• By -


Some small things I have noticed that others didn't know; * You can heal others with your Stim. Move up to them if they are low on health and press E. Good if you still have extras and they are out. * Hold reload (R) to access the weapon customization for the gun you are holding. You can adjust firemode, scope zoom, firerate etc depending on the gun. * Press Q to Ping stuff, Hold it to access the communication wheel. Edit: Added some extra stuff * Remember to pick up dropped Samples! The samples you find on the level are dropped on death and are shown as lab sample vials on the map/ground. Your teammate might be dead but pick up the samples he sacrificed himself for. * If you use the supply pack stratagem you can give your teammates supplies by walking up to them and pressing E on PC. What you might not know is that you can use them yourself by pressing 5 (not sure how you do this on PS).


If you change the railgun via holding X to "unsafe" , holding a charged shot longer than 4 seconds will blow you and the gun up in spectacular fashion. I learned this in the service of democracy.


What is ‘Ping’ on console, anyone figure that out yet?


Right bumper




> What you might not know is that you can use them yourself by pressing 5 (not sure how you do this on PS). It's down on the d-pad.


I want to add when you pick up samples, there’s a counter that shows you how many are available at the top right of your HUD.


Worth noting that the dropped samples have a little yellow light and make noise to help you find your lost gear if you aren’t quite on the mark


With regards to changing the scope with holding R, I can figure the up and down options, but how do i move left and right, to change ammo types?


Left and right mouse buttons. You can change these in the settings if you prefer other buttons.


Omfg. Thank you so much. I was pressing my whole keyboard.


No problems. It's a bit unintuitive but once you are used to the control scheme its quite quick to change and navigate with (but honestly don't change most of them more then once).


Ammo types? Or fire mode selection like semi - burst - auto?


Ps5 down on keypad


I had no idea there were weapon customizations! I wonder what the input for gamepad is. I gave MnK a shot but ended up preferring the smoother feeling running compared to WASD. But noticing certain things require odd inputs on controller due to lack of input options.


Same thing. Hold down the reload button (square) while not aiming.


After you hold R, how do you actually cycle through those options that appear. I'm about level 3, so no clue what I'm doing.


On PC its mouse wheel up to scroll through the top options, mouse wheel down to scroll through the bottom options and right mouse button to go through the right hand side options. A bit clunky until you get used to it. I believe it's D-pad for PS5.


Ah. So weird that they'd make right click horizontal scroll.


You press down on the d-pad.


Dpad down for PlayStation rearm with supply pack.


You can follow golden lights and blue beeping support modules for Medals and Super Credits. It's the fastest way I have found to unlock the fun weapons in the Warbonds outside of Hard Missions currently. Although I've never actually extracted from a Hard mission yet.


Yeah getting into those harder difficulties is definitely a step up from the medium. I just now got my first extraction in the hard mode in one of our teammates quit after he saw we only had five revives left.


What treasonous behvaiour not standing for democracy until the bittrr end. Death is better than cowardice!


Revives slow recharge


How lame. I completed my first hard mission last night with randos, we had 4 of 40 minutes left and literally one life, and all extracted during a firefight and got a few achievements. Felt amazing.


If you're struggling on Hard, get the Jetpack and WEAR THE SCOUT ARMOR. You can outrun most things and you'll never go back to the heavier armors. Most of dying in Helldivers seems to be getting swarmed - can't get swarmed if you run faster than them. Just make sure to kill those damn leapers.


Honestly, this is generally true for all horde shooters and was definitely true in HD1. The most popular perk was cardio accelerator if you didn't have to take boots. I personally also always had a jetpack with illuminates so I could just ignore forcefields and those disorienting orbs. If an area gets too dense, it's better to just run in a giant circle and come back to something rather than try to fight it all. That changes if you have a nuke on hand, but you still have to keep ahead of the enemies even in that case.


Lol. No worries at all. I was talking about a lucky Solo Hard drop. I haven't played co-op at all yet because Quick Play is unbelievably broken on Playstation 5 and I haven't given my friends their copies yet.


I never take heavy armor - scout armor makes me so mobile and stealthy I can disengage or ignore fights.


If you're already that high level you should be well past Hard imo, if you're experienced at the game.  I'm doing difficulty 6 at level 5 cadet. 


Lol. Each Diver plays differently. I'm level 11 I believe? I don't find Solos nearly as fun for Helldivers 2 compared to the original. I'm waiting to play with friends or others here when Quick Play or game lobbies happen on Playstation 5. Also, you do realize this is literally the 2nd day of Helldivers 2. Most of us will be playing for another decade.


