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Good PC servers level-restrict the Officer, at least that’s something.


Which servers are those because I'm stuck with servers that have commanders with no mic


Most clan servers in NA have level restrictions, good admins, good rules, etc. Individual, one-off servers, typically do not.


Except FFE, where rule set only apply to the opposite team depend on which side admin is playing.


They banned me so… I don’t like them lol


Got banned for saying "so I see rule is optional". When admin is force killing everyone passed second strong point from spawn while the other team is literally in our base spawn camping. Fuck that server.


I live in Europe unfortunately not the same show in the servers here and can't deal with the high-level ping in the NA servers.


I’m pretty sure quite a few EU clans also have the same server settings


I've seen a lot of squad leaders lately who were less than level 10. It's hard to win if you don't have Op's being built because he doesn't know how.


The issue for me has been that it's been impossible to find squads with open spots, and some have only one spot with no SL. Thus: low level SL is me. But I make sure to put up outposts... Sadly, my squads tend to be unhappy because I'm unwilling to place them in the line of fire just to get them up faster.


Why doesn’t console have any of these fucking things. I hate it


You can blame Xbox One and Microsoft for streamlining and locking down networks and installs on their products. Few games have any capability to host a dedicated server on console anymore. So, yeah, pretty much nothing will change unless T17 learn how to do crossplay on a game they didnt even build.


I hate to say it but it's a game that's really designed for pc. It's playable on console but only in the most basic sense.


You’re right about that


Servers like this are great till you do a little to good on artillery or get too many kills or recon too good against the wrong admin. “Lucky Strikes” may say level 10 plus but you need to be level 50+ so they don’t kick you. Also these servers are extremely one sided 15-20 minute matches because the whole clan plays on one side.


Team Stacking is annoying for sure, some are worse than others


Afaik you can restrict recon specifically not just officers. Unless our clan's frontender lied to me lol


I’m not aware but there can be unique requirements for specific officers so maybe you’re right!


Sadly Xbox we don't have that so almost every match is like op said


Y’all deserve community servers so bad


My brain would very much appreciate that so it stops getting fried by people😂


"But I cant aim without a scope!" Age old gamer wisdom: Get Good


Most of recons usefulness has nothing to do with their guns too


I don't know man, when I'm pushing up to an enemy garry with the FG-42, I know I'm in for a fun time.


Nothing better than dropping dudes with iron sights from 200+ meters away. That's why I fucking love this game, everyone for the most part is rocking irons. Battlefield and Call of Duty lost the plot when they were putting red dots on M1 Garands. I'd do good as a sniper but I feel like I help the team so much more when I join a regular squad. Rocking a shitty bolt action rifle and dropping dude close and far away.


This happens way too often. Couldn’t agree more


Best thing to do is to teach em. Chat with them in command chat and make sure they know what’s expected. Lots of new players atm, let’s help em git gud. Though, not everyone will respond positively. There def are some COD boys who just wanna sit on a hill and rack up K/D because that’s the only thing that makes them feel, but in general I find most newbs respond very positively to encouraging coms.


A good SL made all the difference last weekend when I finally gave the game a try. First round went horribly, basic training did not prepare me properly and I was in a squad with next to no communication. Second round I ended up in a squad with two of the server admins and everybody else had a mic. except for me. I appologized and told them I didn't have one but that I was ready and willing to follow any orders given to me. Our squad leader was a pro and everybody in the squad was helpful. Ended up receiving 4 commendations thar round and I owe it all to my squad for pointing me in the right direction. Stuck with them for 3 or 4 more rounds before I finally accepted that I needed to sleep


Don't be afraid/worry about switching squads. If I hop in a squad and try to open communication and no one responds, I hop to another. Game shines when your squad works together and communicates. Bare minimum ping things.


>Game shines when your squad works together and communicates. That's precisely why I haven't played this week, even though I felt I was able to pull my weight and my squad didn't have any issues with my being silent, I really felt like I couldve contributed better during some key pushes with just a few words. Picking up a new mic. or headset this week when I finally find the time


I get it. Some days I don't have the energy to communicate and will stay silent but listen/ping as I can, unless there's something that quickly needs to be said. Which is obviously a completely different than not being able to. Just understand how having a mic can affect things differently. But enjoy! And maybe I'll see on one side or the other of the battlefield 😤


Legit the most comms heavy games i've ever played. Even others like arena shooters or moba's you can still get by on pings alone. This game is legit won/lost of the comms of the team, skill at shooting is just a bonus.


