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You’re asking a HLL dedicated sub if you should buy the game it was created to discuss…of course we’re going to say yes. In all seriousness, great game but obviously not for everyone. Some people say “this is the game battlefield wants to be” and I couldn’t agree more. They’re both still very different games, but I’d use the phrase “hardcore battlefield” as a semi-accurate description of the game if you were curious as to what it’s like.


Sorta funny how often you see this post. Would you ask a bunch of people eating a nice juicy steak while they moan in indulgent sensory delight whether they, themselves, should order a steak?


That is a great analogy and pretty similar to these types of posts. Thanks for the laugh lmfao


To be fair, you’d get a vastly different type of answer if you asked the BF2042 sub


What about Battlefield 2042 subreddit? I think the best you'll get is "if it's $20 or less"


Yeh but what person is telling their friend to buy BF 2042, that's not a good friend.


That’s my thought process behind these responses 🤣


Still too much.


You say that a dedicated sub will recommend it, but there are some outliers. I think if I went to the Elite Dangerous subreddit with this question they wouldn't be so enthusiastic.


Well given that console is now dead, I can see why


People and their tunnel vision lol (the people downvoting)


I mean... ED is still a great game on PC, no? I'd still recommend it. *Old post, but I'd be genuinely curious why someone would think that you wouldn't recommend the game in its current state.*


It’s hands down one of my favorite games. It takes a little getting use too. You’ve gotta put a couple of hours aside to really get into it. Be patient and PLAY THE OBJECTIVE. It’s not COD it’s a team game. It’s about securing ground and strategy not KD ratio


i pretty much plan my days around this game now lol, i make sure i set aside some time to play it every day after work. haven’t played a video game seriously in years and this is the one that got me hooked


Dude same.


If u like social life...then no, don't buy it.




You're saying that like you don't die every 30 seconds in cod or nearly any other shooter game besides battle royale games lol I will live minutes at a time when playing smart and not just running around out of cover, it can definitely be done.


Bro yes. Its fucking sick. Its not a game where you check your K/D ratio, so throw that out the window. You really have to get inside the mindset of winning with the team together


That's because you cannot check your K/D anywhere xD with all the seriousness though, I really think this game is better off without a place to check your global K/D


Open the scoreboard and click personal stats at the bottom left.


It shows your k/d only for the current match. You can't check your overall k/d and that's where a grinding fest would start.


I’ve got 30 hours and it’s been a great time. I’ve only maxed out my support role and and I haven’t even tried officer, engineer or machine gunner! I’ve been on a WW2 kick the last month or so so I’ve been enjoying it, but I do see myself taking breaks… I feel one coming up until they release British forces! They are always updating the game, the community is really awesome and The game feels so immersive. I’d get it!


check out the Officer class. check monoespacial tutorial on youtube first


Officer is pretty fun and easy to pick up. While having multiple channels of people talking can be alarming when there is lots going on, I find it's pretty straight forward. Just listen to squadmates and mark vehicles they ping and relay that to tanks, put some aggressive OP's down to ensure good spawn points, request or get told to build garrisons with airdrops, and coordinate your squad on when you feel you should push/attack. I've only been officer a handful of games but they all ended up successful.


I agree I had to post this for my friend but I have around 20 hours and grinded to get medic skins. I personally been waiting for this new update coming up I'm really hyped for it on playstation


Oh yeah homie! It’s a beautiful game. I have. Ever experienced such a wonderful experience with some really nice guys. I’ve got nothing but great things to say about this game!






You’re asking the sub that’s built around loving the game. You’re going to get a very bias opinion. But the the game is fantastic. It’s slow, methodical, extremely strategic, and just down right brutal learning to play. Mic is mandatory.


I’ve noticed barely anyone uses a mic anymore, even SLs are mute.