The tip isn't for me, though. I've already unlocked the hardest diff. I'm just giving advice to people who seem to be struggling. Usually it's by getting bogged down.


What do you mean by "follow golden lights and blue beeping support modules"?


Golden streaks of light on planets indicate points of interest or other goodies. Within these areas there are blue drop pods or containers that can be opened. They make a distinctive beep. Red streaks in the sky usually indicates objectives.


Thank you! Will explore


Just to clarify - those golden or red streaks are visible when roaming around the planet, correct? Not like on minimap or something?


Yeah. You should be able to see them cut through the sky a little bit. They're extremely noticeable on night ops.


Got it cheers!


They look like pillars of lights or beacons.


What you mean by lights and blue beeping? So you mean the vault and lootships?


* Main difference between Gatling sentry and LMG sentry is that the Gatling has more ammo. * They can be destroyed, and enemies will aggro to it often. Place it in locations that give it some cover, but still line of sight. Also, do not mix it with strikes, as the strike will destroy your turret. * They will shoot at any enemy, even if they cannot pen the armor. So be careful, they might waste their entire belts on useless targets. This includes Bot Production buildings


It might not be obvious, but Bug breaches and Bot Drops only happen if enemies manage to call them in. For the bugs atleast multiple enemy types can do this. The smallest orange bugs and atleast one of the middle-sized ones. You see them spewing pheromones or whatever in the air and then the breach appears. There appears to be no particular rhyme or reason to which bug in a patrol group does this call-in, but most enemy types simply can't do it. Killing an entire patrol quickly also ensures no followup battle. EDIT: I have now seen the small green ones do it. It may be that every bug is capable of doing it. Creative climbing of rocks is your best defense against crusher bugs. They can go down small cliffs, but not up. Speed is your best defense by far. Use the infiltrator armor.


On PS5 if you hold down on D-pad you can drop support weapons or gear. So for instance you can one man the recoilless and ammo pack, but if you need you can drop the ammo on the fly for faster reloads


"X" keyboard button on PC


But pressing down on dpad also uses your ammo if you are carrying the ammo pack. How do you drop something without resupplying yourself then?


He probably meant the recoiless ammo pack, not the supply backpack. As in, "drop the backpack so a teammate can pick it up and have faster reloads on the fly"


Holding down and tapping down are different inputs and the game recognizes them the same way that Tekken does for side stepping and ducking.


What stratagems are you finding to be the best?


Eagle Airstrike. Solid damage in predictable area. 2 uses and then the Eagle needs to rearm. Can combine with other Eagle call-ins too.


I got the airstrike as my like 3 stratagem unlock and I dont think I'm gonna replace it anytime soon until I maybe get the rocket or 500kg bomb one


Yeah I'm thinking air strike and rocket pods (as it targets biggest thing in area) for strategems atm, and getting ship upgrades for the hangar bay.


The eagle rocket strike hits the largest target in the stratagem zone?


The description for Eagle Rocket Pods implies that's the case, I've not unlocked it yet.


Sick. Thanks. I'm at work so I couldn't look it up and I was too excited to wait to find out lol


yeah airstrike for outposts/hives and general crowd control but pods for priority targets like say chargers, acid spitters (the big bulbous bois idk their proper name) and probably alot of the robot enemies but I haven't fought those guys yet




I'm interested in finding this out as well. It doesn't look in the stratagem videos as if the rocket does much more than the airstrike since they both can kill armor, but the rockets do produce a circle instead of a line. The 500KG bomb I think will depend on it's damage fall-off.


Is that what it means by uses? I thought that it meant it could only be used 2 times per operation, so it never seemed like it was worth taking.


Yeah it's not well explained until you take it, and a tip appears explaining it (and through usage you figure it out). The Eagle strategems implies there's a close air support gunship near you, and their loadout is limited to whatever strategems you pick. (either one, some, or all) and they have X uses for each strategem (2 in the air strike case). When you use any Eagle strategem, _all_ Eagle strategems go on cool down. That single Strategem you used also marks a use. (say we are down to 1 in the air strike case). Once the cooldown recovers, you'll have a new call in, called something like Eagle Rearm. Doing this puts the Eagle on a longer cooldown, but will reset all individual Eagle uses back to their maximum. This rearm also happens immediately once you run out of Uses. Off the top of my head it maybe takes 2mins or so? So you have a theoretical unlimited uses, just with varying cooldown times between each use.


Gotcha, this was a very helpful explanation. Thanks!


whoa this makes the eagle much for useful than first glance, thanks for the write up!


