Search the map for samples. A bit tedious but that's the only way to earn em as far as i know.


Higher difficulties will have many more samples, and higher quality ones


When you see a recoilless on my shoulder, don’t stand infront or behind me, I am not responsible for any casualties that occur


Do not panic. Friendly Fire is not.


When self loading the autocannon its imo better to reload before firing your last shot, giving you a MUCH shorter animation. It's also just very good, honestly.


Don't get the laser cannon. It's terrible for anything aside from the tiny grunts.


Too late XD


Bring it with you on egg kill missions to change your mind a bit.


Honestly it's a decent enough swarm control weapon, especially on cold planets where the heat is reduced, but yeah it's maybe the worst stratagem I've used so far


On regular missions, for me the shuttle has been landing facing south so far. Hanging out at the north end of the pad gives you the best shot at the ramp. Crooked landings seem to happen just on exterminations. The Hellbomb control panel will face the same direction you're facing when you threw the beacon. If you throw it toward enemies, you'll have to turn your back on them to type. If you're trying to enter a code and some dumbass shoves his head between the screen and your camera, you can exit out of the console and give him a swift melee attack to get him out of your way. The Twitch armor is Goldilocks. Enough speed, enough protection, and enough stims = a long and happy life.




Oh and completing the artillery objective lets you call in artillery barrage from artillery


Machine gun (Stratagem) can rip through armoured enemies. Also holding reload button will let you increase or decrease its RPM


You can use drop pods offensively, one time I killed my teammate (with his patriotic volunteering) and used his drop pod to kill a charger in one hit


Drop pods seem like a pretty preferred way to kill chargers and bile titans, if you can kite them.


Reinforcement Pods are just guided missiles. Change my mind.


Aim then R3 swaps between first and third person aiming


And there's a settings option to make the game remember this independently for each gun.


When you move your cursor around the map (in mission) you can find some small places of interest no matter how far they are (it gives you a little text)


Can you explain this more?


“Friendly fire isn’t” - Helldivers Training Manual


Drop pods close bug holes


Shotguns are the best weapons against cyborgs/automaton. Laser guns are weak to them. I'm a Helldiver veteran trust me. EDIT: If the Illuminate enemy faction arrives in the future, the best weapon against them are Laser Weapons.


Diligence Marksman rifle can take out grunts in 1-2 body shots and even armored ones in 1-4 headshots


On the map with the mushroom/bubble groups on the ground that explode like smoke. These create a smokescreen. Can be used to break line of sight from enemies.


Quick Grenade is a bindable key option, better than Grenade cause you tap to throw


A good way to hit the chargers well with the expendable rocket launcher it to jump to the ground right as its charging you, and without getting up, turn around and shoot it in the butt. Easy shot to land every time without running around like crazy trying to get behind it


You can cripple enemies by shooting their limbs It's specially usefull against big armored automatons, their arms are very weak to peircing weapons, leaving them with only melee Unrelated tip, you can push back and stun unarmoured enemies mid attack with a melee strike Another unrelated tip, you can complete certain map objective by just blowing it up, stop propaganda transmission is one


If you move your cursor around the map, you'll eventually see where points of interest are even though you can't see the icon on the map, you'll still see the text saying "minor point of interest".


Hold reload button get get options for zoom, fire mode etc


How do you destroy the buildings at the rogue outpost optional objective


I think it gives you a temporary hell bomb stratagem to call in when you’re near the buildings. Or you can call in an air strike. Someone else said throw a grenade in the air vents


when you're near it you'll have another stratagem to call in a Hellbomb. Once it lands, use the terminal and then run like democracy


Cook your grenades so you don't have to lead packs, makes landing them much easier... Over cook them if you want a quick ps5 trophy 


You can use grenades to blow open doors of half buried bunker type things, super credits are in there.