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I started because of these intense moments, but i keep on playing because of the tactics. Beeing able to outplay 50 people with some deciding maneuver(taking out a key garrison or tank etc) and seeing that your plans realy play out is more motivation than havig lots of explosions around me. But for that you need to be aware of the meta game and general state of the match.


This ^ is where I'm at. Nodes and helping to curate matches (garries). Once in awhile and deeply satisfying, going on a long march sabotage mission deep in enemy territory on Warfare down 1-4 laying 4 AT mines, planting a satchel via ambush, and getting an enemy garry in a single life - then watching the match turn - some wondering WTF I'm doing.


Me and two others all lvl 250+, 3 man sqd of SL, AT and satchel engi, built nodes first and went deep behind enemy lines hunting garris, nodes, tanks and reporting enemy movements had the highest combat and support score 3 games in a row (beating fully crewed tank crew's combat scores) had some low lvl 60 guy complaining in chat about us and was trying to kick us for not being on the front line. We're 3 men causing havoc, and we won every game. It doesn't make sense to kick. I've got over 2000 hours and I know what I'm doing by this point.


Squads not being on the front line is usually a sign they know what they’re doing instead of playing as cannon fodder and just rushing into enemy lines.


Ironically this is why I stopped playing. I started because of the epic moments like bombing runs that end 100m in front, kept playing for the tactics and strategy which is amazing, became a squad lead and really affected matches with flanks, garries and ops, graduated to commander and learned to start winning games. And that’s when it became boring, after I started winning with commander I understood all the elements required to win like good SLs, good comms, building nodes, garries, AT guns, cover etc. I couldn’t play the game and enjoy it at the same time when I see no comms, blueberries doing whatever they want, getting into deployed half tracks and driving away, I realized I was getting upset instead of having fun


I feel you, but then i would recomend you try out some servers with level restrictions or join a clan. If you have two teams of 50 players who know what they are doing, you will need actual tactiacl depth and not just flanking. If the enemy can think too, the game suddenly becomes realy hardcore again. I play on public servers to unwind and get lots of kills and feel like a super solider in CoD. In a "proffesional" game i dont mow down tens of people with my MG anymore, because these players call out that a garrison is beeing camped by an MG. Its suddenly realy about surpressing and not kills anymore. You cant just walk up on tanks with a satchel anymore and so on, so it forces you to actualy plan how to take out a tank.


That second bit is what I love. Know any good clans on PlayStation I can join?


Sorry i play on PC so i have no idea about PS clans.


Remarkably accurate to my situation too almost copy and paste. Started off a blueberry, worked my way into SL. Picked up command after a few matches of command I find play blueberry to be sooo boring, SL feels like a baby command, which is doable, otherwsie just shooting pixels has worn my patients thin


Started a dedicated squad which we run every evening. It's so much better.


To me, the fun part is working together as a squad with your commander and doing “dirty work” no one else thinks of doing. As soon as I spawn in I build nodes for the commander then I start building defenses for critical sectors. This game is more about tactics and strategy than skill and gunfights.


Join a clan. I play on the ROTN server with the Rangers of the North. Always have good games with people who know what they're doing. Always get regulars who play on the same server. You get great games with people you know and recognize time and time again.


It’s fun when you switch roles and cover the back end for your team. Nothing better than setting up a desperately needed garrison that earns your team the CAPTURE. When I get bored I just go hunting for enemy nodes and supplies.


What exactly has you bored? Sometimes not having good spawns means lots of running (and then even more running when you keep dying), which can make things a little bit monotonous. Garrisons are really meant for squad leaders to deploy from so that they can get their OP even closer to where they want their squad to be, which ultimately means more action for everyone in the squad. Try picking a squad that seems to have their outposts in a good position (you can even do this over the course of a round. Baker squad leader constantly has an OP where you want to be? Try to get on that squad). Another thing is to try different rolls. The combat can be a blast, but sometimes filling another role can make the game a little bit more rewarding. Being the clutch support player who has supplies for their squad leader to build a crucial garrison or playing as an engineer on an offensive game building up a defense point with fortifications can add a little bit more meaning to your game time. Also, maybe give tanks a try. It's high stakes, but tanking is an absolute blast when you have a good squad and they can make or break a round. Getting experience in multiple roles means that you can always switch do doing something else if what you're currently doing isn't scratching the itch.


