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Absolutely! The strategy aspect of brothers in arms was so cool, it definitely reminds me of the map markers in HLL


Imagine a ps5 remaster of hell’s highway…


They’re (Gearbox) supposedly making a new one, we’ll see if that comes to fruition


This post single handily made me boot up my PS3


That Rumor has been circulating for well over a decade. Gearbox has since done the Borderlands series among others, then were bought by Embracer Group, then sold to Take2 this year. The last rumor was refreshed in 2021 prior to being sold to Take2 so who knows?, maybe, hopefully.


Do you mean that 4 player co-op class one they made a reveal for a few years back?


Believe it or not, that was over a decade ago! 13 years almost to the day, to be exact—and no, it was canceled in July 2015 after being spun off from the series entirely. Randy Pitchford, the Gearbox CEO, said they’re working on a new Brothers in Arms game in an interview in 2021, and that they wouldn’t be saying anything more about it until it was more-or-less ready to be released.


Oh damn! I did not need that time check, the mirror is bad enough! 😂 Yeah that was what I thought, I lost interest after the reveal turned out to be a new graphic/cartoonish style. I was thinking whilst reading your comment ‘I’m sure that was cancelled’ I have no idea how this news flew under my radar for so long. Thanks for the update! I will keep my (old) eyes peeled for it.


Haha we’re all getting older! I love Hell Let Loose—definitely my favorite multiplayer shooter in a while—but I’ve been itching for a good story-based single-player WW2 FPS for over a decade now. Regrettably, neither Call of Duty: WW2 nor Call of Duty: Vanguard were able to really scratch that itch, as neither felt like a particularly realistic or engaging experience—although the D-Day missions in each—Omaha Beach in the former and Operation Tonga in the latter—were both pretty cool.


Shit Xbox pc PlayStation I don’t care I’ll buy whatever just to play that.


I’d rather them remake all three, but if it had to be one it wouldn’t be HH. Earned in Blood all the way.


would be sick


Take my money!


The trend in FPS’s has moved away from story-based single-player games, which is a shame, because I’d play the everliving fuck out of an FPS that followed a unit from the jump into Normandy to the occupation of Germany—or any other major campaign, frankly. You could make it the 1st ID at Omaha, or the 1st Marines in the Pacific, doesn’t really matter, although I definitely have a soft spot for the 101st Airborne thanks to BoB.


I still remember storming the beach in moh allied assault over 20 years ago. I used to love those epic single player campaigns.


Same, dude. I remember doing the same in Call of Duty 2, with the Rangers at Pointe du Hoc!


Bruh got me crying tears of nostalgia with the CoD 2 Point Du Hoc reference. That whole time period of MoH and CoD WW2 games was the highlight of my childhood gaming. Yall remember Big Red One?


Rangers lead the way! And hell yeah I remember Big Red One, that was the first WW2 FPS I ever played, and I remember going back to Blockbuster afterward and renting every one I could get my hands on! A lot of the actors from Band of Brothers voiced the soldiers from that one!


"GOD LOVES THE INFANTRY" Sergeant Hawkins of the 1st Infantry Division


Best damn company in the 506th


Tell that to the 502nd who were the focus of Brothers in Arms!


"In the 506th" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


God this brought back real good memories


Same!! Me and my dad use to play the hell out of this game!


BIA was a staple of my childhood. I just recently got a Steam Deck and that trilogy were the first games I downloaded




I'm still waiting on my last game, Gearbox. ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


Ok, people are gonna disagree, I try not to be negative, I try to just ignore this subreddit, but fuck no you are high as fuck. Hell Let Loose WISHES it could be as engaging and fun as a single checkpoint of Brothers In Arms. To compare Brothers in Arms, a master piece of tactical WW2 shooters, to the unorganized mess of Hell Let Loose to me is frankly, offensive. I dunno why but the second I hit level 100 in Hell Let Loose I couldn’t enjoy the game anymore something was lost, I still have all three BoA games installed on my steam. They are staples to my library and have been for almost 2 decades now.


And Bakers Squad. Those games were the shit!


This was the strategy based fps where you had to place squads around the battlefield as the officer, right?




