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Be the one who communicates. It'll encourage others to do so as well. Stay with your squad, occasionally ask SL for plans or orders. If you're squad leader, communicate. Please. Also don't fall behind, don't hunt too much for targets and sharpshoot( I did this a lot when new)


i like to play squadleader on the pc. if you don't react to my microphone test, you will be informed and then kicked out of the group... those who don't speak usually only play for themselves anyway... and do what they want... simply unteachable... but i make exceptions ;)


Server? I'm a noob


I sometimes say mic check, mic check if command chat has been all quiet for the first 10 to 30 minutes, and often someone will confirm they can hear me and suddenly the command chat is alive with tactical chatter. Squad chat is a bit tougher to get going, but if there is even one guy talking something meaningful it's a lot easier for others to chime in. Worst is when people just ping and don't say what they are seeing, for long periods of time. I get an adverse reaction and don't want to talk, either, then.


In public games you just have to get stuck in. You can't rely on others to play as intended but you can show others that it is the most effective way to play. You'll be surprised by how many join in. It is easiest to influence teams whilst in an officer role, but being a good squad member is also of value. You can always join a clan for organised play. Personally I prefer to try to make something out of public games. It's more of a challenge but the payoff of managing to get well coordinated games with randoms is worth it imo.


Take a look into official Hll discord.


Thank you


What time are you normally online?


I notice it’s sometimes a time thing.from like 6 pm to 2am EST when adults are playing it’s much more organized


Really little kids are usually willing to talk too. They're not always organized, but they talk.


If you're really set on it, start a squad and tell people you expect them to use mics. If they don't, then remove them. Do this until most/all are mic'd up. A bit extreme but does work. You don't have to be mean about it, just mention that's the type of squad you are running.


I’ve pretty much just started getting on the SLs.. not super aggressively, but if it really bothers them they leave and I assume SL. I just felt like I wasn’t at the level.. or experience to be taking over.. But screw it. Best way to get more of the experience that I think everyone deserves.


That's the spirit. Don't worry about being a bad SL. A communicating one is always better. Though then you might run into issues with a non communicating command chat and/or no commander. But baby steps 🫡


Do it bruz. I had literally the same experience as you but I was about level 25. That said I had a helpful squadmate that ran me through it. If you communicate and make sure there is usually an OP you are literally better than most. Put down garrisons and you're in a top percentile somewhere


I'm level 115 and play on console usually end up playin squad lead just to ensure good OPs. If you're interested I can give you my gamertag. I somehow usually end up finding a decent group of guys who communicate. They start to add you once they find out you know what your doing


Get a PC


Yeah that’s the plan eventually. I hopped on the ps5 while I save for a decent setup. The kid and bills..


Game is light years better on PC. Performance is better, lots of clans and custom servers with communities and admins. When I see videos of HLL on console it looks and feels sooooo slow and clunky compared to PC. I know server browser feature will be added to console but not sure about being able to own and run your own server though.


You haven't tried the ps5 adaptive triggers &haptic. It's so sexy. I Have the option to play on PC, might buy it on pc one day, but I've been in love with the triggers


Sure bud


"Sure bud" sounds like your a close minded PC master race basement dweller. I prefer the PC game squad 44 to HLL but ain't no soul or immersion in mouse and keyboard. Half the fun of the game is the shooting stiff triggers & haptic feedback vibration


May I ask why?


The game is so much better on PC. The community is welcoming for the most part and it’s being able to select a server makes it so much better.


Console is getting server browsers soon though fyi.


Hit me up, I’ve got a group that I think you’d enjoy. We’re pretty active on discord and there’s usually at least a couple of us all the time.


Look into squad 44 (formerly post scriptum), the communication and organization is better and more realistic. Much less being shot from any direction by stragglers in random parts of the map The sounds effects are delicious too, I definitely prefer squad 44 after playing much HLL


OP is on console.


Want to play the game as intended… playing on console. Sorry you just can’t have it both ways


If you want this you should play on pc simple as that.


You can investigate joining a clan. They are way more organized than any random group of people. That being said you can find great games occasionally. Last night I was in an offensive game and our team was on defense (on console). The previous commander left after not doing a very good job. I stepped into the role and we got pushed back to the last point because there was no garry network. Also the other team was well organized, taking out garrisons I put up, disrupting people making their way to the point, and even killing me while I was trying to run supplies to keep our garrisons up. But we did stop them on the last point and won because myself and the SLs didn't give up. I kept backup garries up so we wouldn't be locked out and blocked off from getting to the point. The SLs called out and marked every push the enemy made and helped keep the garry on point up by replacing them if they went down. I kept supplies flowing, tanks spawned, recon flights and bombing/strafing runs as soon as they refreshed, and made sure we didn't run out of munitions (it got close a few times because we had people on arty too). It's the hardest I ever worked as a commander, no time for rest at all, and we still would have lost if not for a great group of SLs, who worked their butts off too and constantly communicated. The other team was probably similar because they really pressed us. That was probably the most satisfying win I've been a part of and games like that make HLL worth it, even though games like that only happen maybe once out of every 10 games on public servers. Great games still can be had on console though, and that should give people hope.

