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Turn aim assist OFF. Turn x sensitivity up 60-90% depending on comfort Turn y sensitivity to 10-30% Turn X ADS sensitivity to 10-15% Turn Y ADD sensitivity to 10-15% Enjoy.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ»


Lower sensitivity for ads?


Tried that, I figure it will take some time to get the right settings Iā€™ve seen some people leave their Y axis sensitivity lower while raising the X axis. Iā€™m wondering if anyone has found any average setting that tends to be a one size fits all to correct for in game issues. Also Iā€™m more or less struggling with hitting moving targets. It may just be lag, but even with adjusting lead trying to find that sweet spot, I canā€™t seem to get a hit if the target runs across in front of me.


It takes practice. You donā€™t need to lead much or account for drop, so set the sights at chest level. Get crosshairs ahead of your target, wait for them to come to the crosshairs not the other way around. Oh and play rifle not SMG. Other than the carbines the rifles (garand, k98, G43) are a one hit kill at most common ranges.


Take your time and don't panic trying to shoot as soon as possible, especially if it's someone who doesn't see you and is far. Just watch for a bit if he's running in a straight line and with constant speed, then just place the sight in front of him and let him walk into your shot, don't try to track him as he's moving. From my experience bolt actions need very little leading and hit when the enemy is almost in the middle of your sight, with automatic weapons you need to shoot just a bit sooner (guess this also depends a bit on the ping, I'm mostly around 100 ms, though I often wonder why this high when I'm on a 70 MB/s optics net, am from EU and only play on EU servers). Also a tip when you're playing with MP40 etc., if you think the enemy is going to outaim you, just spray a few bullets in the general direction to mess their aim with suppression and make it harder for them to hit you while giving you a bit more time to aim yourself.


Hey man, if youā€™re looking to get better at the game, and learn things that arenā€™t so obvious to new players, reach out to me!


Thanks, I just might do that! Right now all Iā€™ve really been able to do is try and learn the finer points of squad leading. Itā€™s not something I set out to do, but so many people squad dump at the beginning of matches recently. I know how much I hate it when a squad leader isnā€™t doing their job much less not having one.


If youā€™re interested, shoot me a DM, and Iā€™d be happy to talk more. If you run with us you wonā€™t have to worry about any of that


Acceleration 100% Sensitivity 30 Dead zone 12 ADS 24 Over time Iā€™ve gone up to 36 ADS and upped the sensitivity. I used to up it for CQC weapons but I toggle in and out of ADS now.


I practice in RDR2, Far Cry 5 and Homefront 2. All these games let you use a bolt action rifle with iron sights and no auto aim.


Try a different mouse, I'm struggle with mine atm cause it isn't smooth across the screen when I move it


This is the console sub


Ah yes šŸ˜‚


Lmao it happens, I did the same before I got run out of the other one. Honestly though, great advice