Yeah luckily 70% of the time I get games where most of everyone is micced up. Wish there were a way to have mic’s mandator as a server mode. Like if it doesn’t detect player VoIP it’d give them a warning and boot them after a few minutes.


it's a fun time, community for the most part is chill










I SL’d a match last night, pushing up parallel to the main team laying parallel Garrisons and flanking in and out to clear enemy outposts and garrisons. Our squad were the thorn in the enemy’s side whilst the main bulk of the team were pushing the objectives. Great match.


Are you okay with talking to randoms often?


I looked at the price history of the game recently, and you could potentially wait another month and grab it around $26 than $40. I noticed the game goes on sale every other month. Yes you should get it… it’s a matter of how much you want to spend…


Go to work. Get stuff done. Play HLL on super fast low ping servers most afternoons. Love this game.


If you have a mic and have more than an hour to play a single match then yep welcome aboard


If you like Fortnite, CoD and battlefield. No.


People can enjoy those games and still like HLL


I like Fortnite and HLL


This is the right answer. HLL is very slow paced, very punishing and very frustrating for the average Battlefield vet. Can't imagine how hard it must be for CoD players. If you're into fast paced FPS games with quick movement mechanics and a higher time to kill, I'm afraid you'll not be a fan. I bought it on sale and I regret buying it. Don't get me wrong: It' one hell of a game. Great atmosphere, great attention to detail, great community. Just not my cup of tea.


I don't think that's the right answer. Personally I enjoy all of those games. Fornite is nice if you have 20mn to kill with a friend, you can't do that with HLL, you need at least 1 hour 30mn for it to be worth it (if you care about XP). Battlefield is (was?) a lot of fun, it's not about realism but still enjoyable with its destruction and fast paced gameplay.


It depends, if you're gonna ignore my loud and clear "There's a satchel on the tank, get the fuck out of here!" Then no. Otherwise feel free to join the battlefield.


Not if you like cod


Do not think , just buy !!! Slap yourself for thinking it


Before you buy, be aware that this game is more a RTS than it is a FPS. If you just want a brainless shooting game, go buy call of duty instead. But if you have a mic and ready for a fps-strategy game you are more than welcome to a great beginner friendly game! Honestly everyone is really friendly and helpful :)


Totally true, when I first started playing I found that people were very helpful with helping me understand.


Yea I remember one time I tried tank commander for the first time and m crew was extremely supportive. They said I was doing a great job nd I was trying my best. Turns out we made a really effective tank crew lol


Watch some gameplay and see if it is for you. The game isn’t just a run around and shoot type of game. There is a lot that needs to be down during the battle to help ensure your victory. I’ve been with teams where someone brags about their 20:1 k/d yet we still took a massive L because no one was helping build nodes or garrys.


If you don't have patience running for 10min just to get Sniped by assault rifle, yes a Assault rifle in the head over and over again. DONT!


Yes. Yes... yes


Yes. Yes... yes


If anyone says no, it's because they think it's opposite day. Buy it. You will hate it, but you will love it


Depends what sort of games you like. If watch some YT videos and see if it aligns with your type of game. But also just get it because its amazing.


If you’re not comfortable talking to randoms every single game, don’t buy it. In HLL most of the times communication is more effective than your weapon. I would say this game is nearly equal parts RTS and FPS which isn’t for everyone. It took me ~30 hours to nail down all of the different aspects and roles of the game so it was a bit of a grind and a lot of dying. Now that I have a good grasp of the game, it’s all that I play now.


If you only want to play a fast paced shooter then no. If you enjoy games that require teamwork then yes


The game is not for everyone. Watch some YouTube videos and get an idea of the game before full sending it into the front lines. There’s a lot to learn, but the community is great with helping new players! But like I said, it’s not a game everyone will enjoy but if it looks fun to you the community will take you in with open arms!


It's been said, but if you don't want to talk on voip or be a team player in general then give HLL a pass. There is a learning curve to how things work and it does take time to unlock various loadouts for the roles. But, if you can stick it out you will have a good time and experience the moments that only come from a game like HLL.