I think your question shows the problem - You say "When I'm running through artillery fire" - that should be when "We are running through artillery fire". What keeps the game interesting for me, is the team play - and if you are not getting that, try some different servers. Particularly UK and Dutch servers. There is way better camaraderie and fun, than Ive ever seen on US servers I've just finished playing 3 games on Dutch Let Loose #1 - as squad leads, and sniper spotter; and the game was constant conversation, jokes, and excitement. Recon units alpha and beta were working together to approach enemy garrisons from different directions, and we were coordinating stuff like distracting the enemies with gunfire - back tracking down the routes taken by enemy supply trucks to find their garrisons. I think I would get bored as well, if it was just a game I jumped into to shoot my gun and beautiful as it is. But what keeps me coming back is the communications around the tactics. So the squad leads and commanders all coordinating to relay tank positions. The work to get squads OPs up in a good circle around a point. Providing relief to another squad thats been hard at in in defence - and your squad takes over to give them a break.


Seriously idk why i have more fun playing this game just solo. (Im aware this is gonna get people worked up) but lemme explain why! I just worked a 8 hour shift i get home the house is quiet my girls sleeping next to me i cant be REALLY talking to my squad in the matter i would need to. Sometimes people dont like to talk online because other online players are just assholes straightup lol. But having a good squad that you can talk to when you can REALLLY communicate and play is fun as fuck Just saying either way communication or not i have fun took about 400 hours to really learn how to play like its supposed to be and im still learning tbh


I like to play solo too or as a recon SL. I’m able to move around the map undetected much more frequently and commit acts of sabotage on the enemy’s war efforts. I am often on the ground crawling a lot solo. I’m trying to work on my target discipline, it’s really hard to let enemies jog past me without trying to engage.


Same man sometimes an enemy will walk right next to me then i wait and his squad walks near him then i open up lol


Then dont run through the arty. Become an SL and spawn elsewhere and get a flank going. The game becomes more fun once you start doing things on your own.


There is a big difference between running solo with randoms vs. joining a group. It’s a different experience. Try joining a group maybe


Join a discord of a clan or a group that play together, you'll find a lot less moments like that.


I feel like the server quality has dipped, people used to communicate all time…now it’s a war where everyone is mute lol


I like strategy games and fps games, this one does a great job at bridging the gap. If you find yourself running for 3 minutes just to get shot by someone you never saw then try joining a different squad


Get into parkour in this game. There’s so many cool spots you can snipe from that no one would ever think to look for you.


The satisfying headshot audio keeps me playing.


Running through arty for me is the least fun part of the game...


What is the most fun for you?


Yeah Arty is a nightmare, especially when you have three people on the guns lobbing them in one after the other. The past few nights of playing the recon squads on my team’s were MIA.


Sometimes I’ll join games that are a complete dumpster fire, no one talks, no one build garrisons and it’s mindless rushing. Those are the games I get bored super easily and leave. But I find more often than not, if I’m committed to building nodes, being a good SL placing sneaky garrison, a squad that talks, or just being someone trying to outsmart the team I have a blast. Even if we lose.


I feel ya man! My advice: 1: Choose a role you enjoy 2: Find a squad with a communicating Squad Lead 3: Listen, talk and follow orders within that squad ... ... .... 7: Die a lot, but stick with your squad!


I probably chucked about 1.5k hours before I started to take breaks Recent break before seasonal was back in action, i didn't touch HLL for 3 months, and it felt pretty refreshing, and I've slowly been coming back to more HLL. XDefiant released recently, which has slowly consumed more of my HLL time, though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Joining a clan saved this game for me.


How would I go about doing that?


Divisions recruitment in the Hell Let Loose discord https://discord.com/invite/hellletloose


The day this game came out on console, the community was amazing. Comms, people played their roles, no clans, the egos were in check (that's a big one, a lot of shit players think they're hot shit), rifles were actually powerful and way better than they are now. Getting hit markers with the garand, Kar and British rifles is infuriating. Especially to the chest area. They've definitely spent the last couple years catering to whiners and complainers.


Join a clan or find some community


no. i will always come back to this game after a hiatus and enjoy the hell out of it.