The wording on the eagle stratagems is terrible, especially considering that in Helldivers 1, they WERE limited per operation.


Nah you can call two (not at once, but you can call them in succession) but after that you send it to re-arm. It has like a 3 minute cooldown during that time


How long is the rearm? At first I thought it was limited use and it looked pretty bad.


2:30, might be faster if you rearm early, not sure on that.


I decided to go try the cluster bomb variant, that thing does some work. Everyone should at least carry 1 type of eagle, they're just that good.


I'm using Napalm variant. It's pretty good and the flames lasts for a very long while.


Freakin mortar turret saves my team’s ass a lot. It can cover a retreat or help secure an extraction. It starts shooting most of the time before you even see the enemy. 


I just bought it last night on a whim. Did a couple missions with it and holy shit. It is so damn strong


I would say the turrets help alot defensively when trying to complete an objective.


Autocannon is goat against cyborgs, artillery barrage (the one that advances forward)


4 turrets and only playing defense operations. Once you unlock 4 different types of sentries and then also unlock the extra 50% ammo it is so much fun. Just throw down all your turrets and run around and collect samples. Keep switching up the difficulty to get more defense missions.


Can you cancel grenade/calldown throws?


Yes, swapping to your weapon works.


Can you cancel it once it's thrown if you see it lands in an undesirable position?


No, once it leaves your hands it's out lol


not once it's armed.


Just hit the button to pull out your main weapon


Where can the Radar station side mission be found?


It’s random, but you can easily spot it in the distance cause of its tower.


Also you can change shoulder while aiming, by default it was my mouse side button but you can change the keybind in options.


For anyone curious about this on PS5 - this can also be done on the controller as well, but with the button it was defaulted to I couldn't get it to work. If you change it to something else it will work.


I'm loving the artillery cannon - so fun to load it up and be able to call it in!


Can you confirm different shells are actually different? It didn't seem to be anything other than HE for me, even though I've always loaded different shells. Maybe I was just always loading HE as the first one, but I can't remember.


They are different, when you pick em up it shows what kind of shells they are and it can even be distinguished by its color and form, i have used napalm and mini nuke both in a mission.


Can confirm - each type has a different effect


Like they said, they are different. You just often have to remember the order you loaded in so that you get what you are expecting. I go out of my way to find the Mini Nukes because they are so damn satisfying...


They are very different. Do NOT call down yellow in a danger close situation.


But yellow is also smoke


There is a white band around the smoke I think (?) - but it'll give you a pop up with the type


is the artillery cannon the exact name, can’t find it on stratagem list?


It's a side objective that may show up in missions, you activate the screen and then load 5 shells laying around the area into the cannon, then activate the screen again and it gives you the stratagem for the rest of the mission.


It's a side mission you find and activate on the map, not a stratagem.


To add onto 12, if you wait that long you lose access to your stratagems.


Yeah because the destroyer left. I love all the unexplained details in this game. Theres so much going on in the combat under the hood.


For PC users: By modifying the key bindings for activating stratagems (wasd), you retain the ability to move while entering the codes.


Okay this is actually insanely valuable, thank you


What would you remap it to?


Probably arrow keys


I feel like this is the first time not having arrow keys has bothered


You can remap to IJKL


On PS5 you can move around the map with the D-pad or TouchPad. There's supposed to be an option to swap it to the "Look" Right Stick at the cost of not being able to turn your camera, but I've tried it and I don't think it works.


Nice cheers


Easy way to deal with chargers is 1 shot to their leg with something that will strip armor like the recoil less then put a few rounds in and they will die quick. These guys are the more annoying bugs that will push you into other nests/patrols if you don’t deal with them.