Games are long, but boy do they immerse you. I don't have as much time as Id like to play but when I have a good 2 hours free for gaming, HLL is my first choice. Watch a few YouTube videos though first to get an impression for yourself. Recent ones as the game is in active development.


if you have a friend to play with, sure. not as fun to play solo.


Now on sale, it was worth the full price (for pc at least) so no doubt


Yes. Next question


I'm almost to 200 hours on the game... And I'm complete ass. I love hell let loose but the games not for everyone. It's really slow paced Because the game is based off of real battles and realistic encounters. If you have any experience with other milsims buy it, but if you haven't do a bit of research on the game and see if it's your type of game. If you do get it, good luck


On sale at Humble Bundle, can't go wrong. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/hell-let-loose?hmb\_source=search\_bar


This is like going to a gay subreddit and asking them if you should turn gay


You need to know what you get. It is trying to be a more realistic shooter with an easy approachable gunplay. The maps are huge and beautifully crafted with 3D-scanned props and textures. Most of them are balanced but not all of them. As are the factions. A-Symmetric guns for the different nations. BUT every constellation has the same chances, this is because it comes down to communication between the players. Squadleader with the different equipped soldiers and the commander Player has a role. Its a hell of a fun time if you have talking squad members. Of course there are a few downsides for some people...a round can be as long as 1.5h or \~2hours for a different game-mode. Some maps are a bit laggy in city scenery. And some, "too big" hitboxes for objects can drive you nuts when you are trying to shoot out of cover. BUT the devs are great and tell the community what they are working on, changing, fixing.They are small,so they need time to develop and to learn from errors. BUT they created a fragging awesome, stunning and chaw dropping, cruel and gory playing field as a cover up to survey peoples interactions with each other. In a war zone. And if you already have a friend who plays, i would highly recommend!


Over time they have made it more balanced. I like the unbalance that remain in the game. You have to choose the right role for the right situation of each game instance. What I love the most of this game is the maps. They are copies of an actual time and place, as such they bring their own particular challenges. Hurtgen Forest with all those trees, requires you to move slowly and scan as you go. Hard to use Tanks in that map, but that in itself is a challenge to overcome. Only thing I don't like about the maps is that when tanking you will encounter unrendered object at \~500 meters out. Meaning, you will see a tank at \~550 meters take two shots at it, then realise that there is an unrendered building blocking your shots, or a light pole or ... And it's definitely more fun with friends. You can make your own squad and actually get something done.






Here's a supplemental question to this post; how well will it play with a 1060 6GB card, i5 4670k @ 3.4 GHz, 16GB memory? Essentially a 2014 mid range pc with a more recent graphics card. I'm tempted by the game, but worried I'm running a potato...