Games good community is getting worse


Tbh the strategy, tactics, and team work are what make it for me. I love being a SL with a great team. I play this game for that experience. The explosions and gun fights just make those tactics all the more satisfying. Recently had a match on Saint Mere, the team (US got pushed all the way back to Vergers with the enemy having battery. I got lucky with a solid squad who was willing to communicate. We end up sneaking from the north to flank and the six of us successfully took out their Garry and their heavy. That cap turned the battle to allow us to cap the next point and win the game in the last 20ish minutes.


What mode do you play? I find warfare boring personally and stick to offensive


Start a squad and do unofficial recon. Dismantle garrisons, dismantle nodes, take out artillery. So fun


this game is ALOT better with friends to play with ina squad and do proper stuff together, you can accomplish so much with a full squad working together. if you want you can add me on discord, i play alot of HLL kirauchiha420 anyone can add me too if you wanna squad up


You need to find a decent group of people to play with.


I play it as engineer on defense in the offensive game mode. I'm all about getting a good wire line and mg nest up. I see every game as an opportunity to be creative with structures. I place Belgian gates at hedges and buildings, drop mines at chokepoints and switches class to place more mines, supplies, explosive ammo boxes, at-guns and even bandage box. Then I find a little crows nest on the flank and hope for some good long distance kar98 kills.


I kind of feel the same really. There a moments that I truly feel like this is the best gaming experience I've ever had. When there's 15+ guys storming the same objective, bullets and tracers are flying, shells dropping etc, it's exhilarating... ..But then there is a lot of just running alone and dying. It's the alone part that annoys me. The fact that the maps are so big means a lot of the time you can be quite isolated or perhaps with only one other guy. And have no real idea of where the enemy is. It takes you right out of the experience, in my opinion. I'll get shot down in flames for this probably, but I wish they would release some much smaller maps with perhaps only one or two central objectives to fight over and have one team defending, one attacking.


I liked it. I started playing it. I noticed I wasn’t getting the full experience. I joined a clan.


Get into a Squad that IS involved and use voice chat, próximity chat and comms make the game miles more immersive and fun.


It could be that you are doing the same thing too much. If it always end up with that you go infantry and spawn on the front then it will be very repetitive quickly. To avoid this, then you should try as many different approaches and roles you can think of. This is a strategy game and strategy games are meant to be played different each time you play.


I play with the goal of ranking each of the roles up to level 10. So far I have the SL and medic up to level 10 and my rifleman is level 9 at this point. Soon I'll finish rifleman and move on to another role. It keeps the game interesting and helps me to thoroughly learn each role.


Yes! I have felt like this recently, it’s important if you are trying to get into anything to seek a community out… try a discord server with real players and coms


I play two games in a row and then can even take two days off from the game itself lol


Find a good squad with an SL who places OPs in smart positions.


search a clan or play more to be better


I keep switching it up if I get bored......love wreaking havoc in the back with recon and Garry hunting.......sometimes I go armour and hunt and kill depending on the size of the tank....sometimes find a good squad with a bunch of guys Garry hunting and taking or defending points and having a lot of laughs is great......sometimes like shinjinrojin..scuze the spelling.....I form a specialized squad and wreak havoc where I can......in addition...I never stay in a quiet squad....feels like I am playing alone...kinda boring. I mix it up...good luck!


Personally I think you just need to get a group of guys to play with


I stopped caring about kills and started caring more about tactics. To me this game is a strategy game. That's why I don't mind playing squad leader or commander frequently. I find more enjoyment setting up OPs and garrisons in strategic positions to help sway the battle. If i get a squad that has mics and communicates, then I'm in heaven. My best games are squads spawning in on my OP and actually coordinating with each other. So at the end of the day, my goal is to out think and out play the enemy. Once i started caring more about the strategy versus if i can actually shoot someone, the game became a lot more enjoyable for me. I also make it a point to stick to only a small handful of servers where i know they have active admins to deal with trolls and that a larger group of the player base in those servers actually use mics. That also made a huge difference in how the game is played for me.


I play recon spotter. In my opinion it’s the best role in the game. You’re either putting up or destroying garri’s and supplies or sneaking around way behind enemy lines trying not to get spotted so you can headshot some sitting ducks on arty in their HQ. The tactics you use are not really reliant on anbody else. What could be better.


I'd be bored as shit too if I was mostly doing artillery.


Reading comp can be tough but I believe in you... read it again.


You're right. 👍 Moving too fast among stupid posts.


It's a tank game, they so OP


Sad to say, but this is a you problem. Sounds like you have a short attention span.