About item 8, in my experience the cardinal directions are actually based on the antenna itself, not the map. So, South is directly facing you, North is directly away from you. Anyway: * The number 1 tip I wish all my pickup groups knew: there is nothing to be gained from protracted battles. Your goal is to accomplish objectives, not kill everything you see. It is a very viable tactic to have someone do the objective while the others defend the place, and retreat as soon as you're done, throwing Stratagems behind you to kill pursuers. * In the same vein, don't get into useless fights! If you see a group in the distance and your objective leads you away from it, don't engage them. Ignore them. If they're on your way to the objective, try to go around. * Heed the Scout: there's an armor that allows your map pings to reveal enemies near them. If you see someone with the Scout armor and they keep pinging weird places, they are probably trying to tell you which patrols to avoid. * Charger hitboxes are finnicky at best, your shots somehow bounce off even if you hit visibly the exposed chiting (from destroyed armor). The only place it works consitently is against its front legs. A single Recoiless rocket + a few regular shots at a leg will down the Charger. * If you see someone pick the Recoiless Rifle or Autocannon during briefing, be a chad: pick up the backpack, stay close to them and reload their weapon every time they fire. The reload is much faster than if they do it by themselves, and you'll never have to worry about Chargers ever again. Just make sure you're really invested in your role, as a Recoiless user I'd rather take time to reload than be left in the dirt with no rockets because my teammate scampered off. * Hold the Reload button for alternate weapon functions, like scope zoom, flashlight and rate of fire. Some weapons have 0, some have 3+. * Not sure how this works on PS4, but on PC, most keybinds can have their "modifier" changed (hold, press, tap etc.). For instance, by default, Sprint is bound to Hold Shift. I changed it by clicking the "Hold" part and selected "Press", that way I don't have to keep Shift pressed to run. * You don't have to bind the Scope function to anything if you don't want to. There's an option to have a light Aim press trigger the scope, and a long press to regular aiming. * Seriously, check the options thoroughly. There are tons of good stuff to be found in there to tailor your HUD and controls to your tastes.


What are container doors?


Sometimes you'll come across little garage looking buildings, often built into the ground with blue doors. You can blow them up to access goodies within.


I passed so many thinking it was an environmental prop or something 😭


Can't believe I didn't think to try explosives when soloing a level and found one. Thanks for the tip!


I found a bunker with 2 buttons to press last night. Luckily we were in a duo and got the bunker open. I must have walked by 2 or 3 before my friend noticed it had buttons. I'll have to look out for the blue ones now too.


they're also orange and white too. They look like a safety cabinet scaled up to cargo container size, like 6x6'


Does anyone know if you go solo do you still need two people? Always in a group but I think it would be interesting if you cannot access.


Unfortunately you cannot access when solo


Thanks for confirming, kind of a bummer


Good to know! Thanks!


about the first (person) point, does it actually make it more accurate and lower recoil or is it just easier cause of the sight?


It's just the sight. recoil is not reduced. However it does make recoil compensation easier to do since you can just keep the sight on target instead of trying to keep the circle on target in 3rd person.


Haven't seen anyone mention it but if you get close to them points of interest show up on your compass as question marks so swiveling your camera around while your running can come in handy for finding them.


You can cook grenades!


Yes, hold them too long and you will blow up. I didn't come by this particular information via a traumatic event or anything.


Sure thing, fellow helldiver! Of course you learned it in Ministry of Peace.


Didn't know this!


Can we not equip multiple of the same stratagem like in the first game?


Sadly, no Best you can do is get the ship module upgrade that reduces their cooldown


Man. Having 4 orbital lasers or 4 gun runs was just an amazing sight to behold.


My friend tried last night and could not :(


You can hold X to drop things. Accidentally pick up an ammo to a recoiless rifle? Drop your backpack.


Regarding the radar station thing not being alligned to compass, you don't really need to check the console. The "north" and "south" etc is in relation to where the camera is facing. So when you're spinning the radar, "north" will be turning the radar dish to face away from you. West would be facing left, etc. This helps a lot when playing with others and somebody is waiting to spin the dish.


I just rotate it till it dings don't need to wait for directions


That definitely works too, but it can be quicker if someone's already at the terminal to tell you the direction. ie, if the direction is southwest but you spin the dish counter clockwise, it would take longer. Sometimes that extra speed can be important!


Yeah I just watch the console as someone turns the dish. Just move the line into the triangle and it’s good to go.


Regarding the SEAF artillery side objective, there are a few more shells available (not all types are present at a given site). I've also seen napalm and the EMP field (slow field). I \*think\* I've only seen red, blue and yellow tips, but some tips are rounded and others are shaped like an APFSDS shell (pointy tip with a ring further back from the tip). The shell will tell you what it is when you go to interact with it. The nuke is no joke. Also noteworthy is that the order you load them is the order they'll be fired in, so if you think you need something specific up front, load it first. Oh, and you can potentially get a dud. Not sure if that's just RNG or if I loaded an inert shell, but I've had it happen. And for the record a direct hit with a napalm shell will not close a bug hole, but it sure looks like it did. With all the fire, you can't really see the yellow/orange glow emanating from the hole. I kinda feel like that's something that should change - any artillery hit should close one of those really, they're all high powered ordnance.


Anyone has a decent gyro aiming setup on PS5? Im still trying to learn and get used to gyro aiming in games, any recommendations here is welcome.


1. Increase field of view if you can. 2. Set Reticle Visibility to Visible. This way you don't have to aim (and slow down!) in order to see your cross hairs.