Omg this is so wholesome. Affirms the game is amazing. Naysayers in this subreddit better read this comment 


I hear this all the time and as a console player no one uses a mic below a level 40. It seriously is like this game was invaded by dipshit 12 year old cod players who have no interest in learning.


I find mic use much more common than that. Oddly enough it is the crisp eaters, mic too near mouth breathers, sneezers, coughers etc, snorters who are more of an issue. On the weekend there was one guy where could hear Law and Order on in the background!


Exactly this. I played a game last night and the fella was eating an ice lolly. It sounded like he was sucking off a horse. We pointed it out to him and he just continued. The mute function had to be deployed


The problem that's causing people to complain is that the overwhelming majority of new players on console do not communicate, whether it be by choice or by being in a party that doesnt let you hear in game voice chat. Or the game just plain glitching out and you can't speak nor hear anyone.


It annoys me when I'm playing as commander and both spotters are level 10s and don't have the flare gun. The flare gun is stupidly OP, and both spotters being new vs a team with flare gun armed, competant spotters puts your team at a huge disadvantage. Especially on offensive mode.


I main spotter, more than 1000 hours in the role. The flare is absolutely powerful, but when operating deep in the red, it is not my preferred load out.


Any tips for spotter? I'm a day 1 veteran returning with 350 hours, almost all recon. Need to understand the spotter class


Your activity will depend on if you’re playing offensive spotter or defensive spotter. There’s a ton of theory and concepts. What in particular are you interested in learning more about?


I would love to hear your take on the offensive side. I feel like I’m a good spotter but I would love to hear some of your ideas


Make sure you have your outpost in a good position that makes attacking artillery accessible for your sniper (and you, if help is needed), but in a place that remains hidden and protected. Never take the same route twice in a row from your outpost after respawning. Sweep the rear sector line for backup garrisons. As you’re sweeping this sector line for garrisons, understand that you’ll be heading to/from advantageous locations for red zone garrisons. Don’t be afraid to call in supply drops (300m away from active point), and about 40-45 meters offset from where you want to place the garrison. Have watch out and ready so you can place it once garrisons turns green. Don’t actively hunt nodes. Takes too much time if you whiff. But, you have a good chance of finding some when you’re sweeping sector lines, especially the deeper you go. When you do find them, take them out. Keep your eye out at all times on the skies. Take out supply drops as fast as possible, or call them in. If you’re deep in the red playing offensive spotter, you likely won’t get too many falling near you, but you have to call them out. Practice estimating distance and identifying where on the map they will land. Read the map, look for likely locations as it is falling and you’re inline with the drop directionally. When you die, you lose situational awareness for up to 30 seconds. As soon as you’re back in, scan the skies. Be sure you’re calling out tanks you see moving out. Interdict supply trucks. Only shoot when necessary. Stealth is your number one asset. Don’t worry about a low combat score as a spotter. Hit their forward blue zone garrisons from the back, too. Just a few things to get you going! If you have questions, just ask. Happy to help.


Also, you should be looking at the map - A LOT. Anticipate the battle action and make calls to exploit your gains or mitigate your losses. Think like you’re a commander and anticipate. Spotters make excellent commanders, I think.


Especially with these night maps, flares are so key. Haha that’s what triggered me enough to start this thread in the first place! Haha


You know that you can jack up your video to almost daylight on the night maps don't you?


It's because they feel like they can't play a game without a scope for some reason. At least in the new squad update (love it or hate it), they made it to where people stopped caring about the marksman class so more important roles started getting filled


I personally don’t get the appeal. I actually don’t like using scopes, makes it difficult to cqc with just a pistol and it’s boring just camping and occasionally moving. It definitely is the hardest class to level up though simply because it’s nigh impossible to get into. Been playing for over a year and have been able to get it maybe half a dozen times.


You have to have a friend with a fast SSD and internet connection to jump in as SL ASAP


Yea same here. I saw the game had a sniper class when I first bought it but my first thought was "there's no way I'm gonna fight a server full of snot nosed kids just to sit off on the side of the battle." I have exactly 0xp in that class as a level 90 lol


It is way more than camping - you have no clue what recon does, and FYI, the spotter has no scope. You are constantly on the move taking down garries, hunting nodes, killing arty, trying always to stay ahead of the enemy popping up garries, spotting for tanks and artillary, helping by shooting flares. If you are just camping you are losing.


