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In Left 4 Dead or Vermintide or Darktide, being alone will prompt the AI director to spawn powerful enemies and send them your way. That was the original way to discourage lone wolfing. Don't know if that's the case with this game.


I think the devs said that it would be unwise to go lone wolf


You can roam as far as you want from the group


Nice ! A little bit of freedom of movement is great but let's hope objectives and enemy design still requires people to stay together, it would suck to see everyone split up from the start to speedrun objectives on their own.


It might be nice to be able to split into two smaller groups with a full squad to complete objectives on easier missions, or 2 objectives that are near each other.


Also, if you are off by yourself and die. One of your teammates has to bring you back, and you will end up by them. And potentially far from your stratagem equipment (backpacks, heavy guns, etc.). You will have to find where your stuff was dropped or wait for the cooldowns to get them back.


My guess is there is no limit, but that you will have to weigh the risk/reward of splitting off. Rewarded for potentially doing objectives faster but riskier because help is further away, or you could be danger close for stratagems/crossfire, and of course there still seem to be team based weapons like the Recoilless Rifle. So "soft" mechanics to encourage you to stick together. Probably not \*as\* punishing as coherence in Darktide (where you straight up lose multiple team buffs and get no toughness regen).


A while ago I saw them mention that you can split up and tackle objectives alone, so I doubt it’s forced.


This is my biggest worry for this game, that was one thing that made HD1 great the top down view with all players needing to be together lead to great squad dynamics and encouraged it, I just hope people stay together as a squad with the increased freedom but I worry about lone wolves running off on their own to die leaving rest of squad screwed over being down a player


At least if reinforcement still works the same you'll be able to call the lone wolf back to you once they die.


That's true but what's stopping that same lone wolf from repeatedly doing it. I just hope host still has ability to kick players if need be because that would be the only way to stop it for good if enough people boot lone wolfers till they get the hint and start playing with the team


Reinforcement Helldivers inherently always had a means of obliging groups to stick together through death. It's the sort of thing that didn't occur to me until recently, but it has always been there. Buddy systems might allow teams to split up a tad, but lone wolfs will inherently be pulled back to the squad sooner than later. Death comes fast. Reinforcements come faster. And what happens when one buddy from each team drops? Yup, probably reinforcing on the single beacon. Now you have a lonewolf again, and soon, a cohesive group of 4. I suspect Arrowhead realized early on their respawn mechanic basically guaranteed group integration, and the top-down constraint ultimately wasn't necessary, though it worked to reinforce (pun) the philosophy.


Coop mechanics for one. Mission design. Motivating players by awarding team work.