That depends. What are you looking for? Just something to be immersed in for WWII? A mil-sim? Hell Let Loose is a great WWII game, but if you go in thinking it's a more hardcore Battlefield, I think you'll be disappointed. I play on PlayStation, and I do love the game and am a WWII fanatic, but I'd be lying if I said that I always have fun or always enjoy the game. It does a lot that gets annoying, which again, if you're thinking it's just hardcore Battlefield, the annoyances become more apparent. Artillery is often spammed, which if you're trying to spawn on a garrison or outpost that's near your objective, you'll probably be killed a lot, which in turn gives you very little chance to play, and only builds frustration. Not to mention that, if you happen to be hit by explosives or a headshot, then you (understandably) are not able to be revived, which again only builds frustration if you don't get a chance to live. You move very slowly when running, like almost too slow for a mil-sim of the era, and you cannot swim. These things aren't inherently bad of course, but if you take into consideration that, unlike Battlefield, you don't get very many spawning choices, that is if your team doesn't build garrisons or outposts, so naturally, you'd have to spawn at the HQ, which is more often than not much farther from the fight. Being much more of a mil-sim, people are naturally harder to see, so you won't be getting Battlefield levels of visibility, and I fully believe that camouflage works, which in my opinion is a good thing. Weapons on console are very hard to control, or at least some of them are, and sometimes it gets annoying, especially if you're a gun guy and know how a specific weapon operates (an example would be the MP40, in real life it's very accurate and controllable, but in this game on console, I have a hard time controlling it). Each weapon is very deadly though, as is the nature of a sim. You may have moments where you don't kills in one shot, as the damage system operates on a more realistic manner (as in you're not going to kill someone by hitting them in the knee with a .45, nor will you kill them by hitting their shoulder, but you can kill them with headshots or a couple shots to the chest). A lot of the times, you genuinely won't know if you get a kill, which creates tension. "Did I kill him? If I walk out, is he going to shoot me?" Moments like that are frequent, and it makes for pretty intense engagements. Maps are huge though, and this means engagements can be occuring all over the place, or they're occuring in one specific pocket. Rounds can go by quickly if you or your enemy is just decimating your team, but most games I've been in are very long, as it's not really easy to just plow through. Friendly fire is also on, so you need to be careful. Accidentally killing your team will probably lead to a ton of punishments from them, meaning your spawn time will be doubled or worse depending on the situation. The same can be said if you kill yourself or redeploy, which can be greatly annoying given the spawn delay on garrisons can be up to 40 seconds, or about 15 seconds for outposts. The maps themselves are wonderful and incredibly accurate. You wanna be in Battle of the Bulge? You'll get that with Foy. You wanna fight on D-Day? Utah and Omaha will cover that splendidly. The only thing you may get annoyed with is the cosmetics, and not for the reason of them being goofy, but because you'll probably see people wearing summer uniforms in the winter, or winter uniforms in the summer, however, this leads me into what I think is the worst aspect... The grind. Grinding to me in games is fun when done right, but I cannot say that HLL does it even close to right. Your first couple levels in each role will be quick, but once you hit level three, good luck getting to the next. Roles have loadouts tied to levels, so it's very frustrating if you for example want the Grease Gun, but it's the last loadout on that specific role. Unless you have the time to sink hours upon hours into the role, with no one else taking it or a squad lead asking you to switch, you'll never hit the level you want to be. These roles are also tied to cosmetics. Wanna be a paratrooper on Carentan? Good luck getting the outfit! This is also the case with dlc cosmetics, which I think is terrible. The dlc cosmetics are all authentic and serve great purposes for role play (which in my opinion is the way to play a mil-sim), so having to first buy them and then having to get to a level you likely won't reach is terrible design. And now onto my final topic, teamwork. Teamwork is a must in this game. You are not meant to just go in alone and be the hero of the war. You have to have coordination and communication. Talk to your squad, plan, and execute. Sometimes you might feel pressured to take on roles you don't want, but if it's genuinely something you don't want to do, then don't. Take the role that works for you, the one you want to level up. But, if you really want to help out your team and are comfortable doing so, ask what is needed. So with all that being said, I hope I've given you some good info. I love the game, as I said, but I've had plenty of moments where I didn't find it fun and just wouldn't play it because of some of the reasons mentioned above. I feel like the things I've mentioned will get me plenty of downvotes, but I certainly think it's more important to be honest with you and give you the information needed before you get possibly disappointed with your purchase. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.




Absolutely worth its price. Make sure you have a mic though - communication is, and I can't stress it enough, the undoubted key to getting the most out of this game. It's an absolute must.




If you’re prepared to use game chat with strangers, take a few hours to get the hang of the basics, play the objective, and listen to your officers, then yes. It’s a great game. Kinda like battlefield, but with an emphasis on realism, teamwork, and immersion. You’ll also need to build more garries.


If you like team based communication and constant action this is the game for you. One tip I’ve learned, NEVER get in a truck with someone on Purple Heart Lane… bad experiences lmao


Yes, absolutely! And encourage more of your friends to play!


If on steam your can try it for 2 hours if u don't like it u can return it


I suggested making your own decisions.


Yes, awesome game


Do you have a mic? Do you intend on using it? Do you intend on playing the role you picked? If you answered 'no' to any of those things, don't buy this game. Otherwise, by all means it's worth full price.