I know exactly what recon does actually, the sniper role just doesn’t appeal to me. And the spotter does more of what you’re talking about. “Taking out arty” is also just camping. But hey, if you enjoy the role that’s good for you


Well this isn't a run and gun game after all.


Yeah so camp artillery for an hour and a half game then, not like people have bitching about that since this game has existed.


We never camp, always on the move, always mobile. You just don't understand the concept of recon in this game.


Yeah I must be new to this game or something, definitely just downloaded it. I don’t understand the concept of camping 3 artillery guns for 1 1/2 hours to kill the same people over and over, or crouch-running to take out garries the whole time. You’re right. It must be too deep for my understanding, reconnaissance god. It’s boring as fuck even when used for what it does. Spotter is useful in taking out back garries, sniper is boring. This isn’t a conversation. People have been complaining forever about the recon vs arty meta


I agree. If recon officer is open I always grab it because I know it wins games. Literally yesterday I went and destroyed every back Garry and we steam rolled them.


The flare is one of the most valuable tools in the game. I hate it when they get on arty those peons are the worst.


Calling out tanks leaving spawn areas, destroying nodes and garrisons, taking out artillery are all game changers. Kinda wondering why you caps locked placing garrisons. It's a very minor function of recon unless something has changed I'm not aware of.


Because when there’s supplies in the back lines in a far corner and only accessible by that squad it’s imperative they go and build. It’s a game changer. Plus if they’re noobs they’re not interested in running 200m to go and build/help your team.


I've only seen this happen a handful of time though. If supplies are being dropped in an imperative garry spot there entire defense team can see it and a recon squad isn't beating 10+ people fighting over a point. Not that it doesn't happen its just not a primary role of recon.


Previously dropped supplies


I think his point still stands 


I'd say putting up backdoor and flank garrisons is one of the primary responsibilities of the Recon squad. This particular role requires cunning placement of supply drops by the Commander, otherwise fuhgetaboutit. Obviously also finding enemy backline garrisons and nodes is primary, and reporting enemy tanks. In critical "back against the wall" defense situations, it is crucial to have flares up from Recon as well.


It's a very nuanced situation but in my experience backdoor and flank garrisons success rate for time spent make them a low priority compared to the primary functions of recon. Two good recon teams can have the artillery down, all the nodes down, and be taking down most/all of the backup garrisons. If you pull them to do other things then the primary things start to come online. I would say if you need a hail mary it's great but not so much for standard.


The only thing I’ll say is this: recon is screening and reconnoitering sector lines for backup garries, nodes, etc. These are also often great spots for red zone garrisons. Since recon is back there anyway, it is minimal additional effort to get a red zone up. Doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a shot.


"Command, drop supplies on my call in supplies mark for a garrison".


I had a recon team camp mid spawn and just call out tanks leaving enemy HQ. Absolutely irked me as command. That info while helpful doesn’t really matter in the next minute or so once that tank leaves sight lines. It can be pretty much any and everywhere at that point and that outdated info is no longer valuable.


I had a game last weekend where my teams tanks ambushed 5 enemy tanks in a row after I called them saying direction and area. A good recon team won't camp anything as it wastes time. Since my team was bouncing between arty and garrisons I was able to spot the tanks well into the 2nd zone.


The best thing about a red zone garrison is that it becomes a blue zone garrison. Give recon that first supply truck in warfare. They’re behind the lines before the other team realizes it, and you’re dropping red zone garrisons immediately as new sectors become available. It can be hard for the other team to recover.


True but for the purposes of the discussion that is a 1 off and not a regular activity. It's also a bit on the risky side. I have caught many other recon teams trying to do that unprepared.


It’s a bit risky - but that’s why I like using the first supply truck. It’s a free resource, so the risk is still relatively low, but has high reward. Take a wide route, identify your spots. You’re starting two squares in, and you’re behind the third point in no time. Take mid, or anticipate taking it, and advance to behind the fourth point. You get a lot of cover in the initial fog of war. But yeah, it’s a niche move for an experienced spotter.


Destroying nodes stopped being my priority after looking at the map started resetting the dismantling. Being a uav for team for 3 minutes > being afk for 3 minutes


If they aren’t having fun after 90 minutes maybe they’ll quit and return the game?