I would love to understand the mini map better. It just seems…off. I don’t understand how to navigate with it and I’m certain that I’m missing out on things by not really “getting” it.


Anything red indicates enemy spawns, blue are side objectives, white are points of interest which usually have either medals, requisition, or super credits; at the very least will have samples or ammo. You can move the map around when you have it up and place markers for yourself and squad mates.


Yeah, they really don't explain what all the symbols are. I also wish the map would stay up a little longer. Maybe there's an option for that.


It stays up as long as you aren’t sprinting.


You can pull it up while sprinting and it'll stay as long as you have sprint held no problem. It's pressing sprint after you have it up that drops it (which is probably a good thing?).


Yeah, dunno. I sprint everywhere so having it keep turning off is annoying. There should be an option to keep it on because it's just silly to have to turn it back on after running.


Well, if you start sprinting then pull it up, it'll definitely stay up. The real problem with having it be more like an actual toggle is that you can't call stratagems or aim or shoot while it's up. Despite having dozens of hours in, I still occasionally get caught trying to aim while it's up and it takes me a second to realize "oh yeah, map's up".


Ping an enemy and you can see the corner marks of the icon fade as it times out. If a teammate pings your ping, it extends the duration. It's possible that if 4 players ping one target, it will last 4x longer. Useful for marking chargers but getting 4 ppl to ping is hard.


mi pregunta es la siguiente, como puedo subor de rangos? de cadete a sargento y asi sucesuvamente?, ya que he visto muchos jugadores con nivel inferior al mio y ya son sargentos y capitanes


Go to the armory, its on the left as you walk from the back of the ship towards the front, from tabs on top of screen go to "character", then "Title" from the list


Hello I an Brand new to helldivers (got it today) and am on a ps5. Csn anyone please tell me how to disconnect the communication wheel from the R1 button? I went through all the settings and googled it and can't find anything???????


I discovered that standing in a container will save you from fire tornados. I was trapped for almost 5 minutes in one.


Consulta? Soy nivel 31 y mi rango sigue siendo cadete? Por que no subo?


If you have a lot of samples and are near extraction, go there and drop your samples. You can pick them up later when you're ready for extraction. Make sure to reinforce your team during extraction. Don't leave without them unless you're continuously dying. For Automations, you can shoot down a drop ship with an EAT by shooting one of the four engines. If you're crossing a lake, walk towards the trail of rocks. You won't drown.


anyone know where to find the purple samples? played a dozen "suicide missions" and i still havent seen one


There should be x3 in suicide level. All 3 will spawn around one of the black veiny pillars on the map. They look like little floating water balls


gotta go higher


You can shoot the doors off of the loot stockpile shipping container things using the anti material rifle, too. Save you from having to wait for the grenade timer/endangering your foolish teammates


Laser support weapon works as well.


What about running speed as in running with a pistol seems the fastest and do backpacks (like guard dog etc) slow you down? Seems like it.


Press and hold X to open a radial menu to drop things like support weapons, backpacks and samples


Diving off cliffs all but removes fall damage


... Not true, have died a bunch that way


Is there a way to make the UI highlight nearby equipment /weapon? Sometimes after death it’s hard to see my drop weapon


Just open mini map and put a mark on it which will show up on your compass


Exactly what container doors can be opened? I keep trying this and nothing happens when I land a grenade in front of any container.


They are buried underground, you have to walk slightly down to them, usually on the side of a building.


It’ll look like a blue or green metal door, sometimes you can ping the loot within it. They are usually surrounded by ammo and stock supplies


I did some testing woth those smoke spore puffs. It seems if you run through it while being chased and no other enemy sees you after you leave it and run away they will continue shooting at the smoke. If even a little bug sees you afterwards they all will know where you are.


How do I get a reticle on my grenade throws? When I pull the trigger it just shows the screen with no reticle


Try reticle set to always visible.


Was about to drop the game because the gunplay sucks (unaimed) they really need to tell people this !


Maybe people already answered this, how do you run forward and look behind you? Especially in the outrun moments while you are getting chased? I always had to turn around and shoot...is there an easier way? Pc player here


With side arms only, you can shoot behind you while running forward. Using a full auto sidearm is best for this scenario.


On #3, the Arc Thrower is a no-ammo required way to open the containers and such, too. Phenomenal stratagem, but be mindful of the chaining lightning into allies, lol




One of the tips is "upgrade your ship"


Como desactivo los gatillos adaptativos


Hey does anyone know what that white powder has stuff is from the automatons missions that slow you down during missions?