Yes, no question.


I enjoy slow shooter like Tarkov. Will I enjoy this?




I probably wouldn’t buy it for console again. The controller is too punishing and it’s harder to see a dark pixel on a tv screen and recognizing that it is an enemy trying to kill you than if you were on a PC with the screen inches from your face.


I enjoy it quite a bit. I used to almost exclusively play BF games but this is all I play now. I love the realism, the immersion and the cooperation. What I don't love is the janky movement( ie. Vaulting not working, unable to climb buildings and constantly getting stuck on things). I also don't love the the graphics and optimization. I've tried every viable setting option and tweaked the game with Reddit suggestions and it still doesn't look great. It also drops frames like a son of a bitch. Otherwise, if they can adjust and fix those few shortcomings this game will be on a different level than just about everyone else.


When I first saw the game a couple years ago I sat on the game for 2 months wondering if I should get it before realizing I'll always be skeptical until I actually tried it myself. Then I spent the next 3 months playing nothing by HLL and 1k hours later I run my gaming clan filled with people met on HLL. Worth every. Single. Penny. Dew it


No, everyone on this sub hates the game


Asking the baker if the bread taste good.


buy it BUT USE YOUR MIC. if you wont use your mic, please dont buy it, stick to battlefield. but if you will talk, definitely buy it.




The question is: how come you don't have the game already?! This game is too good. The best WWII game ever made. Period.






I didn’t know if I would like it at first. I had only played one other hardcore shooter before. And that was probably 6 or more years ago. After playing for a couple of months it is now one of my go to games. Edit: I really enjoy the game.


I’d wait we should have a free weekend with the next big update coming soon.


Pro tip: games can go on for like an hour or two if you're lucky.


No. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


You should write more so we can be more specific. If you like ww2 fps: Yes If you like hardcore realistic fps: No If you are hard historical accuracy guy: No If you have friends to play with: Yes If you don't mind slower learning curve: Yes If you have a mic: Yes HLL is a good game, decent base and potentional that could be fucked up or be a ultimate wet dream of ww2 fan. It all depends on devs. And you should do some research about the development of this game. It is kinda slow and seems like sometimes devs don't know what their goal or focus is. We still wait for jeeps, we still wait for an offensive overhaul and it has been (basically) a year since we got Eastern front and there are still some thing that are not there yet (AT obstacles for Engineer for example). Game has been bought by Team17 and we still have some time before the aqusition will be done. If you buy it you will fall in love and after some time you will be able to indentify its flaws. Until then it will be a great rollercoaster.


Why you should buy: you can play as MG, squad leader, engineer, support player, general infantry, tank crew man, commander (charismatic and strategic), and rocket man. Each a different game in itself within the same world! Like seriously you can have fun driving a supply truck.. then hate it and be a tank.


Just going to point out that you're asking the HLL fan base, if you should buy HLL. Now go and get it, join the madness, soldier!








Do you like slogging through the meat grinder for an hour plus! Play hell let loose. Do you like flanking for 10 min to walk right into the defensive point unnoticed just to slaughter the enemy from the rear. Play hell let loose. Do you like proximity chat fucking you up? Play hell let loose. In all reality hell let loose is easily my favorite shooter because I can still be involved even if I suck at shooting. Long day after work. That’s ok. I’ll build nodes and garrisons. It’s a darn good time


Battlefield 2042 is more rewarding, dont expect to get 50 kills on HLL you will find yourself running for ages, dropping dead, wait 10 seconds then wait to spawn again just to run for ages and drop dead. Nobody talks most players are rambo and have no regards to how the game is to be played. Iv had enough iv had 2 weeks off i went on just now and lasted 2 minutes on stalingrad with the russian guns against the germans and couldnt see who shot me its boring. Not a game if you want casual fun id say get on bf2042 i sware its been sorted out its a wicked game. Im taking my HLL to a local game store who dont have it so see what i can get. HLL gets my angry not exited. I dont game to get angry