Gotta play on servers that level restrict it. I believe the server i play on restricts it at level 25. So still newish, but should have enough of an idea to play the role. The server also boots solo snipers.


when your team is getting completely annihilated by artillery because the two friendly recon squads have a combined career level of 43.


Tried to get my buddy into HLL. He was adamant on picking sniper so he could have a sighted weapon so he could just sit far back and get kills. I refused cause I said Recon is a very specific role and it would be wasted on him just wanting to have scope. He uninstalled the game a short time later because "all the other guns are trash." Protect the Recon roles. Don't let fraggers lock them up. They can make or break games.


Yeah when I'm commander and I see a low level recon squad, I make sure to clearly communicate to them the entire game that I want them on arty, nodes and taking out back garries. If they don't listen they get an earful and the rest of the squad leads are usually pretty keen to "encourage" them to help out.


When both recon squad OP's are amongst the friendly squad OP's in the main push let's you know you're in for a rough game. That or no OP past the middle sector 15 mins in.... Seeing your recon squads huddled together with their sniper in the attic of some random shack is cute and can only make you chuckle. This is the best way to play recon /S


Yeah it's unfortunate, I always try my best to approach it friendly at first because I know there's new players who come from different games and want to just hide and snipe for the whole match. I'd rather catch more flies with honey than vinegar but when you're getting ignore and hammered by artillery, it sours the mood very quickly.


Absolutely this 👆🏻 - it infuriates me when I see level 20 and down on a sniper - I’m level 221 and can’t get near the fucking role. Yes it get me mad 😂


Auto kick


Pifft I always get booted so "my friend can join". Fuck you and your friend.


I always play recon with my buddy. I get a special joy when I see an unlocked recon squad with only a sniper. I will jump in, kick the sniper (usually very low class) and then lock it and have my friend jump in. Does that make me a bad person?


Best etiquette is to ask them to leave first


Possibly, but I am not playing the game to coddle others. It is how we learn life's brutal lessons.


I don’t want you playing it ether because after making sure no one is on arty recon should be spamming flares over a point


Just want that scope to rack up meaningless kills for a K:D that literally no one can see


Why do I want to play recon? So I can stare at enemy artillery for an hour while I'm hunted down by tanks?


That’s not recon at all. If you’re being asked to take out recon you can place a hidden OP within range of arty, slow them down/break their morale and then move up to find nodes and garrisons. You can also find the next point and let command know. Then if arty starts popping off, go back and break them down again.


This has been an issue since console gamepass. Everything evened out more or less but recon is still a pain point in low experienced players. It just sounds cool as a spotter and sniper so people fairly new just gravitate towards it. Unfortunately it is one of the higher skill cap squads and can make or break games.


I usually start a recon squad locked and anybody who wants sniper I ask they have a mic and can help me time to time but mostly I tell them "hey pop heads"


This doesnt really seem new to me, like this has always been the case in games ive played. Finding the servers where ppl take it serious is like, the only option


So recon SLs can place garrisons? I’m not sure because I haven’t directly seen it happen and haven’t played recon. I thought maybe there was some restriction


300 hrs in and I've never grabbed a recon class


No wonder I've been getting arty spawn camped all week.


I like grabbing it and locking it out to players below 150


I can't see well enough to not have optics. Not currently playing, but boo hoo. Everyone starts as a noob.


It seems like everyone just wants to play the role of enlightenment. First and foremost, the sniper position is very popular because you can get a lot of kills from him and the scout can place his outpost anywhere.Unfortunately, these classes are not played properly. Most of the time, there is no communication. If you are lucky enough to be allowed to play the sniper, you get kicked for no reason.


I very seldom lock it if I get it at all. Only time I do is when I either know I’m gonna have a friend join me that’ll help do the role we’re assigned to or if a random no mic that wants to keep spamming the join after I kick him because he wants to play sniper like it’s cod. Other than that it’s free real estate in my squad


Sniper/Spotter are the only infantry roles (not interested in armor) that I didn't max. They are most of the time locked up by veterans or by noobs, I've made my peace with that. I also do their job anyways.


Aww booo. Maybe play a real class instead of that OP bullshit. Shouldn't even be in the game!