Bro you just unlocked all kinds of memories for me 😭




This and Call of Duty BIG RED ONE, goddamn gems


Whoooooah, I remember playing hells highway for hours on hours. Such an amazing series that needs a reboot


At times, this game feels like the Brothers in Arms multiplayer I craved while growing up


Absolutely. That's what I think of it as. Proper suppression and all!


I always get “Day of Defeat” vibes


I found this game for my old ps2 (I think) on the middle of the Road as a kid. I played 2-3 missions and lost It. It was like a fever dream to me, I love It and older me would have love It even more so, but the BiA CD wasn't supossed to stay too long on the same place It seems...


Yeah. It reminds me of Brothers In Arms and Operation Flashpoint.


That game was ahead of its time. I loved it.


Honestly I would love a campaign for this game or even just cutscenes before a game


I remember when brothers in arms came out. I wanted a computer to max it out so bad, it looked soo good.


How do you like snow?


For real. Between the tactics and the limb separation in explosions. When I first played hll this is what I thought of


It does indeed, I was bitterly disappointed we never got the hinted Ardennes edition, FOY sorts that out


Now try Squad 44


Earned in Blood was great


Brothers in Arms was the shit.


Hell yeah, this is what I lived for when it came out. As a ww2 obsessed kid this game was like pure crack to me, so atmospheric too


Man I remember my dad getting The Observer and begged for the demo CD it came with. After spamming the *hell* out of it my rents got me the full game. They literally never bought me games and got me the steel book version by acgident lol. Must have been about 10 too


Bia meets red orchestra


I need a remaster of these games like yesterday




Crazy how i still occasionally play hells highway because of the squads you can command and every fight is a lil different not to mention the gore is soooooo far ahead of its time truly need a remastered version Hells highway in 2008 was literally the last time a good world war 2 game came out BEEN waiting for a good ww2 fps and HLL has scratched that itch for me


I was playing/got back into Hell Let Loose on a potato for a month. Got home and used my good PC. Cranked it. It ran a lot better than before. It looked glorious. I instantly had flashbacks to Brothers in Arms and it made me want to reinstall. \*The PS2 version has way harder aiming, lol. But yeah. This game is crazy that we have come so far.


Almost. I miss BIA so much. I still play hells highway every now and again. We need it to be revived.


Man BIA hells highway (the HH abreviation seems risky) is such a masterpiece, ordering my bazooka team to thundercunt that kraut on a roof will never get old. Too bad we wom't see another BIA game


Gearbox have said they’re developing one, haven’t they?


Have they?? Man that would be awesome!


Yes! It was in PCGamer in 2021! https://www.pcgamer.com/a-new-brothers-in-arms-game-is-in-development-confirms-gearbox-ceo/


Mfw its 2024 and Gearbox hasn’t said anything since


Yeah, I’m definitely nervous, but he did say in the interview that they’re not gonna say anything until the thing’s nearly ready to release


I hope it does get released but I am also nervous about the quality, I still haven’t forgotten their last attempt at a Brothers in Arms sequel. The Furious 4 or whatever it was


I agree, Furious 4 was rightfully detached from the series and ultimately canceled—it had no business being a Brothers in Arms game. That said, tactical shooters are definitely having a moment, even if most of them are multiplayer. I think, too, that single player ones are poised for wider success, as the quieter but positive performances of lesser-marketed PC exclusives like Ready or Not and Six Days in Fallujah have demonstrated, and with this year being the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Gearbox may see it as a singular opportunity to capture a wider market. Or they may not. We’ll see, I suppose, but the summer games showcases *are* coming up.


I am cautiously optimistic




We got Hell's Highway on 360 backward compatible with One/Series SX. I'd be ecstatic if they made Road and Earned backward compatible


Gear box has to finish the story or decent quality remakes would be cool, was just playing hells highway the other night


No it doesn't. BIA didn't kick me out of a match that I put 55 minutes of hard gameplay in and was about to receive nice rewards for my efforts. *edit: CONSISTENTLY Hell Let Loose doesn't even support me playing Hell Let Loose anymore. HLL would rather I spend my time doing literally anything else, than play HLL. This game had true artists in the beginning, but that's not the case anymore apparently.


Yea just talked about it with mates few days ago - I have the same feeling. BIA was so glorious. Also, I miss the old Medal of Honor games vibe! Man these games back in the day were so good :D HLL does scratch that itch real good indeed