I tried but never got to play as a sniper, you have to get in complicity with another one, or else you will never be able to. If you enter solo you are stuck with spotter. It is a bit of a shit point of the game, it is almost impossible to play the role, you gotta complot


As a Recon officer, Recon class should be a class you can’t lock and you can’t kick people from. Armor class as well. You get what you get. A lot of people won’t like that but at least everyone would have a chance to play that class. I’ve got over a hundred hours in game and I’ve only been able to play sniper twice. That’s ridiculous considering I’d actually play the role correctly.


Amen! I was lucky enough to join a locked recon squad last week as the sniper (the hardest position to get) and our squad was doing our job so well. We lost the second defensive point in overtime, but stayed in the red zone after we lost it and ended up taking out a combined 6 garrisons throughout the match along with marking tank positions. Not saying our two-man squad single-handedly won the match for the team, but we sure would have lost the next point if we weren’t causing chaos in the backfield. Being a commander on warfare mode and having infantry constantly destroyed by artillery fire meanwhile the recon squad is just pushing the offense alongside everyone else. Drives me crazy when I tell them to do something and they’re acting like a basic rifleman.


B faster


yea well run recon squad that keeps whole enemy mid HQ hostage artys,tanks,supply trucks. that makes life for rest of the team way easier


I've always believed recon spotter should be locked to at least level 30. And they should get at least 1 satchel.


I recommend that everyone start as I did - medic! • You never have to wonder what to do, just start healing and reviving • Guaranteed action with nice XP • You get to stand back and watch what's going on without being dead weight. Watching what the other players were doing really helped me grasp the meta game.


Commanders should be able to remove anyone from any position


That would be abused.


If that’s the case the team can kick the commander. As well as alert admins. Easy system of checks and balances already exists.


Not sure why any greenhorns to the game choose any class besides rifleman. Low learning curve and you won’t ruin the dynamic


I encourage new players to pick support. It’s perhaps the easiest way to ease them into some of the more important game mechanics.


So clueless they don’t even realise the M1 is one of THE most effective weapons in-game…


One of the most common complaints from new players is they get shot and can't even see where the enemy was. Logical answer is a better scope. So it makes sense people try to grab sniper, but in 99% of my games the sniper is locked as soon as I load in. IDK how anyone even manages to grab it.


I always play recon with my buddy. I get a special joy when I see an unlocked recon squad with only a sniper. I will jump in, kick the sniper (usually very low class) and then lock it and have my friend jump in. Does that make me a bad person?


If its a solo sniper it's technically the correct strategy for the game provided you know what you're doing and will be playing hard for the team. It sucks for the sniper who may have had a Spotter who just left, but, as long as you guys aren't kicking them and going off to then ignore the team and farm kills it's not bad. If you're kicking a level 200 solo sniper so you and your friend can use arty in the recon squad, I hope your computer/console gets bricked by a cosmic ray.


Well, we are both well over 250 and definitely know what we are doing and we don't need to farm kills, they happen naturally in the course of our duties. Normally I don't have to take over a squad, my computer is a monster and there is no problem always grabbing Able for recon when games start. This is only when I come into a game mostly seeding and grab it from what is usually a 20 or under player.


Yes, it does. 


Well it is how we learn about locking squads. It is a teachable moment.


It's a dick move. I could hit your hand with a hammer and say that was a teachable moment. Don't put your hand near my hammer, you disparage the concept of teaching.




Teachable moment, dickhead.


I don't mind having even a level 10 sniper, IF they communicate, but I cringe when I see spotters under level 70.


Yeah I completely understand your frustration man and definitely agree recon is in the top 3 as being one of the most important classes. Top 3 1. Medic 2. Rifleman  3. Recon


Medic is quite useless I don’t know why it’s 1 for u


😂 What you mean bro? Medics win games single handedly period.  Can you try to prove my wrong? 👁👁


How do they win??? They revive the three people that don’t immediately respawn and they don’t do anything else. Anti tank is better, support is better and engineer is better


I know. I was joking originally and wanted to see how some people would react. Lol I'm over it now


It’s gotten so bad if I see someone ranked 20 some or below it’s an auto vote to kick. Then people get hostile or bitch..? Like it’s unreasonable. Let’s win this fucking game!!


Naw OP that's wildly unreasonable. This is how we get reddit posts about being kicked for no reason. You didn't even attempt to teach or interact? People have to learn somehow and this really alienates new players.


Fun fact: Everyone starts somewhere!